• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 3,887 Views, 158 Comments

Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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Job Selection

Job Selection

When Kain awoke the next morning his memories held little precedence compared to the thoughts of his current situation. Firstly, he wasn’t on the bench he fell asleep on at the park anymore; secondly, he wasn’t wearing anything; and thirdly, he was not as alert as he thought he was. He scanned the area for any hints as to what transpired. He found his gear, neatly arranged, at a table within the room. Just when he made his way to his belongings, he heard the hoofsteps of his generous abductor descend to his location.

“Good morning Mr. Highwind.” said Rarity. “I do hope you aren’t planning on leaving so soon; you’ve not had anything for breakfast.”

“I’m sorry Rarity, I just don’t wish to burden you any more than I already have.” Kain replied.

“Oh nonsense, now please help me in the kitchen. I need to have breakfast finished before Sweetie Belle comes down.” Rarity said.

Kain obliged and helped with what he could. The dragoon still hadn’t developed finer motor control with his mouth, but he was successful in at least setting the table.

No sooner did the rapid hoofsteps of Sweetie Belle sound as she descended towards the kitchen. “Who’s joining us for breakfast Rarity” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Sweetie Belle, that’s Kain. He’s just not wearing all that armor.” Rarity replied.

“Oh, good morning Kain!” Sweetie Belle said. Her attention quickly shifted to Kain’s cutie mark. She remembered that until now, she’d never seen it. “Wow Kain, that’s a really neat cutie mark, how did you get it?”

At almost the instant Sweetie Bell began her inquiry, Rarity hurried along the order of the morning. “Now Sweetie Belle, I’m sure Mr. Highwind will gladly tell you more about his cutie mark, but right now we’re having breakfast and you need to be ready for school.” The three sat down for porridge, toast, and tea before the conversation resumed.

“Kain,” the older unicorn said. “Might I ask a favor of you?”

“What is it that you need?” Kain asked.

“I need to meet a client early this morning, would you please take Sweetie Belle to school?” Rarity asked.

With little else to do for the day, Kain agreed, “Certainly.”

Sweetie Bell ran back up to her room, excited at the prospect of spending more time with the heroic dragoon. Kain made his way to his gear and with surprisingly little effort, was able to put on his armor. Despite the somewhat lax breakfast, Kain was still uncomfortable without his armor. All of the straps were placed in a way to allow for an equine to equip the armor with little need for assistance.

Rarity reentered the parlor after cleaning up from breakfast and remarked on Kain’s decision to wear his armor. “My dear, you’re headed to a school, not the battlefield.”

“It just doesn’t feel right to be without any of my personal effects.” Kain said after searching for an excuse to have some sort of clothing.

“Well, I can understand always wanting look your best, but please do leave your weapon behind. It could be a bit off putting to the citizens of Ponyville.” Rarity said.

“Very well.” Kain said in compliance.

“When you return, I’ll have something made for you so you needn’t intimidate everypony in that dreadful armor.” Rarity said.

“I am curious though Mr. Highwind,” Rarity began. “Why did you choose to sleep outside instead of an inn?”

“The only money I had with me had been acquired in my travels. I don’t have any bits.” Kain replied. I haven’t any acceptable currency with me at the moment.”

“Well then Mr. Highwind, consider my next piece a gift when you receive it.” Rarity said. “And after you’ve taken Sweetie Bell to school, I’m certain you’ll find somepony who will hire you for some work; or perhaps somepony willing to by items from your travels.”

Sweetie Belle descended from the stairs almost as rapidly as she shot up them. “Let’s get going Kain!” she said.

“Let us be off then.” Kain replied.

The filly led Kain to the school. As they made their way closer, more parents with their children began to notice the dragoon escorting Sweetie Belle. With all the attention, Kain began to consider the advice Rarity gave to wearing other than his armor.

When they arrived at the school, Sweetie Belle was greeted by Scootaloo and a speeding Applebloom departing from Applejack. The crusaders asked Kain to stay with them, especially after Sweetie Belle told the others about Kain’s cutie mark.

Not wanting to be the object of so much attention, Kain parted from the fillies’ company saying that he needed to return to town. Just as he was about ready to leave, Applejack cut him off. “Hey there pardner! What’s the hurry?”

“Hello Lady Applejack. “ The dragoon said, which a bit of blush from the farmer.

“Shucks Kain, you don’t have to be so formal with me.” Applejack said.

“I was heading into town to look for some work. I haven’t much money at the moment and I’d like to be well stocked in supplies before I head out once more.” Kain said.

“Well Kain, mah brother Big Mac is managing the stand at the town market today. Ah figure a little help out on the farm wouldn’t be so bad today.” Applejack said.

“Thank you, I appreciate your offer.” Kain replied and accompanied Applejack back to Sweet Apple Acres.

En route to the farm, Applejack broke the lengthy silence. “So ya’ll didn’t really say too much about yerself when we were comin back from the camping trip; ya kinda remind me of mah brother, ‘cept Ah can usually tell what’s on his mind.”

“I’ve never been one for lengthy conversation Applejack.” Kain replied.

Applejack stopped, broke from her neutral demeanor, and gave Kain a serious look. “Look, ya have to understand, here ya are, a stallion dressed for war coming to our town. Now don’t get me wrong, Ah’m mighty grateful for yer help with the fillies. On account of ya not sayin a whole lot, Ah’m just concerned about if a pony like ya has any sort of trouble that’s followin ya.

“Rest assured Applejack, I have no enemies to be concerned with. “ Kain replied. Rather than being surprised by the suspicion, the dragoon found it unsettling how accepting he was of being a suspect.

When the two arrived at the farm, Kain didn’t hesitate in getting to work. Applejack showed him the process of apple bucking and collecting. It was unfamiliar work for a warrior, but the strength and stamina the dragoon trained for leant itself to the task.

“Wow Kain, no disrespect, but you’re a lot stronger than Ah first thought.” Applejack said. Most ponies Ah hire turn tail once they find out how much strength they need to do what Ah ask.”

“I try to remain as physically disciplined as possible Applejack.” Kain said, just as he bucked a tree. “Even if it’s been some time since I’ve seen combat.” He was also thankful that his former legs, now hind legs, were significantly strong from his training as a dragoon and that the strength had translated itself into his new form.

“You’d be surprised how even some of the royal guard might have trouble with getting through a hard day’s work on the farm.” Applejack said. “Not everypony is up to the task.”

Perhaps Kain was pushing himself too hard back on the Mountain of Ordeals; so much that it didn’t seem that an entire day’s work worth of work on a farm didn’t faze him as much as a battle. Kain continued to muse a bit about civilian life, how different it was to the training itself he undertook to become a dragoon for Baron. The work was demanding in its own right, but afterward, it didn’t leave Kain as exhausted as those missions in his younger days.

Applejack paid him a sizeable amount of bits after work. Kain departed the farm back to Ponyville following the same path he and Applejack had used. Kain considered how many days work it would take to acquire the funds to leave town. But where would he go? He hadn’t a clue as to who could help him return home. Although it was entirely feasible for him to retire to the quiet life in Ponyville, he remembered that the Mountain of Ordeals played some part in him being in this world. Kain would need to find a purpose for such drastic changes in his circumstances.

His thoughts were interrupted by a scream coming from just off the path. Kain made haste to the location of distress. He stopped at a cliff overlooking the plains below to find a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and tail being cornered by a pack of wolves against the base of the cliff.

The dragoon literally leapt into action and landed between the wolves and the mare. “Are you alright?” Kain asked as he turned to the Pegasus, only to find that she passed out in terror from his abrupt entrance; the dragoon was off put for a moment, but quickly returned to the task at hand.

Kain jumped into the air. Upon his descent, he realized he was without his spear. At the behest of Rarity, he had left it at her shop as to not appear threatening to the citizens of Ponyville. He would have to make do without it for this battle, but he was confident that he could handle a pack of wolves with his bare…hooves. He crashed down and though the lead wolf. It yelped before it shattered and it was only then that the dragoon realized the wolves were comprised of pieces of wood. He abandoned his musings and resumed combat against the rest of the pack.

One by one, each of the timber wolves were broken into pieces. Kain believed the battle to be over, but then he noticed the pieces of the fallen wolves moving and reassembling. Kain huffed in frustration and dive bombed each of the wolves once more. The dragoon stood and watched the fragments quiver and shift again back into larger forms, but few in number.

A scowl formed on Kain’s face as he realized he was going to be in this fight for some time to come. Each impact against these adversaries reminded him of those frustrating encounters with flans, each strike accomplishing nearly nothing. This exercise in futility was beginning to wear on Kain’s nerves as well as his stamina. The dragoon inwardly recanted a lot of what he said about the work on Sweet Apple Acres today. If it weren’t for all the labor, this battle would have been much more tolerable.

It was at long last that the branches, twigs, and trunks assembled on giant beast. As the mass of animated lumber lumbered towards the dragoon, the warrior ran straight under the monstrosity and leapt up into the sky, tearing a hole into the giant timber wolf. Kain then returned downward, crashing onto the skull of the beast, dislodging the head and setting off a chain reaction of the timber wolf collapsing.

Kain watched to be certain that he felled the monster once and for all, but when the remains shook once more his frustration reached a boiling point. However, when the pieces reassembled, the formed the original pack and fled from whence they came.

After the pack was out of view, Kain turned to the unconscious mare and approached her to see if she was alright, when a white rabbit leapt up from behind her and placed itself between Kain and the mare. It had a protective look about it, and as Kain tried to approach the pegasus by going around it, the rabbit just scooted to the side, keeping itself between the two ponies.

“I mean no harm. “ Kain said, finding it hard to believe that he was having to explain himself to this little rodent. “I need to be sure that she’s alright.”

The rabbit allowed Kain to check the mare for any wounds. She was breathing and showed no sign of injury. She was out like a light however, and wouldn’t respond to any minor attempts at rousing her from unconsciousness. The dragoon picked her up and carried her on his back; he was about ready to go back to Ponyville with her when the rabbit again stood in front of Kain, with a frustrated look and its arms somehow crossed.

Kain sensed that the affiliation this creature had with the mare was greater than he first realized, and he reluctantly addressed the rabbit. “Do you wish for me to follow you instead?” The bunny nodded. Kain sighed and followed the white rabbit.


The dragoon arrived at the cottage not terribly far from an imposing forest. He entered the abode and laid down the pegasus on the couch. The rabbit hopped into the kitchen area and began rummaging through the stores; Kain slowly followed and saw that the bunny was attempting to get some tea going, but had difficulty in reaching some cabinets. The dragoon took control of the process and more or less was able to get it done using his mouth and hooves.

After carefully bringing the tea into the living room, Kain finally had some time for respite today, He really wasn’t one for tea, but didn’t mind the drink when the chance for it arose. The dragoon recalled those few times when Rosa and Rydia relished in the opportunity for tea. It wasn’t so much the drink that Kain enjoyed, but the break from reality and the chance to clear one’s thoughts. With all that was going on in the world during the crisis with the crystals, that small amenity made all the difference; it wasn’t about the past or the future, it was about that break from reality that fate allowed them if only for a short while.

Kain enjoyed that same peace right now. He wasn’t concerned with his course of actions in the long run, nor was he ruminating on all of his past actions; for the first time in a long while, only the now mattered. His idle state of mind was soon dispelled when the mare finally began to wake up.

The pegasus opened her eyes, saw the dragoon before her and screamed a muted, “Eep!”

Kain stared at her non-challan until he realized that waking to an armor clad stranger in your home, casually enjoying tea, would be quite startling. Especially considering that his appearance may have contributed to the initial unconsciousness. He undid the straps of his helmet and removed it. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you.” He said, trying to remedy the situation.

The mare calmed down a bit and said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve just never seen anypony who looked so terrifying.”

Although caught off guard by the mare’s bluntness, Kain continued the conversation. “My name is Kain Highwind. I saw that you were being attacked by those wolves earlier so I rendered aid.”

The memory clicked for the pegasus and she spoke. “Oh that was you who gave me such a fright! Thank you for helping me. I’m Fluttershy by the way. How did you know to bring me back to my house anyways?”

“That small white rabbit insisted that I take you here.” Kain replied.

“Oh, thank you Angel Bunny.” Fluttershy said, grinning at her animal. “Kain, I’m sorry to have troubled you so much. You put yourself in danger just to help somepony you don’t know.” She said, returning her attention to the dragoon.

“It is my duty to protect those in danger.” Kain said, remembering his code of honor being a dragoon. “Well, now that you are well, I must be returning to town.” He began to put his helmet on when Fluttershy interjected.

“My, what a fearsome looking helmet.” She started. “Oh dear.”

“What is it?” Kain asked.

“You’re the pony I was looking for.” Fluttershy said. “One of my friends asked me to find you and bring you back to town. I heard you went to work at Sweet Apple Acres for the day, so I was on my way there until those timber wolves attacked.”

“I suppose that we shouldn’t delay the trip to town any longer then shall we?” Kain asked.


“The two walked back to Ponyville. Fluttershy led Kain to a suspiciously darkened building.

“Are you certain this is where I am to meet your friend?” Kain asked.

“Oh yes.” Fluttershy said. “Just go on in.”

Kain could feel he was being watched, but a sneak attack in a town such as this? The dragoon pressed on until the lights went on and he was greeted by a loud. “Surprise!”

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Accompaniment/Inspiration: “Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV” FFIV OST, “Battle 1” FFIV DS OST, “Rydia” FFIV OST