• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 3,887 Views, 158 Comments

Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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Hardened Heart

A Hardened Heart

It seemed that Ponyville would be getting a VIP visitor in the coming days, and as such, security would need to be reinforced. Luckily the town had gained one Lunar Guard to help see to it that the visit would go without incident.

Kain had finally caught a break and was allowed a few days of rest, and Pinkie Pie had finally abandoned the idea of throwing yet another party when Kain conceded to a picnic with his comrades.

“So I brought cakes, pies, sandwiches, salads, and punch. All the fixings of a good picnic party!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Ya sure ya weren’t planning on feedin eighty and not eight ponies?” Applejack asked as she looked over about a dozen blankets of food spread over the hilltop.

“Well, now that you mention it, I guess we could feed a couple more ponies with this.” Pinkie Pie said.

“I suppose there’s no harm in allowing others partake in this meal. There’s no sense in letting this food go to waste.” Kain said.

“Great!” the pink mare said and bolted for the town. She then returned with a wheel barrow stocked with random citizens of Ponyville.

“It’s nice to see Pinkie toning things down for a change.” Twilight said. “She only brought ten ponies to this improv party.”


The dragoon could finally settle into what could be normal life in Ponyville. Though he didn’t really have any hobbies, Kain moved about the town when he wasn’t training. He got to meet the residents of the town with a more open composure than when he first did at his welcoming party.

One of his first orders of business during these leisurely ventures was to pay a visit to Rarity’s.

“Thank you for visiting today Kain.” Rarity said. “Now girls, I’d like you all to listen to what Mr. Highwind has to say today.”

“Oh cool!” Scootaloo said. “Are you going to ask us to join your league of dragoons?”

“Ah always wanted to jump the way AJ told me you did.” Applebloom said.

“Hey girls, what if this is the way we’re going to get our cutie marks?” Sweetie Belle said.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders...Lancer-“, all three of them said.

“Now hold on girls, what did I just say?” Rarity interjected.

“Oh”, the crusaders said, excitement deflating.

“Thank you Rarity.” Kain said. Children, it's come to my attention that you’ve taken a liking to my profession, and while your admiration isn’t something I would reject, I must speak with you about my work and how it isn’t something to be taken lightly.”

Applebloom raised a hoof. Kain nodded and allowed her a question. “Well what do ya mean? We’ve seen ya do all sortsa amazin things, what’s wrong with wantin to be like ya?”

“Well, you must consider the very reason you wish to become a knight.” Kain said. “Simply joining so that you can appear strong or famous will leave you disappointed.”

“Well if you didn’t join to be cool and stuff, why did you Kain?” Scootaloo asked.

“I did so out of a sense of duty, to my country and for my father.” Kain said.

“So you joined because you wanted to make him proud?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yes, I wanted to continue the legacy of dragoons in our family, and by being a dragoon I hope that he would be proud of me today.” Kain said.

“Oh Kain, you don’t mean to say-” Rarity said.

“Yes, I lost my father when I was much younger.” Kain continued. “It was that very reason that decided my fate to become a dragoon.”

“Ah get what ya mean.” Applebloom said.

“So please understand that I don’t risk life and limb lightly.” Kain said. “And I do not take life unless there is no other option, especially if those I’m trying to protect are in danger.”

The crusaders, recognizing the err of their latest would be scheme, then apologized and made promises to attain their cutie marks in other ventures.


Later that afternoon Kain found himself at the Sugar Cube Corner. Even though he didn’t believe himself to be a person that obsessed over sweets, pastries were one of the few semblances of home he had to enjoy in Equestria.

“Here you go Kain, the usual. Two blueberry muffins!” Pinkie Pie said as she placed the plate in front of Kain. “Bet you can’t wait to meet another princess Kain. You know, you’re pretty lucky, not just anypony gets to talk to all four princesses. Well, I guess me and my friends are pretty lucky, but so are you!”

The dragoon hadn’t given it much thought until then. He had actually spoken to many important individuals in Equestria. A pang of guilt resurfaced as he contemplated his “luck”. He didn’t feel at all special that one with a background such as his would have had the honor of meeting a country’s rulers or an elder dragon.

“I suppose so.” Was all Kain could say amidst his ruminations.

“Hey Kain, remember what I said a while back?” Pinkie Pie asked. “About letting yourself get held down?”

“Yes.” Kain replied.

“Good. Don’t get stuck feeling sorry for yourself,” Pinkie Pie said as she made her way back to the kitchen. “Besides, it slows down the narrative.”


Kain was back with Twilight at the library to go over the visit by Princess Cadence. Even if it was to be an informal visit between friends, Twilight was still going over her plans.

“It’s not that I don’t trust her personal guard, it’s just that I don’t want anything to go wrong.” Twilight said. “That’s why I’m asking you to come along and act as…added security, on my behalf that is!”

“Very well your majesty.” Kain said. “What am I to do exactly? Escorting a very important person isn’t one of the responsibilities that I trained to do as a dragoon. That usually lay within the ranks of the Dark Knights.”

“Firstly, remind me later to ask more about dark knights, they sound like an interesting field of study.” Twilight said. “And secondly, you needn’t worry about anything serious. Nopony is specifically going to come after us. Well, there was that one time in Canterlot when-“

There was a knock at the door. The alicorn moved to answer it, but her assistant bolted off to complete the task. “I got it!” Spike said. He received a scroll from a grey pegasus mare, who smiled and took off after making her delivery.

“Here you go Twilight!” the dragon said.

The princess opened the letter, read it, and then audibly gulped. “Oh no!” Twilight said. “She’s going to arrive earlier than expected! That means we need a plan for today!”

Hearing this, Spike had already made his way to fetch a quill and scroll to write with. “Don’t worry Twilight, I’m already on it!” he then turned to Kain and whispered. “She always gets like this whenever something comes out unexpectedly on her schedule.”

“Alright, first things first. We need all the girls here. Not only for formalities sake as we’re the element bearers, but also because every one of them knows her well. Then we can decide where to go after that and then we can meet back at the library when hopefully Pinkie Pie will have something ready for us.” Twilight said.

“Are you sure you can count on Pinkie having a cake ready so soon?” Spike asked. “I know she is Pinkie Pie, but is it a good idea to guess what she’ll do next?”

“At this point Spike, I can almost count on Pinkie to surprise me.” Twilight said. “Kain, I’m going to need you ready to meet with us over at the train station in full attire. My brother keeps reminding me that Ponyville always looks so lax. Let’s send a message through his guard that Ponyville can have a serious looking security detail.”

The dragoon left the library and then set off to don his armor back at the inn. Putting his armor on, Kain wondered about the type of soldier Twilight’s brother was. He saw the importance of a strong military and yet, from Twilight’s first account at least, didn’t sound at all like the classic career soldier.

“Like Cecil...” Kain said to himself and like Cecil, Shining Armor found his true love.


The train pulled up to the station. Twilight, her friends, and Kain waited for the princess to exit the train. A red carpet rolled out from the lead compartment, two crystalline ponies came out with large bugles.

“Announcing Princess Mi Amora Cadenza!” one of the guards spoke, and then they both played a fanfare to which a slender alicorn slowly walked out from the train and straight towards the group. Kain noted the regality and grace of this princess as she made her way down the carpet, and greeted Twilight with-

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs away! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” both princesses sung and danced simultaneously. They left the dragoon dumbfounded for the next few moments; no one else could see it, but Kain had his brow quirked up from the sight.

“I didn’t expect you to be arriving so early!” Twilight said.

“I know, but now that we’ve got extra time, we can just enjoy ourselves before we talk business.” Cadence said. “I’ve heard that there’s quite a bit we can do in Ponyville.

“Oh yes Cadence, where would you like to begin?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I’ve heard so much about the spa in town. Maybe we should go there?” Cadence asked.

“That sounds like a great idea.” Twilight said. “Let’s go!”

“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be bringing two of my guard with me as we move through the town today. Shining always insists that we always bring protection.” Cadence said.

“What a coincidence, I brought a Royal Dragoon of the Lunar Guard here as well for the same reason.” Twilight said. “I’d like to introduce Kain Highwind. He’ll be joining us as well today.”

“I suppose you can’t be too careful.” Cadence said. “In any event, these two guards ponies are my personal royal escorts, straight from the Crystal Empire. Captain Biggs and Captain Wedge.”

The princess pointed a hoof, referring to a red crystal unicorn in bronze colored armor and a blue crystal pegasus in golden armor. They both nodded towards the group.

“Here to protect her majesty from harm at all costs.” Biggs said.

“Nopony will be getting close to either princess so long as we’re around.” Wedge added.

“Well, with that in mind, shall we be off?” Cadence asked.


The dragoon understood that the spa was essentially a bathing house, and despite the fact that all the ponies went about without clothes, Kain didn’t want to intrude on what was essentially a more private affair amongst the females.

He instead was outside with Biggs and Wedge, grateful to avoid any awkward situation. So outside of the spa, three armored stallions stood stationed, leaving the passersby to wonder whether there were VIP’s or murder scene inside.

Having not the chance to really speak with another soldier since arriving in Equestria, Kain decided to break the ice. “Is it usually this quiet in this line of work?”

“Hey, don’t be getting the idea we’re some sort of lax squad or something!” Biggs said. “Princess Cadence deserves the upmost level of protection and we’re not going to let this tranquil atmosphere let our guard down.”

“Sorry.” Wedge said. “He takes his job seriously, and rightfully so. If it weren’t for our princess, we would still be enslaved by Sombra. She’s a leader to be respected.”

“I envy the manner in which you serve.” Kain said. “I have not been as fortunate to have been under the rule of such a benign leader.”

“Oh, the whole ‘Lunar Princess gone AWOL’?” Biggs asked.

“No, during her…absence I had been in another country and served a king whose motives were far from just.” Kain said.

“Cadence is an important pony to our empire, she gives us hope, without her I think that morale would suffer and we’d be in a state of disarray.” Wedge said. “She’s what unifies all us crystal ponies.”

Kain recalled the words spoken when he returned from the town amongst the Baronian soldiers.

“Cecil for King!”

The dragoon wondered if his friend had taken up the role of king, and if he’d remained the just paladin he was during the war.


When the royal visit moved to the library, everyone was invited in for refreshments, Kain protested at first, but Rarity managed to convince him otherwise.

“Wait, you don’t have a cake?” Twilight asked Pinkie Pie in the kitchen. “You’re always ready for a party!”

“Well Twilight, even I need some time to plan for these sorts of things!” Pinkie Pie said. “I mean, it’s not like I just have cakes made all the time and I’m just waiting to spring them out whenever somepony mentions the word party. I’d get a tummy ache eating all the ones I never use for parties, believe me I’ve tried.”

“Ok, well can you just make a run over to the Sugar Cube Corner and get something for us, I’m sorry for putting you on the spot!” Twilight said.

“No problemo Twilight!” Pinkie said as she saluted and exited the library.

Cadence entered the kitchen. “Is everything alright Twilight?”

“Oh yes, we just hit a bit of a snag.” Twilight said. “We’ll just be a few minutes late before we can have some tea and cake.”

Kain was on his way into the room after Cadence. “I’m sorry to bother you, but it seems that the others have petitioned me to prepare the tea. It would seem Fluttershy has convinced them that I have a talent for it.” The dragoon said.

“Oh, go right ahead then.” Twilight said. “It’ll be a while before Pinkie brings a cake and probably whatever snacks she wants over. Maybe I should find some games to play in the meantime.” The purple alicorn made her way out of the kitchen, musing about what book on games to look for.

The dragoon got to boiling the water for the tea, all of the while Cadence looked on at him curiously.

“Kain Highwind was it?” the pink alicorn asked. “I don’t mean to pry, but is there something troubling you?”

“My apologies Princess Cadenza.” Kain said. “But how is it you’re able to observe such a thing if all I’m doing is making tea?”

“I am the princess of love, but I can sense many other emotions that ponies have.” Cadence said.

“What would you do for me?” asked Kain. It was the one thing the dragoon didn’t want to talk about and now here was this person prying into his past. “It was from long ago and I’d rather much not speak of it.”

“That may be Kain, but you mustn’t let that grief hang over you.” Cadence said. “Ever since I first saw you at the train station, my magic sensed your troubles. However, I would like to help. Since you are not ready to speak of these feelings, then perhaps you might allow me to aid you with my magic. While I won’t be changing your feelings, I would like to help quell the pain you feel.”

“With your magic?” Kain asked skeptically.

“Yes.” Cadence said. “I can see that this issue is probably not one that you wish the others to know of, therefore would you prefer we go somewhere more private?”

“I suppose so.” Kain said.

Although the idea of a magical cure or aid for his heartache always seemed like too easy a way to solve his problems, the dragoon just didn’t want to continue to let his past and love for Rosa get in the way of a new life and perhaps this was for the best.

The two of them re-entered the main area of the library.

“Twilight?” Cadence asked. “there’s some questions I need to ask of Kain, would you mind lending me a room to speak with him in confidence?”

“Um, sure Cadence.” Twilight replied. “You can use my room upstairs. Just don’t forget to come back down soon. Pinkie’s bringing the cake!”

“It won’t be long!” Cadence replied.

Kain and the pink alicorn made their way to Twilight’s room.

“Oddly enough this isn’t the first time I’ve spoken with royalty in this room alone.” Kain said, causing Cadence to quirk an eyebrow. “I’ve spoken with Luna here before.”

“That must have been interesting.” Cadence said. “Now, I’m going to use my horn to touch your head and get a feel of your thoughts and emotions. If you’d be so kind as to remove your helmet.”

The dragoon complied.

“Now, just close your eyes and relax” Cadence said.

Kain closed his eyes and the princes placed the tip of her horn on his forehead through his blonde mane.

At first there was only darkness in Kain’s vision, but then images of the past came into view. A young white mage in the courts of Baron, garbed in the trainee robes that had red triangles on them.

Soon enough the sight of a dark knight standing with an older white mage, airships in the sky overhead came into view. It was all seen from the shadows of a corridor of Castle Baron. And just as the image came, another surfaced. It was of that very moment Kain held his spear in his left hand, ready to slay his friend until he heard Rosa’s voice.

“Kain stop!”

Then it shifted to him viewing the captive white mage with a mixture of avarice and disgust. Rosa was bound, Kain wanted her all to himself, but deep down there was a voice that screamed, “This is not how it should be!”

The dragoon shook his head and left the room to dispel the image, only to run into the wind fiend, Barbaraccia. “Come now Kain, surely you wouldn’t waste your time with that wench when you could be with a real woman.” The fiend said just as her hair enveloped the field of view and darkened the sight once more.

Then, Kain’s eyes saw a guillotine fall upon an empty throne, and two lovers embracing.

The darkness pulsed back into sight. “I’ll never be with you Rosa.” Kain said to himself. “You love Cecil and I should-“

Light entered his vision and Kain saw that he was back to waking existence in the upstairs room of the library, but instead of Cadence in the room, he beheld a light pink unicorn sitting on the bed dressed in a thin white cape and purple garments. Her mane was as blonde as the day and she had blue eyes.

“You don’t have to worry about that anymore Kain.” The unicorn said. “Cecil, as I’ve learned just wasn’t who I should have loved. I should have known to trust that you loved mefrom the beginning.”

The dragoon stared, dumbfounded by the mare in front of him. “But how can this be?” he asked.

“You needn’t worry about that.” Rosa said. “All that matters is that we’re here now and we can finally be happy.” The unicorn slid off the bed and got to her hooves.

“Rosa….um…” Kain could barely speak for what was happening. He stared at the pink unicorn and then down at himself.

“Oh?” Rosa asked. “I can see that you’d much prefer we handle this differently?” Her horn glowed and she was bathed in a faint light.

Kain saw Rosa rear onto her back legs. The elongated and thinned, feet shaped themselves to where hooves used to be. Her forelegs spread to her sides and contorted into arms; delicate, yet firm hands formed from the fore hooves. Rosa’s face compressed from the normally long equine one Kain can come to see as normal in Equestira. A nose protruded out form the increasingly human face, eyes growing smaller as well. Her mane remained essentially the same as the hair on the white mage’s head, straight and golden.

The former unicorn’s golden tail retreated into the human form, drawing the dragoon’s sight towards Rosa’s exquisite form; he saw her in all the beauty he remembered her for. He hadn’t seen her since they last landed on Baron.

Kain didn’t notice it until now, but as she made her way towards him, he realized that Rosa was still at eye level. Kain was human again, he looked down at his hands briefly before looking back at Rosa.

“Come to me Kain.” Rosa said softly.

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Inspiration/Accompaniment: “Welcome to Our Town!” FFIV DS OST; “Royal Palace” FFV OST; “Swan Lake Suite, Op 20: Scene” Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky