• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 3,887 Views, 158 Comments

Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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Half Full

Half Full

Kain wondered how he could have possibly survived the impact from falling. Certainly, he was capable of landing from great heights as a dragoon, but the storm hadn’t allowed him to adjust his crash landing. He recalled slamming into the ground and skidding in and out of a body of water.

The dragoon examined his body to look for injuries. Apart from the pain he felt from the crash, the dragoon discovered that he was essentially naked. Upon further examination, he saw tracks leading from a small pond to where he was now. Kain conjectured that he must have pulled himself out, only after abandoning his armor.

Looking back at the water, Kain decided not to try and reclaim it just yet as he wasn’t too confident to swim as a pony. The dragoon did note that he still had his satchel with his change of clothes inside. He donned his cloak and equipped the only weapon he had available, Canterburn.

There was another loss, he observed, his spear and shield also deep underwater. Hopefully, Equestrian smiths would be able to repair any damage to his gear should it have suffered any corrosion.

Kain noted that he was in a cave of sorts as there were only minor illuminations from the lightning visible through a hole in the ceiling. There was also what appeared to be a small pony-sized break in the wall with a track between the pond and the hole in the wall.

The dragoon wondered just how many people, or rather ponies, actually knew about this place. It didn’t look well-travelled, yet the tracks looked fresh as if something had recently plowed into…or outside of this cave?

Apart from the lightning, there was a subtle glow to the cave given off by some crystals. The dragoon concluded he must have broken into this chamber with his crash. Kain made his way through the hole, limping as he walked.

Unsure of where he was, he pulled out the map Princess Luna had given him, rummaging through the satchel he noted he lost a great deal of items, probably also at the bottom of the pond.

Looking at the map, Kain noted that Ponyville wasn’t far off, and then he realized that the others would most definitely be concerned searching for him seeing as he was knocked overboard an airship.

The rain was still falling at a heavy rate, but Kain didn’t want to waste any time. As he made his way to Ponyville, the downpour began to subside and the sun started to rise. Kain chided himself for getting stranded. After just speaking with Rarity about getting into dangerous situations, here he was, lost and probably presumed dead.

He picked up his pace.


It was well into the morning by the time Kain had been able to make it to town. The dragoon noted the Intrepid in the skies just over Ponyville. He wondered what it was doing, perhaps surveying the area?

If there were a search party under way, it made sense for the airship to be retracing its path instead of doing circles over the town. Kain made a note to ask once he met with someone in town.

As he got closer, he noticed a particular pegasus maintaining her distance between the airship and the town.

“Rainbow Dash!” Kain called out to the cyan mare.

She paused midair, and then bolted to his location. Good, he needed to get word to Rarity as soon as possible and Rainbow Dash would be his best bet in relaying the information.

The dragoon noticed Rainbow’s speed and that she showed no signs of slowing down. She collided with him and sent the dragoon sprawling across the ground.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face again!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

She then made another dive at Kain before he could stand up. He winced in pain and barely asked, “What is the meaning of this Rainbow Dash?”

The dragoon got to his hooves and prepared for another attack.

“Don’t try and trick me!” Rainbow Dash shouted “You already said what you planned to do and don’t think that wearing that ‘disguise’ will do you any good. I’m not stupid you lousy traitor.”

The words she uttered had pained Kain far worse than any blow he’d received yet.

“I don’t understand.” Kain said. “What have I done? Did something befall Rarity?”

In the blink of an eye, Rainbow blasted forth and punched Kain, sending him careening along the ground once more.

“You monster! What kind of sick game are you playing?” Rainbow asked, temper boiling over. “First you steal the airship and kidnap Rarity, you beat me up and threaten all the ponies you have on board, saying you’re doing it all for that Rosa mare we all thought you were over.”

Rainbow continued attacking the dragoon during her explanation. “Now you come over here, acting like you did nothing wrong?” she continued, while panting from the exertion of fighting. “No way, I’m not gonna give you a chance to fight back this time.”

“Rainbow Dash, wait!” cried a frantic Twilight as she rushed over to the two ponies.”

“Watch out Twilight!” Rainbow yelled. “He might try something!”

“That’s not Kain, or rather not the Kain that has Rarity and the Intrepid’s crew hostage!” Twilight said.

“How do you know for sure?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He could have jumped off the airship when I wasn’t looking. He survived one fall from it before.”

“I’ve been watching from the library with my telescope.” Twilight said. “Kain was still on the Intrepid when you sped down here to fight…this Kain.”

The alicorn’s horn began to glow and a healing spell began to wash over the dragoon.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked.

“I am Kain.” The dragoon replied.

“That’s exactly what the Kain up in the airship said.” Rainbow Dash said. “Now way there’s two of you.”

Twilight raised a brow. “Unless...” She began as she scanned Kain with her magic. “Kain, how did you manage to survive falling from the Intrepid. More to the matter, what exactly happened to you?”

“As a dragoon, I am impervious to injury if I can land correctly.” Kain said. “When I was overboard the airship I knew my best chance was to try to crash land even if I couldn’t see the ground. I remember waking up in a cave after nearly drowning, then I set out for Ponyville.”

“The Mirror Pool.” Twilight said assuredly. “But the question is, why is this Kain so different from the Kain that’s flying the Intrepid over our heads right now?”

“When Pinkie Pie went into the pool and made all of those copies, they weren’t easy to discern from the real Pinkie. But these two Kains seem as different as night and day.” Twilight said in her analysis.


Two knights, one in white armor and the other in dark blue draconic armor, made their way over a silent lunar landscape having just exited a cave.

“I think this cave should be a good place for the group to rest.” The paladin said.

“There don’t appear to be any other entrances Cecil, so everyone inside should be safe.” The dragoon said.

“There aren’t any wards nearby, so we’ll need to take shifts.” Cecil said.

“Very well.” Kain replied. “I’ll stand watch first.” The dragoon sat upon a rock just outside of the cave’s entrance.

“I don’t think there’s such a thing as a normal morning, but a few shifts between the two of us should be enough.” Cecil said.

“Don’t forget about me!” A ninja said walking out of the entrance.

“Don’t you worry, I’ll gladly take the later shifts. I’m going to need some beauty rest.” And with that Edge stretched and went back into the cave.

Cecil moved to sit down with Kain.

“I see that you don’t trust me.” Kain said. “I can’t say I blame you though.”

“Kain, you know that’s not what I meant to imply.“ Cecil said.

“Of course it is Cecil,” Kain said. “I’ve betrayed your trust twice now. You’d be a fool not to keep an eye on me.”

“Kain, maybe I do have a reason to be suspicious of you, but I also have a reason to trust you.” Cecil said. “Things aren’t as cut and dry as we thought they were in the past. Becoming a paladin has showed me that.”

“How so?” Kain asked. “When I was with Golbez, we only saw you enter the shrine as a dark knight and return as a paladin.”

“It was an experience I won’t forget.” Cecil said. “A voice called out to me and against all resignations, I entered the shrine. I was so sure that I was ready to become a paladin after doing all the things that the false Baronian king ordered the Red wings to do. When the light shone upon me, I was clad in this armor. I thought my repentance was enough.”

“Was it not?” Kain asked.

“No, before I even made another step, a figure dressed in my dark knight armor confronted me.” Cecil said. “He drew his blade and attacked me. It was in that battle that I learned my first lesson as a holy knight, ‘A true paladin sheathes his sword.’ “

“I did not engage my doppelgänger and he soon faded and returned to the mirror. I never forgot what it felt like though. He radiated that same menacing feeling everyone who ever met my dark self must have felt.” Cecil said, wearing a look of introspection. “I could sense all the hate for that dark knight, all the despair, and even the cowardice I felt. That memory has been with me ever since.”


Kain looked up at the Intrepid circling above.

This was it. There wasn’t simply some copy running amok. Kain realized that this was the dark side he needed to defeat.

“I need to get aboard the airship.” Kain said.

“That may not be the best idea.” Twilight said. “the Kain on the airship threatened to…hurt the ponies he has hostage if he saw anypony make a move for the airship.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not just any pony.” Kain said. “I believe that I’m the only one who can stop him.”

“Pretty big words from somepony who could just be a copy.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Copies, neither he nor I are.” Kain said. “We are one in the same. He is my dark side incarnate. And today I will make my atonement for it.”

Both mares looked at the dragoon with an air of confidence.

“Then the question is how do we get you up there?” Twilight asked.


As sunset approached, the group was ready to enact their plan. While they did send word to the princesses of the current situation, Kain and the others couldn’t stand to wait to let his dark side hold all the pieces. The party decided to launch Kain at the airship, since he could not jump high enough on his own.

Pinkie Pie had offered the use of one of her cannons, but the idea was dismissed amid concerns that the sound would alert the Intrepid’s hostage taker. Instead, the group decided to use the better part of the day constructing a catapult.

Twilight oversaw the plans and triple checked the angles of the catapult as it was being constructed.

“We’re only going to have one shot at this Kain.” She said as the sound of saws and hammers were working on the catapult in a secluded part of Sweet Apple acres. “If we launch you, would you be able to correct your landing using your dragoon abilities?”

“It won’t be like falling from an airship.” Kain said. “As long as I’m above the Intrepid, I can adjust my descent.”

The creation was a massive undertaking for only a few hours’ time, but the Apples had been a great help in its construction. Kain noted Pinkie Pie sitting over with Sweetie Belle

Pinkie Pie wasn’t bouncing up and down like her usual self, but still wore a smile like always.

“Don’t you worry Sweetie Belle, Kain is going up there to stop his meanie self and save your sister!” Pinkie said.

The unicorn filly stymied a sniffle as the dragoon approached.

“You’re going to stop him right?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yes, I will do what I have to in order to save Rarity and the other ponies on board.” Kain said.

“I think I know what you meant from before.” Sweetie Belle said. “About being a dragoon. It might be scary, but you’re going to help. Aren’t you a little bit scared?”

“It matters not what I feel, but what I’m going to do.” Kain said. “Everyone will come out safe.” Kain said and then departed for the other ponies gathered around the catapult.

On his way, he was met by Spike.

“So,” the dragon began. “You really like her don’t you?”

“Indeed I do.” Kain said. “I can’t let anything befall her. I’ve come too far to let the one semblance of peace be taken from my life.”

“I just gotta know.” Spike began. “What did I do wrong? Why doesn’t she like me how she likes you?”

Kain then stopped. He then faced Spike and put a hoof on the dragon’s shoulder.

“You mustn’t fall into despair or envy.” Kain said. “Those feelings can lead you down a dangerous path. You need only look at my tale to know what evils can come from jealousy. Right now my dark side has manifested into physical form and threatens not only a pony that I care for deeply, but a pony that everyone here knows and loves. It could have all been prevented had I the resolve to abandon those feeling I had when I was younger.”

“There are moments like these,” Kain said, looking up at the airship in the sky. “and moments like these,” he turned his head back at Spike. “that define who we’re going to be.”

The dragon remained silent for moment, and then looked at Kain. “Go save Rarity Kain.” Spike said confidently.

Kain nodded and the two of them approached the catapult.

“Well, this is about as good as we can make a catapult on such short notice.” Applejack said.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac agreed.

“Kain, make sure you take care of yourself.” Fluttershy said. “I know you want to save everypony, but that includes you as well.”

I will try Fluttershy,” Kain said. “but I know who I have to prioritize now. You have all shown me friendship I thought I’d never experience in my life ever again and for that I’m eternally grateful.”

Kain neared the loading part of the catapult before turning to Rainbow Dash. He reached for his side where Canterburn was holstered.

“Hold onto it for now,” Rainbow Dash said. “It’s the only weapon you have right now. Just make sure to bring it back to me. I didn’t fight Chrysalis so I could have nothing to show for it.” The cyan pegasus then glared with a smile at the dragoon.

Kain then climbed onto the catapult.

“Alright Kain, let’s go through a rundown of the plan.” Twilight said. “You board the Intrepid and deal with Dark Kain. Depending on how everything goes, throw one of the two stones I made for you. Use the blue one upon success and the red one if things aren’t looking good.”

“While you have you’re doppelgänger distracted, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and I will get into position with my balloon. We’ll be ready for an emergency evacuation once we get everything set up, but it will take us some time to get everything in place. Hopefully, it won’t have to come to that.” The alicorn princess said. “Are you ready Kain?”

The dragoon took a look around him, at all the expectant faces. “I’m ready.” He said.

“Okay then,” Twilight said. “On my mark, cut the rope Big Mac.”

“Eeyup.” The red stallion said before grabbing an axe with his mouth.

Twilight eyed the airship’s path. “Still maintaining the same route.” She said.

“The wind is calm.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Good.” Twilight continued.

As the Intrepid made a turn towards their direction, Twilight waved her hoof down. “Now!”

Big Mac cut the rope in one fell swing and sent Kain airborne.

The dragoon flew at an amazing speed, up and over the cloud tops. He could see the land of Equestria bathed in the light of sunset. It was just as beautiful as the Blue Planet. At the apex of his ascent, Kain eyed the Intrepid and began to steer himself downward to where he and the airship would meet.

This was it.

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Inspiration/Accompaniment: “Into the Darkness” Dissidia Duodecim; “Suspicion” FFIV DS OST; “The Lunarians” FFIV OST; “Within the Giant” FFIV OST