• Published 17th Oct 2015
  • 2,903 Views, 16 Comments

Tick-Tock The Bet is Up - Black Hailstorm

Ben has lost it all. He's lost everyone and everything he's held dear to him at points in his life, and just when he thought things were going to be good again everything goes haywire. Now alone and broken Ben must fight to save it all or lose it all

  • ...

Chapter 14


The capital

Location: Canterlot; Luna’s Tower
Time: 6:52 p.m.-Day 4

The lunar princess looked out on the horizon, gazing upon her home, her subjects and her town with a watchful eye as the sun cast it’s slowly decreasing light upon the ponies of Canterlot.

And as usual before getting ready to raise the moon as her sister raised the sun, Luna would spend most of her time if not getting more acquainted with the customs of this new world then she would spend her time sleeping or playing video games. It had been a few minutes now since she awoke to stare out into the vastness that was this nation and it gave her a rather calm and relaxing feeling, whenever she gazed out around this time of day.

Luna sighed, before rising from her haunches and making her way towards her eclipse decorated door. It was time for her to see what her sister was up to before the two began their daily duty.

Opening the door and closing it as she left her room, Luna made her way through the spiral staircase, down the corridor and out of her tower.

Then a thought occurred to her as she made her way past the royal guards, nodding to each one in approval on a job well done. I haven’t heard from that pony and his friend in a while. But this thought was soon settled by her recollection of her sister stating that their niece Cadence would be joining the group with another friend.

It was reassuring that the two would have some support, as dragon’s aren’t generally the easiest of creatures to defeat. And though she wished she could have accompanied the two and Discord on their journey, the princess had her own duties to take care of; guarding the night.

“Luna” a voice said from above, landing beside her, tall, proud, and demurely was her older sister. Princess Celestia. Luna smiled at her elder sister, the two walking towards the castle doors, after passing the guards that had encompassed the lunar princess’s tower.

“So sister has Twilight Sparkle and her friends, sent word of this Ben fellow, and company’s return?”

Celestia shook her head. “Not yet. I’m beginning to worry dear sister. It is not like my student to not send me a letter if something had went wrong. And even if something didn’t she still would have sent word by now if the group had not yet returned.”

Luna merely rolled her eyes playfully at her older sister, the senior of the two smiling a bit at her sister’s reaction to her concerns. “Do not worry sister. If something indeed bad has happened then I will be sure to send guards to investigate, later tonight.”

“Thank you Luna” Celestia said with a smile.

The two had now entered the throne room, and both took their seats on their thrones, taking a few seconds of silence to simply enjoy the peace before Luna voiced something that had been on her mind.

“Sister, you say this Ben fellow. He seems to not show fear in the face of danger?”

Celestia chuckled a bit, lifting a hoof to stifle the laugh when she glanced over at the curiosity clearly displayed on Luna’s face.

“Yes Luna. He’s one of the few stallion’s I’ve seen aside from the Apple family the members of our guard, and Twilight and her friends that seems confident even in the face of danger. I’d have to say even more so than anypony I’ve ever met.”

This seemed to really catch Luna’s interest, as she now gave her sister her undivided attention. “Really?” the white alicorn nodded with a smile. “Interesting” Luna said.

“I’ll say” Celestia said. “Natani, didn’t even scare him despite her massive size.”

“Natani? You mean the Ursa Major?” Celestia nodded, the look of interest on her sister’s face only amusing her even more.

“That reminds me. You mentioned another stallion and draconequus. Have you heard from them since Cadence joined their fray?”

Luna’s piqued look vanished as she recalled Gwen and Kevin. “I had heard that they had reached Dodge City safely. But aside from this I do not know of much save for the last letter she sent, being her and a friend had reached Dodge City and made contact with the group and a few others.”

“Hm. Strange. I wonder who this friend of hers is.”

“I suppose we’ll find out eventually dear sister” Luna looked outside seeing the sun still at its horizon she rose from her seat to look at the time. It read 7:02 p.m.

Celestia rose as well a small smile touching her face. “I suppose we lost track of time. Come, let us go.” Both sisters left the throne room, went out to the castle main grounds, then spread their wings heading in the separate directions of their twin towers.

The sun that now only showed a few rays of light over the horizon, slowly ceased into the shadows, and as the massive star left a satellite soon took over the atmosphere. Bringing with it the luminescent glow that bathed the city of Canterlot with the rest of the world.

Celestia’s horn ceased glowing once the sun had completely vanished. Nodding her departure to her younger sister as she turned around, left the veranda and moved inside to her sleeping chambers.

A light gold aura soon encased her crown. Slowly lifting it off her head the princess of day moved it to her dresser, along with her royal necklace.

Once both regal jewels had been removed she stretched, hearing a few pops as she loosened her joints a bit. It had been another long day and the princess was glad she’d be able to get some rest tonight. Especially since two nights before she had not slept, spending most of her time helping Twilight and the others rebuild the city, before taking her leave the very late into the night.

With a rather pleasant yawn, Celestia moved to her bathing quarters to shower and wash all the stresses away with a relaxing bath. Turning the knob connected to the faucet on she allowed the tub to fill with warm water, her horn glowing a bit as she had her own favorite soaps in the mix before it all bubbled up pleasantly wafting their air with it’s tropical scents.

The princess removed her golden shoes, before placing a hoof in the water, chills running up her as the warmth provided relief from another hard day’s work.

Sliding into the tub as the water rose, Celestia slid deeper and deeper into the tub till it had reached up to her chin, a sigh of utter bliss escaping her lips as she closed her eyes and relaxed.

“It’s always nice to have a good soak before bed” she said to herself with a warm smile.

However, the princess had never expected a reply to her statement in return.

“I’m sure, it is” said a raspy voice.

Celestia’s eyes immediately narrowed and scanned the bathroom. No signs of life of any form filling the room. She did not let this go so easily though as she spent the rest of her time in the bath carefully watching for signs of an attack.

Minutes passed and Celestia walked out of the bathroom, mist from her hot bath, cascading out to her bedroom as she thoroughly dried herself.

Getting in bed now dry, clean and feeling sleepy the mare, slid into the safety of her bed. Allowing sleep to take it’s toll but not dropping her guard in case something did happen, while she slept lightly.

A few seconds of silence was all she needed. Then she was out like a light.

Luna smiled at her work. She had arranged the stars in the night sky perfectly for all to see and was once again proud of a job well done. The moon casting it’s heavenly light upon some of the sleeping members of her town.

With a nod of her head at the satisfaction of a job well done Luna spread her wings, ready to take off into the skies. She still had orders to give out her bat ponies.

However before the lunar princess took flight she took one more glance at the town. And what she saw, shook her to her very core deeply with concern.

The city of Canterlot lay in ruins.

Buildings overturned, collapsed, ruined, decrepit from either the destruction that was brought upon it or from possible years of abandonment.

Luna couldn’t believe her eyes. What is this nonsense? The town was fine just a few seconds ago. She blinked her now burning eyes having been staring for too long, only to see that the fare city, was fine.

She stared off in confusion, unsure of what she had just seen.

Strange. Her wings having gone slightly limp at her side, once more rose erect before the princess took off into the sky, where she would find Silent Screech and have her and three guards head to Ponyville and bring up a report.

She was starting to get a bad feeling about this.

*** ***** ***

Celestia dreamed peacefully. Seeing her allies, her sister and her friends all happy filled the mare with an inner happiness that she felt was limitless.

It was simply bliss.

The princess was enjoying all the merriment that went about, watching with silent joy as her friends conversed. Till Pinkie said something that caught her attention.

“Oh yeah we should all go to the circus that’s coming to town!” she said, bouncing with glee. Celestia merely smiled at the mares exuberant nature.

“Princess!” the pink mare said bouncing towards Celestia. “You should come with us as well.”

Celestia was about to refuse kindly, but upon catching the pleading look of her friends and even her sister Luna, she complied with a chuckle. “Alright my little ponies. I’ll come. Lead the way” she said rising to her hooves, and in the process earning a cheer from everypony else.

Exiting the bakery store they had been in, called the Sweet & Tasty Treat store, the group moved through the streets of Canterlot only to see a traffic of ponies were heading in the same direction as her. Towards the circus music that played throughout the town.

The crowd moved quickly, most likely because the two rulers of their nation were there and in a matter of minutes the group had reached the large tent, Pinkie and the others all excited which Celestia in all honesty had to understand.

They hadn’t had a circus in Canterlot for years. She herself was looking forward to this rare treat.

Taking their seats at the very top of the row. The group would be able to get a good view of everything that occurred from above. Soon enough the circus was full, filled with ponies who had taken some time out of their day to get some entertainment in before they had to go back to their duties.

Luna whispered to her sister. “I am most excited for this, it has been quite awhile since we’ve had this.” Celestia nodded her agreement. “As am I Luna, as am I.”

Whispers and murmurs filled the air as all the lights, that seemed to be floating in the air dimmed, filling the entire canvas with darkness.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” a clear slightly raspy voice said. “Fillies, colts, mares and stallions of all ages! I welcome you to The Stakeout! Where you will all” the lights illuminated focusing solely on one single spot. A being dressed in an overcoat torn at the sleeves, had on a buttoned up shirt with stripes and a tie along with khaki’s, stood enamored by the glow that drew all eyes on him at the very center of the arena.

“Where you will all have yourselves, a splendid time” the clear voice of the slightly decrepit being said.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed at the emphasis on those words. But she soon payed it no mind as the tricks began.

Pegasi performed tricks, flips and moves that Celestia didn’t think were possible. Earth ponies lifted things several times their weight that should have been beyond their normal enhanced strength. Unicorns performed spells that amazed everypony in the crowd, Celestia and Luna both watching on in awe. Even a few animals from the Everfree like manticores, cockatrice, Ursa Minors and more made appearances that at first terrified the crowd but were soon reassured with the hilarious tricks the animals performed.

It was astounding.

The being that stood at the very back watching all his employees do their tricks all for the laughing clients, who would sometimes scream in terror only to be quelled by more laughs, gazed upon all his new clients with a smile. A warm smile, a pleasant smile. An ominous smile.

Celestia enjoyed everything greatly. Watching the heavily cloaked begin moving once more to the center of the stage as all the tricks came to a close.

Then the being raised it’s hand, well more like fin with claws that had gloves on them.

“Did you all like that?!” he said with a happy smile, a glint in his one good eye.

“ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!” Pinkie and Dash yelled, the crowd soon chanting the very same words, stomping for an encore. Celestia, even found herself stomping for more along with her sister and friends.

The being with the top hat revealed a toothy smile. Throwing his arms up into the air he said “Then let’s give you one more good show!”

Fireworks shot out into the air, exploding all around. Bedazzling the sky and throwing everyone’s attention upwards as different pictures were dispersed into the air with each firework.

Celestia watched with amusement. This had been the first circus she’d seen pass through that displayed so much attention in entertaining its guests. It was very pleasant.

Eventually the fireworks died and the lights once again set their sights on the ring leader. Everyone was excited, overjoyed and filled with adrenaline by all the members of the circus act. As the spotlights followed the ringleader who made his presence advent, the ponies all clapped in their seats, some whooping, others cheering or whistling.

“Thank you, thank you” said the raspy voice. All lights went back on in the circus. “But I really couldn’t have done it without my little friends. Guys, come on out here!”

The crowd quieted down as they watched all the performers, and the animals that participated walk out from behind the curtains.

The being in the top hat smiled once more when his team had lined up beside him, they all bowed following his lead and when done the cheers continued. Celestia joining in herself.

“Wonderful” Celestia said raising a forehoof for silence. Everypony in the room eventually quieting down. “That was splendid. Probably the best performance I’ve ever seen” she said with a smile as the being tipped the top hat respectively.

“Please sir what is your name?” she asked.

The being looked up with his one good eye staring directly at the princess before smiling. “Name’s Zombozo your highness.” The lights in the room flickered on and off when he stated his name.

“And I’m here to make your night a little more interesting.” Zombozo snapped his claw, and instantly the cheery and friendly faces of all the circus members with him went from kind, to savage beasts with looks of murder.

Then the lights went out, the screams of all the equines dying seconds later after the lights died. Then seconds passed before the lights were turned back on bringing with it a dark silence.

The tent was empty. Not a single pegasus, unicorn, filly, or any other equine being in the entire room save for Celestia herself. Celestia looked to her side, only to see her sister had vanished also. Her eyes narrowed in rage.

“Zombozo!” she bellowed in the royal voice. A voice that shook the entire tent as it boomed and echoed throughout the empty space. “Cease your actions at once and return my people, my student and her friends and my sister! At once!” she ordered with a stomp.

Nothing happened for a few seconds. Celestia’s annoyance by this farce only growing as a laugh soon echoed into the tent, pounding her eardrums as it drowned out her order.

“Oh I just love you little things. I haven’t been here long and I already know this is going to be” he chuckled. “Very very fun.”

The lights turned off. Celestia was surrounded by darkness only till her horn glowed shining a bright light around her.

Looking around the princess could not see the location of the owner to the voice, but she didn’t have to look far. Straight ahead Zombozo stood, smiling at her with his twisted smile two rows down.

Celestia couldn’t help but feel anger at the sense of seeing the being find this all to be some sort of game. So she brought him towards her with her magic gripping him tightly by the collar.

“Where are they? Where is my sister and everypony else?” she asked with a calm stern tone.

Zombozo merely chuckled, his mutant penguin form grinning at the mare in front of him. Snapping his claw Celestia felt something wrap around her legs, before slowly wrapping around her body and yank her to the ground . Her focus was demolished, releasing the humanoid penguin mutant that was close to her height.

“Ha haha. They’re not here that’s for sure.” His smile disappeared. “But don’t worry, just like you and your sister.” He wrapped a claw around her face, then leaned in, his beak just inches away from her muzzle before he continued. “You’ll all be enjoying a show of laughter and fear soon enough.”

The two locked eyes. Magenta vs the black pupils staring back at her. “Oh and one more thing.” Zombozo said a smile taking over his decrepit face.

“Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

Celestia’s gasped, jumping out of her bed her horn glowing ready to send off a powerful shot of magic on the beast, only for her to see the darkness of her room.

It took a few seconds for her to calm herself and realize it had just been a dream. A very vivid dream.

Celestia looked outside. The moon was still out and hadn’t seemed to have lowered at all. She checked the time, it read 10 p.m. Sighing the princess got back in bed, pondering what she had just dreamed of.

Her brows furrowed at the deep level of darkness the being had been able to thrust upon her. Especially when all of her subjects and allies had disappeared. It sent a chill up her spine.

Rising from her bed Celestia decided she should meet Luna and tell her about this. Perhaps her sister had experienced something similar and was coming to her right now. With a glow of her horn, the alicorn donned her crown and the royal necklace. Opening the door to her balcony before taking off in search of her sister.

Luna had sent Silent Screech and three other bat ponies to check on Ponyville and its inhabitants. An hour or two had passed and she still hadn’t heard word from the guards. It was anything but unsettling.

“It should not take this long for them to return. A trip to the city by air should take half an hour, one by train forty-five minutes. What is taking them so long?” she asked the air pacing around in frustration.

The mare took another quick glance at the city. It was fine.

Luna frowned.

What was I seeing before? Luna asked herself.

The thought of her hallucinating hadn’t even crossed her mind.. There was no reason for her to be doing such a thing when she had gotten more than 9 hours of rest and plenty of food. She was fine, not weary or tired. She had no reason to hallucinate from fatigue either, since she’d been up since 7 p.m. And there was something else. A strange feeling she’d felt when she saw the city of Canterlot in shambles.

“I’m absolutely sure of it. It must be here somewhere” she muttered staring out on to the streets of Canterlot in silence.

“Luna” a voice called from above. The dark alicorn looked up,to see her sister approaching her. “Luna, I’m afraid I have bad news.”

“As do I sister.”

“I’m assuming you have felt a dark force as well?” Celestia asked landing beside her sister. Luna nodded. “A strong dark presence, indeed. The likes of which I’ve never sensed before.”

“I see. It appears we are in a tight spot” Celestia said a pregnant silence exchanged between the the two before she spoke again. “Has any word been made to Twilight and the others?” Luna shook her head. “I’m afraid not.”

Celestia frowned. “How long has it been since you dispatched your troops?”

“An hour at most. If Twilight and the others were fine then they should have sent word through Spike by now. If not then we can only assume they’re either not there, or things are far worse than I thought” Luna said gravely.

Celestia remained silent for a few seconds before spreading her wings once more. “Let’s gather the guards. I’ll have Solar Lexus gather the royal guards. We’re protecting Canterlot with everything we’ve got against this thing.”

And so the two sisters took off. Luna sending word to her bat ponies and unicorns under the lunar guard and Celestia sending word through her commander of the Solar Imperials.

It had taken nearly half an hour for both princesses to gather all their commanding officers or at least most of them.

“Everyone, except Starside is here your highnesses” Solar Lexus stated after making sure all officers were present.

“We’ll have to fill him up later” Luna stated. “Let us begin.”

Captain Starside gallopped through the streets of Canterlot, making with haste towards the castle. The batpony would have just flown but he was relatively close to the castle having just ended his shift and making his way home when he got the message through sonic reception.

The batpony quickened his pace as he made his way through the empty castle corridors towards the castle’s courtyard where he had been informed everypony would be.

He made a sharp turn past a closed door, the corridor that lead to the courtyard just a few feet away, but Starside stopped. His ears picking something up.

“What is- Is that music?” he thought. Turning towards the door the batpony, moved and opened the sound fully hitting him.

Turning on the light the batpony saw nothing but a small device, it’s knob slowly turning. So he waited with anxiety, the uneasiness settling in with every second till finally, it stopped.

Nothing happened.

Starside scowled, annoyed by the fact he’d wasted time on something so lame. “Tch, what a stupid joke.” He turned around still scowling at the music box till he bumped into a tall figure.

“Oh I’m sorry I-” he froze. His eyes widening as he stared at the decrepit penguin. The creature parted his lips in a smile, revealing his toothy grin.

“Hello there good sir” the being in the top hat said. “Name’s Zombozo. Let me ask you a question. Do you like” he leaned in closer to the slightly disturbed batpony’s face. “Do you like clowns?”

Starside shook his head immediately forcing himself to return from his stupor.

“You don’t?” Zombozo asked, a slightly depressive note touching his voice.

“No, no! I do it’s just um...what are you?” Starside asked, getting back to his hooves.

Zombozo’s smile disappeared as he pondered the question. “Hmmm” he clucked, smacking his lips together before making an exasperated noise with them.

Then an idea popped into his head, as he took a step towards the guard. “I suppose you could say I’m a penguin.” He took another step, Starside seemed to sense something wasn’t right so he took a step back.

“I see, well if you’ll excuse me.”

“Oh yes of course” Zombozo said with a smile. “My apologies if I delayed you for your meeting” he said with a smile. Starside simply nodded and took a step towards the exit, but froze when something clicked in his brain.

“Wait...how did you know there was a meeting? The message was sent out a few moments ago.” He spun in place only to find nobody there.

Starside stared at the empty space the rather tall penguin had been before shaking his head. “I’ve got to stop drinking cider after work.” He turned but bumped into something falling on his butt.

Looking up his yellow eyes staring at the red haired penguin, Starside knew for sure that this being was not a friendly. His eyes narrowed glaring at the being. “Who are you?”

“I told you” Zombozo said still smiling. “I’m a penguin, but I’m also a clown. And well let’s just say your town and all your inhabitants” his friendly smile changed into a smirk. “Are going to feed me for a lifetime.”

Starside snarled then opened his mouth to let out a sonic scream. But was cut off when he felt a boot to chest area, completely knocking the wind out of him.

With a grunt of pain Starside attempted to shout only to have his muzzle firmly shut by Zombozo’s claw. “Shhhh” he whispered into the batpony’s hypersensitive ear.

“Now” Zombozo said his face coming into view with a smile. “Why don’t you go show your friends, just how fun the circus can be?”

Both sisters had finished explaining things to their troops and were now giving orders and directions on what to do.

“Make sure anypony suspicious is brought to us. Do you all understand?!” Luna asked.

“Yes Your Highness!” all the soldiers stated. Luna smiled, “Good, then go.”

All of the troops saluted, before a few took off into the sky. It wasn’t until a few more had left that Celestia noticed a batpony staggering over to them.

“Excuse me. Are you alright?” Celestia asked the pony who stopped and looked at her.

Luna moved over to her sister and immediately recognized the pony. “Starside?” she asked.

“Y-your highness” Starside said weakly before falling forward, and getting caught in Luna’s aura glow as she and her sister quickly moved over to the stallion’s side along with a few other troops.

“What happened to you?” Celestia asked with concern. Starside however didn’t seem to hear her though as he had now begun mumbling things of incoherence.

“Wait” one of the officers said. “Look! What’s happening to his coat?!”

Everyone’s attention now fully focused on the stallion if it hadn’t been on him entirely before. Starside’s coat had begun to lose color. And as he lost all color in his dark coat and gained a more grayish appearance Luna’s grip on the stallion faltered, her magic disappearing around the stallion.

Starside however quickly saved himself, before slowly growing silent and just standing there in front of his princesses and his comrade in arms.

Luna moved forward, “Starside” she said in a hushed manner. “What happened to you?”

The trembling stallion stared at the two princess with fear in his eyes, his fangs bared and his body shaking. “The clown” he whimpered. “He’s here.”

Author's Note:

Ok so a few things didn't really go as I planned for this chapter. But I did the best I could with the different editions I added. Originally I had planned on having Zombozo focus his power on Luna, but one thing led to another and I ended up with Celestia. Guess we'll see where the next chapter leads, for now enjoy.