• Published 17th Oct 2015
  • 2,905 Views, 16 Comments

Tick-Tock The Bet is Up - Black Hailstorm

Ben has lost it all. He's lost everyone and everything he's held dear to him at points in his life, and just when he thought things were going to be good again everything goes haywire. Now alone and broken Ben must fight to save it all or lose it all

  • ...

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: The Hunter Emerges
I’ve been waiting so long to retrieve my trophy. And I’ll need your help before I can get it.

Location: Baltimare; Train Hull
Time: 12:04 p.m.- Day 7.

The Equestrian Express was now at Baltimare. After recent events the staff simply couldn’t remember that well, the train team had decided to drop off their remaining passengers in the fairly large city.

Ticketmaster, the conductor and unicorn in charge of making sure passengers got in and off the train at the right stops was now taking a quick five minute break before him and his team pulled off once again. Sitting on one of the many passenger seats he always passed by when at work, Ticketmaster noticed a few ponies and a couple griffons had gathered, waiting behind the docking line as the team took their respective break.

Ticketmaster had to admit, he’d been around the block and most of Equestria with his kind of job. He’d seen tons of different mystical creatures, friendly and dangerous. Yet the strange things that kept happening around Equestria always seemed to catch him off guard.

Try as he might the older unicorn couldn’t reclaim those memories of what had transpired more than 24 hours ago, aside from the faint recollection that he had felt slightly ill, heard insane laughter, and seen a giant freaky looking penguin with a top hat staring at him.

It sent a slight chill up the unicorn’s spine, even making the bristles of his thin fire orange stache quiver on his upper lip. Pushing those thoughts aside, Ticketmaster lifted a gold pocketwatch out of the pocket of his buttoned up light blue work coat.

He stared at it and the symbol engraved on the clock’s top layer. A symbol of his family’s life long work in the industry of railroad engineering and anything generally having to do with the rail industry.

A small smile graced the stallion’s lips as he recalled his family history. The Transit family had played large a part in building the railroads spread out all over Equestria, and it filled him with great pride to be part of such a family that had helped Royalty in such a productive and advantageous manner.

“Time’s up guys, let’s get back to work! Coal Runner make sure everyone takes their stations” Ticketmaster stated as he opened all the doors throughout the train with his magic.

Coal Runner, a lava coat pegasus with a mossy colored mane nodded, and moved towards the train station’s electrical room. Several other workers that had been resting soon getting up and managing their stations as well.

Nodding to each member as he glanced back at the time, Ticketmaster got out of his seat and moved towards the group of eagerly waiting passengers. “Okay, everypony all aboard” he stated, shutting his pocket watch with a loud snap, placing it back into his pocket.

Moving out of the way, passengers filed into different train carts, some more luxurious, others more of a normal style. When all had been accounted for and the conductor had made sure all were in and seated, luggage secure (if there was any) and no one was in need of immediate attention, Ticketmaster focused, a light green glow surrounding his horn reaching out and touching all the exit train doors throughout the metal machine.

Loud shuts came in consecutive order as Ticketmaster closed all the doors, which in turn signalled to the train operator up ahead that they were ready to go. Clearing his throat just a bit, and speaking as loud as he could Ticketmaster stated: “We’re off!”

A loud screech sounded from the train’s whistle, passing through all of Baltimare as the train began to pull out of the hull station. In a matter of seconds everyone was moving out of Baltimare, towards Whisper Hollows.

Ticketmaster looked around at his passengers once, nodded happily, content with their current state and moved on up ahead to see how the driver was doing. Doing so he passed by Coal Runner who was checking the heat levels for the engine in the engineer’s room. Multiple mechanics crucial to maintaining a cool temperature for the engine humming in the background. Seeing the conductor pass by he waved a slightly oily hoof. Ticketmaster nodded back in return with a slight smile.

“Looking swell Coal” Ticketmaster commented, earning a small smile from the pegasus.

Once in front of the driver’s door Ticketmaster knocked once. Behind the door a voice said “come in.”

Doing so, Ticketmaster looked out the front view as they advanced through Whisper Woods, his old friend Rails Mechanatis busy working various levers and valves to keep the train steady.

“How are the passengers?” Rails asked his old friend.

Ticketmaster chuckled recalling how one of them, a earth pony had simply walked in and fell flat on the couch.

“They’re fine.” The two remained silent for a few minutes as the train pushed on through the forest. “So where we headed today?” Ticketmaster asked.

“Canterlot. Have to stop by there quickly to drop off a few passengers” Rails responded.

Ticketmaster merely nodded, his gaze returning outside. A few minutes later and the train was nearly out of the forest. Till suddenly the wheels screeched loudly against the rails and the entire train slowly came to a stop.

Rails and Ticketmaster froze and looked at each other.

“Rails why did the train stop?” Ticketmaster asked, having been through enough of Equestria’s aftermath of horrible events to get where this was going.

“I uh, I don’t know” he said checking the tachometer as it slowly began to reach 0.

“Did something get caught in the driving wheels?” Ticketmaster asked, sticking his head out the window to try and get a glimpse if anything really had gotten underneath their massive behemoth of a ride.

“Not unless it’s a tree branch the size of a couch and got caught in the spokes” Rails said in a rather sassy fashion as he looked out his own window to check.

“Well then what on earth could have-” Ticketmaster stopped trying to look at the front wheels, his peripheral vision catching something from the corner of his eye. For a second he thought it was just one of the woodland creatures that harboured the woods of this forest.

That all changed when a piercing metallic screech making driver’s and conductor’s ears fall flat on their heads. Both covering their ears with a hoof in an attempt to block out the horrible horrible noise. At the same time the sudden cries of multiple passengers could be heard as the metallic screech began to jerk part of the train around.

Ticketmaster, leaving a fetlock on a ear firmly pressed against his head, turned towards the driver’s door and quickly moved to open it. No sooner had he done so did the screeching sound suddenly come to a stop. Some passengers however were still screaming, others even whimpering from what he could hear.

Quickly moving over to the first passenger car where the noise sounded closest Ticketmaster slid open the door and stepped into the passenger cart, noticing the sudden change in temperature.

What he saw baffled him.

The entire front part of the passenger cart that held the door, had been ripped off. A large, gaping hole now clearly visible and giving all the terrified passengers that the conductor noticed cowering in a corner, full opportunity to see the forest ahead.

“Hey Ticket! Get over here!” Coal Runner’s voice called from outside.

The conductor who could feel a great deal of concern and anxiety running through him as he stared at his terrified passengers. Even the griffons remained frozen in their seats, wings spread in a petrified like fashion and clear looks of shock on their faces.

Another shout from the pegasus outside the train made Ticketmaster frown. “I’m getting too old for this mumbo jumbo. Rails keep trying to get the train moving." Hopping out through the new much larger doorway, Ticketmaster landed on the ground with a heavy thud before he turned his attention back to the train.

The conductor’s eyes squinted as he looked around the forest, the sun still being up and the brightness of it making the entire place quite clear. Yet as he looked around the conductor could not find what it was that made the train stop.

That is till his eyes caught hold of something stuck to the wheels of one of the passenger cars at the very end of the train. Trotting over to that area, Ticketmaster saw Coal Runner staring at the very cause for the train stopping.

“You find the problem?” Ticketmaster asked, the pegasus nodded slowly.

“Aye sir, what do you make of this?” he asked pointing a hoof at the frozen wheels and railing. The conductor not at all looking surprised moved closer to inspect the frozen wheels and rails. His eyes carefully observing it, then looking up where the train started. Two other passenger carts wheels were frozen as well as the railings on them as well.

Ticketmaster frowned, it was going to be one of those days again.

Sighing and returning to Coal Runner’s side, the conductor lifted a folded fetlock and rubbed his temple. After a few seconds of silence Ticketmaster stopped rubbing his head, then took in a deep breath.

“STAFF!” he yelled using The ROYAL CANTERLOT voice. Several ponies emerged instantly outside beside Coal Runner and the conductor, whose eyes had now grown stern.

“We’re going to see what caused this. Ask any of the passengers if they saw what did this. Coal Runner, Special Service, he said turning to a earth pony mare. “You’re coming with me. We’ll head up the hill while the rest keep an eye out for whatever did this. Do you all understand?”

The entire staff nodded.

“Good, move out.”

Minutes had passed in Whisper Hollows, each member of the staff keeping a careful eye out on the forest and its surrounding area. There are a total of 32 members working throughout the Equestrian Express. Currently Ticketmaster was with five of them, Coal Runner the train’s engineer, Watcher the train’s lookout who when questioned could not recall what had attacked the train earlier or what froze them in place, Civil Service one of the many servers, and Metris another lookout. She couldn’t recall what happened either. Just a large flash of light that blinded her before the train went under attack.

While Ticketmaster and his team looked on ahead, straying not too far away from the train so that it stayed in their sights even from the distance, Rails the train’s driver was inspecting with Spark Plug the train’s wheels and how to get rid of the ice so they could move on.

Passengers who weren’t sure of what exactly was happening save for that they had stopped suddenly were beginning to grow anxious. Very anxious. Only a few workers now remained inside the train to attend to the passengers and offer some form of reassurance while the rest of the team tried to deal with the problem.

One particular pegasus part of the staff; the chief of on-board services: Favoria, was currently asking the passengers of the first passenger cart what it was they had seen.

Getting answers hadn’t been as easy as she thought.

None of the passengers seemed inclined on revealing any information. If anything they were more terrified at the concept of speaking than the information they had to offer.

“Please sir, if you could just tell us what caused this hole in our train, maybe we could figure something out” the earth pony said gently. The older stallion however simply shook his head firmly, wrapping the young terrified colt in his hoof tightly as the foal pressed his face into his father’s pelt.

Favoria let out a tired sigh, This day just gets worse and worse doesn’t it?

“Fav!” one of the voices of her staff called from outside. The way the voice sounded made the earth pony mare tense, every other passenger in the same cart with her must have sensed it also, because any shushes of reassurance or soothing, any whimpers, or questions that had been tossed suddenly went deadly silent.

All eyes turned on Favoria, waiting, watching. Wondering what she would do next. Being Chief of on-board services it was her job to make sure their passengers were comfortable and taken care of. So she did what any other loyal and selfless pony would do.

She gathered every ounce of courage and made her way towards the large hole that served as their new exit. “Everypony wait here, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” of the other train service members slid open the door leading to another passenger cart, ready to follow his chief outside, Favoria could see several other members not too far away with the same thoughts displayed on their faces.

“You all wait here, attend to the passengers...if anything comes in here and tries to hurt anyone...Do what you must do.”

Silver Tongue, the stallion ready to follow his boss into the deepest foils of what may lie ahead simply nodded staunchly. “You and everyone else be safe out there.” Turning to the rest of the train service corps the stallion returned to his passenger cart, giving out the chief's orders.

Favoria hopped out of the passenger cart with a small smile in the stallion’s direction. Once on the ground, her eyes managed to catch one of the crew members quickly coming up to the mare looking quite out of breath.

“Chief, you gotta come with me, quickly! The others need our help!” the mare said prancing on her hooves, a look of great fear and concern on her face.

Slightly startled Favoria’s eyes quickly darted around for any signs of trouble before resting on her friend, LC One of the things Favoria noticed was the small cut against her friend’s cheek, and the now dirty and unkept uniform. Her brows scrunching together, Favoria nodded with determination.

“Lead the way.”

Favoria ran right beside LC, both breathing heavily as they left behind the train in their haste to make it back to where Ticketmaster, Rails, Coal Runner and the rest of the teams were, possibly in danger by who knows what lied in this forest.

Unlike the Everfree though Whisper Hollows didn’t contain the strange and bizarre creatures that the forest in Ponyville occupied, at least not any the chief had seen in all her times of going through theses woods.

“Their up ahead, just down that slight drop” LC’s voice said between heavy breaths. Favoria nodded, a sudden wave of concern and fear crashing into her as they neared the slope.

The closer the two service mares got, the louder sounds of some sort of struggle or fight was going on. An animal of sorts, maybe a manticore or something that growled. The beast sounding much fiercer just from its snarls.

Fear heightened the chief’s senses, empowering her strong legs as adrenaline glands poured adrenaline into her bloodstream, giving her the boost she needed to quickly pass her comrade and come to a stop right at the top of the slope.

Once both had reached the top, Favoria understood why she’d been called out here so quickly, she also understood the slight scratch on LC’s cheek and her dirty uniform. In fact sticking to code wasn’t the problem right now, what was the problem, was the body count that sent a level of fear up her spine that it made her legs slightly buckle.

Laying on the ground, down the slope and on a flatter level, were several members of the Equestrian Express crew. All of them in pain, groaning, spots of blood caking the ground around them. And the only pony trying to stand currently, was Coal Runner.

“Oh my...” Favoria said with a fearful whisper, slowly trotting down the slope before breaking into a run towards the weak pegasus.

Coal Runner now looked up ahead, his teeth gritted, his bottom lip and nose bleeding and he was raising one foreleg up so as not to apply any pressure, a few claw marks dragging across his back.

He coughed, then stumbled over to the side in a daze from the effort he put to move. He didn’t hit the ground, Favoria held him aloft with her back, carefully lifting the injured stallion up as she looked with pain written all over her face at her groaning allies. Some injured as bad as the lava pegasus, others not so much; merely unconscious.

“LC what happened here?” the mare asked, adjusting herself so she could get her forehooves around the injured stallion and see how bad he was injured.

The unicorn carefully trotted over, doing her best not to look at the black eyes of three stallions that had been knocked out by the thing she knew that had attacked them. “I...I honestly don’t know miss. Ticketmaster went ahead with Rails after he said we’d need to wait for the ice to thaw out. Coal Runner went after them a few minutes later, with a few others.”

“And then?” she asked seeing a very injured unicorn on the ground. The blood coming from his deep wound changing the color of the ground slowly. He was breathing steadily, but didn’t bother to move from the spot he lay.

“It was...a tiger...it had large teeth. And it did the strangest thing Chief, it could duplicate itself. And...” she trailed most likely recalling something awful.

“And what?” Favoria said firmly. She needed answers, she couldn’t have the others come out here if it meant more lives would be put in danger.

“And it could...change. It shifted forms on its own for some reason and kept on attacking, I only managed to escape when Coal Runner here came flying at us like a madman. He gave me the chance to get you” LC said sadly, gently rubbing Coal Runner’s side with a fetlock.

“After that...you know the rest.”

Favoria frowned, now in her forehooves his eyes shut, and his breathing unsteady was Coal Runner. She looked around, counting eight maybe ten bodies that needed medical attention three being unconscious.

After a few seconds of silence Favoria turned her gaze upon the unicorn and asked: “Do you know healing magic?”

LC froze, then slowly nodded slightly caught off by the question. “I know a bit, I can heal a few injuries but nothing too serious, best I can do is stop the bleeding for awhile and-”

“Do it” Favoria ordered.

LC wasted no time. She immediately got to work on healing Coal Runner, which took about four minutes, once he was well enough to move Coal Runner got up, but slowly. He’d need actualy medical attention when the train was able to move again.

Favoria ordered the unicorn to turn her attention to the bleeding unicorn laying on his side. The mare set to work healing him, this took much longer as the slash was deep, didn’t seem to hit any organs just cut bit deep was all.

Meanwhile Coal Runner and Favoria turned their attention to others.

While all this was going on, none of them noticed several pairs of eyes staring at them through the forest.

Minutes passed and things were starting to look a bit better. LC had managed to slightly heal two unicorns, who were now aiding in the healing process.

Everything changed when the bushes around them suddenly began to shake, and in an instant the group of 14 were surrounded on all sides. The creatures staring at them were all identical, each one having some sort of strange collar with sharp teeth on it. And the beast itself towered over the ponies by a good foot, its yellow eyes staring daggers as it let out a low, deep feral growl. Warning them all not to make any sudden moves. One of the tiger like beasts licked its lips at Coal Runner.

Coal Runner merely snorted and stomped his good hoof in defiance.

Those that were able, tried to stand and hold their own fiercest fighting stances, Coal Runner now glaring at the one that was trying to advance towards them till everything, even the enemy suddenly froze when they heard a voice.

“Heel boy.”

Every member of Equestrian Express tensed at the voice that spoke above them, the feeling of dread only worsened when each predator stopped their advance.

Something was tossed to the ground towards them, and everyone looked forward as the beasts with sharp teeth retreated to join the voice that spoke. None of the crew looked up to face the voice though. Their eyes had been drawn towards the hunched figure on the ground.

Rails, the driver of the train had one long line going down his cheek, blood slowly seeping out of the cut that had been done by no doubt a knife and was now bleeding slowly. As Rails lay on the ground he twitched, having received a shiner of his own and his chest heaving in and out in rapid breaths.

Favoria felt rage fill her as she moved in to comfort the old stallion, shooting a glare at the sabertooth beasts, then looking up towards their master.

A tall reptilian looking being with red eyes, and a very large jawline where gills could be seen on either side of the jaw bone, stood beside one of the tiger like creatures, gently stroking the top of its head with his hand, the beast purring as it was stroked. This figure towered over its pet, a good three feet at least and now stared down at the group of train crew injured or not, he simply stared at them blankly.

Coal Runner unfurled his wings and moved in front of Rails and Favoria who was comforting the dazed stallion. The pegasus was outraged, Rails was like an uncle to him, they’d been working the Equestrian Express together with Ticketmaster for the past six years together and now-

Coal Runner’s eyes widened as he stared at the taller biped. One hand stroked the head of the feline beast, the other was behind his back...holding something. A gut wrenching feeling came over the now bruised pegasus and he pawed the ground menacingly as he stared at this strange beast.

What did he do him?!

The hunter stared silently at the pegasus. It had been awhile since he’d come to Equestria, seven days now to be exact. But to a hunter time always flew by much quicker as all he had done was gather information.

For the past seven days the hunter had done nothing but study the ponies of this world in the shadows. Never making any sudden moves, never coming out into the open as he came to learn that they were easily doubtful of the unknown, and never being too conspicuous.

His original targets at first was Gwen and Kevin, but upon seeing that dragon with infinite amounts of power join sides with them, the hunter had decided to wait and watch in silence from a distance. Luckily when Count Down had hurled him and four other villains into this world, he hadn’t lost his gear or equipment so watching everything from afar had done just fine.

But now it was time to quit playing hide and seek, and emerge from the safety of the shadows. Khyber had decided he’d gotten enough information that he could use, especially since he’d learnt of Zombozo’s defeat earlier today in the morning.

“Where is he?” one of the pegasus spoke. If he recalled correctly during his brief fight with the pegasus, it- he, was called ‘Coal Runner’ he thought.

“I said where is he! Where’s the CONDUCTOR!!” the pegasus shouted in what Khyber amusingly saw as rage.

“He’s right here” Khyber answered, moving his arm from behind his back and lifting up the stallion in his hand. He held the unconscious unicorn by the scruff of his collar.

The look on these creatures that called themselves “Equestrians” intrigued the hunter greatly. He’d never met a sentient race of animals that spoke properly, vulpimancers aside they only spoke dog. Turning his attention back to his targets, Khyber noticed the look of utter rage all 14 members held at him.

Minus the slightly dazed driver who he’d need for his job. He was simply waiting things out, watching carefully. The driver would snap out of the uppercut he’d landed on Rails’ chin it was just a matter of time.

“Put him down” one of the crewmen said with some venom. Khyber nodded slowly, mulling the statement over. “Alright I’ll put him down” Khyber stated, the expressions of the entire crew shifting from anger to surprise then doubt.

But, you all have to do something for me.” Khyber said a smug smile crossing his mouth.

Coal Runner’s rage was beginning to reach its limit. He advanced, ignoring the warning growl one of the felines gave him.“What the hay makes you think we’d do anything for you you little-”

One of the tigers pounced forward as the fuming pegasus advanced, standing between Khyber and the engineer. This just made Coal Runner angrier.

“You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to” Khyber stated. “But just know that if you don’t,” he snapped his fingers and suddenly out of the forest shot vines that wrapped around every crew member, save for the lava pegasus with the mossy mane.

“My pets will make a meal out of your friends. And they haven’t had lunch yet, have you?” he asked gently scratching the feline’s ear.

Coal Runner’s eyes shrunk in horror, then turned to the hunter in bitter hatred. One powerful flap and he was in the air, picking up the speed as he soared high above all, and over the forest till only Khyber was in his sights.

Diving down at full speeds, ready to crush and eliminate this menace, Coal Runner braced for impact while Khyber simply stared with a smug smile.

Time slowed down for the pegasus as the tigers began to circle their master, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Coal Runner however felt that this was all over as he neared his target.

The thing the stallion seemed to forget though was that Khyber and those tigers weren’t the only thing he needed to watch out for.

As time slowed and Coal Runner closed the distance, something caught his eye as he came crashing down. It was...a single hair, that shot out like an arrow, embedding itself into the pegasus wings and instantly causing paralysis, as Coal Runner felt his wings begin to go numb.

With his wings no longer working the pegasus was now making a horrible plummet down to earth, and thanks to windspeed his target was no longer Khyber, but the ground, near most of his allies.

A horrible image forced its way into the pegasi’s mind as he plummeted to his doom. If he hit the ground, his allies would be covered in his remains. Coal Runner bit his lip, and shut his eyes. Khyber merely continued to watch with bating uninterest as the pegasus neared the ground.

At this point in time, Rails the train’s driver snapped out of his daze and immediately began to digest the situation they were in, before he noticed one of his own was now falling to his untimely death.

Seeing Ticketmaster still being held by Khyber’s hand, the vines around him tightening, not just on him but his entire crew, all of them squirming, struggling and doing as much as they could to free themselves from the vines, that had ensnared them, immobilized them, and sentenced them to death.

Time was running out. Coal Runner now had his eyes shut, accepting his fate as Rails could see. In an effort to free himself, the older earth pony managed to catch the glimpse of two yellow eyes peering at him and his trapped team, from where the vines came out of, and Khyber as Rails could still tell did not look like he was about to release his unconscious best friend.

“Clock’s ticking ‘Rails’” Khyber said slyly. “What is it going to be? I can leave, and maybe you and your crew go free. Then again I can stay, and save the life of that pegasus falling to the ground, and call of this whole thing if you simply agree to my terms.” He said, adding emphasis to the last words. “What’s it going to be sport, I’ve had my eyes on a trophy for quite some time and all I need is your help. You decide.”

Coal Runner was getting dangerously closer to the ground, three of the tigers had their eyes on him for when he would fall and make a mess so they could feed on him after. The beast in the shadows that had shot the pegasus down was no where in sight, and the creature keeping them in these vines continued to watch in silence.

Rails had to choose. Say no, somehow manage to save the pegasus and quickly head back to the train. Say yes, possibly end up losing his entire crew, and being forced to abide by this creature’s rules.

Sweat trickled down the side of the old earth pony’s face. For the first time in years, Rails Mechantis had actually broken a sweat. In all his years of working the Equestrian Express, in all his years of the dangers he’d seen while at Ponyville, Canterlot, Dodge City, etc, he’d never broken a sweat. Not at least till the first incident, Nightmare Moon’s appearance.

But here he was, now being forced to make a choice, lives possibly on the line if he didn’t act quickly. And judging from how close Coal Runner now was, he had about ten seconds.

“I..” the stallion said.

Nine Khyber counted.

“My answer is...” he stammered trying to think of something, only for his mind to come up blank. The pressure digging in on him like a wolf to a warm meal.


“We will agree to your terms...” he said unsurely.

“Are you sure? Khyber asked. The vines loosened a bit, easing up on the crew if only a little. Seven.

“I..” the driver paused unsure of his decision. Till a voice from one of the crewmen shouted. “We do not agree!”

Only three others shouted pained responses in agreement to the defiance.


“I see” Khyber said, with interest. Slowly he put Ticketmaster down on the back of one of the tigers, then gestured for the beast to move towards the crew members now being released from their vines.

“Is that your decision Rails?” Khyber asked the older stallion.

Rails remained silent, unsure of what his decision should be. He really was getting too old for this. Him and Ticketmaster both.

Khyber said nothing, to the stallion’s silence. Five, four. “I suppose I will be on my way then” he stated.

Three “Just like that?” LC asked clearly perplexed.

“Just like that” Khyber assured.

Two, Khyber silently moved forward then with quick reflexes jumped into the air. “One” he caught Coal Runner, landed roughly on the ground with a roll, then placed the pegasus down. Coal Runner twitched with fear, his pelt soaked with sweat.

“It looks like your friends have made their decision, while your boss remains indecisive with his” Khyber stated as he rose, the vines slowly receding back into the forest.

“R-Really?” the pegasus asked. Khyber nodded, as he rose stepped away from the ponies and allowed the tigers to surround him.

“Too bad they chose wrong.” Bringing his gloved fingers to his mouth, Khyber whistled. A long loud whistle that echoed through Whisper Hollows. This whistle echoed throughout the entire forest, coming in all different locations as various sounds, and even different voices till finally one drowned them all out.

The roar of a wyvern.

The wyvern, landed, beating its powerful wings as it did so, and stood behind its master, Khyber staring down at what it assumed would be its meal. Moving in for the kill, Khyber allowed the screams of all the crewmen to awaken the sleeping unicorn, Ticketmaster out of his slumber before he held a hand up to stop the creature.

Ticketmaster looked at his allies, saw their injuries then turned and looked behind him where he could feel a strong breath of air pour over him. The older unicorn let out a shrill scream, before silencing himself with a hoof.

“What’s going on?” he asked clearly terrified.

Khyber smiled, warmly. The wyvern wiped its menacing tail and brought it close to the group of crewmen for all of them to see. They all flinched wisely.

“I need assistance, and you are going to give it to me. Your friends have made their choice, and they will be taken in as minor trophies for my wall. Your decision still stands” Khyber stated.

Ticketmaster glanced at his friends, his crew, his second family, then looked at Khyber, his eyes shifting from the wyvern, to the group of tigers that surrounded their master protectively.

“I-...” Ticketmaster exhaled loudly. “Will you spare them if I accept.”

A wily smile on Khyber’s face was his only response. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

Author's Note:

WHEW! This one was long. Man, I was hoping on making this shorter like a 1k chapter but I ended up coming up with more as I kept typing and just couldn't resist on using Khyber's intellect and skills as a hunter to his advantage. Not gonna lie I had a little too much fun with this. I also believe the dark elements in this worked out pretty well because it could have gone either way.

Khyber could have a) let Coal Runner die, show them just how serious he is and let them all regret their choice, then play off that.
b) Could have turned things around by stating they chose wisely, and have his pets attack the train instead then force everyone to watch as he let his "prizes" tear the place apart. Invoking regret, anger, and grief.

There are other solutions and ways that I could have let Khyber play this out but I'd rather let you guys use your imagination.

Anyway for those of you that are wondering who Khyber is and what he looks like as stated in this chapter, Khyber is a hunter. Literal hunter, a huntsman really in a manner pf sorts you could say he is a poacher in terms of hunting animal, beasts or alien for sport and he likes to claim trophies. If you've seen Omniverse you know what "trophy" he is referring to in this chapter, if you haven't well its pretty obvious who it is. It's Ben.

It also kinda stinks that I don't have the time or the skill to make art for this, because I did have some great ideas for images that would have really helped the readers get a visual image of what was going on especially when the wyvern came in, but oh well, I suppose I'll make do with what I can. Here is Khyber's appearance:

Now for most of the villains if you guys have noticed I have been changing their forms or adjusting them in a way so that it works with MLP, this particular villain I won't be doing that. Khyber would be able to adapt quickly if he had been changed like many other villains may be, but for him to utilize his skills at a hunter the most considering he could still be prey for any of his pets, I decided to leave him the way he is after days of thought.

Ultimately Khyber is in it to win it, and as you all can see he's willing to go very far with what he desires. I may need to add a gore tag depending on the next chapter that'll be up in a few days.

In the mean time enjoy and let me know what you guys think

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