• Published 17th Oct 2015
  • 2,905 Views, 16 Comments

Tick-Tock The Bet is Up - Black Hailstorm

Ben has lost it all. He's lost everyone and everything he's held dear to him at points in his life, and just when he thought things were going to be good again everything goes haywire. Now alone and broken Ben must fight to save it all or lose it all

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Appearances are Deceiving

“How do I know you’re real?”

“Discord! Hey Discord come out here!” Kevin yelled at the tent.

From within he heard a poof followed by the sound of the tent unzipping before the creature of chaos stepped out.

“Yeeees?” he said with a smile. Kevin rolled his eyes, every time he talked to this guy there was always something that made him so unnaturally chipper it irked him.

“We’re here in Dodge City, we need you to show us around a bit, maybe a place to stay for the night it’s getting super late out and I’d rather get some place to sleep than on the ground.”

“Do you know of any places around here that would be good for the three of us?” Gwen asked looking towards the city’s main entrance.

Discord lifted his head to look up at Dodge City. It looked like any old natural suburban town, the sign with the city’s name saying “Welcome to Dodge City”, no more than a couple feet back from where they had came.

“I do, know of a few places” he said thoughtfully stroking his beard. “Here’s a thought. Why don’t you two go exploring a bit and I’ll catch up with you rascals when I’m done okay?”

“You sure you won’t lose us?” Gwen asked with some concern. Despite the immense amount of magic she could feel within Discord’s being a lot of things told her that leaving their guide wouldn’t be the best idea. She would have said so had Kevin not spoken up next, with a suggestion that intrigued her.

“Sure, maybe we could get a bite to eat. What do you say babe?” the steel earth pony asked.

Gwen looked from Kevin to Discord, biting her lip anxiously. As if reading her thoughts Discord smiled warmly and said “Don’t worry Gwen. I Pinkie Promise” he said flexing his wrist and instantly conjuring a cupcake. “That I will find you as soon as I possibly” he muttered the last word, “can. Go on go explore with your boyfriend. I’ll be back in a snap” and just like that snapping his fingers their strange and bizarre ally was gone.

Gwen sighed seeing that it would probably be better to get a good look around the town, before it got too dark for them to see anything at all. In the darkness of the night she could see only a few ponies roaming around, and so as not to make herself a easily target of the eye, she walked beside Kevin on all fours.

“So” Kevin said after a few minutes of silent walking between the two. “Do you think Ben might be here, this place? Somewhere in this world?”

From the sudden tension in Gwen’s body Kevin knew he had hit a topic she didn’t really want to focus too much on.

“No. No it’s okay” she said reassuringly when she noticed the retrusive look Kevin gave once she had relaxed. “I’m not sure Kevin. Back at the forest I was just worried you know- I mean. Count Down could have sent him anywhere, for all we know he could be in an entirely different dimension while we’re stuck here.

“I just wish we could do something to figure out where he is. You know?” she said sadly. Feeling a hoof wrap around her neck, the dracony nuzzled into Kevin’s arm for his embrace.

“It’ll be alright. Remember he’s not the type to just lay down and die, Ben’s tough he’ll find a way.”

“I am sooooo not liking this one bit!” Ben yelled as he followed behind Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash that were quickly maneuvering around branches as they tried to make their escape as quickly as possible.

“Hey! Don’t blame us. I told you to watch out for that twig when we were crossing those pack of sleeping Timberwolves” Dash yelled back, hearing the howl of the nature wolf beasts.

“Yeah! The second my hoof was already above the thing!” Ben yelled back, ducking just in the nick of time as a wooden claw came at him.

“How come these things don’t die when you hit them!?”

“It’s their magic,” Fluttershy stated. “It makes them tough to knock out or kill, it’ll take more than just a quick buck or boulder to completely demolish them, but um I suggest we focus on getting out of the forest first” she said pointing to the signs of light ahead of them.

“Aw thank goodness” Ben said really working up a sweat from this run. Rainbow Dash was the first to head out followed by Fluttershy, then Ben. The moment Ben had reached the free space that had been blocked by the forest Ben suddenly felt a sudden drop in the earth.

His eyes quickly looking before him the flash white stallion saw that he had just ran straight off a cliff right into a gorge waiting patiently for him to fall to his doom.

“I hate this place soo much!” he yelled as he fell, Rainbow Dash zooming in after him and the timberwolves having ceased their chase.

“Feeling better now?” Kevin asked Gwen who was still in his arms. She nodded and he smiled kissing her forehead. “Good. Also have you noticed the strange looks we’ve been getting?”

“What do you mean?” she said lifting her head up as he released her from his grip. The two were nearby an alley as they waited for Discord to return, and the dracony had just caught on to the strange looks she had been receiving from a few of the ponies that passed by them.

A few seemed to stare a bit more than necessary at the two of them more than the confused look some of the other natives gave when they passed by, Gwen simply wasn’t sure what to think till a young filly approached her.

“E-Excuse me” the little filly said shyly. Her light blue mane slightly covering her left eye.

Kevin said nothing as Gwen moved towards the young one, her form towering over the small equine which didn’t seem to scare it as much as it amazed her.

“A-Are you a draconequus?” the filly asked drawing circles in the dirt with her hoof. Gwen hesitated in response.

They honestly hadn’t thought about what they were this entire time, simply accepting it since she herself could change forms and Kevin technically did the same whenever he used his powers.

“Um, I suppose I am?” she said unsurely when she looked back at Kevin who shrugged. Turning her attention to the now attentive filly that stared at her with great interest in her eyes, the dracony couldn’t help but sense something. Gwen didn’t like it. Despite the equine being a child, something told her this wasn’t just plain interest but she hid it from her expression and voice. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh! I uh, was just curious is all” quickly changing the subject the filly asked “Is that your boyfriend?”

Both Gwen and Kevin exchanged confused looks. “Yes why do you-” but when she turned around the filly was gone. Gwen’s eyes narrowed as she scanned the streets, the filly she had just seen nowhere in sight.

“Well, that was...strange” Kevin said looking at all the ponies that moved about the dark streets of Dodge City carrying on with their own business. “Think we should check things out?” Kevin asked trotting up to Gwen who was still scanning the area.

“...No...no let’s just uh, get away from this alley” she said, and so the two moved on moving deeper into the city as they went.

From Kevin’s perspective he saw nothing strange, aside from the constant stares that ponies would give him and Gwen as they passed by. It was seriously starting to irritate him the way they were looking at his girl, like she was some kind of anomaly.

“It’s ok. I’m fine” Gwen assured him noticing the increased grimace. “It’s not like I care why they’re looking at me” she said with a shrug, “I’m sure Discord will be back any minute now anyway.”

“Yeah. He better be” Kevin growled, till his eye caught a couple sitting on the bench. A mare pegasus and a stallion were nestling up to each other, but something about it made Kevin stop and watch.

“Kevin!” Gwen admonished, her voice in a low whisper. “Leave them alone, what are you doing don’t-” she stopped also noticing what Kevin was intensely staring at.

For the normal eye these two would look like a completely normal couple, but to the two heroes who’d seen much worse, they saw something different entirely. The mare that had been so affectionately snuggling her coltfriend looked perfectly fine, content with the closeness of the two. The stallion however looked...weak almost. The vibe coming off him wasn’t more of affection, but more of a desire, instinct almost to stick with this mare.

The stallion not only seemed to be growing slightly stronger as he snuggled more with his lover, but at the same time the small signs of fatigue that had shone on him seemed to be fading at the same time, the more time that was spent between the two’s embrace.

It was like “Darkstar..” Gwen whispered.

Kevin pulled her away from the couple who seemed to be completely oblivious to them as they were merely just a few feet from the mare and her coltfriend seated on the bench.

“Cmon Gwen, let’s find Discord and get out of here. I don’t like this one bit” Gwen complied fully agreeing with Kevin. Everything about the place felt somewhat off. The filly, the strange looks they were constantly receiving, the stallion, and just where in the blue blazes was Discord!

A sudden cracking sound of thunder and a poof that stopped Kevin and Gwen in their tracks simultaneously scaring the living crud out of the ponies nearby was all they needed to know that Discord had arrived.

“I found a place” he said wearing a party hat and sunglasses, despite it being dead in the night.

“Why are you-” Gwen began only to be cut off by Kevin, who gently touched her shoulder, shaking his head with a look that said “Don’t ask.”

She took the hint.

Discord was grinning now taking his party hat off and throwing it somewhere behind him. “Now if you will please follow me I shall escort you to your resting quarters” the draconequus said suddenly dawning a British accent.

“Actually, I think it’d be better if we left here. Immediately” Gwen said causing Discord to freeze in his steps, turn and look at the dracony in front of him.

“We just thought it’d be better, you know reasons.”

Discord’s brow raised in question when Gwen didn’t elaborate further he sighed. “Look, this place is fine. I’m with you guys, so you have nothing to worry about. Besides there's nothing bad here, we certainly can’t go back empty handed and have Lulu on our case now can we?”

Both heroes cringed. “True” Gwen said, taking one last glance around the area to see all the ponies moving about in the night were heading home.

“Alright, lead the way.”

Heavy breathing and panting was the only thing that could be heard. After Rainbow Dash had saved Ben they had to escape a eel cave worm within the gorge before finally exiting the hole of doom and landing safely on the other side where Fluttershy was waiting.

“Why weren’t you helping?” Ben asked Fluttershy once he had managed to catch his breath having ran the moment Rainbow Dash dropped him.

“I um don’t think I would’ve been much help in that situation” Fluttershy admitted.

Ben sighed. “Are we anywhere near Dodge City yet?”

Dash who floated a couple feet above him hollered “Just past these trees and a couple of feet out. I can see it from here, we should be there before dawn!”

Ben nodded, new conviction filling his eyes. Thanks to Fluttershy’s skill with animals they’d been told a group lead by the master of chaos had went by here not too long ago, with any luck as Rainbow Dash said they would be able to get there before the sun let up.

“I’m coming for you Morningstar” Ben said. “And I’m going to make sure you don’t harm anyone on my watch.” Unknown to him the yellow pegasus that had been trotting beside him gave the stallion a slightly confused look, wondering just how a dragon could be more dangerous than it already was.

“So this is the inn?” Kevin asked staring at the two story building, whistling at the crystal frames that seemed to shine even in the night and little light that came off the moon. Going inside with Discord in tow the group hit the bell where no doubt the innkeeper soon appeared from behind her desk.

“Hello Master of Chaos” the innkeeper said smiling at Discord who merely gave a wave of his wrist in a kind gesture. “These are the two extra guests you said you’d be bringing she said upon glancing at Kevin and Gwen.

Discord nodded, “Indeed, Satura. Would you mind showing them to their rooms, I’m feeling rather good right now so I think I’ll go take a stroll” and with that the draconequus snapped his paw donning a suit and cane.

“Don’t wait up.”

With Discord gone the innkeeper Satura, Kevin and Gwen stared silently at each other for a few seconds. Kevin catching the strange blank, intrigued look in the older mares eyes as she stared between the two.

The silence stretched into awkwardness the moment Kevin had caught the glint in her eye, and just as Kevin was about to ask when they would be heading to their rooms the mare turned around and clapped her forehooves together.

“Servus! Show our guests to their room” she called up the spiralling stairs. And in a few seconds a mustard colored stallion wearing a necktie and about a head shorter than Kevin, walked forward.

“Follow me” Servus said as he turned back towards the spiral staircase. Doing as they were told Kevin let Gwen go up the steps first. The entire time he could feel the innkeeper’s eyes firmly glued on them, but more in general on him. He simply pushed the thought away, not desiring the thought to grow any further.

Once up the steps and on to the second floor, the three made their way through the foyer, took a left then wait straight to a giant mahogany door. “Your rooms. The stallion said strangely enough digging into a hidden compartment in his tie and pulling out a pair of keys.

“Thanks?” Gwen said taking the keys in her paws.

The butler bowed, before turning around and walking back down to whatever position he had originated from upon call of his name, the clicking of his hooves slowing fading into silence.

Opening the door Gwen walked in, finding it much larger than she had expected. No doubt they had taken her size into consideration since the bed was twice the size of a king sized bed.

“Wow. They really know their stuff here huh?” Kevin said admiring the space and gold trimmings that had been displayed around the room.

“No kidding” Gwen said equally surprised. “Don’t think you’d find a low-grade room with this type of class anywhere. What did Discord say this was again?”

“I.G.” Kevin said after a few seconds of thought.

“What’s that mean?” He shrugged. “Well I guess it doesn’t matter, let’s just get some rest. We’ve got to get up in time if we’re going to catch Darkstar before afternoon tomorrow” she said before slithering under the covers, with the tip of her tail being the only thing that poked out.

Kevin followed in after, going around the bed and joined her on his side. A few seconds of silence ensued as the two stared at the ceiling awkwardly.

“You get any strange vibes from the ponies in this town?”
“A bunch.” Kevin said using one paw to support his head as he turned his body to face her. “Why?”

“It’s just...a lot of things don’t feel right here” she said pausing for silence as Kevin stared at her with some concern written on his face. “Maybe I should cast a spell on the door, or leave a charm. Just in case you know? I wouldn’t want-” Gwen was silenced by Kevin’s lips gently touching her own, her cheeks growing a slight red.

“Take it easy Gwen, everything’s going to be fine. I’ll make sure nothing bad happens, besides we do have the god of chaos on our side. What could go wrong?” he said with a sly smile.

Gwen exhaled tiredly. “Yeah I guess you’re right. I’ll be back” she said sliding out of the silk covers. “Going to the bathroom to take a bath, might as well since we practically spent most of our time in battle. Why not take the chance to have a decent bath now?” she said to herself more than to Kevin.

Kevin watched her open the door and before she completely disappeared he whistled for her attention.

“Yeah?” she asked with a raised brow.

“Think we could. You know” he said raising both brows in a sly suggestive manner.

It took a second for Gwen to catch on to what he was suggesting. “Kevin!” she said her cheeks turning a bright shade of red that almost matched her bright orange hair. Her paw glowing in pink aura slamming a pillow into Kevin’s face. With a huff she slammed the door, ignoring Kevin’s protests.

“What?! I was just going to say we hug!” he said till he heard another loud “hmph” from Gwen, the steel stallion couldn’t help but grin.

Leaning back in the bed Kevin looked up at the ceiling. “What could possibly go wrong” both him and Gwen had said simultaneously without realizing it.

“Yes” a voice said behind Gwen who was now heading to the spring spas she had seen on her way up.

“What could possibly go wrong?” the voice of the innkeeper said behind Gwen. And before she could react she felt a thunk, before falling to the ground. Her consciousness slowly fading.

Satura slowly trotted up to the dracony as she raised her paw in an attempt to magically blast her but her consciousness won the fight. The last thing she saw was a flash of green light. And dark hooves.

“What could possibly go wrong indeed” Gwen sarcastically nipped at herself before all went black.

*** ****** ***

“Everything is all wrong” Ben said staring at Dodge City. “What is this Fluttershy? I thought you said the crows that saw the three figures headed this way way said this place was strange. There’s nothing strange about this place aside from ponies constantly flaunting their affection!” Ben said clearly disturbed by how freely a few couples were all mushy, especially since it was so late at night.

“I-I’m sorry but um that’s what they said. They said a lot of weird things happens here whenever new people come to this town. They didn’t specify what though since they said they were never really around long enough to take notice” the yellow pegasus beside Ben explained.

“Well I say we just go in questions blazing” Dash said while she hovered. “Won’t know till we put some pressure on them” she said with a confident nod of her head.

“I like this one” Ben said nodding at Rainbow Dash with a smile, one she returned right back at him.

Fluttershy was looking around till she felt something poke her flank. Screeching with an “eep!” and jumping into Ben’s arms the mare looked to the area the thing that had touched her came from.

A stick floated in midair soon enough followed by small laughter.

Ben stared at the mare in his arms while he sat on his haunches waiting for her to get down. “Um...Fluttershy?”

“Oh yeah, sorry” she said a slight touch of red coming to her cheeks before she turned to the floating stick looking slightly crossed. “Discord! What have I told you about scaring me like that?”

“Oh dear Fluttershy you know I can’t help a good laugh” the draconequus said materializing from into existence. “Oh and who do we have here?” he asked eyeing Ben when he saw the stallion behind her.

Discord’s reaction went from cheerful to sly interest. “Oh I see. Fluttershy you’re more of a Diamond Dog than I thought, sinking your claws into this, this stallion here” the draconequus said smacking Ben’s rump with his tail, earning a scowl before quickly looking away innocently.

“That’s not what it’s like!” Fluttershy retorted, her cheeks still red from earlier.

Discord immediately turned his attention to Dash not waiting for Fluttershy to explain who this new stallion was. “Then perhaps” he gasped dramatically.

“Rainbow Dash, you really do make a mad chase for whatever you want huh?” he said nudging her in the ribs much to her slight annoyance.

“We came here to search for a dragon that, injured a Ursa Minor cub. We’re helping Ben find it” Fluttershy said trotting up to Discord, who was still nudging Dash.

“Ben?” the draconequus said stopping in his tracks. “You’re Ben?”

“The one and only” Ben said haughtily. “Why?”

Discord stroked his beard thoughtfully, wondering if it would be better to keep silent or just make an excuse. In all honesty he’d rather like seeing how the three would react upon seeing each other coincidentally, in the same town. Then he looked at Fluttershy and Dash.

Should I lie or keep this to myself? Obviously Flutters wouldn’t like it but old habits die hard he thought with a shrug, Ben’s voice dragging him back to attention.

“Dude, you gonna say how you know me or what?”

And you just gave me my answer.

Smiling Discord floated away from Dash and around the flash white stallion. “Oh you know, being the Master of Chaos I have my ways” he said obviously knowing it was a lie, but from Ben and the others looks they didn’t seem to know that.

“Oh? Okay- Wait you’re the master of Chaos?!” Ben asked exasperated. Discord grinned. He never found anybody that would be interested in hearing his shenanigans so this was going to be quite the change for him

“You and I have quite a bit to talk about” the draconequus said putting his arm convivialy around Ben, as he led them towards the inn.

Kevin had been waiting patiently for Gwen to come back from the bath. After what felt like half an hour of waiting he got up and left to take a bath of his own. Feeling it wouldn’t necessarily be right when his lady’s all nice and clean, while he has bits of dirt on him here and there.

Once back from his bath upon entering the room the stallion found Gwen waiting for him right in their bed.

“Hey what took you so long?” he asked trotting around and sliding back into bed beside her.

Gwen smiled. “It has been a long day” she said.

“Tell me about it” Kevin said leaning back on his pillow as he used his cannons to support his head. Gwen promptly rested her head beside him nuzzling his side.

“Oh, getting a little affectionate aren’t we?” Kevin said grinning slightly.

“You have no idea” she said coquettishly, her tail slowly wrapping around Kevin’s slightly surprisng him.

“I see.” Kevin said. “Well then let’s get to bed shall. Big day tomorrow and all right?” he said getting up to turn off the lights.

“I’ve got it” Gwen said quickly getting up turning off all the lights and sliding back into bed beside Kevin.

The two nestled close against each other, both soaking in the others presence and body heat. The silence was peaceful, calm. Something Kevin hadn’t felt in a long long time. Till Gwen’s voice distracted him.

“Hey Kevin?” she whispered in the dark, her breath gently tickling his ear.

“Yeah babe?”
“Do you love me?”

Kevin felt awkward. The question threw him off, and he didn’t get why she wanted to hear that now since they were holding each other like this.

“You know I do babe...why?” he asked the confusion clear in his voice.

“No reason” Gwen said quietly sighing as if all was right with the world. “I just wanted to hear you say it.” Her grip around Kevin tightened a bit as she brought the confused stallion closer to her.

A sudden slight chill going through the room as the A/C automatically turned on to cold. “Hey babe could you get that please? It’s closer to you.”

“Not a problem” Gwen said turning around ever so slightly and pointing her amethyst wolf paw to the A/C the machine became surrounded in green light before shutting down. Kevin hadn’t noticed as Gwen intentionally allowed her tail to playfully wrap around Kevin’s to distract his attention when she had used her magic.

With the green aura around her paw fading the dracony turned back to Kevin as he told her to stop messing around and get some sleep. Eventually silence ensued once again as the two cuddled, a small dark smile forming on Gwen’s lips.

*** ***** ***

In the darkness Gwen was now coming back to her senses. Her head still ached from the blow she had received and from what she could tell her leg had been chained up. The sound of clicking in the dark space she was in soon came in.

Eventually a small form of light came into view in the cave she was in as she watched Kevin trot up to her carrying a lamp.

“Hey babe, what are -”

“You’re not my Kevin. Pretty lame attempt also since I’m chained up don’t you think. Who are you?” Gwen said bitterly,

The fake immediately frowned having dropped the act. Turning around it hissed and spoke in a language that was incomprehensible to Gwen, before saying to her “You should’ve just acted like everything was normal, it would've have been better for you.”

Gwen watched the fake Kevin trot back into the darkness. Turning towards the chain that bound her to the back of the cave the dracony immedaitely broke it and rushed after the fake Kevin in an attempt to escape, only to hit a magical invisible wall that prevented her from leaving.

From outside she could hear the sound of feet, claws almost, scratching the earth each time as they lifted off the ground.

Then a familiar voice called to her, which sent a shiver down her spine as the figure of a bright red dragon wearing a purple-black cloak that reached to his elbows appeared thanks to the lights view.

“Hello there Lovely Gwen, it’s been quite some time since we’ve met” said the young looking dragon. “It’s always a pleasure to feed off you” the dragon bowed his gold hair falling carelessly over his right eye.

“Darkstar.” Gwen said staring darkly at the dragon before her.

“The one and only” he said smiling. “Now let’s see what you have for me today” his hand glew a faint shade of yellow before striking Gwen and slowly sapping her energy.

“MMMmmm” Darkstar moaned. “I almost forgot how eloquent Anodite magic is” he said licking his lips slowly. When Gwen started showing signs of fighting back the dragon merely added more pressure earning a rather loud scream from her. And a dark smirk from him.

“No one will hear you Gwen, no one aside from my new friends here. I see you’ve met them. Interesting little creatures. In a lot of ways they're like me, starving and just looking for a little. Bit. Of. Love.”

Increasing the force of draining by adding his other hand Darkstar cackled as Gwen fell to the ground screaming in pain as he zapped the magic from her. Flashes of light illuminated the cave in the desolate taverns as the screams echoed and died in the wind.

After a few minutes of painful endurement Darkstar stopped having taken in a small fill, feeling a bit better now. Gwen lay on the ground groaning, her entire body felt like it was on fire.

“Oh my dear Gwen” the red dragon said as his bright blue eyes stared down at her. “Taking away your magic. Bit by bit. Is going to be more fun than you can imagine. But I have one question" he said recalling his favorite line he had heard them use once catching their pray.

"Do you love me?” he asked with a wry smirk, as Gwen’s face contorted in disgust.

“Bite me” she managed to say. Darkstar’s wry grin faded and his claw glowed a bright yellow. “Don’t worry lovely Gwen. I’d love to” another flash of light occurred. Gwen’s screaming reaching a higher pitch all while the demon before her drained her of her magic.

And only one thing remained vivid in her mind.

Kevin lay in bed with the imposter.

Author's Note:

Man this was fun making. I had a bit too much fun using Darkstar in this chapter. Implementing him with the you know who, was something that literally came to me one day and I have no regrets doing so since both of them use the same methods to survive. Anyway leave comments as you please always looking forward to seeing what my readers have to say.