• Published 17th Oct 2015
  • 2,903 Views, 16 Comments

Tick-Tock The Bet is Up - Black Hailstorm

Ben has lost it all. He's lost everyone and everything he's held dear to him at points in his life, and just when he thought things were going to be good again everything goes haywire. Now alone and broken Ben must fight to save it all or lose it all

  • ...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Here it is. And here’s why

Okay. This is the reason, we’re here

It was now morning and Princess Celestia, princess of the sun and fellow ruler of Equestria was not in the least bit pleased. Ever since the stallion known as “Ben” and his group of friends emerged, Equestria has been facing more than their usual share of “shenanigans” more than could ever be considered usual or the normal levels of destruction they were used to.

And frankly she didn’t understand why.

Whatever would happen to Zombozo as Celestia had informed Gwen would be up to the court of Canterlot to handle, since the criminal had wronged the citizens of the capitol and Ponyville, he would face his punishments here. And from Luna’s glare as she had watched the criminal get taken away it would be severe.

Ben was currently with Rainbow Dash, Rook, Gwen, and Kevin. After Zombozo had been taken care of by the two princesses, Luna being infuriated having been taken over and used like a puppet.

With Zombozo in jail, heavily guarded and out of sight and mind Celestia turned her attention to the group of heroes that had risked life and limb to return them all from his mind controlled state.

“I thank you all greatly for helping us in our time of need” Celestia said to the group with a smile. “However there is something I would like to know” she said as her smile slowly faded. Turning around and expanding the distance between her and the others Princess Celestia moved towards her sister’s side who was at the end of the throne room.

“Ben” she called to the former human. Ben turned looked at Celestia then cocked a brow in the others direction, particularly at Rainbow Dash. She shrugged but gestured for him to go forward. So he did.

Walking towards Princess Celestia, Ben stopped in front of both the princesses and noticed the looks in their eyes.

Both were confused. And also not at all pleased.

“Ben, could you explain to us how any of this happened. Who was that thing? It looked like a penguin, but the penguins haven’t been anywhere near Equestria ever since it was founded by the three tribes eons ago” Celestia explained.

“So pray tell, how is it that there was such a mutated being of such power here on our land?” Luna asked.

Ben sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof. He knew this would come. Being sent here meant that things were bound to turn this way. If Count Down was currently laying waste to his homeworld, or flushing out most of Ben’s allies and villains then it wasn’t a surprise things turned out this way.

In fact it was expected. Count Down had promised him a year in their deal. So far he’d spent six days now in Equestria and in that short span he’d faced off against Darkstar and a horde of changelings with their queen, taken down and avoided zombie-fy ponies and had just beaten Zombozo with his friends help.

All in six days. There are 365 days in a year.

How much more would come his way if things continued like this? He’d lost the omnitrix and just about a couple hours ago he thought that he’d finally regained the device that gave him an edge.

That would provide him some form of comfort if things got too bad and when they were in a tight jam. But after seeing what had been sent to him was nothing but a fake (undoubtedly put together by Count Down himself) Ben was sure that things were only going to get worse from here on out.

“Ben” one of the sister’s voices called him back to attention. Ben snapped to attention his eyes looking up into those bright magenta eyes that belonged to the empress of the sun.

“Right- Zombozo” Ben said with a sheepish smile. Both sisters merely cocked a brow quizzically.

“Who is Zombozo?” Luna asked.

“He is the penguin you two helped defeat princess” Rook said trotting towards the three.

“I see. If you don’t mind us asking but who are you? I didn’t think another zebra would leave the Grassy Plains to come here wearing...such strange armor” Celestia said studying the armor on Rook’s body.

“I am Rook Blonko. A Plumber and I apologize for all the trouble we have brought to your country since our arrival” the Revonnahgander said with a slight bow of his head.

Luna and Celestia looked at each other before Celestia’s smile returned. “It is alright. I’m sure you and your friends did not mean for any of this to happen. But we do have one question. Why is this happening?”

Rook looked at Ben, taking note of that look he got whenever he was considering whether or not he should say something and how it would affect things if he did.

“Ben I think it’s best we tell them” Gwen said. Celestia and Luna looked up.

Luna smiled, waving her hoof at Gwen and Kevin who waved back. Celestia looked genuinely surprised to see another draconequus in their midst. Let alone a stallion that nearly was her height.

“I gotta agree with Gwen on this one Ben.” Kevin said. “We have to tell them. If we’re going to end up meeting more of our old rivals, it’s best we let the leaders of this world know the truth before we end up making ourselves a primary target on both ends of the spectrum.”

Ben’s ears fell to the side of his head. His face taking shape one of heavy thought as he considered this. I can tell them, but what would they do if I do say it? A frustrated sigh escaped Ben as he looked back at the diarchy and gave them a small smile.

“Could you give me a few minutes with my friends?”

Celestia nodded. “Go ahead.” The two sisters moved away as Ben moved over to his friends, Rainbow Dash joining in.

Raising a hoof to stop her Ben shook his head. “Not you Dash.”

Dash stared at him with a look of disbelief and a playful snicker. “Heh what do you mean? I’m your friend right?” It wasn’t a question

Ben nodded. “You are, but I can’t have you hear what we’re about to discuss. It’s private and it doesn’t concern you. At least not yet” he said turning towards the others.

Rainbow Dash watched Ben trot out of the room following Rook, Gwen, and Kevin outside the throne room.

The pegasus couldn’t help but feel a little angry at the stallion for basically telling her she wasn’t important enough to know what they were going to talk about. With a huff she turned her attention to the princesses.

She wanted to know how the others were doing back in Ponyville anyway.

Things were a mess. Everything in Ben’s current opinion was just one giant train wreck and he had no idea how to fix the current problem.

“So” he said after they’d closed the doors behind them and were left alone in the corridor. “What do we do?” he asked.

“I say we tell them” Kevin stated. “We got this far only with their help. I don’t see why hiding the truth from them would do us any better, besides we aren’t the ones that remember what happened last time we faced Count Down. You do” Kevin said pointing a hoof a Ben.

“That’s right” Gwen said now realizing something crucial had been missing. “Ben, what did Count Down tell you before sending you-- us to this world? Rook he must have told you something also right?”

“Now that you mention it” Kevin said, “I never did ask how you got here or why we were sent here in the first place. We go through alternate dimensions like kids go to the ice cream truck it completely slipped my mind.”

Rook opened his mouth to speak but Ben silenced the Revonnahgander with a slight raise of his hoof, letting him know that he was going to explain things..

“You’re right Gwen. Count Down did say something before sending me here. I just never planned to mention it to you and Kevin till I figured things out but with the way things have been turning out” Ben stared at the ground as if it would give him some answers.

“It seems I have no choice.”

Gwen and Kevin looked at each other before moving towards the stallion, Rook giving them some room as the three crowded around him.

Ben took a deep breath before speaking. Recalling fully the reason he was here, it wasn’t for luxury or anything minor like a mini villain. It was because he had a mission. And if he didn’t get help sooner or later, the time he’d made a deal to use would eventually be spent. And then things would get really bad.

“Alright, you two remember our fight with Count Down right, before you were knocked out?” he asked staring at Kevin and Gwen.

After a few seconds of silent thought, Gwen slowly nodded. “I remember using an attack on him with a lot of mana. But it just bounced off him like nothing. What kind of armor is he wearing anyway?”

The group looked at Kevin and Rook who were basically their alien tech experts. But the two merely shrugged.

“I can’t tell you anything. I’ve never seen armor of that caliber before able to bounce off any attack. Especially one like Gwen’s. Even Vulcanus' armor was incapable of doing that and it’s some pretty high level tech he got to get such a sweet suit” Kevin explained.

“Rook?” Ben asked.

The zebra shook his head. “I cannot help you there either Ben. His armor is of material my people have never seen before. Nor have ever witnessed such durability.”

Ben sighed in frustration. “So we’ve got nothing new. Alright, that’s fine. Anyway” Ben said getting back to the point. “After you two were knocked out Count Down and I had a showdown. We fought for minutes, nearly an hour before he finally decided to get serious.” Ben’s expression hardened.

“So he wiped the floor with you.” The look in Ben’s eyes just made Kevin snicker.

“Basically yeah.”

“So what happened afterwards?”

“What didn’t happen? He beat me and was about to destroy me and everything and everyone else” Ben said. “But I made a deal with him.”

“Which was?”

“A year. I have one year to find a way back to earth with enough power to face him. Whether I’ll get the omnitrix back or not, I don’t have a clue. But if in one year exactly I’m not back Count Down destroys everything. All the planets, all the galaxies, all the worlds, the multiverse. Everything dies. And it’ll be on my hands if I can’t find a way to stop him.”

Silence filled the corridor once Ben had finished speaking. This was news, heavy, heavy news. This wasn’t an invasion they were talking about. This wasn’t about the world, a couple planets or the universe they were talking about. For once in his life it wasn’t even about the omnitrix. This was about all of existence, all of life. Going to be extinguished, if Ben couldn’t get back.

Rook sat down, rubbing his temple. “This is...much bigger than I had imagined. I did not know the reason for Count Down sending you here, all I knew is that if we were to stand a chance I needed to find you all and bring you back. But...this...this changes everything.”

Silence once again took over. Each hero lost in their thoughts. Sure you could say this was nothing knew. Gwen, Kevin, Ben, and Rook had all had their fair share of saving the world and the universe a multiple of times. Probably more so than any other hero in the entire world.

But when you sit down and think about it. When you realize that this wasn’t just billions of billions of billions of lives weighed on their shoulders, more particularly on Ben’s shoulders. This was all life. Not just theirs but everyone's.

This was big. This is HUGE.

Reality had never been more clearer than this exact moment to Ben and the others.

Kevin finally broke the silence that held everyone’s tongue for so long. “So...we have a year right? We just need to make use of it as best we can” he said moving towards the throne room doors.

“What are you doing?” Rook asked.

“Going to tell them, what other choice do we have?”

“Is it possible they would think we invited this problem to their world though?” Gwen asked thinking out loud.’’

“That’s what I was worried about” Ben said. “I never mentioned anything at first because I was hoping something good would happen, but after Zombozo’s stunt. I’m not sure what they’ll think if we tell them the truth now.”

Hoofsteps followed by the creak of the throne room doors as they were opened with magic, told the group that while they’d been talking someone had been listening.

Rainbow Dash peeked out to the others and waved a hoof for them to come back inside. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna want to talk to you” she said, and with that the mare’s head disappeared back into the throne room.

Ben looked at the others all of whom weren’t sure of what to say with them now noticing Rainbow Dash had been listening in on them.

Shrugging Kevin passed Ben and went inside, Rook followed after, then Gwen cast one last look at her cousin before she followed the zebra and stallion inside.

Ben was left alone at the corridor for a few seconds as he quickly decided to make up his mind and let what would happen afterwards just play out as it always did.

Ultimately he had decided to tell them everything.

Ben and the others now stood before Princess Celestia and Luna in a column. Rainbow Dash stood beside Princess Luna not expressing any form of surprise at the stuff she had heard. In fact the pegasus was staring at them all with a calm look on her face.

Ben couldn’t help but feel there was something more to her demeanor.

“Ben, are you ready to explain to us why this strange event occurred?” the princess asked.

Gwen, Kevin, and Rook looked at their friend who hesitated for a second before nodding.

Ben explained everything. How he wasn’t an earth pony, how he was a human. How the draconequus before them and the real tall stallion, along with the zebra in armor weren’t from Equestria either. But were from a planet called Earth.

Princess Celestia remained expressionless, Luna the same but would every now and then break her superior silence and show signs of interest. Rainbow Dash who had originally been calm kept her ears perked up the entire time Ben was talking.

In order for Ben to start on how things could ever have gotten to this point he had to start from the beginning. The very beginning, meaning when he first got the omnitrix. From there he summarized most of his adventures, Gwen and Kevin putting their input every now and then except on when Ben had mentioned how Kevin and him had first met where the steel stallion had remained silent.

Continuing his story Ben explained what the omnitrix was and why it was important. He explained only a little bit of how it worked since he felt it wasn’t necessary to explain the complications of such a device to beings who had magic at their disposal.

Skipping a majority of the “good” parts that Ben considered could be the most important, Ben just went ahead and mentioned a few villains him and the others had faced. Charmcaster, Hex, Dr. Animo -who Ben hoped would never come to this world- Vilgax, Pysphon, Darkstar, who Luna seemed to mention knowing.

Gwen and Kevin informed her they had taken care of him, but he had managed to escape with the changeling queen, Chrysalis. Celestia’s expression grew stern at this statement. In other parts of the story she had merely expressed surprise but this particular statement made her wary.

“Continue” she said after a few moments of silence.

Ben did.

Finally after nearly an hour of explaining how Ben came to where he was, with the occasional sips of water every now and then so his throat wouldn’t get parched Ben explained Count Down, their duel and his bet with the interstellar being.

“So” Ben said taking in a deep breath. “There you have it. That’s everything you need to know” he finished chugging the rest of his water.

Both Princesses said nothing. The amount of information they’d received, the power that this Count Down being had just judging from how Ben had said he’d been so easily able to defeat each and every alien Ben hurled at him was...hard to imagine.

Then there was Ben and his friends, Celestia thought. As she stared at the stallion she couldn’t help but feel...the emotion was even hard to explain. It wasn’t pity, no, it certainly was not that. Pity would be an insult. It...it definitely wasn’t joy, Ben and his friends life had been through many difficult and trying challenges. And from the age of ten to begin with.

In Equestria he would be no older than a young colt. And it was quite a feat for a colt or rather a chilld so young to have fought a being so powerful and intimidating such as Vilgax at such a young age. Only to continue in the few trials Ben and Gwen and Kevin had mentioned in their later years.

Luna on the other hand as she stared at the stallion when he had finished explaining his story felt nothing but proud for him. Pride even filled her very being for knowing such a pony was now in their presence.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends possibly would not have been as capable as doing some of the things Ben has done himself at such an age. Considering that Twilight had became Celestia’s personal student at 8 as her sister had informed her and would not have been ready for the challenges she faced in filly years when compared to her teenage years.

As Luna gazed at the former humans and alien a realization came to her. Ben had started with the omnitrix, a device he had never known how to use at 10. Him, and his cousin Gwen along with their grandfather had gotten into all kinds of trouble with a device they never fully understood, let alone one he barely knew how to use until quite some time later. And as the others had constantly said through Ben’s stories he was still having trouble with the device.

Twilight Sparkle however, she had learned. Studied diligently as Celestia had informed her and as she had noticed herself with magic since foal hood. And despite her accession to becoming a princess and joining herself and her sister, Luna could tell that these two were both extremely different yet slightly similar at the same time.

One had no idea what they were doing from the beginning. And still didn't now, but worked hard when the time was right. The other had worked hard from the beginning, been studious to the point of insanity, Celestia noted. And now was unsure of what to do since becoming a princess. Yet still worked hard even now.

A smile crossed her face which Ben awkwardly returned after the two had said nothing for nearly two minutes now. It was Rainbow Dash who spoke next.

“Wow...and I thought you were brave before. Hearing that just takes the cake” she said staring at Ben with a light in her eyes. “Same goes for you guys also” she said looking up at Kevin, Gwen and Rook. “My friends and I have been through our share of ordeals but...I don’t think we could fully handle what you’ve been through or are now going through now.”

Ben’s awkward smile shifted into a more proud one. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“It does feel good to get some appreciation now and then” Gwen said with a smile.

“Tell me about it. Way better than back home” Kevin said sitting down.

“Appreciation aside” Rook said drawing attention back to the matter at hand. “Princess. We’ve told you why we are here and what you need to know. Now the matter is what you both want to do with that information.

“I assure you, it was never our intention to bring trouble to your world it was just-” Princess Celestia used the tip of her wing to silence Rook. On her face was a smile.

“I understand” she said knowingly. “Your actions have been valiant and what you have done to right what has happened will not be forgotten. As for anymore disturbances, threat not. Luna and I will rally our guards once the ponies of Canterlot have had their rest. In the meantime our discussion must continue.”

“We will need to know as much as you can offer in case anymore villains appear here in Equestria” Luna informed. “In the process we will prepare rooms for your stay. You may leave tomorrow after our discussions have ended. Rainbow Dash you may stay and listen as well so you can inform your friends of the news” she said looking at the pegasus.

Dash nodded.

“Wait that reminds me, how are the others doing?” Ben asked standing alert once again.

Princess Celestia smiled at his compassion. “They are fine, do not worry. Come we will continue our discussion in the royal hall.”

“Why there?” Kevin asked.

Celestia glanced back at the stallion sharing another bright smile as she made her way towards the throne room doors. “It is morning isn’t it? I would assume you would be hungry after last night’s fight” she said kindly leading the way, Luna following her sister after she nodded her head towards the others.

Kevin, Gwen, Dash, Ben, and Rook all looked at each other before Ben shrugged.

“Can’t pass up a free meal by royalty can we?” he said taking the lead.

Dash and the others followed in tow shortly after. There the discussion would continue. Precautions would be made. And the next day Ben and the others would return to Ponyville to begin figuring things out.

Things had just begun.

Author's Note:

Decided to do a bit of a comparison with Ben and Twilight. Think it turned out well.
