• Published 17th Oct 2015
  • 2,905 Views, 16 Comments

Tick-Tock The Bet is Up - Black Hailstorm

Ben has lost it all. He's lost everyone and everything he's held dear to him at points in his life, and just when he thought things were going to be good again everything goes haywire. Now alone and broken Ben must fight to save it all or lose it all

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: A Trap
Oh no

Drip, Drip, Drip.

The only sound that could be audibly heard in the caverns of BadLand as a ruby red dragon slowly made his way out of one of the many caves that his comrades had occupied. Looking around he could see many of them were still hungry, starving just like he used to, that is till they captured his new prey.

As Darkstar made his way through the changeling’s new home he couldn’t help but feel genuinely sorry for them. He knew what hunger- real hunger was like. He’d been through it just two days ago till they brought him his favorite dish. And just as he had promised he had made sure to incorporate his skill in getting them the food they so desperately desired.

Dodge City. That was the food he had promised.

Though learning from their leader that they had been doing just fine with the small amounts of food they were managing to steal from the townspeople in intervals the dragon had assured the Changeling Queen such attempts would only drive her people near insanity if they did not get a longer lasting sustenance. So he had made sure of it.

Using his magic he had taken on the form of a business pony passing through town taking pictures of the inhabitants of the city. Only to return and show those very same images to the shapeshifting creatures and then slowly incorporate them into that loving society at a much faster pace than they could ever have managed by their method of abducting and returning the folk months later.

Already half of the changeling populace had firmly integrated themselves within the community. And when Gwen Tennyson through her pain and rage had stated that Kevin E. Levin was not to far away, that the man that had been his rival, his enemy was not too far away, the dragon smirked.

“What...what are you grinning at?” he recalled Gwen asking weakly as she forced herself to a sitting position her breath ragged and heavy.

Darkstar’s smile merely widened.

“Nothing my dear Gwen. I was simply marvelling at how easy you’ve made this for my new friends. And more importantly, me.”

The dracony obviously had trouble following, they had spent minutes, hours possibly -she wasn’t really sure of the timespan but quite a bit of time had been spent in draining her of her mana. And she was very weak, but not weak enough to get where this was heading.

“W-What did you do Michael. What have-”

“You do not call me that name. Ever” red dragon breathed with venom. “To you I’m Darkstar. To these creatures I am a friend. To them I am Michael Morningstar, but to you.” He licked his lips slowly staring down the dracony before him.

Walking through the barrier and lifting her head up Darkstar lifted Gwen’s drooping head to face him. His maw mere inches from the angered and weak look she had on her face.

“But to you my dear Gwen. I am Darkstar” he said with a chuckle. Gwen shoved his hand away from her and looked away with a look of pity and anger.

“You could have been a good guy Michael” she said quietly as he began turning away. “But you chose this for yourself. No one did this to you, but you” Gwen’s words echoed in his head as he came to a stop a few feet away from the largest cavern in this desolate area.

The dripping sound gone and faded and only silence filling the area, the dragon now stood as his smug grin had turned into a dark scowl. “I did what I had to do to survive” he had told Gwen with a silent anger.

And now I’m going to help them survive,” he thought as his own words pushed him onward the dragon walked up to the cavern that was now being guarded by a group of changelings. Each assuming a vicious form from the Everfree forest. Upon seeing their comrade they changed back to their normal forms and bowed.

“She has been waiting for you” said a familiar voice. One of the changelings trotted up to the dragon looking him in the eyes. “Follow me. I will lead you to her.”

Darkstar nodded.If Kevin and his new friends are in Dodge City, then it’s time I enact my plan. “It’s time we set up this trap.”

Kevin, Ben, Gwen, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Discord were now making their way through the farther end of Dodge City. The deeper they went the more gushy intimacy they saw, and the more clingy Gwen became, although only in a subtle manner.

Ben had begun wondering why Gwen had become so clingy. It wasn’t like his cousin to flaunt her relationship around like this. Ever. He was starting to wonder if she’d been bit by something during the trip through Everfree Forest. Deciding on questioning Kevin after the dracony had rather suddenly wrapped her tail around his, Ben moved over to voice his opinion of what he was seeing.

“So uh...what’s the deal with Gwen?” he asked when she had moved away slightly to give them the chance to talk.

“In all honesty Tennyson. I don’t have a clue. Gwen’s never this...flirty. And while it’s a sudden rather nice change I keep getting the feeling something’s not right about her” Kevin said turning to look at Gwen who merely smiled back at the two.

“Do you think something happened to her when you guys went through Everfree Forest?” Ben asked still staring at his cousin.

“I don’t think so” the steel stallion said rubbing the back of his head. “If it did then it sure took it’s time in showing signs.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Dash asked floating over the two stallions.

“None of your-” Kevin began only to be silenced by Ben placing a hoof on the stallion’s muzzle.

“Hey do you guys know of any bugs that can affect someone. Change their behavior. Make them more, I don’t know clingy?” he asked glancing over at Gwen.

Dash catching the drift of things signaled Fluttershy over.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

Kevin swatted Ben’s hand- hoof away from his mouth and spoke in a whisper.

“My girlfriend’s acting weird.”

"Well that’s not very nice” Fluttershy said with a disapproving frown.

“No, trust me he’s right. Gwen’s my cousin and there’s no way she’d show affection like this so blatantly in public. So we’ve been thinking she was bitten by something that could affect her like this. Is there?”

Fluttershy gave it some thought as they kept on moving.

“Umm. I don’t think there’s any in the Everfree Forest that could have the um clingy effect you’re talking about” she said, then added a “sorry” when she saw the sour looks the two stallions now held.

“Are you sure?” Kevin stressed after a few seconds of silent walking.

Fluttershy nodded. “Not that any I know of at least. Maybe Discord-”

“Did somebody say my name?” the draconequus said popping behind Fluttershy and slightly frightening the mare.

“Yeah these two want to know if there’s anything that can affect somepony with a bite. Like a bug or something. Make them more clingy and stuff. Right?” Dash asked the two below her, which they nodded in agreement.

“Is there anything like that in the forest Discord. Or even around here?” Kevin asked his voice slightly giving way to concern.

“Hmm” he said rubbing his jaw with his claw. “You know now that I think about it” he said with a sly grin only to stop and see the concern on Kevin’s face drop his jovial attitude like a stone.

Sighing Discord rubbed his temple and continued to lead the way speaking back to the others as they moved deeper and deeper into the city.

“No, Kevin there is nothing like a love infecting bug around here. At least not in this area” Discord said. “If Gwen is acting strange then it’s obviously due to something else” he said.

“Do you know what that hint could be?” Ben asked, as they all came to a stop behind the draconequus.

“Well” he said with a small smile. “I do.”

Everyone stared at him. Waiting. But he said nothing.

“Well?” Ben asked.

“Well what?” Discord asked sheepishly.

“Tell us what the hint is!” Kevin shouted, drawing the attention of some of the townsfolk that had been walking by them this entire time.

“Um Kevin I think you may not want to shout” Fluttershy said when she saw some of the looks some of the townsfolk were giving them. “It may be still too early for that.”

“I don’t care about that. I want to figure out what’s up with Gwen!” he said turning on Fluttershy who merely backed away a bit in slight fear.

Sighing Kevin stared at the ground for a few seconds before looking up at the yellow pegasus. “Look I’m sorry. I’m just worried about-” he froze.

The entire time they’d been talking, Gwen had been behind them if only by a couple of feet away. Meaning she could still hear everything that went on even more so since she had enhanced hearing now. But now that they were no longer talking about what was with her and the sudden mood swings, Kevin finally noticed something.

“Where is she anyway?” Rainbow Dash said voicing everyone’s thoughts.

Ben looked around the area, taking notice of all the horses- ponies that had been so focused on their intimacy now staring at them. It gave the hero a strange feeling. Giving the area another quick look he spotted orange hair a couple of feet behind them.

“Wait here” he told Kevin before trotting up towards his cousin who was now talking to three other ponies in the area.

“Are you sure?” he heard Gwen say as he got closer. The stallion beside her nodded.

Ben’s eyes narrowed, “Hey Gwen, who are your friends over there?” he asked.

Gwen tensed up and immediately spun in place to face ‘her’ cousin. Offering a nervous smile she said, “Oh Ben. I didn’t think you’d notice if I left for a bit.”

"Mmhm", Ben said eyeing his cousin and the two ponies beside here. “Who are they?” he said with a nod in their direction.

“Them? They’re my friends” Gwen said with a nervous twitch at the edge of her lips.

“And when did you become friends with them?” Kevin’s voice called.

“I’ve been with you the entire time. How come I don’t know about these two?” the tall stallion asked looking down at the mare and pegasus stallion, with a suspicious look.

“It was at the inn, during my walk there I saw these two and we had a bit of a chat. It’s why I took so long” she said.

Ben didn’t buy it. And from the looks of Kevin, neither did he. “Alright then. Let’s keep moving, say goodbye to your” Ben looked at the pegasus and mare with a raised brow. “Friends, and let’s go.”

She nodded, turning back to the two equines the dracony whispered something that Ben and Kevin couldn’t hear before following after them to rejoin with the rest of the group.

“What did you say back there Gwen?” Ben asked as both him and Kevin trotted by her side.

“Oh nothing” she said dismissively. “You’ll find out. It’s a surprise.”

*** ***** ***

“We’re almost there” Flash Sentry informed the two back on the chariot, as they neared the city.

Rook nodded, feeling increasing anxiety weigh in on him as he now recalled that once he met Ben he’d have to give him the news on Earth. Glancing over to Cadence the zebra could see that she was enjoying herself, a smile on her face as the wind played with her mane.

Taking notice of the zebra looking at her Cadence smiled, which he returned by smiling back.

“Princess! Sir Rook! We are here” Flash Sentry stated as they slowly hovered over Dodge City.

“Thank you Flash” the gamboge pegasus bowed his head in humble approval.

Turning her attention to Rook, Princess Cadence looked down at the city and the inhabitants below them. “Do you have anyway of locating them?” she asked.

“Sadly I do not. If Ben still had his omnitrix then maybe...but sadly our enemy has taken it from him. It seems it will be much more difficult to find him now, especially since we are looking through an entire city” the zebra said sadly.

Cadence smiled patting Rook’s shoulder. “I’ve got you covered.” Her horn glowing with a soft overglow the alicorn spread her wings and jumped off the floating chariot. Flapping them only slightly to lift herself up above her guards, the Revonnahgander, and chariot so she had a clear view of the entire city.

“When I give the order I want you to follow the light that will lead us to Rook’s friend, understand?” she asked. All the guards nodded.

“Alright, here goes.” Focusing on Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’s location the mare’s horn flickered before a beam of light shot out of her horn, heading towards the direction of the two pegasi.

“Follow it!”

With a neigh, all four pegasi carrying the chariot and Rook as well, made haste. Zooming after the glowing light as it went after it’s target. Rook had to actually hold on to the chariot for fear of falling off with the way it rocked, as Cadence flew beside him with a small giggle at his less than amused and slightly surprised reaction.

“What did you do just now” he asked as the chariot bounced upon making contact with the edge of one of the buildings.

“Tracking spell” Cadence said with a smile. “It’ll take us to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and if they’re around Ben like Twilight said, then we should find him as well.

“Oh I see, very well planned Princess.”


“Cadence” he corrected.

Suddenly the chariot made a drop, as the pegasi flew after the glowing light making it’s way towards the end of the city. Yelling as he felt solid metal leave his hooves, but only to meet metal again with a clank Rook felt like he would upchuck his breakfast any second now. Cadence however seemed to be enjoying herself as she flew by them.

At least one of us is having fun, he thought feeling slightly green.

Flash Sentry could see the light suddenly make a sharp turn to the right. Ordering his crew to do so they chariot made a sharp turn, once again offering a groan of displeasure from the zebra as they neared their target.

The townsfolk had begun to look up now seeing the massive group rush by.

When the light disappeared all of a sudden Flash thought they had missed their mark, still flying straight ahead, only to see just a few feet below was Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Discord and three others looking upwards in their direction.

Got you! Flash thought with a grin as he and his group dived down towards the grown and came to a skidding stop in front of the surprised group, as a clank soon came from behind them. Rook standing up dizzily and looking like he would hurl any second now. Princess Cadence landed beside the zebra comforting him as he was hunched over, fighting to keep his breakfast within.

“Um...who are you guys?” the flash white stallion asked the group, Rook’s appearance being obscured by the chariot.

Flash smiled “We’re part of the Crystal Guard and-”

“Princess Cadence?! What are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash interrupted.

Cadence smiled still rubbing Rook’s back as he began to relax a bit. “I’m here helping a friend.”

“And who would that be?” the steel stallion asked.

“That would be me” Rook said now standing straight and walking around the chariot and it’s pullers he stepped forward with the princess of love, earning a surprised look from the other group.

“A zebra?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, yes and no” Cadence said with a small smile.

“What’s he wearing?” Rainbow Dash asked staring at the armor that surrounded Rook’s body. “And what’s that thing?” she said pointing a hoof to the Proto-Tool.

“This is Plumber armor, and that is the Proto-Tool. I would appreciate it if you don’t touch it” he said waving her hoof away as it got closer.

Ben and Kevin had remained eerily silent the entire time, the zebra had made his appearance. Discord had noticed, but he was too busy revelling in their surprised reactions to even say anything at the moment. “Ahem” he cleared his throat. “What’s wrong Ben, Kevin?”

Ben and Kevin’s mouths moved but nothing came out.

“Are you two okay?” Fluttershy asked, but was only surprised to see the two grinning insanely.

“ROOK!” they shouted tackling the zebra, who nearly fell over.

Ben immediately began patting the zebra’s back while Kevin had his arm firmly wrapped around the zebra’s neck, both heroes grinning like idiots, both speaking at the same time making what they said incoherent to the others.

Princess Cadence walked up to her soldiers and whispered. “I appreciate what you’ve done but please head back to the kingdom and help my husband out with anything you can.” The group nodded, saluted, then jumped into the air, flapping their wings and taking off back to the empire.

“We’re so glad to see you buddy! How did you get here?” Kevin asked in both joy and surprise.

Ben who had been just as happy and surprised, backed away with sudden seriousness. “Wait” he said with more surprise to his voice.

“How did you get here?” he asked.

Rook averted his gaze as Kevin backed away, now wondering the same thing. “I am sorry Ben, but I came here of my own accord.”

“You did what?!” Ben asked in shock. “Why?! Why would you do that?! With all the Plumber kids out of the picture or too injured to continue, you were the best chance to get everyone back on track till I returned!

“Why did you do that Rook?!”

The zebra still had his eyes on the ground before taking in a breath and looking up at his partner, and his friend. “Because we’re partners. And I couldn’t leave you and Kevin and Miss Gwen to face such perils without any form of help. So I came, here, to help you.

“Was that the wrong choice?” Rook asked with indignation now seeping into his own voice.

Ben said nothing, feeling slightly angry, but at the same time understanding what Rook was saying. About to open his mouth Kevin spoke up.

“Tennyson. He did what he had to do. What he thought was right, cut him some slack."

Remaining silent for a few more seconds, Ben sighed. “Right, yeah sorry Rook. Anyway how’d you meet um...” he turned to the pale cerise alicorn. “Her?”

q“He was injured and somehow managed to get in my room. And my name is Cadence, Princess of Love. You can just call me Cadence though” she said smiling.

Kevin and Ben gave each other a look. “Princess of Love?” Kevin asked.

Cadence nodded.

Ben rolled his eyes. “Anyway thanks for helping my friend out here.” Turning back to the group he smiled. “Hey Gwen, look who’s-” Ben froze, seeing the dark look Gwen was giving them.

“I-Is there something wrong?” Fluttershy asked. “Princess Cadence was just saying-”

The dracony hissed, shocking everyone. Especially Kevin.

“Gwen what’s wrong with you?” he asked in confusion, but the dracony wasn’t listening as she backed away like an animal that had been backed to a corner.

With a loud hiss that pierced the morning sky, several ponies that had been surprised by the sudden appearance of the Crystal princess, or had been observing the scene quite suddenly joined the dracony’s side.

“Gwen! What are you doing?” Rook asked just as confused as the rest. Cadence having now raised a defensive hoof up with a puzzled look on her face.

“W-Was it something I said?” she asked Ben, who looked at her with just as much a confused look as she had.

“I have no idea” he said turning his attention to the dracony that now had a group of pony’s beside her.

The dracony still had a scowl and dark look on her face, as did the ponies that now joined her side as they faced the group and the princess it contained on their side.

“You’re not Gwen, are you?” Kevin asked his voice growing dark.

“You’re right.” Satura said as a green glow surrounded her and several of the other ponies by her side. “I’m not” she stated turning back to her true, form. Her changeling form.

“And while I do have a rather” -she smiled- “Strong attraction to you darling” Satura said, her voice growing cold as she looked up at the pale cerise alicorn behind them. “I can’t keep pretending to be your lover when that tyrant is with us.The charide would be up in seconds the moment she noticed something wasn’t right.”

Kevin wasn’t paying much attention, his jaw was clenched and he was glaring at the female changeling and her group of friends before him. “Where’s Gwen?” he said in a stern tone.

“But darling-”

“Where is my girlfriend?!”

Satura grew silent. A look of pain forming, as the coldness in her voice returned. “I suppose I’m not appealing enough now that I’m in this form am I?”

Those weren’t the words Ben had been expecting as he watched Kevin’s look of anger slightly turn into surprise. “That’s not what I meant- I just want-”

“I know what you want!” the female changeling shouted anger clear in every word.

“It’s been the same as always. Just because we’re different, you ponies think we’re not fit for consideration. And I- we, are sick of it” she said slamming her distorted hoof on the ground. “Well now it’s time we change that” the mare said with a slight smile.

Changelings! Attack!” she shouted into the sky, her voice echoing throughout almost the entire city.

It grew silent within a few seconds. Discord watching in silence as he himself had not really expected these turn of events, despite knowing this Gwen was a fake the entire time. Picking up Fluttershy and wrapping his tail around the rest, the draconequus prepared to snap his claw.

Satura smirked. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Discord scoffed before snapping his claw. But nothing happened.

Huh? he thought.

“Discord quit playing around and get us out of here!” Dash said noticing the pebble on the ground beginning to shake as some of the inhabitants began resuming their true forms.

“I...I can’t” he said in disbelief.

“What do you mean you can’t!?!” Ben asked.

“I...I simply can’t. My magic isn’t working anymore.”

The group froze as they heard the pounding of hooves rushing towards them, and in an instant. They were almost surrounded.

“Well looks like we’ve got one solution left” Kevin said quietly as Satura and her cohort of changelings began advancing towards them.

“Run?” Rook said.

“You know it” Ben replied.

Quickly dropping everyone and swinging his tail to the side Discord knocked out the first group of changelings blocking them as they all made a mad dash for one of the town’s buildings. The hissing sound of changelings directly behind them.

“You can’t escape us!” Satura shouted after them.

“This is our home! And we won’t let you be leaving, any. Time. Soon!”

Ben was the last to rush inside the building and slam the door shut as Rook, Kevin and Discord began piling stuff on to the door and began barricading it.

They had to face facts. “We’re trapped.”

Author's Note:

Enemies all around them. How will they get out, how will they reach the real Gwen? Find out in the oncoming chapters.

This has been fun.~Hailstorm, out.