• Published 17th Oct 2015
  • 2,903 Views, 16 Comments

Tick-Tock The Bet is Up - Black Hailstorm

Ben has lost it all. He's lost everyone and everything he's held dear to him at points in his life, and just when he thought things were going to be good again everything goes haywire. Now alone and broken Ben must fight to save it all or lose it all

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Choices Were Made

“This is all my fault”

A large castle now came into view as seven figures made their way through the streets of Ponyville and towards the building. As the group of ponies slowly made their way to Twilight’s castle only one recurring thought ran through Ben’s mind:

“That is one cool castle.”

Whistling as they made their way inside, Ben looked around. Man this place is huge! he thought looking around in awe. “This is one sweet place you’ve got here” Ben said with a slight grin creeping up on his face.

“Wouldn’t mind living in a place like this either, just look at all this space!” he said taking a good long look at the large, decorated corridors as they made their way up stairs. “And your floors are so clear, I can practically see my own reflection in them!” he stated looking into the ground as his own reflection beamed back at him.

Twilight felt a slight flush come across her cheeks, as the stallion complimented her castle. “Thanks, but I really couldn’t have done it without the girls, they made this place feel especially homy” she said with a warm smile, earning a hug and gracious smiles from her friends.

Ben was too busy looking around the castle, to even care about the gushy moment that was now happening behind him. The group had now entered the meeting room, where their cutie-mark designated seats surrounded the mystical map of Equestria, and the moment Ben’s light green eyes lay on that strange object he galloped right up to it and began taking his time to examine it.

“Say what is this thing?” he asked as he moved away from what he assumed was Ponyville. “I get it’s a map but what does it do?”

“It’s what gives us our missions” Twilight explained trotting up to Ben.

“Your missions?” his voice sounding interested.

“Like the one’s you did to save the world or stuff?”

“I guess you could say that” Rainbow Dash said joining in. “More like missions of friendship. You know, to solve friendship based problems..”

Ben remained silent staring at Rainbow Dash with a careful observative look like he was trying to detect a joke or the attempt of her pulling his leg. He found nothing of the sort; she was being serious.

“Wait wait, hold on a second” he said walking around his eyes now directed on the strange map of what he assumed was the entire nation or at least a couple of nations, perfectly displayed on the table like board. “You guys get missions from your princess to do tasks based on friendship and that somehow solves your problems here?” he asked showing no attempts to hide the disbelief in his voice.

“Well actually, more like the map sends us over to these place and we just go on up and help ‘em fix their problems” Applejack said trotting over with Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity in tow.

“And that somehow helps fix all of your problems?” he pressed.

“Well...no not necessarily but the magic of friendship sure helps make things easier around Equestria. It’s one of the most powerful forms of magic there is” Twilight said, only to receive in return a laugh from Ben.

“Sorry. I’m sorry, I’m not making fun of you honest it’s just” he ended up letting out another chuckle before continuing. “You say that like friendship is a form of magic. That’s just sooo-” he paused as he brushed a tear off his eye, seeing the confused and slightly offended looks he was now receiving.

“Wait” Ben paused considering their reactions. “You’re serious?!” he said astounded, then glanced back to the map. “You’re telling me this thing, this map over here leads you guys all over the country to solve friendship based issues, which ultimately has a tie to some form of magic that is crucial in this world?”

“Well...yes” Fluttershy responded meekly.

Ben’s jaw dropped. Now he really had seen, heard and experienced everything. This took the cake. He’d fought Charmcaster, Stone monsters, the elements themselves, and even went to the world where all magic comes from the Ledgerdomain, but this, this was not something he’d expected.

Pinkie casually trotted over and sliding her hoof under Ben’s chin she gently shut his mouth for him. “What’s so surprising about that you’ve experienced some forms of magic also haven’t you?”

Nearly falling into another stupor by Pinkie’s comment Ben stared at the smiling pink mare carefully, seeing her in a new light as more than just a bubbly and overly-excited creature. “Yes, yes I have, but magic in the form of friendship? That’s a bit much to chew on.”

“How come? I mean even if you’re not from Equestria you should know the magic of friendship, just as well as any other resident of Equestria does” Twilight pointed out.

“Well I’m not from here. I’m from-” he paused, suddenly remembering why he’d been sent here, and how every minute counted.

“Now that you mention it, where are you from darling? We haven’t really touched on the topic since it made you kind of tense but if you’re willing we really would like to know” Rarity said offering a comforting smile in the process.

Ben however didn’t hear any of this, because memories had started flowing back into his head. The fight, the arguments made during the battle, the loses, the sacrifices that came with it. The fact that he had sent two of the closest people to him to their very death, the realization that he was not only powerless but now had to place his hope on this strange notion of friendship being a form of magic. All those hours of restrained guilt that had been building up since he first remembered what he was really here for, suddenly came rushing through him like a wave.

Remaining silent, not saying a word his eyes closed Ben’s head slouched, his shoulders giving off depressed vibes, and his light brown hair falling slightly over his eyes. He wasn’t paying attention when he felt a hoof gently touch his shoulder. Looking up he saw Rarity, staring at him a reassuring and comforting smile on her face as the others behind her gave off the same feeling of warmth that he had felt the moment he’d awoken.

“We’re here if you need to talk” Twilight stated trotting over to Ben’s side.

Looking at the group of mares surrounding him Ben weighed in his options. If I tell them, they’ll get involved with my problems, but I need help, I can’t do this without knowing what I’m getting into. He took another glance at the kind faces that stared back at him, just waiting for him to speak.

“...” I can’t do that, they were kind enough to nurse me back to health. The least I can do as payment is not throw them into a interdimensional warfare with the first person they just met. Sighing heavily Ben looked at the group before him. “Sorry, but I can’t tell you where I come from, or why I was so beaten up when you met me” he stated.

“But why?” Applejack insisted. “We just want to help you out, ya seemed so depressed just a few seconds ago I-” Ben patted her on the shoulder with a smile of his own now.

“Sorry, but I can’t get you guys involved in this. This is my choice, and part of this is my fault, I’ve got to make things right and I can’t do that wasting time with small talk” he said putting his hoof down.

A few seconds of silence as the mares looked at each other before each nodded with conviction. “We’ll help you out” Rainbow Dash said haughtily.

“I already said you’re not getting involved” Ben argued.

“We won’t. but they’ll be no promises on the matter, I can assure you of that” Rarity said her nose held high. “Although, we will do our best to help you out in any other way we can without getting involved in whatever business you are dealing with” the unicorn said glancing at Ben with a sly look in her eye.

“No way” he said firmly. “I don’t want anyone else getting hurt in the process. You’re not getting involved in my business” he stated and with that he began trotting towards Twilight’s door.

Rainbow Dash suddenly zipped forward blocking the flash white stallion’s exit. “Look, Ben. From the way it sounds, you don’t have much of a choice. So you have two options” the pegasus said her voice strict and stern.

Ben raised his eyebrow, no doubt annoyed by the stubbornness of these creatures. “And that is?”

“You can either accept our offer” Applejack started.

“Or” Rarity added.

“You can walk out that door, lost and confused and back to where you started. Square 1” Twilight finished, her complacent grin forming as Ben furrowed his brows at the options he’d been given.

Not saying a word Ben flopped on to his haunches, contemplating the issue presented before him. They were right about one thing, if he didn’t accept their offer right now he’d be back to where he started when he got here (well minus the injuries), back to the beginning. And if he had a year to figure out what he needed to do, and get his priorities together than he needed all the help he could possibly get. But, these girls helped me. Taking a quick glance back at them Ben felt a scowl forming as Twilight’s smug look only widened at his obvious discomfort.

Letting out another heavy sigh Ben shook his head. “Alright” he said in a low voice. “I’ll agree to this deal, but the moment you guys jump into my business deals off clear?” he asked raising a questioning hoof at the group. When they nodded he got up.

“Good, now let’s get down to business. Tell me any and everything you can about Ponyville, I’ll ask questions on anything else I need to know.”

Saluting the group all spread out to gather books in the library on any information that Ben might need.

“Oh yeah one more thing” he said causing all the mares to stop in their tracks, to listen.

“Thanks for the help.”

“Are you sure you want to stay out here?” Discord asked the steel colored stallion.

Kevin merely nodded using his body to offer support to the creature laying on top of him. He stared quietly at it, clearly puzzled but sure of who it was that lay on his back at this exact moment.

“I must say though I am greatly surprised” Discord commented with a slight smile, leaning forward as he snapped his fingers and a mismatched coloring roof appeared above Kevin and the creature laying against him. “I never thought there’d be a draconequus hybrid out here so deep in the Everfree forest. Well at least I’m not the remaining one of my species, even if this one is just a half-breed” he commented.

Kevin, shot the draconequus a ugly look. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, his voice still just as smooth and cynical as it was back on earth.

“Why nothing of course” he replied innocently. “Merely that your friend over there laying sound asleep is a part of my species, or at least a half-breed of my species. It seems the other blood in her may have diluted her draconequus blood quite a bit, but it’s quite obvious that she has draconeqi blood in her and if not some other powerful blood flowing through her veins.

"Unlike you she’s much larger as you can see, plus she’s got wolf paws instead of forehooves” he stated lifting up Kevin’s right hoof to clearly show him the difference. A hoof that Kevin retracted from the creature’s grasp as soon as he’d finished his sentence.

“Yeah well dracone- whatever or not, I’m not leaving Gwen’s side till she wakes up” he stated firmly, his grey eyes softening as they turned back to the direction of his unconscious girlfriend. For a while Kevin merely stared at the creature he knew to be Gwen with utter silence, as feeling of deep pain rooted itself within him. As he stared at Gwen’s slender dragon/pony like figure, his eyes began taking in her new form.

Her red hair being the first thing that gave her away. Now her bright red hair that had been cut so short before, reached down to her shoulders, much like the first time they met when he had been trading stolen plumber tech with the Forever Knights. The Forever Knights were an organization of dedicated alien tech. Studying all and any forms of arcane tech, at the same dissecting aliens for their own persona gains and studies.

Kevin scowled as past altercations with the group flew into his mind which he immediately forced down a hole and blocked so he could focus his attention back on the one more important thing in front of him: Gwen.

Once again taking his time to look her over, Kevin now noticed that where her arms used to be, was now fur, her aero coat stretching all the way down to her wolf paws, that were striped with a touch of amethyst. Her face, looking a bit more draconic, much like him and Ben’s was also covered in cuts, no bruises detected luckily due to her protection spells, magic and powers. Leaving her arms his eyes once again scanned her body, checking for any deep cuts or lacerations as he watched her pure white stomach move up and down with every breath she took in a calm and gentle manner. No such injuries were detected. Both her legs, had also transfigured to that of horse legs. The hind legs taking on a black coral color, her hooves being a black leather. The tail that seemed to be as long as her body curled around and rested inches away from Kevin’s front hooves. The bristles being the same bright red color and ending with a light blue touch.

Kevin wasn’t really sure what to think at his girlfriend’s new form. He couldn’t remember anything up to the point of the fight with Count Down, aside from suddenly blacking out, the last thing he saw was a Humungousaur, being easily tossed aside by the giant, despite the slight difference in height. His eyes were still fixated on Gwen as he tried to remember the events of the battle. But nothing came to him.

Discord on the other hand had done his best not to let out a groan of pure frustration. What’s this guy’s deal? he thought, it was soaking outside in this strange forest that seemed to have a mind of its own and here he was practically babysitting these two beings that drawed him out here in the first place.

“Ahem” Discord said managing a small smile. “If we’re going to be out here all night, would you mind telling me what exactly brought you and your friend over there, out here?” he said magically summoning a chair and a tea set.

Kevin didn’t respond, he kept his eyes fixed on Gwen, but one of his ears was tilted in Discord’s direction.

Discord frowned, not liking the fact he was being ignored. Having the tea pour itself into a cup, he began slurping it up. Loudly. Really, really loudly. If there were animals in the Everfree forest that were attracted to obnoxious sounds then Discord, had basically managed to draw them out because now several pairs of yellow eyes were peeking from the shadows within their surrounding area.

“So” he said after he’d finished slurping up his tea. “Do you plan on speaking anytime soon?” he asked pouring another cup. Kevin remained silent, his eyes were still fixed on Gwen but the corners of his lips had begun to show signs of an imminent scowl.

Discord merely shrugged, if the stubborn pony in front of him wouldn’t talk he’d simply have fun watching him get irritated as long as he could. It was the least they could do since he was using his valuable chaos magic to keep them from getting drenched. Just as his lips were about to touch the brim of the cup again, he felt a slight pressure on his tail.

It was Kevin’s hoof, he’d now directed his gaze upon the draconequus which made Discord smile rather than cringe at the glare he was receiving. “Yeeess?” he said hopefully.

“If you take another sip like that I’m going to come over there and beat you to a pulp” he stated bitterly. This only made Discord chuckle.

“Of course you would” he stated. “You won’t get up, because you can’t” he said his smile now turning to a grin. “Your rather special friend over there is too important to you for you to leave her side. You won’t get up. So instead I’ll just” touching the brim of the cup to his lips, trying to stifle the grin so he could actually drink he said “do this till you’re ready to talk.”

And so he continued, the extremely long, extremely painful slurp that made Kevin’s ears pin themselves to his head as his scowl only widened as the torture continued. For a second he saw some of the yellow eyes that had been staring at him falter, as if they were wincing from this wretched sound. At this point he wished he could get up so he could punch Discord, this was just annoying as hell.

With a drawn out groan, Kevin stated “Fine! I’ll tell you just make that horrible sound STOP!” and the moment he’d done so the draconequus poofed everything away, leaning forward in his seat as the canopy tilted as well to make sure its master wouldn’t get wet.

“Oh you shouldn’t have!” Discord said with a satisfied smile. “Now do tell” he said with a reassuring wave of his claw, once again ignoring the myriad of eyes that now stared at the small group from behind the shadows and trees.

Kevin sighed, mumbling curse words under his breath before he used a hoof to brush some of his dark night hair out of his face. He turned his attention to Gwen then said “I’m not really sure what happened, but at the very least I can tell that we’ve been sent to another world altogether” he chuckled sadly a bit before continuing. “This is kind of my fault I suppose.”

Interested Discord coaxed the stallion to continue his paw moving in circular motions to signify he should speed up to the juicy parts which Kevin merely ignored.

“If I’d been able to hold out a bit longer, Gwen wouldn’t have gotten hurt, Ben wouldn’t have been so badly injured during the fight, if I just...” he sighed shaking the thought that had just popped into his head. “I should’ve stopped Ben when he called him out on that challenge. Gwen told me to, and though I knew it was the right call I just let him go. Cause I thought we’d be able to back him up, just like we always have been.” Kevin’s body language gave off waves of exertion and nothing but pent up stress, Discord continued to listen his grin now turning into mild consideration.

“I should’ve stopped that idiot when I had the chance” he said to himself, slamming his heel on the ground. “I knew Tennyson wouldn’t listen to reason once the fight started but I-” he paused taking note of the eery silence that now took over between himself and the draconequus.

“Heh- well yeah, anyway” he said changing the topic. “My friends and I went through some serious bull. For all I know Tennyson could be dead, if he is” his tone dropped but anger was now clearly seeping in. “I’ll do whatever it takes to a avenge him and protect her” he said quietly turning his attention back to Gwen who seemed to move against his back readjusting herself.

“Will you now?” Discord send after seconds of silence that passed once he’d heard what Kevin had to say. “Is that your final decision? Do you really think you can do something now, even though you couldn’t do anything before?”

“Of course!” Kevin said his tone normal but the conviction clear. “Even if it means I need to absorb energy. I’m willing to take that risk again.

“For her...for them, for Ben and Gwen I’m willing to do anything to help them out. That goes for all of the guys that gave me another chance even though I screwed up more times than I can count” he said a faint smile touching his face as he took another glance at Gwen, but then quickly faded almost as soon as it came as he turned his head back to Discord.

Discord felt a strange string in him get plucked when Kevin said he’d be willing to do anything to help his friends out after amount of times they’d forgiven him despite his mistakes. Discord, couldn’t help but stare at the determination, the fearlessness in Kevin’s eyes as he stared back at him. That feeling of wanting to repay those that had helped you through your darkest times.

I know it all to well, the draconequus thought with a slight grin of his own touching his lips.

“So what are those tattoos on your butts?” Ben asked. Their talk had gone over the events of what had occurred between the events of Discord, Nightmare Moon and the Changeling Queen. And now the former human had gained a certain grasp and understanding of how magic seemed to work here.

“What ya mean our cutie marks?” Applejack asked glancing over at her flank slightly confused. “Well you get one on you yourself didn’t ya notice sugar?” she said pointing to his flank from her seat.

Ben turned his head back and looked over his flank. They were right, on either side of his flank was the omnitrix symbol, green electricity flowing out of the symbol in the process and a giant flash of light green color shooting from behind the symbol as well.

“Hm...not bad” he said aloud. “So what are these things again?” he said reiterating his previous question.

“They describe our special talent” Twilight said.

“Your special talent?” he asked with a raised brow.

“Yes, you see when a pony discovers something they’re interested in. Something they want to do with such a passion, it becomes depicted on their flank in the form of a cutie mark. It’s I suppose you could call your special talent.”

“Hm...interesting. And this can be anything at all?” Ben asked.

Twilight nodded. “As long as it’s something you’re truly interested in doing then yes, anything.”

“Hmm” Ben said rubbing his chin. The symbol on his flank made sense since he’d had the omnitrix since he was 10, so it was only natural that his cutie mark would be related to the device.

“How did you get your cutie mark anyway? I’ve never seen anything like this before. And I know everypony in Ponyville” Pinkie said as she lay on a giant balloon she’d blown up.

Ben grinned. This was a story he always loved telling no matter what, this was a story he’d always love to revel in over and over. The story of how he got the omnitrix.

“You guys might want to sit down. Maye get some popcorn and get ready, because this is going to be the best revelation you’ve ever heard in your entire life” his grin only widening at the confused looks Applejack and the others were giving him, all except for Rainbow Dash who seemed slightly excited to hear this.

“Ahem” Ben said clearing his throat. “This is the story of how I got, the omnitrix. The most powerful device known to all worlds.”

Location:Crystal Kingdom
Current Time: 5:51 pm.

It had been another long and predictable day, Princess Cadence had done the usual, signing papers and attending royal meetings where she had to settle some disputes between some of the royal staff members. Then there was the daily appearance her and her husband Shining Armor made in the morning and evening to reassure the citizens of the Crystal Empire everything was alright. She also had the tax papers that she needed to get working on by tomorrow if she ever wanted to make enough time before Shining Armor got back from his scouting mission with the Crystal guards.

Cadence sighed. She sat in her throne room looking out upon the Crystal Empire a faint smile touching her lips as she watched her citizens move about on their business without a worry. It warmed her heart to see that her people had been able to forget about the tyrant that had so evilly haunted their lives for so long. Then again there was that sense of boredom, like ever since she became princess aside from the issue with Tirek and that one long journey she made with Twilight to help Discord get better, there hadn’t been anything to really get her excited. Make her feel- in short terms- not bored.

Looking at her guards who glanced up at her, she decided that she’d at least take some time to be alone rest up a bit before she needed to wake up early to get rid of those tax papers in her room.

“Commander Moon Shine” she called a chamoisee colored pegasus with a glinting dark sword for a cutie mark. “I’ll be taking to my chambers for the night. Please don’t hesitate to call me if there’s anything that may need my attention” she said. The crystal chamoisee colored pegasus bowed, graciously as Princess Cadence descended from her throne and left the throne room.

Heading across the hall Cadence made her way up the spiraling stairs that would lead her to her and her husband’s room. And just as she was about to reach the gold bedazzled doors, the light cerise alicorn froze as she saw a bright light emit from underneath her door and felt a sudden disturbance in the force; the magical force.

*** ***** ***

Static, spatial static that disrupted the surrounding particles of the atmosphere cascaded everywhere as the portal that had brought him here closed and disappeared, to nothingness. Rook was broken, his armor was tattered and pieces of it were starting to break around him, and now his body had for the second time in his plumber career morphed into a different species. His stripes covered his body except for stopping at the sides of his chest and torso. The armor had also seemed to readjust itself in order to adapt to the peri-winkle alien’s new quadrupedal form.

Falling on all fours, with his hind legs incapable of supporting him any longer the Plumber, fell to the ground his Proto-Tool laying inches away from him along with the other pieces of armor that had been sucked into the portal. Breathing heavily and slowly Rook blinked, once, twice then a third time taking in his surroundings. He was in a room, the room looked to be meant for royalty based on the trimmings and designs coming from it and the gold doors that would lead him to a different room or outside held what appeared to be a crystal shaped heart as its insignia.

“Where am I?” he thought looking around as he crawled over to the bed and used it to support him. Drawing in another breath he felt the pain in his sides at where he’d received the large cut along his side. Wincing he tried to stand on his legs, but immediately stopped when he looked down at them.

“It appears I have changed forms...again” he frowned only to wince again at the stinging sensation his laceration gave him. Then he froze as he heard the door open, too late to hide Rook managed to use his new tail to snatch the Proto-Tool up and place it on his shoulder. The being that met him looked clearly surprised.

Princess Cadence stared in awe and shock at the severely injured zebra before her. He obviously had been through a serious battle due to the sweaty smell he gave off and all the injuries he seemed to have received. Apprehensive at first when she saw the being snatch something up and turn to look at her, weapon pointed in her direction she spoke. Cautiously.

“Who are you?” she asked, seeing drops of blood hit the floor as the creature eased himself onto all fours only to stumble and limp his way around the bed all the while maintaining a cautious distance between her and himself.

“I am Rook...” he said weakly adding “And who are you?”

“Princess Cadence” she replied still staring in confusion at the zebra before her. “Why- How did you get in here?” she asked her eyes narrowing. Rook opened his mouth to reply only to fall as another needle of pain injected itself in him, his wound was seriously burning now and he needed help. Princess Cadence immediately moved over to check on the fallen zebra ignoring his weapon as she checked his wound.

“What happened to you?” she asked, with a touch of authority.

Weakly he replied “Why are you doing this? We do not even-” he was cut off by a loud stomp from the pale cerise winged creature.

“I said what happened?” she stated more firmly.

Rook stared quietly before responding “injury to the rib accompanied by a slash” he dismissed the questioning look she gave him. “Why are you helping me?”

Princess Cadence’s expression softened, “Who I help, is my choice. Now let’s get you fixed up.”

Author's Note:

Welp here he is. Rook is in the Crystal Empire,and I got to say I had fun with this one and was slightly hesitant of including Princess Cadence in this. The thought just popped into my head when I was thinking of ways to have Rook included and who he should meet first and since I'm having random meet ups, I thought Cadence would be best for this.

Originally I planned on having him meet Zecora, but maintaining her constant speech pattern is to much of a hassle and I probably wouldn't have got the chapter out till next week if I went with that approach.

For those of you that have never seen the Omniverse series or didn't bother to continue with the alien force and onwards here's a picture of what Rook looks like.

Hailstorm~ Out.