• Published 5th Jan 2017
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Age of Kings - A bag of plums

When King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire, one pony went into another world to seek help. Featuring the ancestors of the cast of Equestria Girls, this is the account of her quest in the human world.

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15 - The Tournament Begins

The remaining two weeks saw Princess Amore’s spymaster working herself hard, learning everything she possibly could before the tournament day.

Even her boss at the stables had given her the last two days off, allowing her extra time to prepare herself.

“Dodge, Em!” Spectrum Song cheered for the spymaster. “Left! No, right!”

“I know, Spectrum!” Emerald tried to concentrate, dodging under Sir Morn’s blade, only to plant her face in his chest at high speed. “Oof!”

“Do not let the crowds distract you, Emerald,” he explained as he helped her off of him. “On the tournament day, it’s going to be noisy. Do not let their voices affect your judgment.”

“Alright, I’ll try.” She turned to the young squire. “Spectrum, more noise!”

“Ho ho, you got it, Em!” The rainbow haired girl began shouting out all kinds of instructions. “Make that a left! You’re not going to be safe if you stand there! Go right! Jump! No, duck! Get him in the face, Em!”

It wasn’t easy, but the spymaster began tuning out her words as she fought to avoid Morn’s attacks, concentrating on his blade instead. Sidestepping, she shot her blade into Clarent’s hilt and twisted the sword out of Morn’s hand to the surprise of all three of them, including Emerald herself.

“Amazing swordsmanship, my lady!” the knight said, highly impressed. “Why, I never saw that coming!”

“That’s because I have an amazing teacher myself,” Emerald swung her sword to her shoulder.

The spymaster continued to practice everyday, getting quicker, stronger, and more importantly, used to her human body. She learnt the right amount of strength to use to hold her sword, she learnt how to get in and out quickly while delivering a few hits of her own, and she learnt how to fight using both her sword and her hidden blades simultaneously, though the latter was for emergencies only.

Finally, the day came as Emerald got out of bed and slipped her armor on. She had even taken a bath the day before so that her smell wouldn’t break her concentration in a fight. The former pegasus headed out of her home and crossed over to the castle where the tournament was going to be held, the sun still barely over the mountains.

For the first time since she started practicing, the castle’s courtyard was empty. They were all probably getting ready to participate in the tournament. A shield that could block just about everything? That sounded very lucrative.

Emerald was heading in when one of the guards stopped her. “Emerald, you’re taking part in the tournament?”

The guard had light brown skin and dark brown hair and she seemed to know who Emerald was, even though the spymaster didn’t.

Seems all these guards know me…

“Yes, I’m taking part,” she told the guard.

“Alright, but…” she eyed Emerald’s body from head to toe. “Where’d you get this armor? Aren’t you going to wear a helmet? Did you do something to your hair?”

“What?” Emerald was dumbfounded for a second. “I’ve always had this armor. Is something wrong with my hair?”

“Oh, umm… Good luck, then!” the guard smiled and jogged off, leaving Emerald confused.

Did all the guards know of her? Something weird was going on, but she would think about later. First, the tournament.

She arrived at the inner courtyards of the castle, looking at a crowd of humans gathered in the largest one. The crowds had already mostly found seats in the stands surrounding the fighting ring, the rest walking about to find good ones. She heard that there were different courtyards the challengers would be fighting in, so there were bound to be many more humans in the other ones, looking for seats.

Heading down to the stone steps in the direction Sir Morn had shown her, Emerald soon found the den where all the competitors were waiting.

Her favorite knight was the first to see her, immediately walking over to give her a pat on the back. “Excited, my lady? Your time has come to prove your skills.”

“More terrified, I think,” Emerald replied quickly. “People can die in these things, right? Do you have precautions?”

“Not to fear,” Sir Morn clasped a hand on her shoulder. “We have mages at the ready. We have not a single casualty in the last ten years.”

“That’s, uh, reassuring…” Emerald just noticed she was trembling. Going up against other fighters in front of a whole crowd of humans… It was a little too visible for her and went against too many of her learned principles.

The knight clamped harder on her shoulder, bringing her shaking down by a little. “Would you like a hug, Emerald? Those usually helped calm me down when I was younger.”

The spymaster thought about it, and… she didn’t see anything wrong with it.

“Yes, please,” she mumbled.

Emerald leaned into the knight’s warm embrace as he wrapped both armored limbs around her. Even though his armor was cool against her skin, she could feel the warmth radiating within. It was nice. If it wasn’t for the tournament and all the eyes looking at her, she would’ve wanted to stay like that longer.

“There,” the knight stepped back. “Feel better?”

“Slightly…” Emerald smiled warmly. “Thank you, Sir Morn. I’ll be sure to do my best.”

“I have no doubt you will, my lady,” Sir Morn turned and pointed to one of the exits. “Tis almost my turn. I shall see you here before the next round?”

“You will, Sir Morn,” Emerald answered confidently. There was no way she was going to fail here. The Crystal Empire depended on her victory.

Emerald Edge took a deep breath and shook her arms a few times before walking out into the courtyard where at least a thousand humans had gathered to watch her fight. Thankfully, it seemed that most of the humans were spread among the different arenas, so not the entire town was here to see her. Her battlefield was a squarish stony floor, with wooden planks built around the sides, leading up to the stands where the crowds sat in. She heard a human announce their names over some kind of voice enhancer, revealing that her opponent was a human called Lord Fiasco of Canterlot.

Just pretend they’re not there watching you… You’ll do fine, Emerald…

Her opponent walked out from a entrance on the opposite side, turning to face her. Emerald almost laughed when she looked at the human, but managed to stop herself.

Her opponent wore black armor with a black and purple tunic with a yellow lightning bolt over it. His helmet was cylindrical in shape and also black, but what stood out to the spymaster were the two horns sticking out of the top of the helmet; they looked like they had been attached on by string.

“Art thou ready to be defeated by me, Lord Fiasco?” the man shouted over to Emerald, unsheathing a long two handed sword from his back. “I shall smite thee.”

What is up with his words? Emerald pulled out her own sword and held it ready. This is it. The start to my return to Equestria.

A fanfare of trumpets sounded, signalling the fight to begin. Lord Fiasco wasted no time in lifting his sword above his head, charging straight for Emerald with a battle cry. The spymaster readied herself, but it was like the man was telling her exactly what he was going to do before he did it.

When he swung his sword, Fiasco pulled the blade back behind his head before swinging it down, giving Emerald all the time she needed to step away from his blow.

Wearing a face of shock, Emerald hopped back from a sideswipe, which also had a huge giveaway.

“Cease thy jumping!” Fiasco yelled at her, but continued to telegraph each and every one of his strikes.

“Are you done playing games?” Emerald couldn’t stand it anymore and asked him.

“Games?” the lord asked, clearly taken aback by the spymaster’s words. “How dare you!”

He charged at Emerald, pointing his blade tip for her uncovered head, screaming at her with all his strength. The spymaster stepped out of the way and grasped for one of his horns as he passed her. As soon as she pulled, the entire horn lifted from Fiasco’s black helmet, only kept attached by a string around his helmet’s base.

So it really is fake…

Emerald yanked hard, the string pulling hard on Fiasco’s head, sending him sprawling to the hard ground on his back.

“Unhand my horns of power!” Fiasco squirmed on the ground, for some reason, not getting back up.

“Horns of power?” Emerald looked at the squishy thing she held in her hand. “Nevermind, just concede and I shall spare you further humiliation.”

“Lord Fiasco never surrenders!”

“Well, you should,” Emerald pointed her blade down at his helmet, just between his eyes. “Concede and I won’t have to ruin your perfect hand-made helmet.”

“Never!” The stubborn man cut out at Emerald’s legs with his sword, but the spymaster hopped over it before bringing a greave down on top of his blade, trapping it.

“Thou art damaging mine sword!”

Emerald felt the urge to smack herself in the face, but resisted it. “You know, I don’t care. Why don’t you just give up. It’ll help us both, trust me.”

“Lord Fiasco never surrenders!” he cried again. Emerald cut him off when she stepped down harder, bending his arm back at a painful angle. “Ah! Mine arm! Okay, okay! I concede! I concede!”

“Good,” Emerald smiled and calmly stepped off and away from the man.

The crowd began cheering louder for the spymaster as Lord Fiasco continued to lie on the ground, holding his shoulder. The victory was clear. Emerald had won without having to injure the man, or even receive an injury.

Returning to the entrance she had come from, Emerald almost missed the lord getting back up on his feet, pulling a dagger from his boot, but she had slightly expected him to pull something like that.

Kicking back as hard as she could, Emerald caught Fiasco in the gut before spinning to the side, delivering a second kick to the man’s head, dropping him to the ground again, out cold.

“Thank you, Fiasco.” Emerald pivoted around and left the arena with the crowd cheering behind her.

“My lady, you did it!” Sir Morn Dread patted Emerald on the back. “How was it?”

“It’s not going to be this easy, will it?” She chuckled as they headed back to the waiting hall. “Lord Fiasco practically hit himself.”

“Oh, he was your opponent,” Sir Morn let out a small laugh. “I’m afraid the others will not be as easy as Fiasco. Truthfully, I do not know why he participates every time.”

“Huh… I take it you won yours, Sir Morn?”

The knight puffed his chest out and placed both hands on his hips. “Tis true. A mercenary named Blademuzzle was my challenge. He ran off with his tail between his legs.”

“He had a tail?” Emerald asked.

“Ah, no he did not.” Emerald looked confused for a second. “Saying someone runs away with their tail between their legs is a saying, my lady. Tis not meant to be taken literally.”

“Oh… I see…” Emerald smiled to try to look convinced.

“Well, I wish you all the luck on your second match,” Sir Morn checked on Clarent’s blade. “I believe it is my turn to go.”

“I’ll see you later, Sir Morn.” Emerald waved to the knight as he headed out through one of the exits, leaving her by herself. “Perhaps I shall go watch your match!”

The knight popped his head back around the corner. “Then I shall make sure to be at my best, my lady!”

Emerald headed out of the dens, going back up and and taking a staircase in the opposite direction. To get to the stands, she would have to cut through the central courtyard before heading up one of the stony staircases towards the inside of the castle.

She had only just arrived at the base of the steps when she heard a very familiar voice, calling behind her.

“Hello, miss, might Ah interest you in a couple ‘a apples?”

Emerald quickly turned to the side to see the smiling face of Honeygold, standing by an apple stand with her parents.

She ran up to the small girl and picked her up in a hug. “Honeygold! It’s so good to see you!”

“You too, Em!” the girl giggled as Emerald put her back down.

“Emerald Edge,” Golden Nugget whistled and walked over with his wife to embrace the spymaster as well. “Glad to see ya still up and about. Saw your first match. That was mighty fine.”

“What are you all doing back here?” Emerald asked. “Spectrum said you only come back every four months.”

“Young Spectrum forgot to mention the tournament visit. Ah guess we forgot to mention it too...” Apple Bean explained as she headed back behind the apple stand. “We come back every tournament, Emerald.”

“That’s good news!” Emerald pointed to the tournament stand entrance. “Well, I’m heading to watch Sir Morn’s fight. I’ll catch you three later. It’s so good to see you.”

“Likewise, Emerald,” Golden Nugget nodded and smiled.

“Honeygold, dear, why don’t ya go with Em?” Apple Bean placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Ah’m sure you’ll want to chat a bit.”

“Sure, ma!” the blonde haired girl beamed and bounced along to the spymaster. “Let’s go, Em!”

Emerald didn’t mind. Honeygold was never a nuisance to her. In fact, she really enjoyed the young girl’s company.

“So what’cha been up to, Em?” Honeygold questioned as she skipped alongside the spymaster. “Trainin’? Fightin’?”

“All that, yes,” Emerald chuckled as they reentered the castle. “Oh, and I did get to help save some people from these notorious druids. You ever seen them, Honeygold? Nasty humans.”

“Ah’ve heard o’ them,” the girl replied. “Heard they snatch people off the roads for them sack-ruh-fries thing. What d’ya suppose that is?”

“You don’t want to know, Honeygold.”

Emerald and Honeygold carried on back into the castle’s interior, heading along an open hallway towards the stands. The castle had similar architecture all over, making it hard to navigate, but being here the last few weeks, Emerald knew where she was going, no problem.

“So during the tournament you’re allowed to sell within the castle grounds?” Emerald struck up a new conversation. “Just you and your family?”

“We’re kinda like a snack stall,” Honeygold skipped along. “Like when people are hungry or thirsty, we’re here to help them out! The king allows this durin’ the tournament.”


After a few more corridors and two more staircases, Emerald and Honeygold arrived at the stands, merging in with the crowds of humans here to watch Sir Morn Dread’s fight unfold.

The knight himself was standing near, his back facing Emerald, sword already in hand and a helmet over his handsome face. On the opposite end stood a giant man, wearing almost nothing above his waist, his painted chest covered only by a small leather sling. He had a round shield in one hand and a double-sided axe in his other.

“Ooh, looks like a tough fight here, Em,” Honeygold vibrated excitedly. “But Ah’m sure Sir Morn’ll come up on top. He’s a really skilled knight.”

“Yeah, he sure is… Honeygold, are you sure you’re old enough to be seeing this?”

“Course Ah am, Em!” she raised an eyebrow in question. “People of all ages can come see the tournament. Is it not like that in your world?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Honeygold,” Emerald rubbed at her head. “I’ve never been to one of these.”

Emerald didn’t think foals or small humans would be allowed to see such acts of violence, but she’d had to learn a lot of new things in this world. This would just be another to add to that list.

“SIR MORN DREAD OF CANTERLOT, KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE…” Emerald watched a skinny human with a strange beard shout with his hands cupped around his mouth, amplifying his voice. Now she knew how they projected their voices so loudly. “AGAINST STRONGHORN THE TOUGH OF THE FROZEN NORTH!”

The large human called Stronghorn charged at Sir Morn, holding his axe way over his head, crying out wildly as he closed the distance with large footsteps. Sir Morn stood his ground, raising Clarent up into both his hands, ready for the fight. Before the giant man could swing down, Sir Morn had already moved, circling around his competitor so fast that the giant couldn’t stop himself from slamming the axe down into the dirt ground, spraying the air with sand.

“Stand still, ye wee man!” he grunted as he spun his axe in his hand and slashed sideways at the knight, who blocked with his blade. “And I’ll crush you in a jiffy!”

“No chance,” Sir Morn smiled and pushed back, ducking low when the man attacked again. He swung up and cut a bunch of golden hair from the man’s large moustache. “You are an excellent warrior, but I cannot let you win.”

“Aye, I’ll make sure ye eat your words, lad,” the burly man retorted. “No knight from your land has ever beaten the great Stronghorn the Tough!”

Emerald watched in anticipation as her favorite knight continued to clash steel with Stronghorn. She loved how calm and cool he was during the fight, even with an axe swinging down at his face multiple times. The man was at least a meter taller, but Morn had no fear.

“Gee, that viking sure is puttin’ up a good fight against Sir Morn,” Honeygold watched anxiously.

“Viking?” Emerald asked, not finding that word familiar. “What’s that? Are those big strong humans like him?”

“Oh gee, Em,” Honeygold scratched her head, but kept her eyes on the match. “Umm… Vikings are from up north. Don’t know much else, ‘cept that they like drinkin’ and fightin’.”

“That’ll do,” Emerald smiled and patted Honeygold on her head.

It was another minute of steel against steel when the big man suddenly bashed Sir Morn in the face with his shield before turning in a semi-circle and delivering a good cut across the knight’s helmet, knocking him back.

“Sir Morn!” Emerald yelled instinctively. If Honeygold hadn’t held on to her, she might’ve just run forward to help. Thankfully, it was way too noisy for too many people to hear her. “Is he going to be okay?”

“There’re mages around,” Honeygold pointed to an array of colorful robed humans decorating the arena. “They’ll get him all good again when the match is over.”

Emerald clasped her hands together as she continued to watch. Sir Morn had tossed his warped helmet to the side, revealing a long cut from one eyebrow to his cheek. Thankfully, it didn’t look too deep, but blood was already dripping down his face.

“Aye, you’re still up?” Stronghorn nodded his approval, but readied his weapon. “You’re a tough lad yourself. We should end this quick before you lose too much blood, eh?”

“I agree.” Sir Morn readied himself once more.

Emerald didn’t like how things were looking, but she silently provided her knight with encouragement, wishing he could hear her.

You can do this, Sir Morn. I believe in you.

Almost as if he could hear her thoughts, the knight turned his head in her direction and gave her a reassuring smile before rushing to the viking. Stronghorn lashed out with his axe, but missed as Sir Morn relocated himself to the viking’s shield arm, cutting rapidly at the shield’s wooden surface. After the sixth strike, the shield split, leaving only the handle in Stronghorn’s hand.

“What?” he growled, tossing the handle at the knight, grabbing his battleaxe in both hands.

Emerald watched as the knight somehow continued fighting, slashing back and forth, pressing on even with the wound across his face. Soon, Stronghorn was down on his back, panting from exertion and the multiple wounds across his body.

“Surrender, and end this,” Sir Morn pointed Clarent at his head.

The crowd began to cheer as Stronghorn the Tough stayed down, unable to get up. Emerald joined them, cheering Sir Morn’s name as he turned to return to the dens below.

“Well, round’s over,” Emerald placed a hand on Honeygold’s shoulder as they began leaving the stands. “I should head back to the dens to check on Sir Morn. You?”

“Ah guess Ah’ll head back to the apple stand and help ma and pa,” the little girl smiled happily. “We’ll make sure to come watch your fight, Em.”

The spymaster nodded and said her goodbyes at the steps, returning back under the castle. She quickly found her way back to the dens, finding Sir Morn sitting by the wall, wiping a piece of cloth over his face. His perfect face-

“Sir Morn!” Emerald swooped over, examining his face closer. “Y-Your wound!”

“Yes, it looks bad, my lady, but tis no problem,” he smiled and continued to wipe his face.

“N-No, not that,” Emerald restated and placed a hand to his face. “Your wound. It’s gone!”

“Gone?” Sir Morn removed his cloth and looked at it. Emerald noticed there was blood on it, but on his face, the wound had vanished, almost as if he had just wiped it away with his cloth. “It was just here. That’s why I hold this cloth in my hands.”

Emerald rubbed her thumb across his skin, but there really was nothing there. Not even a groove or scratch. It was smooth.

Realizing what she was doing after a few more seconds, she pulled her hand back and turned to the side as a blush crept across her cheeks.

“How odd…” Sir Morn touched at his own face as if checking to see if it was real. “My injuries have healed quickly before, but never this fast with one of such severity.”

Emerald had no idea how any his injuries could heal like that, but perhaps some humans were able to do it. They were very different from ponies after all.

“Well, I’m glad you’re unhurt, Sir Morn,” Emerald smiled and watched him through a portion of her turquoise hair.

“My thanks, Emerald,” Sir Morn returned the smile. “So how was my match? Was it to your expectation?”

“Oh, very much so, Sir Morn. That was well fought. You are as skilled as I remember you to be.”

“Oh, you flatter me, my lady,” Sir Morn chuckled and folded the bloodstained cloth in his hands. “Well now… Many challengers have gone home. We might not get another chance to talk until halftime, but you’ll be getting to your prize much faster, my lady. That is good.”

“I-I suppose it is…” Emerald rubbed her shoulder anxiously. “Good luck out there, Sir Morn. I hope to see you in combat later.”

“You have my word, Emerald,” he slightly bowed and took her hand in his. “I shall not disappoint you. Especially you, my lady.” He brought his head down and planted a kiss on the back of her hand.

“Y-Yes, I shall expect you to follow up on that,” her face glowed red again. Spectrum had told her it was a sign of courtesy, just like kissing one’s hoof back in Equestria, but to have it done to her was a bit… embarrassing.

“Then our rounds begin once more, my lady,” Sir Morn got up and placed a hand on Clarent’s pommel. “I shall win my next round for you.”

Emerald Edge hopped on the spot a few times, shaking her lanky human limbs at her sides to loosen the muscles in her arms and shoulders in the shadows of the entrance to the arena.

This was it. Her second match. Sir Morn Dread said it wasn’t going to be like Lord Fiasco at all, so Emerald wanted to be extra prepared for the fight.


A Knight of the Round Table? Emerald didn’t know how this fight would go, but she had prepared herself for the worst, hopefully it wouldn’t be too difficult.

Finally stepping out into the arena, the spymaster pulled her hood over her head, hiding her face from the crowd of cheering humans. The attention still took some getting used to.

Turning to face her opponent, Emerald noticed it was a man in a suit of armor, with a cylindrical red helmet over his head. A crimson tunic was worn over dusty red armor, a picture of a bag of purple fruit painted on it. In his right hand, he held a sword with a red hilt and in his left, a regular axe.

To his credit, the knight didn’t say anything. He simply got into stance and waited for her. Emerald rather liked that. Too much talk during combat really irritated her.

She unsheathed her sword from its scabbard, earning more cheers from the crowd as she moved towards the knight, carefully moving step by step. She was just past the halfway mark when she noticed the axe leaving the knight’s hand, spiralling straight for her head. Leaning back, Emerald watched the weapon sail over her head before she righted herself, just in time to deflect the red knight’s sword.

Emerald pushed him back and dashed to her right, trying to get around him. He countered quickly, swinging his sword for Emerald’s knees, forcing her to roll over them. In midair, Sir Agramane’s elbow found her chest, knocking the air out of her lungs and sending her rolling on the sandy ground.

Emerald almost didn’t have time to get up, rolling to the side again to avoid the knight’s downward slash.

A collective gasp sounded from the stands at Emerald’s near hit.

Still on the ground, she lashed out with a foot, catching Agramane in the back of his knee, tripping him. Now on equal level, Emerald hooked her sword in the knight’s hilt before he could react and twisted her hand, just like Sir Morn had taught her, disarming the knight in an instant, his sword flopping to the sand a good distance away.

She clambered atop him and pointed her sword down at his eyehole, breathing heavily. “Do you concede?”

Without a word, the human nodded.

The crowd amplified their cheering as Emerald stood and kept her weapon. Holding a hand out to her opponent, she helped the red knight up, giving him a nod of respect as he returned to her eye level.

“You fight well,” Sir Agrammane said at last before turning around to leave the arena.

The spymaster swiftly retreated back to the tunnel she had come from, glad to be out of the spotlight and her second fight. He certainly was no Lord Fiasco, but Emerald was glad it wasn’t too difficult. Perhaps it was because she had prepared herself to expect a much tougher opponent. As her mentor had once told her, expect more from your enemies, but never expect less.

Returning to the dens, Emerald found a spot by the wall to rest for a while. According to Sir Morn, with less competitors now, her break wouldn’t be as long, so she had to rest as well as she could, but at the same time, prepare herself for the next round.

You can do this, Emerald. Keep it up, and that shield is as good as yours.

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