• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 1,539 Views, 510 Comments

Age of Kings - A bag of plums

When King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire, one pony went into another world to seek help. Featuring the ancestors of the cast of Equestria Girls, this is the account of her quest in the human world.

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62 - The Way Onward

The next day dawned bright and early on the island of Avalon. Light Speckle and Nightfall Gleam had been up nearly all night, poring over the journals of Clover the Clever, and it showed. The two mages had bags under their eyes and moved as if in a daze. But they both wore triumphant smiles on their faces.

“We did it!” Nightfall yawned at breakfast, which was outdoors by the lake. Everyone automatically stopped mid chew and turned to look at the mage. “We know what we’re looking for!”

“You did?” Jewel Pin asked, looking somewhat impressed. “Well, do tell us, dear mage.”

Light Speckle stepped forward and opened one of Clover’s journals to a marked page.

“Here. According to Clover’s visions with the staff, there is an artifact that she calls the Apple, located in Saddle Arabia. Supposedly it’s in this ancient temple in the desert, and Clover has sketched out the surroundings of the temple, with landmarks and all. Now we just have to go and retrieve it, and we can bring it back and save Canterlot!”

There was a moment of silence as everyone took this in.

“You make it seem so simple,” Posey muttered, looking at Speckle.

“Well, that’s the general plan anyway,” Nightfall said hastily. “We don’t actually know exactly where this temple is. Clover actually wanted to go to Saddle Arabia to look for it, but she’s too old to do so much traveling. But she made notes of anything useful that might help on the journey.”

“Does it include how to get over the mountains?” Jewel Pin asked. “Because that might be important to know.”

“Can’t we just walk over the mountains?” Spectrum shrugged and nudged Guard Streak, who did the exact same motion.

“Walking over the mountains is treacherous,” Light Speckle said ominously. “There are many dangers between here and the mountains that I would prefer not to tangle with. And that is just half the journey. None of us have ever been that far away from Canterlot before. It will be challenging.”

“Then it sounds like you will need a guide,” a familiar voice announced from behind them.

Everyone turned around to see who had spoken. Riding a black stallion that was panting with exertion, was the mage Moon Tide. She slid out of the saddle and landed in a crouch before straightening up. Her robes were dirty at the hem and there were shadows under her eyes.

“Moon Tide!” Emerald exclaimed. “What are you doing here? How are you here?”

“Careful.” Posey was the first who held out an arm instinctively. “We must be assured that she has not been turned by Morn. She is his mother, after all.”

Moon Tide stepped closer, holding up both hands in a universal gesture of ‘look, I’m not carrying a big, murderous weapon’.

“I can promise you that I am not ensorcelled. As for proof, I would have you look at my eyes. All of Morn’s enchanted puppets have a golden glow. Mine are the selfsame purple.”

Spectrum looked as though she was convinced, but Posey still looked skeptical.

“How do we know you’re not working for Morn Dread anyway?”

Moon Tide shifted in place. “My son… has to be stopped. I understand and taste his heartbreak at being turned down by Dawn Saber, but this reaction goes far beyond his right of retribution. Morn’s actions will bring ruin upon this kingdom. And so the queen has sent me here to aid you in stopping him. Whether that means slaying him or else.”

“Ya would willingly have your son killed?” Apple Bean was aghast. “Ah mean, he’s done a terrible thing indeed, but to want him dead… That ain’t somethin’ a parent should want of their child.”

“Queen Sunlight is convinced that it is the only way,” Moon Tide said, a lump forming in her throat. “I… I have to carry out her will. But I can’t do it alone.”

“You-you really want him dead?” Emerald asked, feeling as though a knife had been inserted into her chest.

She had weighed her options and she had very reluctantly tried to end Morn, even though it would’ve brought her much sorrow. She knew she couldn’t let him become the man he had become, but it was perhaps that same reluctancy that made her miss her chance. If there was any way she could save him from himself, she wanted to do it.

“I do not wish him dead, Lady Emerald.” Moon Tide looked down. “I would do anything I could to spare him, but the queen has spoken, and I cannot disobey her, but at the same time… I just… I cannot kill him. He’s my son and I love him.”

“I do not want to kill him either,” Emerald said, putting a hand on Moon Tide’s shoulder. “Maybe once we have an artifact of our own, we can convince Morn to back down. There are possibly many ways to solve this without resorting to killing him.”

“I hope so,” Moon Tide said quietly. Then she scrubbed her eyes and put on a bright smile. “But you need to get to Saddle Arabia for that, don’t you? I have been out as far as the foothills of the mountains. Mayhap I can guide you that far.”

“Uh, just how far are these mountains?” Honeygold raised a hand to ask. “Ah mean, as apple farmers, we kinda know some of the geo-gruh-ma-fee, but Ah don’t think we’ve ever gone out that far.”

“We haven’t, dear.” Apple Bean put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder.

Moon Tide sat down on a barrel, gesturing to the east. “The Coltcasus Mountains that separate our lush forests from the vast deserts of Saddle Arabia are about three weeks’ horse ride that way, if you’re going at a leisurely pace. Perhaps two and a half weeks if going fast. We need to pass through the Kingdom of Prance and the Kievan Horse territory to even get to the foothills. I have been there while looking for ingredients and magical herbs. There are many hazards that lie between here and the mountains that I know about. After the foothills though… my knowledge is lacking.”

“Ah’ve heard o’ them Kievan Horses,” Honeygold beamed. “Ah’ve a… friend who’s told me lots of them. Says they have hats made of fur and they all like their al-co-ma-hols.”

“Trust me, they’re not the friendliest of humans, young one.” Moon Tide adjusted her moon circlet on her head. “We are better off if we do not meet them. The Prench too.”

“And this is just to to foothills?” Posey put her chin onto her fist. “We do not have a lot of time to spare.”

“No, but the sooner we set out the better,” Emerald said, folding her arms. “With every day that we stay here, the more likely we are to be discovered.”

“Yes, I agree. Moon Tide could have been followed.” Posey tapped the end of her bow unconsciously. “If she could arrive here already, what is to say they would not?”

“Morn is unpredictable in his current state,” Moon Tide said. “I am fairly certain I was not followed, but I did not make any effort to cover my tracks, as much of a hurry as I was in.”

“Besides,” Light Speckle spoke up. “He has the staff. It’s unlikely, but possible he may be scrying us.”

Everyone immediately looked around and up uncomfortably.

“The sooner we leave Avalon, the better.” Emerald looked to her friends. “We do not want to put you in any danger, Apple Bean.”

“I want to go with you, Em!” Honeygold bounced up to her. “You’ll need someone like me around to help.”

“Tis going to be dangerous, Honeygold. We cannot possibly allow you to come along.” Posey bent lower to talk to her.

“But Ah want to help.”

“Honeygold, listen.” Emerald joined them. “I cannot put you in more danger by bringing you with me, no matter how much I would like to. It will not be an easy journey and we do not even know what we may encounter on the other side.”

“Em is right, dear,” Apple Bean said. “You’re still young. Ya cannot possibly go.”

The young farmer pointed a finger at her friend. “Spectrum can go. So does her lover.”

“Hey, hey, no no, Streak’s not my lover.” Spectrum turned away and blushed. So did Guard Streak. “B-Besides, we are squires. We are trained with the sword.”

“Ah can use a dagger.” She pulled up her shirt and removed a blade from her belt. “See here? My friend’s been teachin’ me to protect myself or deal some damage.”

It was a short weapon, with a slightly curved edge and a blackened handle. There were even engravings along the side of the blade in a foreign language that Emerald couldn’t decipher.

“My my, if I did not recognize a Kievan Horse blade if I did not see one.” Moon Tide marveled at the dagger. “Pray tell, where did you come across such a fine weapon?”

“Like Ah said, Ah have a friend who’s been trainin’ me on usin’ one.” Honeygold put her hands on her hips proudly. “He’s from there, ya see.”

“Can we meet this friend?” Spectrum squished her cheeks together. “He seems like an interesting person.”

Honeygold had a think about it. “Maybe tonight.”

“Settled.” The rainbow haired squire grinned madly.

“Look, yes, this is not the important part of our quest,” Nightfall Gleam reminded them. “We should leave Avalon as soon as we can. We do not know how long we have until Canterlot’s forces arrive to kill us.”

“Then packing we must do.” Jewel Pin pulled up at her dress’ hem. “I have much to pack, so I think I should get to it first.”

And she was immediately off towards the cabins.

“The rest of us should get to packing too.” Light Speckle scratched at her already messy hair. “And a bath before leaving would not hurt. It would be a while before we may find somewhere with a bath again.”

“Yes. We do not even know what kind of people Saddle Arabia may hold,” Spectrum chuckled and nudged her fellow squire. “For all we know, they don’t even wash.”

Streak laughed. “D-Don’t t-te-tell that t-to Je-Jewel Pin.”

“You children are so… delightful.” Moon Tide gave them a smile.

“Hey, I am no child.” Spectrum puffed out her chest and held her head high. “We are to be knights one day.”

“That’s if you ever return to Canterlot as a hero.” Posey patted her on the shoulder. “While we wait for you to pack... Emerald, we do not have much to pack. Could I speak to you? Somewhere quieter.”

“Oh, very well, Posey. Honeygold, why don’t you help them out? I shall not be long.”

Posey led Emerald to a copse of trees behind Honeygold’s house as the three youngsters ran off towards the cabins, with the mages following soon after. The air smelled crisp and sweet, which calmed Emerald down somewhat. After all, an apple a day keeps the problems away, as her mother used to tell her.

“So what is it you would like to speak of, Posey?” Emerald found a fallen log and took the chance to stretch her legs on it.

“First, tis about where we are going. We are to pass through Prench territory, Em.” A shadow passed over Posey’s face. “I have never told you of this before, but the bandits that took my mother, they were of the Kingdom of Prance. If we are to pass through any settlements, I would ask for a chance to see if anyone would know the whereabouts of my mother. Dead or alive, I have to know.”

Emerald rubbed the tip of her foot against the ground. “I know you care a lot for your mother, Posey, but we cannot jeopardize the mission just for you. You know that, right?”

“I… I know, Em…” Posey looked away into the woods. “I just… We are going through the people who took her. I thought there could be a chance. To find out. After all these years…”

Emerald stared at her feet. True, they were on a mission to save Canterlot, but who was she to deny her friend something that she longed for?

“Look,” Emerald said eventually. “If we pass any settlements, you can ask around about your mother. But we’re not going to go out of the way to find her, alright? Getting to Saddle Arabia is our main objective.”

That seemed to brighten up the archer’s face and she nodded. “That would be great already, Em. Thank you. That will be another thing I would be in your debt for.”

“You’re my friend, Posey. Friends stand up for each other, yes?”

“Yes, they do.” Posey went over and gave Emerald a warm hug. “Thank you, Em. You were my first friend and you are certainly my best.”

The former pegasus chuckled and gave her a pat on the back. “Now, you said this was the first of things you had wanted to discuss?”

“Oh, yes. Right.” She pulled away and pinched at her bandana unconsciously. “You see, ever since Moon Tide has gotten here, I… haven’t been able to… get a good reading of her.”

“Good reading?” The spymaster tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“I'll go more into detail with it later, but I am not entirely sure of Moon Tide's intentions. I am a fairly good judge of people's character, but Moon Tide is a mystery to me.”

“You don’t think she’s spying for Morn, do you?” Emerald wanted to be sure what Posey was getting on.

“I do not know, but I do know… she isn’t our enemy.” Posey looked up with conviction. “I just do not know if she is truly with us.”

“These are trying times,” Emerald said comfortingly. “To be honest, I’m still feeling a bit lost. But our best plan is Saddle Arabia. Once get there, we can start on restoring peace to the kingdom.”

“That’s if we can even find that artifact.” Posey exhaled and shifted her quiver belt. “Where would we even know where to look?”

“The mages are working on that. But I am sure once we get close to it, I will know.” Emerald could recall the warm feeling of home whenever she was close to an artifact. She would be able to feel the one in Saddle Arabia once they get close enough.

“Yes, I suppose you are right.” Posey looked past the trees around them and into the distance. “Em, do you think we can save them? The knights, I mean.”

The former pegasus knew exactly who her friend was talking about.

“I do not know, Posey,” she answered honestly. “I want to be able to save them. I do. They were my friends, my brothers in arms. If I could save them, I would try my hardest to do so, but… I do not know, Posey. Morn, he… I do not know what I can do.

“I had my chance. I could have ended all this before it even began, but I hesitated and that had cost me. I love Morn. I cannot possibly take his life, even if it was for the sake of the kingdom. I do want to save him. If there is a way to convince him, to show him just what he is doing to us all, I want to take it. But… if it comes down to taking his life… If I have to, Posey… I don’t know if I can…”

Posey placed a hand on Emerald’s shoulder and squeezed it. “I trust you, Emerald. I am sure when the time comes… You will make the right choice. I just hope… That we can save them.”

“We will, Posey.” Emerald squeezed her hand back. “I will bring Sir Ganeighn back to you if I am able.”

Posey smiled. “There is really so much I have to thank you for, Em.”

“And I you, Posey. You have taught me so much in my time here.” Emerald looked up at the apples in the trees, suddenly feeling hungry. “I know together, we shall all get through this dark time just fine.”

“An interesting group of people you have brought out of Canterlot town. I am sure each of us can contribute greatly to our quest. Speaking of which, perhaps we should go aid them in packing.”

Emerald nodded and looked back the way they had come from. “Yes. I think Jewel Pin of all people shall need the most help.”

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