• Published 5th Jan 2017
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Age of Kings - A bag of plums

When King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire, one pony went into another world to seek help. Featuring the ancestors of the cast of Equestria Girls, this is the account of her quest in the human world.

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24 - An Evening with the Queen

Emerald Edge felt like she had spent a little too much time in the Drifting Stallion yesterday. Posey had introduced her to something called hard cider, which tasted deliciously of apples and left the former pegasus with a pleasant buzz in her head after the second flagon. Emerald and Posey chatted and drank through the night, both of them sharing stories of adventure from their early days.

When she had awoken in the morning, she did so with a slight headache and bleary eyes. She was lying in her own bed in the cottage, but had no recollection of actually coming back.

“What?” She rubbed at her head.

“Oh, Emerald!” Posey exclaimed, having been sitting at the table with her head down. “You’re up. How do you feel?”

“Posey, what… what happened? Did we do something…?” Emerald pushed her legs off the bed. Her mouth was really dry.

“Here, drink this.” Posey offered Emerald a clay mug of water. “Just to stave off the headache until the tea’s done.”

“Thanks.” Emerald downed the mug and handed it back to Posey. “That drink last night was quite the potent one. I’ve never drank something like that in Equestria. At least, not that strong.”

“Well to be fair, you did have four flagons of it,” Posey said as she brought over the teapot, which had leaves steeping in it. “I only had two.”

“Did you make this?” Emerald looked into the pot and sniffed. “Will this help?”

“Yes, it’s elderflower tea. Moon Tide came by earlier and dropped off a few items. The tea leaves were part of the gift, so…”

“Oh, she did?” Emerald scratched at her hair, then tried to pick up her mug. “She always seems to know what we need. How nice of her.”

Posey nodded. “We’re lucky to have her as a friend.”

“Yes we are…” Emerald poured tea into her mug. “Well, let us finish this and be off. Honeygold and her parents are due to leave today. I want to make sure they’re alright.”

Both women made short work of the tea, and after a quick breakfast of jam and bread, they set off towards Spectrum Song’s house, where Honeygold and her parents had been staying. It was a short walk to their destination, and by the time they arrived, Golden Nugget and Apple Bean were already readying their cart for the journey home to Avalon.

“Golden Nugget, Apple Bean, how is Honeygold?” Emerald asked as she got closer, giving them a wave with her human hand. “And here, I’ll help.”

Honeygold’s parents turned from the horses, which they were hooking up to the wagon’s harness.

“Oh, Emerald!” Apple Bean and Golden Nugget turned and smiled. “Honeygold told us everything, about how you and the knights rescued her from those villainous druids. On behalf of my family, Ah would like to say thank you. Ya saved our little daughter from a horrible fate. I don’t know how we can repay ya.”

“You’ve done more than enough for me, Apple Bean.” Emerald put a hand on the apple saleswoman’s arm. “And you, Golden Nugget. When I first arrived, it was you three who homed me, who taught me the ways of the world. I owe everything to you.”

“Aw, shucks, nothin’ to be proud about for us, Emerald,” Golden Nugget said. “We did what anyone would’a done for anyone.”

“I’m sure that’s not what most of you humans think,” Emerald smiled and helped to tie Springer’s harness tightly to the caravan. “I’m glad I met you three and I’m glad those druids didn’t hurt Honeygold any further.”

“Same here, Em.” Apple Bean patted her horses. “Well, we’re almost just about done. Why don’t ya go in and spend some time with Honeygold before we leave? Ah’m sure she’d like that.”

“Yes, go ahead, Emerald,” Posey agreed with the green-skinned woman. “I’ll help them pack.”

“As you say.”

Emerald walked to the house. It was quite small, but nothing too bad. The inside looked almost the same as Emerald’s, but their table was longer and in a different spot, and there was also a staircase leading up to the second floor. The spymaster wondered what it looked like upstairs, but that wasn’t the important part now.

Honeygold and Spectrum Song sat by the table with the squire’s parents. Her father had blue hair while her mother also shared her unique rainbow colored hair.

“Why, you must be Emerald Edge,” Spectrum’s mother spoke. “Young Spectrum’s told us all about you.”

“Em!” Honeygold got up and ran over, throwing her arms around the spymaster’s midsection. “Ah’m glad ya came to see us off!” The blonde haired girl still had bandages around her arm, but at least it looked like the bleeding had stopped completely.

“I wouldn’t miss it, Honeygold.” Emerald patted the girl’s head and returned the embrace. “And thank you, parents of Spectrum Song, for looking after this young one.”

“Oh, it is nothing.” Spectrum’s father waved. “Our families go way back. I’m sure if we were to visit Avalon, they would be the ones looking after us.”

“Speakin’ of Avalon…” Honeygold tugged on Emerald’s tunic. “Come visit us someday, Em! You’ll love it! It’s got apples all over the countryside! Ya like apples!”

“I do.” Emerald nodded and chuckled. “I will make sure to come visit someday. The king made me a Knight of the Round Table, you know?”

“I heard from Spectrum!” Honeygold bounced eagerly. “That’s great, Em! You’ve come so far since we found ya in the lake.”

“And there’s still so much more to be done!” Spectrum squished her cheeks together. “You’ll be going on quests now, Em! Maybe you’ll find another artifact out there! Then you can go back and save your kingdom!”

“Yes, that’s the hope I hold onto.” Emerald smiled and patted the two girls on their heads. “Well, Honeygold, as much as I like to stay here and spend time with you, your parents must be done with the packing by now. Let us go outside.”

Back outside, Apple Bean and Golden Nugget were standing by their caravan with Posey, talking about something.

“Ah, there ya are, dear.” Apple Bean patted her daughter on the head as she ran over to join them. “Everythin’ set?”

“Ah’ve got everythin’ I need,” the young girl said, smiling up at her mother.

“Posey here’s been tellin’ us all about your exploits, Emerald,” Golden Nugget said. “You’ve really been busy, haven’t ya?”

“Just trying to do what I need to do.” Emerald smiled and rubbed an arm. “As for you three, I hope Avalon will be far less dangerous.”

“A good time away from druids and fighting, hmm?” Golden Nugget grinned as he checked on the reins of his horses. “Can’t say that doesn’t sound pleasin’.”

“Ya take care of yourself too, Em.” Apple Bean walked over and gave Emerald a hug. “We look forward to see ya when we come back to Canterlot in a few months.”

“Me too, Apple Bean.” Emerald returned the squeeze. “I’ll miss having you all around.”

Honeygold skipped over and gave Emerald’s abdomen a hug. “Ah’ll miss ya too, Em.”

“Hay, we all will, Ah think.” Golden Nugget placed a hand on the spymaster’s shoulder. “But before ya know it, we’ll be back.”

When their goodbyes were all said and done, Emerald walked over to stand with Posey, Spectrum and her family, waving goodbye as the Apple family turned the carriage around and started heading out of town. Like the last time, Honeygold popped her head out the back, waving to them one last time.

“You’ve made a lot of good friends in your time here, Emerald.” Posey folded her arms and smiled. “I can learn a lot from you.”

“Why, I think it is the other way around.” Emerald gave Posey a clap on the shoulder. “You have taught me a lot here. I think I still have much more I can learn from you.”

“Aw, you don’t have to say all that, Emerald.” Posey blushed and kicked at a small pebble on the ground.

“So what happens now?” Spectrum looked over to the spymaster once the Apples’ carriage was way in the distance. “You have to meet the queen tonight, yes?”

“Yes, she has requested me for dinner.” Emerald nodded her head. “I wonder what she wants to talk about.”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out, huh?” Spectrum whipped out her lute.

Emerald Edge had never seen such opulence, not even in the Crystal Empire, where everything sparkled and gleamed. Here in Canterlot Castle, the fortress of rock and mortar, the path to the queen’s chamber was lined with so much satin and silk that barely an inch of the underlying stone could be seen. Gilt-framed paintings hung amidst spectacular tapestries, leading Emerald’s eyes from one surface to the next with nary a break.

Two visored knights stood guard outside a pair of tall oaken double doors.

“Halt in the name of Sunlight Radiance, Queen of Canterlot!” both of the barked at the same time without looking at each other, a particularly useless skill that nonetheless must have taken a while to master. “Who goes there!”

“Lady Emerald Edge,” Emerald said, presenting the locket that Sonata had given her the previous day. “Queen Sunlight wanted to meet me tonight for dinner?”

“She has the locket,” the guard on the right confirmed. “Very well, you may enter.”

Both knights turned on their heels and pulled the doors open, revealing a spacious, well decorated chamber that looked even more opulent than the outside. Billowing curtains of silk stretched from column to column, and here and there were scattered lounges and large cushions, all surrounding a central table. The far end of the room opened onto a stretch of landing, giving Emerald a gorgeous view of the night sky.

And seated at the table, wearing an ornate white evening dress, was Sunlight Radiance. Her hair was in its usual long plait, her crown perched perfectly on her queenly head.

“Emerald,” Sunlight declared as Emerald remembered her manners and bowed. “So glad you could come.”

“Of course, your majesty,” the spymaster replied after raising herself back up. “Having a meal with a queen is one of the highest honors someone might receive.”

Sunlight nodded, as if in agreement. The queen gestured carelessly at the array of lounges and cushions. “Sit wherever you please. The food and music will be along shortly, so for now, let us enjoy the evening together.”

“Yes, your majesty.” Emerald picked the first couch in the row and placed herself in it. It was unusually soft, and almost made her want to just close her eyes and forget all her problems.

The queen settled down back onto her seat and rang a tiny golden bell. As if they had been waiting for the cue, a side door burst open, revealing four familiar figures: the king’s three muses and surprisingly, Moon Tide.

“Moon Tide!” Emerald said surprisingly. She didn’t expect to see a mage here.

“It will be awfully dull if it’s just the two of us,” Sunlight explained, the hint of a mischievous smile on her lips. “You don’t mind, do you, Emerald?”

“It is as you wish, your majesty,” Emerald said, closing her eyes again, taking advantage of the whole moment.

The three muses settled themselves on a heap of cushions by the balcony, while Moon Tide took up a position at a huge golden harp in the corner, putting her fingers to the strings and filling the air with a soothing, nostalgic tune.

“Moon Tide. Adagio, Aria, Sonata,” Emerald greeted.

Adagion tilted her head to Emerald; Aria merely settled on a brief wave and Sonata let out an overjoyed “Hi!”. Moon Tide gave Emerald a long, slow blink but otherwise did not stop playing or give any indication she would do anything else.

Emerald listened to the soothing music flow through her ears, threatening to send her closer to the land of dreams. Bah. It was good while it lasted. Emerald stuck her feet out and used her weight to shift herself back up into a sitting position.

“Now, Emerald,” Queen Sunlight said languidly. “I was at the tournament today, watching with my husband. In all my years of being married to him, I have seldom seen a knight who uses such tactics as yours. Most innovative.”

“Thank you, your majesty,” Emerald said. Sensing the question that was couched inside the compliment, she continued, “I learned them when practicing with Sir Morn Dread and Spectrum Song.”

Queen Sunlight nodded. “Indeed! It is no small task to learn an entirely new style in the space of a few weeks. I applaud you.”

“I guess it’s my job to learn fast, your majesty,” Emerald tried not to sound too cocky. “Sometimes, a small action can be the key to victory or defeat.”

“Ah, but I forget, you’re not from Canterlot, are you?” Queen Sunlight smiled. “Where did you say you were from, my dear?”

Emerald contemplated her answer. If she was going to be here for a long time, she should start learning to trust the people here. “I’m from another world called Equestria. I was the royal spymaster, serving under Princess Amore of the Crystal Empire.”

“Fascinating!” Queen Sunlight leaned forward in her chair over the table. “Do tell me more.”

“Princess Amore was a great and kind ruler. But then… Sombra came. Sombra was a creature of shadow, growing up among us, learning to be like us. One day, he just changed. He turned the princess to stone and hid away our precious Crystal Heart, our prized gem that kept our kingdom protected. Without it, there was no stopping the mad king. He… He took everything from me. My friends, my princess, my empire…” Emerald wiped at one eye as a single tear fell from it.

“This Sombra sounds like an awful scoundrel,” Sonata piped up from her seat. “He’d never have been able to take over the Empire if we were still there- mmph!” Aria slapped a hand across her sister’s mouth before she could say more.

“What she means to say,” Adagio drawled. “Was that we’re very sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you,” Emerald nodded slowly. Still, talking about her kingdom didn’t tear her down as much as it used to. “One day, I will return and I will vanquish Sombra and take the empire back.”

“You have a way back to Equestria?” Aria asked. Emerald was taken aback by the usually non-talkative girl’s question but shook her head.

“Not yet, but I’ll focus on finding a way back once I finish my mission.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t get the artifact during the tournament, Emerald,” Moon Tide said while she continued to play the harp. “I know you tried your best.”

Just talking about the tournament set Emerald’s mouth taut, but an instant later she changed it to a regretful smile; no need to look pouty in front of the queen. “I’ll just have to try harder next time.”

“That’s the spirit, Emerald!” Sonata cheered from her seat. “Maybe once you get an artifact, you can open a way back home!”

Emerald had been about to say, “I hope so”, but at that moment, the side door swung open again, this time revealing a small entourage of castle servants, each of holding a tray of food. The trays were all placed down in a neat order on the table; Emerald noticed that there were very few dishes with meat on them, in fact, the predominant ingredients seemed to be leafy greens and fruit.

“Sir Morn Dread told me about your preferred diet, Emerald.” Queen Sunlight explained with a small nod. “He cares a lot for you.”

“Oh, uh, right…” Emerald blushed, hoping it wasn’t all too visible in the dim light. “Thank you, your majesty, for taking the trouble to set this up.”

“It’s my pleasure.” The queen pointed an open hand to the table. “Let’s eat.”

The muses were the first to dig in, taking what they wanted into another plate before sitting themselves back down. They had grabbed the little amounts of meat that was brought in, with quite a sizeable amount of vegetables themselves, while Emerald had only filled hers with the green vegetables. She especially liked the ones with leafy bits.

She started into her dinner with much zeal, finding the taste to be much better than her dinner in the castle dining hall with Sir Morn.

“I see you are enjoying our finest picks of the garden?” Sunlight smiled and picked out a small piece of lettuce for herself. “You will find nothing better in the entire kingdom.”

“I certainly have not, your majesty.” Emerald bit a piece of cabbage. “This is delicious!”

There weren’t many very different ways to prepare vegetables, but the queen’s ones must’ve come straight from the garden, because it still tasted very fresh.

Emerald continued to eat her dinner, listening to the gentle harp music, feeling completely at ease. It was nice to know that the queen of the land was such a kind person, and that she was married to a just king. It might not have been as much of a utopia as the land Celestia and Luna ruled over, but she was glad to know that this land was under good management.

“So, Lady Emerald of the Round Table,” Queen Sunlight purred. “Do you know what your duties will be as a Knight of the Round Table?”

“I will be protecting the kingdom of Canterlot?” Emerald guessed.

“Yes, that is one of your duties as a knight.” Queen Sunlight nodded her head. “But more than that, you are to also keep the peace in our lands.”

Emerald finished chewing the long stalk of celery in her mouth before talking again. “If that is what I am to do, then I will do that, your majesty.”

“I expect you’ll grow into your role. You’ll have Sir Morn Dread to guide you through the process. I hear he’s quite fond of you,” Queen Sunlight said with a smug-looking smile.

“Ye-yes, your majesty…” Emerald ducked her head lower. “He… I’m in love with him.”

“Then I can trust you to watch his back. He’s my ne-” the queen looked over at Moon Tide and coughed. “He’s one of my finest knights.”

“I’ll do my best, your majesty.” Emerald bowed and clasped a fist to her shoulder. “I’ll do my best to serve your kingdom and when I do find an artifact and the way home, I will do what I had set out to do and rid King Sombra from the world.”

“Good to hear, Emerald!” Sonata said, spitting food out of her mouth as she did so. “That king deserves to get his backside kicked!”

“That he does, Sonata.” Emerald bit into another shred of cabbage. “I will make sure of it one day. I will.”

“I have every confidence you will succeed,” Moon Tide said from her spot on the harp. “You have already come so far in service of your princess. I find it most admirable.”

“And you’ll be starting a new one here in Canterlot.” Adagio Dazzle smirked and picked up a skinny little carrot and lowering it down her throat. “Admirable indeed.”

Emerald looked out at the nearby window at the night sky. Her princess and kingdom needed her, but until she had what she needed to return home, this kingdom also needed her. There was no harm doing what she could to help them while she helped herself, after all.

The rest of her time carried on into the night as she ate with the queen and the others. It was definitely a dinner to remember.

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