• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 510 Comments

Age of Kings - A bag of plums

When King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire, one pony went into another world to seek help. Featuring the ancestors of the cast of Equestria Girls, this is the account of her quest in the human world.

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25 - Knighthood's Beginning

“Sounds like quite a dinner you had last night, Em,” Posey chuckled and adjusted her quiver strap. “And so… you have to get this new sword, because your… old one isn’t adequate?”

“No, no, not that, Posey.” Emerald Edge shook her head as they made their way down the marketplace towards the castle. “As a Knight of the Round Table, we are to have our own specialized sword. Hmm… like how Sir Morn has Clarent and how Sir Hors has… his sword.”

“Oh, so a special named sword, Emerald.” Posey’s eyes lit up. “You will be getting your own sword!”

“Yes I will, Posey.” Emerald couldn’t help but smile. Getting new things was always exciting. “Do you think they will just give me one, because I’m a Knight of the Round Table? Or would I still have to pay for it?”

“I’m sure you won’t have to pay for it.” Posey smiled that cute smile she always had. “R-Right…?”

“I do hope so.” Emerald tapped her armor. “I don’t have a lot of bits. Another sword will take up everything I have.”

After crossing the drawbridge separating the castle from the rest of the town, Emerald and Posey came across another batch of training knights, with Sir Prancelot instructing them in front.

“The sword is not just your weapon, but a part of you…” He went on to demonstrate a few techniques, involving much slashing and spinning. Emerald hadn’t had the chance to face him, but she had seen his skills firsthand when she fought the trolls with him. He was truly one of the king’s best.

Emerald looked over and gave him a nod in greeting. Whether he saw her or not, it didn’t matter. What mattered now was going on to the castle’s blacksmith to get herself a new sword. She liked her current one, but to get one with a name and everything, that just sounded amazing.

She had never gone to the castle blacksmith before, but it wasn’t too hard to find it. Emerald figured that the blacksmith would be outside the castle, so she went around the side, following the wall. And she was right, soon spotting the large smelting pit in the middle of a sizeable yard. The pit itself was huge; it was at least twice the size of Stone Anvil’s and there were plenty of workbenches around, filled with tools and metal.

There was a man with white-blonde hair sitting by a grinding stone, sharpening a double-edged sword on it, his side facing Emerald and Posey. The spymaster guessed he was the castle blacksmith. He was fairly large and had on a pair of well-worn boots that looked like they had seen better days.

“Hello,” Emerald said when they got closer, getting the blacksmith’s attention. “I’m Emerald Edge, uh, newest Knight of the Round Table? I was told you could make me a new sword, one which I am to name?”

“Aye, that I am able…” he nodded and stood up, giving the steel sword a swing before placing it down on a workbench, the metal clattering as it landed. “Honour Proof. That is my name. I am the best blacksmith the kingdom of Canterlot has to offer. Now tell me, what are your requirements for the sword you wish for me to make?”

Emerald thought about it. She liked the sword she had now, but there were still ways she could improve it to make it more suited to her combat needs.

“I want something light,” she started and unsheathed her sword. “Something like this. As for the blade, it would do me more good if it were a little shorter, for more close encounters.”

“Good choice for someone like yourself, Lady Emerald.” The blacksmith took her sword and examined it. “Your skills in the arena were unique and nearly unmatched. I shall see to making a weapon fit for yourself and yourself only. Now, I have to ask you this, my lady, of what name will you choose for your new sword? So I can engrave its name on the blade, you see.”

Emerald had a good think about it, but in the end, there was but one name which she felt was the only name suitable for her weapon. Her weapon to help her fight and hopefully one day, win her the way home to stop the dark king.

“Amore,” Emerald said at last. “I want to call it Amore. In honor of my princess and liege lord.”

“So, a sword of your princess, Emerald?” Posey tipped her bowl of soup down into her mouth. “That sounds very noble of you. And a free sword! Who would say no to that?”

“It is a reminder for me, Posey.” Emerald stirred at her bowl with her wooden spoon. “While I am here trying to find a weapon to defeat Sombra, I shall remember my princess and what they had sacrificed themselves for.”

“And do not worry, Em.” Posey patted the spymaster’s shoulder reassuringly. “I know you will find a way home. Just wait. I’m sure you will save your empire one day.”

“It’s good to have you around, Posey.” Emerald nodded and smiled at the archer. “Has anyone ever told you that you are a very kind person?”

“Well, no…” Posey pulled at her bandana. “N-No one’s ever said that…”

“That’s because no one knows what you do for them!” Emerald patted her embarrassed friend on her head. “But now, I hope they do. That bag of bits the king gave you, you said you will be giving them to Trottingham? I’m sure they’ll be very pleased to receive it all.”

“Oh, but they won’t know it was me who gave them all those bits…” Posey smiled with a blush to her cheeks. “One morning, the town chief will simply find a sack of bits by the town hall’s door.”

“Come on, Posey, you surely could use more recognition!” Emerald shook her head with a grin.

“Oh no, I could never…” The archer looked away, her face almost the same color as her hair now.

“Believe in yourself, Posey, you can do it!” Emerald snatched the sack of bits from Posey’s belt. “Either that, or I can do it for you!”

“N-No, really, Em, please don’t!” Posey lunged up and tried to get the little pouch, but Emerald pulled it back, snickering to herself.

Posey chased Emerald around the table for a few minutes, but was still unable to get the pouch back.

“Ha ha ha…” Emerald bent forward in laughter. “Here, Posey. I was only joking. You can have it back.”

“Ri-right…” Posey quickly snatched the sack of bits back, attaching it to her belt. She too couldn’t help but grin. “I should get going for tonight, Em, if I want to make it back to the Shetlands and still get some rest. I’ve enjoyed my stay here, so thank you.”

“Time sure flies, doesn’t it.” Emerald nodded disappointedly. “Well, I’ve enjoyed having you here, Posey.”

“Yes, it has. And don’t worry about missing me.” Posey slung her bow and quiver over her shoulder. “You have plenty of friends here now. And I am sure Sir Morn will be happy to spend some time with you.”

“Hmm… I’ll still miss having you around, Posey.” Emerald walked over and pulled the archer into a warm hug. “You take care out there, okay?”

“Of course!” Posey grinned widely. “I’ve been doing it for years now. And I’ll continue to do so.”

She pushed the door open and stepped out into the night. With a shrill whistle, Gabriel flew down and landed on her arm.

“Gabriel, say goodbye to Emerald,” she instructed.

The eagle screeched.

“Yes, goodbye, Gabriel.” Emerald waved at the bird.

Then Posey lifted her arm up and the eagle returned to the sky.

Posey suddenly turned her head to the left and smiled. Then she looked back at Emerald. “Speak of the devil, Em. Here comes your knight in shining armor.”

“Oh?” Emerald peeked her head out the door, spotting Sir Morn Dread walking over, one hand on his sword’s pommel.

“So I shall leave you to it. Goodnight, Emerald. We’ll meet again soon.” Posey bowed and sprinted down the street and away from the house.

“Lovely night, my lady.” Sir Morn stopped by Emerald’s door and leaned on the frame. “As lovely as yourself, no?”

“Hello, Sir Morn…” Emerald chuckled. “What brings you here?”

“Why, I came here to see you, Lady Emerald.” Morn tapped a finger under the spymaster’s chin. “I wanted to see how you were doing.”

“Well, everything here has been fine, Sir Morn.” Emerald pointed to Posey, who was already no longer in sight. “Just saw Posey off. She’s leaving for the Shetlands so she can give her bag of bits to the townsfolk of Trottingham.”

“How noble of her.” Sir Morn nodded towards the street. “Tis a wonder why the townsfolk despised her.”

“She never made herself known.” Emerald smiled and looked back at the knight. “And she’s still refusing to show her face. That bag is going to appear on the town hall doorstep tomorrow, with no one knowing it was her who left it there.”

“Alas.” Sir Morn clapped a hand to his chest. “We will know.”

“Yes, that we will, Sir Morn…” Emerald nodded. Then she blinked a few times and pointed into her house. “Umm, w-would you like to come in, Sir Morn?”

“Don’t mind if I do, my lady.” Sir Morn took her hand and planted a kiss on top of it.

Emerald blushed, but stepped inside and aside, allowing him to enter, closing the door behind him.

“Tis a nice home you own, Emerald.” The grey-skinned knight looked around. “Spacious for just one person.”

“Ummm… you’re welcomed here whenever you like, Sir Morn.” Emerald looked away embarrassedly, taking interest in her wooden shelves.

“I shall accept your humble invitation.” The knight sat down on one of the chairs. “Hmm… So, my lady, the life of a Knight of the Round Table starts tomorrow for you. How are you feeling?”

“Me?” Emerald laughed nervously. “Well, I guess I’m still a bit disappointed that I couldn’t win the artifact, but if I’m to be a Knight of the Round Table, then I can go on quests to look for more artifacts. The shield can’t be the only one out there.”

“Well spoken,” Sir Morn nodded. “Mayhap we could go on a quest together, to find the grail and these artifacts. Of course, every quest needs to be sanctioned by King Dawn Saber before we can embark on it.”

“Does the king go on quests too?” Emerald asked.

“Sometimes,” Sir Morn replied. “But the king has to stay in Canterlot to rule the kingdom and keep the peace.”

“Makes sense.”

“In the king’s absence, the queen takes command,” Sir Morn continued. “Queen Sunlight is as able a ruler as is King Dawn Saber.”

“She seems to be.” Emerald sat across from Sir Morn. “She’s very capable and holds herself high.”

“It may not be evident to everyone,” Sir Morn said confidentially. “But the king relies on her a great deal.”

“He does?” Emerald tilted her head to the side. “In what way?”

“She handles a great many of the day-to-day issues that the king is either too busy or too weary to deal with. I’ve noticed that the queen is almost never fatigued, nor does she lounge about doing nothing. She’s a fine monarch.”

Emerald Edge thought back to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She didn’t know how the two of them could manage all of Equestria as well, without feeling the burdens of leadership. Ruling an entire land must not be an easy job. King Dawn Saber and Queen Sunlight Radiance were shining examples of a good pair of rulers as well. When the king was unable to, the queen would step up and take his place, doing what she thought was necessary. They seemed to look after each other well.

“Sir Morn. The king and queen do not have child, yes?” Emerald returned to reality and asked. She had suddenly thought about it. “Who will rule once they are passed?”

“I do not know,” Sir Morn said, rubbing his chin. “Still, it’s still early days yet, and the queen may bear a child. If not, perhaps they will appoint a regent.”

“A regent, you say?” Emerald tried to picture it. “An interesting world you live in. The princesses who rule Equestria, they live forever. There is never a need to change leadership because of that.”

“I am sure the king and queen wouldn’t say no to being able to live forever,” Sir Morn chuckled. “Alas, tis getting late. I think it’s time I retire to my quarters. It has been a privilege to be in your home, Lady Emerald.”

“The pleasure is mine, Sir Morn.” Emerald put a hand on her chest and bowed slightly. “It is not always that I get visitors. Besides Posey.”

Sir Morn got up and picked up his helmet from the table. “And I will remember your invitation to visit, Lady Emerald. Know that if I have the time, I shall come often.”

“If you don’t have the time, I might not either,” Emerald reminded. “I am a Knight of the Round Table now too, remember?”

“No time for your own home? Absurd, my lady.” The knight grinned. “So I bid you farewell. And till we meet again… my love.”

“Tomorrow, Sir Morn.” Emerald slipped her hand into his and held it. “I will see you tomorrow.”

“Yes you will, my lady.” Sir Morn lifted her hand and kissed it. “Goodnight, Emerald.”

“Goodnight, Sir Morn.”

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