• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 1,543 Views, 510 Comments

Age of Kings - A bag of plums

When King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire, one pony went into another world to seek help. Featuring the ancestors of the cast of Equestria Girls, this is the account of her quest in the human world.

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43 - Expensive Trade

Jewel Pin wiped her forehead as she finished sweeping the floor of her little shop, pleased with the end result. If it were a steel floor, it would surely be reflecting her clear self right back to her, but that would also just be absolutely bizarre.

“Steel floors, ha,” she scoffed to herself. “What a waste of metal.”

After brushing all the dirt and dust out the door, Jewel Pin went to the back of the shop to make herself a bite to eat. Getting out a loaf of bread and a wheel of cheese, the seamstress sat there chewing on the bread, which was admittedly a little stale. The cheese was a touch smelly, but at least the water was as good as it had ever been. Her barrel was getting low on water though, and she would soon have to visit the closest well to refill it. Fortunately, she lived rather close to one of the few wells in Canterlot, so getting water wasn’t an issue.

The faint sound of knocking interrupted Jewel Pin’s thoughts about water and wells. She wasn’t open this early, so it couldn’t be a customer, not unless they were really desperate for her sewing skills. Brushing breadcrumbs from her dress, Jewel Pin threw on her apron and made her way to the front door.

Peeping out at the outside through a gap in the curtains, Jewel Pin’s heart skipped a beat. Standing right outside, hands politely behind his back, was High Rise!

Repressing an excited squeal, Jewel Pin grabbed a hand mirror and checked that her hair was all in order, that her dress was on straight and that her face was free of any evidence of her breakfast.

Satisfied that she looked presentable, Jewel Pin gripped the doorknob, drew in a deep breath, and opened it.

“Welcome to Canterlot Fabrics!” Jewel Pin said with a dazzling smile. She then put a hand to her mouth in false astonishment. “Oh! High Rise! What a pleasant surprise.”

High Rise’s pale blue hair was slicked back with scented oil, and his outfit was casual, yet also stately and elegant. He returned Jewel Pin’s smile and said, “I thought I’d drop by and see how you were doing. I understand you’re receiving a lot of clients lately, and I wanted to make sure you were not being overworked.”

“Oh, that’s very kind of you,” Jewel Pin said with a girlish little laugh.

“May I come in?” High Rise produced a small cloth satchel from behind his back. “I brought pastries.”

Jewel Pin wasted no time in inviting High Rise into her shop. It was getting close to opening time, but she had planned to stay closed for most of the day anyway. She had a couple of errands to run, and unlike the Knights of the Round Table, she had no squire to run them for her.

Jewel Pin led High Rise to the back of her shop, where they sat down after Jewel Pin put the kettle on for tea.

“I hope I’m not intruding too much,” High Rise said, setting the bag onto the table and removing the pastries to put on a tray. “You must be very busy with your orders.”

“Oh, well, actually, I ran out of this particular fabric, and I was going to go out and buy some more later today,” Jewel Pin replied, getting some tea leaves out of a cabinet.

“Oh, is that so? Where will you go?” High Rise asked.

“Just across into the market district.” Jewel Pin put the leaves into a teapot and added the hot water. In no time, the rich scent of Duke White tea permeated the air.

“Mmm, Duke White. My favorite,” High Rise said, sipping from his teacup.

“It is my favorite too!” Jewel Pin exclaimed. “It’s a little pricey, but the flavor makes it all worthwhile, don’t you think?”

High Rise laughed. “Oh, rather.”

The two sat there at the table, drinking the tea and taking occasional bites of the pastries.

Eventually, all the food was eaten and the tea finished. Jewel pin went and put the tray, teacups, and teapot into a basket for dirty dishes, then covered it with a rag to keep the flies off.

“I suppose I had better be on my way, or I’ll not be back before dinner,” Jewel Pin said. She fastened a kerchief around her head and rolled up her sleeves. “I hate to bring an end to our meeting, High Rise, but I really must be going.”

“I shall come with you,” the man said brightly, getting up out of the chair. “I’ve nothing to do today, and what better way to spend a day off than in the company of a lovely lady?”

Jewel Pin blushed, turning away to hide her rosy cheeks. “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to accompany me; you must have much better things to do than follow me around while I go shopping.”

“Really, it is no trouble at all,” High Rise insisted breezily. “Besides, there are no better things on my to-do list than to be your escort for the day.”

“Oh, High Rise.” Jewel Pin suppressed a squeal and held the nobleman’s hand. “I would love to have you escort me.”

Jewel Pin just wanted to lean over and kiss him right now, but she’d never kissed him before. She didn’t know how he would react or even how it would be like. In fact, she’d never kissed anyone before. All she had were ideas of what it would be like, like the stories of old her parents would tell her when she was younger. Stories where a dashing young prince would rescue a princess from the castle and they would live happily ever after.

Jewel Pin wanted that with High Rise. She wanted to be with him forever, but she didn’t know if a kiss would help with that or make their relationship progress backwards.

Would he like the kiss? Would he think it was too soon? Jewel Pin didn’t know, so for now, she repressed the urge to do so.

“So, uh heheh… shall we?” She eyed the door and grinned.

High Rise smiled back at her and bowed. “After you, milady.”

The first stop on Jewel Pin’s itinerary was the textiles shop on the other side of Canterlot. She and High Rise leisurely walked to the west side of the city, hand in hand. The sun was out and blazing, but the couple stayed in the shadow of the buildings. After around fifteen minutes of walking, the textile shop came into view. It was a large, white-painted building in the Loft district that had a gold and red painted sign above the double doors that read:


“Well, here we are,” Jewel Pin announced. “Admittedly it irks me a little to shop from my competitor, but aside from clothes, Loft Outfitters is the only shop that sells fabrics at a rate I can afford.”

“I have been here numerous times before,” High Rise said. “I have ordered many a suit from them. Though I must say Loft Outfitters is rather slower than your work, my lady.”

A pink aura crept over Jewel Pin’s face, and she ducked her head modestly.

“Well, shall we go inside?”

The interior of Loft Outfitters was spacious and brightly lit with sunlight streaming in from the wide windows, some of which were open to let in a cool breeze. Wooden mannequins stood in various poses around the shop, modeling suits and dresses. Tables laden with bolts of multicolored fabrics were sprinkled throughout the space, with many more tucked away in alcoves on the walls. There was another woman, presumably a noble, getting measured by a moustached man in the corner next to a mirror, but other than that, the shop was devoid of customers.

“Well, slow day?” High Rise mused, hooking his thumbs into his belt. “Well, I suppose it just means you can buy what you came here for quicker.”

“Right,” Jewel Pin agreed. She reached into her sleeve and drew out a small sheet of parchment. “Hm, I’ll need a roll of sky blue Saddle Arabian cotton, a roll of Eastern silk, bright red, and jade gossamer cashmere.” The seamstress waved a hand to an assistant to catch his attention.

While Jewel Pin went about collecting the fabrics she needed for her own shop, High Rise took a seat near the door, glancing out the window at the passing townsfolk. The Loft District was livelier than the Shades, it being a safer place in general. He himself owned a mansion in the upper parts of the Loft District, but High Rise was a firm believer in exploring new things. And he had found Jewel Pin, which made any kind of risk worth it.

The two of them have been together for four years now. High Rise had been attracted to the seamstress’ beauty ever since he met her, even though she was not of noble blood. He didn’t believe that a person’s place in society should determine whether they fit in with others or not. Jewel Pin was an example of a fine and hardworking woman and he very much liked that about her. Townsfolk could say all they want, but it would never stop him from loving her less.

Meanwhile, Jewel Pin and the assistant were standing at a wall that was lined with cubbyholes, each one housing a roll of fabric. The assistant had Jewel Pin’s list, and was pulling bolts off the wall for the seamstress. In very little time, Jewel Pin had paid for her purchase, and was on the way out, staggering slightly under the weight of her fabrics.

High Rise got to his feet and hurried to Jewel Pin’s side. “Here, let me,” he said, taking two of the heavy fabric rolls and balancing them in his arms.

They left the shop and ventured back out into the sunlight, and out into the streets of the Loft District. Passing through the now-bustling market, Jewel Pin and High Rise wove their way through the crowds, heading back to Jewel Pin’s shop.

“I must say,” High Rise said as they walked. “I would never have thought cloth could weigh this much. You usually do this on your own? You are stronger than you look, milady.”

“I grew up as a farmer’s daughter in Trottingham,” Jewel Pin replied, dodging a trio of youths who were chasing a ball. “Before I got into sewing, I would help work the crops. Of course, that was years and years ago, but I suppose some of my father’s strength lingers in me.”

High Rise’s eyebrows arched. “You? A farmer? I simply cannot imagine it.”

“Yes, well, even when I was a little girl, I longed to be part of the upper echelons of society. So I saved up some bits, moved into Canterlot, and opened my shop. I’m still a long way from my goal, but I believe with hard work, dedication, and a little luck, I’ll be there someday.”

A look of admiration crossed High Rise’s face. Having been born into wealth and prestige, he had never considered just what lengths someone might go to in order to be like him.

“You are an admirable woman, Jewel Pin. I know many a noble who should be half as industrious as you are.”

Jewel Pin tried to look modest, but then edged over to High Rise and pecked him on the cheek. “You know just what to say to make a lady happy,” she purred.

“Well, I didn’t take all those classes on manners for nothing,” High Rise said with a laugh. “Come on, we’re almost back to your shop.

Truly enough, Jewel Pin’s Canterlot Fabrics was coming into view. The owner of the shop skipped ahead and unlocked her front door, ushering High Rise inside.

“Now, just put the fabric down on this table, and we can get on with my second errand.”

The nobleman carefully deposited the two bolts of cloth onto the table and stretched his arms. “Alright, where are we headed to next?”

Jewel Pin went into the back rooms, returning with a large bucket.

“Next stop is the well. I’m almost out of water.”

“Oh. Is that where the water comes from?”

The seamstress gave High Rise a bemused look. “Unless it’s rainwater, then yes. I suppose you have servants to get water to your home?”

“Very probable, yes. I suppose I hadn’t ever given it much thought.”

“Fortunately, there’s a well only two streets away,” Jewel Pin beckoned to High Rise and the couple set off toward the well, playfully nudging each other as they went.

As it was now late in the morning, there were very few people at the well. Jewel Pin lowered the bucket into the shaft after attaching a rope, allowing the bucket to free fall into the water. There was a faint splash and Jewel Pin waited for a while before she turned the crank on the rope, hauling the bucket and its contents back to the surface.

“This should last me a few days,” Jewel Pin announced. Carefully holding the bucket of water, she and High Rise went back to her shop. High Rise helped unlock the door and the seamstress tottered inside. She went to the back room and poured the contents of the bucket into the keg where she kept her drinking water. “Now, I think we deserve a bit of a break. Would you like some tea, High Rise?”

“Why, more tea?” the nobleman chuckled. “We just had tea this morning. And it is barely into the afternoon.”

“I always find that some tea-”

Jewel Pin was interrupted by a hammering on her front door. It sounded like someone was eager to get in.

“Just a moment, High Rise. I’ll go see who it is.”

Jewel Pin walked over to the door and opened it, with High Rise watching curiously. Could it be another client?

The shop’s owner pulled the door open, the smile on her face transforming into a look of grim impatience once she saw who it was.

“Jewel Pin,” the large muscular, maroon-skinned man said. He wore a leather jerkin and tight leggings that showed off his toned calves. He loomed over Jewel Pin, leering down at her. “I trust you know why I’m here.”

“You’re here two weeks early, Skimmer,” Jewel Pin said primly, not intimidated by the debt collector at all. “I’ll have your boss’s money by then. In the meantime, I have work to do, so if you would please leave…”

Skimmer put his hand in the door, stopping it from closing.

“Things have changed,” he said menacingly. “I’m here to collect the payment today.”

“But that’s preposterous!” Jewel Pin exclaimed. “I can’t pay off this month’s mortgage today, I just don’t have the funds.”

“That’s not my problem,” Skimmer sneered. “Now either you pay me now, or I come in and take the payment in whatever I can find. Your choice.”

Without waiting for Jewel Pin to respond, Skimmer pushed past her and went into the shop. He went for the counter first, pulling out the wooden box that Jewel Pin kept her customers’ money in. He rattled it, seeming dissatisfied with the amount within.

“What’s all this?” he asked, looking at the fabrics that she and High Rise had bought earlier that day.

“Materials,” Jewel Pin quavered. “I need them to make clothing for my customers.”

“Huh. If you’re spending money on stuff like this, you must have more money somewhere. Where is it?”

“Now, hold on here.” High Rise stood up and walked up to Skimmer, poking him in the chest. “Just who do you think you are, walking in here and taking Jewel Pin’s things? Surely there’s a way to work this out.”

“This your lover, Jewel Pin?” Skimmer grunted. “You better watch yourself around me, pretty boy, or I will mess up that face of yours real quick.”

He continued to look around the shop, looking at the loom in the corner and passing it by. Then Skimmer went into the back, leaving High Rise and Jewel Pin in the front. The seamstress wrung her hands a she listened to Skimmer rummaging around in the back rooms.

“Is this… a common occurrence?” High Rise asked tentatively.

“No,” Jewel Pin replied, her mouth a thin, taut, line. “Usually I just pay him and he leaves. Skimmer’s never come inside before.”

“Why are you mixed up with his type anyway?” High Rise said.

“I had to borrow some money to get my business off the ground…” Jewel Pin said quietly. “But I forgot to take compound interest into account. Now I’m five thousand bits in debt, and I don’t want to think about what will happen if I don’t pay on time.”

High Rise was about to say something when Skimmer came back out with a gem-studded gold chain.

“This’ll do as payment for now. It’ll fetch me a good price at the market.”

“You cannot!” Jewel Pin gasped. “That’s my mother’s necklace; it has been handed down from mother to daughter for generations. Please, don’t take it!”

“Nothing doing, lady. You should have had the money to pay me, and then you wouldn’t be losin’ this here necklace.”

“Now, hold on, mister.” High Rise marched up to Skimmer, unfazed by the height difference. “There’s no need to take the lady’s jewelry. I’m sure we can work something out.”

“I thought I told you to stay out of my way,” Skimmer growled.

“You did, but a lady’s honor is at stake. Give her back the necklace, and things shan’t get nasty.”

Skimmer looked unimpressed. “Oh? And what are you going to do?”

High Rise settled into a pugilist’s stance, feet apart, fists raised. “I’ll fight you for it.”

At this, Skimmer laughed, drawing himself up to his full height. “The hay you will. Don’t you know I used to be called ‘Skimmer the Fist’ while I was still running with that old bandit clan of mine? You don’t stand a chance, pretty boy.”

“Perhaps I don’t,” High Rise said, undeterred. “But I will still try.”

“Then bring it on!” Skimmer put the money box on the table and threw a punch at High Rise, who swerved to dodge it before lashing out with a haymaker. Skimmer easily blocked it before elbowing High Rise in the stomach, then while he was bent over, winded, he threw an uppercut to High Rise, knocking him to the floor.

“Ha! Now let that be a lesson to you, pretty boy. Don’t mess around with Skim-Aaaarrg!”

In that moment, High Rise, the money, even Jewel Pin’s debt was forgotten. All that mattered was the pain that was blasting through his shoulder, where Jewel Pin had stabbed a pair of tailoring scissors.

“You brute!” she screeched, pulling the huge pair of scissors out before stabbing Skimmer again. “How dare you lay a hand on High Rise!” The scissors, meant for cutting through even the thickest of fabrics, tore through Skimmer’s tunic and flesh with ease. “Out of my shop! Out!”

“Gerroff me!” Skimmer shouted, falling to his knees and dropping the jewelry as a third stab caught him in the arm. “Aarh! No amount of money is worth this! I’m going, I’m going!”

Leaving everything, Skimmer half ran, half staggered out of Canterlot Fabrics, leaving a dripping trail of blood behind.

Jewel Pin stood there, panting as the rage and adrenaline left her body. She looked down at the bloody pair of scissors in her hand. Horrified, she let them fall from her fingers to the floor, where they stabbed into the wood.

“Ugh.” High Rise said, sitting up and massaging his nose. It appeared to be in the proper shape, if a little tender. “What happened? Where’s that debt collector?”

“He’s gone,” Jewel Pin said in a hushed voice. She covered her face and groaned. “What have I done? He will return, probably with more men. I can’t, I can’t do that again! I don’t know what came over me! I mean, I couldn’t stand to see him hit you-”

“It’s alright, Jewel Pin. It’s fine,” High Rise smiled at her. “You still have all your things, which is what matters to me. As for your debt, I’m going to go there right now and pay it off for you. You won’t have to worry about debt collectors ever again.”

“You- you will?” Jewel Pin gasped. No one had ever displayed such a degree of generosity to her before.

“Of course I will! As for Skimmer, we know where he works, yes? I shall tell the guards to have him arrested for assault and attempted theft. I’m a noble, they’ll listen to me.”

“Oh, High Rise…” Jewel Pin sighed, wrapping her arms around him.

“Anything for you, milady. Now, let’s get this mess cleaned up.”

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