• Published 5th Jan 2017
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Age of Kings - A bag of plums

When King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire, one pony went into another world to seek help. Featuring the ancestors of the cast of Equestria Girls, this is the account of her quest in the human world.

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86 - The Invasion

“How is our prisoner faring this day?”

Emerald looked up from her meditation to see Prince Sombra gazing down at her with his arms behind his back.

The spymaster snorted and looked away. “What do you want? If you’re not here to let me out to kill you, you can go take your sword and shove-”

“Your friends have told me something… important,” Sombra interrupted her. “And it is something I want to confirm. According to their word, the king of Canterlot is coming here?”

“He isn’t the rightful king, but you would know all about that, wouldn’t you?” Emerald snorted derisively.

Sombra sighed. “I’m never going to convince you I am the king’s son, am I?”

“Tis because I know what you are!” Emerald grasped at the bars. “The princess took you in. She gave you a home. She gave you a community. She trusted you to do what was right. What did you do? You took all that and you destroyed what we had. You took our empire apart! How can I ever trust you again?”

“Like I have discussed with you in previous conversations, that Sombra is not I,” the prince answered as though he was used to repeating it. “I know nothing of what he has done besides your word, but I assure you. Again. I am the true heir to Saddle Arabia and I do not plan to usurp him.”

“If you think I’m going to believe any of the lies that you’ve spun, you’ve got another thing coming,” Emerald spat. “If you’re here to try and convince me that you’re not who I know you are, you’re wasting your time. Now go away. I have a trial to prepare for in four days.”

Sombra looked as though he was seriously considering leaving, but stayed where he was. “Look. I understand that you do not like me. And I do not particularly like you either. But if there is some threat coming to Masyaf that you led here, I think I have the right to know about it.”

“You don’t have the right to do anything except to go die in a hole,” the former pegasus jeered. “I’ve got nothing else to say to you. Leave, usurper. I don’t know why you haven’t killed me already, but you’re making a mistake, leaving me alive.”

“It certainly was a waste of time coming to speak with you again.” Sombra rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Most criminals would fight to reason their motive, but you are just unreasonable. It seems we would have to prepare our defenses should something happen.”

At this, Emerald was suddenly struck by a shred of conflict. Did she want to help her most hated enemy, or did she want her other enemy, Morn Dread, to come here and most likely tear the city apart looking for her, and possibly kill Sombra in the process, albeit at the cost of peace and her quest? If this had been back in Equestria, she would have placed her bets on Sombra winning, but here, with no magic, the tables were turned. She really did not know which one was better or worse.

Seeing the small, sinister smile grow on Emerald’s face, Sombra seemed to decide that he would get nothing more from this meeting and left the dungeons, leaving Emerald to ponder just what would happen once Morn finally arrived.

Two days until the trial

The day started ordinarily enough. King Aldilu had gotten out of his bed at sunrise and spent the wee hours before breakfast exercising and seeing to his personal affairs. Aldilu then went to eat breakfast with his son and the rest of the royal court who lived in the palace. He was just finishing with the final dish when a messenger came into the dining room.

“Your majesty, King Aldilu,” the man bowed low to the king. “The captain of the guard wanted me to come tell you that there are armed strangers approaching Masyaf. At least seventy men, led by a commander wielding a shining sword.”

“Shining sword?” Aldilu threw his wiping cloth on the table and stood to look out one of the many windows that adorned the dining room walls. “It must be the king the Canterlotians spoke about. It seems he has arrived.”

“What should we do, your majesty?”

King Aldilu put a hand to his chin, thinking. “Have they declared themselves as openly hostile?”

“No, your highness,” the messenger said. “But the captain of the guard does not think their intentions are friendly. He is rallying the troops right now, all he needs is your word to attack.”

The king went over to the telescope that Emerald Edge had given him. He aimed the device in the direction of the main gates of Masyaf. He could see the small figures of a phalanx of men in assorted kinds of armor, as if the force had been put together from many different kinds of soldiers. But at the head of the group was a figure in dark plate armor, and in his right hand was a golden sword that shone like a hundred lanterns, even in daylight.

Aldilu twiddled the focusing knob on the telescope to zoom in on the sword-bearer’s face. Whoever this swordsman was, he was marching toward Masyaf with a scowl on his face and a determined stride that did not seem friendly at all.

“Our guests have spoken of the King of Canterlot.” Aldilu lowered his device. “This must be the famed king. The one they have come this far to stop.”

“Sire, with all due respect, you actually believe the would-be assassin’s story?”

Aldilu clenched his fist and dark smoke gathered around his hand. “The facts seem to line up with her tale. I only wonder what this means for Masyaf now.”

“Sire?” The messenger said uncertainly.

“If he truly is the king of Canterlot, it is my royal duty to go out and meet him. Ruler to ruler,” Aldilu turned away from the window and went back into his personal quarters in the palace. “Tell the captain not to attack, but to stay on his toes. I somehow do not think this king is here to discuss an alliance.”

It was nearing noon when Morn Dread arrived at the gates of Masyaf. The desert had given him a little trouble adjusting, but only to the sand; for some reason, whether it was Excalibur’s magic or otherwise, he did not feel the heat. The rest of his army marched along without complaint, though Morn had made sure to stock up on plenty of water for them. Even if they were enthralled, they still needed basics like food and drink, as well as shelter from the heat. Still, they had managed to get this far without anyone dying of anything.

Emerald Edge was close. Morn could feel it, with every step she grew nearer and nearer. Perhaps she was hiding out in this vast city in the sand somewhere. A thin smile scrawled itself across his face. Had Emerald come all this way to seek help from the kingdom here? They would all fall before him and Excalibur just like Canterlot and Prance had. After all, kings were what brought a kingdom to ruin, he knew that from what his father had done. They would do anything to ensure their power remains. Such selfishness.

Morn looked upon Excalibur’s blade and frowned. The world would be better off without such selfish rulers. He would bring order to the world. That he knew. He would do what no king has ever been able to do, and that is to bring about a world of peace, a world without corruption, a world without pain. And if it were possible, he would have no one but Emerald to rule alongside him. That was why he had come all the way out here.

For his beloved. To bring her home.

Peering through the power of his weapon, Morn looked out the eyes of an indoctrinated Kite Shield, one of the guards at the border of Canterlot. It was rainy and cold where the fort stood, but in the distance, he could see his army marching on, arriving in the Kingdom of Prance led by Sir Agramane and Sir Boercival, but this was only half the journey. To further his goals, there were still more kingdoms to correct.

But for now, his goal was Emerald Edge. And if his assumptions were correct, she would have gone to see the ruler of this desert city and appeal for aid.

Behind Sir Agramane and Sir Boercival’s group walked the groups of his soldiers, bringing along inventions of the mages he’d never thought they would ever use in an offensive. They would surely be effective in breaching the other kingdoms. Morn smiled as he returned. Once he had Emerald back, they could use the artifacts together and purge the world of disorder and chaos.

But first, he had to find her somewhere in this metropolis.

Ordinary people shied away from the marching mass of soldiers, with Morn at the front. They could tell that this detachment of men were here on business, and not even the bravest hawker dared to try and catch their attention. Eyes aglow, Morn Dread and his men soon reached the courtyard around Masyaf palace.

As soon as they stepped into the area, Morn held up his empty hand in a clenched fist. His army stopped all at once behind him and waited.

There was the feeling of magic in the air here. It was not like the power that came from Excalibur or the other artifacts, but it shared enough traits that Morn grew suspicious. Was this an ambush? If so, he invited them to try and take him down.

Out of the palace gates, a legion of Saddle Arabian soldiers marched forth, swords and spears clutched in their hands. And at their front was a tall man with glittering dark hair and polished silver and gold armor. A strong aura of power radiated from this warrior.

Morn smiled grimly. It would seem that he had at last found someone who might be a match for him. This could get interesting.

“Ho there!” The Saddle Arabian leader shouted in English. “Who are you to come marching into Masyaf with armed forces, as if to seek a foe?”

Morn held tightly to his sword, but kept it by his side. For the time being. “I am King Morn Dread of Canterlot. Who are you?”

“I am King Aldilu of Saddle Arabia,” Aldilu announced. “And I have one question for you, King Morn Dread. Do you come in peace?”

Morn gripped Excalibur tightly, but remained in a relaxed stance. “I have come to retrieve someone who fled from me. Tell me, King Aldilu of Saddle Arabia. Have you met a woman calling herself Emerald Edge?”

“What if I have?” Aldilu challenged. “She tried to harm the Saddle Arabian royal family. She has been detained and is awaiting trial.”

Morn smiled thinly. So she had been here after all. If what Aldilu was saying was true, Emerald was now within his grasp at last.

“There will be no need for a trial, King of Saddle Arabia,” Morn told Aldilu. “Hand her over to me and I will deal with her. As for your kingdom, swear fealty to Canterlot and my rule, and you will be allowed to continue ruling in peace.”

The tension in the air between Morn and Aldilu grew electric.

“Emerald Edge has committed a crime on Saddle Arabian soil,” Aldilu said coldly. “She will be judged and sentenced by the Saddle Arabian court of justice. As for swearing fealty, Saddle Arabia will bow to no one. Not even you, King Morn. Now, unless you have other things to discuss, I must ask you to leave my city.”

Morn’s expression grew dark. “So, you are not prepared to agree to my terms.”

“Yes, I am not,” Aldilu replied sternly. “You might be a ruler in Canterlot, but here, you are a visitor and will abide by our rules. Now leave, or we will remove you from Masyaf by force.” The Saddle Arabian soldiers bristled, their weapons held at the ready.

“Remove you from Masyaf by force?” Morn repeated. “I believe that is my line! This world has no need for more kings. I will show you true power, King of Saddle Arabia.”

Morn Dread pointed his sword at Aldilu’s forces and shouted a fierce battle cry. As one unit, the entirety of Morn’s army drew weapons and charged, their feet thundering on the ground like a stampede.

Aldilu drew his scimitar and roared a Saddle Arabian order.

The two forces smashed into each other and the battle was on.

Emerald’s attention was caught by the sound of what she thought was drumming on the ground. She had experienced this back in Canterlot when a herd of horses had trampled past on one of her quests. Something was happening out there, and Emerald felt a burning need to know what.

She shouted for the jailer, who lumbered over to Emerald’s cell.

“Hey, what’s going on out there?” Emerald asked him. The jailer opened his mouth to reply, but at that moment, there was a sharp whizzing noise and the jailer put a hand to his neck, where a small dart was sticking out. He opened and closed his mouth stupidly for a couple of seconds, then slumped to the ground, unconscious.

From the shadows of the prison, an accented female voice said, “No time for sitting around, Emerald Edge. Let’s get you out of here.”

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