• Published 6th Nov 2015
  • 8,107 Views, 152 Comments

Adventures of the Equestrian Ninja - hussbek

Watch Naruto who died to retrieve his best friend have adventure with his new friends after being reborn in a new world.

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A Ninja in the Big City

Chapter 11: A Ninja in the Big City

It was another day in Ponyville and the mane 6 along with Sweetie belle, Apple bloom and Spike decided to hang out with Naruto and Scootaloo at the Uzumaki mansion as they had the day off to enjoy, Naruto was very happy to have them over as he had nothing going on for himself. The CMC members were having a club meeting at the tree house for their next activity to find their cutie marks, Pinkie Pie was at the kitchen following a recipe which Naruto had written down from his home dimension, Twilight was at the library reading the scrolls that Naruto had written about chakra as well as the history of the Hidden Leaf village and other legends thanks to the help of his Shadow clones. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash along with Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike were watching Applejack have a spar with Naruto in the underground training room.

“Come AJ! You’ve got to strike more quickly and accurately in order to catch your opponent off guard!” said Naruto as he ducked under a double kick from Applejack, she had been improving in the art of Poniato as she was able to connect a few hits unlike before.

Applejack nodded in affirmation as she took in a deep breath before dashing at Naruto with a thought out plan, she started launching punches at Naruto to which he weaved in and out of the attacks, then she launched a sweep with her tail to the blond stallion’s surprise as he raised his fore hooves to avoid it but was unaware that he had fallen into a trap and was unable to avoid the punch when she quickly spun and executed, sending him skidding back with an aching jaw.

Applejack was about to continue the assault when she saw Naruto raise a hoof to signify that the spar is over, then they faced each and bowed in a form of respect like he taught her. “I have to say AJ, you’re getting better at bringing up strategies in the midst of battle to be able to catch me off guard with that move, it won’t be long until you become a master of the art of Poniato,” smiling at the blushing mare.

“Thanks Naruto, but I still got a long way to go,” said Applejack feeling happy at being praised by the blond stallion, making the others a bit jealous.

“Naruto, you think you can also teach me those moves of yours too?” said Rainbow Dash with Rarity nodding in agreement.

“Of course I can, I’m also coming up with several fighting styles which are suitable for Pegasus and Unicorns which I call *Tsubasa atsu which teaches Pegasus how to fight in midair and *Majikkuatsu which teaches Unicorns how to use their magic to fight from close range to mid-range in battle although Alicorns can use both fighting styles. I’m still in the process of creating them but I’ll let you know when I’ve finished formulating the techniques,” said Naruto after walking to the library and carrying out two scrolls with his chakra arms to show them several illustrations of the fighting styles, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike came over to look as well.

“Wow these moves look soo cool! I can’t wait to try them out!” said Rainbow Dash after looking at the illustrations of the Tsubasa atsu scroll.

“I would have to agree with Rainbow Dash, they certainly look beautiful, quite suitable for a pony like me,” said Rarity looking at the drawings of the Majikkuatsu. They were still looking at the scrolls when Twilight came out of the library carrying a pile of notes with her magic.

“Thanks for letting me read through your scrolls Naruto, I’ve learned quite a lot about your old world and chakra as well,” said the mare looking at the notes with joy then she saw them looking at some scrolls and got curious “What are you all reading?”

“These scrolls contain instructions for fighting styles meant for Pegasus and Unicorns but Naruto is still in the middle of creating new moves, I’m sure you would also like to learn,” said Applejack which made Twilight have a look of excitement.

“Would you like to learn Tsubasa atsu too Shy?” asked Naruto but the shy mare shook her head in negative.

“I-I would like to b-but I don’t like to hurt anypony,” said Fluttershy sadly to Naruto nodded in understanding because of her kindhearted nature. Then Pinkie pie came in with a happy look on her face.

“Heya Pinks, by the looks of things, it seems you were able to cook one of the recipes that I copied down on the cookbook,” said Naruto with a smile.

“Yep, and I’m sure you’ll all love it, I’ve set up at the summer hut so let’s get Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to join us!” said Pinkie bouncing excitedly.

Later on everypony had gathered at the summer hut and it was revealed that Pinkie was able to cook a rice and cabbage hotpot (Without ground beef) and Naruto brought a jug of juice which was of mixed fruits (Think of your own style of flavors) and they began to eat to which they found very delicious to eat, Rarity called it a high class recipe although she was surprised when Naruto told her that everyone can cook it. After cleaning the dishes, they sat at the balcony to enjoy the view when Applejack decided to ask him a question.

“Say Naruto, I know that you always go around helping everypony in town but I was wondering when you would actually get a job,” said Applejack, Naruto thought deeply before responding to the cowmare.

“Now that you mention it, I was planning to make a shop to sell the crystals that I made and a dojo to teach ponies the art of Poniato, Tsubasa atsu and Majikkuatsu as a form of self-defense if anything the incident with Nightmare Moon has taught us that anything can happen and we need a way to avoid such danger,” said Naruto.

“That’s actually a good idea, I’m sure that it can help many ponies in Ponyville, but do you have anything else planned aside from that?” asked Twilight, Naruto was about to reply when Spike suddenly belched up a flicker of green flames which faded to reveal a rolled up parchment sealed with a red ribbon which floated over to Naruto “It’s a letter from Princess Celestia! But I wonder why she wrote a letter to you Naruto?”

“Who knows? Let’s see what’s it is about,” said Naruto as he used his chakra arms to carefully open the letter and began to read out lot for everypony to hear.

Dear Naruto Uzumaki,
How are things going for you at Ponyville? I read from Twilight’s letter that you had built a home for yourself and had adopted a young Pegasus filly by the name Scootaloo to which I extend congrats to you. It has been quite a while since we spoke and that was when you told us of your past and once again I wish to say thank you along with your friends for saving my sister. The reason I am writing this letter is that I hope you would pay us a visit to Canterlot as we hoping to have a conversation with you, we would have come to Ponyville but Luna is still learning to adapt to the current lifestyle since she had been sealed for a long time. If you decide to come to Canterlot, the seal on the letter will allow you to enter the royal palace. My sister and I hope to see you soon.
Princess Celestia

Sure enough when Naruto looked at the bottom of the letter, he saw the royal crest much to the surprise of everypony even Twilight as she had never thought that Princess Celestia would want to invite Naruto to the palace, but summed it up because he was an element bearer and he was from another dimension.

“I was about to tell you guys that I wasn’t having anything planned but it looks like I do now, I’ve always wondered what kind of city Canterlot is but now I have the chance to check the place out,” said Naruto who had a look of excitement.

“Well when you come back from Canterlot, be sure to bring back souvenirs for us Naruto,” said Rarity.

“I’ve also heard that the Wonderbolts have their main headquarters there too! You’re so lucky to go there,” said Rainbow Dash.

“I’m sure they have lots of parties there too!” said Pinkie Pie bouncing excitedly.

“Well how do I get to Canterlot?” asked Naruto looking a bit lost at the moment, it was Twilight who answered the question.

“Spike and I came here using the royal chariot but you can get to Canterlot by taking the train,” said Twilight.

Thanks for telling me Twilight,” said Naruto giving Twilight a smile then he turned to Applejack “AJ, I was hoping that you would let Scootaloo stay over at your place while I’m gone as I would be worried about leaving her at home alone,”

“Sure thing Naruto, it’s no problem at all” said Applejack smiling at the blond stallion.

“Thanks AJ, now all I have to do is tell everypony that I’ll be gone for a bit and then pack my things tonight as I’ll set out tomorrow” said Naruto to which everypony nodded in agreement.

Later on, Naruto went around town telling everypony that he’ll be gone for a while, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch wished him a safe journey, Derpy wished him the same as well with Dinky having him promise to come back soon so that she can play with him again then that night, he packed his hoodie jacket, red coat and several of the crystals as gifts. Next day, Naruto was getting seen off by the mane 6 and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Ao the blue jay (I had completely forgotten about her) “So I’ll be seeing you guys later”

“T-take care of y-yourself Naruto,” said Fluttershy blushing from Naruto smiling at her.

“Be sure to tell us great stories from your time in Canterlot, okay big bro?” said Scootaloo with the other fillies nodding in agreement.

“Be sure to exhibit good manners over there or I will be most displeased with you,” said Rarity making Naruto rub the back of his head sheepishly.

“Don’t forget to bring some gifts on your way back,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Please send my regards to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” said Twilight Sparkle.

“And don’t you worry about Scootaloo, my family and I will be sure to take care of her,” said Applejack.

“Thanks everypony,” said Naruto smiling at them then the train whistle blew signaling that it was about to leave “There’s the signal so I have to get on the train, goodbye and try not to miss me too much okay?” then he entered the train as the door closed and began to move, Naruto stuck his head out of one of the windows and waved goodbye at the mares and fillies as they waved back until they lost sight of each other. Naruto went to sit on one of the seats and looked outside the windows to view the scenes that were passing by and thought “I can’t wait to see what kind of place Canterlot is,”

After a bit of watching the scenery, Naruto got bored and took to researching on a special fuinjutsu project which would serve him greatly especially in combat in the near future (Take a guess) along with other side projects which were almost complete, then he took a nap which lasted for a few hours until he was woken up by the attendant who announced the train’s arrival to Canterlot, he took a look outside the window to see the city which was bigger than he thought.

When the train finally reached the station and he stepped out of the station, Naruto took a true look at the city and was in awe at the beauty of the place and saw many ponies of different types which look to be of nobility. “As much as I want to stroll through the boulevard and check out the place, my first stop would be at the royal palace to meet with Celestia and Luna to let the know that I’ve arrived” thought Naruto as he looked around until his sights set on the castle built by the mountainside “Well that makes it much easier to locate” and he began to move along the street all the while drawing the attention of the mares and stallions to himself which him feel a bit uncomfortable but proud as he heard a few mares whisper that he looks good in his hoodie jacket “Rare would be proud if I told her that the clothes we made together has drawn the attention of many ponies in Canterlot,” Soon Naruto had arrived at the palace gates where two Pegasus in armor stood at opposite sides, one of them stepped forward.

“Halt! State your business!” said one of the Pegasus in a deep voice.

“I’ve been invited by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for an audience,” said Naruto bringing out the letter from the pocket of his jacket and presented it before them, upon see the royal crest, the armored Pegasus nodded to the other and ordered for the gates to be open, Naruto thanked them and he continued inside, then he met one of the servants and was guided to the lobby and was told wait, he was called upon to enter the throne room where he saw Celestia sitting on a white throne while on the right Luna was sitting on a dark throne, both mares looked happy to see the blond, especially Luna.

“Your highnesses, I would like to announce the arrival of Naruto Uzumaki from Ponyville,” said the servant, Celestia gestured for the pony to leave to which he did, once the pony left, Naruto smiled brightly at the two mares.

“It’s great to see you again,,” said Naruto as he got closer to them.

“Indeed it is Naruto, the last time we met was when you showed us your memories,” said Celestia then she had a mischievous look “Although I wonder why you became so informal with us now,”

“Well that’s because I don’t like being formal with those I like and I can tell you do the same thing,” said Naruto, Celestia chuckled softly.

“You’re right about that, so how are things at Ponyville?” asked Celestia.

“Things are going fine there, I’m planning to open up a shop to sell special accessories and a dojo to teach ponies different styles,” said Naruto to which the mares became curious.

“What do you mean by fighting styles?” asked Luna, with Celestia wondering the same thing.

“When I first came into this world, I created a fighting style based on the principles of a good friend which I named Poniato that is suitable for earth ponies, then I created two more styles, Tsubasa atsu which involves aerial combat for Pegasus and Majikkuatsu which is about magic combat for unicorns and I believe that Alicorns are capable of using all three of the styles,” said Naruto to which Celestia and Luna had a look of understanding.

“That makes a lot of sense and it would help a lot of ponies to defend themselves but what is it that you are going to sell at the shop when you open it?” asked Celestia.

“Well in the cave which I woke up from, there are some crystals with special properties that are capable recharging by absorbing magic after being used, when I apply fuinjutsu to them, they are able to perform many functions like this medallion is able to store many items” said Naruto pointing at the medallion around his neck above his goggles “Let me show you, release box!” the medallion glowed and an orb of light came out and landed on the ground before transforming into an orange box. The mares were amazed at the demonstration.

“That was amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it before!” said Luna in an excited voice which Naruto blush and rub the back of his head to which they found cute, he then opened the box to reveal several more items which have crystals embedded in them.

“The crystals can do more than just store things, so far I’ve that they can produce light to illuminate dark areas, produce protective barriers or serve as a source of heat and I’m still discovering more about them,” said Naruto.

“I am sure that many ponies would love have these crystals as it would make things easier for them, well you’re here, why don’t you take a stroll through the castle? Then later tonight, we would continue our conversation,” said Celestia as she took a sidelong glance at Luna who was looking happy at being able to spend more time with the blond stallion.

"Sure thing, then maybe tomorrow I’ll check out the city and buy a few souvenirs for Applejack and the others, anyway see you later,” said Naruto before walking off to explore the castle.

“So you have a strong interest in Naruto huh?” said Celestia teasing Luna who began to blush.

“W-w-well that’s because he saved me and he’s kind, strong, and handsome-“ said Luna rubbing her front hooves together.

“Oh and he’s handsome too huh?” Celestia continued her teasing further confusing her sister.

“W-well you should talk, when you were talking to him I can tell that you were thinking that he was cute and you can’t hide it from me!” said Luna, now it was Celestia turn to blush.

“H-how about we focus on something else?” said Celestia, meanwhile Naruto was walking through the castle until he entered an area where he saw a lot Pegasus and unicorns training.

“I guess this must be where they train new recruits,” thought Naruto as he walked along many ponies saw him and waved as Celestia and Luna told them of his battle with Nightmare Moon and being the bearer of the new element of harmony, Naruto kept walking until he saw a certain unicorn fight against multiple opponents.

He has a coat of cyan with deeper shade of blue for his mane and tail and his cutie mark is of a shooting star. He saw the unicorn knock all of his opponents with his magic which caught his interest and decided to approach him. “Hello there, my name is Naruto Uzumaki may I know yours?”

“My name is Luce Astro, a recruit for the royal court, I’ve heard about you, you are the pony who fought against to a standstill,” said the unicorn looking at Naruto with interest (An OC Character that will appear in future chapters).

“That may be true but it was I along with other element bearers who worked together to defeat Nightmare Moon, anyway I saw your battle with the other recruits and I was to spar with you,” said Naruto surprising the ponies around especially Luce.

“I would be happy to spar with you,” said Luce smiling happily at being able to battle against the stallion, they went to the battlefield and faced off, when the referee called the match, Luce started off by launching magic bolts at Naruto began to dodge by sidesteps and short dashes, then retaliated “Fire Lance!” several spears made of fire appeared shot at the unicorn who quickly leapt into the air and fired a beam Naruto slammed a hoof to the ground and called out “Terra bunker!” the ground rumbled before forming a dome around Naruto and crumbled away after withstanding the attack. Many ponies that were watching were amazed at how the blond stallion fought, they were unaware that Celestia and Luna were watching from a window at the throne room.

“This pony knows how to move around in battle, he just needs to get some experience then he’ll be one of the best guards yet,” thought Naruto as he backflipped to dodge another energy when he tried to get in close.

“Try dodging this!” said Luce as he jumped into the air, his horn glowed brightly “Shooting stars meteor!” he then fired a volley of projectiles shaped like shooting stars (As if the name doesn’t say it all) which raced towards Naruto, everypony wondered what he’ll do, whether he’ll summon the earth barrier or do something else entirely even the princesses watched bated breath.

“Using Terra bunker won’t help this time, let’s try out this combo I came up with back at the train,” thought Naruto then concentrated on his magic and called out his new magic technique “Lightning firestorm!” immediately a pillar of fire burst around him then the wind picked up, turning the pillar of flame into a whirlwind and finally a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and coursed through the blazing whirlwind, the projectiles made contact with the lightning and burning whirlwind and were easily deflected surprising everypony as they knew that nopony has ever emerged unscathed until now.

After the attack had stopped, Naruto cancelled his technique and called out “Windflaw dash!” he sped forward with his covered with wind and slammed into the unicorn before he could react, sending him skidding along the floor. When the referee called the end, Naruto went to help the unicorn up from the ground “You did pretty well in the spar,”

“But I lost to you, I was too weak,” said Luce feeling a bit down.

“There is something I should tell you, you win some and you lose some but you will live to fight another day and at that time you’ll be much stronger than before, besides I can tell that you along with the other recruits will go a long way” said Naruto smiling at the young unicorn then he started to leave but stopped and turned to talk to everypony “I should also tell you what my teacher told me, those who break the rules are trash but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash, I hope that you consider these words in the future,” then he left to explore the rest of the castle leaving everypony to consider his words of advice. After a while it was night, it was time to meet Celestia and Luna and he was led to the balcony where they were waiting.

“Good evening Naruto,” said Celestia with smile.

“Good evening to you too, I was hoping that we would have night flight together,” said Naruto much to their confusion.

“How can we do that? You can’t fly without wings,” said Luna, Naruto simply smiled at her.

“On the contrary, I can, Chakura no Tsubasa!” said Naruto and his wings appeared surprising the mares.

“That is quite interesting,” said Celestia to which Naruto grinned.

“Well they don’t call me the number one unpredictable ninja for nothing,” said Naruto “Come on, I know a good spot!” then he took to the air the princesses following close behind, after a while they settled on a large cloud that he made with his magic, then he turned to Luna “The reason I brought us out here from the castle was because I could sense worry from you Luna, so I thought to bring you out here so that we could talk” Luna looked surprised for a minute before looking sad.

“Well it has be many years since I was sealed away and so many things has changed and I don’t know if I can get used to the change, I’m also worried if I were to change back into Nightmare Moon again and hurt everypony,” said Luna with Celestia looking at her sadly before hugging her.

“You don’t have to worry about that as you have your sister and me along with the others to stand with you, also should you ever change into Nightmare Moon, then we’ll be there to help you no matter what, as I along with your sister and the others care deeply about you,” said Naruto, Luna began to cry tears of joy before hugging the blond stallion with Celestia looking on happily. “Now that you are reassured, how about I treat you to a few snacks, release food pack!” a medium sized box appeared before which he opened to reveal a small three colored balls that are skewered, which there are several inside and a flask with a few cups inside.

“What are these?” asked Celestia picking one up with her magic and Luna doing the same.

“They are called dango, they’re sweets made from rice flour and are quite tasty and they also go great with green tea which I have some here so give it a try, I’m sure you’ll love it,” said Naruto as he poured some into the cups (It’s Gyokuro check Wikipedia). Luna gave it a try and was amazed at how great it taste with Celestia thinking the same after trying it with the tea.

“It tastes amazing! Is it from your world?” asked Luna taking another skewer of dango.

“Yeah, another friend of mine was quite an addict and had me make some for her ever since she found out that I could cook so well,” said Naruto remembering a certain Kunoichi who had an affinity for snakes unlike a certain psycho “Maybe when you come and visit Ponyville, I would treat you to some more of my world’s recipes,”

“We’ll be looking forward to that,” said Celestia. After eating the snacks, Naruto and Celestia returned to the castle while Luna set off to perform her duties, the next day, Naruto strolled through the city and bought a few gifts for the mares back home and sparred with Luce again. He gave Luce a scroll to learn how to use Poniato, telling him that he would come back again to spar with him in the style. Soon it was time for him to return to Ponyville.

“I have to get going, but before I forget, release Necklaces!” said Naruto, two necklaces appeared, one which is dark blue and the other which is golden “These are necklaces which I customized myself, if you need my help just channel magic into it and it will alert me”

“Thank you for the gift Naruto and I hope to see you again,” said Luna then she came up close to Naruto and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush bright red which made her smile shyly “I hadn’t thanked you saving me,”

“O-okay igottagobye!” Naruto said the next works quickly and took off, making the mares chuckle in amusement.

“He’s really cute when he acts like that,” said Celestia with Luna having to agree. Meanwhile on the train, Naruto’s face was still red from the kiss Luna gave to him.

“Why can’t I stop thinking about that kiss? I haven’t felt this way before with Sakura-chan,” thought Naruto, in the skies above, someone was watching the blond stallion with a smile.

“Naruto Uzumaki, you will be needed soon to help save other worlds from destruction,” said the figure before disappearing in a white light.


Tsubasa atsu = Winged combat arts
Majikkuatsu = Magic combat arts

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