• Published 6th Nov 2015
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Adventures of the Equestrian Ninja - hussbek

Watch Naruto who died to retrieve his best friend have adventure with his new friends after being reborn in a new world.

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Common Sense vs. Pinkie Sense

Chapter 19: Common Sense vs. Pinkie Sense

“Phew, what a day,” said Naruto as he walked back into town, apparently he had gone to make a delivery to a noble over at Canterlot today and had just returned and was making his way back to the shop “At least, Rare’s inspiration had died down a bit, I thought that she would never stop chasing after me to put on some new dress that she made,”

Ever since Rarity learnt of Naruto’s jutsu to change his gender, she had been dragging him to her boutique to serve as a mannequin for her latest projects much to his embarrassment and the amusement of the others, especially Rainbow Dash whom he knew would never let him hear the end of it. Then he glanced to the side and saw Twilight, Spike and Applejack. Although the weird thing is that Twilight was climbing out of a ditch and Applejack was hiding under a vegetable stall and looking at the sky in fear.

“What’s going on with them? I’d better go take a look,” said Naruto before trotting over to them “Hi girls and Spike, what’s going on here that one is coming out of a ditch and the other is hiding under a stall as if something will fall on her head?”

“Hi Naruto, well thing is Pinkie’s tail started twitching and then-” Spike started to explain, but when Naruto heard the words Pinkie and twitching tail, he immediately started looking around him and was prepared to use his barrier crystal “It’s okay, the prediction already came true so it’s safe now,”
“Wait a minute, don’t tell me that you believe in this stuff that Pinkie says too?” said Twilight with a look of disbelief.

Applejack came out from under the stall and dusted her hat before speaking “I know that it doesn’t make much sense, but most of us who live in Ponyville have learnt that if Pinkie starts twitching then you’d better listen,”

“AJ is right Twilight, back then I was just as skeptical like you are. The first time Pinks’s tail twitched, I simply shrugged it off as a habit of hers and I ended up paying the consequences,” said Naruto.

“What happened?” asked Twilight curiously.

“A barrel full of molasses fell on me, it took me a lot of showers just to get the stuff of me. Since then, I’ve always had to keep my guard up whenever Pinks starts twitching,”

Right then, Pinkie Pie showed up and hers ears are moving around “My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!”

“What does that mean?” asked Spike while cringing in fear at what might happen, the same going for Naruto and Applejack although Twilight was still doubtful, then she noticed that Pinkie was staring at her.

“I’ll start a bath for you,” said Pinkie Pie, this had the others slowly back away from Twilight.

Twilight chuckled softly “A bath? This keeps getting more ridiculous by the minute!” at that moment, a donkey pulling a carriage passed behind her, passing over a mud puddle and splashing it all over her. Twilight growled angrily at what had just happened.

Later on, Naruto was standing front of the Sugarcube corner waiting for Twilight and Pinkie Pie to come out. He had secretly sent a Shadow clone to deliver the money to Trixie at the shop so that he’ll come by later. He heard the door open and saw the girls come out before walking over to them.

“Had a nice bath Twilight?” asked Naruto with a playful smile.

“It would have been if there wasn’t an alligator in the tub at the time,” said Twilight.

“Oh so you met Gummy, Pinkie’s pet alligator,”

“You know about the alligator?”

“Yep Naru met him back when he was helping me out in the Sugarcube corner, Gummy always bites his tail whenever he sees Naru,” said Pinkie Pie hopping next to them.

“And I’m pretty lucky that he doesn’t have any teeth or it might have hurt a lot,” said Naruto with a smirk.

“Well, I still don’t believe in this special power stuff, it’s nothing but a bunch of mumbo jumbo,” said Twilight.

“What’s not to believe? You use magic and Naru uses chakra so what’s the difference?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“You have no idea, there’s huge difference. Magic is something you study and practice, it only happens when you decide to do it, and it’s meant to make something specific that you choose to happen happen, but with you Pinkie, it just doesn’t make sense at all,” said Twilight.

“Well you can’t apply common sense to the things Pinks does, it won’t work no matter how hard you try,” said Naruto.

“And that’s soo not true Twilight, sometimes it’s a funship random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future. I call them combos,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Combos?” asked Twilight curiously as she walked in direction of the Ponyville library.

“That’s new for me Pinks, what do you mean by combos?” asked Naruto walking alongside them.

“Yeah, like ear flop, knee twitch and eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah sure,” said Twilight still sounding doubtful as she neared the door.

“Uh oh, I feel a combo coming,” Naruto turned to see what combo Pinkie will have “Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch,”

At that moment, the door flew and hit Twilight in the face to reveal Spike backing out of the door while holding a stack of books. Naruto quickly ran over and helped Twilight.

“I thought you said that combo meant beautiful rainbow,” Twilight moaned out in pain.

“I saw Pinks do a different combo than the one she said earlier,” said Naruto.

“That’s right, what you were thinking was ear flop, knee twitch then eye flutter. But this one was an ear flop, then eye flutter, then knee twitch which usually means to look out for opening doors,” said Pink while demonstrating the combos.

“I’ll keep that combo in mind since I don’t want a headache from getting hitting by doors,” said Naruto before turning to Twilight “Are you alright Twilight?”

“I’ll be fine, but don’t believe this,” said Twilight with walking up close to her.

“You don’t believe what you don’t understand,” said Pinkie Pie which had Twilight get a thoughtful look on her face.

“Uh oh, Twilight is about to enter her research mode,” though Naruto with a sweatdrop.

Sure enough, he followed them into the library and went down a flight of stairs to where her laboratory is. There she placed some sort of helmet on Pinkie’s head which had some cords connected to a machine that was printing out graphs and strapped her forehooves down to another machine.

"Okay then, now when you get another twitch, we’ll all kinds of scientific information,” said Twilight.

“Okey dokey lokey,” said Pinkie Pie. Then they waited for a twitch, and waited, and waited.

“Any twitches yet?”

“Nopey dopey,” they waited some more and still no twitches, Naruto started to wish that he kept a Daring Do book in his medallion if he knew that they were going to wait this long.

“Anything?” asked Twilight who was beginning to get annoyed.

Pinkie squinted her eyes as if in concentration before shaking her head in negative “Nope, I got nothing,”

“Are you kidding me, after a day of nonstop twitching, now that I’ve hooked you up there’s not even a single one?” said Twilight.

“I don’t control it, they just come and go,”

“That makes no sense!”

“Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even if you can’t figure them out,”

“She’s right Twilight, there are many things that one can’t always figure out so you just have to accept them as it is,” said Naruto thinking of how he was able to defeat Neji despite everyone believing that he would lose to the Hyuuga prodigy.

“I will not believe in anything I cannot explain!” said Twilight.

“Wait I’m getting something,” Twilight excitedly quickly ran back to the machine in anticipation, but they didn’t get a twitch but rather heard a growl “It’s my tummy, that usually means I’m hungry,”

“Now that you mention it, I could go for a bowl of ramen right about now,” said Naruto as his stomach also growled.

But Twilight wasn’t happy at all “Argh, you know what? Just forget it! I don’t need to know if this is real or not, I don’t need to understand it, I don’t even care!” she walked away in a huff so Naruto went over and helped Pinkie Pie off the machine.

“Let’s go eat” said Naruto.

“Okey dokey lokey,” said Pinkie Pie as she hopped up the stairs past Twilight and towards the door with Naruto behind them. When they reached the door, Pinkie started to twitch again but Twilight ignored her and passed on, Naruto recognized the combo and tried to warn Twilight. But it was too late as the door flew open and slammed into Twilight to reveal Spike behind it.

“Naruto, Pinkie, have you seen Twilight?” asked Spike.

“Uh huh,” said Pinkie before leaving through the door which closed to reveal Twilight behind it and Naruto went to help her up again.

“Twilight, what were you doing back there?”

Twilight was glaring at them “Did the three of you plan this?”

“We didn’t plan anything Twilight, I saw Pinkie twitch and tried to warn you but I was too late about it,” said Naruto.

“Argh, this is ridiculous! This can’t be happening, this makes no sense! I have to figure this out,” said Twilight, then she turned to Naruto “And you’re going to help me Naruto,”

“Looks Twilight’s research mode is in full blast,” thought Naruto as he followed Twilight who went to collect certain items.

Later that day, Pinkie Pie was happily hopping along the road and a bush was quietly following her from a distance before stopping and a pair of binoculars. It was Twilight who is wearing a pith hat with a pencil in her mouth, then she started writing notes on a small handbook but was surprised when she heard someone call out to her from behind.

“Twilight?” she turned around to see that it was Spike, then she quickly dragged him into the bush.

“Honestly Spike, don’t you better than to sneak up on ponies?” said Twilight.

“Oh sorry, but isn’t that what you’re doing?”

“No I’m doing scientific research, I’m observing Pinkie Pie. Other name: Pinkius Piecus in its natural habitat,” said Twilight.

“Pinkius Piecus?” asked Spike confusedly.

“You’re making it sound like Pinks is some sort of wildlife that you’re observing Twilight,” a voice spoke, Twilight and Spike traced the voice and looked up to see Naruto standing on a tree branch.

“There’s something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I’m getting to the bottom of it,” said Twilight, she peeked out of the bush and saw Pinkie Pie hopping away “Come on, Pinkius Piecus is on the move,” Twilight picked up the bush and followed after her with Naruto close behind as he leapt from one tree branch to another.

They followed Pinkie who was playing around the playground in front of the schoolhouse, Twilight watched through her binoculars and saw Pinkie rub her nose “An itchy nose,” then she saw Pinkie Pie hid under a large horseshoe “Ah ha! That makes no sense,” then she turned to Naruto and Spike “See? She’s hiding like something’s about to fall from the sky, but a twitchy tail means something’s gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose!”
Naruto and Spike peeked over to see what Pinkie would be hiding from, their eyes widened when they saw a swarm of bees appear from the sky and was heading in their direction.

“Uh oh, run!” said Naruto as he and Spike ran for cover, leaving Twilight behind.

“Naruto, Spike, where are you going while I’m the middle of explain-” Twilight didn’t get finish as the bees swooped in and started to sting her. The duo poked their heads from behind a tree and winced at the thought of being stung.

“Well I have my own conclusion, if a twitchy tail means something will fall from the sky, wouldn’t an itchy nose mean something will appear from the sky?” said Naruto.

“That actually makes sense Naruto,” said Spike while writing some notes on a small handbook.

Next they followed to Pinkie Pie to Sweet Apple Acres and were spying from behind a bale of hay which was placed next the barn.

“What’s she doing now?” asked Spike.

“Smelling some flowers,” said Twilight who had a lot of Band-Aids on the bee stings.

“Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means?”

“I don’t think it has anything to do with the twitching Spike,” said Naruto.

“Wait I getting something, ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch,” said Twilight.

“Hang on, that’s a combo that means to watch out for opening doors!” said Naruto as he and Spike quickly moved away from the barn.

Twilight was laughing at them “You guys believe in this stuff don’t you? Let me show you that there’s nothing for you to be afraid of,” she walked up to the bran door and leaned against it “There, you see? There’s nothing for you to worry about,”

“Maybe she’s right,” said Spike.

“I don’t know, that door was already open,” said Naruto with a thoughtful look, “But I do seem to recall AJ telling me that she was building an apple cellar around here but I can’t seem to remember where exactly,”

They heard Twilight scream and looked to see a red door which was open on the ground and there was a flight of stairs, then they heard Applejack’s voice.

“Twilight! You came to visit my new apple cellar, how nice. Um Twilight, are you okay?”

“Naruto, do you still have that First Aid kit in your medallion?” asked Spike.

“Yeah, but I think we’re gonna need more than that,” Naruto replied as they looked down the stairs with a wince.

Then they traced Pinkie Pie to the park and were spying from behind a bench although one won’t consider that since Twilight is sitting on a wheelchair with her forehooves all bandaged up and was in a bad mood.

“Alright, write this down,” said Twilight as she looked through the binoculars “Twitchy tail,”

Naruto tensed at what he heard but thought to ask just in case “What did you say?”

“Oh she said twitchy tail,” said Spike, then his eyes widened at what he said “Twitchy tail?!”

“Be quiet, we can’t let Pinkie know we’re here!” said Twilight.

Naruto was slowly backing away and Spike had already ran for cover “Twilight, the first two times you were caught unawares. I really think you should use the barrier crystal that I gave you,”

“Naruto, I really think you’re overreacting on th-” Twilight started, but then a flowerpot landed on her head, followed by an anvil, a carriage carrying hay and finally a piano.

“I can accept having a barrel full of molasses falling on me back then, but where did these ones come from?” said Naruto as he looked up to the sky.

“Sorry boss, I didn’t know what went wrong,” said Derpy smiling sheepishly with her friend next to her, they were trying to offload some items from the moving truck in the sky but dropped them by mistake.

“You have to be more careful,” said the Boss with a stern look.

Meanwhile Pinkie Pie met up with Applejack who was carrying a bucket full of apples.

“Hey Applejack, whatcha doing?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Taking more apples to my new apple cellar, how about you Pinkie? What are you doing?” said Applejack.

“Oh letting Twilight secretly follow me all day without me knowing,”

“You mean you knew all along? Why didn’t you tell me?” asked Twilight as she walked up to them while covered in bruises and Naruto came with Spike on his back.

“No silly, that would have spoiled the surprise! Oh hey Naru, I didn’t see you there!” said Pinkie with a smile.

“Wait, how come you knew I was following you but you didn’t know that Naruto was there too?!”

“Uh Twilight, you forgot that I’m a ninja. We were trained to be stealthy and not let anypony know of our presence, and to tell you the truth, it’s pretty hard to hide from someone like Pinks,” said Naruto, he could see that Twilight was trying to control her temper.

“I-is the tail still twitching?” Spike asked fearfully.

“All done, clear skies from here on in as far as I can tell,” said Pinkie, then she started twitching all over.

“What was that all about Pinks, I’ve never seen you twitch like that?” said Naruto.

“I don’t know Naru, I’ve never got anything like it before. But whatever that shudder was about, it’s a doozy. It said something you’re never gonna expect to happen is gonna happen,” then Pinkie started twitching again “And it’s gonna happen at Froggy Bottom Bogg.

“That’s where Fluttershy’s headed!” Applejack exclaimed.

“What’s Shy doing over there?” asked Naruto.

“Fluttershy was transferring the frogs from the lake since it was getting overpopulated,” said Twilight.

“Is it about her?” asked Spike.

“I-I’m not sure,” said Pinkie.

“We better go and make sure that she’s okay,” said Applejack before galloping off with Pinkie following her.

“AJ is right, twitching or no twitching, we have to go see if she’s alright,” Naruto before running after the others with Spike on his back.

“Calm down everypony. All we know is that Pinkie Pie just got a case of the shivers. That’s all,” said Twilight, but there was no one around to listen. She rolled her eyes before running after the others and caught up with Naruto and Pinkie Pie.

“I thought you don’t believe in this stuff?” asked Spike from Naruto’s back.

“I don’t, I just wanna be there to see the look on Pinkie’s face when we find out nothing’s wrong,” said Twilight.

“Okey dokey,” said Pinkie Pie as they entered the forest.

They were running through the dark forest and Pinkie Pie was still twitching.

“Feeling cold? Need a jacket or something?” asked Twilight.

“Nope, I’m fine. Or maybe I could use a nice warm furry scarf,” said Pinkie as she grabbed Naruto’s tail and wrapped it around her neck which startled him a bit.

“At least ask before turning my tail into a scarf Pinks?” said Naruto with a playful glare which Pinkie returned with a grin.

“Okey dokey,”

“Darn, I wish I could do that too,” thought Twilight with a pout.

“So what do you think happened to Fluttershy?” asked Spike nervously.

“I hope nothing happened,” said Applejack.

“I know but, what would you think might happen?”

“Spike let’s not go there, as long as we believe Shy is okay, then she will be,” said Naruto.

“Naruto is right Spike, she’s fine, I’m sure of it,” said Twilight.

“I hope you two are right, for Fluttershy’s sake,” said Applejack, then she looked ahead “Look! There’s Froggy Bottom Bogg!”

They started looking for Fluttershy while calling her name, Naruto activated his Ora Kokei and looked around a bit before finding her aura nearby.

“Hey girls, I’ve found Shy! Follow me!” Naruto led the way and they found Fluttershy guiding the frogs into the bog.
“Fluttershy you’re okay!” said Spike happily.

“Of course,” said Fluttershy.

“Phew, what a relief,” Applejack.

“It’s just that we were worried about you and came to check,” said Naruto with a smile.

“I’m so glad that everything is alright,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Sorry, I know it’s not nice to gloat but…Aha! I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I was right,” said Twilight, Naruto noticed something was moving through the bog and a green smelly mist appeared, his eyes narrowed at what he saw as the others hid behind him, it started to raise its head or should we say heads from behind Twilight who was completely aware of what’s going on.

“Pinkie Pie said whatever she was shuddering about was a doozy, and the only doozy here is how right I am,” said Twilight.

“Um….Twilight?” said Applejack, trying to get her attention.

“Pinkie’s made a lot of predictions today but ugh, what is that smell? But what we’ve learned is that we can’t believe in anything that we can’t see for ourselves,”

“In that case, you might wanna look behind and upwards, said Naruto as he took a fighting stance, Twilight turned around and her eyes widened in fear at what she saw, it was a four headed serpent looking down at them.

“I see it, but I don’t believe it!”

“Is that a hydra?!” said Pinkie fearfully.

“We have to time for questions Pinks! We have to get out of here!” shouted Naruto as he and the girls started running with the hydra in pursuit.

“Pinkie run!” shouted Twilight, Naruto turned around to see Pinkie standing there frozen in fear and the hydra were about to attack, he quickly doubled back to get her while sending chakra to his feet to increase his speed, but he realized he won’t reach her in time so he called out to her.

“Pinks, use the barrier crystal!” Naruto shouted out, it seemed to have snapped Pinkie out of it as she called out.

“Protect!” a transparent dome appeared around her and knocked back the head that attack, making it roar out in pain. But when the barrier disappeared, the other heads saw it as an opportunity and swooped in to attack again. By then, Naruto had gotten close enough to stretch out a chakra tendril which wrapped around Pinkie Pie and pulled her away right before the jaws came upon her.

“Come on, we gotta keep moving!” they kept running as the hydra continued to attack them, they were able to evade the jaws thanks to the barrier crystals and using the environment to their advantage, but soon they reached a dead-end and they heard a cry and turned to see Spike stuck in marsh with the hydra closing in.

“Spike hold on, Water Stream!” shouted Twilight as she used her magic, water churned underneath Spike before shooting out like a geyser, launching him in their direction and Naruto jumped and caught him with his tail. “Quickly, up that hill!” they started running up and the hydra was about to follow them when used his tail to reach into his ninja pouch and brought out a white crystal, then he threw it at the heads. When the crystal got close, it let out a bright flash of light which forced the hydra to stop and close their eyes in pain.

“What was that Naruto?” asked Applejack while they were running.

“That’s flash crystal that I made, it releases a flash of blinding light which makes it perfect for distractions, it’s also good for pranking too,” said Naruto.

“We almost made it!” said Twilight.

“But Pinkie’s still shuddering,” said Spike, and like he said Pinkie was still shaking all over before it stopped only to start up again. They reached a cliff with only thin stone pillars to serve as stepping stones to the other side. They felt the ground shake and turned around to see the Hydra climbing the hill as it had recovered from the flash.

“He’ll be up here in no time! We have to cross quickly, one at a time!” said Twilight.

“I distract it in order to buy you some time!” said Naruto as he prepared to meet it.

“No Naruto, it’s too dangerous! Why do you always keep doing this?!”

“Because I don’t want my precious ponies to get hurt, now go!” Naruto ran down the hill and stopped before the hydra who was glaring at him “Hey Hydra, I have a question. Which of the heads does all the thinking while the others just stand there looking dumb?” the four heads looked thoughtful before they roared angrily at him “Since it took you so long to figure it out, then all of the heads are dumb,”

One of the heads attacked him with jaws wide open, but Naruto jumped back and let the head hit the ground before slamming the top of it with a chakra arm, burying it further into the ground. He dashed forward and ran up the neck of another head before jumping it and at another head “Chakurateruhoippu!” Naruto spun around slammed it with a glowing tail, but then two of the heads came in from different directions with the intent to crush as he was in midair with no way to dodge.

“Shadow Clone jutsu!” a clone appeared next to Naruto and wrapped his tail around him and threw into high into the air before disappearing with the two hydra heads getting nothing but a headache each. Naruto reached the height of his throw before he started descending towards the ground, the hydra opened their mouths wide thinking that he would fall into them, but Naruto simply smirked as he used Pegasus dash to change direction and stretched out a chakra tendril to wrap around one of their necks and swung around in an arc, then he formed a long chakra arm and performed a clothesline on three of the heads which knocked them out.

“I’m sorry about this, but I didn’t want you to eat me or my friends. So I’ll take my leave and bid you adieu,” said Naruto before he ran off and heard the remaining head roar at him angrily. He crossed over the stone pillars and met Twilight and the others with Pinkie hugging him happily.
“Naru, I’m sooo glad that you’re okay!” said Pinkie.

“Sorry for worrying you girls,” said Naruto looking apologetic.

“That was pretty darn dangerous Naruto, you shouldn’t be making us worry like that,” said Applejack, making Naruto bow his head.

“All that matters is that we all okay, and I’d say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy,” said Twilight, but then Pinkie started shuddering again.
“That wasn’t it,” said Pinkie.

“What wasn’t what?” asked Spike.

“The hydra wasn’t the doozy,”

“What?! How can it not be the doozy?! What on earth could be doozier than the hydra?!” asked Twilight who looked like she was about to lose her temper.

“Dunno, but that just wasn’t it,” it was the final straw as it mad Twilight so mad that she practically lit up in flames much to the surprise of the others

“Ooh…I give up,”

“Give up what?” Spike asked curiously.

“The fight. I can fight it anymore. I don’t understand how, why, or what, but Pinkie Sense somehow…makes sense. I don’t see how it does, but it just does. Just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s not true,”

“You mean you believe?” asked Pinkie while shuddering.

“Yes, I guess I do,”

Then Pinkie stopped shuddering just like that and it didn’t even start up again “Oooh that was it. That’s the doozy,”

“What was the doozy?” asked Applejack.

“Twilight believing in the Pinkie Sense. I never expected that to happen. That was a doozy of a doozy it was!” then Pinkie walked off while singing to herself as if what happened the past ten minutes didn’t happen at all.

Fluttershy noticed that Naruto was thinking rather deeply “Um Naruto, what are you thinking about?”

“If I don’t know any better, it seems like the Pinkie Sense was upset at Twilight for not acknowledging it and did all this to change her mind,” said Naruto.

“When you say it like that, it makes sense,” said Spike which had the others to start laughing.

“Alright let’s go home since we’ve enough for one day,” Naruto walked towards Ponyville with the others following close behind.

The next day Naruto was heading to his shop and saw Twilight walking with Pinkie Pie, both are wearing umbrella hats. Chuckling softly, he walked over to say hello.

“Hey girls, what does the Pinkie sense say today?” asked Naruto with a foxy grin, at that moment Pinkie’s tail started twitching.

“I wonder what’s gonna drop out of the sky this time?” said Twilight as they all looked up.

“You’ll never know,” said Pinkie.

“Just be sure to keep the barrier crystal this time,” said Naruto with a wink, making Twilight blush at what happened back then.

What they didn’t know was that Spike opened a window to the library was about to send the letter to Canterlot, something fell out of the sky and landed before him who was none other than Princess Celestia herself. “Twitchy tail?” Celestia simply took the letter and flew off “Holy guacamole!”

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