• Published 6th Nov 2015
  • 8,107 Views, 152 Comments

Adventures of the Equestrian Ninja - hussbek

Watch Naruto who died to retrieve his best friend have adventure with his new friends after being reborn in a new world.

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Diving into Fiction…literally

Chapter 30: Diving into Fiction…literally

"And…there! I'm all done," Naruto spoke with satisfaction as he looked at the neat stack of papers placed on top of his table in the office over at the Whirlpool.

Business had been going slow for him and he was bored out of his mind, which was when he had a sudden brainstorm to relieve him of his boredom by rewriting one of his favorite stories that he loved to read during his younger days back in the Hidden Leaf village due to his love for adventures.

"Now that I'm finished with the script, I'll take it over to Twilight for her to help turn it into a book. I'm pretty sure that she'll want to be the first to read it," said Naruto, then he sealed the papers into his medallion making his way towards the library after locking up the shop.

While walking along the streets of Ponyville and responding to the greetings of ponies as he passed by, Naruto let his mind wander into the recent events to while away the time on his walk, however a tinge of pink appeared on his whiskered cheeks upon recalling what happened between him and Fluttershy when they watched the butterfly migration together despite the run in with those ponies. Ever since that awkward kiss, Naruto had that funny feeling again just like when Luna kissed him on the cheek though he acts normal around them he can't but feel a bit weird and was getting the same vibe from some of the others.

"I really need to talk to somepony about this, maybe Doc or Kami could help me out," thought Naruto to himself.

Suddenly he bumped into someone and heard a yelp which snapped him out of his thoughts to look at who it was that he bumped into only to see that it was someone whom he was familiar with.

"Oh Derpy! Sorry about walking into you like that, I was thinking about something and I just lost my sense of awareness," said Naruto apologetically.

"It's okay Naruto, it must be something serious for you to do that, need any help?" said Derpy.

"You have no idea," thought Naruto "It's okay, I'll be sure to figure it out,"

"Okay, where are you going to since you're not in your shop right now?" asked Derpy.

"Actually I was getting bored in the shop since there weren't any deliveries to be made today. So I had the idea to write a manuscript on one of my favorite stories that I used to read by in my old home when I was young and I was taking it to Twilight over at the library for her to help turn it into a book," said Naruto.

"Really? Is there a chance that Dinky could read it too? I'm sure she would like it since it came from where you were before coming to Ponyville," said Derpy.

After the battle with Discord, Naruto revealed to Derpy and her daughter who he really was except that he travels to other dimensions since she had seen the battle between him and his dark side. They were at first surprised but accepted him nonetheless and Dinky had taken to having him show off his techniques from time to time saying that he looked very cool to her.

"Sure thing Derpy, I'll be sure to bring it over once it's done. See you later Derpy," said Naruto before walking away.

"Bye Naruto," Derpy flapped her wings as she flew off towards her intended destination.

It only took a few more minutes before Naruto finally arrived at the library, he knocked on the door but didn't have to wait long before it opened up to reveal Twilight behind it who smiled upon seeing the blond stallion.

"Hello Naruto, what brings you here?" asked Twilight.

"Hi Twilight, I came because I need your help on making a book," said Naruto.

"Making a book? What is it about?" asked Twilight with interest.

"It's actually an old folktale that I used to read back at the Hidden Leaf, I thought to rewrite it into a book," said Naruto.

"What's the story called?"

"It's titled Momotaro the peach boy,"

"The peach boy? Why is he called that?" Twilight asked curiously.

"That would be spoiling the story, let's finish making the book then you can read about it," said Naruto teasingly.

"Then let's make the book already, I can't wait any longer to read it!" said Twilight excitedly before walking quickly towards one of the bookshelves in search of a spell book, she had always liked reading things relating to Naruto's old home.

Naruto unsealed the stack of papers from his medallion and placed them on the table and Twilight walked up to him while reading from a book which was being levitated with her magic. Then she closed the book and placed it elsewhere.

"Okay, I've gotten just the right spell for the job. Let's give it a try," Twilight closed her eyes in concentration with her horn emitting a purple aura, then the papers were covered in the aura as well before lifting into the air and swirled around like they were caught up in a twister. The papers converged towards the center and stuck together then a brown hard leather cover materialized before attaching to the papers and binding them together before placing itself on the table.

"The spell worked just like I hoped," said Twilight turned to Naruto with pleading look on her face "Can I read it Naruto?"

"Sure thing Twilight, I did say you could read it when you help make it into a book," said Naruto.

"Thanks Naruto!"

Twilight happily walked towards the book when all of a sudden it shot up to the air while covered in a white aura much to their surprise.

"Twilight what's going on?! Could it be the side effect of the spell that you did?" asked Naruto.

"I-I don't know, I didn't read of any side effects from the spell book," said Twilight looking confused as well.

The book opened up as the pages flipped through quickly before stopping in the middle where a bright flash of light shown throughout the room, forcing Naruto and Twilight to close their in order to block it out as the brightness steadily increased before finally dimming. The book closed itself and landed back on the table with a thump…but the strange thing was that neither Twilight nor Naruto were to be seen in the room at all, it was as if they disappeared into thin air without so much as a trace of their presence.




Naruto let out a groan as he slowly opened his eyes and blinked them a few times to clear them before realizing that he was laying on his back and felt the grass through his skin which instantly snapped him to attention then he abruptly sat up, surprising himself at how he did so.

"What the hay?" Naruto raised his front limbs only to see hands instead of hooves before him and looked at himself to see that he was wearing the same clothes from when he revisited his old home "I'm human again? What's going on here and mostly importantly where am I?"

As he looked around, Naruto noticed that he was standing on top of a grassy hill and several rows of mountains could be seen in the horizon. A little bit closer to him is a dirt path with one side leading into a forest and the other leading further into the grasslands.

"I don't how I got here but I better find a town or village in order to find out where exactly I am," Naruto was about to take a step when he heard a moan right next to him and turned to see the source of the sound.

Laying on the ground was a girl about his height while wearing a light purple kimono with star patterns on it with a dark purple sash, a pair of long white socks and wooden sandal. What caught Naruto's attention the most was that the girl had long dark blue hair with a violet streak that reach her upper back.

"Could this be Twilight in her human form? She looks beautiful," Naruto blushed as he stared at the mare turned human in awe. He knelt down and shook Twilight's shoulder gently to wake her up. She finally stirred awake and began to look around in confusion.

"Naruto? Is that you? Why are you in your human form…why am I a human?! My horn is gone again! What's going on?!" Twilight asked panicky.

"Calm down Twilight, calm down. Just take a deep breath," Naruto watched Twilight do just that and appeared to have calmed down.

"What happened Naruto? The last thing I remember was the book releasing a bright flash of light before I lost consciousness and then I woke up looking like a human," said Twilight confusedly.

"Same here, I don't know where we are either. Maybe we should find a town so that we'll learn of where we are and find a way back home, but I need to teach you how to move around while in human form," said Naruto.

"It shouldn't be too hard, I've seen Spike do it a lot,"

"Well there's a difference between seeing and actually doing it, I had to practice moving around when I first arrived in Equestria as a pony" Naruto held out his hand for Twilight to grab which she did before gently pulling her up to stand on her feet, she was a bit unsteady and almost fell over a few times had it not been for Naruto holding her up.

"Now just move one of your feet forward then move the other ahead of the first one," Naruto held both of Twilight's hands as she took one step after. With each step taken, Twilight slowly got used to her new feet and soon was able to walk on her own without Naruto's help but didn't try to run given that her new dress wasn't really meant for that.

"Okay, I think I've gotten the hang of walking now but how can I use my magic without my horn?" asked Twilight worriedly.

Naruto looked thoughtful for a moment "I don't know, but if magic comes from within one's self like my chakra then maybe you try channeling your magic through your hands,"

Twilight looked around for moment before setting her sights upon a rock laying nearby, she pointed her hands towards it and closed her eyes as she concentrated on a basic magic spell. From Naruto's point of view, he noticed that Twilight's hands were covered in a purple aura then rock was covered in the same aura as it lifted into the air. Twilight opened her eyes and smiled upon seeing that her magic still works despite her lack of horn, whichever direction which she moves her hands then the levitating rock would hover towards it.

"I can still use my magic, what a relief. Being unable to use magic one time is enough for me," said Twilight with a smile.

"Now let's go find ourselves a town," said Naruto.

"But which way should we go?" asked Twilight.

"Let's go through the forest,"

With that said, Naruto and Twilight ventured into the forest, all the while taking note that the forest wasn't so different from the ones back in Equestria. They continued along the dirt path when Naruto suddenly stopped Twilight from walking any further with a frown on his face.

"What's the matter Naruto? Why did we stop?" asked Twilight confusedly.

"We're not alone…someone has been following us for quite a while now," said Naruto before speaking out loudly "Come out and show yourselves, I know you're there!"

There was no response for a moment then dark chuckles were heard as the bushes rustled before parting to reveal something which surprised Naruto and frightened Twilight.

It resembled a giant with red skin, wild black hair with two long horns jutting out from it and fang-like tusks jutting out from its mouth, it also wears a loincloth which appears to be made from the furs of tigers. Naruto and Twilight took note of the large iron club with spikes at the end.

"N-Naruto, w-what is that thing?" asked Twilight with fear in her voice.

"It's an Oni, an evil monster known to perform evil acts, one of the worst being that it devours humans," Naruto spoke grimly for Twilight to gasp at what he said.

"Well, well, well, today must be my lucky day as I've found two humans just in time for lunch," said the red Oni while smacking his lips hungrily.

Naruto stood before Twilight protectively while taking a fighting stance "Sorry to disappoint you buddy, but we're not on the menu so you're going home hungry,"

"Like you have any say in this matter, you're both lunch and that is that," the Oni raised his iron club above his head and brought it down on them.

Naruto quickly turned to grab Twilight into a bridal carry and leapt out of the way before the club smashed where they once stood. He placed Twilight on the ground and dashed towards the Oni while crossing the middle and index fingers of both hands together before calling out his signature jutsu.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

There were puffs of smoke at both sides of the blond ninja before dissipating to reveal clones running alongside the original much to the shock of the red Oni.

"I don't know what magic this is, but you're only prolonging your death!" the Oni swung his club at the clones, some of them jumped out of the way of the attack though one of them got hit and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The first pair of clones quickly around to position themselves behind the Oni and simultaneously kicked at the back of his legs, forcing him to his knees, the clone ran up the iron club with a kunai in hand which he then used to stab the hand, causing the Oni to let go while crying out in pain.

The red Oni looked up to see Naruto diving towards him from the air with a blue spinning orb in his hand "If you're that hungry, then how about you chew on this?! Rasengan!" then he rammed it into the monster to send him flying backwards in a spiral while crashing through many trees before tumbling to a stop and laid there unconscious.

Naruto stood vigilant to see if the Oni would get back to his feet but the demon remained still before relaxing his guard, then he heard Twilight approaching him.

"Thanks for protecting me Naruto," said Twilight happily.

"No problem Twilight," said Naruto with a foxy grin.

"That is certainly quite an accomplishment to defeat an Oni especially a red one at that," a voice spoke out from behind them, Naruto and Twilight turned around to see whom the voice belonged to.

It happened to be a boy with black hair which is tied into a ponytail about their height wearing a white headband with the picture of a peach while carrying a flag on his back. He also wears a purple undershirt, with a red shirt and a pink vest coming over both while having a katana and a brown pouch attached to his belt. Also Naruto and Twilight noticed the white dog that is almost as large as a colt standing next to him.

"Thanks but who are you?" asked Naruto curiously.

"My name is Momotaro the peach boy, and this my companion Dog," said the boy while the dog nodded in greeting.

Naruto and Twilight's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing his name and turned towards each other having coming upon a shocking conclusion as they now know exactly where. It appears that the book had sucked into a world which is based on one of Naruto's favorite folktales! They snapped out of their shock before turning to respond to the boy.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Twilight Sparkle," said Twilight.

"And mine is Naruto Uzumaki, so where are you and your friend going to?" asked Naruto despite knowing exactly what it is.

"We're on our way to subdue the evil Oni in their island stronghold in the northeast of Japan, these hateful beings had been invading this land to kill and rob the people, and carry off all they can find. It is the reason why I left my dear mother and father but I promised to return after taking back the plunder which they have robbed of this land," said Momotaro.

"I wish you luck on your mission," said Twilight.

"Actually I was hoping that you would accompany me to the Oni stronghold and help defeat the monsters,"

Naruto and Twilight were surprised to hear such a request from the peach boy.

"Are you sure about this? I know that you're a pretty strong guy," said Naruto not wanting to divert the story off its original path.

"Of course, after seeing you battle that red Oni, I can tell your participation in the upcoming battle would help us greatly. I hope that you would say yes,"

Feeling torn between helping his favorite hero and finding a way back home, Naruto turned to Twilight for her opinion in the matter. The mare turned human thought deeply for a minute before responding to Momotaro.

"We'd like to help you, we can't refuse after hearing your story," said Twilight.

Momotaro smiled happily at their answer "I'm forever grateful for your help,"

"I'm happy to work alongside you," said Naruto.

"Likewise," the dog spoke up for the first much to their surprise since he mentioned a word throughout their conversation. Then a loud rumble was heard and it happened to come from the stomachs of Naruto and Twilight much to their embarrassment while Momotaro chuckled.

"Of course you two would be hungry after what had happened," he reached into his pouch and took out a dumpling which he then split into two before holding out half to each of them "Here, this happens to be one of the best dumplings in Japan courtesy of my mother. I'm sure you'll love it,"

After giving their thanks, Naruto and Twilight took the halves of the dumplings and ate them before discovering the exquisite taste behind them.

"Whoa, it's as tasty as the story describes it!" thought Naruto.

"Well then, let us be off! We still have a long way to go," said Momotaro.

With that said, the group continued on their way with Momotaro leading them through the path until they were out of the forest not before tying up the red Oni with very strong rope to a tree. Along the way, Naruto and Twilight were having a private conversation between themselves.

"I'm a bit surprised that you wanted to help instead of looking for a way to get back home," said Naruto.

"Well I did before, but after seeing what that monster tried to do us I couldn't leave it like that so I wanted to help then we could work on getting back to our world," said Twilight.

"I'm totally fine with it, it's not every day that you get to work alongside your favorite hero!" said Naruto with stars in his eyes, making Twilight giggle.

Suddenly something jumped out from the branches of a nearby tree and landed on the path before them, it was revealed to be a monkey with brown fur who then walked towards the group mainly Momotaro and waved cheerily.

"Hello Momotaro! I welcome you to this part of the country, I also wish to ask if I could accompany you to the Oni stronghold?" asked the monkey in a chipper voice.

The dog stepped before the monkey while growling at it "This group already has a dog to help them to fight the Oni, so there's no need for a monkey to come along. Now go away!"

Hearing this caused the monkey to glare at the dog "What gives you the right to send me away you mangy mutt?"

"What did you call me?!"

"You heard me, or are you deaf?"

This led into a fight with the dog biting at the monkey who was using its acrobatic skills to dodge and strike back with its sharp claws.

"I read from the library that dogs and monkeys had always disliked each other, but I never saw it in reality until now," said Twilight.

"First time for everything Twilight-san, but I'm not going to let this play out any longer," said Momotaro.

"Same here," said Naruto.

Both boys approached the fighting animals and pulled them away from each other with Momotaro holding back the dog and Naruto doing the same with the monkey.

"That's enough dog!" Momotaro spoke sternly.

"But it's not all dignified for you to have a monkey accompany us on our journey," said dog.

"And what do you know of it?" Momotaro turned to the monkey who appeared to have calmed down "And why do you want to come with us monkey?"

"I didn't like what the Oni has been doing to this land so when I heard of your expedition to the Oni stronghold on their island, I decided to follow you when you appear here. Nothing would please me more if you were to accept my request," said the monkey.

Momotaro looked thoughtful for a moment before replying "I admire your courage and so I've decided to allow you to join us,"

Hearing this made the monkey happy but the dog protested against this.

"But Momotaro…" he began but was interrupted.

"I understand your dislike of each other but that won't be allowed in this group. Anyone who begins the argument will be sent away, understood?" both animals nodded meekly not wanting to be sent away.

After giving the monkey a half of his dumplings, the group continued on the road however Momotaro had the dog walk ahead of them with a flag and monkey to be behind them while walking in the middle and holding a war fan made of iron.

"So is this the group that will be going to fight the Oni?" whispered Twilight.

"Not exactly Twilight, there's one more to join us," Naruto whispered back.

"Really who?"

"Just wait and see,"

The group arrived at a large rice field, here a bird flew down and alighted on the ground just before them. It was the most beautiful bird they had ever seen, on its body were five different robes of feathers and a scarlet cap covered its head.

The dog immediately ran towards the bird and lunged at it with its teeth bared to attack, however the bird quickly took to the air before diving to peck at the dog's head before following up by attacking with its talons. Naruto and the others were watching the fight with awe especially Momotaro.

"Both beautiful and fast, I'm sure that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash would have loved to meet it," said Twilight.

"That's true," Naruto nodded agreement.

Then Momotaro went up to the animals and pulled the dog back while looking at the bird sternly to stop.

"That's enough out of the both of you! Especially you as you're hindering my journey, cease this fight and I might consider letting you join us. If not, then I'll see you as an enemy and let dog attack you again!"

The bird was frightened from what he said and immediately alighted to the ground before bowing to them.

"I have no excuse for attacking a member of your group and sincerely apologize for doing such a thing. I am a bird called a pheasant and I'm thankful for your forgiveness, and to take me with you," said the bird.

"I congratulate you on your surrender as well as I accept your humble apology, you're allowed to join us on our raid on the Oni stronghold," said Momotaro much to the pheasant's joy then he turned to speak to the group "Now all of you must listen to me, the first important thing in an army is harmony. Union among us is better than any earthly gains, when we're not at peace amongst ourselves it's no easy thing to subdue an enemy. From now on, all of you must be friends with one mind. The one who first begins an argument will be discharged on the spot!"

"You won't expect that from us, Twilight and I often work together with our friends so expect full co-operation from us," said Naruto with Twilight nodding in agreement.

"Then I too will work with the others," said the monkey.

"Me too," said the dog.

"I as well," said the pheasant.

"Very well then, let us be on our way," said Momotaro not before giving the pheasant a half of the dumplings.

Afterwards they resumed their journey, bravely traversing through the tall mountains, long valleys and deep forests. Although the way, everyone got along nicely with each other and looked up to Momotaro as the leader. After many days of traveling, they all stood on the shores of the North-Eastern Sea where nothing could be seen as far as the horizon, not even a spot of land with the only sound being the crashing of waves upon the shores.

"Looks we'll be going by boat in order to get to the island," said Twilight.

"Seems like it," Naruto glanced to the side and noticed that the dog, monkey and pheasant were fidgeting around a bit "Hey guys, what's the matter?"

"We've never been to the sea before so we're feeling a bit unsettled by it," said the monkey.

Momotaro heard what monkey said and responded to them "Is that hesitance I hear in your voice? What cowards you are to be afraid of the sea especially since we came so far. I have no use for such cowards so it's best that I discharge you three at once!"

Everyone was taken aback by his declaration, especially the three animals so Twilight spoke up in their defense.

"But they came so far to help you fight against the Oni," said Twilight.

"That's exactly my point, if they came all this way only to be frightened of the sea then what if we were to arrive at the enemy stronghold and fear were to take a hold of them. That would lead to our deaths and all this will be for nothing but a waste of time and lives," Momotaro replied.

Naruto was unable to say anything to defend them due to Momotaro bringing up a valid point, recalling when he and his team went out on their first C-rank mission and were attacked by rogue ninjas. He froze with fear when he thought that Kakashi was killed and had it not been for Sasuke quickly reacting to the situation, he and Sakura would have been killed as well however he proved himself when he overcame his fear when they went up against the infamous Zabuza one of the most feared swordsmen known.

He was about to speak up when the animals clung to Momotaro's sleeve with pleading looks in their eyes.

"Please don't send us away!" said the dog.

"We came too far to back down now!" said the monkey.

"We don't fear the sea at all, so please take us with you!" said the pheasant.

Momotaro looked at them with a frown before it broke into a smile.

"Very well then, you three can come along. It's even a good thing that you were afraid," said Momotaro much to the surprise of everyone.

"I don't understand, but you almost sent them away because they were afraid," said Twilight confusedly.

"The reason they're afraid is because they know of the dangers ahead of them. It is often the fearless ones who often find themselves in all kinds of danger, you wouldn't climb a mountain without knowing the risks,"

"I see, so you were testing them," said Naruto in realization.

"Of course, but I would have sent them away had they failed so that they won't have to lose their lives,"

The animals bowed their heads in gratitude and admiration of his strict yet kind actions.

"He really acts like a great leader, he reminds me of Princess Celestia," said Twilight with a smile.

"Same here, except he reminds me of the third Hokage," said Naruto.

Later on, Momotaro had managed to acquire a small boat and they all got on board before setting sail for the island. The pheasant, dog and monkey were a bit frightened by the waves but Naruto calmed them down by telling them stories about the pranks he used to pull off back in his village as well as the mission he went along with his friends, making them laugh and feel excited with Momotaro watching in amusement.

They sailed across the blue seas for quite a while until one day the group heard the pheasant call out to them from the air.

"Everyone, I see an island in the distance!"

They ran to the bow of the ship, Momotaro took out a telescope and peered through it, there above the precipitous shores looking out to sea he saw a large castle and instantly knew that it was the Oni's stronghold.

"So what's the plan of action Momotaro?" asked Naruto with the others standing behind him attentively.

Momotaro thought deeply for a few minutes with his head leaning on a hand, before looking at the pheasant.

"Pheasant I'll need you to fly ahead and engage the enemy, we'll follow soon after,"

The pheasant nodded in confirmation and was about to take flight when Naruto spoke up.

"I'd like to follow pheasant as well to keep the Oni occupied while you catch up with us," said Naruto, the rest nodded recalling in his stories that he could create wings to fly.

"Very well then, but stay safe along with pheasant," said Momotaro.

"Naruto please be careful," said Twilight worriedly.

"I'll be Twilight, I promise,"

Naruto channeled chakra to his back and formed wings before leaping into the air, taking flight alongside the pheasant as they headed towards the castle with the others watching them go from the boat. They soon reached and landed on the roof of a tall tower in the middle of the castle where pheasant called out loudly for the Oni to hear.

"All of you monsters listen to me! The great general Momotaro has come to fight you and take your stronghold from you, surrender to us now or suffer the agony of defeat!" the pheasant declared.

The Oni looked up and saw the bird and human before breaking into laughter.

"A little bird and a human, it is ridiculous to hear such a thing from you! Wait till you receive a blow from one of our iron clubs!" said a blue skinned Oni haughtily with the rest bellowing in agreement.

Naruto simply shook his head at their naivety "Just like what Momotaro said earlier, because they aren't afraid so they ignorant of the consequences. Why don't show them what it means to be afraid of something?"

"With pleasure," said the pheasant who took off to the air before swopping towards the Oni at high speed.

Naruto stretched an arm out to the side where there was a flash of bright light and when it faded, it revealed a sea blue broadsword with an outward motif for the guard and in the center is a white swirling energy hovering in the air. He jumped off the roof and dove towards a red Oni who swung his spiked iron club at him, Naruto slashed at the incoming weapon cleanly splitting it in half much to the monster's disbelief then he reared a fist back and thrust it forward for a large chakra arm to shoot out and smash the Oni into a wall.

The pheasant flew left and right to avoid the heavy but slow swings of the iron clubs from the Oni and retaliating by peaking at them with his sharp beak and slashing with his talons before flying around them so fast that the Oni are even wondering if they're actually fighting a single bird or more had arrived to help it while the others are at their wits end wondering what the warrior fighting them is for he fought so inhumanly with strange magic.

Meanwhile Momotaro and the others had brought the ship to land on the shore and quickly made their way to castle before stopping before the castle entrance which was heavily fortified with high walls and large iron gates.

"I can use my magic to carry us over the walls and into the courtyard so we can get to Naruto and pheasant," said Twilight as she prepared to do just that.

"Hold on Twilight-san, I hear someone crying from over there," said dog pointing a paw in a direction.

They walked to where the dog pointed and saw two beautiful damsels washing in a nearby stream, they saw that the clothes were blood stained and that the maidens were crying as they washed. Momotaro stepped forward and called out to them.

"Who are you and why do you cry?" asked Momotaro.

"We're the daughters of a feudal lord but the Oni kidnapped us from our homes and into this island, threatening us to be his servants or be eaten by him," said one of the girls tearfully.

"That's terrible," said Twilight sadly.

"Don't cry anymore for we're here to rescue you, as of now two of our comrades are inside fighting the Oni, so if you would show us how to get into the castle in order to help them," said Momotaro.

"We would be glad to show you the way," said the other girl.

Then the girls led the way with the group following them until stopping before a backdoor which was built into the lowest part of the wall, however the catch was that the door was so small that none of them could even squeeze through.

"How can we get through the door now? It's too small for any of us," said the dog.

"Hold on, let me try something," Twilight directed her hands towards the door it was covered in a magical aura before suddenly enlarging to a size which is more than enough for them to pass through freely.

"What was that?" asked the monkey.

"It was an expansion spell which I cast on the door, it makes things increase in size," said Twilight.

"That was convenient, now let us hurry in to help Naruto and pheasant," said Momotaro while opening the door and running inside with the rest soon following after.

"Rasengan Barrage!" Naruto was currently charging at another group of Oni with a Rasengan on each hand before ramming them into the guts of two unlucky targets, sending flying back and crashing into the others then swiveled around to point an open palm at an Oni approaching with a white rune appearing before him "Chakra Cannon!" then he fired a large chakra sphere with the recoil pushing him back a bit to blast the Oni away from him.

Naruto turned to see more Oni approaching to attack, he stretched his hand and the Kosei no Ha which had latched on to his back earlier before floated over for him to grab it and took a stance while the pheasant landed on his shoulder.

"These guys keep on coming," said Naruto.

"Not to worry Naruto-san, I'm sure Momotaro-sama and the others are almost here," said the pheasant.

"They better if they don't want to miss all the action,"

They both got ready to resume their offense when large boulders and wooden beams flew overhead and smashed into the Oni. They turned around to see Momotaro and the group behind them with Twilight's hands glowing with her magic.

"Sorry for taking so long to get here, but the time has come to overthrow these monsters!" Momotaro drew out his sword and charged at the Oni with monkey and dog running along him while Twilight used her magic to levitate the rocks and wooden beams before launching them at the Oni. Not wanting to be outdone, Naruto and the pheasant joined in the battle.

It was a total nightmare for the Oni who were wishing that they could wake up from it. things were already bad enough when the pheasant and odd human were attacking them, now it is a whole lot worse with monkey slashing at them with its claws, the dog biting with its powerful jaws, the human girl using strange magic to attack and the second male human cutting them with his sword making it an utterly one-sided battle.

The dust finally cleared to reveal the once numerous and arrogant Oni now laid defeated while Naruto and the group standing victorious over them. They turned to faced what appears to be the last red Oni who appears to be much larger than the rest so they identified him to be the leader.

The Oni leader humbly stepped forward and cast his iron club to the ground, then he went down on his knees at Momotaro's feet and broke off his horns as a token of submission.

"I truly fear your might," the Oni leader spoke meekly "I know now that I stand no chance against you and your army, I will give you all of the treasure hidden in the castle if you spare my life,"

Momotaro replied sternly "It is unlike an Oni like you to beg for mercy, however I can't forgive you for all the atrocities you and your cohorts have done to the country for many years no matter how much you beg,"

Then they tied the Oni up, with Naruto's clones to help the group searched throughout the castle from top to bottom, and set the grateful prisoners free and gathered all of the treasures in the rooms. Afterwards everyone made their return to their individual villages with some of the treasure which was stolen from them. Momotaro escorted the two maidens back to their homes and delivered the Oni leader to the feudal lord to be judged for his crimes. The whole country rejoiced upon hearing that the Oni were defeated and hailed Momotaro and his companions as heroes.

As of now the group stood in the middle of the road with dog and monkey pulling a wagon laden with treasure and pheasant perched on the railings. Momotaro smiling sadly at Naruto and Twilight.

"Are you sure that you have to go? I'm sure that my parents would have loved to meet you two," said Momotaro.

"We'd love to but now we have to be getting ourselves home, our friends are waiting for us," said Twilight sadly.

"Yeah but it was truly an honor to fight alongside you and the others, that's something we'll never forget and that's a promise," said Naruto with a thumbs up.

"It was an honor for us to be companions with you two," Momotaro walked over to the wagon and reached into the pile and brought out a few items to give to them "Please take these as a token of our friendship," he gave Twilight a small Japanese hair barrette which was adorned with colorful gemstones and for Naruto it was a ceremonial sword with a red and gold handle in a red sheath embossed with a golden dragon curled around it several times, he pulled the sheath back to see a single edged blade gleaming in the sunlight and there was something etched into the blade which was a kanji for 'Hope'

"Are you sure that you want to give us this?" asked Naruto.

"You both actually deserve more than this but I know you wouldn't want that," said Momotaro, seeing them nod in confirmation.

"We'll treasure these forever Momotaro, I hope we can meet again," said Twilight.

"We're really going to miss you two," said the monkey.

"Me too," said the dog.

"I'll never forget the fun times we had," said the pheasant.

"Us too, like I said before I promise to never forget the good times we had," said Naruto.

With that said, Naruto and Twilight waved goodbye at Momotaro and the animals who in turn did the same. The duo walked quite a distance before stopping to rest a bit under an oak tree.

"So have you thought of anything that could get us back to Equestria?" asked Naruto.

"I was actually thinking of…what is that?" Twilight pointed towards the sky and Naruto looked up only to be surprised to see some sort of magic circle spinning above them.

Suddenly the magic circle shot out a pillar of light which hit them before they could react and proceeded to lift them in the air towards it, Naruto grabbed Twilight and tried to create chakra wings in an attempt to escape but the pull was too strong and they ended up getting sucked into the magic circle.

"Twilight! Twilight where are you?" Spike called out while looking around in the library, but there was no sign of the mare "That's weird, normally she leaves a note behind before going anywhere for me to know where she was headed. Maybe I should go ask Pinkie Pie and the others, maybe they might know where she is,"

Spike turned and left through the front door in direction towards the Sugarcube Corner. The moment he shut the door, the brown leather book on the table radiated a white aura again and floated into the air before flipping itself open and a magic circle appeared only for Naruto and Twilight to fall out having turned back into their pony forms.

"Oooowwww, I think we're back in Equestria," Naruto rubbed the back of his head to ease the pain.

"Yeah it just proves that we really were transported into the world of the book, you even still have the sword that Momotaro gave to you," said Twilight.

Naruto looked down and saw the ceremonial sword lying next to him and he saw the hair barrette pinning up a part of Twilight's mane making him blush at how it made her look beautiful, Twilight noticed that Naruto was gawking at her and blushed as well. They both approached the book and noticed that there was a picture on the front cover, it showed the dog, monkey and pheasant with Momotaro walking ahead of them with the title of the book above them.

"I never would have thought that I would experience a story in reality," said Twilight.

"Me neither, but I'm glad that we got to have something like that together," said Naruto with a smile.

"Me too," Twilight smiled back.

"Let's go have some snacks over at the Sugarcube Corner, I could come back later for the book after you read it,"

"Sure thing, I really loved experiencing the story but nothing beats reading for me,"

"Hahaha, that's true,"

After sealing away their gifts, Naruto and Twilight left through the front door. What they didn't know was that the picture on the book changed to reveal Naruto and Twilight walking alongside Momotaro with smiles on their faces and the title changed to 'Momotaro and his Amazing Friends' for a moment before reverting back to normal.

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