• Published 6th Nov 2015
  • 8,097 Views, 152 Comments

Adventures of the Equestrian Ninja - hussbek

Watch Naruto who died to retrieve his best friend have adventure with his new friends after being reborn in a new world.

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Getting Tricky with Trixie

Chapter 12: Getting Tricky with Trixie

It has been several hours since the train that Naruto is on had left Canterlot and its way back to Ponyville. Naruto was bored out of his mind while he was seated window and looking at the scenery.

“These are one of the reasons why I don’t like trains,” Naruto grumbled when he remembered the mission back at the land of snow, where he had to outrun the train whilst carrying princess Koyuki. He shuddered at the memory.

Finally the train arrived at the Ponyville train station, he got out of the station and let out a yawn and stretched his muscles to remove any cramps. “Now I have to find the girls and let them know that I’m back,” Naruto then took off in search of his friends. Walking along the road and greeting the locals, Naruto saw Twilight and Spike ahead of him. He was about to call out to them, when two foals known to everypony as Snips and Snails came running by.

“Gangway coming through!” Spike got tackled by them, Naruto quickly used his tail to catch him before he got hurt and walked over to Twilight.

“Hi Twilight! Spike! How’s it going?” Naruto smiled at the mare and drake who smiled in return.

“Hello Naruto! How are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” asked Twilight.

“They’re fine and sends their regards,” said Naruto then he turned to the foals “Now why were you boys running all over the place and ended up tackling Spike?”

“There is a new unicorn in town!” said Snails.

“Yeah! They say that she’s got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!” said Snips excitedly, Naruto and Twilight exchanged looks of curiosity at the rumor, Spike spoke up while hanging from Naruto’s tail.

“Aw, no way, the honor goes to Twilight here,” Naruto nodded in agreement, all the time spent with her, Naruto knew she had great talent for magic.

“Where is this unicorn?” asked Twilight.

“Oh, she’s in the town square. Come on!” said Snails pointing in the direction of the said location before running off with Snips following.

“Yeah, come on!” said Snips, Twilight and Naruto with Spike riding on his back followed the two foals to meet with the rumored pony.

The group arrived at the town square where they saw a caravan with a stage set up and ponies had gathered around it. Naruto was able to see Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy among them.

As they drew close, a unicorn appeared from behind the curtains of the stage, she has a coat of brilliant azure, a mane of pale blue with pale cerulean stripes and a cutie mark of a magic wand with a trail magic dust. She also wore a conical hat and a cape, both adorned with blue and yellow stars. She spoke in a loud voice to gain the attention of the crowd.

“Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” said the mare, the crowd looked on with curiosity while the Applejack and the others seemed a bit skeptical. “Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!” there was an explosion of fireworks and a fanfare was being played.

“Oh my, what boasting!” Rarity was unimpressed, she turned to the voice which spoke in agreement with her.

“I’ll have to agree with you, Rare. Nopony likes a showoff,” Naruto waved at the girls when they turned and smiled at his return.

“Hey Naruto! It’s good to see you’re back!” Rainbow Dash excitedly flew over to him.

“I-I’m glad that you came back safely,” Fluttershy spoke softly while trying to hide her blush.

“Howdy Naruto! Scootaloo is currently at school, so you can pick her up later,” said Applejack.

“It’s good to see you again, I hope you got the latest fashion news while you were there,” said Rarity.

“Hiya Naru! Did anything exciting happen while you were there?!” Pinkie was hopping before him, making Naruto hold her in place with his tail.

“I had a great time in Canterlot!” Naruto smiled before turning to look at the unicorn on stage “Although I am not impressed with the way she present herself,” Spike nodded in agreement.

“That’s right! Nopony is better at magic than Twi-” Spike started, but stopped when he saw Twilight glaring at him “Uh never mind,”

“There is nothing wrong with being talented, is there?” Twilight asked the others nervously, Naruto could sense the unease within her.

“Nothing at all, except when someone goes around showing it off like a school filly with new ribbons,” Rarity agreed with Applejack which only increased the uneasiness in Twilight.

“Indeed, just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us,” Naruto decided to speak up to ease Twilight’s worries.

“What they say is true, but there are some talented ponies that don’t show off their gifts,” Naruto said this directly to Twilight, which cheered her up a bit.

“Yeah! Especially when you’ve got me around to be better than the rest of us,” Rainbow Dash laughed out loud, but that stopped when she saw the mares glaring at her and Naruto shaking his head “Uh, I mean, yeah, magic schmagic! Boo!”

“Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience,” Trixie had a look of arrogance on her face “Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they are in the presence of the most magical in all of Equestria?”

“Who does she think she is?” Rarity stuck her tongue, Naruto snickered at how unladylike she was acting at the moment, which made her blush in embarrassment.

“Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight here is-,” Spike spoke up, but he was silenced by Twilight “Twilight, what’s wrong?”

“You saw the way they reacted to Trixie? I don’t want them to think that I’m a show-off,” Twilight looked worriedly at her friends, but didn’t notice that Naruto overheard her and thought to speak to her later. Rainbow Dash flew up to Trixie on stage.

“So, ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’. What makes you think you’re so awesome anyway?” she asked.

“Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!” Trixie told the crowd of how she defended the ponies of Hoofington from the beast while using her magic and fireworks to illustrate. Everypony were amazed, especially Snips and Snails but Spike was still skeptical. “HAHAHA, that’s right! Trixie is the most talented pony in all of Equestria!” her declaration was met with silence.

“Don’t believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie laughed haughtily “Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you do, I can do better. Any takers? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who ever lived?” Once again with fanfare and fireworks which was really getting on Naruto’s nerves, Spike desperately clung onto Twilight.

“Please Twilight! Ya have to show her what you can do! I can’t take it anymore!” Twilight still refused to stand up to the arrogant unicorn. Naruto knew that she was more concerned about her friends than about Trixie. However, she caught the attention of the unicorn.

“Hmm, how about you?” Twilight gulped nervously. “Well? Is there anything you can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can’t,” Trixie continued to taunt her until Applejack finally had enough and stepped up.

“That’s it! I can’t stand anymore of this!” Naruto and Spike cheered her on as she stood on stage to face Trixie “Can your magical powers do this?” she brought out a lasso and started to perform many tricks to the amazement of the ponies around. Then she rounded up her show by using her lasso to snare an apple from a nearby tree and pulled it over to take a bite out of it. “Top that, missy,”

Trixie smiled arrogantly before taking of her hat to reveal her horn “Oh ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed by the magic of Trixie!” Her horn glowed purple, and one end of the rope started to move in front of Applejack like a snake while the other end went to grab an apple. The rope proceeded to hogtie the orange mare and shove the apple in her mouth. Everypony laughed at the spectacle except the mares and Naruto who helped Applejack get free of the rope, then he looked angrily at Trixie for humiliating his friend. “Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails!”

“No need to go strutting around and showing off like that,” Rainbow Dash was next to take the stage. “That’s my job!” Then she took to the air at high speed, going around a windmill and making it spin. She ascended to the sky, punching through the clouds in different patterns before performing a nosedive and landing on the stage with a rainbow floating above her. “They don’t call me ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Dash’ for nothing!”

“Hmph, when Trixie is through with you, the only thing they’ll call you is loser,” Trixie used her magic to manipulate the rainbow, transforming it into a whirlwind and surrounded Rainbow Dash with it. The whirlwind took her for a spin in midair before landing back on the ground, where she laid on the ground both dizzy and sick. “Seems like anypony with a ‘dash’ of sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie,” Trixie summoned a small thundercloud which struck lightning on Rainbow Dash, making her yelp in pain and the crowd laugh. Naruto’s anger was reaching boiling point.

“Come on! We need a unicorn who can face her on equal grounds!” Spike spoke up with Rainbow agreeing with him.

“Yeah! A unicorn to show this unicorn whose boss!” Applejack followed up with her own statement.

“A real unicorn to unicorn tussle,” Naruto was about to finish up by saying who it should be.

“That’s right, a unicorn like-,” but he was interrupted by Rarity.

“Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense,” Naruto facehoofed at how wrong she was at thinking that they were talking about her. “Applejack and Rainbow Dash may behave like ruffians. But Rarity conducts herself with class,”

“Ooo, what’s the matter? Afraid that you’ll get a hair out of place in that rat’s nest you call a mane?” Naruto let out a gasp, with the time spent with the mare. He knew to never make fun of her sense of fashion as it will lead to trouble.

Rarity had a look of anger on her face “Oh, it. Is. On!” She climbed to the stage and brushed by Trixie. “You may think you’re tough with all of your so-called powers, but there is more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style,” Rarity used her magic to grab a curtain and spun it around her, and in an instant she wore a beautiful dress and a new hair style which even stunned Naruto. “A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty,”

“Rarity won’t let Trixie get the best of her! She’s strong, beautiful, she’s-,” Spike was cheering for her when Trixie cast a spell on Rarity’s hair which caused everypony to gasp, making her feel very uncomfortable.

“Oh Kami,” Naruto whispered softly.

“Someone get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair?!” Rarity started to panic.

“Nothing,” said Twilight.

“It’s fine,” said Rainbow Dash.

“It’s gorgeous,” said Applejack.

“It’s green,” Naruto quickly wrapped his tail around Spike’s mouth while the others glared at him, but it was too late as Rarity had heard it and ran off crying.

“Hahaha, that’s what you get for challenging the great and powerful Trixie! Is there anypony else that would like to face me?” She then turned her attention back to Twilight “Or maybe a pony like you could even stand a chance against me?” Twilight took a few steps back in fear of the attention, this caused Naruto to finally snap.

“That does it!” Naruto shouted, he climbed up to the stage whilst glaring at Trixie which made her feel a bit uncomfortable. “I’ve had it with the way you humiliated my friends just to show off how good you are! Let’s see you face me instead!” Twilight and the others were surprised, as they had never seen Naruto this angry before.

“Humph, then why don’t you show me what kind of magic you can do?” taunted Trixie.

“Gladly,” said Naruto, he raised a fore hoof to the air and called out “Chakra Cannon!” a rune appeared at his hoof before firing a large orb into the air, this surprised everypony except his friends who knew about his abilities. “Not yet, Chakra Bullet: Rapid Fire!” he launched a barrage of smaller orbs into the air as well, then he used a telekinesis spell to manipulate the orbs, making the smaller orbs orbit around the larger one “Let’s see you handle this one,” Naruto smirked at the unicorn.

“Oh, we’ll see alright” Trixie used her own telekinesis to wrest control over the orbs from Naruto, much to his and the others surprise.

“How can she do that?! It takes a lot of magic power to do that, and she did it with no problem!” Twilight was stunned at what she was seeing. Trixie then changed the orbit of the orbs before clashing them together which resulted in a small explosion, knocking Naruto off the stage from the blast and to the ground. The mares went to check if he was alright.

“Naruto, are you okay?” asked Twilight worriedly, Naruto shook his head to clear his thoughts.

“Yeah I’m fine, but-” Naruto looked dejected “-I failed. I could have defended you girls but rather made it worse,” Naruto got up and left the town square sadly. Twilight felt guilty for what happened and left as well, Trixie was boasting upon seeing that there were no more challengers.

“Ha! Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the most amazing pony in all of Equestria,” She strutted off the stage “Huh, was there any doubt?” When she got off the stage, Trixie thought of the blond stallion “That unicorn had a lot of power, it took a lot of magic to take control of his spell from him. I’d better keep an eye on him,”

Naruto was walking alongside Scootaloo who was happy to see her brother towards the Uzumaki mansion, he was thinking back on his encounter with Trixie. “I guess I can’t deny her talents, maybe she did vanquish the Ursa Major,” He stopped in the middle of the road “Now that I think about it, what is an Ursa Major? I’d better it out in the library at home,” Naruto broke from his thoughts when Scootaloo called out to him.

“Big bro, aren’t you coming?” asked Scootaloo in curiosity.

“Sorry, I’m coming,” Naruto trotted to catch up and continued on their way home. Later that night, Naruto tucked Scootaloo in bed after talking to her about the things which he had seen and done at Canterlot over a hearty dinner. Then he went to the library to read on the Ursa Major, but he wasn’t able to find any info about the creature.

“Maybe I should check up with Twilight on it tomorrow at the Ponyville library,” Naruto said to himself, he walked out of the library and to his bedroom. He was just about to fall asleep when he heard an earthshaking roar, causing him to jump from his bed in surprise. “What the hay was that?!” Scootaloo came barging through the door.

“Big bro, what was that roar?” asked Scootaloo, looking scared. Naruto wrapped his tail around her for reassurance.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll go and check out the source of that roar. So just stay in your room until I come back, okay?” Scootaloo nodded before running to her bedroom and locking the door. After exiting the mansion, Naruto took to the rooftops to locate the source of the roar. Sure enough, he saw what looked to be a giant blue grizzly bear but it’s body looked it was made of stars and is currently chasing Trixie much to his confusion.

“I guess that must be the Ursa Major, but is it doing here? And most importantly, why isn’t Trixie dealing with it like she was supposed to?” Naruto frowned slightly as he watched Trixie run from the beast and he noticed Snips and Snails standing nearby watching. Naruto landed next to them.

“What’s going on and how did that Ursa Major get into town?” Naruto looked at the foals sternly.

“We brought the Ursa Major to Ponyville to see if Trixie can vanquish it like she told us before,” said Snips, Naruto have a look of shock before it turned into anger. He was about to yell at them when he heard Twilight come up from behind.

“You did what!? As much as I want to issue a punishment, we have to deal with the current situation,” Twilight took off with Naruto right behind her. They soon came upon Trixie being corned by the Ursa Major as it swung its claw, intending to crush her. Without thinking, Naruto gathered chakra to his hooves and ran to stand in between them.

“Protect!” a barrier appeared to block the claw, but it started to crack under the weight. “Whoa, this bear is stronger than I thought,” When the barrier finally shattered, Naruto launched a chakra infused uppercut at the claw, causing it to stumble backwards before wrapping his tail around Trixie and jumping away. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Naruto was glaring at Trixie, by then a crowd had gathered around “Aren’t you supposed to vanquish the Ursa Major like before, or is there something you aren’t telling us?”

“We don’t have to worry, I’m sure the Great and Powerful Trixie will save us,” said Snips, Trixie look at the ground guiltily which Naruto and others noticed.

“I can’t,” a collective gasp could be heard from the crowd “I had never vanquished an Ursa Major, I just made it up to make myself look better,” Naruto looked at her sternly.

“You mean to tell us that you lied this whole time?” Trixie nodded sadly, then the Ursa Major let out a roar and charged at them. Naruto reacted by launching a full body tackle on the head of the bear which sent it skidding back, this annoyed it as the Major started to swing at the blond stallion who was dodging left and right to avoid the attacks. “What can I do to contain the Major? Should I expose my secret?” Naruto was torn between exposing his abilities to the town and stopping the bear, then he heard a melody from behind.

“What is that sound?” Naruto turned to see Twilight using her magic to play a lullaby on some broken reeds, the song was making the Ursa Major sleepy as it rocked back and forth was a calm look on its face. Naruto was also affected by the lullaby but his ninja training kept him awake, he then heard a creaking sound and looked up to see a water tower floating above while surrounded by a purple aura “It must be Twilight’s doing,” She then levitated the water tower through a barn full of cows, filling it with milk before hovering before the Ursa Major. It soon feel asleep while sucking on the milk from the water tower like a makeshift baby bottle.

Soon the crowd cheered for Twilight upon seeing her stop the rampage of the Ursa Major, Naruto along with Applejack and the other mares walked up to her.

“Unbelievable!” Rainbow Dash was impressed at the display.

“That was amazing!” said Spike, ecstatic at Twilight finally showing off her magic in front of everypony.

“Heavens to Betsy! We knew you had ability, but not that much!” Applejack looked at Twilight with admiration.

“I’m sorry. Please, please don’t hate me,” Twilight looked worried, much to the confusion of the mares.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Rarity.

“Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie’s showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought--,” Rainbow Dash cut her off from her line of speech.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic has got nothing to do with it. Trixie’s just a loudmouth” said Rainbow Dash with the others nodding in agreement. Twilight looked at them in surprise.

“So, you don’t mind my magic tricks?”

“Magic is just a part of who you are, we like who you are and we’re proud of having such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend,” said Applejack.

“And after whuppin’ that Ursa’s hindquarters, we’re even prouder” said Rainbow Dash, Naruto added his piece as well.

“Besides, we can proudly tell ponies that we’re best friends with a unicorn who can subdue an Ursa Major,” said Naruto with a foxy grin, Twilight smiled happily at their reassurance.

“Actually, Naruto. This isn’t an Ursa Major but an Ursa Minor, a baby in other words,” Everypony were surprised upon hearing this piece of information.

“You mean that was just a baby?!” said Trixie.

“If this was a Minor, then I’d hate to meet the Major,” said Spike, shivering at the thought of it.

“Now let’s get it back to the cave,” Twilight was about to walk away along with Applejack and the others, when they saw Naruto standing there and thinking deeply with an uncomfortable look on his face.

“What’s bugging you Naruto?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“It’s about what Twilight said, if the Ursa Minor is a baby. Wouldn’t that make the Ursa Major its mother and that it would be out looking for its child?” The mares paled upon hearing his statement.

Soon they heard a loud roar from outside the town. Naruto jumped to a roof while Rainbow Dash flew upwards to look, their eyes widen at what they saw. Approaching the town was a grizzly bear that looked similar to the Ursa Minor but bigger with long fangs and purple in color. They quickly descended to meet the others.

“There is an Ursa Major coming this way!” said Rainbow Dash frantically.

“What should we do?” asked Rarity.

“Well we can’t have it come any closer to Ponyville, so we have to get the Ursa Minor back to its cave,” said Twilight.

“I have an idea, but you are not going to like it,” the girls turned to Naruto who was looking back at them with determination “I’ll go and distract the Major while you girls get the Minor back to its cave, then I’ll lure it there as well,” to say they were surprised would be an understatement, even Trixie spoke up after hearing it.

“Are you crazy?! Even the Royal army wouldn’t be enough, and you want to face it on your own?!” Naruto looked at her sternly.

“Well we don’t have much options right now, so we have to make do with what we got,” Naruto turned to meet the giant bear “I’m going on ahead so don’t worry about me,”

“Alright Naruto, just don’t go doing anything crazy, ya hear?” said Applejack with Rainbow Dash agreeing with her.

“Yeah! We still haven’t had our daily challenge yet!” Naruto grinned at them before running off.

“Naruto, please be careful,” Twilight looked at the departing stallion before heading out with the mares following her. Spike was about to head back to the library when he noticed that someone was missing.

“Hey, where’s Trixie?” He looked around to see that the unicorn was gone.

Naruto was jumping through the trees at a quick pace until he finally arrived in front of the Ursa Major, “Whoa, it looks bigger than Gamabunta!” he marveled at the size of it but prepared himself for battle “Hey big dipper!” How about I help you back to the starry sky since you look lost?!” the bear fell for the bait as it roared at Naruto, which would have sent him flying had he not applied chakra to his hooves to anchor himself to the ground. “Alright, let’s get it on!” Naruto took off, with the bear close behind him.

Music Start: Naruto Original Soundtrack; Raikiri (Thunder Break)
Naruto was darting around the trees while making sure that the bear has him in its sights, he could hear it roaring behind him but didn’t’ turn around to look. Sensing an incoming attack, he jumped into the air to avoid a swipe which barely nicked his tail before turning in midair to fire a Chakra bullet. However, the attack merely bounced off its skin and the Ursa Major continued its attack as if nothing happened. “Damn, this is tougher than I thought,”

Naruto formed a chakra arm to parry a swipe from the bear, but the force was too strong and he was sent crashing through several trees which inflicted bruises all over his body. Naruto leapt into the air to avoid the jaws of the Ursa Major before angrily yelling “Hey! Pony ninja isn't on the menu tonight!” he received a roar as an answer.

“I don’t know how long I can last with holding back on it,” Naruto thought furiously as he ran towards a cliff wall, He quickly dashed alongside the cliff while using Terra Drift on the wall. Then he spun around and shot a chakra cannon at the bear which only left a small bruise. “I’d better use my speed to confuse it,”

Channeling chakra to his hooves, Naruto sped towards the bear while using Terra drift to strafe and chakra bullet to get its attention. The Ursa Major got irritated and went completely berserk, it started swinging around wildly which forced Naruto to be on the defense. “I think I’ve gone too far with getting its attention,” Naruto had to use his freerunning skills to the fullest just to keep up with the bear.

It swung its claw, Naruto jump into the air and then used a Pegasus dash to change direction in midair to dodge the second attack but he got hit by a backhand which sent him crashing into the cliff wall. The impact caused the rocks to fall, burying him underneath. The Ursa Major sniffed the air before moving in direction of its child, leaving the pony to remain buried underneath the rubble.

Music End

Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were running through the forest to meet up with Naruto, they had successfully left the Ursa Minor in the cave and wanted to inform him of it.

“I hope Naruto is okay,” said Twilight worriedly.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” said Applejack.

“That’s right! This is Naruto we’re talking about!” said Rainbow Dash, there was a loud roar and the mares turned to see the Ursa Major heading towards them. “What’s it doing here?! I thought Naruto was distracting it!”

“We’ll worry about that later! Right now, we have to get away!” said Applejack who was already running with the others behind her.

The Ursa Major chased after them and soon caught up with the ponies. As it swung its claw to hit them, a small burst of light flashed in its eyes, stunning it. While the bear was recovering from the surprise, a chakra arm appeared and landed a powerful punch at the side of its head which made it fall to the ground.

The mares turned see Naruto standing nearby all bruised all with Trixie next to him, they were relieved to see him but angry to see the unicorn who gave them so much trouble.

“Naruto! Are you okay?! And what is she doing here?!” asked Rainbow Dash staring angrily at the unicorn who shied away from them.

“The bear got a few shots at me, which got me buried underneath some rubble,” The mares’ eyes widen at what he said “Then Trixie came and helped me out,”

“May we ask why you’re here?” asked Applejack.

“Well, you see….” Trixie told them why she came.


“This is all Trixie’s fault!” The unicorn was running through the forest while trying to find the ponies who went to face the true Ursa Major. “If Trixie hadn’t boasted so much, none of this would have happened,” she kept on running until she arrived at the scene where she saw the blond stallion fighting against the Ursa Major.

“Amazing, and to think that this is the same unicorn I beat at the show. He must have been holding back on me,” she continued to watch but her heart clenched in fear when she saw the bear hit the male unicorn with its claw, and sent him crashing into the wall of a cliff and was buried under a pile of rocks.

After making sure that the Ursa Major was gone, Trixie rushed to the rubble and used her magic to remove the rocks. “Please be okay,” she muttered over and over, she pulled him out and was surprised to see his wounds already healing “Just who is this stallion?” Trixie wondered as he got up and looked at her in surprise.

“Trixie? As much as I want to thank you for helping me, why are you here?” Naruto looked at her questionably.

“Well you see, Trixie wanted to fix the mess that Trixie made. Trixie really didn’t mean for anypony to get hurt,” Naruto looked at her for a while before smiling.

“I believe you,” the mare looked at him in surprise “I can tell that you’re sorry for what happened, so let’s go and stop that Ursa Major,” Naruto walked off with Trixie flowing him, he turned and spoke to her again.

“I haven’t told you my name, it’s Naruto Uzumaki,” said Naruto with a smile, Trixie looked surprised before smiling back.

***Flashback End***

“… and that’s what happened,” Twilight and the others looked at her with a bit of doubt.

“We’ll talk about this later, as we still need to deal with the Ursa Major,” said Twilight.

“The way things look, we’ll have to knock it out,” said Naruto looking at the bear that was still recovering from the attack.

“Then why don’t you use that form which you used against Nightmare Moon?” Naruto shook his head at Rainbow Dash’s suggestion.

“I can’t, that form puts a lot of strain on my body after a couple of months. So it’s more like a trump card in a bad situation,”

“I remember you seemed sluggish back then,” said Applejack.

“Damn, if only I can use my Shadow clones again. But with this body of mine, I can’t perform handseals,” Naruto thought back at the night he used it to protect Iruka from Mizuki. As he thought on the handseal, Naruto heard a familiar poof and turned to see his clone staring back at him to the surprise of Twilight and the others.

“Hi boss!” the clone called out cheerfully.

“How did you get here?!” asked a confused Naruto.

“Well you created me or have you forgotten what Kakashi-sensei taught us?” asked the clone, Naruto thought deeply before his eyes widened in realization.

“Of course! How could I have missed it?” Naruto then smirked at the bear.

“Naruto. What’s going on?” asked Twilight.

“I’ll explain later, right now I have the means to beat the Ursa Major,” upon saying that, Naruto released a large amount of chakra and called out “Multi Shadow clone jutsu!”

There was a large puff of smoke and when it disappeared, it revealed a multitude of Naruto clones surrounding the Ursa Major to everyponies’ surprise.

“Wow, I’ve never seen Naruto do anything like this before!” said Applejack with Rainbow Dash agreeing with her.

“Yeah, but this is pretty cool!” said Rainbow Dash.

Music Start: Naruto Original Soundtrack; Naruto Main Theme
“Sorry to keep you waiting, it’s time for me to bring back the Naruto Handbook. Only this time, it’s the pony edition so get ready!” said the original Naruto, the Ursa Major kept looking around in confusion. “Alright, it’s ShowTime!”

At his command, the clones charged at the bear. “First chapter: Army clone firing squad!” a group of clones aimed at the bear and randomly fired either Chakra Bullet or Chakra Cannon, forcing it back. It tried to fight back by swinging its claw at the clones, making some of them disappear in smoke. But the rest managed to get close to launch their next attack.

The clones formed chakra arms and started using uppercuts, forcing the Ursa Major to its hind legs while calling out “Second chapter: Na, Ru, To, 2K!” several others dived at it from the sky with chakra arms as well “Uzumaki Barrage!” The Ursa Major got pummeled with punches from all directions but still stood.

“It’s still standing!” said Trixie.

“Not for long, Look!” Rainbow Dash pointed upwards, the mares looked up to see two Naruto holding a large blue spinning orb with their chakra arms as they dived at the bear’s head.

“Take this! Giant Ball Rasengan!” Naruto rammed the attack into the Ursa Major, sending it crashing to the ground and not moving. Naruto smirked as he landed on the ground “Heh, show’s over,”

Music End

Later, Naruto and his clones used a levitation spell while helped by Twilight and Trixie to move the Ursa Major into the cave. On the way back to Ponyville, he was being questioned by Twilight.

“How were you able to perform the Shadow clones again? I thought you said that you need to perform handseals,” asked Twilight.

“The thing is that I had forgotten that my teacher told me that when you become proficient in your jutsu, you can even execute it without using handseals as you can picture it in your mind,” said Naruto.

“How could you forget something so important?” Naruto rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

“I have to say that it’s a pretty useful thing to have, it might make bucking apples easier if I could learn it,” said Applejack, Naruto turned to Trixie who was silent this whole time.

“What will you do now Trixie?” the others turned to look at the unicorn.

“Trixie doesn’t know, since the caravan is destroyed, Trixie has no place to go,” said Trixie sadly, Twilight and the mares look at her with sympathy, although they had a rough start in the beginning, she came to help them with the trouble which she caused.

“You can stay at my place if you want,” Trixie as well as the others were surprised at what Naruto said.

“Are you sure about this Naruto?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah, and remember that I’m planning to open up a shop to sell my crystals so she can be hired to work. So this helps both of us,” said Naruto.

“But why would you help somepony like Trixie?” she asked the blond stallion.

“That’s because everypony deserves a second chance, even you Trixie” Naruto was then hugged by the unicorn who kept muttering her thanks. “Come on girls, let’s go home. It’s been a long night and we need some shut eye,” With that, the ponies headed back to Ponyville to get ready for the next day.

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