• Published 6th Nov 2015
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Adventures of the Equestrian Ninja - hussbek

Watch Naruto who died to retrieve his best friend have adventure with his new friends after being reborn in a new world.

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The Humorless Joke

Chapter 18: The Humorless Joke

It was one fine morning in Ponyville and Naruto was happily taking a stroll through the streets as he made his way to his shop the Whirlpool.

“Ah what a fine morning, a great start for another day in Ponyville, makes me wonder what will happen today,” Naruto wondered as he walked, then he caught sight of Twilight and Spike who was riding on her back before walking over to greet them. “Good morning Twilight, you too Spike,”

Twilight smiled happily upon seeing Naruto show up “Good morning Naruto, it’s nice to see you too especially on a morning like this with no clouds in the sky,”

“I guess Rainbow Dash woke up early this morning to clear the skies,” said Spike while looking up at the sky and Naruto was nodding in agreement then he started to look around.

“Of course, which makes it perfect for everypony to enjoy the sunshine,”

“That is if there’s anypony actually around to enjoy it,” said Naruto as he continued to look around much to Twilight’s confusion.

“What do you mean Naruto? I’m sure everypony is outsi-” Twilight trailed off when she followed Naruto gaze to see that there nopony around, almost as if it’s a ghost town to point that they saw a tumbleweed roll by “Where is everypony?”

“Could it be some sort of pony holiday?” asked Spike.

“Not that I know of,” said Twilight “Plus we would have heard about it the day before,”

“Does my breath stink?” Spike let out a belch of green flames before sniffing the air.

“Not like before, I see you have been eating those cyan colored gems which you said tastes like mint,” said Naruto with a smirk only for Spike to copy his habit of rubbing the back of his head when he’s embarrassed.

“But then could it be zombies?”

Twilight rolled her eyes at the question “That’s highly unlikely Spike,”

“Not likely but possible?”

“Well you have to admit, nothing is impossible here in Equestria,” said Naruto “I mean two Alicorns raising the sun and moon is the norm around here, the same could be said for my own world where controlling the very elements or even summoning giant animals is a normal day in the life of a ninja,”

Then they heard someone whisper as if calling out to them, Naruto looked around until he set his eyes on the Sugarcube corner where he saw Pinkie Pie poking her head through the door and waving a hoof at them to catch their attention.

“Twilight, Spike, Naru come here. Get in here before she gets you, Hurry!” said Pinkie Pie.

The trio looked at each other in confusion before they quickly ran into the shop and closed the door behind them. The room was dark so Pinkie Pie used a flashlight to light up the room a bit.

“What’s going on Pinks, why are you here alone in the dark?” asked Naruto.

“I’m not alone Naru,” Pinkie replied, Naruto squinted into the darkness to see that Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack along with Apple Bloom are also inside with them.

“Okay, so what are you all doing here in here in the dark and who are you talking about that will get us?” asked Twilight.

“We’re hiding from her,” Applejack moved the curtains at the window and pointed outside.

Naruto and Twilight looked through to see a pony wearing a dark brown cloak with the hood up and was digging at the ground. Due to the cloak covering most of the pony, all they could see was mostly her snout. When the pony glanced their way, it made everyone flinch away from the window with the exception of Naruto and Twilight.

“Did you see her Twilight, Naruto? Did you see Zecora?” asked Apple Bloom, but she got snapped at by Applejack.

“Apple Bloom, I told you never to say that name!”

“Well, we saw her glance this way,” said Twilight.

“Glance evilly this way?” said Pinkie Pie walking up to Twilight before she was pushed back by said pony.

“And a bunch of you flipped out for no good reason,”

“No good reason? You call protecting your kin no good reason?” said Applejack while holding Apple Bloom close to her “As soon as my sister saw Zecora walk right into this town, she started shaking in her little horseshoes so I swept her up and carried her here,”

“I wasn’t shaking and I walked here by myself, I’m not a baby and I can take care of myself,” said Apple Bloom breaking free of her sister’s grip.

“Why are you guys so scared of Zecora? I don’t see or sense anything off about her from here,” said Naruto as he turned away from the window after looking at the pony digging at the ground.

“She’s mysterious,” said Fluttershy.

“Sinister,” said Rainbow Dash.

“And spoooooky,” said Pinkie Pie.

This had Naruto quirk an eyebrow at them before he turned to look at the window with Twilight only for the others look over them as well. They let out a gasp when they saw Zecora pull down her hood to reveal her other features.

“Well would you look at those stripes, it’s so garish,” said Rarity.

“She’s a zebra,” said Twilight.

“A what?” everypony asked, even Naruto was curious about it.

“A zebra, and her stripes aren’t a fashion choice Rarity, she was born with them just like Naruto was born with those whisker marks of his,” said Twilight although Rarity fainted dramatically over it.

“But born where? I’ve never seen like that in these parts, except her,” Applejack shuddered at the thought of there being more of her.
“Well she’s probably not from around here, and she’s not a pony. My books say that zebra come from a faraway land but I’ve never seen her in Ponyville, where does she live?

“That’s just it. She lives, in the Everfree forest,” said Applejack, then there was a boom of thunder oddly followed by a clutter of pans, then turned to see Spike holding a candy cane and a muffin with pans lying about in the kitchen.

Spike was looking sheepish “Sorry about that,”

Naruto looked surprised upon hearing where she lived “So she lives in the Everfree forest huh? There might be a chance that she saw me during one of my ‘walks’,” he thought “But I don’t see what’s so bad about her, she doesn’t look bad to me,”

“But Naru, she is evil,” said Pinkie Pie, Naruto frowned a bit at what she said “I even made a song about it!”

“Oh boy, here we go again,” Rainbow Dash signed with exasperation as Pinkie Pie started to sing her song and when she finished, Naruto looked really annoyed.

“I don’t like the way you guys are treating her, has she done anything to anyone here in Ponyville that you’re judging her like that?” asked Naruto.

“No but-” Applejack began but interrupted by Naruto.

“But you judge her just because she looks and acts different, you’re doing the very same thing that the villagers did to me back in my old world,”

“Naruto’s right, we all saw how they treated him like he was the nine tailed fox when we watched his memories and this is no different. Imagine seeing Naruto in Zecora’s place right now,” said Twilight, the mares looked downcast when they thought about it.

“Sorry Naruto, I guess we were too scared to approach her and just based things off what we saw,” said Rainbow Dash, making Naruto smile a bit.

“It’s okay, how about we meet Zecora and get to know her better?” said Naruto.

“Sure I would like to get a new friend even if she’s a zebra,” said Pinkie Pie.

“I’m all for it,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Alright let’s go, she couldn’t have gone far,” said Naruto, he left for the Everfree forest with the others following him. But he noticed that not all of them are here “Where did Apple Bloom go? Maybe she stayed behind at the sweet shop?”

Soon enough they had entered the forest although to Naruto who has been entering to train or explore but the mare don’t know that. After passing through the forest and stopping on a field on blue flowers, they finally caught up with the cloaked zebra but they also saw someone whom even Applejack is familiar as well as angry with.

“Apple Bloom what are you doing here? And more importantly, you get back here right now!” shouted Applejack angrily.

“I thought she stayed behind at the Sugarcube corner, why didn’t I think to sense her before we left,” thought Naruto.

“Beware, beware you ponyfolk, those leaves of blue are not a joke,” said Zecora before she backed away into a mist and disappeared from their sight. Applejack immediately went over to Apple Bloom and scooped her up to her back.

“Well you keep your crazy mumbo jumbo to yourself ya ’hear?” said Applejack with the others agreeing with her except Naruto who simply shook his head in disappointment at their behavior and Twilight.

“And as for you, why didn’t you listen to your big sister. Who knows what kind of curse Zecora would have put on you,” Apple Bloom felt ashamed at being told off, then Applejack turned to Naruto and Twilight “And you were wrong about Zecora, who knows what would have happened if we hadn’t come in time,”

“Well I still believe that we shouldn’t judge Zecora based on rumors,” said Naruto.

“And besides, curses aren’t real and are nothing more than a fairy tale,” said Twilight.

“Well you two better wait and see that some fairy tales do come true,” Applejack then turned and left with the others following her, leaving Naruto and Twilight.

“Maybe we should go home and try to sort this out with the others tomorrow,” said Naruto.

“You’re right, I could check through the books to prove to them that curses don't exist,” said Twilight, then they both left the forest to their individual homes.

The next day, Celestia’s sun had risen to begin the start of a nice peaceful morning “KYAAAAAAAA!!!” Well not so peaceful when one hears a scream which strangely came from the Uzumaki mansion.

Meanwhile Twilight got up from her bed with a groan, she had a dream about the arguments which she and Naruto had with Applejack and the others “What a dream……Curses schmurses. Whoa!” said Twilight went to look at her reflection on the mirror to see her bedhead “Heh maybe Zecora cursed my hair,” when she levitated the comb to fix her hair, she saw something was wrong and it had something to do with her horn which was floppy and covered in blue polka dots “Or she cursed my horn!”

Later Twilight and Spike were browsing through every single book in the library to find out what going on with her horn “No, no, no, no, no! None of these books have a cure!” Twilight groaned in frustration at not finding the answer “There has to be a real reason for this, an illness? An allergy?”

“A curse!” said Spike who was holding a green book with the picture of an herb on it.

“I meant a real reason, something that points to something real like a fact,”

“How about this one?” Spike held the book for her to read the title.

“Supernaturals?” Twilight then stared at Spike with a deadpanned expression “Spike, the word supernatural refers to things like spirits and ghosts and zombies which is make believe curses, nothing but a bunch of hooey!”

“But what if you’re wrong Twilight? What if it is a-“

“Ah pfurse!”

Twilight and Spike turned to the voice to see that it was Pinkie Pie but the strange thing is that her tongue was swollen and covered in blue polka dots as well.

“A purse? How can it be a purse?” asked a confused Spike.

“Pinkie! What happened to you!” asked Twilight with concern.

“Pee pah Zthecora! Sthe put a cursthe on me!” Pinkie Pie tried to talk but her swollen wasn’t making it easy and was sending saliva all over Spike who was wiping it off.

“Hey, say it, don’t spray it!”

Then they heard something hitting the window and saw that it was Rainbow Dash who was constantly crashing into it. It took a few minutes before she broke through the door and ended up getting stuck in a stepladder.

“She’s trying to say that Zecora slapped us with a curse?”

“I’m afraid I have to agree,” the next pony to show up was Rarity, well what looks like her since the hair rather has a dreadlock appearance and covered her from head to hoof.

“I hate to say I told you so Twilight, but I told you so!” the group let out a gasp of surprise when the high pitched voice belonged to Applejack who had shrunken to a miniature size and is currently standing on Apple Bloom’s back “It’s a curse I tell ya!”

“But….Fluttershy seems fine!” Everypony turns to look at the shy mare.

“Yes, there doesn’t seem to be a thing wrong with her,” said Rarity.

“Fluttershy….are you okay?” asked Twilight only to receive a shake of the head from her “Is there something with you?” a nod “Would you care to tell us?” a shake “Sooo you’re not going to tell us?” a nod “Yes you’re not, or yes you will?” a nod.

Applejack finally had enough and squeaked out “Good gravy girl! What’s wrong with you?!”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” said Fluttershy in a rather deep masculine voice which they’ve never heard. Then they heard a feminine voice from the doorway.

“Looks like I wasn’t the only one who woke up looking strange,” they turned around to see a mare with a coat of orange, but the strange thing is that she has the same whiskers marks, wears the same clothes and even bears the same cutie mark that Naruto has. The only difference was that she has her hair in twin ponytails and her eyelashes are a bit longer.

“N-Naruto? Is that you?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah it’s me, I found myself looking like this when I woke up. At first I thought it was my sexy jutsu and tried to release it but it didn’t work so I decided to come here and find out what’s going on, only to find you guys looking like this,”

“Sexy jutsu?” asked Rarity.

“It’s something that I created on my own as a way of pranking perverts, although the girls would try to beat me up whenever I use it,”

Spike started laughing at how they look now “This is hilarious! Look at all of you!”

“We got….” He pointed at Rarity “Hairity,” to Rainbow Dash “Rainbow Crash,” to Pinkie Pie “Spitty Pie,” to Applejack “Apple Teeny,” to Fluttershy “Flutterguy,” but he had a confused look when pointed at Naruto and Twilight “And I got nothing on the both of you, I don’t even know where to start with your names,”

“Well you can call me Naruko, it’s what I usually go by when I’m in this form,” said Naruto with an amused look on his face.

“That name actually fits your new look,” said Spike nodding in agreement.

“Naruto, Spike, this is no time for joking around now help me find more books so I can start on looking for a cure!” said Twilight, Spike gave a groan before walking off to do as he was told.

Rainbow Dash managed to get herself free from the stepladder “I think we’ll find a cure to this curse at Zecora’s place!”

“It’s not a curse!” Twilight quickly spoke.

“I agree with Dash! We go to Zecora’s and force her to remove this hex!” said Applejack

“It’s not a hex either!”

Soon enough everypony started to argue with the exception of Naruto who was watching with a frown on his face. “I don’t know much but aren’t curses cast by using chants or potions? What Zecora said didn’t even sound like a chant, best thing to do is go to Zecora’s place and find out what’s going on,” Naruto was about to speak up when noticed that somepony was missing amongst them “Where did Apple Bloom go? Don’t tell me she went to the Everfree forest to find Zecora again, I’d better go after her!”

Naruto quietly left the arguing ponies and then dashed towards the Everfree forest in hopes of catching up with Apple Bloom before she gets herself into trouble and maybe learn more about Zecora while he’s at it.

“I don’t care what you say Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash “I say we confront Zecora! I’m sure Naruto agrees with me, right Naruto?” They all turned to the genderbent pony only to see that he was nowhere to be seen.

“Where did he go?!” asked Rarity.

“No only that but Applejack and Apple Bloom’s gone too,” said Twilight.

“I bet they went after Zecora,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Well we better go after them, come on girls,” Twilight led the way with the others close behind, although in Rainbow Dash’s state she was trying to follow them despite her messed up flight coordination and had to be helped by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Spike stayed behind to ‘look for a cure’ among the books.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom was galloping through the dark forest, she skidded to a stop when she heard a familiar from the top of her head.
“Stop right there!” Applejack popped out of Apple Bloom’s mane with a frown on her face “Turn around right now missy!”

Apple Bloom smirked after coming up with an idea “No!”

“No?! You can’t ignore a direct order from your big sister!”

Apple Bloom nodded her head hard enough to tossed Applejack before catching her in her mouth, then she walked over and dropped Applejack onto a branch which is hanging over a ridge “Sorry Applejack, I’m the big sister now,” then she walked away with smile on her face.

“Apple Bloom, you come back here right this instant! I’m gonna tell Big Macintosh and Naruto on you!” Applejack yelled after her only to be ignored, then she started to pout at her current situation “Aw pony feathers….” Then she saw something dart through the trees and felt uneasily “What was that? I hope Naruto and the others have noticed that we’re gone and will come to find us,”

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others had just entered the forest and were on their way to Zecora’s place. Rarity kept tripping on her hair and ended up getting twigs and mud on it. Rainbow Dash wasn’t having it any easier as she kept crashing into bushes and trees until she crashed into the tree that Applejack was on.

“Rainbow! Thank Celestia, there’s no time to lose we’ve got to get to Apple Bloom fast before it’s too late!” Applejack quickly made a makeshift muzzle out of a twig and vines and forced it into Rainbow Dash’s mouth before climbing on her “Giddy-up pony!”
Rainbow Dash was a bit miffed at being treated like a ride “Ex-CUSE me?!”

“YEE-HAW!” Applejack gave a jerk with her hoof and had Rainbow Dash taking off after in a bit more controlled flight. Soon, they reached a hut which was built into a tree with some tiki masks at the doorstep and several gourds hanging from the branch while tied to vines.

“Ugh, I look horrible,” said Rarity as she came up to the others while covered in dirt.

“Plis place plooks horrible!’ said Pinkie Pie while raising Rarity’s bangs for her to see more clearly.

“Oh my, that place really does look horrible!” They all snuck quietly to the window and took a peek through it, inside the hut were more masks, gourds and some candles “Nice decorations, if you like creepy!”

Then a door opened to reveal Zecora walking through it. She was a zebra with black and white stripes with a bit gray of gray there, her mane is shaped like a Mohawk and wears jewelry in the form of golden bangles around her neck, left hoof and hoop rings on her ears, and her cutie mark is a gray stylized spiral sun. She walked to a large bubbling cauldron with a container in her mouth and poured purple sprinkles into it, then she started speaking in a language that the ponies don’t recognize.

“Sthe sthole my sthong! Sthe sthole mm mm!” said Pinkie Pie with a voice of accusation.

“She stole your song?” said Rarity with Pinkie Pie nodding in affirmation.

“But it doesn’t sound anything like your song,” said Twilight.

Pinkie tried to prove by singing the song, but her swollen tongue made it impossible to do so. So she turned to Fluttershy with a pleading look as if asking to sing the song for her, Fluttershy sighed in resignation before she started singing in that deep voice of hers.

“Well now that you’ve seen all those terrible things, do you now believe us Twilight?” asked Rarity.

“Well scary looking masks, confusing incantations, and a great big bubbling cauldron? It all points to Zecora being bad or maybe she’s just making soup,” said Twilight as an attempt to deny what she was thinking but at moment she heard Zecora say something that pretty much crushed it.

“Mmm! The perfect temperature for ponies, I presume. Now where is that little Apple Bloom?”

“Or maybe she’s making Apple Bloom soup,” hearing this had the ponies to start screaming.

“Then maybe she ate Naruto first!” said Rainbow Dash,

Applejack snapped the reins and had the Pegasus perform a nose dive for the door “I’m coming for ya Apple Bloom!”

They broke through but they ended crashing into many things with Zecora shouting in that strange language as if telling them to stop what they’re doing, then the others barged in looking very angry.

“Alright Zecora, what did you do to Naruto and where’s Apple Bloom?!”

“No, no!” Zecora was still yelling that unknown language, Applejack brought out her lasso, using it to latch onto one of Zecora’s ear before jumping at it at and started to wrestle. Meanwhile an out of control Rainbow Dash crashed into the cauldron, spilling its contents to the floor. Zecora knelt over the content looking very upset “No! You know not what you do! You’ve gone and spilled my precious brew!”

“We’re onto you Zecora, Naruto and I didn’t want believe you cursed us, but the evidence is overwhelming!” said Twilight.

“You made look ridiculous!” said Rarity.

“You made me sound ridiculous!” said Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie tried to talk but the tongue was still making it hard for the other to get what she’s saying.

“You ruined my horn!” Twilight finished the line of complaints.

But it was Zecora’s turn to be angry with them “How dare you! You destroy my home, destroy my work. Then rudely accuse me of being a jerk?” indeed the room had been pretty much trashed from Rainbow Dash’s flight problem.

“Well you put the curse on us, so now you’re gonna un-curse us!” said Rainbow Dash although she still has the muzzle in her mouth.
“It is unwise to venture down this road! Your action will make my anger explode!”

But Twilight stepped forward and butted heads with Zecora “Where is Naruto and Apple Bloom?”

“What the hay is going on here?! And why is the whole place messed up?” A feminine but familiar voice rang out and everyone turned to see Naruto standing with Apple Bloom who was carrying a bag by his side and they both looked confused.

“You guys are okay!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Of course we are, what makes you say that?” asked Apple Bloom.

“We thought Zecora is an evil enchantress wanted to make soup out of you two!” said Twilight, there was a moment of silence until it was broken by laughter from Naruto, Apple Bloom and Zecora.

“I guess Applejack and the others finally got to you Twilight, there’s no such thing as a curse,” said Naruto after he stopped laughing.

“Naruto, you can’t just tell us that all this including yourself isn’t because of a curse,” Twilight pointed to the others before pointing at Naruto.

“It’s not a curse, it never was to begin with,” said Apple Bloom as she walked over to Zecora.

If you all remember back, the words I spoke are just exact,” said Zecora, then the pony recalled her saying something about blue flower.

“Yeah, I remember that we were walking on them,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Zecora was trying to warn us of the plant not curse us,” said Naruto.

“The name of the plant is poison joke,” said Apple Bloom.

“The plant is much like poison oak. But its results are like a joke,” Zecora explained.

“What the hay does that mean?” asked Applejack who was standing on top of Zecora’s head.

“It means this plant does not breed wrath. Instead this plant just wants a laugh,”

Applejack was silent for a moment before finally speaking up “Will somepony please speak normal?”

“I think what she’s saying is that when we ran into Apple Bloom, we ran into the poison joke. All of our problems were nothing more than little jokes played on us,” said Twilight.

“Little jokes?! Haha very funny,”

“It makes me wonder what kind chaos that I would have created if I had these plants back home, I’m sure my name would have gone down further in legends as the ultimate prankster,” said Naruto with a mischievous grin, many citizens felt a chill run down their spine at that moment.

Then Rainbow Dash spoke “Okay, but what about the cauldron?”

“And the chanting?” asked Fluttershy.

“And the creepy décor?” asked Rarity.

“Treasures of the native land where I’m from,” Zecora pointed at one of the masks “This one speaks ‘hello’, and this ‘welcome’,”

“Not very welcoming, if you asked me,”

“The words I chanted were from olden times. Something you call a nursery rhyme,”

“What about the cauldron, the Apple Bloom soup?” asked Twilight.

This time it was Apple Bloom herself who spoke “Twilight listen, when I ventured into the Everfree forest to speak with Zecora. Naruto caught up with me and we both went to see her together. When we told her what happened, Zecora gave us a list of herbs for us to collect in order to make a cure for the poison joke. So what you call soup was nothing more than a bubble bath for you guys to take to cure yourselves of the poison joke,” then she pointed at an open book on the table which Twilight went to read and instantly found the cure.

“But I tried to find the cure in all of my books and couldn’t find anything,” said Twilight, then Zecora closed the book to reveal an all too familiar title.
“Here is the book you see. Sad that you lack it in your library,” said Zecora.

Twilight felt disappointed in herself as she looked at the book “Actually I do have this book, but I didn’t look inside because the title was so…… weird,” then she looked at the title again “Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-alls That Are Simply Super. I…I….I’m so sorry, Zecora. I had the answer the whole time, if only I had bothered to look inside,”

Zecora chuckled softly as she looked at the other ponies who felt the same way “Maybe next time you will take a second, and not judge the cover of the book,”

“That sounds just like what my teacher says “To always look underneath the underneath,” said Naruto as he reminisced the past.

“What do you mean by that Naruto?” asked Twilight.

“During the beginning of my career as a ninja, my teacher taught me that there’s more to things than meets the eye so you have to learn more about it from different perspectives. At first I didn’t get it since I was just starting out with my team mates, but I slowly understood as time went on,”
“That definitely sounds like good advice,” then Twilight turned to Zecora “Zecora? Would you be kind enough to mix up another batch of the herbal bath?”

“Mix it up I certainly will. Yet I am missing a herb from Ponyville,” said Zecora pointing to one of the pictures on the book.

“But every time Zecora comes to town, all the shops are mysteriously closed,” said Apple Bloom.

“I’m sure we can fix that easily right girls,” said Naruto with a knowing smile.

“Definitely,” Twilight smiled back.

Later on, Naruto and others explained to the ponies of Ponyville about Zecora’s true origins to get rid of the silly rumors and they welcome the zebra into the town. They were also able to gather more of the ingredients needed for the cure and the ponies who owned the spa agreed to let them make the bubble bath there.

“Ah, it feels so good to be my beautiful self again,” said Rarity who had her hair restored to pristine condition.

“You said it Rarity, I’m not so little anymore,” said Applejack back to her normal size.

“Oh, my gosh! I never realized how horrible it is not to talk. I mean I love talking so much, and when I couldn’t talk anymore, my tongue was all ‘ehhhhh’! It was the worst! Don’t you agree, Fluttershy?”

There was a pause from Fluttershy before she finally spoke “…..Yes,” in her normal voice. Naruto smiled happily as he stood outside after taking the bath but he could hear the ponies laughing, but he quirked an eyebrow when he heard Rarity say something.

“You know, when I saw Naruto as a girl I had some fabulous ideas for some dresses. Too bad he’s a male again,”

“But didn’t Naruto say that he created that jutsu? So that must mean that he can change into a girl again,” said Twilight.

Naruto felt a chill crawl up his spine and started to sneak away when he heard a voice from behind.

“Oooh Narukoooo~ could you help me with something pleaseeee~?” Naruto slowly turned around to see Rarity right behind him with a glint in her eyes.

“Uh….well you see…..uh….. I think I left my ramen on the stove, wouldn’t want it to burn. See ya!” Naruto took off with Rarity chasing after him while trying to use her magic to catch him with the others watching them and laugh.

“Come back Naruko! There’s this dress I really want you to try out!” shouted Rarity.

“I’ll pass on that and stop calling me Naruko! I’m not a girl anymore!” shouted Naruto as he darted left and right to avoid Rarity’s magic “I can’t believe that I’m agreeing with Iruka-sensei when he says that the sexy jutsu is a stupid one!”

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