• Published 6th Nov 2015
  • 8,098 Views, 152 Comments

Adventures of the Equestrian Ninja - hussbek

Watch Naruto who died to retrieve his best friend have adventure with his new friends after being reborn in a new world.

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Dimensional Tales: A Draconic Legend Pt. 3

Chapter 33: Dimensional Tales: A Draconic Legend Pt. 3

In the main hall of the Dragon Temple, everyone had gathered around and depression could be felt in the atmosphere due to what had happened over at Munitions Forge. Naruto and the others were able to rescue Terrador but failed to stop another crystal from being powered and to make things worse, Cynder pursued them and almost got to them had it not been for Ignitus arriving to intervene but got captured instead.

"It's all my fault…I failed Ignitus when he needed me the most. But it's just that the sight of Cynder so close just…just…" Spyro trailed off.

Sparx flew up to him "…made your heart stop? Put ice in your veins? Scared the crud out of you?"

"Yeah…something like that,"

"Me too, I wasn't this scared ever since I first saw Nightmare Moon," said Spike with a shudder.

"I hate to admit it, but we wouldn't have stood a chance against since we were exhausted from the fights we had at Munitions Forge especially against that conductor and his locomotive," Naruto grudgingly admitted to the truth.

Terrador then spoke up "All warriors feel fear at one time or another, Spyro. There is no shame in that,"

"Yes, it's a proven scientific fact that the quotient between adrenaline and trepidation…" Volteer would have continued yammering on had he not been interrupted.

"Volteer, please, I believe that our good friend here was trying to make a point," said Cyril.

Terrador nodded in affirmation "Thank you Cyril, what I was going to say is that all warriors feel fear, Spyro. But only the most valiant among us can face that fear…and master it. From what I saw of you and Naruto on Munitions Forge, both of you are such warriors,"

Naruto understood exactly what Terrador meant by those words, he remembered how scared he was when he faced Zabuza and Gaara but overcame his fear in order to protect his friends from danger and was able to emerge victorious with some help from Sasuke and Gamabunta respectively.

"Young dragon, now is the time to complete your training…now is the time to face your fear. Come," Terrador walked towards the Training room with Spyro scampering after him.

"Am I the only one still petrified?" asked Sparx.

"Pretty much, I need to get some training too," Naruto turned to leave the main hall and go outside the Dragon Temple.

"Can I come and watch Naruto?" asked Spike.

"Sure," Spike jumped onto Naruto's back as they left.

In the Training Room, Spyro learnt to properly harness the power of the Earth Shot to the point of inflicting serious damage with just one attack, next was the Earth Bomb where he launches a green orb emitting leaves which explodes into a large green tornado sucking up the enemies and twirling them high into the air, making it similar to that of the Electric Arc. The final was the Earth Fury where he learnt how to summon six tornadoes to swirl around in circles before massive boulders would fall from the sky and crush any enemies nearby.

Meanwhile, Naruto was within the forest close to the temple, training on his spells and techniques with Spike watching close by. He was contemplating on whether or not he should use certain techniques which he was still working on in the forthcoming battle but then decided to think it over until then.

"I think that's enough training for now, we should head back to the temple and meet up with the others in order to discuss our next move," said Naruto.

"Okay, let's go," Spike hopped onto Naruto's back as they made their way back to the Dragon Temple.

"Spike, I want you to stay behind this time," said Naruto.

Spike was shocked upon hearing what he just said "But why? I've been helping you out ever since the beginning, so why now?"

"That's because where we would be going could be potentially much more dangerous that the last three places plus this time we would encounter Cynder with no running away this time. If anything were to happened to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself and I don't know how I can face Twilight,"

"Isn't there any other way, I can change your mind?"

"No Spike, this time you have to stay where it's safe until it's over,"

Spike frowned but eventually nodded "Okay, I'll stay behind,"

"Thanks, I'm glad you understand," said Naruto with a smile as they drew close to the temple.

"I see you've returned from your short training, Naruto," said Terrador upon seeing the pony along with the baby dragon coming through the doors into the main hall.

"Yeah, I needed to be prepared for Ignitus' rescue and the eventual battle with Cynder," said Naruto.

"A wise strategy for someone as young as you, Spyro has completed his training as well,"

"Yes yes, pat on the back, good going, all that other rubbish. But we've got to get moving here," said Cyril, looking a bit impatient.

"Cyril is being terribly obnoxious, but in this case he happens to be right, Terrador. Ignitus is the final piece to Cynder's puzzle, if that last crystal is powered, the portal will open and we'll all be done for," said Volteer worriedly.

"I know, I know. When I was on Munitions Forge, I overheard the conductor say that Cynder's final preparations would take place at her lair, where she lives in solitude among the clouds and the towers. I am certain that's where she's taken Ignitus," said Terrador.

"What's to know about this place?" asked Spyro.

"Cynder's lair is where hope goes to die, Spyro. A dark foreboding place in which Cynder broods and skulks and plans her next assault. It used to go by the name Concurrent Skies which was a private for Electric dragons like Volteer to learn and harness the powers of electricity until the dark forces came and took over. You two must make your way to her fortress where I'm sure Ignitus is being held,"

"Then we have to go…come on," said Spyro.

"I don't think that Terrador would be able to come along, Spyro," said Naruto.

"He's right, that crystal has sapped the last of my will. I fear my fighting days are over," said Terrador.

"Every generation must pass the torch to the next, Terrador. Our time is done," said Volteer.

"Yes, it is Spyro and Naruto's time to shine, go to it young chaps!" said Cyril.

"Yes sir!" Naruto and Spyro spoke simultaneously before scampering towards the entrance with Sparx fluttering after them.

"Wow, you guys make me wanna face Cynder…did I say that out loud?" said Sparx.

"Pretty much," Naruto replied.

"Why isn't Spike coming with us?" asked Spyro.

"I wanted him to sit this one out since where we're going is obviously way more dangerous than the previous ones," said Naruto.

"How come no one tells me to stay behind because of dangerous stuff?" asked Sparx.

"That's because you would follow us whether or not we tell you," said Spyro.

"You got a point there,"

It was a long flight from the Dragon Temple, but the trio had arrived at their destination which turns out to be a landscape covered in giant crystals and the skies are darkened with lightning striking everywhere undeterred and unchecked. There was a flash of lightning with which they could make out a silhouette of a gigantic fortress in the distance, Naruto and Spyro landed in a clearing and proceeded to follow a path towards the fortress.

"Next time I say I want to face Cynder, why don't you go ahead and punch me in the mouth," said Sparx.

"No problem," said Spyro.

"Ditto," said Naruto.

Suddenly, they heard a loud shriek and looked up to see a silhouette of Cynder flying around.

"At least we know that she's around, now let's get a move on,"

They moved further down the path and saw an Ape leader with white fur and wearing armor covering the shoulder whilst wielding a serrated sword and shield. The ape saw them and took off down the road.

"Terrador made it sound like this place was uninhabited," said Sparx.

"Now what would that be? Come on, we gotta take them out," said Spyro.

"Besides, we could use the warm-up before facing Cynder," said Naruto before running down the path with Spyro close behind him.

They continued onwards until they saw the ape leader yet again who roared at them before jumping away and smashed through a weathered iron gate, they made to follow but them several ape soldiers appeared from behind the large crystals and charged at them. Naruto charged forward and began to unleash a barrage of punches and kicks on the ape soldiers with Spyro joining in by using his improved Earth Shot to send them flying into the crystals as they slumped to the floor and laid there unmoving. They went through the broken gate to see the ape leader still on the run from them.

"Enough of the keep away, Windflaw Dash!" the winds surrounded Naruto's body as he took off at high-speed to overtake the ape before turning around and raising a fore hoof with which a white rune appeared "Chakra Cannon!" a large white orb shot out and slammed onto the ape leader, taking it out with a critical hit.

They climbed up the ledges and arrived at another clearing to see a pair of large eel-like leeches with blue skin and pink underbellies with four pincers around the mouth, and they were swimming in a small white pool of water. The leeches saw Naruto and Spyro and charged at them, the next thing they knew was that a green aura and orange aura was flowing out of them respectively into the leeches. The duo quickly jumped backwards in alarm of what was happening.

"Those leeches were draining our energy, we should attack from a distance," said Spyro.

Naruto fired several Fire Lances at one of the leeches whilst Spyro used the Earth Shot on the other which proved to be particularly effective on them. The trio proceeded through yet another smashed gate and stopped before a tall tower. They drew close to the large doors which suddenly opened for an Ape Commander to pass through before closing itself shut behind him, the Ape raised his weapon over his head as a pair of purple beams shot out of it and formed a barrier to bar the way behind them with a group of ape soldiers appearing by his side.

"Here we go again," said Sparx.

Naruto took a fighting pose "It's fighting time, Hoshi no ha battle stance!" the azure glaive appeared on his back ready for battle, he charged straight towards the Ape Commander who slammed his crystal mace on the floor to induce a shockwave but he quickly jumped into the air and twirled to plant both of his hind legs into his face for a double kick to knock him. the ape angrily got up before charging at Naruto with a shoulder barge, the pony ninja leapt to the side to evade and stuck out his tail to trip him up then he jump into the air as he formed a blue spinning orb with a fore hoof "Rasengan!" then he rammed it onto the ape's defenseless back with sufficient impact to create a crater underneath.

Spyro was clawing at some of the ape soldiers and performed a 360 spin with his bladed tail to knock back any that tried to surround him, he flapped his wings hard enough to dash backwards before launching an Earth Bomb which exploded into a green tornado and was juggling them in the air, then he followed up by using his Ice Stream to freeze them before gravity brought the apes back down to earth and shattered upon impact. An Ape leader ran at him with his blade raised high, but Spyro turned around to use his Electric Stream to render him immobile then he jerked his head to the side to fling him into the wall of the tower.

They heard a screech and looked up to see a Dreadwing carrying some sort of cargo, then it dropped it to shatter and reveal more ape soldiers who joined in the fight.

"They just keeping coming!" said Sparx.

"And we're pressed for time here, might as well go with quantity instead of quality. Shadow Clone jutsu!" several puffs of smoke appeared around him before dissipating to reveal his clones who instantly split up to take on the opposition. The fight was shortened and soon all of the apes laid on the ground in defeat "Time to make an entrance!" said Naruto as he created pair of chakra arms as they came close together to perform a Rasengan which is larger than normal before thrusting it towards the doors "Giant Ball Rasengan!" They broke off the hinges and flew inside the tower, crushing the apes which were standing behind them.

"An open doorway, that's more like it," said Sparx nodding in approval.

"Thought you would like that," said Naruto.

The trio entered the tower though they had to watch out for electric fences along the way before arriving in a tall metal room where they had to defeat all of the enemies present in order to activate crystal platforms to get to higher ground. They had climbed to the third floor where they encountered what appears to be a blue eye-like crystal orb that walks around on tendrils made out of electricity. The conduit shot out a red beam of light around itself until the light settled on the trio which changed to yellow before moving towards them with the intention to attack.

It shot an arc of electricity at them but Naruto jumped forward and activated his barrier crystal to deflect the attack then Spyro launched a fireball which exploded upon impact, damaging it. Then he lowered his head and charged at the conduit, ramming into it with his horns and knocking it into the air. Naruto was already above with a Rasengan to drive the conduit to the ground as it shattered upon impact. Three crystal platforms rose from the ground floor to the top, forming a bridge to the other side where a door opened up to reveal an exit.

The trio ventured through a mazelike area where they encountered golems similar to the ones at Tall Plains but made up of crystals with electricity keeping their limbs together, Naruto and Spyro took them down with little issue as they made their way through another tower into the next clearing. Sparx flew ahead of them to scope the area when all of a sudden, Cynder swooped by right in front of him!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Sparx screamed out as he fell to the ground in shock at the sudden appearance of the dark dragoness, Naruto and Spyro rushed over to check on him.

"Sparx, are you okay?" asked Naruto worriedly.

Sparx raised a hand towards the sky "I can't talk…heart…breaking up…,"

This drew deadpanned expressions from both Naruto and Spyro as the latter simply rolled his eyes over at this.

"You're just fine, only got scared out of your wits,"

"Come on Sparx, Ignitus is waiting," said Spyro.


"Well it's about time that we finally made it here!" said Sparx.

Spyro and Naruto had just broken through a gate which led into a large area with long steps leading up to a massive black building in front of them. Suddenly the doors opened and a squad of ape soldiers and leaders being led by an Ape commander who raised his weapon into the air to launch a pair of purple beams to form a barrier behind Spyro and Naruto.

"Let's clear them out so that we can get into the fortress," said Spyro.

"Guys, you've got Ape Gunners on both sides!" Sparx called out.

At that moment, Spyro and Naruto leapt high into the air just before two arcs of lightning struck where they originally stood, Spyro glided to safety and out of range while Naruto landed with a thump and glared at the Ape Gunners.

"I'll take care of them!" Naruto reached into his pouch and took out several impulse crystals and flung them at one of the Ape Gunners to destroy it before turning to the other with his horn emitting an orange aura "Fire lance!" Several spears of flames appeared around him before shooting towards their target and successfully taking it down.

Spyro was currently being surrounded by the Ape Soldiers and Ape leaders, then he focused on his inner power as he slowly rose to the air and unleashed his fire fury as it exploded outwards and shot explosive embers for extra damage, wiping out the surrounding enemies. He turned to see Naruto trotting up to him with the Ape Commander sprawled out on the ground with his shattered armor around him.

"I guess that's all of them, let's go inside and find Ignitus," said Naruto.

"Right," said Spyro

Both ran up the stairs and drew close to the doors when it opened up again and something walked out all the while making heavy clanking sounds on the floor. It was an armored knight who bore heavy resemblance to the Ice King back at Dante's Freezer except that purple lightning could be seen coursing through its body as it wielded a metal shield and a large mace.

"Oh great, now we have to fight the electro version of the Ice King," Sparx groaned out.

"Maybe so, but we got the advantage. This time, I'm using quality instead of quantity," Naruto formed a pair of chakra arms from his back. the Electric King swung his mace to launch a volley of lightning bolts straight at them, the chakra arms proceeded to weave through a series of handsigns quickly "Wind Style: Breezing Wind jutsu!" he took a deep breath before opening his mouth to blow a strong gust of air which cancelled out the electricity before slamming into the Electric King, knocking him back a few feet.

Spyro followed up by launching his own volley of Ice Shards to inflict damage, the armored being roared out in rage as he raised a foot before stomping hard on the ground for large purple crystals emitting electricity to appear and shoot towards his targets. The duo immediately leapt out of the way before retaliating with Fireballs and Chakra Cannon, but both were blocked by a projected forcefield. He conjured a cluster of purple electric crystals and launched them only for the duo to move out of the way whilst biding their time for the forcefield to disappear which it eventually did before swinging into action.

The Electric King swung his mace at Naruto who quickly brandished the Hoshi no Ha to parry the strike before launching a 5-hit combo to shatter the first layer of the armor and the shield, Spyro wasn't far behind as he jumped into the air to perform an aerial attack before finishing up by flapping his wings for a knockback.

Again Naruto performed another series of handsigns "Wind Style: Wind Arrow!" he breathed in and molded chakra within his stomach, then he blew out an arrow made out of wind which zipped towards the Electric King and pierced through his armor and emerged on the other side. The armored warrior dropped his weapon to clutch the gaping hole but the damage was done as he collapsed to the floor and laid there unmoving with the electricity petering out.

"Well that takes care of him, but what just happen?" asked Sparx curiously.

"I learnt that the wind has an advantage against electricity but weak against fire as it rather enhances the flames," said Naruto.

"That explains why you said that you had the upper hand," said Spyro, the trio entered the building completely unaware that a large shadow was flying in the air and watching their fight with interest before disappearing into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Naruto and the others found themselves in the center of where an elevator was locked by purple crystals in a hexagon formation and guarded by an Ape Commander. They quickly took care of the enemy and destroyed the crystals which enabled the lift to be activated, gradually carrying them to the top of the fortress. However there were several more crystals and enemies to impede, however they were able to arrive at the top. The group looked around a bit before seeing Ignitus being held aloft in a cage made entirely of purple electricity and another crystal was draining his energy like with the other guardian dragons.

"Um…guys," Sparx spoke rather quietly.

"What is it Sparx?" asked Spyro.

"I don't like this…it feels like she's baiting us. I'm getting smarter,"

"By saying that, you just admitted that you were dumb before," thought Naruto while keeping an eye out for Cynder, he saw something move among the spires but couldn't catch a clear glimpse of what it was as they approached Ignitus.

Ignitus groaned out weakly "Spyro…destroy the crystal…quickly…,"

"Let's get him out of here before Cynder gets back!" said Spyro.

"And I'll take care of the crystal," Naruto brandished the Hoshi no Ha.

They hardly took a third step when the said dragoness landed before them, obstructing their path.

"If only it were that easy, little ones," said Cynder.

Sparx quivered in fear "S-s-s-s-s-s-so…b-b-b-b-big!"

"Time you learned how complicated life can be," Cynder swung her head around before aiming to smack Spyro away.

"Spyro watch out! Stellar gear change; Shield!" Naruto moved in to intercept as his glaive transformed and blocked the attack, but the impact had sent both of them flying back and tumbling on the floor.

"Are you guys okay?" asked Sparx.

"Yeah, we're fine," Naruto responded.

"Run you two…save yourselves," said Ignitus.

"Not this time, this time I fight!" Spyro proclaimed.

"That's right, we came all this way to save you and running away is out of the question," said Naruto.

Cynder chuckled evilly "Bring it," before charging straight at them.

She reached Naruto first and swiped at him with her claws, Naruto still had his shield so was able to block the attack before leaping towards her with a punch, however she angled her head to evade before using her left wing to smack him away. Spyro joined in the fight with an Electric Arc which made contact but failed to encage her. Cynder turned around to use her bladed tail to whip at Spyro who dashed backwards to get out of rage whilst launching a fireball to counter.

"Windflaw Dash!" Naruto sped around Cynder in circles before channeling his chakra "Chakra Cannon!" he launched a large white orb from the left side.

"Hmph, how weak!" Cynder flapped her left wing to bat the incoming projectile aside towards another direction.

"Then let's see you handle this! Shadow Clone jutsu!"

He created a couple of clones as he ran before they charged altogether. The first clone got in close before throwing a straight punch which was parried and got backhanded hard enough to be dispelled, the second came in from behind and lashed out with a chakra arm which successfully hit her back only for Cynder to retaliate with a swing of her tail to take it down. The next two clones each fired a chakra tendril from a distance as they wrapped around her neck while latching to the floor with chakra. From the corner of her eye, Cynder saw what appears to be the original rushing for the crystal with a blue spinning sphere in hoof.

"Not so fast, little pony!" she forcefully pulled on the tendril, wrenching the clones from the ground and launched them towards Naruto.

"Rasen-aaahhhh!" Naruto was just about to ram his jutsu into the crystal when he got blindsided by his thrown shadow clones, knocking him off the platform.

"Naruto!" Spyro called out in horror as he watched Naruto fall over the edge.

"Calm down bro, remember that he can fly," Sparx quickly spoke up.

"You're right," Spyro let out a sigh of relief before turning his attention back on Cynder who was chuckling in amusement. He fired an Earth Shot to get her attention and charge at him. She swiped at him with her claw but Spyro jumped into the air twirled with his tail out to hit her a few times before gliding away and using his Fire Breath to attack. Cynder simply flapped her wings to blow the flames away as she laughed arrogantly.

"It's so sad that it must end this way," said Cynder.

"No it won't!" Spyro charged at her again only to be backhanded a few feet away with Sparx checking if he was okay.

"Yes it will, now…where was I?" Cynder approached the crystal, taking it with the electric prison disappearing and Ignitus falling to the floor before she took to the air by smashing through the glass roof and flew away.

"Dos she ever use doors?" said Sparx.

It was at that moment when Naruto appeared with his Chakra Wings active and landed back on the platform with a frown on his face "Darn it! And I was close to destroying that crystal too," then he noticed that Spyro was deep in thought "What's on your mind Spyro?"

"There was something in her eyes Naruto…something familiar," said Spyro.

"There should be Spyro," They turned to see Ignitus hobbling up to them "You and Cynder share more than you know,"

"What do you mean Ignitus?" asked Naruto.

"It's time that I told you the truth…all of it," then Ignitus began to tell them what happened in the past "You see…after I took your egg to the silver river, I returned to the grotto to find utter chaos. The guardians had been overrun and all the dragon eggs had been smashed by the Dark Master's forces…all except one. You see, the Dark Master was torn. He wanted to destroy all the eggs to prevent the birth of the purple dragon…but he also needed a dragon,"

"Why would he need a dragon?" asked Spyro confusedly, having already gotten the idea of the Dark Master's hatred of dragons.

"Because, Spyro, only one born in the Year of the Dragon could open the portal that served as the Dark Master's prison,"

"I think I get it now, he needed Cynder to free him from his prison but he also needed the power of the guardian dragons as well in order to open the portal," said Naruto with a look of realization.

"But if we came from the same place, why is she so, so…?" Spyro trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

Sparx spoke up as always "Evil? Monstrous? Big? Sexy? Oops, did I just say that?"

"Because, Spyro, after the night of the raid, she was corrupted by the Dark Master's poisonous powers…twisted by his evil lores. She became the Dark Master's puppet," Ignitus spoke sadly.

"Just like what Orochimaru did to Sasuke, though I was able to stop him from going to that snake…it cost me my life to do so," thought Naruto with a sad look.

"But why? What does this Dark Master want?" asked Spyro.

"If he's anything like some people I've met before, then my best guess is to rule the Dragon Realms with an iron grip," said Naruto.

Ignitus nodded in affirmation "Indeed you're right Naruto, and if Cynder gets there…he might just succeed,"

Suddenly there was a thunderous sound, everyone turned to see a large white swirling portal appear before them.

"I'm afraid we might be too late,"

"No I refuse to give up, I'm going to stop Cynder and the Dark Master," said Spyro with determination.

"Same here Spyro, I've got your back," said Naruto looking just as determined.

"Whoa wait a minute, you heard the big guy. He said too late, we'll get him next time. You guys did a great job, so let's take five," said Sparx.

"As long as there's a chance to win, I'm willing to take it than just let it slip and regret for the rest of my life," Naruto spoke up with Spyro nodding in agreement.

"Okay okay, you're right. At the very least, you have to try. If the Dark Master escapes, a shadow will fall over the land, who knows what will happen then," said Ignitus. The duo nodded in affirmation before taking to the air and entering the portal in pursuit of Cynder "May the Ancestors look after you, may they look after us all,"

After flying through the dimensional tunnel, Naruto, Spyro and Sparx exited the portal to find themselves flying in an endless iridescent void with large groups of floating rock platforms and many giant creatures bearing resemblance to jellyfish, whales and snakes.

The group landed on a nearby rock platform and surveyed the area only to note of what appears to be purple energy converging on an ancient building structure in the distance and also caught a glimpse of Cynder flying towards it.

"Judging by where Cynder's heading, that must be the Portal of Convexity," said Naruto.

"Then we have to get there before she does, come on," Spyro took off with Naruto close behind.

The team utilized the floating rock platforms and at times the top of the giant jellyfishes to glide from one place to another which took some time but they eventually arrived at the portal only to see Cynder insert the final crystal into it.

"Finally, my master returns," said Cynder.

"We're too late!" said Spyro.

Cynder turned towards them "Hmmm, persistent little fellas aren't you? This is where it really ends,"

"Let's do this then!" Naruto took a fighting stance next to Spyro.

Cynder flared her wings "No mercy this time,"

Spyro started things off by launch an Electric stream which made contact with Naruto using a Bolt Chain spell to increase the voltage, causing Cynder to screech rather angrily before retaliating by opening her mouth to unleash dark orange flames upon them but Naruto and Spyro quickly jumped out of the way to avoid the attack.

Naruto formed chakra arms to weave through a string of handsigns "Wind style: Wind Bullet!" he took a deep breath before firing a series of small bursts of wind in the form of condensed ball to continuously bombarding the dragoness. Spyro rushed up to her and started to melee as much hits as he could before Cynder smacked him in the head hard enough to stun. Cynder jumped high into the air and was about to land on top of Spyro.

"Spyro, watch out!" Naruto focused on his magic as Spyro was covered in an orange aura before being lifted into the air and was carried away right as Cynder landed, resulting in a miniature tremor. Spyro shook his head to clear his mind from the daze.

"Thanks for the help!" said Spyro.

"Don't mention it,"

Naruto created a group of shadow clones that immediately charged at Cynder, the dragoness took to the air and flew around the battlefield as she unleashed her flames upon the clones with some of them taken out while the others evaded the attack. Naruto and Spyro used the Fire Lance and Ice Stream respectively in an attempt to bring her down but she dodged the attacks and continued on with hers.

"Let's see if she can dodge this, Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" he took in a really deep breath with his stomach bulging a bit as he brought a chakra arm to his mouth before blowing a massive gust of wind. Cynder was unprepared for the technique completely messing with her flight as she was blown backwards and crashed into part of the portal. Naruto was panting a bit in exhaustion from constant use of jutsus which he hasn't fully mastered "Whale at her while you can Spyro!"

Not needing to reply, Spyro attacked Cynder with every single elemental breath with all of his might, not wanting to give her a chance of recovery or retaliation with the remaining shadow clones adding in their own attacks. Cynder got back to her feet and shook her head to clear it before glaring at the duo with rage.

"You impudent insects! I shall not be defeated here!" she yelled in anger, Cynder hovered in the air whilst gathering purple energy within herself, Naruto and Spyro realized what she's about to do.

"She's going to use a Fury attack!" Naruto ran over to Spyro's side and quickly used his Terra Bunker spell to form a protective dome of earth around them. At that moment, Cynder unleashed a massive dark flame which exploded outwardly, taking out the clones and impacted the earth dome with such force that it broke through the defense and knocked the duo away with burns on their body.

Spyro got back to his feet and looked up at Cynder with eyes of determination "Same could be said for us…we won't lose here either!" he opened his mouth to fire a beam of purple energy landed a clean hit on Cynder with a lot of damage. Naruto had gotten up as well and watched the exchange of attacks between both dragons with neither side giving in.

"Only one attack from either of them will end this showdown," said Naruto.

As Spyro continued to fight, he felt something stirring from within as if wanting to be unleashed.

"Now, it's time to unleash the true dragon within you," Ignitus' voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ignitus…okay…let's see what I can really do," Spyro concentrated on his new power as purple energy burst from his body and swirled around him before gathering over his head as the ground quaked. The energy took on the form of a spiraling void before multiple purple projectiles in the shape of Spyro's head shot out and raced towards Cynder.

"What?! What is-aaaaaaahhhhhh!" Cynder hardly got time to react before the dragons proceeded to pummel her consecutively from every direction with no time lag. This kept up until the attacks finally dissipated and Cynder plummeted to the ground.

Naruto walked up to Spyro with a smirk on his face "Way to go Spyro that was an awesome finishing move!"

"Yeah man, you're the top dragon around here!" said Sparx.

The trio turned to see Cynder's body glowed faintly before suddenly shrinking to their size much to their surprise.

"She is just like me," said Spyro in wonder at the sight of the now younger dragoness.

"I think your attack must have somehow released her from the Dark Master's power, since I don't sense any negative emotions in her anymore," said Naruto.

The ground started to quake again and the portal seemed to sucking in everything in sight which includes the trio and the unconscious Cynder.

"Dude we've got to get out of here…now!" said Sparx in a panic.

"I can't leave her behind…I've got to save her!" said Spyro.

"What? Save the beast that's been trying to kill us?!"

"That wasn't her fault…she was being used by the Dark Master!"

"If you were listening before, Cynder hasn't been doing any of this of her own free will. Blame the puppeteer not the puppet!" said Naruto.

Spyro dove into the portal after Cynder when she got sucked into it, a few moments later, he came out with her in his clutches as they flew away.

"Now we can go!" said Spyro.

"Couldn't agree with you more!" said Naruto, activating his Chakra Wings and took flight.

The group had made their way back through the portal, it becoming increasingly difficult due to the fatigue from the continuous battles finally taking their tolls upon their bodies. They barely exited the portal before crashing to the ground with the last thing Naruto hearing before blacking out was Sparx saying something about having his mother fluff his pillow.

Naruto finally regained consciousness and looked around to see that he was back at the Dragon Temple with Ignitus, Spike and the others looking at him with relief.

"Naruto, you're okay!" Spike was ecstatic.

"I am now, I think I recovered some of my chakra and magic back," Naruto heard a groan and turned to see Spyro slowly getting up.

"Feeling better, Spyro?"

Spyro responded weakly "Not really, Ignitus. That battle drained every last bit of my strength, I can hardly even lift my head,"

"Yes, it will take some time for your powers to return. Especially since it was your first time using the power of aether, but they will in time young dragon," then Ignitus turned towards Cynder with a look of relief and regret "Cynder, ever since I failed the night of the raid, I've dreamt of this day,"

"It wasn't just you, Ignitus. We all failed," said Volteer with the others nodding in agreement.

"Be that as it may…we're together again now…thanks to Spyro with help from our new friends Naruto and Spike. Well done, young ones,"

"It's no problem at all Ignitus, we were glad to help," said Naruto.

"He's right, and I got the chance to meet with other dragons," said Spike.

"Thanks Ignitus, but we still don't know what happened to the Dark master," said Spyro.

"No matter Spyro, there will be time to talk of the Dark Master later. Now it's time to be grateful of your success," said Terrador.

Sparx spoke up "His success? What about me? Just because a bunch of weird stuff doesn't come out of my mouth, doesn't mean I didn't help, ya know?"

"You were a big help Sparx, no doubt about it. but for the record…a lot of weird stuff does come out of that little mouth of yours," said Spyro.

"What was that supposed to mean?" Sparx asked indignantly.

Naruto quickly interrupted "Before you start ranting, I need to inform you guys that Spike and I will be returning home for now,"

"Really, but why?" asked Spyro.

"Remember that I was sent to help you rescue the guardian dragons. Now that mission is complete, I'll be returning home to fully recover and continue with my training. The last battle showed how much work I'll need to master my jutsus and elemental affinity, but I'll be back to help you settle things with the Dark Master and that is a promise,"

"Very well then, we bid you farewell and hope to see you again in the near future," said Ignitus.

"Walk bravely young warrior, and may our paths cross once more," said Terrador.

"I hope to see you again Naruto, Spike," said Spyro.

"You better come back man, we can't be the ultimate team without you," said Sparx.

"True that, goodbye everyone…I'll see you later," Naruto turned and left the Dragon Temple with everyone watching him in hopes of his return.

Meanwhile back in Equestria, a pony wearing a black cloak with the hood covering the head was silently walking through a dark forest. Suddenly a pack of Timberwolves burst out from nearby bushes and surrounded the pony all the while growling. The pony looked around before a dark aura started to leak out from it. Seeing this disturbed the wooden lupines a bit but shrugged the potential threat off as they all pounced at the same time.

But before they got any closer, spikes made of black energy shot out from the ground around the pony, impaling every single one of the Timberwolves before they exploded into many splinters all over the forest floor. The pony then let out a sigh of disappointment before continuing on its way.

"Things are really getting boring, it's kinda hard to find something worth doing while waiting for him to get stronger for a second round," said the pony, then he looked up to the moon and saw what would appear to be a black wisp before it disappeared "Well now…I guess I won't have to wait too long for some entertainment. I wonder if you're ready for what's coming…try not to disappoint me…Hikari,"

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