• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 6,432 Views, 100 Comments

The Ultimate Destroyer; Majin Equestria! - ZephyrStrife

With the body of a Majin, Eribia must take her place as this world's spirit of chaos.

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Episode 11: These Are The Hands We're Given

Eribia sighed a little as she flew through the night air, despite the chill she couldn't think of anything other than the man connected to the badge she was scrutinizing. She let out a sigh as she held it close. "...The games gods play to keep themselves entertained..." She muttered bitterly as her fingers clenched around the police badge. "It's so stupid... but it makes more sense than anything else I've thought about..."

The spires of Canterlot Castle in the distance had her mind drift to just what kinds of dangers she'd be exposing her friends to, what she'd be exposing them to if she left. Her flight slowed until she was simply hovering in the air and looked down at the badge. "Cruger... why do I get the feeling you'd know just what to say to keep me going?" She half-chuckled as she let her index finger trace over the stylized dog head. Her smile turned into a frown as her mind ran through the possible scenarios that could happen because she summoned him.

"Would they attack you? ... Are they attacking you now?" She whispered just before she stashed the badge in her dimensional pocket. Part of her wanted to return to Canterlot and Ponyville, to keep up the training that she was instilling in her half of the Bearers of Harmony...

...But another part of her wanted to find Razul and take him down before he had the chance to get the final piece of the Regalia of Evil. The feelings pulled at her and forced a stressed breath out of her mouth as she continued back towards Ponyville. That was where she was needed right now anyway. Even the wind had decided to leave her alone with her thoughts as she soared back through the air towards ponyville.

When the town finally came into view Eribia slowed her flight once more until she was simply at the speed of a lazy float. "...what am I doing...?" She muttered as she landed on a cloud that had drifted across her path. "Am I really a teacher to these people? I..." She cut herself off and sat on the cloud with a sigh. "No... I'm not a destroyer, I'm a hero... I'm going to be a hero. Until the day I defeat Razul I'll keep training these townsfolk and make them strong enough to handle whatever comes their way."

With a determined look she stood once more as the chilly night air wafted over her figure and managed to ruffle the folds of her pants as well as the flaps of her scarf. "Until the world stands with me, I'll keep helping it up." Her voice, though somewhat faint as she declared her conviction, had its meaning secretly felt by every citizen of the town. As a small smile began making its way onto her face she slowly leaned forward and let gravity take hold so she could free-fall for several moments before letting her aura flare up and send her rocketing towards Ditzy's house.

[In the distant future of one week later...]

Eribia smirked as she brought her forearms up in an 'X' pattern to block Rainbow Dash's drop-kick. "Come on Dash! With speed like that Fluttershy could teach you a thing or two! Put some effort into those strikes!" The pink warrior taunted as she quickly grabbed the prismatic mare's leg and flung her across the temporary battlefield into a well-placed boulder. Applejack watched in slight awe as her friend slowly began to pick herself up from the remains of the boulder.

"Well I'll be... Dash, I don't think yer supposed ta be able to crush a boulder like that..." The farm mare started before Eribia's fist met her jawline.

"And you're not supposed to be slacking off during training, I bet Twilight's even stronger than you by now." The majin growled as Applejack skidded across the ground. "You might be able to lift larger weights than dash but it doesn't matter how much you can lift if your enemy knocks your ass to the ground." Eribia straightened her stance as she watched the two ponies pick themselves up from the dirt. "You both lack coordination... you fight as individuals when working as a team would make you stronger. I get that you're both rivals... if you don't start working as a team though, everything you fight for could be lost as fast as I can snap my fingers together."

Rainbow Dash winced a little as she managed to stand up straight, several discolored marks showed through her coat before she gingerly applied some of her body weight to her left leg. After the punch to her jaw though, Applejack wasn't faring too much better. "Well... I think I'll go meet up with Zecora and see about that hot springs offer she had..."

"Yeah Dash... I think I'll go with ya, those welts are gonna hurt in the mornin'..."

"Oh no, those are going to hurt halfway through your baths." Eribia replied. "But... I will concede that you two have gotten much better... and if you see Snowflake, let him know I didn't forget that he was supposed to be here at two today."

Applejack chuckled once more. "Sure, I'll tell 'im... see ya tomorrow Eribia."

The majin's smile fell a little. "Don't worry about it, use tomorrow to recover, you'll barely be able to stand tomorrow." She walked over and patted the farm mare on the shoulder. "You might actually want to recover for a few days." Before hearing either of their replies the pink Majin took to the air and began a slow flight to Canterlot.

A few thoughts crossed her mind as she flew, blurred faces, hopes, dreams... for once the silence of solo flight was giving her a bit of doubt. A lot of her power was taken away when the Elements had hit her but she could still feel so much of it hidden away... as if it was just behind some sort of valve and was waiting to burst.

There just didn't seem to be enough pressure...

"Perhaps Cruger might know... he's got that whole... wise old man-vibe." She chuckled to herself as she pulled out the S.P.D. badge that he had given her. "Actually, a visit across dimensions sounds like a nice idea... perhaps I could take a break from feeling so... odd..." Eribia muttered.

She brought the badge up to about shoulder level. "Hey Cruger... do you have the time for a half-chaos spirit to come and relax? I need something to take my mind off of my work since it's just too quiet."

Wash sat back in his chair as he rubbed his face. "So... how long is it going to take before we get that anti-magic in?" He asked his companion.

The brown unicorn chuckled and shrugged. "Honestly kid... there'll be a royal wedding before we'll be able to get our hands on something like that."

"But Celestia isn't even dating anyone..." White Wash groaned as his head hit the table.

"Neither is Luna, although I heard they have a niece... unless she's an alicorn too though she might have a wedding in our lifetime." The brown unicorn chuckled.

White Wash brought his head up. "They have a niece?"

"Yeah, just like how Blueblood is their nephew... at least, I think it's like that... I heard about her around the same time as I heard about Blueblood so I don't think she's actually Celestia's daughter."

"Well... where is she? if Eribia is back she might make a move against her as well, we already know she's trying to convince the Princesses that she's reformed." The newest assassin exclaimed.

"She's fine, she has several Valkyries covering her in case Eribia should attack." the elder assassin replied. "...and if my intel is correct, you should be hounding those anti-magic providers, she's apparently seeing someone in secret." He chuckled as the white unicorn quickly bolted from his chair, leaving it spinning for a few moments until it clattered to its side. "Heh... kids... always in a hurry."