• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 6,440 Views, 100 Comments

The Ultimate Destroyer; Majin Equestria! - ZephyrStrife

With the body of a Majin, Eribia must take her place as this world's spirit of chaos.

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Episode 3: Domesticated Chaos

Eribia let out a small groan as she blinked awake, her right hand gently patted several spots on her body as she groggily took stock of what outfit she was wearing before she pushed herself into a sitting position and yawned widely, testing the limits of just how far her body could stretch before she loudly smacked her lips together. A rumbling growl from her belly had the Majin sigh as she leapt off of the bed and began to plod her way downstairs while letting her nose guide her to the smell of food.

The sudden quieting of several voices went unnoticed by the Majin as she plodded into the kitchen. She arched her back to stretch as she cracked an eye open and gasped at what she saw. Eribia seemed to vanish before she reappeared next to the plate of muffins of various assorted flavors. Her eyes widened and twinkled with absolute joy as she looked upon the near mountain of muffins, a bit of drool trailed down the left side of her face before she licked her lips and began to dig into the pile of muffins with reckless abandon. Not a single crumb was spared its bubblegum-pink demise as she quickly changed from biting into the muffins to stuffing them in her waiting maw whole before chewing so that she could savor every crumb without dropping a single one.

@}~}~~~ @}~}~~~

Derpy smiled happily as she watched the Majin dig into the plate of muffins that she had brought over when she heard that Eribia was at Fluttershy's house. "See, I told you she loved my muffins!" she giggled as she looked over at the mares that were sitting in the living room watching as the Majin devoured muffin after muffin in a way that should have bloated her or caused her to be sick in one way or another.

Celestia had a pensive look on her face as she watched the entire spectacle, "So Luna wasn't seeing an illusion... Perhaps she can be redeemed..." the marble-colored mare thought to herself as the Majin in the kitchen finally polished off the last muffin and pat down her stomach.

Eribia let out a small belch and smiled as she gave her belly another rub. "That hit the spot..." She sighed contentedly before turning around and freezing mid-step like a cartoon right before a chase scene would begin. Her emerald-colored eyes flicked from one mare to the next before they finally rested on an amber-eyed pegasus that was smiling and waving eagerly. She gave a small, cautious wave back as she slowly put down her foot. An awkward smile wormed its way onto her face as she looked at Celestia. "S-sorry for punching you..." She tried with a sheepish smile as her cheeks tinted a bit crimson.

Celestia smiled a little. "A late apology is better than no apology... although I wouldn't doubt that you won't be welcome in Canterlot for quite some time." She explained as she gave a small wave of her hand. "You were still under Discord's influence at the time as well, so that does make it easier to forgive."

"Yeah... Discord's influence..." Eribia replied with a slow nod as her gaze drifted to the floor. She blinked a few times before she looked back up to Celestia. "I... I don't want to seem rude... but... what's going on?"

"That is what we are here to discuss Eribia, since it appears the Elements turned you back into a child of your species... it would be best to at least temporarily put you with a foster family." Celestia explained. "While we had been debating, Miss Hooves showed up with a large tray of muffins and offered to look after you."

The wall-eyed mare smiled broadly as she darted over to grip the Majin child in a firm hug. "That's right! I get to take care of you alongside my little Muffin, Dinky!" she squealed as she hugged the Majin a bit tighter.

"That's... Great... Derpy!" Eribia choked out as her face was half-buried in Derpy's chest. "When do we... leave?"

"We're going to leave once the guard pony gets back with the adoption papers that will make it official... uh... do you know how old you are by the way?" Derpy asked with a curious frown as she eased up on her hug a little.

"Well over a thousand... with about four years of college art classes..." Eribia replied.

Twilight gave the Majin a confused look. "College?"

"Yeah, the school you go to after you're done with grade school because colleges have you pay to go to them out of your own pocket instead of out of taxpayer pockets." Eribia explained with a roll of her eyes. "I could have completed my degree in two years but I just didn't want to leave..."

"Why didn't you want to leave?" Fluttershy asked quietly as Eribia stood next to Derpy and brushed herself off.

"I met a bunch of friends, we used to keep in touch but I have no idea what happened to them, a thousand years is a long time to look for one of your missing friends..." Eribia replied with a shrug. "It's not like they suddenly became immortal like Majins supposedly are." There was a knock at the door to get everyone's attention before it opened to reveal a pure white pegasus guard clad in gold armor. Eribia made a slight surprised grimace. "yeesh... talk about gaudy..." She muttered just before the guard noticed her and shot her a glare.

He turned to the Princess and held out a small bundle of papers. "Here is the forms you requested Your Highness." The second glare he shot, however small it was, hadn't been missed by Rainbow Dash before the guard left the room.

"Wow... The guards must really hate you... I can't even get them to flinch without Philomena's help." the prismatic pegasus observed.

"Well, I did gutpunch Celestia..."

"Princess... Celestia." Twilight corrected out of habit.

Eribia waved a hand. "Yeah, whatever... Trust me Violet... When you've battled them at your prime, titles don't matter."

Derpy knelt down in front of the Majin with a serious look. "It's still respectful, at the very least you should have proper manners when talking to others, it helps get them to like you."

With a slight blush Eribia's eyes darted between both of Derpy's eyes before finally settling on the one staring directly at her as she let out a small sigh. "I'm sorry..." She said quietly before she looked around Derpy at Celestia. "I'm sorry for not using your title..."

The grey mare smiled before she pulled Eribia into a hug. "Even though you're not going to be my daughter immediately, since I still have to talk to my husband, I still want you on your best behavior... alright?"

"Yes Derpy..." Eribia replied quietly as she gently ran her fingers through the mare's soft coat.

"Great! Once Time Turner agrees to adopting you we'll get you enrolled in Ponyville Elementary as soon as possible!" Derpy explained with a smile as she picked up the Majin.

"School!? Why!? I just told you I graduated college!" Eribia complained as the grey mare hefted the child-Majin onto her shoulder.

"Because, any college notification you may have had didn't transfer to Equestria... so you need to be taught about Equestria and Equestrian education." Derpy replied as she happily took the adoption papers that Celestia held out for her. "And besides, I don't want my little muffin to get jealous of having a sister that didn't have to go to school despite still being a filly." Eribia's jaw dropped before she let out a groan that led into a whine.

"I don't want to go back to school again!" She complained as she slumped over Derpy's shoulder.

Derpy simply giggled. "I have to have this conversation with Dinky every year, you're not going to get out of going to school little missy, so make sure you get good grades so that Dinky doesn't have to graduate alone." She gently pet the Majin's back a few times. "Besides, Miss Cheerilee is great with foals, I'm sure you two will get along great in no time!"

Eribia winced as she remembered the name from the group of students that had passed the statue she was trapped in not even more than... hopefully a day ago. "...Aww... crap..." She thought as she imagined just how mad the maroon mare would be about being turned into a flower. "If I'm lucky... she won't remember it... yeah... Yeah... She's probably forgotten the whole ordeal by now!"

@}~}~~~ @}~}~~~

Eribia stood awkwardly in front of the curious and observing eye of a light-pinkish-purple filly as the unicorn poked and prodded the Majin. Dinky narrowed her gaze a little bit as her gaze moved over the tendrils that made up Eribia's bangs and 'combed'-back hair. The Majin flinched back a little as the unicorn straightened up with a discerning look for several seconds...

With a smile and matching squeal Dinky pulled the Majin into a tight hug, not unlike what her mother did, and began spinning around while holding onto the Majin with a surprising amount of strength for just a filly. "I've always wanted a sister!" She giggled as she continued to spin. "And now I have one! We're going to have so much fun together! We'll get to paint our nails and dress up and go to the arcade-..."

"Arcade?" Eribia asked with renewed interest as she used her Ki to stop herself from spinning, forcing the unicorn to stop as well.

"Yeah! There's one just down the street from the school, one bit will get you ten tokens to play." Dinkie explained.

"Welp... I know where my allowance is going to go..." Eribia mentally sighed as she set herself down.

"How did you fly like that? Do you know how to do magic?" Dinky asked excitedly.

Eribia thought about it for a few seconds. "Well... Magic and Ki, what I used, are two different things... and I can use both because the Majin race was created from pure magic." She smiked as she saw Dinky's awed expression. "Yep... I even absorbed Discord so I have chaos magic as well." She laughed as she looked at a pencil that was on Dinky's writing desk and snapped her fingers, turning it into a licorice stick. "I hope its cherry." Eribia muttered as she walked over to pick up the licorice and pulled a strip away to give it a testing taste. With a smile she peeled the rest of the strips apart at the top and offered them to Dinky. "Want one?"

The hungry look in her eyes betrayed her desire as she shook her head. "Momma says that if I have a bunch of candy before dinner it'll ruin my appetite..."

Eribia nodded. "When I was on earth my mom used to say the same thing..." She replied as she took the rest of the licorice and began to munch on it. "So... when's your father usually get home?"

"Oh... he should be back soon, right around now is usually when Minuette closes the clock store they co-own." Dinky replied with a smile as she made her way over to her desk to pull out another pencil. "I think Daddy will like you, and then you'll get to be my sister for real!"

Unnoticed by Dinky the Majin behind her paused mid-chew to look down at the licorice stick as her mind wandered back to the earthling who had cosplayed as the Frieza Clan character she had created. "... Is she my sister?... Is she alright?" were just a few of the questions buzzing through her mind before she smiled again as the unicorn filly turned around to face the Majin once more.

"Dad's home! I just heard the door, come on!" The excited unicorn exclaimed as she pulled the Majin along and kept her off balance.

@}~}~~~ @}~}~~~

The Whooves home was mostly quiet as they all sat down to dinner, despite a few curious questions regarding her species Time Turner hadn't pressed the issue of interrogating the Majin too much before he relented and helped Derpy set the table. The silence was broken mid-meal when Turner decided to start up a table-wide discussion. "So, I was told about some interesting event that happened to the town while I was at the store today... somehow I had gotten off shift after everything was done so I didn't get to see these supposed 'giraffe-bunnies' or 'cotton candy clouds that rained chocolate milk'..." He explained as he speared a salted potato on his fork.

Eribia winced a little and gave a sheepish smile. "Y-yeah... about that..." The Majin mumbled. "I am the one who did that stuff... everyone got better... but... after being trapped in stone for a thousand years... I had a lot of magic that I had to burn off..."

The tan earth pony gave her a curious look as he swallowed the potato he had been eating. "Well, forgive me a bit if this sounds ignorant or something like that since I'm not used to actively using magic like unicorns and pegusai do... but... you had to burn off magic?"

The Majin nodded with a small smile. "To explain it so everyone can get a grasp on how magic works... Imagine a pony's magic initially being like a capped-off hose..." She began, getting a few nods from everyone at the table. "When a pony such as a pegasus or unicorn, which have active magic, begins to exhibit their magical abilities the pressure builds behind that cap until it pops off... the initial burst can be incredibly powerful and risky. Once they get past that initial surge though the flow on the hose evens out until it's a steady stream that they can use at any time, easily burning it off as they fly, use spells and whatever else unicorns and pegusai do. I haven't lost any of you, right?"

Time Turner nodded with a smile as Eribia noticed all their undivided attention. "This is actually a fairly accurate description so far." He admitted.

"Good..." Eribia replied with a smile. "... Anyway... since I was trapped in stone for a thousand years, that capped off my magical flow for that entire time... it built up a lot of powerful arcane energy that could have been particularly dangerous to this entire world if I hadn't released it in the form of all that chaos."

"What was the alternate option?" The tan earth pony asked.

"There would likely have been a crater where this planet used to be..." Eribia stated with a slight frown. "So... I took the lesser of two evils and decided to cause some much-needed change instead of planet bursting."

Time Turner leaned back in his seat and idly adjusted his favorite green tie. "I see..." He hummed as he casually inspected another potato he had speared on his fork. "I believe I understand why the Elements didn't seal you in stone again then..." That caused Eribia to sit up a bit straighter now that her interest was piqued. "You didn't actually want to hurt the planet... so they may have simply bled off that extra magic buildup."

"It certainly felt like that..."

The stallion smiled though as he leaned forward again. "On the bright side, Derpy had me look over the adoption forms and I'd be happy to have you as part of our family, we'll even get you enrolled in the local school by the beginning of next week." Eribia let out a small groan as she sunk in her seat, she could already tell that it was going to be a long year. "We'll go shopping for your school supplies tomorrow." Turner added with a smile. Eribia only gave a small nod of understanding as she ate another of the delicious salted potatoes.

"I really hope Cheerilee doesn't remember what I did to her..."

Author's Note:

If anyone has an idea for a particular villain type that they'd like to see in this story I'm happily taking suggestions and may even throw in the creature or being that you suggest at some point!

The possibilities are endless in Majin Equestria!