• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 6,440 Views, 100 Comments

The Ultimate Destroyer; Majin Equestria! - ZephyrStrife

With the body of a Majin, Eribia must take her place as this world's spirit of chaos.

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Episode 6: One, Nothin' Wrong With Me

Pinkie's latest, and so far only, 'Welcome to Ponyville/Thanks for not destroying Equestria' party was in full swing, with the guest of honor chowing down happily on a three-layer cake. The happy Majin let out a contented hum as she stuffed the entire cake, plate and all, down her gullet only to spit out and twirl the plate a few seconds later... Much to the irritation and utter bafflement of a violet-coated unicorn that was sitting across the dance floor from her.

Twilight's eye twitched as she watched Eribia put the plate over on one of the counters for dirty dishes before the bubblegum-like being bounced, literally bounced in one leap, across the room to land near Pinkie. "T-this... I... Does... No... Can't..." The lavender unicorn began to babble as her understanding of the scientific laws of magic were simply being shattered right in her face, leaving deep-piercing shards of theories that quailed under the onslaught of information that deduced that the being the party was being thrown for should have simply stopped existing because of how many logical paradoxes made up its being. With an incredible amount of willpower Twilight took a deep breath and composed her thoughts. "Calm down Twilight... Eribia is just being Pinkie Pie..." After a few more short breaths she finally realized exactly what she said and her eyes widened as she looked in terror at the pink pair of walking logical paradoxes. "...Oh god there's two of them..."

Meanwhile, Eribia was enjoying herself as she had started talking to the three fillies she had met in her class earlier, they happily accepted her into their club but told her there'd be an initiation later. "If it's anything like what I had to do my first time around College... I think I can handle it."

"Whad'ja hafta do in Collidge?" Applebloom asked with a curious look.

A wistful smirk played across her lips as she took a sip of punch. "Oh... what didn't I do would be a shorter list, I was a terrible student... but I always acted innocent and was gone long before anyone was wise to what I was up to so they never caught me." She looked back down into her punch, her smile fading as the reflection looking back at her was completely red.

@}~}~~~ ~~~{~{@

Eribia had a cruel, twisted smirk on her face as she walked away from the burning wreckage of yet another village that hadn't paid its toll. A new one would spring up in a few months, for now though she had time to explore the world and see just what the world had to offer. Civilizations flashed by as mere memories as she grew into the legendary omen of great prosperity or great cruelty. So long as you could put up with her demands any enemy that sought to destroy you would be wiped off the face of the planet, their entire army would be wiped out in a single, devastating strike.

After a time it seemed that she could actually taste the beautiful women she had been absorbing, in a way it was true... she was merely absorbing them and adding their essence to her own, growing her magic and biding her time for when she could ascend to godhood. The taste of their magical potential had been enough to give her physical pleasure each time she absorbed someone.

Soon, each human just became another face... another creature that was so hopelessly beneath her that she didn't have to worry about her safety.

Then four humans approached her, cloaked in magic she hadn't been expecting... Destroyed her only method of tracking them... With the blessings of real gods they had slain a false god that had spent so much time above humans that she forgot she could still be cut down like the rest.

@}~}~~~ ~~~{~{@

Her hand drifted to her throat, feeling along her neckline where the phantom pain of having a blade slice clean through still forced her mouth to twitch ever so slightly. The hollow feeling in her chest seemed to have returned as she continued to stare into her reflection's crimson eyes, thinking back to every person. At the time they had been little more than a blur of color before her gum-like blob engulfed them and brought the still-shifting blob back to become one with her.

Now... each face came back to her in what seemed to be perfect detail. Some held themselves in dutiful resignation, some held fear as their last moments of light had been a monster consuming them alive just to become her, some even had a dead look in their eyes as they had been passed off as the children of the person that was supposed to offer them even though the women had been enchanted to believe everything they had been told.

"Eribia... you all right?" Applebloom asked as she noticed the tears that had begun to drip down the Majin's cheeks. The way the tendrils that made up her mane seemed eerily like what happened when Pinkie got upset.

Speak of the devil, the pink party pony herself pronked over with audible springing sounds on each bounce. "Come on Eribia! No frowns here, let's have some fun!"

Two fingers to her forehead was all it took for the Majin to disappear in a blur and leave the cup of punch floating in midair for a few seconds before gravity decided to reassert itself. All four of the nearby ponies wore surprised looks as they stared at the empty air that the Majin used to occupy before Pinkie quickly dashed away.

Eribia had no idea where she had teleported to, she didn't care, she just didn't want to lose her composure in front of her friends. She only took a few staggered steps before she leaned against a large stone and slid down it into a sitting position. Her knees tucked against her chest as she pressed her forehead againt her knees. Near-silent sobs filled the scorched and blackened clearing as Eribia's form shook with each sob, fresh tears fell with every face that flashed across her memory. Some were her victims, some had been friends her human side had known... there was too much she remembered of either side to be able to tell properly whether the victims she had were truly hers or if they were just false memories planted there.

@}~}~~~ ~~~{~{@

Dawn seemed to arrive quickly as Celestia and her eight guests descended into a large plain. The sky carriage touched down with hardly a sound as each of the carriage's occupants looked out the window at the figure leaned up against the stone pillar in the center of what looked like an ancient battlefield.

"Miss Whooves... Mrs. Whooves... I'm going to ask that only you two accompany me out to Eribia..." Celestia announced quietly in a tone that forced no argument before she opened the door and gracefully stepped out of the carriage with the grey pegasus and her light purple unicorn daughter. The soft silk-like material of Celestia's dress gently flapped in the wind as she approached the hunched form of Eribia.

Out of respect for the Solar Diarch Derpy refused to give into her instincts that were screaming at her to pull the little, hurt Majin into a warm, bone-crushing hug and never let go. "P-princess...?" She squeaked, flinching just a hair when the alabaster alicorn looked at her. Her slight fear shifted to relief when the princess gave a small nod, both Derpy and Dinky wasted no time in rushing over to the pink-skinned girl and pulling her into a firm family hug.

The sudden action gave Celestia all the view she needed to confirm her suspicions as she noticed the tear stains on Eribia's cheeks when she hesitated to return the hug. Her violet eyes flicked to an ethereal form that only she could see as her mind sent a telepathic message to the wolf-like biped standing mere inches from the gathering. "... Does this prove her worth?" she asked the lupine mentally.

The ethereal form gave the lupine a blue tinge all over its form as it pursed its lips and closed its eyes. "She will have to make the journey to Elysium in order to prove her worth... this proves that her heart is in the right place... as much as I wish it meant more, there are many trials and tribulations ahead." it responded before directing its attention to a burly lion-like biped.

"The Path to Elysium is closed at this time, we are trying to reopen it for you Celestia but it may be required to open from a remote location, possibly from the Elysium of another material plane." the lion grumbled as his paw grasped the hilt of a broadsword at his belt.

Celestia's eyes narrowed almost dangerously. "She would have to pass through the Plane of Shadow for that, and there's no guarantee that she would find her way back! She has no anchor here."

A third being, behind the statue passed into view through the gathered family. "There have been a large number of planeswalkers appearing lately... perhaps one of them could help her unlock the Path to Elysium by helping her to bond to an anchor as well?" The eagle-like female replied. "It is perhaps, our best option..."

"Allowing other planeswalkers to our plane simply invites the threats from their worlds to ours, what if we reach out and find something we don't have the power to defeat?" Celestia countered.

The Lupine growled. "We have no other choice, it could take centuries for The Path to be opened from this cosmology!" she explained as she rounded on the alicorn. "Two pieces of the Regalia of Evil have been recovered by the champion of evil... We need our own champion and she has the potential to wield the Regalia of Good. Your student has a good heart but she doesn't have the will to stand alone, the battle against the Regalia of Evil will be a one on one battle for the fate of this cosmology, Twilight doesn't have the will not to crumble under that pressure."

The Leonal nodded as well. "This Majin has been kept from acquiring any of the Regalia of Evil thanks to your efforts... as short sighted as they had been at the time, they still proved to be in our favor. A darkness that the Elements Of Harmony cannot possibly combat is coming and this 'Eribia' needs to rise as our champion."

Celestia let out a silent sigh as her gaze fixed upon the family behind the Avoral. "I wish that it didn't have to come to this..."

The Avoral placed a feathered talon on Celestia's shoulder. "None of us wish for events to escalate this way... but mortals must decide the fate of the material plane... not the celestials, we can only help when we can." She explained. "The final blow must be struck by a mortal hero." All three of the celestial beings faded as Celestia let out a small sigh, watching as the small family made their way back to the carriage.

Eribia stopped as the six heroines of Equestria stepped out with small smiles on their faces. "We were all worried about you..." Twilight started. "Maybe not as worried as Derpy was... but... you even had Dash worried."

"Did not... I knew she was alright... I just... wanted to make sure I could help..." The prismatic pegasus scoffed.

The Majin's eyes began to water again. "W-why?" She asked as her voice cracked a little. "Why were you worried about me? I... I am a monster... People... people lost their lives because of me..."

Pinkie walked away from the half-circle of mares and knelt down in front of Eribia. A second later the Majin was embraced in a warm hug. "Silly Erry... Monsters don't cry over the bad things they did..." she explained. "It's why we want to be friends with Princess Luna too... She cries over the ponies that were hurt when she became Nightmare Moon."

Eribia was stunned as she slowly completed the hug. "P-Pinkie..." She said quietly as the pink mare gave her a firmer hug.

"Besides, you have friends to help dry those tears and help you back up." Pinkie added with a smile as she bounced back to her hooves.

@}~}~~~ ~~~{~{@

"Monsters don't cry over the bad things they did..."

Eribia sat on the bank of the closest pond to Derpy's house as she thought about what Pinkie had said. She tossed another flat rock from one end of the pond and skipped it all the way to the other side before it made the dunking sound she preferred listening to. The more time she had to think about what had been going on in her life since she had been un-petrified the more she got around to being... happy...

It was a strange feeling, right now it was mixed with the empty feeling in her chest but the empty feeling was just cold, not painful anymore. The muffins that her 'mother' made almost constantly when she wasn't on her mail route certainly helped her feel a bit warmer, though it didn't help her escape the empty feeling for long.

A shift in the magical aura of the world around her caused Eribia to reflexively reach a hand in front of her face to catch a small, metal object that had been flung at her face. When she was sure nothing else was going to get thrown at her she examined the metal object, a police badge with a profile of a dog... or stallion... it was pretty vague. Despite not being able to sense Ki energy without a scouter, she could easily sense the magical aura of an extradimensional item. This thing had a spell on it, a powerful one to boot, and it seemed to be an anchor for whatever being the spell was attached to.

Eribia slowly stood and placed the badge in her dimensional pocket to ask Twilight about it later. "This... something's fishy about this..." She thought as her eyes shifted around. "This is some sort of artifact... these things don't just pop up for no reason..." A pink aura flared up around the Majin before she took to the air towards the library.

Author's Note:

Le Wild Summon Token appears! Who is this token for? What brave warrior or sorcerer will be summoned from across the planes?

Find out next time on Majin Equestria!