• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 6,432 Views, 100 Comments

The Ultimate Destroyer; Majin Equestria! - ZephyrStrife

With the body of a Majin, Eribia must take her place as this world's spirit of chaos.

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Episode 4: Blinded By The Light

A rather scrawny earth pony stallion clad in a chainmail shirt and steel skull cap sprinted wildly through the sun-drenched halls of a very ornate castle, his hooves clacked loudly on the stone floors as similarly-clad ponies, griffons and minotaurs shifted out of his way once they noticed the brown sheaf of paper held in his grasp like his life depended on it. His eyes had shrunk to mere pinpricks as his eyes scanned around the hall for the correct path to take in order to reach his superior.

He slid to a stop just outside of a huge pair of metal doors, the name of the material itself lost to time, guarded by four plate armor-clad soldiers, one unicorn, one earth pony, one griffon and one minotaur. The unicorn guard noticed the seal on the scroll that the stallion held up before the guard's eyes shrank to almost the same size as the stallion's. "Go in..." She said quickly as she lit up her horn, opening the doors just wide enough for him to slip in before closing them behind him.

In the gigantic, circular room light flooded in from various stained-glass windows depicting scenes from various battles that had raged throughout the organization's history. The largest, behind the throne at the end of the room, depicted a bipedal figure in little more than a pair of baggy white pants and various pieces of gold jewelry facing down a dragon with nothing but his fists as he was surrounded in a fiery aura that matched his golden hair. It was an inspiration to all in their order... that any beast can be brought down with enough determination.

An elderly unicorn stallion, discerned only by the wrinkles on his face since his body seemed to rival that of many healthy earth pony stallions, brought the end of a golden-metal rod down on the steps that his throne rested on. The earth pony apprentice that had entered the room held out the scroll he had been charged with delivering as he dropped himself to his knees reverently. No words were exchanged as the elder unicorn brought the scroll up and broke the seal to reveal the message that had been so important. Silence reigned in the hall as the earth pony apprentice kept himself prostrated before the grand master and the rest of the warrior council, each steel-clad soldier representing each race on Equus looking between themselves as many silently wondered what had begun to cause the elder's gaze to narrow before he set the note to the side.

The unicorn stood, revealing a form that women of any race seemed to fawn over and spread envy among males, and spoke to the young stallion. "You have done your duty to the letter Apprentice... now that your delivery mission has been completed and no-doubt forced you to face many obstacles to arrive safely you may rest for as long as you wish. Upon the letter was a recommendation of a knighting ceremony once you are fully rested. The other news I will discuss with the rest of the council."

"Thank you Grand Master Solaire... It is an honor to receive such praise." The earth stallion replied as he slowly stood and brought a hand to his heart just before bowing once more. Once the bow was done he turned to leave quickly so that he could rest and recover from his journey.

Once the door had closed again the Minotaur of the council turned to the unicorn. "Grand Master... what news did the apprentice bring?"

The unicorn frowned for the first time that day as he returned to his seat. "The Destroyer has returned... as the prophecy fortold, we do not have the strength to fight her at her full power so we must act quickly, strike while she is still weak and protect the world." He pursed his lips with a frown as he looked at the one mosaic that many warriors missed directly above the door that led to the council room. A mosaic depicting a battle between the dark-skinned, golden-haired founder of their order and the pink creature that had been prophesied as The Destroyer. "Grand Warrior Tolon would not be happy about what we must do... but we must act now to save the lives of countless millions." He sighed as each council member directed their attention to the mosaic.

A pony-like knight turned his attention to the Grand Master, his cat-like amber eyes staring intently as his leathery wings shifted uncomfortably on his back. "Who shall we send?"

"We must not give her a chance, send a garrison to the Whitetail location in a way that will not be viewed as suspicious by Equestria, the Assassins will handle her." The unicorn commanded. "This council is adjourned for today." The other members nodded, quickly getting up from their seats and filtering out of the room before two white-robed acolytes walked up to either side of the elder unicorn with their heads bowed. "Please... prepare my tea, I have a missive I must write..." Both of the acolytes nodded before silently disappearing from the room.

@}~}~~~ ~~~{~{@

White Wash let out a sigh as he stepped into the communal shower and let the water wash over his dirt-caked white coat. At one point he had been considered for a position in the Royal Guard but his desire to paint, combined with his lack of physique for an earth pony, helped him hesitate when he was asked to join the guard. His mind flashed back to the day he had first been approached by The Order like it had been set to a permanent crystal recording.

The warm feeling of the shower was replaced by the biting cold of the night's rain despite the fires raging across the buildings around him, nature seemed to be trying to help with putting out the fires even as the paper-white stallion collapsed to his knees on the muddy ground, his cloak all but forgotten less than a meter away as he stared in horror at the devastated town littered with the corpses of several guards and civilians.

Had it been luck that an Order member had been passing through the area after the beast that had destroyed the town? At the time White Wash hadn't a clue as a bandaged hand gripped his shoulder and hauled him roughly to his hooves so that he could be face-to-face with a pair of weathered amber eyes that nearly matched the dirt-colored coat of the stallion they were attached to. The stallion in the tattered cloak and wide-brimmed hat spoke in an accent that immediately made White Wash think the earth stallion was from Stalliongrad.

"It's your lucky day... you get to help me slay a dragon, stay alive and you get to keep a few trophies." The male said gruffly as he let the younger stallion go before passing him a short sword. "That blade cost more money than you have ever seen... it's power makes it even more valuable... you drop it or let the dragon eat it and I'll drag you out of hell myself just to make you regret it... Am I clear, boy?"

The journey to the dragon's lair hadn't been a particularly eventful one, it had moved only once while they were tracking it but Domon, the stallion that had led him to the dragon, had quickly picked up the dragon's trail again anyway. Weeks he had spent training under the stallion that outclassed any guard he had seen gave the white-coated earth pony an insight into an organization founded to protect not just Equestria but the world while the pony princesses focused on their own country. The battle against the dragon itself had been a nerve-wracking experience when he went through it... but looking back... it hadn't been too difficult once they had disabled the monster's wings.

He was brought out of his thoughts as a pair of thin, feminine arms wrapped around his chest and a mare's soft chest squished against his back. "Hey Washy..." The mare cooed as her muzzle found its spot on the crook of his neck. "It's been a while... hasn't it..."

The earth stallion shivered a little as his hands covered the pale-violet arms of the mare. "Yes... I'm sorry that I didn't send a letter..." he replied quietly.

"It's fine... you're here now... and that's what matters..." the mare replied as she gently kissed his neck. "I heard through the grapevine that there's going to be a knighting ceremony for you tomorrow at noon..."

"That is good..." The earth pony replied. "... I missed you..." He said as he turned to take in the petite features of the pegasus that had hugged him. "Perhaps we should catch up...?"

"My room is free, my roommate was sent home because she had been injured in the line of battle." the violet pegasus replied.

White Wash nodded, "We lose too many good soldiers that way... but it's inevitable considering our line of work, Mint." He quickly turned off the showerhead and grabbed his towel from a nearby rack so that he and Winter Mint could dry off. "...how long?" He asked quietly as he grabbed his extra change of clothes.

"Two weeks..." Mint replied as she gracefully dried her wings. "More than enough time for us to enjoy ourselves..."

Once they were dry the pair made their way to one of the near-identical rooms for the acolytes and apprentices that filled the entire west wing of the castle that was built out of the side of a mountain, at any angle it seemed that the entire hall was built specifically so that anyone walking it would have a view of the sunrise or moonrise as both illuminated the hall. The pair of apprentices quickly made their way to a room on the second floor of the wing and made sure to lock the door behind them, they didn't want any guests after all.

@}~}~~~ ~~~{~{@

White Wash smiled as the sun warmed the room, the slightly-askew wings in part of his embrace brought a slightly wider smile to his face as he gently kissed Winter Mint's neck. "It's time to wake up Mint..." He cooed as the mare's ear twitched in response to his voice. "Celestia's sun is shining on a new day and Luna's moon has protected us through the night... Today we join the ranks of The Order's finest..."

Winter Mint let out a groan as she tried to snuggle deeper into Wash's warm embrace. "...'nother five minutes..." She groaned in protest as he gently began to pull away.

"I'm sorry Mint... we have to get ready, we don't want to be late for the Ceremony..." He prodded, getting her to let out another groan as she sat up and stretched, giving him a great view of her wingspan. "You certainly have the wingspan for Valkyrie..." The stallion commented.

Mint smiled wryly, "I have the strength for it too... it's why a few stallions had to see the medics a few weeks ago." They both shared a laugh as they quickly dressed, Wash put on a white, hooded cloak to go with his tunic and pants while Mint put on just her tunic and pants. It didn't take them long to reach the ceremony courtyard where many acolytes and apprentices had gathered as they waited on the ceremony to begin. A few of the apprentices had taken to sparring for the crowd, practicing non-lethal takedowns as well as speed. When the great doors opened on the opposite side of the courtyard everyone became still, even those who were balanced precariously on one leg while sparring refused to move as the doors opened.

The thestral council member walked out from the shadowed corridor and cleared his throat. "Everyone... take your seats..." He had no need to raise his voice or use a spell to make himself heard, everyone in attendance understood his command and quickly took their places among their fellows. "Today marks both a boon and a tragedy..." the thestral stallion began as he walked to the center of the courtyard. "This knighting ceremony is being held because three of our own have fallen in battle, their equipment and bodies were retrieved by their comrades but it is our duty to honor their sacrifice... before our ceremony can begin, let us have a moment of silence to pray for our fallen brethren and mourn for their passing."

The courtyard was almost silent as most of the beings in attendance muttered prayers under their breaths while a few of the newest acolytes spoke quietly to themselves. White Wash held the symbol of The Order that hung from a thin chain on his neck, a stylized sun with a crescent moon embossed on it, as he let out a prayer of healing for the families of the fallen. Everyone looked up again once a pegasus mare took the center of the courtyard. "We shall begin the ceremony now... Apprentice White Wash, Apprentice Winter Mint and Apprentice Swift Blizzard... please step up to the circle."

The earth pony stallion, his pegasus lover and a female griffon all stood in front of the pegasus knight as several members of the higher ranks in their order made a half-circle around them. A female griffon with plumage as white as snow and a coat as grey as charcoal stepped up to Swift Blizzard. The apprentice griffon straightened just a little more as her light-grey coat seemed to complement the older griffon's. "Swift Blizzard, you are being promoted to the rank of Valkyrie for your dedication in the field and your strength of will that very few possess, your armor is being enchanted as we speak and I bestow upon you the longsword 'Savage Seer'... May it protect you in all of your battles." She announced as she took a sheathed longsword from two white-robed acolytes and presented it to the lighter griffon.

Swift Blizzard bowed a little as she took the blade, letting her right claw grasp the fairly plain-looking handle and slowly draw the blade out of its sheath. "With this blade I pledge my life and soul to defending the innocent... to eliminate evil wherever it may hide... with this blade, I pledge every last breath to uphold the tenets of our Order and to never stray from the path that has been set before me. In the light of the sun or the light of the moon my steps will not falter and I will hold my faith."

The darker griffon smiled as she placed a claw on the younger griffon's shoulder. "Welcome to the Valkyries, Sister."

The pegasus that had spoken earlier stepped up to Winter Mint with a longsword of her own. "Winter Mint, you are being promoted to the rank of Valkyrie for your unwavering loyalty to your allies and your strength of heart, your new armor is waiting for you with Midnight Steel. I bestow upon you the blade Holy Lightning, may it strike down your enemies with your righteous wrath and let no harm befall those you protect."

Winter Mint took the blade with the same reverence as Swift Blizzard had before she drew the longsword, its handle was stylized to resemble a lightning bolt and the polished metal of the blade had a lightning bolt engraved on it. "With this sword I give my mind, body and soul to defending those who cannot defend themselves, to give a blade to those who need an ally on the battlefield and to stand even in the face of our darkest days. I will stand as the wall that strikes back, I will protect this world from those who would seek to destroy it."

The sky-blue pegasus mare placed a hand on Mint's shoulder. "Then welcome to the Valkyries, Sister..."

The thestral council member stepped up to White Wash with an appraising look. "Apprentice White Wash, from this day forward you will assume the rank of Brother, you will walk through the shadows as easily as you do the light, let no evil escape your blade. You will be the blade that can do what the light and peace cannot, you will strike fear into the hearts of the wicked and they will meet their end by your hand. Your armor is ready, as are your blades. I bestow upon you the Illuminated Serpent, let it be the blade that sends the wicked to their final judgement." He turned to take a rather ornate wooden box from a hooded acolyte next to him and presented it to White Wash, who took the box and placed it gently on the ground in front of him before he opened it.

The gold-bound hilt of the shortsword stood out among the rest of the gear within as he pulled the blade from among the rest of his new gear. Drawing the blade to reveal the golden serpent emblazoned on the blade he looked to the thestral with a fire in his eyes. "I will be the blade in the crowd, striking unseen at the wicked... I will remain unknown and will accept that my deeds will go without praise, for my duty and the knowledge that my work is done will be all I need. I dedicate every breath of my body to the death of evil, they will not hide from the retribution they deserve."

All three knighted apprentices sheathed their blades and bowed to their senior knights before they gathered what they had been given and waited for the assembled apprentices to disperse. When the six knights were left alone in the courtyard the sky blue pegasus mare looked to each of the new knights. "You are all being moved to the Whitetail location... there is a target in Equestria that we must strike before they become a threat. A terrible prophesy is on the horizon, we must take action before it can come to pass."

All three of the knights brought their legs together and clapped a hand over their hearts before bowing a half-bow. "Understood." they replied simultaneously.

Author's Note:

Dun dun DUUUUN!!! Le wild paladins appear!

What does this mean for our heroes? Are these people heroes? Will episodic shows ever stop asking questions at the end of their episodes? Find out next time on