• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 6,440 Views, 100 Comments

The Ultimate Destroyer; Majin Equestria! - ZephyrStrife

With the body of a Majin, Eribia must take her place as this world's spirit of chaos.

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Episode 2: Falling So Far

Wind whistled past Eribia's ear holes as she fell upwards. A pensive frown made its way onto her face as her eyes flitted across vague memories, memories that her talk with Derpy had finally brought back to the fore. Each one flashed in front of her as she fell up the cliff, a shattered memory, a fragment of a memory...

...Each one refused to be whole or disappear. Her mind was clouded with fragmented memories about being a human merging with the memories of a Majin who had ruled a country similar to the ones featured in Aladdin and One Thousand and One Nights. Her eyes flitted to a memory as an Earthling child who was nervous to ride her very first roller coaster, the fear that left the screaming child's mouth and finally the excited exhilaration once the ride was over as she begged her father and older sister to go for another ride. The red glow of her eyes faded a little before she looked to a Majin memory, of nobles who offered their daughters as sacrifices to their bubblegum-pink overlord as she casually consumed the girls and let their bodies help shape hers. A twang of regret as each of the beautiful women were absorbed to become part of a creature who could so casually destroy the world.

Was she human? Was she Majin? The last memory she had as a human played in clips and looked like something out of an old film as she watched the tall, petite brunette stand just a small ways off of a crowd in the Light Heart Suit she had recreated completely from scratch. It was so long ago that she had forgotten what Earthling name she had when she was human... Perhaps she hadn't even been human in the first place, that these memories were truly someone else's?

@}~}~~~ @}~}~~~

Eribia leaned against a large stone column as she waited for her older sister to finish up her purchase, her eyes seemed to glaze over a little as she let her mind wander around the convention. It was a fairly small one, with several groups dedicated to having some sort of organized pen and paper RPG event going on as the noise in the convention hall was kept to a dull roar. Due to being so late in October she wasn't really bothered about having a relatively thick outfit on because of the slight chill that went through the building.

"Hey! Eribia!" The female voice caught her attention as she turned to a well-costumed Arkosian that stood at least half a foot shorter than her. "I didn't find anything that would go with my costume, I did find something you might like though..." the pastel-blue and pink Frieza clan cosplayer replied as she held out a gold-colored belt buckle with the stylized Majin 'M' on it.

Eribia smiled as she took the buckle. "Thanks sis!" She squealed as she pulled the smaller girl into a hug. "Maybe we can both find a pair of Scouters here to complete the looks, eh Frost?"

Frost gave a chuckle as she dug through a bag that was slung over her shoulder. "Already got that covered." She replied as she held a blue-colored New-Model Scouter out to the Majin cosplayer and took a green one for herself. In a blink the scene changed though.

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Eribia smirked as her blue scouter focused on the warrior standing at the end of the hall. Almost immediately it was obvious that the girl was a foreigner since her skin was a much lighter tone than the subjects she allowed to stay... that and the plate armor that covered most of her body. "You know, having so much metal on you out in the desert really can kill you before any monsters do..."

"Shut your mouth Demon!" The girl shouted as she brought her shield and sword into a ready position. "I will purge this world of your filth." With a surprising burst of speed, despite the armor, she managed to clear most of the room in a blur and brought her blade in a swift arc that forced Eribia to tilt her head back as the tip of the sword grazed her eye.

The Majin cursed as she took a step backward, sending out a Ki blast that was avoided by the armor-wearing paladin as she backed off as well. With a clatter and a small explosion Eribia's scouter fell to the ground. With a few small breaths Eribia composed herself. "I'd say you'd regret that... but you won't live long enough to regret it."

For her part, the paladin simply smiled before her form shimmered and vanished. "Without your demon artifact you won't be able to hit us..."

That caused the Majin to pause in slight confusion. "...Us?" she managed to say curiously before a huge, studded fist embedded itself in her face and sent her through the back of the throne with a loud crunch. Eribia quickly recovered as she rubbed her face. "Do you realize how much that stings!?" She shouted as she looked at her assailant, a burly woman just barely skirting the line of indecent exposure with the fur bra and loincloth she was wearing. The berserker scowled and let out a roar as she charged once more. Eribia gave her own scowl as she brought her arms up to block the barrage of attacks that the raging woman was landing on her.

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"I cast a maximized lightning spell at it." A teen dressed as a stereotypical wizard declared as the small group of onlookers quietly cheered on the heroes, with only a few secretly rooting for an ironic twist ending for the group of heroes. Eribia watched with an interested hum as her older, yet shorter, sister leaned forward a little in eager anticipation.

The slightly pudgy man sitting at the end of the table behind a DM screen smiled as he rolled a few dice away from view. Once the clatter stopped he smiled as he looked back over at the group. "The arcane energy you channel gives off a heavy scent of ozone as the lightning arcs from the mystical sigils in front of your character's hand, the beam itself shoots around the raging barbarian and gives a solid strike just off the demon's chest, forcing it to take a step back and stagger..."

A girl dressed as a demon hunter from the Diablo Three game smirked. "I'm going to use my Rapid shot and Manyshot feats to get this fight over with quickly."

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Eribia let out a pained gasp as she tried to recover from the lightning that had struck her just as a wizard had faded into view, her eyes narrowed and she prepared a Ki pulse to try and knock the barbarian away just before several arrows impaled themselves in her left side, leg and arm. One of the arrows had even been lucky enough to get caught right in one of the four holes on her arm and sent a searing pain all along her arm as it broke her concentration. It was that exact moment when she realized the cut on her eye hadn't healed over yet being compounded with the fact that all of these seemingly-mundane abilities were actually hurting her just before the still-raging barbarian grabbed her by the throat with one steel-clad arm while using the other to repeatedly slam punch after punch into the Majin's stomach before she tossed the battered Eribia into the center of the room. "Puny demon..." The barbarian scoffed.

Her mind raced, "How? How could I be beaten like this?!" she began to panic as she struggled to stand. "I... I will not stand for this... I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!!!" She shouted as she brought her hands together in front of her and began pooling her energy into a destruction sphere. "I will drop a star on your asses!" She screamed as she threw the giant ball of energy.

Only to have her scowl fall into a look of shock and disbelief as the paladin appeared once again with a smirk and brought up her shield as the blast impacted with it. The energy was quickly absorbed by a symbol of a fist clutching a lightning bolt that began to glow as the Paladin aimed it at Eribia. "By Heironeous' might, I smite thee!" The paladin called out with a sadistic smile before a blinding white beam of energy shot straight for the Majin, forcing her to scream out in pain as she felt the energy of her attack at least tripled before being shot back at her.

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The Dungeon Master smirked a little as he finished the latest roll. "Excellent job, with your hero point Heironeous has blessed your shield's reflection ability, the demon is definitely hurting now as it collapses to its knees.

The wizard smiled as he leaned back in his chair. "I use my Mystic Binding to pin it in place so that James can make the finishing blow."

The slightly pudgy man nodded before he looked to the teen dressed as Sauron. "Alright James, your paladin has the right away to perform the coup d'etat."

@}~}~~~ @}~}~~~

Eribia tried to blink away the tears of pain that blurred her vision as the golden aura from the wizard's spell kept her in-place no matter how much she thrashed about. She slowed her struggling as she noticed the paladin stop in front of her. The scowl on the girl's face said it all as she drove the blade into Eribia's chest at a spot right about where an earthling's heart would be... and it certainly hurt like she had something there as she actually felt blood build up in her mouth.

"By Heironeous' grace I banish you back to the hell from whence you came, plague this world no more." The paladin recited calmly before she quickly drew the sword out and spun for a horizontal slash at Eribia's throat before everything blacked out.

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Eribia rubbed her neck as she remembered the feeling of being beheaded by a holy blade, it hadn't been just any blade, it was a sword blessed by the god of war and valor himself. It was the only reason why she hadn't recovered from any of their attacks, they had focused on getting weapons blessed by the gods themselves before taking her on. They had come prepared and she had underestimated them... just like Discord had underestimated her.

Once she realized that she was now upside down as she was falling upwards she finally reached the top of the cliff and seemed to be in a rewinding version of a leap of faith. Her outfit had changed from the light heart suit to a regular Buu Gi with a dark blue and violet color scheme as she slowly sat with her legs crossed. The horizon stretched out as far as she could see with something similar to an Aurora Borealis instead of a regular skyline. The now child-sized Majin plucked a few blades of grass as she sensed a presence trying to get into her dream, a small extension of her will later and she sat beside a filly that was about as tall as she was when she was standing, if not a little taller.

The dark-blue mare with an ethereal mane gave the Majin a curious look as she shifted her weight a little. "...Eribia?" She asked quietly, earning a nod from the child-like Majin. "wherefore doth thou look like a child instead of the creature that had threaten'd our country a thousand years ago?" she asked, hesitant to sit next to the creature that still radiated an aura of chaos.

"This is... well... I guess this is just me with an absorbed Discord... Nothing else..." the little Majin replied as she let the blades of grass float away in the wind. "I wonder what it will be like... starting over again..." she muttered as her green eyes focused on the grass just before it fell down the cliff.

Luna looked warily at the black scleras of the Majin's eyes as she decided to continue standing. "that will be something to break with when thou wake up. . . f'r anon, rest. . . thither will be a lot thou hast to dilate when thou awaken."

Eribia nodded a little as she looked back down at her feet and traced her finger around the edge of the fighting boots she was wearing. "I'll talk to you guys when I wake up then..." she sighed as she looked back out at the landscape that stretched beneath the cliff she had fallen up. Her Ki wrapped around her body and slowly lifted her off the ground as she began to float slowly away from the spot she had been sitting at, giving her a view of the cliff that had really only been a thirty-foot drop before she continued to observe what looked like a typical farming countryside without the actual farms.

Author's Note:

Say what!? Is Eribia actually the Majin with the human's memories transplanted onto hers? Or is it the other way around?

Find out whenever I decide on The Ultimate Destroyer: Majin Equestria!

Edit #1: Oh yeah! For those of you who care to know... I put Luna's speech through an English to Shakespearean translator, so... yeah... I tried to find an english to Ye Olde English translator but this is the closest I could come up with.