• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 6,440 Views, 100 Comments

The Ultimate Destroyer; Majin Equestria! - ZephyrStrife

With the body of a Majin, Eribia must take her place as this world's spirit of chaos.

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Chapter 13: You Take All Of The Pain Away

Eribia breathed slowly in and out as she stood in the middle of a wasteland, her eyes were closed as her aura began to flare up around her with pink flames. “Oh… I missed letting out my power…” She mumbled as more and more of her power began to flow and crack the ground. Her body began to swell a little as the power flowed to her muscles. “Wow… I… I really am out of shape…” She sighed as a wave of energy swept away from her and kicked up a huge dust cloud as she collapsed to her knees and shifted back to regular size.

Around her the wasteland shimmered and shifted until it revealed a huge, paneled room. “Alright… I think I’m good for a little while.” Eribia panted as she shifted back into a sitting position.

With a woosh, the door opened as Cruger walked in, “Enjoy your morning calisthenics?”

“Yeah, a few more days of that and I’ll be able to bring out my full power.” Eribia replied with a smile.

“Well sorry if I’m cutting it short,” Cruger replied, “but we have a Deus Ex Machina to grab.”

“It’s not quite a Machine God… it’s more of a power boost.” Eribia said as she rolled her eyes and made her way over to the door.

“It’s a set of armor made by divine beings for use in theological debates and your adversary is looking for its evil counterpart assuming he doesn’t have it already,” Cruger deadpanned, “that sounds like a Machina to me.”

“You do realize that Machina is latin for machine… right? And that Deus Ex Machina means god of machines…” Eribia chuckled. “I’m actually hungry for once… do you guys have fifteen layer chocolate cakes here?”

“Celestia probably has at least three in her private stash,” Cruger said as he shouldered a large backpack that was leaning on the wall, “but why don’t we wait until after, Pinkie’s probably gonna throw you a party when you get the armor. By the way, a Deus Ex Machina is one of those things that a hero pulls out of their ass when all seems lost and use it to save the day, think Rainbow Power.”

“It’s something I have to get because it will put me on equal terms with him, the regalia of good might would cancel out the power of the regalia of evil might.” The pink child explained as she flourished a hand. “If not for the fact that the regalia of evil might would make him stronger than me I would wipe the floor with him…”

“Either way, we might as well get going,” Cruger replied as he pulled an ornate golden key out of his pocket.

Eribia nodded once more as she made her way over to him. “So… step one on our journey to Elysium?”

“That’s easy,” Cruger said as he inserted the key into thin air, “we go through the door.” Cruger turned the key, causing a door to appear out of thin air, the key in its lock. “Welcome, to the Divine Court,” Cruger said as he opened the door.

The young-looking majin looked around slowly as she walked through the door with him. “Kinda nice…” She said with a slightly impressed tone when she saw the sheer size of the place. Her eyes tracked over every inch of the elaborate decorations around the room that seemed to have bits of influence from civilizations Eribia had never even heard of as the world seemed to ring with a melody that seemed alien, yet familiar.

“That it is,” Cruger sighed, “haven’t been been here for a while, wonder what’s changed?”

“Not a whole lot, Mr Anubis,” said a voice.

Cruger sighed, “I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, it’s just Cruger.”

The owner of the voice chuckled as she came around the corner, “You know I’m teasing, who’s your friend?”

“This is Eriba, my first student,” Cruger said, “Eriba, meet Faust, Alicorn of Fate, First Chair of the Divine Court, mother of Celestia and Luna, etc.”

“Good to meet you.” Eribia replied with a bow. “I’m Eribia… the spirit of chaos and planet destroyer.” She said with a smile, clearly trying to hide just how nervous she was.

“Oh you don’t have to go into detail,” Faust replied with a grin, “I know everyone.”

“She’s not kidding,” Cruger said, “Faust has the ability to see the past of everyone she meets, although she generally sticks to just reading the cliffnotes to allow them some privacy.”

Eribia chuckled a little. “Well… where are we heading in order to get to Elysium?” Every ounce of her body wanted to keep moving and slow down at the same time, the combination was just odd enough that she took note of it but still made an effort to pay attention to what Cruger and Faust were both talking about.

“Um, we’re there” Cruger said, “don’t you remember what I said about it being called something different here?”

“Oh… well… I’m still working on that… so… how do we use this place to repair the path to Elysium in my world?”

“Mythbusters style,” Cruger said as he pulled an object from his pack, “with gratuitous amounts of high explosives.”

“But I don’t need to use dynamite in order to make things explode… and how does explosions repair a bridge… or path…?” Eribia began to chuckle.

“Well, I have an answer to that, technically three but that’s besides the point,” Cruger said. “First, we aren’t using dynamite, we are using resonance ordinance keyed to your dimensional signature. Second, I said we’re in Elysium, but we’re in mine, not yours, I’m going to use the RO to temporarily make a gate between the two for us to cross. Finally, you use explosives to fix a path, when it goes through a collapsed tunnel.”

“I see… that does make a bit more sense…” the Majin replied as she leaned against a nearby pillar.

“Sense or not, you might want to take cover,” Cruger said as he used his magic to set up the bomb in thin air, “this is gonna be big.”

“And where would I take cover at that wouldn’t get me caught in the blast?” Eribia asked with a raised brow.

“Over here missy,” Faust said as she raised a shield. Eribia nodded a little and floated over so that she could stay within the shield.

Cruger finished checking the bomb, then went to join them, pulling a detonator out of his pocket. “Well, in the words of the irreplaceable Scott Savage, firing in 3, 2, 1.” Cruger pressed the button, causing an explosion that literally punched a hole in reality, “Well, that’s our ride.”

“This seems… incredibly unstable…” Eribia commented as she looked at Cruger. “Seriously… just using explosives to do this seems like it would break the fabric of reality more than fix anything.”

“I know what I’m doing,” Cruger said as he walked towards the portal, “I did the math five times, then again once a week while I was waiting for everything to line up. Plus, the explosion was laced with my own magic, it’ll hold plenty long enough for both of us to go through, then collapse with no permanent damage done to space-time, you coming or what?”

“Yeah, whenever you’re ready.” She replied.

“Well then, in the words of the greatest time traveller in the history of fiction, Allons-y!” Cruger jumped into the portal, Eriba following.

With the feeling of reality shifting its gravity sideways for a moment the pair of dimension-hoppers found themselves standing in the center of a large garden that was suspended in the air with waterfalls pouring from fountains that seemed to have nearly endless amounts of water. The air itself seemed to be filled with a relaxing aura that pleasantly asked them to relax and enjoy themselves with the beauty of the world around them.

“I… I’ve never seen a place so beautiful…” Eribia said in awe as she slowly began to float off the ground. “I… I want to see everything about this world… but don’t feel any need to hurry…” The strange feeling she had felt in Cruger's version of Elysium seemed to have returned in double, no, triple the strength as she began to feel her senses sharpen and focus on every detail her mind was quickly processing about this new realm.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Cruger said as he pulled a lawn chair and a book from his pack, “now, what say we chill until something notices our presence.”

The pink majin landed on the platform again and slowly walked over to the edge just to gape in awe. “Those… that… I… that’s the biggest plain that I’ve ever seen…” she said with awe as she fell to her knees and simply let her eyes flow over the landscape.

On a platform that was a few hundred feet away several green pegusai brought trumpets up to their muzzles, seconds later a beautiful tune began to play from the brass instruments while something that seemed like the remainder of an orchestra began to join in.

Eribia laid back on the grass of the rather large platform that they were on and once more began to meditate, despite the large amount of stress she had accumulated from worrying about the jump to Elysium from her world her entire body began to relax. Her vision seemed to focus on the almost-invisible lines of magic that were drifting from her and merging with the leylines of the plane she was in. Soon enough her eyes closed as she finally began to feel something she had thought she would never feel no matter how long she had lived...


Her mind finally began to clear as she simply let her magic wander, felt it as her magic began to bring her memories back, the memories of her own adventures before she became the planet-destroying monster she was. Each one that her mind lingered on seemed to pass years by her in the blink of an eye, allies would grow old and succumb to the sands of time and shroud of death even while she took on whatever shape she felt like.

"How dare they..." She blinked as her mind processed the first phrase that had come across her mind when she had realized how many friends she had lost. "How dare they leave me alone like this..." regret and sorrow pierced the spot where she believed her heart would be had she been a living creature... though Elysium seemed to react and the magic within the plane began to wash over the wound like a warming salve that numbed the pain, whispering comforts that there would be more to move on to.

Each time her mind focused on something in her past that hurt Elysium's magic responded with a gentle caress and a whisper of comfort, not replacing the pain, sorrow or anger... simply saying it would be okay in the end. Each time she moved back over her old memories the pain was still there... but each time she came back to them the pain was less and less...

Something began to pull at her senses... something faint but familiar... it was tough to focus now that she felt so at peace but she still fought on, searching for that feeling. Brown... Brown and white... black mane... mane? Was that the word? Yes, that was the right word, though just as she began to get a slightly clearer image her concentration was broken.

“As I said, I’ll do what I can,” Cruger replied before turning to Eriba, “ready to go?”

The pink child shook her head. “no thanks…”

“That’s what I mean…” The Navy Alicorn stallion said. “After a while your desire to leave disappears and soon enough a mortal will forget their life and desires… unable to leave of their own volition.”

“Good think my method probably won’t require her cooperation,” Cruger said as he placed a hand on her shoulder, “Eriba, our contract is complete.” With a vlorp, they were transported from Elysium to Eriba’s Ponyville, “You weren’t kidding, that did feel weird.”

“Of course it does when you do that… we just got torn between two realities…” Eribia groaned as she began to get up from the dirt.

“Sensei!” A certain white pegasus called out as he managed to round up several of the nearby ponies. “Where have you been?”

“What are you talking about Snowflake? I’ve only been gone a day…”

“Nuh uh… Nightmare Night is tomorrow, you’ve been gone for three months.” The pegasus replied.

“Oh yeah, probably should have mentioned,” Cruger said, “the rules of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey apply when you’re visiting another ‘verse.”

“Such as?” Eribia asked. “Aside from the spending a day on your world is three months here of course…”

“It could have just as easily been the other way around,” Cruger replied, “the relative flow of time between verses is never constant.”

“Well… how long has it been since I called you to my world?” The pink child asked as several of the townsfolk began to crowd around them. “Alright everyone! I’m heading to Sugarcube Corner, you guys can tell me your progress there.” she sighed.

“Sugarcube corner, sounds good to me,” Cruger said as they started walking, “by the way, assuming you were talking about the first time, about a month.”

Eribia let out another small sigh. “Sounds about right then… it was a little over a week the second time I called you.” She explained as the bakery quickly came into view. “What is really all that different about your world compared to mine? I did only get to see the inside of your base after all.”

Cruger tapped his chin in thought, “Well, admittedly I only saw the inside of your verse’s palace and Baltimare, but offhand I’d say they’re pretty similar, except mine has less zombies, more giant robots, is a little further into the future, and omnivorous Equestrians, assuming yours aren’t of course.”

“I haven’t really checked on their eating habits… I do know that they have these Equestrians have really big reptiles that they’ve used kinda like humans used horses back on Kalendas. Different breeds and everything from your typical beasts of burden to trained war mounts.” Eribia said as she entered the bakery, “Pinkie! If it’s okay I’d like a white chocolate parfait!”

“Comin’ right up!” Came the bubbly tone of the well-known party pony.

“Don’t have that at home, then again one of the more subtle effects of my arrival in my verse was a spike in tech-level,” Cruger replied, “I’ll take the chocolatiest thing you got.”

It was a few seconds before Eribia noticed just how quiet the bakery had gotten, till she noticed everyone staring at them. “...And when were you going to tell me about your boyfriend?” Pinkie asked with a pout from behind the Majin, making her jump.

Cruger chuckled, “I’m not her boyfriend, I’m her mentor. Besides, she’s not my type, no offense.”

“Oh, it’s okay, everyone knows I’m supposed to meet everyone who’s new in town… so… what are you? You look kinda like the shepherd breed of Diamond dog… but you’ve also got scales like a dragon.” The pink pony takes a huge gasp. “Are you a half dragon, half diamond dog!? AWW! I bet you are so awesome at outdoor grilling! Do you breathe fire like Spike does!? And if you do, is it blue like your scales?!” she began to ask excitedly, every ounce of her previous upset mood gone.

Cruger sighed, “I’m not a Diamond Dog, or part dragon. I’m actually part of an alien race known as Sirians. Although, like Eribia, I used to be a human before coming to my Equestria.”

“Oh…” Pinkie replied in a much more quiet tone. “Well, you should probably stay away from Twilight then… Celestia knows what she would do if she found out you were an alien.”

Cruger glanced around, “She’s in Canterlot right?”

“Yeperoonie! But she’s coming back for Nightmare Night with Spike… I think she said something about the princesses in her letter, OOH! I can go get it for you Eribia! I’ll be right back!” The pink party pony replied before she seemed to zoom away upstairs.

“Ooh… wow… I know I’m not good at sensing energy… but I think that chill I just got was from Luna’s power… Her magic has started growing off the charts.” Eribia said in slight shock as she looked in the general direction of Canterlot.

“She’s Celestia’s sister, an ancient immortal alicorn, and raises and sets the moon, you expected her power to be average?”

“Of course not… but… wow… I… I really think she’s a lot stronger than I was at my full power… if her magic matches her Ki… I… I wouldn’t stand a chance in a one on one duel with her.” Eribia sighed as she sat at one of the booths.

“Power isn’t everything,” Cruger said, “want to know something?”

“What?” Eribia sighed as she put her chin on both of her arms.

“My magic levels, they’re average,” Cruger said, “during our little sparring match, if it was just a matter of power, it would have been the exact opposite of what actually happened.”

“That’s because it was supposed to be a warmup, I wasn’t trying to kill you… normally all I have to do is punch my problems a few times and they either go away or become a crater…”

“Wouldn’t have mattered,” Cruger said, “you may have had more power, but I had more experience, a larger repertoire of skills, and superior equipment. In terms of pure advantages, I had you beat 3 to 1. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be proud of your power, you should, I’m saying that you need more than just power.”

“Well… I’ve got no one who can really do that… most of the people here prefer one on one bouts, anything else is either a war with armies going at each other or what even the criminals here think is unsportsmanlike.” Eribia replied. “Even when I used to fight against Luna and Celestia, on even terms with both of them I might add, they never both attacked me at once… they were too proud to do it until they had to use the elements…”

“That’s something I can help with,” Cruger said, “you know the webshow RWBY?”

“Uh… I think I saw a trailer for it once…” Eribia replied as she rubbed the back of her head.

“Not a problem, intimate knowledge of it is not required,” Cruger said. “Anyway, a RWBY Displaced by the name of Sun created his own Beacon Academy to train Displaced. I’m going to be a teacher there, and if you like I can enroll you.”

“Uh… sure… sounds like that could help, then I could take up the mantle of Planet Buster again.” Eribia began to giggle.

“Sounds good,” Cruger said, “also, think you might reconsider sending out your Token?”

“I might… well… do you want to stay for Nightmare night? You might be able to talk to Twilight without her dissecting you if she thinks that you’re wearing a costume…” Eribia replies as she starts to smile a little.

“Sounds good to me,” Cruger said as their orders arrived, “although, hmm I wonder?”

“Wonder what Crugey?” Pinkie asked as she leaned on the table in front of him, her work attire giving him a fairly generous view of her powerful, yet soft frame.

"Wow... Pinkie must really like him... or she could be a bit oblivious... could she be both?" Eribia thought with a mix of confusion and jealousy as her own hand idly touched her own flat chest without realizing it.

“Back in my Equestria, my birthday’s on Nightmare Night,” Cruger replied, “I was wondering if it still counted if I was in another dimension.”

“Of course it does my puppy pal! What kind of cake do you want?” Pinkie asked with glee as she pulled him into a hug, smooshing his face into her generous bosom.

“Chocolate fudge,” Cruger mumbled, “and don’t you dare go easy on the frosting.”

“I wouldn’t dare! Eribia loves to be my taste tester for my sweet treats! She’s always the first to make sure they’re enough to make ponies leave with a belly full of happiness!” Pinkie giggled as she straightened out and began to bounce away.

“She’s not wrong… I might not need to eat… but it certainly helps make me feel normal, Pinkie’s been one of the biggest supports to making me feel-...”

The door to the bakery nearly crashed off its hinges as a grey pegasus slammed through them and tumbled through the bakery just before bouncing off of one of the patrons and landing in a very alert position as her golden eyes scanned the room. As soon as one of them locked onto the pink Majin though, there was a grey blur before Eribia was pulled out of her seat and into a bone-crushing hug. “Don’t you ever leave for so long without telling me again! Do you hear me Eribia! I was so worried about you…” Ditsy sobbed as she squeezed the Majin into a hug.

“Something you want to tell me Eriba?” Cruger asked, with a massive smirk on his muzzle.

Ditzy gave a mostly-confused look to the Sirian at the table. “Who’s your friend Eribia?”

The pink mass that was forcefully pulled into a hug managed to wiggle away just enough to get some air. “Well… Cruger… this is my mom…" She began before motioning between the grey mare and the Sirian, "Mom… Cruger… He’s a cop…”

The grey mare let out a gasp. “Did you get in trouble while you were gone!?”

“No,” Cruger said, “I’ve been teaching her a few things.”

She gives him a scrutinizing eye. “What kind of things…?”

Pinkie bounced up with a smile. “She’s been going over to his world to learn how to be just like him… I think she’s got a crush… or it’s the other way around.” She says with a smile, causing the wall-eyed mare to almost focus both of her eyes on the leader of the space police.

Cruger sighed, “I’m not teaching her to be like me, I’m teaching her some basics so she can be the best her she can be. By the way, anything else you want to tell me Eribia?”

“Other than the fact that I’m a creature that you probably know about already… nothing comes to mind… why? are you trying to get with my mom?” Eribia asked, getting the grey pegasus to blush.

“But… mister Cruger… really?” Ditsy asked with a flustered sputter. “You’d be interested in a mare like me?”

Cruger sighed, “No, I was referring to the fact that apparently Eriba’s crushing on me.”

“Am not!” Eribia shouted. “It’s clearly your own fault!” She exclaimed as she brazenly and accusingly pointed a spoon in Cruger's general direction.

Ditsy chuckled a little. “It’s alright mister Cruger, will you be staying for Nightmare Night tomorrow? There’s been rumors that Princess Celestia might actually leave her study to visit the Equestrian cities tomorrow.”

“But of course,” Cruger said, “I’m actually going to be having a Nightmare Night/Sorta-Birthday Party as well, consider yourself, and your daughter, invited.”

“What about Dinky though…?” Ditsy asked.

“Of course she’s invited! Everyone’s always invited to a Pinkie Pie Super Duper Birthday Party!” Pinkie exclaimed. “You could even bring Time Turner! He could use a break from his clock business.”

“To be honest,” Cruger said, “I was actually talking about Dinky. If I wanted to invite Eriba, she’s right there, you’re invited too by the way.”

“I kind of assumed so…” Eribia replied. “...I could use a bit of fresh air.” The child-sized Majin said as she passed a few bits to Pinkie. “Want to join me for a walk around town to see how everyone’s training is going?” She asked Cruger.

“Don’t see why not,” Cruger said as he finished his cake, “might try sparring with them myself, might do them some good.”

Eribia pried herself from her adopted mother’s grasp and began to walk towards the door. “I’ll see you later mom… tell Dinky we should meet at the usual place.”

“Okay Eribia… see you later…” Ditsy said with a smile as her wings fluttered a little and she turned to Cruger. “Please… take good care of her when I’m not able to…” She asked with a pleading look.

Cruger grinned softly, “Whenever I can, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Ditsy smiled softly as well. “I believe you…”

Author's Note:

Part 2 of the most recent SPD Emergency! Crossover, there are details that are in this version of the chapter that aren't in Cyberlord4444's story and vice versa, so definitely check his side of things out.

As always, leave a comment, I generally get around to answering most of them eventually. If you have an idea for the story certainly let me know and I might even throw it in, always looking for candidates for The Order so that they may make a cameo in a later chapter. Even if it's not a character for The Order I can sometimes use interesting character ideas for unique characters that may show up in the story anyway.

Any characters used in such a manner will have the user that had their concept submitted credited in the creation.

Always open to constructive criticism, it's the only way to get better after all if someone points out the flaws and makes suggestions for how to make it better. :pinkiesmile: