• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 4,493 Views, 262 Comments

For the Emperor and the UNSC! (Old version) - Titan Commander Sebaste

Gahhhh, I knew I shouldn't have picked up that Bolter at the convention, now me and my mate Sebaste are in Equestria having to face a slew of foes! My name's Sasha, and in the grim darkness of the far future... THERE IS ONLY WAR!

  • ...

Equestrian Black Crusade Arc: The Battle for Equis

Equestrian Black Crusade Arc: The Battle for Equis

“Damnit! We missed the fight at the gate!” Metal Sonic exclaimed in frustration.

“It's fine Metal, they haven't lost yet and we can still help out. Some of them might be wounded though. Did you bring your stars?” Symbol asked.

“Yeah, I did.” Metal held up his hand and multiple black gems in the shape of four pointed stars appeared. Symbol did the same. “You sure these things will help us?”

“You haven't been around the Reality Stars as long as me. I know how to use them and what they are used for. These will give everyone the edge they need to win this.” Symbol held one of the stars and felt a rush of power. “This is the UDE’s ticket to victory. Now we just need to hand them out when they get here.” The two put the stars in a pocket dimension and began waiting for their allies to arrive.


The Lord Inquisitor breathed slowly, watching the expanse of the warp in front of him. His Apocalypse-class Battlecruiser, Retribution of Thor, tore through the warp, trying to reach their quarry. Escorted by several Cobra-class Destroyers and Luna-class Frigates, they were prepared for combat. The Lord Inquisitor looked to his Sabbat-pattern helmet; a gift from the Adepta Sororitas, and steeled his will. Turning to the vox-caster, he spoke: transmitting it to his soldiers.

“Men and Women of the Imperium. Today, we face a foe as great as any you have ever faced.”


Terra's Wrath arrived in realspace above Equis and deployed in a blockade formation. Aboard Emperor's Hammer, Sebastian and Sebaste prepared to portal down with the other Displaced aboard the ship.

“This is it,” Allen said, and in a flash he was covered in armor and a power sword was in his hands. Yubel cracked her neck.

“Agreed,” Sebastian said to the power lotto Displaced. “This time Ahriman will fall!”

“Sir! Incoming message from Commissar Craner!” one of the comms ponies called out.

“Can anyone hear me? Please respond!” radioed the commissar.

“This is Sebaste, go ahead Commissar!” Sebaste voxed back

“I require an orbital strike on these quadrants! Heavy enemy infantry force present! Fire for effect!” replied the commissar as the firing data was sent to the fleet.

Suddenly warp klaxons were heard, and a lone Space Wolves strike cruiser appeared in front of the blockade. Sebaste quickly opened a channel to the ship and said, ++This is Sebaste on the Emperor's Hammer. Identify yourself. Are you friend or foe?++

“This is Valiant Charge of the Space Wolves. We have come to offer our support.”

++You came in the nick of time! Send down whatever troops you have and prepare for battle, Equestria must not fall! Sebaste out.++ The link cut off after that.

“You heard the Spartan!! Let’s show these bastards how a wolf fights!!” Valiant raised his power claws as his troops broke out in a warcry and drop pods were soon sent down to the planet's surface.

“LET’S MOVE OUT!” Sebastian roared to the Displaced on the ship. “FOR EQUUS!” He then opened a vox channel to the Commissar. “Where are the enemy troops and what do they look like?”

“Heavy troops near Canterlot, mostly Iron Warriors, with a mix of Daemons and cultist. They seem to be massing to hit my main force at the forward base at Ponyville,” supplied the commissar.

A helicopter flew over to the position, and out of the hull comes Mike, with a MG, and a M9. “Reporting in, sir!”

“Keagan! If he’s there, talk to him under a white flag, and alert him that Ahriman is still alive!”

“I can't leave, I'm fighting off the crystal ponies to the north of canterlot!” replied the officer. Gun fire could be heard over the radio. “Hold the line!”

“Blast…” the Astartes swore. “I’ll send backup as soon as I can!”

“Hurry! Enemy forces outnumber mine by a margin of 1000 to 1!’

Mike walked over to Sebaste. “Orders?”

Kirito and Asuna then walked in before Asuna said, “How fast could you get us there?”

“Opening a portal now!”

“Sir, orders?!” said Mike.

“Get ready to portal in 3..2..1..NOW!” Sebaste yelled as the portal opened to Canterlot.

Kirito then smirked before he announced, “time to actually make a difference”

Mike entered the portal, M249 SAW ready to fire. Upon going through, he found he was swamped by foes. He opened fire with his MG. “DIE YOU FUCKS!” he yelled.

The two leaders of the UDE charged through the portal into a battlefield. Sebastian quickly summoned a Stormtalon and jumped in. Activating the engines, he screamed into the air and flew off towards where Craner was.

Mike’s MG clicked, and he fired all two hundred rounds in the box magazine. He stopped to reload, but he had killed at least 150 foes.

Meanwhile, Sebaste had noticed two new figures standing by the doors of the palace. One looked like a metal humanoid hedgehog, while the other was a regular human. “Who are you two?” he called out to them.

“I'm Metal Sonic,” Metal stated simply.

“And I am Symbol Shattered. We're sorry we couldn't get here sooner, but unfortunately our teleporter decided to fuck us over and send us to some random world,” Symbol groaned. “In any case, we’re here to help in any way we possibly can. We have even brought a few items with us to give all of our allies a power boost.”

“It’s fine. Asuna, Kirito, Allen, Yubal! We have a war to fight!” the Spartan yelled “You two are with me. Hope you’re not afraid of heights!” he said as he summoned a Pelican.

“Heh, yeah, like I would be afraid of heights,” Metal chuckled. “If it's alright with you I think I'll just fly alongside that thing.” He started his engine and began to hover beside the vehicle, waiting for them. Symbol rolled his eyes and boarded the Pelican.

Sebaste nodded then boarded the Pelican with the others. As soon as the troop bay closed, the Gunship lifted off and blasted towards the battle taking place, Metal Sonic following close behind.


“Help has arrived men! Fix bayonets and prepare to charge!” roared the Commissar, all the while firing his storm-bolter at the corrupted ponies as he drew his saber.

“How can I help, young one?” asked the blood-stained figure of Gascoigne, as he walked up behind him.

“Go to the left flank and aid them. The enemy hit them with magic strikes earlier and the fighting has kept me from reinforcing them,” replied the officer, showing no fear to the large blood soaked figure.

“As you wish,” Gascoigne replied,before running off to his destination, stake driver and blunderbuss at the ready.

A voice cried out from the vox, broadcasting on all feeds. Keagan!!!!! I come for your blood! You will not escape me alive, you bastard! For the Warmaster, I will bring you, and your pathetic allies, nothing more than death and destruction!” Khârn's voice roared, deeper and a lot angrier than usual. “And after I finish you and your accursed legion, I'm coming for Sebaste!”

In the distance, near the Crystal Empire, a sea of black armored, equine-shaped soldiers marched towards Equestria, with a dark red Astartes at the head.

“This is as far as you get!!” From the blinding snow came Valiant and a handful of his space Wolves standing between Khârn and Equestria with only a bolter and his claws.

“I think not, little vermin,” Khârn growled, pulling out Gorechild and his plasma pistol. “New Black Legion, prepare to mow these weaklings down.” Multiple bolters rose up on weapon holders, aiming towards the Space Wolves.

The area around the foes rippled and cracks in reality appeared before they shattered completely, metallic creatures with various spears marching through the holes. While they sported separate colors, each had the same red eyes that blazed with pure, volatile, bliss. The lead creature with a green back marched forward and next to Khârn, giving off a venomous hiss to the enemies.

“Lord Khârn, we are the Rahkshi of the Brotherhood of Makuta,” the creature growled, its eyes glowing with fury. “Know that we stand by only one Warmaster, and Ahriman is that man!”

“STRIKE FROM THE SKY BROTHERS!!” And just like that, numerous pods dropped into the enemy ranks and scattered them as more wolves charged out to join the fight. Valiant roared as he lead his men into the fray, using bolter and blade alike before spotting Khârn amongst the battlefield.

Deal with his pathetic army, Rahkshi. I'll take out their runt leader. FOR THE WARMASTER!” Khârn ordered the Rahkshi, before marching towards Valiant.

“Of course, warrior of blood!” the Rahkshi hissed, others behind them using their powers to warp and crush the metal pods crashing down, crushing and killing those inside.

Others started to use their Kraata powers. Lasers, plasma, and beams of heat fired and ripped about the oncoming enemies. They impaled those who even managed to get close, their protosteel armor protecting them from the bullets and plasma of the enemy while using weapons to shred through the inferior enemy armor.

“Hey Rahkshi! EAT LASERCANNON!” a familiar voice roared as a hail of Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter and Lascannon shots smashed into them, killing many of them as Sebastian screamed in from above inside his Stormtalon.

Some of the Rahkshi lifted their spears, red energy absorbing the attacks as the marched forward. Others used their magnetism to redirect the bullets into the enemy’s own lines. Their eyes were alight as they continued to mercilessly slaughter those who managed to get in their direction, their mechanical body parts shifting as they fluidly continued their approach.

“Admirable and yet pointless,” a white Rahkshi taunted, anger and fear taking hold of their foes as the auras of red and white Rahkshi marched closer to them. “Surrender now or perish.”

“Fat chance, snake face!” another voice called out “Archimedes II Orbital Solar Cannon, target the Rahkshi, Code Alpha, Delta, Beta!”

“Solar Cannon?” one of the Rahkshi questioned, confused on how fire would harm their fire resistant armor. “And that’s the code for the cannon? What, did it take you five seconds to come up with that?”

Whatever he was going to continue saying was lost as a massive Beam ten times hotter than the sun smashed into them, annihilating them utterly.

“Ya missed, you dingus!” one of the metal creatures taunted, those who could teleport already relocating the forces once they heard the word ‘cannon’. “Aim better!” That said, the creatures retaliated and fired more of their various attacks, the gravity around the battlefield slowly pulling down the enemies.

Suddenly, the cannon was overcharged, and fired a second time upon the enemy before permanently shutting down due to the main computer melting because of the heat.

More cracks in reality appeared as the Rahkshi continued to pour out of the void they left behind. Animalistic growls roared out from the hoards, each squadron acting within perfect coordination with each other as they divided up the enemy and fought them to the death.

Terra’s Wrath, commence Orbital bombardment on all New Black Legion targets!” Sebaste ordered as he fired a Railgun at a Rahkshi, destroying the Kraata inside it and bringing it down.

A loud noise cracked the air as something above Equus soon came near the planet. A loud explosion could be heard, followed with the screams of countless UDE soldiers manning the Terra’s Wrath. The coms crackled as countless commands from space went out as the fleets attempted to regroup.

“You will fall!” Sebaste roared. ++Metal Sonic, Symbol, NOW!++ he commed.

The com in return only relayed static, and a dreadful hissing noise seemed to creak from the command stations.

“Right, who wants to die first…” the Spartan growled before activating his hologram ability, creating dozens of himself out of Hardlight.

++To all UDE! The Giant Basilisk cannon is now online! Call in targets via you vox relay.++


Now then, Space Wolf. I shall kill you myself!” Khârn growled, activating his massive chainaxe.

“Try it…” Having a sense of honor, the Space Marine discarded his bolter and proceeded to use his claws as they prepared to duel.

Khârn struck first, swinging his axe faster than what should be possible, towards Valiant’s head, the teeth screaming for his blood. Valiant dodged at the last second and delivered a slash to his foe’s torso, damaging the armor but not penetrating.

“YOU WON’T TAKE MY HEAD SO EASILY!!” He then used a jump pack for a head on charge that sent them tumbling in the snow as he tried to go for a stab to the heart. His fighting was like that of an animal.

Khârn countered the stab, Gorechild shredding through a part of his claws, before kicking the Space Wolf away, getting back up and charging after him. He brought his axe to bear, raising it for a deadly slash.

The screams of bats could be heard around the battlefield. The swarm soon formed into something right in the middle of the battlefield. Picking up the bolter, a shot was fired right into Khârn’s back. “Hey edgy man! Rule one of war: there is no such thing as honor. Rule two: melee is stupid.”

The Champion of Khorne turned towards the intruder, pulling out his Plasma Pistol and blasting him with the heated energy. “And who the hell are you to interfere?” he growled.

“Two for flinching!!” Valiant sucker punched the champion before leaving three slash marks on his helmet that disoriented him for a bit. However, as he prepared to deliver the killing blow, a stray bolt struck him in the shoulder.

“AGGH!! Son of a buck!!” he cursed, reeling back from the pain- but now, he realized, he was wide open.

The figure didn’t move; however, the burns healed rapidly to the point that you didn’t know they were there. He removed his hat and glasses, revealing Alucard Armor. “Who do you think, jackass?”

“Never heard of you. Zhufor, deal with the Space Wolf. This wench needs to be taught a lesson,” Khârn replied, and the Terminator Chaos Champion moved towards Valiant, launching a barrage from his Combi-Bolter.

“Lesson one about tactics: never think you're alone with your enemy.” In a flash of Darkness, Yubel appeared in front of the space wolf. “Also, lesson two: just fighting your way through enemies only works if you aren’t fighting your equal or better,” Shining finished.

“Lesson three. Shut up and give me a hand?!?” he responded as they helped him out of the snow.

“I consider none of you my equal, nor my better. I am the Greatest Champion of the Blood God, Khârn The Betrayer. You will learn this soon enough,” Khârn roared, charging towards Yubel. “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!”


Mike had fired a total of three hundred rounds of ammunition, killing thirty enemies. His last ammo box clattered to the ground. “I’m out of ammunition!” he called out, pulling out his M9 pistol. He wished he had backup. He pulled up his radio. “I need some help!”

++To all UDE. The Giant Basilisk cannon is now online. Call in targets via you vox relay.++

Mike moved over a hill, and saw at least 1,000 insurgents. He pulled up his radio. “Requesting an, um… artillery strike over here!” he said, after relaying the position of the target.

++”Shattering their skies!”++ replied the artillery crew.

“So we get assigned to this area?” a voice growled in frustration. Turning around, Mike saw six robotic creatures, spikes on their backs, with massive grins and weird weapons. “These opponents don't even seem like something worth bothering with,” the Crimson one growled, observing the battle.

Mike stood up, aiming his M9 at them. “Friend or foe?” he barked.

“Who do you think?” the white one replied, eyes flashing red. Suddenly, Mike found it almost impossible to stand or see straight. “Piraka, definitely foe.”

“Hey Thok, HEADS UP!” Sebastian yelled before smashing into the white Piraka and delivering the deathblow with a Thunder hammer.

A field of energy blocked the lethal blow, and Sebastian soon found all of his energy and strength leaving him as Avak activated his ‘Perfect Prison’ ability. “Got your back, Thok!” the brown Piraka stated. The white Piraka nodded his thanks before slipping out.

“Is there room for one more?” the armor of Allen touched down. “Mike you injured?”
“No, thanks to you, I am fine. “

“You will fall, you and your allies,” Sebastian growled. “You think that you’ll win? You’re more mistaken than you think…” He then voxed Craner ++Send the titan ++

++Titan inbound. ETA five minutes. I'll arrive with a group of grenadiers in two.++ The commissar replied.

“Actually, you're quite mistaken,” Zaktan replied, stepping to the side. “You see, Makuta has a plan well in motion. Of course, you won't know about it until it's too late, but we can guess.” Madara suddenly appeared.

“You’re required somewhere else, Piraka. I already got Khârn and Zhufor,” he stated, before glancing at Sebastian. “Well well, look at this. The ‘Great’ Sebastian, captured by a group of thieves. I bid you goodbye.” He teleported away, bringing the Piraka with him. The prison vanished, and Sebastian felt his strength return.

++Valiant, you still there?++ Sebastian voxed.

“My arm is busted, but yeah, I'm alive. It's hell down here!” Valiant ducked from an oncoming explosion.

++ I’ll be with you shortly. Craner is bringing a titan ++

++Great! The more the merrier ++ Alucard Armor said.

“Sir, I'm here! Where are you?” yelled the commissar as him and the grenadiers began to spread out to look for one of their commanders.

“Over here!” the Astartes yelled.

“Sir, do you require a medic?’ asked the concerned commissar just as the Titan began its approach.

“I’m fine. Have one of your men patch up Mike. The rest of you follow me. We need to help Valiant!” Sebastian ordered.

“Patch me up. I gotta get back in this fight!” Valiant grabbed a nearby pistol and shot down an enemy soldier trying to sneak up on the commissar.

“Understood sir. Corpsman, hop to it!” ordered the commissar.

A massive tear in reality opened up, swallowing the New Black Legionnaires, before vanishing again.

“All other Displaced, report!” Sebastian radioed.

“We’re both sniping enemies from above,” whispered Asuna’s voice over radio.

A second voice then piped up, “You have a few enemies fleeing to the east and north, but apart from that you're clear” added Kirito.

“We need reinforcements, and fast…” the Astartes said.

“Sebaste, the last of my army are landing ready to reinforce wherever you want. My fleet is engaging the New Black Legion’s, and Rainbow Dash and the rest of my sorcerers are doing a ritual to destroy the New Black Legion,” Keagan’s voice rang over the vox.

“Hey!” Metal Sonic and Symbol landed near the group, Metal with an NBL soldier head crushed in his hand. “We better not be missing out on anything fun.”

“Weren't you with Sebaste? Where is he?” Sebastian asked.

“The comms started acting weird and he sent us down here to help,” Symbol said as he fired a large blast of purple fire in the direction of an approaching squad of enemies. “We're more of open area guys, so we can fight full strength out here.”

A voice rang through the comms. ++This-- Sebaste, I need-- repeat immediate back--++

“I can get there the fastest,” Metal said, before using chaos control to teleport to Sebaste’s location.

++This-- Kirito and Asuna. We’ll-- back you-- from --++

“Come on, we better get to Valiant’s position and reinforce him,” Sebastian said to Symbol and Craner.

“Yes sir!” replied the Commissar.

“Right behind you,” Symbol said with a confident smile.

“Move out!” With that, Sebastian summoned an attack bike and jumped into the driver's seat. “Anyone want to take the Heavy Bolter?” he asked.

“I might as well,” Symbol said stepping forward.

With that, the gathered allies headed towards where Valiant was pinned down.


Just as the New black legion looked like they had the upperhand, the gate to the fortress that once went by the name of Manehatten opened up, allowing the entire iron warriors legion to pour out.

“Where do you want me to reinforce?” Keagan voxed to Sebastian from the top of his command mastodon.

++ Right now, Sebaste needs help, he’s cut off from us. He was fighting Rahkshi. I don't know how long he’s lasted but send a squad to help!++

“Affirmative. Companies one, ten and fifty enroute. Titan legio’s Mortis and Ferrum enroute to help the commissar.”

++Sir, we just lost contact with the entire fleet!++ a voice called over on the vox.

“Scout elements from my own fleet report that your fleet has been destroyed by a single ship. The rest of my fleet is moving to engage,” Keagan reported.

Keagan then jumped down from his transport. “KHARN, come out and face me like a space marine.” He searched among the chaos of the battlefield to find him.


The pieces of countless UDE ships littered the vast space around the planet, and a single dark vessel floated victoriously through the rubble as it circled the planet. The ship itself was a behemoth of a ship. Its dark green color matched the emptiness of life around it as the Dreadnought casually sailed to its destination.

On the bridge of this dark vessel was a nearly pitch black mechanical creature, a red torn cape with various strange symbols nearly reaching the lower part of his legs. His long, animalistic mask stayed still as his red eyes narrowed, searching for any survivors of the UDE space fleet. He brushed the cape aside slightly as his long metal arms moved to the console of the Dreadnought.

His metallic tail revealed itself from his cape as the dark drill spun gleefully. He growled with approval as he looked at the ruin he had caused. If he had a face it would be split in half with a smile. The UDE had not expected such a vessel to enter the battle, almost sure that the enemy would be solely invading the planet alone.

“Lord Teridax,” one of the Makuta’s Rahkshi called out, bowing to his creator. “The Void’s Demise is in position to fire upon your command. Shall we activate...the Tree?”

“I will do it myself!” Teridax said cheerfully, his red cloak twirling as he turned to the crystal tree before him. It was just another victory over Sebaste and his allies, and one that he planned to use well.

Sickly shadows soon launched at the tree. The Elements burrowed within them glowed and the ship rumbled as it prepared to fire. However, the planet itself was not the target, but it’s sun.

A beam of harmonic energy collided with the ball of light, darkness somehow penetrating the massive sun as it slowly began to eat away at the fiery object. Soon the sun started to darken, and the light it carried was slowly dying.

“Shall we continue to intercept the enemy forces?” the Rahkshi asked, watching in awe as the star was slowly consumed by the mixture of harmonic magic and darkness.

“They will arrive shortly. Ensure that all continues to go as planned…” the Makuta hissed, seething with anger as the voices of those who mock them seemed to care little for the carnage. “I must make myself known to the enemy. Hopefully they will surrender once they lose their last gleaming light.”

The star continued to be devoured by the shadows. Teridax sat and watched. His eyes somewhat dimmed as he thought of the ally and friend that had been betrayed. Such things would not be forgotten, but he knew that Ahriman would want him to continue with the plan.

“Lord Teridax, the Iron Warriors fleet is moving to engage us,” one of the Rahkshi reported.

“I already know this, my child, for I have intercepted their communications,” Teridax replied, once again turning the the Tree of Harmony. The crystal wood warped as the shadows pulled at it. “I will handle these ships myself! Order the Dreadnaught to fire main cannons at the oncoming ships. The essence of the void will rip them apart.”

Teridax watched in disdain as a purple blast of energy streaked towards the oncoming iron warriors fleet. Just before they hit however a giant tear in the fabric of the warp swallowed up the munitions.

“That was… actually, that was expected,” the Makuta growled, tired of the warp and all of its odd abilities. “Fire the ‘Harmonizer’ at those ships. It’ll send them back to their universe temporarily!”

“Fire the warp array,” the commander of the iron warriors fleet yelled. Out in space, the warp portal reopened behind the dreadnaught. The Purple blast of energy that should have displaced the iron warriors instead impacted with the dreadnaught.

The burst of energy went through the ship, but it remained intact and in place. Teridax seethed at the surprise attack, for if the Tree had not tied the ship to the universe...well he would be back where he started. Using a mindlink, he attempted to communicate the leader of the opposing ships.

“This is Lord Teridax of the ‘Void’s Demise’. Who is it that I am speaking to?” the Makuta questioned politely, trying to get some form of understanding on who he was actually dealing with, should they be an ally that was mistaken.

“This is Commander Luna of the Death class dreadnaught ‘Fortis Ferrum,’ the opposing captain said.

“As in Princess Luna?” Teridax asked, somewhat surprised by the name.

“Yes. My lover Keagan gave me command of the fleet.”

“I AM NOT YOUR LOVER!” Keagan’s voice broke over the comms. “Really Teridax, you never thought I might have my Elements of Harmony here”.

“You seem to forget that your Elements have no binding tie to this universe,” Teridax laughed mirthlessly when he heard of her relationship with Keagan. “But mine, well... look at the Sun and see what I have wrought! If your master wishes to rule this universe, he will surrender at once and you will take me to him.”

“Hello? Is this thing on? This is Commander Rainborg of the New Black Legion, please respond!” a cybernetic voice called out from a vox feed.

“This is Lord Teridax of the ‘Void’s Demise’!” the Makuta quickly replied, glad to hear one of his original allies lived. “I stick with Warmaster Ahriman, even with his death. Glad to hear that you live.”

“Yeah, we got out of there the moment those UDE bastards appeared. I take it Keagan is the one responsible?” Rainborg replied.

“Yes, but unfortunately for him...his lover has just given me the perfect opportunity…” he replied coldly, teleporting quick to Luna before grabbing her, and teleporting them to Keagan.

Out of nowhere, a new fleet appeared, an exact replica of the destroyed fleet.

++This is the Emperor's Hammer! All ships, engage the enemy! FOR EQUUS!++

“ALL HANDS TO BATTLESTATIONS!” Rainborg cried out, and the NBL fleet opened fire.

Within seconds, macrocannons and MAC rounds began to smash into the NBL ships.

++Emperor’s Hammer, if you wish to keep this world in tact...you will lay down your arms. For as you can see, the Sun is currently undergoing a volatile reaction.++

++ I have one thing to say to you, Makuta! Remove whatever you did to the Tree of Harmony and back off!++ Sebaste retorted.

++Sebaste, surrender and send your forces home. This war is over, and if you continue this the Sun will inevitably dim out...as will your chances of surviving…++ Teridax said calmly, hoping that the Spartan may finally see reason.

++ Sorry, you dent headed scrap heap ++ Sebaste said. ++ Your allies were the ones to start this War, not us. We never wanted to get involved with Ahriman. Heck we were just content with only seeing him at the War of Shadows!++

++ None of that matters now. Keagan is now running free and bringing deamons to this world ++ Teridax snapped, tired of the excuses from both sides. ++ What I’ve done in this war has dragged too much attention, and I risk my own universe by even offering this deal when I could have used the Tree to rewrite this planet’s very reality! I am holding off Keagan’s ships, but the time is now. If you don’t stop him, your planet is done for. I will repair the Sun, but only after this is over! ++


“How does it feel, Khârn, to know that your warmaster died, begging me for mercy?” Keagan taunted the World Eater.

“You know, of all the fools I've killed, you are by far the dumbest. I know Ahriman a hell of a lot better than you do,” Khârn replied, holding his Chainaxe in front of him.

“KHÂRN!!” Valiant called out to him, armed with a new set of power claws and a chainsword. “We’re not finished…”

“Yes you are Warrior,” a voice hissed and from a crack in reality a mechanical creature stomped through, holding a lunar alicorn in tow. His wings ruffled with glee as he saw the shocked looks around him. “I have something of yours, Keagan.”

“COWARD!! Have you know honor?!?”

“Look who's talking,” Khârn noted.

“So Teridax. Is that supposed to mean something to me?” Keagn said while slowly moving towards his fortress

“I think not, Keagan. You aren't going anywhere,” Khârn growled, stepping in between Keagan and his fortress.

“Sir. Let me finish him….I owe it to my men.” Valiant pleaded while staring down Khârn.

“Ah yes, your troops put up a formidable fight, Valiant,” Teridax chuckled, before giving the warrior a look of interest. “Would you like to meet them again?”

As he said this, Valiant’s own troops warped next to the Makuta. They gave their leader blank looks and aimed their weapons at him.

“What have you done?!?” Valiant roared in anger after seeing their eyes.

“They are mine to command, Valiant,” the machine replied, looking at the alicorn beneath him and teleporting her away. “Move aside and I will free them from my mental bond. But if not...I will tear their minds to dust.”

My brothers….I'm sorry. RAAAAGH!!” Valiant charge Teridax head on and knocked him back with one swing, narrowly missing his neck.

“What a thoughtless move,” Teridax retorted, getting up and his eye glowing red. The soliders around him crumpling to the ground and slowly dying. “You have fought well, warrior...but I will end this now.”

Using his magnetism, he lifted Valiant up into the air and held the warrior still. A ball of plasma formed in his hand, and he fired multiple blasts at the currently immobile enemy.

“For Equus…” Those were Valiants last words as he closed his eyes and prepared for the end.

Teridax stopped his assault before a red aura glowed from his clawed hand, and he fired a disintegration at the defeated warrior, turning his body into dust as the attack made impact.

Looking upon the ruin of the battlefield, the Makuta hesitated for a moment before taking Valiant’s weapon and making a makeshift grave for the warrior. Now pleased that the brave man had a place to be remembered, he once again teleported to his dreadnaut and continue his dark scheme.

“So, this is what Madara wanted us here for?” Zaktan asked, walking from behind a ruined building.

“Sorry, Zaktan, but the party’s over for you!” Sebastian yelled, a hail of bolter shells heralding his arrival on his bike.
“I think not, Sebastian,” Zaktan replied, dispersing into protodites while Reidak popped up from the ground, digging his drill into the bike’s fuel tank.

“Hey Rediak, catch!” the Astartes yelled as he jumped, Symbol following, as he tossed a metal canister at the Piraka.

A beam of heat intercepted the canister, blowing it up midway. The source was revealed to be Hakann.

“Hey Hakann, why don’t you cool off!” Sebastian said before pulling out an unknown gun and firing it. As soon as the shots hit, they froze instantly.

“Like it? It’s called a helfrost gun, and it’s the perfect weapon to end this ‘Icecapade!’”

“Dude? Buddy?” Symbol asked, tapping Sebastian on the shoulder. “Would you do us all a favor? Never make a joke again.”

The ice began to melt as Hakann raised his internal temperature to volcanic heights, while Vezok charged at Sebastian, eyes flashing. The air in front of Sebastian exploded, sending him flying backwards.

“Open fire!” ordered the commissar, as he fired on any sighted enemy.

“I think not,” Zaktan’s voice growled, before the mass of protodites floated over Craner, choking him as his lungs filled with the swarm.

“Fuck you,” gasped the commissar. He continued to stand and fight even as his vision started to black out.

“Lucky for you, death just sends you back to your dimension. But you won't return in time….”

“Let him go you filthy beast!” shouted the voice of Gascoigne as he began firing into the swarm.

Suddenly one of the guardsmen armed with a melta gun called out. “Take this!” he choked, right before he was killed.

The gun was shot by an energy shot, which had come from Avak, who chuckled. “Sorry, but that's a no-go.” Seconds later, he ceased to exist thanks to a shot from the Titan.

“AVAK!” Reidak roared, charging towards the Titan, before using his elemental powers to raise one of the titan’s legs, tipping it over. He continued after it, prepared to tear it apart piece by piece.

Using this distraction, Keagan sprinted for his fortress, bitch slapping Khârn with his power fist, knocking him out, and jumping on a speeding rhino transport. Keagan had made it back to his fortress. As soon as he made it inside, the titan sized gates slammed shut.

“That's a no-go!” Sebastian roared before he fired the plasma cannon at the Piraka, the plasma instantly melting him.

“OH YOU ARE DEAD!” Vezok growled, removing moisture from inside the Astartes armor as he marched forward, rapidly hitting Sebastian with his impact vision to keep him from getting back up.

“Hey Vezok, guess who!” said a voice behind him, before he was blasted by multiple fuel rod blasts. Sebaste strode up to where Sebastian was and helped him up. “Need help with these guys?” The Astartes nodded.

Vezok growled, getting back up. Hakann, Thok, and Zaktan helped him, before glaring at the two. “You’re lucky Ahriman wants you for himself. Otherwise, I would kill you myself,” Zaktan growled, before pressing a button. A portal formed behind them, and they stepped through, the portal closing behind them.

“What the hell happened?” Sebastian asked the Spartan.

“Rahkshi happened. I managed to put them out of commission,” was the reply. “Metal Sonic and the troops sent helped.”

Sebaste then jerked as if he had been surprised. “Keagan’s attacking both sides!” the Spartan exclaimed. “We need to get to Canterlot NOW!”

“It looks like now is the time for me to step into the actual fight,” Symbol said as he held up his hand. “I'll teleport us there, it will be faster.”

“Do it!” Sebastian said.

Symbol closed his hand and in a flash of light they were gone, their bodies moved to the throne room of the castle.


The fight between the UDE and the new black legion was entering a new stage so much that no one noticed a group of dark clouds grouping over Keagan’s fortress

“Look like it going to rain. And I didn’t bring my raincoat,” Dark Magician Girl said as she spotted the clouds.

But no rain came from the clouds. Instead, lightning struck the towers of Keagan’s base. Suddenly, an object slammed to the ground in front of Dark Magician Gir.l “DESPAIR FOR I AM THE END OF DAYS!” The dust settled revealing a deamon prince wearing shattered armour in the iron warriors colors.

“More like despair at the sight of your ruined armour,” Dark Magician Girl said giggling at the deamon prince. “I bet Rarity will have a field day with you,” she added.

The daemon that used to be Keagan gestured to the fortress “Gaze upon the ruination of this world!” Suddenly dark magican girl realized that the clouds were actually a slowly opening warp rift, spilling thousands of daemons who poured over both sides

“Hmm. No worry. Scout now!” Dark Magician Girl shouted to Scout, who placed some red tool boxes that transform into sentries.

“Sentries going up!” Scout shouted as the sentries start shooting the daemons. They poured round after round of ammunition into the cloud of hellspawn, but no matter how many they killed there were always more. Soon, the sentry guns were overwhelmed and destroyed

“Are you kidding me?” Allen asked while in the air, flying with his armors natural flying abilities.

“For once, we are in agreement of something,” a female voice replied, and everyone looked up to see Midnight staring down at the horde in contempt.

Allen let off his current armor and pulled out a necklace with a something on it. “Screw this, Champion Armor go.” Allen’s body was soon covered in a burning red full body scalemail. In his hands, two swords materialized. “Champion of Chaos armor ready,” the suit replied.

“Great, now my sister knows where I am… Renna is so going to kill me when I get back,” Allen said jumping into the fight.

“Hey Midnight! How is Rainborg doing? I got zappers with her name on it,” Dark Magician Girl said as she cast a swords of revealing light on the daemons while Scout built new sentries to shoot them down.

Suddenly, Allen was forced back by bolter fire as once again the whole iron warriors legion poured out of the fortress. This time, however, they were killing both sides.

“Hey, watch the paint,” he screamed, summoning up a bolter himself.

“Oh great, now they’re attacking everyone!” Yubel said, getting annoyed at being shot at.

“Why are you complaining? You can’t be harmed physically!”

++This is Sebaste, the hell’s going on?!++ came the Spartan’s voice over the comms.

“We got some daemons attacking, but Scout and I are shooting them down,” Dark Magician Girl answered over comms.

++ Well, get to Canterlot immediately. It’s a double cross! Keagan’s played both sides! Tell any NBL commanders that as of now, we are calling a truce so that we can deal with Keagan! ++

“Ok. Oh, before we end the comm I got one thing to say. This is Scout. Rainbows make me cry. Over,” Dark Magician Girl said over the comm. She hear Scout shouting an “Ah gree!” from behind her as she and Scout teleport to Canterlot.

Yubel and Allen teleported there. Allen was struck by a worrisome feeling. His sister was coming… “Well fuck us all.”

++”I can’t wait to burn that backstabber,”++ Blaze said over the comms.


“My my my, isn’t this just so interesting?!” cried out Miss Fortune.

“Hmm yes. How about we get front row seats?” Eris asked.

“You know… I won't mind getting a better look,” admitted a third voice.

“I will step in soon if this keeps up,” spoke Father Time.

“I’m stepping in now,” Loki said floating to the edge of reality.

“Then I shall join you,” spoke Father Time as he joined Loki.


“As will I,” Miss Fortune joined in.

“Hey! This is my universe I made for this war! You are not to interfere with the events!” a strange creature appeared before them.

“You wish to stand in my way... Know your place child,” spoke Time.

“In other words, check your privileges,” Miss Fortune called out and shot the strange creature in one of its snake-thing-heads.

“Tzeentch you know you can’t stop me. Hell, Eris knocked all four of you out, and she was only a few years old. I’m at least ten times that level now. Just leave.” Loki summoned up a chain of anti-magic. “Or I will destroy you.”

“I was here long before you and will be here long after you dissipate,” spoke the master of time.

“Pathetic as always,” another voice chimed in, filled with disgust as he heard their pointless bickering. “Beings of immense power, able to bend reality to their will...and yet you still fight like children.”

“Teridax, is that your sexy metallic ass I hear?” Fortune called out

“Fortune, you’re as flirty as they say…” the Makuta deadpanned, hiding the fact the he truly did admire the beings...even if they were somewhat annoying. “What interest do you have with this war!?!”

“Why my sexy friend, my interest is purely luck. This whole war is governed by luck and as the overseer of luck it is my job to oversee all wars dictated by it,” Fortune answered, skipping over the fact that her life mate Murphy also had a part in the war.

“You jeopardise both Chaos and Order. As the god of balance it is my job to maintain either their balance or their very existence,” Loki added.

“Dude, I'm the GOD of Chaos. And sheesh, you guys argue more than I do with myself! Anyways, this universe was created by me specifically for this war. Just because you’re all angry with it doesn't mean that it's bad. Plus, this war is going exactly as it's supposed to at the moment, though Teridax’s ship was a surprise. Stop being so grumpy all the time,” Tzeentch pointed out, tired of being ignored. “Plus, this war is a bit of an oddity, since some of the people fighting aren't even Displaced…. I am honestly amused by it.”

“STOP!” ordered Father Time. “Makuta, you are meddling in ways the CODE does not allow! We have looked past your transgressions because you stayed in a tiny part of the multiverse, but to affect another's realm? NO MORE! This ends today! Undo the damage to the sun or face me!”

“Lord Time, I am afraid that you confuse me with another Makuta,” Teridax growled, the mentioning of his ‘superior’ brethren angering him. “I am far different from him. And unlike him, I have grown angry with Sebaste and his allies. They have taken something dear from me, and I plan to rectify this! This universe, once conquered, will come under my jurisdiction. And I will ensure that its future remains safe, unlike you who watch it burn.”

“You know, I actually have to agree with Tzeentch now. He did create this universe for this war, and we really have no business saying it is wrong.” Fortune couldn’t help but agree with the chaos god.

“May I get a word in?” Eris asked, her smile unsettling to everyone.

“But of course, child,” said Father Time to the ‘young’ god.

‘Go ahead, lass,” Fortune told her.

“Go ahead! I'd like to hear what the God of Imbalance has to say!” Tzeentch replied.

“I’m afraid to ask.” Loki said.

“Fuck you all,” Eris said, before teleporting into the universe.

“Oh great. Now I have to deal with her messing up my universe! Just great….” Tzeentch threw his hands in the air, before vanishing back into the universe.

“Do I still have a say in this?” Teridax questioned, not liking how the god was talking about ending him. “The Tree of Harmony will repair any damages and revert everything else once the war is over!”

“I think that’s the point… Eris doesn’t want the war to end on anyone’s terms.”

“We shall see,” spoke the master of time.

“Come on Teri, what say you and me go and stop little miss chaos?” asked Fortune.

“She isn't Chaos, just Imbalance!” Tzeentch called out from within the universe.

“Does it really matter? Who will join me in stopping her?” Fortune called out to all of the people around her.

“I say leave her,” spoke Father Time.

“Anyone mind if I sit here?” a young voice asked. Turning all of them saw a young boy in a tux with slick black hair and reptilian slits for pupils walk up to observe the battle.

“You are contradicting yourself, Father Time. First you wanted the war gone because it messed with the universe. Now you're letting miss Eris run rampant in it, probably to disturb the balance of the universe,” Tzeentch pointed out.

“It is not the war, you fool. It’s the destruction of the sun by the ship! I can FEEL the time stream being torn apart from here,” spoke the now aggravated Father Time.

“You are all fools for not stopping her, but I will not sit by,” Fortune said to them before teleporting to the world to hunt down Eris.

Loki jumped though. It was time to finish this feud.

“Loki, you are not to interfere with the universe!” Tzeentch growled.

“Screw the war, I’m ending this feud with Eris here and now!” Loki screamed.

“Then take her to another part of the universe! Like the Halo Stars beyond Segmentum Obscurus! No one in their right mind lives there!” Tzeentch growled.

“You know, for being who you all are, I'm surprised you bicker in such a way,” the young boy stated. “I swear, these wars attract the strangest beings I've ever seen. You have all of this power, but yet you all make empty threats and eventually just end up on the sidelines, watching the battles take place. It's very confusing, but if all of you started fighting I know that multiple worlds would just end up destroyed. Not that you'd care, I suppose,” he said with a sigh.

“The Sun’s fine,” Teridax snorted, giving an annoyed sigh. “I’m simply taking control of it and darkening it to hold it hostage. Also...I can help with the Eris problem, my brother and I use to always fight so I know how it feels.”


“Look, Timey, I'll make sure that the time thingamabob will stay in order,” Tzeentch replied.

“It has begun,” sadly spoke Father time.

“I can fix it later!” Teridax said quickly, trying to reassure the god that he had it under control. “I have no reason for this universe to cease existing and I have ensured that all damage is reparable!”

“It is too late,” Father Time croaked. “Those energies were never meant to mix. You have doomed them all to nonexistence.” He gave a sad shake of his head, before turning and leaving the ‘room.’

“Well that was certainly entertaining to watch,” the boy said quietly. “And I don't know what he means by nonexistence. My father has already made sure that won't be a problem.”

“All of you really have so little faith in me!” the Makuta groaned, already setting the tree to make the repairs once the fight had ended.

“At least one of you is fixing the problem,” the boy said while taking a sip of a small teacup, looking to Makuta.

Six lights were seen leaving reality, each in the shape of an element of disharmony. In a flash, Eris appeared with a look of horror on her face. “You assho…” and disappeared into nonexistence.

Suddenly Miss Fortune appear, badly burnt and smoking. “You all are assholes. You know that right?” she asked them before collapsing to the floor.

The boy watched this with disapproving eyes. He set down his teacup and sighed. “I stand corrected then.” He looked around carefully until he reached out and allowed a small spec of dust to float down to his hand. It was placed in a small white ball and he placed it in his pocket. ‘I'll have to bring her back to existence later. Right now it's too dangerous with all of these beings around.’

“Yeah, I need you to set her out. Otherwise, this whole gambit fails,” Loki’s disembodied voice said.

‘Alright, I'll just keep her safe for now. The others won't suspect someone like me hiding her. Name is Symph, by the way. You are Loki, correct?’

“Yes. Look it’s not keeping her safe… I attempted to do somewhat of a taboo. I alternated my own timeline.”

‘Alright, it's not my place to question you. Just come and retrieve her. I can't send her through teleportation. You should be careful with messing with time- you could very well end your own existence permanently. But I'm guessing you of all people know that.’ Symph held the white ball in his hand waiting for Loki.

In a flash the ball disappeared and a person looking like a EQGs version of Loki. “How did I get here, you… did you do this? I told everyone I’m retired.” With that he was gone.

Symph just blinked, unfazed by the random appearance. “Even this far out into the void, randomness still follows my family wherever it goes.”


A figure walked into a portal to the Canterlot Throne room, his armor black. He stared down the Equestrian Royalty while his forces killed off any guardsmen in the room.

“Greetings, Celestia, Luna,” Ahriman began. “I must say, your allies have put up an impressive fight. But it ends now.”

“Of course, Warmaster,” Luna replied, bowing, while Celestia looked on in shock.

“Oh, of course she’s a traitor. Totally called it,” Anderson said, walking in.

“Well, who wants to kill this heathen,” mocked Kirito.

“You think you can defeat me? Amusing,” Ahriman chuckled, transporting Luna to his Kamui realm as he retrieved the Scythe he had stolen from Charlie.

The roof suddenly caved in as the bat winged figure of deamon lord keagan plunged through, crushing Asuna beneath the rubble. “GREETINGS, WARMASTER. I HOPE YOUR TRAVEL HERE WAS PLEASANT”

“Seriously,” sighed Kirito as he drew his swords, before saying, “Ahriman alone… no I couldn’t beat you, but I‘m not alone.”

Appearing next were Yubel and Allen. “So we were betrayed again?”

“You called?” Sebastian asked as Sebaste, Symbol, and him teleported in. “Both sides have been double crossed, as of now, I’m calling a truce so that we can deal with Keagan,” he said to Ahriman.

Symbol looked around the room and to Keagan before chuckling. “Man...you make Xram look like a fucking cakewalk. At least this will be a decent challenge.” Symbol opened his hand and multiple Reality Stars appeared and floated in the air before one flew to each warrior present. “Everyone! Take one of the stars! They will double your strength and heal your wounds!” he yelled as he grabbed one, causing his power to rise. He lifted off the ground slightly and his hands burned with purple flames, his eyes glowing. “Let's get down to business.”

Alucard Armor appeared though the ground. “Hey it’s a zombie…” he said at the warmaster.

“Just let me burn that moonbutt for backstabbing us,” Blaze said as Dark Magician Girl and Scout appeared, followed by Dark Magician and Erza Scarlet a minute later.

Metal Sonic flew in through a broken window and grabbed a star. “So something worth fighting actually showed up...perfect!” His body turned gold as he went super.

Kirito then grabbed the reality star from in front of him before he shouted, “You know… I really wanted to get revenge for what happened to my brother… but right now I’d rather kill that bitch for being a traitor!”

“Agreed,” said Gascoigne as he walked in.

Now Mike has caught up with the others from his dazed state of mind. “Whoever saved my ass back there, thanks,” said Mike. He has now a fully loaded FAL rifle.

The duo also grabbed a star, feelling the power course through them

“All this, just for little old me?” Ahriman chuckled. “Guess it's a good thing I too am not alone.” Reality warped around him as he activated his Kamui. Khârn, Zhufor, Midnight, the remaining Piraka, Teridax, Rainborg, and a Krogoth formed out of it, the Krogoth breaking the rest of the ceiling.

Mike popped his neck in anger, checking the chamber of his rifle. He was just giving Ahriman the death stare.

“You don't get it, do you?” Sebaste said. “We’ve all been played by Keagan, both the UDE and the NBL.”

“Heh, but that's where you are wrong,” Ahriman chuckled, returning the Scythe for his sword. “You see, Keagan and I planned to fake my death, to get us closer to Equestria. Sorry for having to trick you, Teridax.”


Mike, still giving Ahriman a death stare, spoke. “Fuck you, Ahriman.”

“I’ll be honest, this was all a big shock to me,” Teridax shrugged, glaring at the Warmaster. “The Sun is currently being eaten by my shadows...and yet Sebaste here still won’t give up. Stellar hero we have here.”

“I’m only fighting to protect my world. Like you’re not doing the same!” Sebaste snapped.

“Hey it’s the second displace Teridax,” Dark Magician Girl said as she place a zapper on Rainborg’s back.

“Don’t call me second of anything,” Teridax stomped, annoyed by the label. “The other one really casts a shadow over my pride!”

“Anti-Zapper procedure initiated,” Rainborg stated, and three claws appeared on on her back, before removing the zapper.

“Yeah, a dead one from the War of Understanding,” Dark Magician said while Dark Magician Girl got more than one zapper out on Rainborg.

“Oh, and look at you,” the Makuta snorted, narrowing his eyes at the infuriating witch. “You and your girlfriend flying about trying to act relevant! At least that Teridax did something significant. You’re just a blip on the radar. No one would miss you if you were gone.”

“And you are just a child trying to be a villain. At least Displaced like Ahriman or Dr Eggman did a better job at then you,” Dark Magician said with a calm looking face.

“And you’re trying to goad me into doing something stupid,” Teridax deadpanned, his red and tattered cape blowing in the wind. “You’re not worth my time. Leave now before you manage to die too.”

“If the metal boot fits,” Scout said adding his two cent in.

“Hm….Sebaste is the weaker link of the two. Might as well remove him as a distraction for good,” Ahriman observed, staring between Sebaste and Sebastian.

“Hey, I know I was gone but seriously we are losing?” Ultron said landing his new form was sleeker more futuristic and something purple was in his reactor. “Why am I the late one?”


“Let me guess was supposed to control me?” Ultron had a smile. “Sorry but after the whole scap code I have decided to evolve beyond software.”


“Wait… how is that even a thing?” Allen asked. “Also, what’s in your reactor?”

Ultron had a smile. “You touch it and you get destroyed. Ever watched that one?”

“The power gem?” Allen asked.

Sebastian noticed the look and summoned a Nemesis force halberd as a warning.

Mike was awaiting orders. But he wanted to kill Ahriman right then and there for all the the suffering he caused.

Kirito then sighed before he sheathed his swords and pulled out a sniper rifle before he said, “Hey Rainborg!”

“If you plan on using that on me, you're in for a surprise,” Rainborg glared, the last Zapper being removed.

“I guess it time to use A-sap,” Dark Magician Girl said as she got out a white zapper with a blue eye in the middle.

“Hello. Good to see you,” said the A-sap.

“No, not you,” Kirito admitted, before he took one shot that started ricochet around the room before hitting the back of Khârn’s head.

The bullet dinged off his helmet, doing no damage. “Sorry, runt, but it'll take something worse to kill me.”

“Hohoho! Mind if I join in Ahriman?” Dr Eggman asked as he entered the battle with his Mecha Sally.

“Of course, Eggman,” Ahriman replied.

“Very well then. Mecha Sally: deal with that Faker Metal Sonic,” Dr Eggman ordered as Mecha Sally flew at Metal Sonic with her arm blades.

Metal rolled his eyes and just grabbed Mecha Sally’s head and effortlessly crushed it. “I've dealt with a supercharged Solaris in my base form. What makes you think that a lowly robot can take me in my super form?”

The throne room doors opened and Princess Celestia walked in.

“UDE, engage!” Sebaste roared as he summoned a Incineration cannon.

“ALL OF YOU STOP RIGHT NOW!” Teridax bellowed, pulling a hologram out and turning it on for everyone in the room to see. What was shown was Equus’s star quickly deteriorating. “THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHAT THIS PLANET NEEDS, SO STAND DOWN OR YOUR PRECIOUS SUN DIES!”


Allen closed his eyes and kneeled on the ground. He looked defeated.

Sebastian growled in anger, force halberd at the ready. “Warp take you, Teridax!” he snarled.

“Now that I have everyone’s attention,” the Makuta seethed, gesturing once more to the projection of the dying light. “I know this may sound hard for all of you UDE troopers, but I have what you’re trying to protect hostage. So please, for the love of whatever you worship, leave now and muck about in your own universes!”

Sebaste glared at Teridax. “ You think you can waltz in here and just order us around like we’re your men? One, you were the ones that attacked, two, we fight to defend this universe from threats that attack this world, and three, you may follow Ahriman, but you’ll never know what it’s like to fight alongside a true friend. The UDE has allies that have fought together and have made friendships that’ll last lifetimes!” he said. “Unlike you! You’ve only banded together because you’re all just dogs following their master’s call.”

“No everyone, don’t listen,” Allen said his aura flaring.


“I would listen to Teridax if I were you,” Miss Fortune said, appearing behind him.

“Fortune, what are you doing here!?!” the Makuta growled in annoyance as everyone did the exact opposite of what he demanded. “Do none of you even get what I’ve been trying to say! Are all of you insane, what are you going to do!?!”

“ENOUGH OF THIS! I’VE HAD IT WITH FAILING…” Allen said rising up.

“Oh Second Teridax. You got something on your back,” Dark Magician Girl said as she placed an A-sap zapper on Teridax’s back.

“I summon Dark Magician Girl, attack mode,” Midnight sighed, pulling out a card. A near perfect copy of DMG appeared in front of her for about half a second, before it was blasted to bits by Dark Magician.

“Sorry. No copies of my girlfriend are allowed when I’m around,” Dark Magician said as he opened a portal and Fluttershy step out. “Mind if you called Blue eyes for this fight?” he asked Fluttershy as her eyes turn blue and a Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared.

“Then how about this?” Ahriman replied, pulling out a card of his own. “Dark Magician of Chaos, attack mode.” A blue human with tight black clothing and a long staff appeared. “And I also summon Five-Headed Dragon, attack mode.” A giant dragon with, predictably, five heads, appeared. A number appeared next to it.

ATK 5000 DEF 5000

“I will boost Blue Eyes with the spell United we Stand. This spell will rise Blue Eyes’s attack for every ally I have by 800. That means all the Displaced that are against you,” Dark Magician said as Blue eyes White Dragon attacked the DM of Chaos and Five-Headed Dragon.

“I am not dealing with another duelist today…” Ahriman growled, ripping through the Blue Eyes with his sword. “I have a war to win, and am not in the mood for card games.”

“You would say that since you are newbie to duel monster,” Dark Magician said as he sent his Fluttershy back home.

Allen rose up and pulled out of the ground seldged. “Tell me what happens when Chaos absorbs Chaos?”

“Orders, Sebaste?” called out Mike. He aimed at Ahriman, ready to fire.

“Everyone when my sister asks… tell her she was wrong.” Allen said, “Hey Keagan? You never seen a daemon world get well?”




“Sebaste, we’re both reasonable people here,” the Makuta said, trying to at least convince the Spartan on the hopeless situation. “We both know that everyone else around us, except for Ahriman of course, are complete lunatics. Are you about to doom your entire planet just so they can have a little action? If so, then clearly you are not who you profess to be.”

“I may be many things, but I’m not one to doom a planet. That's more your style. And if you’re still trying to pull that bargaining chip, think again. While I was separated from the others, I managed to take the Elements from the tree, so you’ve lost your edge,” Sebaste said, holding the gems up.

“What!?!” Teridax shouted, looking up at the still dying star. “Do you even understand how to use those properly? Now you’ve doomed this planet through your own ignorance! The sun still dies, your world still ends, this is---”

“Fear not, Teridax, for I decided to bring my own Elements,” Ahriman stated, the six elements appearing in his hand


“Sebaste, what are my fucking orders?!” yelled Mike .

“Just keep any NBL forces off my back!” Sebaste snapped

YES SIR!” Mike yelled back.

Would you like some help?” Gascoigne asked appearing behind him.

“I doubt you can manage that, Mike,” Ahriman chuckled from behind them.

Mike Smith looked at Ahriman. “Prove it motherfucker!”

“Mike catch!” one of the guardsman threw a hot shot lass rifle to mike. But Mike was already firing his rifle at Ahriman. The 7.62’s pinging off of his armor.

“Men focus fire on Ahriman!” ordered the newly arrived commissar.

“It will take a lot more than that to punch through Protosteel combined with Adamantium, worm.” Ahriman growled, his sword raising to bring Mike death.

Mike then tossed a grenade at Ahriman. It had no effect.

“Krak`s out,” yelled the commissar.

“Fool.” Ahriman sliced down, missing his body, instead removing his arm.

“Fuck!” gasped Mike, pulling out his M9 pistol. He fired five times, then collapsed.

Burn, weakling. Amaterasu!” Ahriman's eye flared, and black fire erupted on Mike’s body, burning it away quickly before Ahriman put it out to keep it from spreading.

Mike’s skeleton just laid there.

“You fool! You have killed again, and I sentence you to death,” Gascoigne calmly stated before penetrating Ahriman’s body with a stake driver.

“Nice attempt,” Ahriman chuckled, before his body turned into wood. Ahriman reappeared nearby. “But it will take more than that.” He lunged forward, driving his foot into Gascoigne’s stomach, sending him flying out the window.

Something near scary happened. Mike’s ashes began to float in the air, and was regenerating. Mike landed on his feet. “It takes more than that to kill someone who already died!” laughed Mike.

“You’re more of an annoyance than I thought,” Ahriman growled, picking up Mike and drop kicking him out the window, breaking most of Mike’s bones. “Now, I'm going to go find a real challenge.”

Mike felt the pain, but still got up and ran back, combat knife in his hand. “Bitch, please.”

“To answer you that, no I haven’t. But for her… that’s tuesday,” Allen said pointing behind him. Reality opened up as a voice screamed.

“ALLEN!” Renna had finally come though. She looked at them all. “Don’t tell me… you got into a war didn’t you?”

“Yes,” he said, regretting the whole thing at her glare.

“Hmm. It’s time for me to call in my Eggbeater suit in,” Dr Eggman said as a big robotic suit appeared next to him as he climbed into it. “Now then. GET A LOAD OF THIS!” he shouted as he fired a rocket at Sebaste.

Kirito then cut straight through the missiles using his photon Sword before saying, “You know… I always found that Eggman was pathetic.”

“Well, unlike like my counterpart, I have taken over my world while making sure that no one could form a Freedom Fighter groups,” Dr Eggman said, annoyed.

“Sorry all I heard was kill me, kill me, kill me… could you repeat that,” mocked Kirito

“Do not mocked my creator!” Mecha Sally shouted as slashed Kirito in the back with her arm blades.

Kirito then sighed as he quickly dodge the blades before slicing one of her arms clean off with his photon sword, then quickly slicing the other with his chainsword. “Well. That was disarming.”

“Think again,” Mecha Sally said as energies matching the Element of Magic came out of her shoulders and put her arms back in place.

Kirito then sighed before he slowly slowly applauded Mecha Sally then said “Great party trick… what's next your going to pull a rabbit out of a hat?”

ARHIMAN, I’LL DEAL WITH THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY. YOU DEAL WITH SEBASTE!” Keagan roared as he and the other deamon princes teleported towards the elements of harmony.

“Very well,” Ahriman nodded.

A pillar of Darkness formed were Yubel stood. Out of it, a two headed dragon demon with a face on it’s chest stood. ”YEAH HOW ABOUT NO, ULTIMATE NIGHTMARE!” Yubel said channeling the fall power of her darkness. The beast gave a roar at the seven.

“Open fire!” Roared the commissar as the heavy weapons were finally brought to bear on the enemy.

From the sky dropped two Space Marines clad in full Artificer Armor. “Craner, seems like you could use a bit of support,” the largely red and gold as opposed to his counterpart who was the same red but also bone in color.

“Forward into the pages of history!’ yelled the commissar as he drew his power saber and leapt into to melee.

“Aye, Blood Raptors, purge all that stands before us!” the red and gold marine shouted, pointing his power sword into the air as multiple drop pods hit ground unleashing a torrent of Terminators and a dreadnought, followed closely by four companies worth of Astartes at full sprint.

“You are all weak obstacles that need to be removed…” Ahriman growled, his Mangekyo Sharingan activating as his Susano’o formed around him, a black figure with the symbol of Chaos emblazoned on it. “Begone!” It swiped at the Astartes with a blade of chakra, killing most and sending the rest flying.

The evident Chapter Master in the red and gold armor ran his sword into the ground and let out an Earth shattering roar. “Maximus, do me a favor and purge this Daemon Prince with your followers,” he shouted towards a massive seventeen foot tall Marine in black and silver armor, a moon and wolf engraved into his shoulder as he and his followers walked out of the Warp.

“With great pleasure, Nitronus old friend… Daemon Prince, you fight your own kind now,” Maximus said as he chuckled to himself, his mismatched followers grouping behind him.

“I am no Daemon Prince, fool,” Ahriman chuckled, his Sharingan glowing.

“... You shall join oblivion nonetheless,” Maximus’ ‘voice’ echoed, though it was disembodied, as his followers ran forward alongside the Blood Raptors.

“Craner, Earthshaker rounds as soon as Maxi begins his assault, and don’t be afraid of harming him. He can’t really die, merely be banished for a short time…” Nitronus said as he too joined in the charge.

“No!” Teridax shouted, the ground all of a sudden lurching beneath them. “Those can only do so much, and the Elements were the only thing stopping the sun from sucking the planet into its core!” He reached out a hand to the stolen Elements. “Give those back before you kill everyone here!”

“I may not know how to use them, but I do know six mares who do,” Sebaste said, turning to reveal the mane 6. “Twi, catch!” He shouted before tossing them to the bearers. Twilight caught the Elements in her telekinesis and they changed into the necklaces and tiara.

“Incidentally, they haven't encountered Tirek, so they still have these.”

“How unfortunate for them…” Teridax snarled, using his magnetism to draw one of the six towards him, Rainbow Dash, and grabbing onto her. “Now I have a more personal bargaining chip to use!”

Sudden images flashed into the minds of the Element bearers through their Elements, as Teridax had corrupted them in order for them to actually obey him. The rest of them fell to the ground in pain from the sudden mental barrage.

“While I did not plan for you to use these innocent mares so directly...they seem to have come in handy after all!” the Makuta laughed, although he momentarily clutched his side protectively, but it was to wrapped up in the cloak to see what it was.

Bingo, that's his weak spot, Sebaste thought.

Teridax, still holding Rainbow Dash, turned and walked away from Sebaste and towards Ahriman with the hostage. “Ahriman, I have a gift for you!”

“Hey Makuta, you just goofed up!” Sebaste said before summoning a binary rifle and firing it in rapid order into Teridax’s side. “How resistant are you to Hardlight weapons?!”

Mike re-entered the room. All he had was a combat knife. “Pain is nothing to me, Ahriman. And broken bones too.”

“Guahhh,” Teridax growled in pain as the attack bore deep into the hole in his side, crumpling down and dropping Rainbow Dash. The mechanical menace remained umoving.

“Mind if I cut in?” Erza asked as she cut Teridax’s hand- the one that once held Rainbow Dash- clean off.

Suddenly a clanking noise was heard behind Sebaste as a sword made of protodermis emblazoned with the familiar symbol of a skeleton appeared on the floor behind him with an audio record taped to it and a note reading “For Sebaste.”

“Echo? Is that you?!” Sebaste asked in surprise.

“Um... Sebaste! What is that!?!” Rainbow Dash cried out, pointing a hoof to the paper swirling around Teridax’s corpse.

As the paper repaired the injury, the haunting red light flared from the Makuta’s eyes and he slowly got up as his body repaired itself cracks all around his metal shell signifying that it was Edo Tensei.

“You think I would actually come to this universe and fight with my own body?” Teridax questioned, getting up and moving towards the Spartan. His body morphing once again as a tail with a protosteel drill whirled towards the Element of Loyalty.

Mike took the blow, instead of Rainbow Dash. He was back. He stumbled, but didn’t fall over. He kept fighting.

“Rainborg, secure the prisoner,” Ahriman ordered, and the Cyberpegasus nodded before flying towards her counterpart.

Mike lunged at Rainborg and stabbed at it.

“Really?” Rainborg deadpanned, before bucking him in the face, snatching Rainbow, and flying up into the sky, being sure to knock Rainbow unconscious.

Mike stood up and laughed sadistic like. “OH YOU ARE DEAD!” He somehow pulled a Barrett 50. Cal, and tried to shoot down Rainborg. He shot one of Rainborg’s wings.

“Synthetic Wings, bitch!” Rainborg growled, still slightly pained from the blow. She then activated her short range teleporter and vanished.

Mike turned to Ahriman aiming the 50. Cal at him. “You can take you games and fuck off! Bring Dash back or I will kill you myself!” he yelled.

Enemy targets detected. Krogoth reply: Complete Annihilation,” the massive robot, which had remained inactive until now, declared, two missile packs emerging from it's back. A blue laser shot out of it's head, disintegrating Mike.

A pony with a blue suit and a suitcase formed where Mike was. G-mane. Nothing can kill… Mr. Smith while I live…”

“Fuck it. Trap Card: Dimensional Prison. Begone!” Ahriman sighed, tired of Mike. A portal appeared under him, and he fell through. “That should keep him for a small while….”

The pony, even without wings, just floated above the portal. “I am a.. supernatural being. I can't...die.”

“Grrggghh...Trap Card: Shadow Spell.” Black chains reached out, wrapping around the pony and binding him in place.

“We’ll see… about that…” said the pony, as without magic, it teleported out.


The binds followed him, keeping him immobile. “They don't allow movement of any kind.” Ahriman sighed.

But after that, he summoned Mr Smith, AKA Mike.

“I am done meddling with you,” Ahriman stated, walking away for an actual fight.

Mike fired a Railgun at him, to piss him of. “No, bitch.”

“Ahriman, my connection to this Edo Tensei is getting weak...you’ll have to control it from here on out,” The body of the creature spasmed before it stood stock still, now obeying only Ahriman’s orders.

“Very well,” Ahriman sighed, teleporting away into his Kamui realm.

Sebaste then grabbed the sword behind him and tested it out.

And as soon as Sebaste touched the blade, his entire being was flooded with all of Echo’s power of undeath.

“Hey Teridax?” Father Anderson appeared with a sword in his hand. Anderson bifurcated him with it. “There nothing Excalibur can’t cut through.”

Shining turned to Midnight. “And Anderson got on me for being a Vampire.” He cracked his neck.

“Unfortunately for you,” the Teridax Edo Tensei started, his voice Ahriman’s, “An Edo Tensei regenerates from every blow.”

Keagan and the other deamon princes had just reached the rest of the elements of harmony, each grabbing one while Keagan held Applejack. “I HAVE WAITED A LONG TIME FOR THIS BITCH,” Keagan said, crushing Applejack’s whole body into a red paste.

“Wrong move, traitor! ” Sebastian roared before summoning a volkite blaster and delivering a disintegration ray into Keagan’s head, killing him instantly.

A warp portal opened up right where Keagan’s body fell. When it had disappeared, keagan was standing back up. “YOU BITCH, THAT ACTUALLY HURT. BUT YOU REALLY THINK THAT CAN HURT A DEAMON LORD. I AM A GOD! YOU PATHETIC MORTALS CAN NOT HARM ME!”

“Really?” Sebastian asked before firing off more shots and disintegrating more of his body.

ENOUGH GAMES!” Keagan, roared sending a bolt of pure warp energy at Sebastian.

Sebastian dodged and fired more shots into Keagan.

Teridax appeared, as the shadows around him bent. “Time to take out the garbage,” it stated, raising it's hand. Sebastian’s Volkite Blaster crumpled under Teridax’s powers over magnetism.

Only to have him summon another one.

Teridax sighed, before his tail lashed out, stabbing Sebastian’s arm and drilling through it.

THANK YOU, TERIDAX. TIME TO END THIS!” Keagan said, grabbing Sebastian and throwing him through the palace wall out into Canterlot proper where he landed amongst a group of greater deamons.

Sebastian smirked before going into his primarch form and teleported back to the castle and delivering a psychic blast into Keagan, then delivering the death blow with the Lion’s Sword.

The Teridax Edo Tensei suddenly vanished, and Ahriman stepped out of a portal, with a Kanohi Kraahkan upon his head.

Celestia suddenly raised in the air and exploded in a shower of gore, revealing Keagan slowly sinking back to the ground

“Where’s a grey knight when you need one!?” Sebastian asked in annoyance.


“Oh wait, I can turn into one.” The Astartes facepalmed, before changing into a Grey Knight Interceptor Marine with an Incinerator. “Now BURN!” he roared before unleashing a torrent of flame on Keagan.

Fine. You win for now.” Keagan said, disappearing into a warp portal before the flame reached him.

“Time to end this, Sebastian,” Ahriman growled, before moving his hand. Sebaste’s shadow lurched, before rising up like a spear a impaling him through the chest. “I believe that death of a comrade makes you fight harder.”

What he wasn't expecting was for Sebaste to explode in a fiery blast.

Mike walked over, a huge sadistic grin on his face. His head literally did a 360 around his neck. He had been possessed by something.

“I don't have time to deal with such an incompetent fool who doesn't know how to die,” Ahriman growled, glaring at Mike. “I have absorbed The Edo Tensei. I control its powers.”

“I-I’ll gut you… and then EAT you while you watch!” Mike said, not in his voice, but a low, demonic voice.

“Begone already!” Ahriman growled, slamming his sword into Mike, sending him flying down to Ponyville.

“As for you, Sebastian,” Ahriman growled, activating his Kamui. “I know of a place where we can fight without interruptions.” He used his Kamui to send Sebastian to the Kamui Realm, before going there himself.

The door was blown open as Keagan returned with ten squads of iron warriors. “KILL ALL THE UDE, MY WARRIORS OF IRON!” he ordered as they poured into the throne room, engaging the UDE forces.

“All guardsmen open fire on the chaos marines!” ordered the commissar as he gunned down two with his storm bolter, only to be forced back as the two slaanesh daemon princes leaped towards him.

“You wish to fight?! Them come at me!” roared the commissar as he fought like a deamon, nimble dodging strikes thanks to decades of experience and skills, all the while whittling the two down.

“YES! HURT US MORE!! WE LIKE IT” the creatures that once went by the names of Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara moaned in pleasure.

“You want a new experience? Here try this!’ yelled the commissar as he holstered his storm bolter and drew his sidearm. “This is my gift and my curse! This weapon holds the power of one of the forces of reality... time!” That said, the commissar fired the cursed weapon twice, doing its grisly work on the two.

In seconds the two were forced to suffer something most demons never understood... aging.

Soon there was nothing left but dust in the wind.

“Commissar!” Sebaste yelled.

“Sir!” saulted the officer in question.

“One of my holograms got destroyed, I think something happened to Sasha.”

“That's a real shame,” Midnight chuckled behind him. “And yeah, something did happen. Ahriman is fighting him one on one.”

“Hello Midnight. Ready for a butt kicking? Mainly- yours?”

“I think you got it wrong. Tenseigan Chakra Mode!” her blue chakra aura formed around her, with nine Truth-Seeking Orbs floating around her.

The commissar redrew his storm bolter.

“Let’s play a little game I’d like to call ‘Who’s the real Spartan’!” Sebaste said, before hundreds of holograms spawned all around her, each with a different weapon and armor ability.

“I have no time for your games,” Midnight growled, floating up before the Truth-Seeking Orbs fragmented into multiple, tinier versions of themselves. They then launched forward, striking every hologram or person around her.

“Funny thing is…” one hologram said before he was taken out.

“For each one you take out…” another one said.

“More will take it’s place!” a third one said.

“Fuck this,” Midnight growled, grabbing one of the Orbs. “I'll just level the whole city.”

“I think not,” a voice said before Midnight was impaled from behind with a piece of rebar.

Three orbs smashed into Gascoigne, forming spears as they stabbed into him. Midnight removed the rebar, chuckling as the wound healed.

Only to receive three fuel rod cannon shots in the face.

“That does it,” Midnight growled, eyes glaring brightly. “Golden Wheel Reincarnation!” A massive golden chakra sword formed in her hand.

“Sorry, but you’re finished!” one hologram said before attempting to headshot her with a Sniper rifle.

A orb blocked the shot. Midnight chuckled. “Die….” she growled, raising her sword before sending it crashing down, separating the ground before her and all the holograms, which disintegrated from the blade.

Only to be hit by multiple rockets from more holograms

You will all burn….” Midnight growled, slowly healing while her Truth-Seeking Orbs formed an impenetrable barrier around her in the form of a ball.

“Actually, you’ll burn!” a hologram retorted. “Bring ‘er in boys!” A Scorpion tank rumbled into view, followed by two Cobra tank destroyers which took the high ground and shifted into lockdown mode, their 30mm railguns changing into a single 107mm railgun.

“Open fire!” the hologram yelled, and all three vehicles unleashed high powered shots on Midnight.

Once the smoke had cleared, the holograms saw that the orb had turned into a wall, with Midnight unscathed behind it. “I...am….DONE!” she screeched, as Warp energy began flowing out of her, destroying everything that it touched. The Daemon Princess roared, her powers flaring wildly in her rage.

“Now!” a Broadsword fighter screamed in, unleashing two missiles that smashed into her unprotected back and sent her crashing into the ground.

She screamed in anger as she landed, before the nine Truth-Seeking Orbs broke down and flew inside her. She herself absorbing their energy. “I….will….kill...you! Even if I have to annihilate this entire planet!”

“Sorry, Midnight, but you’re grounded!” the actual Sebaste's voice said before an energy sword cut through her neck, ending all of her worries once and for all.

The energy stored inside her activated all at once, exploding in a explosion relatable to that of an Exterminatus. Sebaste, too close to the source, could not get out in time, and took the blast full force.

Or so it seemed….


SOMETHING THAT YOU IMPERIAL DOGS CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND IS THAT DEAMONS CAN NOT DIE,” Keagan said, snapping his fingers, forcing Slannessh to return there souls to material plane. In a flash of light the two deamons were standing where they fell. “DID YOU MISS US BABY?” Scootaloo said, licking her lips

Once again drawing the cursed weapon to do battle with, the commissar to a fighting stance.

“Come to fight again? No matter. I'll banish you as many times as it takes!” the commissar proudly stood his ground.

NO YOU WON’T, BECAUSE THEY WON’T BE FIGHTING YOU. ZECORA: KILL THIS FOAL,” Keagan said, striding out the door as a bloated deamon of nurgle attacked the commissar

“Go back to hell!” roared the commissar as he blasted the deamon of nurgle with the weapon.

“You may be a child of nurgle but this weapon is of time itself!” yelled the commissar as the weapon performed it duty and and began aging the supposed ‘ageless deamon.

“impossible!” cried Zecora. “Papa Nurgle loves me!”

“He may love you, but all are dust in the wind in the face of the Emperor,” spoke the well-read commissar.


Mike just levitated over to canterlot, at 500 miles a hour. It only took him five minutes to be go back to Ponyville, after seeing what was happening.

Just as he reached the outer wall of Canterlot, he saw the shadowy form of Keagan heading to Ponyville, fully leading half of the iron warriors with the sole intent of destroying the peaceful community. As soon as he landed the iron warriors went about killing everyone

As Keagan killed he started to chant. Out of nowhere, a large number of portals opened up and a battle cry filled the air. “WAAAAAAAGH!!!” was the resounding cry as orcs ran out of the portals and charged the Iron warriors.

Dat it Boyz! Choop em up real good and prooper! HAHAHA!” the Warboss laughed as he walked out of the portal.

He then went about killing the Legion and setting fire to them. The large Warboss in power armor laughed. The strangest thing was the pink mage armor that followed him. “Is this where the party at!” yelled Pinkie Pie from within the mage armor.

Something slowly can to the ground as well. A demonic Mike Smith. “I have come, to deliver death and fear,” he said, sounding nothing like Mike at all. In his hand was some sort of cursed sword.

KILL THE ORCS! PAY THEM BACK FOR Castellax!” Keagan said as the iron warriors got over their surprise at the appearance of the orcs. The orcs suddenly realized that maybe just maybe they bit off more than they could fight when over eleven thousand bolters suddenly pointed at them and fired, tearing thousands of the orcs off their feet. Keagan then proceeded to make a beeline for the warboss, killing all who stood in his way.

Mike was also joining the slaughter, and has killed at least twenty members of the legion.

Oi twigy who side yoo on?” asked the large warboss as he throws a terminator at a tank. “My boyz need some tanks!

“The UDE is who I sided with. And I am gonna fight till’ my -never to come- death!” the possesed Mike said, continuing to kill off the legion.

Good! Dat means you’re helping my mates. Oi lads! We’z got some killing to do get ta work!” he roared getting his waaagh moving again.

YOU WILL NEED MORE THAN TANKS TO SAVE YOUR BACON, ORC SCUM!” Keagan said as he crushed Pinkie. At his command, titan’s imperial army and deamons entered the battle.

“Keagan. Surrender now and I will make your death painless,” Mike said, killing five of Keagans men in one swipe.

IF YOU HAVEN’T REALIZED, I OUTNUMBER YOU!” Keagan said laughing at he gestured to the millions of soldiers and warmachines under his command

Mike chucked. “I am a demon. I can kill all of them without a fight,” he snarked, killing half of them without moving to prove his point.

Clicking his fingers, Keagan replenished his numbers. “No matter how many you kill, I can make more. Now. KILL THEM!” At his words, thousands of artillery shells streaked towards the orcs. When the dust cleared only the warboss was left standing.

“You and me, Keagan. Deamon vs. a demon. Death has come take you,” Mike snarled. WIth that Keagan shot Mike in the head, killing him instantly.

Hmmm, Oi Pinks. Yoo dead?” he asked as he crushed another enemy.

“No, Tom I got out just in time! Want me to call the space hulk?” asked the Pink mare who was sitting on the Tom shoulder.

And suddenly artillery shells began to rain down on the forces of chaos

Maybe later. I want ta hav some fun first,” said Tom as he charged an enemy tank. “WAAAGH!”

Thousands of imperial guardsmen began to fire as well, joining the orcs attacking the iron warriors as their tanks began priority firing on targets of opportunity, and the Orks looted everything they can get there hands on to use on the enemy.

But the forces of Chaos seemed endless. For every one they killed ten more took their place, and the imperial guard already was down to half strength. But the orcs didn’t seem to care as they laughed, killed, and died.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to turn every color of the rainbow. “HA! I DID IT THIS! WORLD IS NOW A DEAMON WORLD AND I’M THE RULER. NOW DIE, ORKS!” Keagan gestured and the ground beneath the orks opened up and swallowed them all. Dropping to the ground, Keagan found the ork warboss. Grabbing him by the neck, Keagan created a portal to who-knows-where. “LET'S FINISH THIS IN PRIVACY ORK.” With a crack, Keagan and the ork disappeared, leaving his iron army to finish off the few hundred imperial guardsmen left.

Little did anyone know a small grot was smiling as it hide under a destroyed tank. “Tell the lads a big fights coming,” it said into a vox.


“So, Sebastian, are you ready to die?” Ahriman asked, sensing Midnight’s demise. A rush of anger soon filled him.

“Are you? Geez, what just ticked you off, Ahri?” Sebastian asked.

“Considering your pet Spartan just killed Midnight, the Daemon Princess I helped create…” Ahriman suddenly appeared in front of Sebastian, kicking him 7 inches deep into the wall. “I have more than enough reasons to be mad.”

“Sebaste beat your pupil? Heh, how about that…” Sebastian smirked before teleporting behind Ahriman, lightning claws at the ready. “You’re not the only one with magic, Ahriman.”

Ahriman whirled around, his sword breaking the claws in two as he slammed his fist into Sebastian’s head, sending him careening into a pillar. “I will be sure to visit him once I finish you off,” Ahriman growled, activating one of the powers he absorbed from the Edo Tensei Makuta. He screeched, a deafening sound emerging from his mouth, cracking Sebastian’s armor.

Suddenly, a portal opened up. Out of it flew a daemon prince and a ork. They were rolling around fighting until the demon jumped back from being set on fire.

Chaos boy! Was that sapost ta hurt? HAHAHA!” the Ork said as he get back on his feet. That was when Tom saw Sebatian. “Hi Sebby, long time no see,” he said before punching the demon in the face with his power claw.

“Hey, Tom, can't talk right now!” Sebastian ducked under a punch from Ahriman and slashed with a new pair of lightning claws, scoring several light wounds on him. “Mind switching partners for a bit?”

Ahriman replied by slashing through the talons again, scoring a long deep cut into Sebastian’s armor.

Sure, could be fun!” Tom yelled, before being picked up and thrown at them by Keagan. This had the side effect of bowling over Sebastian and his ally, allowing Ahriman to stab him in the gut and Keagan to break the neck of Tom... if only the ork was not so huge.

Hahaha. That funny.” The ork head-butted Ahriman and got up with a growl. “My name’s Tom and I’m gonna kap ya! WAAAAAAGH!” he yelled, before opening fire with his big shooter.

Sebastian summoned a thunder hammer and smashed Ahriman aside, sending him crashing into Keagan. However, Ahriman simply phased through him. Keagan retaliated by shooting Sebastian with warp lightning, which he dodged before saying, “Alright, time for something a bit heavier…” He went into his Dreadnought form and smashing Keagan into the ground with his twin power Fists.

Keagan countered by releasing a blurt of scrap code

++Sorry. Unlike Ultron, I’m not affected. So nice try, but it’s time to end this!++ Sebastian growled, before grabbing Keagan and tearing him in half. He tossed the two halves at Arhiman. They reformed in mid flight, only to be atomized by a multi melta blast

Ha! Now we’re the same height! But I’m getting sick of this,” said Tom as his big shooter opened up into a zap cannon. “Let try the big guns!” He then fired the cannon at both chaos demons as a bolt of green energy rushed out to meet them.

“THAT ACTUALLY HURT,” Keagan said as his body reformed again.

“I think not,” Ahriman growled, his hand outstretched. The energy bent towards his hand, before vanishing completely. “It seems I have to go full force to kill these nuisances…” Ahriman sighed, his eyes transformed into the Rinnegan.

Just then a pie hit the Chaos warrior face. Tom smiled as a little cannon on his shoulder was smoking. “You can thank Pinkie for putting dat in my armor,” he said with a grin.

Banshô Ten’in,” Ahriman muttered, raising his sword in one hand while the other was outstretched. He stumbled as a plasma cannon shot smashed into him.

“You. Will. Die!” Ahriman growled, a ball of plasma forming above his hand, which he then launched at Sebastian. The Astartes dodged the plasma ball and threw a photon grenade that temporarily blinded Ahriman in a bright flash and a deafening bang.

“I can sense you….” Ahriman growled, increasing Sebastian’s personal gravity to the point where he fell to his knees.

“You may be able to sense me, but what you can’t sense is the plasma grenade I managed to stick you with!” Sebastian smirked before the grenade on Ahriman’s chest exploded.

“ARGH! Why you!” Ahriman roared, teleporting in front of Sebastian and stabbing him in the chest, slicing up his heart, only to feel eight blades pierce his own chest and both his hearts.

“You fall, I rise,” Sebastian ground out.

“Well well…you managed to do it. But it is not you who rises. It is I,” Ahriman coughed, his Rinnegan glowing. “For in my current state, I shall ascend. Not to Daemonhood, but to beyond. I have absorbed more than enough energy for it. You served me well, little pawn,” he slid down to the side, clutching his chest.

“Warp take you, Ahriman. You may rise, but there are older beings that will keep you in your place,” Sebastian snarled.

“My place….is in the Void...as an….observer….” Ahriman chuckled, his hands making a few hand signs. “For I have one last Jutsu...that rewrites reality itself….”

Sebastian raised his claw and fired an executing shot into Ahriman's helmet, stopping him before he could finish. “Death for all traitors…” he growled before pulling the sword out and instantly healing himself. Then, he exited the portal that Tom and Keagan had come out of.

“.....Izanagi….” Ahriman's body vanished, before reappearing, with none of the damage Sebastian had inflicted remaining. However, his right eye was completely white.

“It is time.” Ahriman's body slowly changed, his skin becoming pure white. A cape of some sorts grew out of his back, with a few images. Nine orbs floated around him. He exited through the portal, his body seeming to fade into the background.


“REALLY? WELL YOU CAN THANK TWILIGHT FOR GIVING ME THIS!” At this, Keagan held up a sphere that had a strange green smoke around inside it.

WAIT!... We’z on a ship right?” Tom asked looking at them.

“NO! This is a realm of the warp!”

Good. GORK AND MORK! These gits say you’z Grot herders!” Tom yelled into the warp.


Huh… Maybe they on lunch break or something?” asked Tom as he shot the demon in the back. The demon quickly got back up and growled.


“Huh? Do you hear something Khorne?” one of the orks at the end of the table said to the giant red warrior next to him

“It was probably one of my champions begging me to kill someone for them again. Do you want more tea, Mork?” he said with the tea pot in his hand.

“Thanks. I’d like that,” said Mork as he looks at the cards. “Got any threes?” he asked the other 40k gods around the table.

“Nope,” Gork said as Mork just stare at him. “I ain't got any.”

“Not for the next three turns,” Tzeentch said as he looked at space book and controlled a planet to stop it from exploding.

“What did we say about giving things away…” said Nurgal as he picked up a hand full of souls and ate them. “Besides, how’s that little war going? You’ve hardly looked at it all week.”

“Hmmm, let find out,” Tzeentch say as he showed everyone.


BODY SLAM!” yelled Tom as he tried to jump on top of Keagan, only to be thrown into a building.

TIME FOR YOU TO DIE, ORK!” Keagan said, forcing the life eater virus cannister down Tom’s throat and forcing the warboss to swallow it.

On shut ya trap! I have a name yooz knowz!” Tom said as he dug his way out. He burped out some kind of gas. “Wat da?” He burped again. “Wat did ya try and feed me?” he said as gas was leaking out of Tom’s mouth.


So?” asked Tom as he blinked at Keagan.


I feel fine,” he said as more gas came out of his mouth. “I’m good, but I do feel funny.” The ork then looked down and noticed a puddle of green ooze slowly spreading out from under him.

Crap… I’m sporing again… was his last thought before taking aim with his zap cannon and realizing his arm had melted he then dropped the gun .

Well fuck this sucks… Looks like I failed da boss… Oh well… I… Had fun… Being Boss… I’m Boss... Tom…” said the large ork as he fell over.

The last thing he saw was an Astartes smash into Keagan and eviscerate him on the spot with his lightning claws

“Sebastian WAIT I WANT TO TALK!” Keagan said as his guts vanished.

“I don't talk to traitors…” Sebastian snarled. “I eliminate them!” before delivering the deathblow to him.

“I think there is room for some more blood.” A sword pierced through Sebastian’s chest from behind, removing his heart. A black blade pierced his other heart, ruining his last chance of survival.

Ahriman then turned to face the barrel of a Scorpion tank. “I don’t think so,” Sebaste said before he fired the main cannon point blank into Ahriman.

When the dust cleared, Ahriman was nowhere to be found. A tear in reality, leading to the Void, finished closing. Sebaste then radioed, ++ I need a med evac for Sasha immediately!++

“Commissar Craner here. Help is on the way,” replied the steadfast officer.


THE WAR IS OVER AND WE HAVE WON!” Keagan roared to a cheering new black legion.

Only to find a massive UDE force surrounding them. “Ahriman is dead, along with Midnight,” Sebaste said to the stunned New Black Legion. “So you’ve lost this War.”

That was when a fleet of Space hulks showed up and headed for the planet.

This is Ahriman. I still live. I return you all to your universe of origin. Rewards will be given soon enough,” a voice echoed across the universe. Portals opened up across the planet, returning everyone to their home universe. “For, unlike Sebaste, I have gained Understanding of the multiverse, and the power to use it. For I am…. The Schemer.”

++...This is Warboss Tom, and I’m coming for yaz all…++ a ghostly transmission was sent but no one knew from where or when. The Space Hulk fleet then moved off to find their prey.

“We’ll see each other again,” Sebaste said to the others gathered around him in the Throne Room. “It was an honor fighting alongside you all.”

“Sir my remaining force is are ready to help fix the damages to Equus,” supplied the commissar.

“As am I,” the massive winged form of Keagan landed through the hole he made earlier.

Sebaste glared at Keagan. “You’d better…” he growled at the Daemon Prince.

At this, Keagan gestured to Canterlot. As Sebaste looked out at the city he noticed Keagan’s men helping the ponies rebuild their homes. Bowing to Sebaste, Keagan said, ”You and your men fought well. You have my respect, but I regret to inform you that as Ahriman isn't actually dead and Sebastian is, the new black legion actually won. Not that I feel like I won. My legion is majorly depleted, so they are willing to call it a draw.”

Sebaste turned suddenly and charged up to Keagan. “IF YOU HADN'T ATTACKED, SASHA WOULD STILL BE ALIVE! NOW GET OUT!” he roared.

“I know Ahriman was a power-hungry madman but as for Sasha, I think I can solve that.” He then proceeded to snap his fingers a burst of white light surrounded Sebastian’s body When the light cleared, he slowly got to his feet.

“What..where am I?” he said groggily

“Thank you,” the Spartan said to Keagan. “But I’m still ticked off about that double cross.”

Keagan smiled at that. “Well, more like a triple cross. Don’t forget i still have midnight’s soul double trapped in my tesseract vault.”

“I will order my men to begin collecting the dead for the burn piles,” spoke the officer.

Sebaste nodded then felt something small tapping his leg. “Oi down ‘ere,” said the grot as it looked up at him.

“Hey, where’s Tom?” Sebaste asked.

“Da bosses plan kind of worked to loot stuff off of everyone. To bad his body died but his head still good,” said the Grot with a smiled as an Ork shambled along with a Painboy working on him.

“You sure I’m okay? I think I should be resting or something?” said Tom as he got used to his new body. More like someone else’s body.

“Yooz be fine now walk it off ya git I got patients ta see!” said the Pain boy as he ran off to work. Tom looked to Sebaste.

“Sorry I wasn’t much good,” said Tom as he held onto a metal pipe to keep himself upright. “Most of my boyz have gone off to do there own thing. Should still be one space hulk up da. Me and the boys could use a left.”

Sebaste sighed then said, “It’s fine, Tom, I’m glad you managed to help us.” Tom smiled as the small Grot was yelling out orders to the Orks to get moving.

“You know, having your head cut off hurts. Having it stitched back on to a new body even more,” said Tom as he went with his orks.

Sebaste waved a farewell to the ork as he and his men were taken up to their ship.

He looked over at Sebastian. “Looks like we have a lot of repairs to make,” he said to the Astartes, who nodded.

“Me and my men are ready to help.” Spoke Commissar Craner.

“Then let's go.” Sebaste said

“Now if you’d excuse me, I’ve got a legion to rebuild,” Keagan said, vanishing to go back to his own world. “send the marines back when you are finished okay sebaste” .

Sebaste nodded and headed out with Craner and Sebastian to begin rebuilding the towns destroyed in the battle. The war was finally over.

“Sebaste...want some help fixing all this?” A familiar metallic question, barely a whisper in the mind of the spartan. “It’s the least I could do…”

“After what you tried to pull?!” Sebaste snarled. “Fine, but don't think this changes anything!”

“Whatever you say...pal,” the voice chuckled, shadows repairing the rubble to its original state. “It's finally over though…so let’s keep it that way, hm?”

Sebastian nodded.

With that, the reconstruction of Equestria began.

Author's Note:

Damn, this one's a whopper of a chapter!

Thanks to all the writers that helped with this chapter, especially Warmaster Ahriman, who without his first Crossover with me, this wouldn't have happened!

So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for helping write this Arc!