• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 4,493 Views, 262 Comments

For the Emperor and the UNSC! (Old version) - Titan Commander Sebaste

Gahhhh, I knew I shouldn't have picked up that Bolter at the convention, now me and my mate Sebaste are in Equestria having to face a slew of foes! My name's Sasha, and in the grim darkness of the far future... THERE IS ONLY WAR!

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Chapter 7: It's Game Time!(Pt 2)

3rd Person POV

“So you’re telling me, that he’s from another universe ENTIRELY?!” Twilight ended the question with a shriek.

Sebastian winced. It was bad enough that she had gotten furious when she heard the report, but when she heard about where Craig came from, it pushed her over the edge.

Craig then smiled at her and said “Well, in a way all three of us are, but yes I come from another separate reality to this one.”

“Twilight, please calm down, shouting isn’t gonna help.” Sebaste said in a attempt to calm her.

“Sorry, it’s just a lot to take in, first you two show up, now all of a sudden there’s this multiverse with people just like you!”

“Well not exactly, the same there are differences between the worlds but by extent, similar events happen” admits Craig

“Speaking of which, how did you end up in your version of Equestria?” Sebastian asked

Craig then rubs the back of his head and says “well I seem to be an exception to the norm, from what I know in my case, you need to blame my Discord, although he kind of found a way to torment me for year before he dragged me to my Equestria.”

“We were at a local convention when we found this vendor in the shadows. He was dressed as a Rogue Trader from WH40K. I picked the bolter that I’m holding now and Sebaste grabbed an assault rifle, next thing we know, we wake up in the Everfree.” Sebastian explained. “ And the rest is history, we saved Twi from the Timberwolves and took out a squad of Traitor Marines.”

Craig then smiled then said “Well I’m glad to hear nobody was killed, but I did hear Rainbow Dash was seriously injured” He then looked at Twilight and said “and i would like to help her, I have had practice at fixing injuries and could fix her wing for her.”

Twilight nodded. “She’s in the Ponyville Central Hospital, along with Rarity. I’ll lead you there.” She said.

“Actually Twi, we’ve got a faster way of getting there.” Sebaste said. “You ready to beam us over?” He asked Craig.

Craig then smiles and says “Instant Transmission it is then, Twilight place on all your hooves on me and I can get us there before you can blink.”

Twilight then looked extremely confused. “Last time I checked, Humans can’t teleport! It doesn’t make any sense!”

Craig then smiles and says “sense, what fun is there in making sense.” He then sighs and says “No taking control, Discord!”

She then facehooved. “You know what, I’m not gonna think about it. you’re as confusing as Pinkie!” She said.

“Probably a good idea, anyway it’s just using my natural Ki to move myself over large distances within second.”

Sebastian deadpanned. “You do realize that I haven’t seen Dragonball?”

“Shame it was quite a good show” admits Craig

“I was more into action movies like the Michael Bay Transformers, and as for shows, I usually went for Voltron Force.” Sebastian replied.

Craig smiles then replies “I’ll be honest, I don’t recognize Voltron Force, but Transformers was a brilliant set of films”

“Are we gonna keep talking about stuff that we watched or are we gonna go see Rainbow?” Sebaste interrupted.

“Right, sorry. Beam us over Scotty!” Sebastian said.

Craig then laughs as everyone touches parts of his body, he then put two fingers on his forehead and they disappeared from the room.

Nurse Redheart was on duty when she saw a flash and Twilight and the two humans appeared, but she didn’t recognize the third human with them.

“Ms. Twilight, this is unexpected!” She said.

“Sorry, we weren’t meaning to surprise you.” Twilight apologized. “ We’re here to see Rainbow Dash.”

“Room 437 on your left.” Redheart replied.

The foursome headed over to the room, where Rainbow was reading the latest Daring Doo book. She looked up as they entered.

“Sup guys?” Rainbow greeted them. She then noticed Craig standing with them. “Who’s the new guy? Never seen him before!”

Craig then smiles and says “My name is Craig, Miss Dash, I heard you were injured and wanted to help you.”

Rainbow looked skeptical. “I’m not sure if you can, when that guy punched me, he broke my wing in three places, how can you help me?”

Craig then smiles and says “I fixed a guy who had his arm removed and reattached it like it was never damaged in the first place. So fixing a sprain isn’t as hard as that.”

Hearing that, Twilight looked a little green. “ Y..You picked up somepony’s severed ARM?!”

Craig then sighs and say “The pains of a war can be horrible, but you need to be able to work with what you’ve got.”

“Well, let’s get this over with. I’m ready” said Rainbow.

Craig then smiled, walked over to her, placed one of his hands over the wing then said “Grand Healing” Seconds later Rainbow Dash’s wing was covered in a yellow glow which within seconds faded. He then smiled at her and says “How does that feel?”

Rainbow tested her wing by flapping it. “ Like it was never broken. Thank you so much!” She said as she gave him a hug.

“No problem, let’s just say I know you pretty closely back home” said Craig

“Craig, we can’t thank you enough for helping us with those damned Orks” Said Sebastian “ If you ever need our assistance, call upon us and we’ll heed the call.” He then hands Craig a copy of his token while Sebaste does the same. “These are our tokens, the chainsword is a Eldar Scorpion chainsword has been modified to carve through any armor while the assault rifle will allow you to fire your ki energy from it along with your Skyrim shout.”

Craig then smiles and says “So you noticed Storm Call and Thank you, all of you” He then pulled a small amulet from around his neck and placed it in his left hand and seconds later a replica appeared in his right as he continued to say “This is for whoever didn’t find my token and also I would like to teach you something”

“What would this lesson be?” Sebaste asked as he took the amulet.

“well that’s up to whatever each of you want, I could teach you how to miniplate Ki, Chakra or I could teach you one of the skyrim shouts.”

“While that would be nice, we’d rather stick with what we have, but thank you for offering.” Sebastian said. “Craig, our contract is complete, you’re free to go back home.”

Craig then smiles as he salutes them and says “If you ever are in over your heads again just give me a shout.” with that a portal appears under his feet and he disappears.

“I get the feeling we’ll meet again…” Sebastian murmured as he, Sebaste, Twilight and Rainbow left the hospital.

Author's Note:

Thanks again to The Dark Brony for doing this Crossover with me!
Well, here it is, Chapter 7! To think that I got off to a bad start with this story by being a bit too rushed with my writing, and now I'm up to 21 likes, 21 dislikes.
Thank you all that took their time to read my first story!