• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 4,493 Views, 262 Comments

For the Emperor and the UNSC! (Old version) - Titan Commander Sebaste

Gahhhh, I knew I shouldn't have picked up that Bolter at the convention, now me and my mate Sebaste are in Equestria having to face a slew of foes! My name's Sasha, and in the grim darkness of the far future... THERE IS ONLY WAR!

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Chapter 6: It's Game Time!(Pt 1)

1st person POV - Sebastian

A few day after Sebaste and I had fought the Covenant Remnants Storm lance, we were patrolling the edge of the Everfree when I spotted something glinting in the sunlight.

“The hell…?” I muttered. “Seb, you see that?” I called out.

“Yep, what do you think it is?” He replied.

“Let’s find out.”

As we approached, it was revealed to be an amulet in the shape of a sword, on each side of the blade was Celestia’s and Luna’s Cutie marks embedded into the metal.

“What is this? It’s like nothing I’ve seen before!” Sebaste said in confusion.

I didn’t answer him as I looked at the amulet. As I picked it up, I heard a voice ring out in my head
“Hi my name is Craig. If ever you are in danger, are scared, frightened or even just need an ally to stand by your side in your darkest hour. Call on me and I will come and do everything in my power to aid you.”

“What in the name of the Emperor was that?!” I said in shock.

“What happened?” Sebaste asked in concern.

“I picked up the amulet, and I heard this voice.” I said, still shaken up. “ I..I think we just found a Displaced token.”

Sebaste looked like he was about to say something when a bullet zipped by, it was so close, he actually flinched. It was then that we heard battle cries coming from the Everfree. We looked over to see, of all things, a mob of about 30 to 50 Orks charging towards us, and leading the charge was a Nob with a power klaw and a twin-linked shoota.

“OH COME ON! ORKS?! REALLY!?” I yelled in frustration. I quickly summoned a Heavy Bolter and opened fire. As I was firing, I activated my iPod and played a song that fitted the mood

Sebaste summoned a fuel rod cannon and also opened up on the greenskins, but even with the amount of firepower we were pouring into them, there were still too many of them.

We were running out of options, I then pulled out the amulet and said “ In the name of the Emperor, Craig, I call upon you to help us to eliminate the Xenos!”

Seconds later a white portal appeared in front of us as another human holding a sword that looked identical to the amulet ran out of the portal then said “What’s the problem?”

“Those are the problem.” I said, pointing at the approaching mob of Greenskins.

The human then smiled and said “Give me a few seconds.” He then turned around as a blue synthetic skin crept across his body and he brandished his sword in one hand whist holding a Bolter Pistol in the other as he shouts “StrunBahQo!” and within seconds lightning began to strike the Greenskins.

Seeing multiple lightning strikes hit the orks from a shout left us stunned, just who was this guy? He must be a powerful Psyker to be able to summon that many bolts!

Not wanting to be left out, I summoned my Jump pack and General Sturm’s Lightning Claws.
I then launched myself at the Orks, roaring “FOR THE LION!” and firing the built-in Storm Bolters.

Sebaste quickly summoned a Gravity hammer and also charged into the melee, sending Greenskins flying left and right, while I slashed with my lightning claws and fired off shots from the built in Storm Bolters.The Orks fell in droves, most of them killed in the lightning strike.

The human then smiled as multiple tendrils shot out around his body spearing the remaining Orks killing them instantly.

The Nob was the only one left standing, and he was mad as a wet hen. “Youse thinks youse can beat da Orks? Youse gotta nother thing coming!” He spat. With a yell of “WAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH” He charged towards us. I readied my Lightning Claws for the combat.

The human then sighed, brought two fingers to his head and then shouted “Makansap... Makakasapap... Makasapo... Oh, the HELL with it, Special Beam Cannon!” The purple beam then erupted from his fingers and struck the Ork through the chest killing him instantly.

“By the Lifegiving Throne!” I said in amazement. This guy had one shotted an Ork Nob with what was essentially a lascannon “Are you some sort of psyker?! Because I’ve never seen that before!”

The human then looks at us and said “Firstly, what’s a psyker? Secondly, have you ever heard of Dragonball Z, it’s a Ki blast from that.”

I took off my helmet and gave him a deadpanned look. “A psyker is someone who uses the power of the warp to do many things, read minds, summon force shields, shoot lightning. But it comes at a price, if you tap into it too much, you risk being possessed by the daemons that lurk therein. Seriously, have you ever played Warhammer 40,000 before? They practically tell you what a psyker is!”

The human then smiles and says “well I guess I am then” He then scrolled in a downward motion and then seconds later a staff appeared on his back and says “I’ve have had a bit of practice, I was taught by a displaced called Ahriman, and no I never actually played it.”

“Ahriman? Of the Thousand Sons?! You’ve worked with that traitor to the Emperor?!” I asked in anger.

“Replace worked with, with battled against, and it isn’t the real Ahriman it’s a guy who was displaced as him, along with who he refer to as his brothers Zhufor and Khârn”

“Sorry, ever since Sebaste and I have arrived here, the memories have been starting to come in”
I said in apology. “ I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself, my name’s Sebastian, though my friends call me Sasha. My friend over there is Sebaste.”

The Human then smiles and says “Don’t worry about it, and I’m betting you already know my name from my token. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Indeed, I did hear your name. It’s is a pleasure to meet a fellow displaced.” I replied.

“Same here.” Sebaste said.

Craig then smiles and says “do you have anywhere safe we can go to talk? I’d rather not be this exposed.”

We’re staying in Ponyville at the moment, if you’d like, you can come with us.” I offered.

“Although, I’m not sure if anypony is really gonna be welcoming at the moment…, you see, we just recently fought a Covenant Remnants Storm lance, and seeing us us fight scared a lot of the villagers.”

Craig then looks at us and says “If you only run from your problems you will never truly avoid them. I personally think we should go back and try to fix whatever's happened, you need everyone there to trust you, especially Twilight.”

I chuckled. “Getting Twilight’s trust isn’t a problem, we actually saved her from a pack of Timberwolves when we arrived, and we helped her friends take out a squad of Chaos Marines that appeared.”

Craig then smiles and says “Ah the memories. I did the same with the Cutie Mark Crusaders when I arrived, That was a weird day.”

I then winced, “Unfortunately, during the battle with the Chaos squad, Rarity was knocked unconscious and Rainbow suffered a broken wing. They’re now in the hospital.”

Craig then smiles and says “How long ago did that happen?”

“A day ago”

“Well then, I can heal Dash’s wing for her, that is if I can get to see her.” admits Craig

I nodded. “Alright, let’s head back to Ponyville, we’ll have to report what happened to Celestia.”

Craig then smiles and says “Do you want to head straight to Ponyville or make a stop in Canterlot.”

“We usually send reports to her through Spike.” Sebaste explained “We’ll be joining the Royal Guard Reserves as soon as Celestia is able to fit us in.”

With that, we headed back towards Ponyville with our new friend
However seconds later Craig says “If you want I can get us there quicker.”

I nodded “Beam us up, Scotty.”

He the smiles and says “place one of your hands on my back and we will be there within seconds”

We follow his directions, as he place two fingers on his forehead and within milliseconds, we were in Ponyville. We then headed over to the library to make our report,and boy, did we have a report to make….

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank The Dark Brony for helping me with this Crossover.
His character Craig is from 'A Gamer in Equestria'.
I'd suggest checking it out!
Part 2 of the Crossover will come out tomorrow (hopefully)