• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 4,479 Views, 262 Comments

For the Emperor and the UNSC! (Old version) - Titan Commander Sebaste

Gahhhh, I knew I shouldn't have picked up that Bolter at the convention, now me and my mate Sebaste are in Equestria having to face a slew of foes! My name's Sasha, and in the grim darkness of the far future... THERE IS ONLY WAR!

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Chapter 9: Well, this is new...

Chapter 9: Well this is new....
Third Person POV - Unknown

Tom was just minding his own business as he taught the Gretchin named Gibllt how to work with machines. The name wasn’t his idea, the little grot just started calling itself Giblit as far as Tom could tell. Unlike before, where a portal opens out of nowhere this time he got some warning. It was a Waagh! Tom quickly grabs Giblit and stuffed the small Gretchin into his backpack. He managed to grab his big shooter before being pulled into a portal.

“OW! Bloody ‘ell! wat goin on?” Tom asked as he gets up and then looks down at a ork who was about half his size. “Who er yooz?”

“It worked! Told ya the boss was right! Now we’z can kill the softeys!” Yelled the ork who as far as Tom could tell was your standard Boyz. There was 5 of them and he saw his token. Tom then looked around and saw they was in the middle of that Horse town he liked to sneak into to get cake.

“Sorry lads. But yooz all just pissed me off.” said Tom with a smile as he beheaded one with his power klaw. Before opening fire on the others. “Giblit something tell me we’re infor a fight.”

“Oh goody! I get to use the shoota!” Said Giblit as he moves around in Tom Backpack before pulling out a shoota and looks for something to shoot.

“Remember, no shooting the horses.” said Tom as he picks up his token and walks out into the madness that was happening around him. “This could be fun.”

First Person POV- Sebaste

With Sasha out of commision, I was the only one left that could defend Ponyville. I summoned a missile pod and let loose, blasting a squad of orks into oblivion.

“That’s for hurting my friend, you bloody wankers!” I yelled as the orks gave their warcry even into death.

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire catches the orks and me by surprise, me because the gunfire was aimed at the orks from one of their own kind, a Warboss

“Come and get some if ya think ya ‘ard enough!” Yelled the Ork as he let loose a spray of flame from his weapon setting the other orks on fire.
I aimed my pod at the Warboss and said,” If you’re with them, you’ve messed with the wrong town, my friend nearly DIED fighting one of your walkers!”

“Wat! they have killacans to! Oh that just great. Wait, you’re human! stay dar I’ll come to yooz!” Yelled the warboss as he made his way down to me.

I was confused beyond measure, an ork that didn’t act like an ork? Something just didn’t add up. Once he made his way to me, I realize just how tall and big the warboss was.

“Wat happened to ya friend? ” Asked the Ork as he came up to me.

“He fought and destroyed a Deff dread while in Contemptor Dreadnought mode”

“Huh he must be hard ta do dat. So what going on out here then?” Asked the ork as he looks around.

“We had responded to a Diamond Dog attack, Sasha had just taken them out when the orks had launched an assault, he had just unlocked his new form when the dread attacked.”

“Huh, this Boss of theirs is ever smart or not that strong to do something like that.” said the warboss as he start to loot the ork bodies.

“My name’s Sebaste-915, UNSC Spartan and part of the Royal Guard Reserves.”

“Nice ta meet youse, Seb. I’m Tom an this little guy hiding in my backpack is Giblit.” said Tom as the Gretchin pops out pointing it’s shoota at me.

“Waagh! I’m dead hard!” It yelled only for Tom to push it back into his backpack.

“I’m guessing you’re another Displaced?” I asked Tom. He nods at me before finding an apple and start to eat it.

“Yeap, after a week of living in the horse's forest I get taken to the emperor, don’t ask how I got dar I don’t know.” said Tom as he give the rest of his apple to Giblit. “Looted the sun hoare cakes and then get sent home next thing I know. I get Giblit and hear the the emperor saying here your son back.”

I raised an eyebrow under my helmet. “The God Emperor?”

“ya only his like us and was dressed up and the emperor from that show on youtub called The If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device” said Tom.

“Sasha and I were at this Convention when we were displaced, he was dressed up as a Dark Angels Adeptus Astartes, me as a Spartan Orbital from Halo 4.”

“Never played dat game.” said Tom as he turn his head to the warcry of more orks. “Looks like more are coming.”

“Then let’s give them something to remember us by.” I said with a grin. Tom grinned back at me as he runs off yelling out. “WAAAGH!” Damn he's loud!

I then summoned a Scorpion tank and climbed in. “Open wide!” I yelled as I opened fire with the 98mm cannon. ‘Firing main cannon.’ said a female voice before the shell left the cannon.

I facepalmed. “Yo, dude, I was not summoning the RvB Scorpion tank!” I yelled to no one in particular.

“How rude! I came to help and that the kind of thanks I get? If your going to be like that I won’t let you fire my cannon.” said the woman voice from the tank.

sorry, not my fault! just go with the flow!

“Alright, sorry bout that Gladys.”

“WEEEEEE!” Yelled Tom who was now driving a lotta Truck with Orks running away from him.

I lined up the cannon for another shot, when I saw another Dread appear in the distance. I quickly turned the turret towards the walker and unleashed an armor piercing shell that destroyed it instantly.

“Eat that, ya walking tin can!” I yelled as the Dread toppled over with a gaping hole in the middle of it. And shockingly enough an ork jumps out and runs away.

“Oh no you don’t!” I snarled, and fired the heavy machine gun mounted on the turret. The ork was cut down instantly. That’s when I heard a powerful warcry, next thing I know the tank's turned over and something was tearing into its underbelly.

I jump out to see the enemy Warboss wreaking the Scorpion and he was MASSIVE!

“Yooz little hume git! Yooz thank ya hard don’t ya kapening my Boyz? Well Iz is goaan kill ya dan!-” In the middle of the Warboss’s rant he get hit by the truck Tom was driving.

“HAHA! take dat ya Snot loving Grot mucher!” Yelled Tom as he pulled the Truck back only to drive it into the Warboss again.
The Warboss slammed his Power Klaw into the Trukk and in one go flipped it and made it roll bumper over bumper into an evacuated building. I then saw Tom open the door and fall out looking a bit dizzy.

Then a Bolter shot rang out. I turn to see Sasha striding towards us, the muzzle of the built-in Storm Bolter on his lightning claws smoking.

“So you’re the one behind this invasion. You’ll pay for this!” he snarled, he then summoned his jump pack, and with a roar of “FOR THE LION!” he charged.

“Well look at dat, ar space marine! Haven’t seen one of those in a long time, heard yooz is good fighting.” said The warboss as he whips his jaw letting out a growl. “Yor ‘ead going to do nicely for my boss pole! WAAAGH!

Sasha dodged the first few attacks, and lashed out with powerful strikes of his own, leaving deep slash marks on the Warboss. I also charged in, summoning an Energy sword and using my thrusters to perform a slashing run.

“Stop running yoo runt!” yelled the Warboss as he kicks out with one of his massive feet, sending me flying.

“OOF!” I grunted as I crash landed into the ground. I then looked at Tom.He dropped his backpack and then discards his big shoota for a choppa. Tom took a running start as he jumped onto the warboss’s back.

“WAAAGH!” Tom roared as his power Klaw digs into the Warboss armour as his choppa found a soft spot to dig in. The warboss was roaring in both pain and anger as Tom was pulling armor and flesh off its back with his Power Klaw.

Sasha looked over at me and said, “ Why is there an Ork fighting with us?”

“It’s a long story, my question to you is, HOW ARE YOU ALREADY HEALED?!” I yelled out the last part.

“Must be the healing factor plus unicorn magic.” He said. The Warboss then gets a hold of Tom before throwing him into a house, Letting out a roar of rage.

“Yooz thnk yooz can be da Boss! I’z da only Boss ‘ere! I’m GoreKapper Warboss of this WAAGH!” Yells the warboss as he turns his head to face us.

“That’s what you think, xenos, yet you picked the wrong town to mess with!” Sasha said. “We finish this, together! For the EMPEROR, for the UNSC, FOR EQUESTRIA!”

“For icecream!” Yelled a high voice from Tom backpack. It was Giblit armed with a Rocket launcher. “This one for da BOSS!” It yelled and fired at the Warboss. The rocket exploded on the warboss face, it only seem to make him angrier.

“Oh no!” said Giblit as the little Gretchin ran back into the backpack. GoreKapper walked over to the Backpack before stomping on it with his boot. “Hump, stupid git.” Said the warboss as he turns back to us.

Seeing this, we both let out a roar of rage and charged.

Tom pushed his way out of the house covered in cuts but seemed fine. He let out a growl seeing the warboss fighting with us. Tom runs off to get his big shoota and starts firing on the warboss.

The shots distract the Warboss long enough to give Sasha the opening he needed. With a cry of “FOR THE EMPEROR!” He drives his lightning claws into the Warboss’s brain, killing him instantly.

With their leader dead, the rest of the orks are quickly taken out.

“Where’s Giblit?” asked Tom as he start to look for his backpack.

“That damn Warboss killed him, we were too late to save him.”

Tom looked at us before running off to find his backpack once he did he start looking around init. Tom smiles and drops his backpack.”Okay Giblit I know your here come out you little git!” Tom calls out.

“Tom...” Before I say anything I heard a high voice call out. “Here boss!” called out Giblit but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Funny Giblit take off the camo.” said Tom as next to the ork Giblit appears as he takes off purple camo.

I facepalmed. “You cheeky….! We thought you were dead!” I said in exasperation.

Tom just laughs as he picks up the Gretchin and what’s left of his backpack. “What can I say I taught him well.” said Tom as he throws a small metal ork token to us. “Need any help, just use dat.”

I nodded then handed him a replica of my assault rifle “This has been modified so that you can fire any ammo from it.”

Sasha then summoned a two handed Big Choppa, “When you use this, you will be able to carve through tanks. And as an added bonus it also changes into my token so if you ever need help, both Seb and I will be there.”

“Thanks.” said Tom once he take the items a portal opens under his feet. ”Not AGAIN!”

We both look at each other as Tom disappeared into the portal.

“Well, that was new…” Sasha said.

“I agree. By the way, that ork that helped us was a Displaced.”

“Wait, WHAT?! "

Author's Note:

Thanks to ShadowsintheDark for doing this crossover!
His character Tom is from An Ork in Equestria
and check out his Warmachine displaced fics!