• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 4,479 Views, 262 Comments

For the Emperor and the UNSC! (Old version) - Titan Commander Sebaste

Gahhhh, I knew I shouldn't have picked up that Bolter at the convention, now me and my mate Sebaste are in Equestria having to face a slew of foes! My name's Sasha, and in the grim darkness of the far future... THERE IS ONLY WAR!

  • ...

We're blasting off again!

Rewatching the video footage from Rainborg, Sebaste could only comfort Twilight as she sobbed at the prismatic pegasus mare’s fate. Sebastian stood behind the two, his face not giving any indication of the rage boiling inside him.

“We'll make sure Rainbow is avenged.” The Spartan said to the now leader of Equestria . “That we can promise…”

“It’s not fair, first Applejack and Celestia, now Rainbow…” The lavender unicorn sobbed. “I don't know if I’m even ready for being the leader of Equestria!”

“You’ll do fine, and you’ll have our support the whole time.” Sebaste said to her.

As Twilight continued to cry, the two Displaced decided to leave her alone and walked out of the room in order to make plans. What they didn't know was that their day was about to get a bit hectic...


Screwball snickered as she watched the two unicorns look for her. Seeing the two leave, she jumped down from the roof landing on top of a bush. Making sure that no one was around, she slowly trotted towards her destination, making sure to hide from any of the patrolling guards. Sticking her hoof inside her beanie, she took out a small red and white ball, “Come on out Likitung.” She whispered, smirking when she saw the familiar pink chameleon appear.

A green blob poked his head out of the hat, moaning. “Guuullllpiin…?”

The pink filly snorted, rolling her eyes. “You worry too much Gulpin, with mom’s Likitung here I’m sure we can pull it off this time.” She petted the blob, “I promise, we’re not going to get caught like last time.”


She growled, “Last time we got caught it was because we borrowed the wrong Pokemon.” Screwball smirked, “We needed a power house to pull this off, and Likitung here is the perfect mon for the job!” She gave the blob a light glare. “So quit your worrying! I got this under control!” The Gulpin moaned, sinking back into the hat.

Screwball carefully made her way towards the hedge maze, hiding inside the bush with the Likitung when a guard passed by. Once the area was clear, she bolted towards the Statue Garden, several times having to pretend to be a statue whenever one of the patrolling guards walked by. Screwball smiled widely upon seeing the familiar statue, “Hiyah Daddy!” She whispered loudly, “I came back like I said I would, this time I brought mom’s Likitung to help.” The pink lizard cheered upon hearing it’s name.

The statue glowed, “Screwy? Don’t tell me this is another escape attempt…? While I do appreciate you trying, I’m pretty sure your mother is getting tired of having to come to Canterlot to pick you up.”

“Don’t worry dad, this time I’m not going to fail!” Screwball whistled, catching the Likitung’s attention. “Likitung, use Strenght!” The lizard nodded, grabbing the statue and trying to carry it. Seeing the Likitung struggle, Screwball began to panic. “What?! Oh come on! It can’t be that heavy!” She scowled. “Instead of carrying it, how about you try to push it towards the balloon?!” Likitung nodded, letting go of the statue and pushing it, leaving a trail of dirt wherever it went.


“Not now Gulpin! We don’t need your negativity right now!” Screwball yelled, beginning to help push the statue. “Strength…” She muttered, feeling herself get a boost in energy, she smiled when she saw the statue being pushed a bit more faster.


Screwball groaned, “Oh come on!” Seeing the guard run towards them, she turned around and blew a cloud of spores onto the pony, forcing him to fall asleep. Looking around, she smiled when there were no other guards around. “Well that went well.”


“Not now Gulpin!” Screwball searched the sky, looking for a balloon, “Hey Gulpin, you see the balloon anywhere?” The blob shook his head, hiding back inside the hat. She sighed, continuing to push the statue towards their destination.

“Screwy, perhaps you should give up this whole ‘rescue’ mission… the pigeons have finally stop coming, so it isn’t all that bad.”

“No can do dad!” She snorted, giving the statue one final push before taking a break. “Besides, this is the farthest we’ve ever gotten! No mob of guards! No princesses! No Pokemon! We’re making good progress, right guys?”



“No one likes a sourpuss Gulpin.”

“You should treat your Pokemon a little better Screwball..”

Screwball snorted, “Please, Gulpin is fine! We always tease each other like this.”


“No one asked you Gulpin.” Screwball closed her eyes, leaning back onto the statue. Her eyes widen when she realized the voice from earlier wasn’t her father. Sighing, she looked up and waved, “Hi Princess Luna…”

“Hello Screwball.” Luna greeted, “Is it Tuesday already?” She asked, seeing the statue of Discord behind her. “You’ve gotten pretty far this time...Congrats.” She summoned a blank scroll and a quill.

“Uhh… what are you doing?” The pink filly asked nervously.

“Contacting your mother…. again.” Luna answered, continuing to write in the scroll.

Screwball groaned, trying to come up with an escape plan. “Sleep Powder!” She yelled, releasing a cloud of spores onto the alicorn.

The spores disappeared upon making contact with a shield. “Please Screwball, let’s not make this anymore difficult that it has to be.”

“Sorry Gulpin, I promise to make it up to you later!” She yelled, reaching into her hat and tossing Gulpin towards Luna.

Luna panicked, the Gulpin instantly latched onto her face, refusing to let go. “Guards! Catch the filly!”

Screwball and Likitung began to push the statue again, determined not to get caught. Screwball sighed in relief seeing the Meowth Balloon floating towards them. “Finally! What took you guys so long?!” Screwball yelped, feeling a guard tackle her to the ground. She growled, trying to break free from the bat pony’s grip.

Luna glared at her, carrying the Gulpin in a bubble. “Nice try Screwball… but I can’t let you release Discord.”

The filly scowled, teleporting out of the guard’s hooves. “And I’m not going to let you guys keep my daddy here anymore!” She dug into her hat, and took out a small chest, “It’s a good thing I took this thing with me.” Opening the chest she tossed a few items out the box, among the tossed items was a green book with the words “Toon World” in it, another item was a Black Star with glaring white eyes. “Eh, I guess these will do.” She took out a pair of tokens, in her hooves was an odd looking sword with metal spikes on one side of it, the other token was what appeared to be a small cannon like weapon. “Alright then Displaced, time to do your job and help me free my father!”

At that moment…

“We need to bring Rainborg down, it’s the only way!” Sebastian snarled.

“Yes, but we need to think about how to do this, we’re not going to risk another war by blindly charging in!” Sebaste snapped. He then felt the familiar tug of a portal opening up beneath him and his friend. “Bloody hell, not again!” He yelped before both displaced fell through it.

Back at Screwball's universe…

“Screwball! Do not use those tokens!” Luna yelled, “You don’t know what could come out of there!” She stomped her hoof, the guards surrounded the filly, pointing their spears at her. “For all we know, you could be summoning monsters worse than those Phantoms!”

“I don’t care!” Screwball yelled, “I want my daddy!” She tossed the items, the two items glowed, opening a portal from which two armored figures were ejected.




The two figures laid on the ground groaning. “Throne, I hate portals! Give me a Thunderhawk anyday!” One of them said.

Luna scowled, “Great…” She turned towards Screwball, “When this is all over, your mother and I are having a very long talk.” Screwball huffed and stuck her tongue out. “Guards make sure these two don’t go causing trouble.” Two of the guards saluted, pointing their spears at the two displaced.

Screwball jumped off the statue, and landed on top of the red armored spartan. “Come on you two, get up! UP! UP! UP!” She yelled, jumping on his back.

The Spartan jerked up, looking around wildly. “The hell?!” He said, noticing the guards. “Buddy, we’re not here to cause trouble! We don't even know why we were summoned, we were talking on how to take out Rainborg when we were called!”

Screwball huffed, “Well that’s easy, I summoned you two here to help me get rid of these guards and distract Princess Luna.” She pointed at the glaring Princess. “Long enough for me to make my escape and free my dad.” Screwball pointed at the frozen statue of Discord, “From his prison.”

The figure who had spoken first got up and looked at the statue. “Your dad’s Discord? If he’s been stoned, then it’s pretty much the same as our universe. As for attacking the guards? We serve in the Guard Reserves, so doing that and attacking Luna would add a black mark on our résumé.” The figure glanced down at the filly. “Sorry but no.”

The Spartan then looked at Luna. “Sorry for the entrance, Your Highness. We weren't planning on appearing in your universe.”

Luna sighed in relief, “It is alright, I’m just glad that it wasn’t some monster Screwball summoned.”

The Spartan laughed. “The name’s Sebaste, my friend in the Astartes armor is Sebastian, or Sasha to his friends.” He then noticed the balloon coming in. “Oh, you have got to be bloody kidding me…” Sebaste said, facepalming. “Don't tell me, Team Rocket, the most persistent duo in the Pokemon universe…”

Sebastian chuckled. “They do pop up a lot don’t they?”

Screwball frowned, “Hey! What’s so bad about Team Rocket huh?! I bet you’re just saying that cause your jealous you aren’t part of Team Rocket!”

“The reason he said that was because in the human world, they're the comedy relief on a show, and they're also depicted as villains, but I’m sure it's not like that here.” The Astartes explained to Screwball. “But that does beg the question, why are you trying to get away with Discord? He can't be released unless a bunch of Chaos weakens his prison. And I don't think there's been enough chaos…”

Screwball scoffed, “Oh please! I’m the Princess of Chaos, I’m sure I can find a way to cause enough chaos to free papa!”

Sebaste sighed. “If Discord is your dad, then who’s your mom?” He asked the filly. “Unless there was another of Discord’s kind that we missed, I don't know how he could even sire a filly.”

“Dad created me using his magic, so I don’t have a biological mother.” Screwball answered, “Although I was adopted!”

“And where are your adoptive parents?” The Spartan asked.

“Mom’s in Ponyville, and Papa is right behind me.” She pointed at the stone statue.

Sebaste cocked an eyebrow under his helmet. “Ummm… How is Discord your adoptive dad?”

“He isn’t. Mom adopted me, I don’t have an adoptive dad.” Screwball explained.

“Ah, okay, just a bit confused. So who is your adoptive mom?”

“She’s a human named Sarah.” She answered, tying some rope around the statue.

“A Displaced?!” Sebaste asked in surprise. “Huh… that's not surprising, I’ve met a few other Displaced that have adopted somepony as their kid.”

Screwball hummed, tugging at the rope making sure it wouldn’t rip. “Mom always wanted to be a mother, but since the only other human around was Uncle Tomas, she decided that adopting me is good enough.”

As she was speaking, Sebastian had pulled out his bolter and was aiming at the middle of the rope in order to cut it. In one shot, he sliced through the rope.

“HEY!” Screwball yelled angrily, “What was that for?! Tying knots with hooves ain’t easy you know!”

“Guuuulllll……” The green blob poked his head out of the hat.

“You stay out of this!” She yelled at the Pokemon, causing it to retreat back into her hat.

“Sorry, but I don't really think Celestia or Luna will really appreciate it if Discord was freed.” Sebaste said. “But, why don't you introduce us to your mom and uncle? It would be nice to meet them.”

Screwball smiled innocently, “Sure…. If you help me release my dad from his prison…”

“Screwball, we don't really want to risk the wrath of Celestia and Luna.” Sebaste said with a nervous look at the lunar princess. “Besides, I’ve had enough fighting to last me a lifetime, hell, our universe is still recovering from a war we just fought…”

Screwball growled, “Well then you guys can forget about meeting my mom and uncles!” She stomped her hoof. “I knew I should’ve summoned the guy with the black star token! He was talking about spreading insanity at everything!”

“Who did he look like?” Sebastian asked, suddenly getting a bad feeling as to who this person was.

Screwball scoffed, “Heck I know, all I know is that his token was a black star with eyes.”

“How many points did the star have?”

She hummed. “Five points”

Sebaste sighed in relief. “That's good to hear. If it had eight, then there would have been problems…”

Screwball raised an eyebrow, “Well it’s too late now… I threw his token out somewhere and I have no idea where it is.”

“The reason we were worried about that token was because a Displaced we encountered uses an eight pointed star on his staff.” The Spartan explained. “We ended up fighting a war with him… and paid dearly for it….”

“Why would you start a war with him?” She asked, “You guys live in different universes, seems like a lot of trouble just to get an army to one person’s universe to fight.”

“That's because he attacked us. He, along with a few allies and mercs had our world transported to a replica universe of the 41st millennium. We had our own allies, and we put up quite the resistance, but in the end, we lost the War and two of our Element bearers, along with Celestia… as for our Luna? She turned traitor. So now Twilight is the leader of Equestria, and we will help her any way we can.” Sebastian growled. “I personally fought the Displaced that lead the charge, and he somehow cheated death and became a void dweller.”

“Sounds pretty chaotic, didn’t think the egghead could lead a country.” Screwball hummed, “Well multiverse and all that junk.”

“You wouldn't know what it was like, your universe has never seen war! Sasha and I have had to defend Equis from all sorts of threats! You think that's a walk in the park? It's not! We lost Applejack and Rainbow Dash in the final stage of the war, same with Celestia! How would you feel, failing to protect those you swore to serve?! Tell me that!” Sebaste yelled before turning and walking towards Ponyville.

Screwball simply smiled, floating after him on top of an cotton candy cloud. “You shouldn’t go around assuming things you know… I may be a filly, but this world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. After all I was created during a time where ghosts roamed around and sucked the souls out of ponies and a god of nightmares going around spreading darkness. And I grew up during the time where ponies hunted down Pokemon trying to make sure they go all extinct.” She hummed. “Also, I’d be careful of what I say if I were you…. you don’t want to go around making more enemies, do ya?” She smiled at him, snapping her sharp teeth at him, “I am a Princess of Chaos.” She found herself facing the barrel of a Magnum that wasn't in his hand before.

“You think I’m afraid of a Princess of Chaos? I’ve faced much worse than that.” Sebaste growled. “I’ve gone toe to toe with a Daemon Princess version of the Alicorn Twilight and won. And another thing, you don't have any idea of who you’re dealing with, so I wouldn't make threaten those you have no idea of what they're capable of…” He pulled the pistol away and continued walking.

Screwball tsked, “Threatening to hurt a filly, shame on you. You’re a more depressing version of the last spartan, he wasn’t that tough, he was just full of surprises. All of you displaced always go around boasting about the horrors you face trying to see which one lived the worse life.” She sighed, giving the spartan a bored look, “You can’t kill me… I’m of pure magic, and I’m just as strong as papa…. well slightly weaker, not by much though! Maybe that’s why the other guy attacked ya, no fun.” She floated back towards the statue, only to find Sebaste guarding it.

“Nice try. As for threatening you, I’m sorry, but I’m still stressed out from seeing a video sent by one of the New Black Legion members. If you want me, I’ll be in Ponyville. And don't get any ideas about trying to take the statue, Luna is taking it back to the gardens soon.” He then vanished as Sebastian and Luna walked up.

Luna sighed, trapping Screwball and the two Pokemon inside a magical bubble, “I’m going to make sure that I have a long talk with your mother about your behavior.”

Screwball glared, “Hey! What, why?! What did I do?! He was the one being all depressing and threatening me!”

Sebastian sighed. “I’m sorry about that, we both have had a hard time recently, the Displaced that attacked us, Ahriman and his group had managed to kidnap Rainbow Dash and one of the surviving members had sent a video of what she did to her.” He growled in anger at the memory. “Now we need to find a way to avenge her or return things to before the war…”

“I wish you the best of luck on your quest.” Luna frowned, “But still… Screwball simply loves to get a rise out ponies she meets, your friend isn’t the first to get angry at her.” Sebastian looked at her in surprise.

“Who else has been here?” He asked.

Luna shrugged, “I wasn’t there to meet most of them, but one of them was a large metallic golem who could turn himself into a metal bird called an, ‘airplane’, Screwball had thrown him into danger on purpose in order to get some gems and for some entertainment.” She sent the filly a light glare, “Luckily he was very forgiving, he even gave her a smaller version of himself as a gift.”

A Transformers Displaced? That's a new one… Sebastian thought. “ I know what that ‘metal golem’ is. In the human world, they're known as Transformers. But I think we’d better take Screwball to her mom.” At that moment, Sebaste's voice rang out on the comms.

++ I need a bit of help here! I walked into Ponyville and all of a sudden Jessie pops up and accused me of stealing her daughter! I don't even know what she’s talking about!++

Sebastian facepalmed and turned to Luna. “Apparently Sebaste has run into a bit of trouble with Jessie in Ponyville, she claims that he stole her daughter but he has no idea of what she’s talking about.”

She sighed, “She must’ve misread the letter I sent her…”

Sebastian sighed then said, “We’d better go and break this up before this gets messy. I don't want to risk anyone here getting hurt, especially with what Sebaste’s powers can do…”

Luna nodded, she turned towards the Meowth balloon in the sky, “We should take the balloon there, it wouldn’t take us long to get there.”

“I have a better idea…” Sebastian said before summoning a Stormraven Gunship transport and boarding. “You coming?” He asked a stunned Luna.

Nodding, she slowly walked towards the gunship. Screwball happily skipped into the ship, her two pokemon following her inside, seeing Luna staring at the entrance of the ship, she snorted and started pushing her inside. “Come on, Princess! It’s not like the ship is gonna eat you! It’s not alive!” Screwball’s eyes widen, chuckling, she shook her head to get rid of the idea. “Nah, I’m pretty sure giant living airship eating ponies isn’t going to help dad get free...”

As soon as Luna, Screwball and the two pokemon had boarded, Sebastian activated the engines to the Stormraven, and with a whine of turbines and thrusters, the gunship rose into the air. “Brace yourselves!” He shouted before opening the throttle and the ship shot forward towards Ponyville. They arrived in 30 seconds, Sebastian bringing the Stormraven to land in the town square and opening the rear hatch.

Screwball trotted off the ship, a smile in her face as she watched some of the villagers hide from the giant ship. Screwball waved at the ponies, as Luna cautiously walked next to her, frowning at the scared citizens. “I hope that it is the ship they are hiding from and not me.”

The filly hummed, “I think they’re hiding from all of us.” She smirked, “I have been terrorizing them with my pranks for a while.”

Whatever Luna was about to say was lost as Sebaste's voice yelled, “I’m

telling you, I have no idea what you’re talking about! I’m not from here!”

Screwball’s smile widened as she turned towards the direction of the yelling, “You hear that, Princess?” She asked, “That’s the sound of delicious chaos happening right now.” She frowned, “And I’m missing the show! Come on Princess! Chaos is going to happen and I do not want to miss it when it does!” The pink filly ran towards the yelling, giggling the whole way.

Luna sighed, “I knew I should’ve let Celestia handle Screwball…” She ran after Screwball, ignoring the stares and the bowing she received along the way. Arriving to the scene, Luna growled in annoyance when she saw the filly tying herself up, “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m trying to play the victim.” Screwball said, giving Luna a odd look.

“And why are you doing that?”

“For the sake of chaos of course!” Screwball smiled, “Now… can you help me tie this knot? I’m not very good with tying knots.”

Sebaste jerked his head around at their voices. “Luna? Screwball? How did you guys get here?” He asked in confusion before noticing the Stormraven. “Of course…” he said, deadpanning under his helmet.

“Screwy!” Sarah yelled happily, “You’re alright!” She frowned when she noticed the rope tied around her. “....Why are you tied up?”

Screwball looked around nervously, clearing her throat, she tried her best to make her eyes water. “Momma! The bad man kidnapped me and hid me inside his ship!” She wailed, “I was lucky enough to escape due to Princess Luna coming to rescue me! But now they’ve hypnotised her and are planning to conquer Equestria!!!” She made sure to look away from them to hide her smile, her body shook from the laughter she was trying to hold in.

Sebastian came running up in time to hear what she said. “Now hold on a second, that's not true!” He said to the female Displaced. “She's the one who brought us here in the first place!”

Screwball shook her head, “Yeah, I summoned them, but then they attacked me and Luna when they realized they can use the Pokemon to conquer the whole world! And since I live in this world, they thought they can use my knowledge to conquer the world!”

Sebaste groaned in annoyance then said, “For one thing, that's not why

we’re here, another thing, we’ve been having a rough year and I don't want to get into anymore fights.” He took his helmet off, revealing reddish brown hair and piercing blue eyes on a stern looking face. “I’m not here to conquer anything, I just want to get back to my universe.”

Sarah sighed, taking out a pokeball and returning her Seviper back into its ball. “Alright…. fine, I believe you… I know Screwball tends to exaggerate like that when she’s bored.” She took out a scroll, and reread it. She chuckled a bit, “Well…. this is embarrassing.”

“It’s okay, it’s not the first time this has happened to me.” The Spartan said. “The name’s Sebaste, my friend over next to Luna is Sebastian.”

Sarah bowed, “Still, I’m sorry for the trouble I gave you earlier. My name is Sarah, though some call me Jessie.”

“Nice to meet you, Screwball mentioned that you had a brother that got Displaced with you, may we meet him?” Sebaste asked.

Sarah nodded, “Sure, he’s probably out working in Sweet Apple Acres. Bills don’t pay themselves.”

A look of sadness quickly passed on Sebaste's face. “Sweet Apple Acres, eh? Be nice to see this world’s Applejack while we're at it…” he said, shaking off the memory.

Sarah frowned when she saw his expression, shaking her head, she turned away and started to walk. “Come on then, it isn’t far. It’s actually a lot more closer than most people think.”

The duo followed her down to the ranch, hearing the sounds of applebucking all around them. “Just like back home, or it would be…” Sebaste sighed. “I wish that blasted War hadn't happened…”

Sarah’s eyes widened, “There was a war in your Equestria….?”

“Yeah, another Displaced by the name of Ahriman and his group called the New Black Legion, after we had a bit of a fallout on our first encounter, along with a few allies attacked our world after it was transported to a pocket universe, we and a few other Displaced and nonDisplaced allies fought but ultimately failed, the enemy breached our defences and we lost. Our Celestia and Applejack were killed and Rainbow Dash was kidnapped, and is now nothing but a combat drone for the New Black Legion.” Sebastian said.

“That’s…. terrible…” Sarah turned away, “I-I’m sorry for your loss….”

“It’s okay.” Sebaste said. “We managed to inflict casualties to them also, including one of their generals, who I killed myself, but we lost many allies in the process...”

“I’m sorry.” Sarah said, crossing her arms. “I wish there was something I could do… maybe something that can help… but unfortunately I don’t have anything that can help.”

“It’s fine, we managed to rebuild, but it’ll take a long time for the scars of war to heal.” Sebastian spoke up. “Luna had mentioned that a Transformers Displaced had visited here a long time ago. I didn't even realize that there were others that got Displaced as characters from that series…”

Sarah nodded, smiling a little, “Yeah, his name was Wingsaber, Screwy summoned him a while back in hopes of getting some gems from Diamond Dog territory.” She sighed, “He got hurt badly when the dogs came along, luckily he didn’t hold a grudge and gave Screwball a smaller version of him.”

“I’ve heard of Wing Saber from the Cybertron and Energon cartoon series,

was his vehicle form an A-10 ‘Warthog’ fighter bomber perchance?” Sebaste asked.

Sarah hummed, trying to remember the form Screwball described, “Well…. I think so, all I know for sure was that it was a type of plane.”

“Well, he always did go for the speedster type of planes.” The Spartan said as they came up to the ranch house. “Looks like we're here.”

Sarah stopped in front of the farm, she looked around the trees, trying to spot someone. She smiled when she saw a small cactus like creature jumping towards the farmhouse, a basket full of apples in his arms. Sarah waved at the small pokemon, “Cacnea!” She called.

The cactus smiled, jumping towards them. “Cac-cacnea!”

“That's the Pokemon that ends up tackling James in the show? Always cracked me up when that happened.” Sebaste chuckled.

Sarah laughed, nodding, “Yup, my brother also has a Carnivine and a Victreebel, both of them always show their affection by biting his head .”

Sebastian roared with laughter. “That's what I always loved about Team Rocket, the comedy that always ensues when they're around.”

Sarah smiled, crouching to pet the cactus, careful to not touch the spikes or the crown. “Hey Cacnea, do you know where Tomas is?” The small pokemon blinked, nodding, he pointed towards the way it came from. “Thanks Cacnea! I’ll see you later!” Sarah started to walk towards the direction Cacnea pointed at, the others followed.

“So I’m guessing Meowth is also here with you guys?” Sebaste asked.

Sarah nodded, “Yes, although before we came here to Equestria he was just a small plushy, once we got here to Equestria the Meowth plush came alive.” She frowned, “Strangely enough he had all of the anime Meowth’s memories and thought we were the actual Jessie and James until we told him.”

Sebaste also frowned. “That is odd. But I have the feeling that it’s

happened to other Displaced also.” He said. “But we haven't met any other Displaced that have had that happen…”

She shrugged, “That’s alright, it doesn’t bother us, besides Meowth has already gotten over the fact that we’re not the real Jessie and James.”

“He must’ve thrown quite the hissy fit when you told him that you guys

weren't the actual Team Rocket.” Sebaste joked.

Sarah sighed, “Worse. He attacked us using a mecha he built, he wanted to know where his Jessie and James are. Luckily we were able to talk some sense into him.”

The two were shocked. “Geez, and I thought the droids that the Empire

uses were bad…” Sebaste muttered. “I wasn't meaning to bring up bad memories.” He apologized to Sarah.

“It’s alright, like I said, we were able to talk it out.”

They soon reached the orchard, Sebaste whistled at the site of it. “Must

be a bumper crop this year!” he said, impressed.

“Well, cider season is coming up, so everyone is really busy trying to get the apples ready for it.” Sarah explained. She smiled when she saw a large orange dog with black stripes running up to her, “Hey Archie!” The Arcanine barked, nuzzling her.

“Heh, pet of yours?” Sebaste chuckled.

Sarah shook her head, “He belongs to my brother, he’s just really affectionate.” She continued to pet the large dog. The Arcanine barked, running back to where it came from.

“If he belongs to your brother, then he must be nearby…” Sebastian mused.

Sarah nodded, looking around the area for any sign for her brother or some of his Pokemon. “He should be somewhere around here… He’s usually still working at this time.” She narrowed her eyes, glaring at a certain tree where a blue blob and a small white cat were sleeping. “Excuse me for a second.” She walked calmly towards the two, waving at her brother’s pokemon, all of them carrying some apples. “Oh Wobbuffet! Meowth!” She yelled, startling the two.

The blue blob pushed himself off the floor and saluted, “WOBBUFFET!”

The cat yelped, climbing up the Wobbuffet and sitting on top of its head. “Oh, hey there Sarah.” Meowth yawned, looking at the two displaced behind her, “More displaced? Geez, this place is getting popular by the second.” He gave the rocket a glare, “So anyways, what’s the big idea waking me up from my nap?!”

“We wanted to meet her brother.” Sebastian said. “And as for us coming here, you can thank Screwball for that.”

Meowth quirked an eyebrow, “Screwy eh? Figures.” He frowned, getting up and standing on top of the Wob’s head. “Well you can find Tomas somewhere around here, he shouldn't have gone far.” He yawned, curling up on Wobbuffet’s head, “Now if you excuse me, you’re interrupting my beauty rest.”

Sebaste chuckled. “I don't think Applejack is gonna be happy about
that…” he said, seeing the orange mare approaching where they were.

Meowth’s ear twitched, looking around, his eyes widened when he saw Applejack trotting towards them. “If she asks, tell her I was working!” He bolted away from the area, taking an apple with him and hiding deeper into the apple trees.

The duo roared with laughter at the site. “That's one way of motivating
someone!” Sebastian chuckled as the laughter died down.

“Howdy Sarah!” Applejack greeted, quirking an eyebrow at the other two, “So, who are your new friends?”

“Sebaste and Sebastian at your service.” Sebaste said. “It’s a pleasure to meet this world’s Applejack”

Applejack smiled, “It’s nice to meet you too.” She looked towards Sarah, “I’m guessing you’re here for your brother?” Sarah nodded, “Alright, I’ll go get him.” The earth pony turned away, walking back towards the direction she came from.

“How long has Tomas worked here?” Sebastian asked.

“Not long.” Sarah answered, “He just started a few days ago, we need the money and no one would hire us, luckily AJ was kind enough to give him a job.”

“Well, if that one time where she tried to applebuck without anyone helping is nothing to go by, she needs all the help she gets.” Sebastian chuckled. “ Sebaste and I used to do a drinking contest with Rainbow before the war. We usually went with an Applejack Daniels.”

“I’ve never tried alcohol before…” Sarah mumbled, shifting around nervously, “Closest thing I’ve ever had to drinking it was the cider they give to children during the new years.”

Sebaste gave her a sympathetic look. “You don't have to be nervous,
we’re not gonna bite because you don't drink, we only did those on occasion, most of the time we don't even touch alcohol.”

“It’s fine, I’m not self conscious about it… I’m just a bit curious to how it taste….” She mumbled, shaking her head. “Let’s just forget about that! I’m sure that Tomas is going to be here any second now!”

Sebaste chuckled before noticing Applejack and a human figure walking out of the orchard towards them. “I’m guessing that’s him?” He asked, nodding his head towards their direction.

Sarah nodded, smiling when she saw the other rocket. “Yup, that’s him!” She hugged the small baby Pokemon that came towards her, patting the Mime Jr. on the head.

Tomas smiled at the Mime Jr., greeting his sister before turning towards the other human, “So, I heard you were looking for me? I’m Tomas by the way.”

“Yeah, the name’s Sebaste, my friend in the power armor is Sebastian, or Sasha to his friends.” Sebaste said to Tomas, “We ended up getting pulled here by Screwball, somehow she got ahold of our tokens…”

Tomas sighed, facepalming, “I’m so sorry about that, I thought I had hidden the Token Box in a place where even Screwball couldn’t find it.” He grinned sheepishly, “She’s been in a bit of a summoning spree lately, so we had decided to hide the tokens we find until we decide that it is safe to use them.”

Sebastian chuckled. “When her dad is the god of Chaos, there isn't really any place that can be hidden. We managed to stop her shenanigans, with a little help from Luna.” He said.

“Let me guess… she was trying to free Discord again, right?” He asked.

“Yep… and she tried to get us to help.” Sebaste replied.

“I’m really sorry…” Tomas apologized. “She does this a lot, we’re currently trying to convince Celestia to free Discord, but Screwball isn’t willing to wait and would rather do things on her own.” He explained.

“Heh, kids usually aren't really one for waiting.” The Spartan said, “But if I’m guessing correctly, your Discord hasn't been reformed yet, right?”

Tomas shook his head, “No he hasn’t, from what I’m aware of, some of the other displaced have their Discord’s reformed.”

“Our’s got reformed a few years ago, after the war. But it was a bit difficult, without Dash or Applejack to help… ” Sebastian said, wincing at the memories.

“I can only imagine how difficult it must’ve been,” Tomas hummed, he shrugged, “Then again our Discord was extremely difficult to work with at first when we forced to work together.”

Sebaste chuckled, “I bet, Fluttershy managed to show him the errors of
his ways, but with Rainbow and Applejack gone, things just aren't the same…”

Just then, they both heard a request for their aid from the Alliance in their comms, and from the sound of it, it was serious.

“Looks like duty calls…” Sebaste said, “It was an honor meeting the both of you, and who knows, we may encounter each other again sometime in the future.”

Tomas nodded, “Good luck with your Equestria, and I hope we see each other again as well.”

As the portal opened, Sebastian said, “If you ever need us, you have our tokens.” With that, the duo saluted and leapt into the portal.

Author's Note:

Here's that Crossover that I had mentioned in the last chapter, and this one took a while to do!
I'd like to give a big shoutout to Darkstar709 and her story Prepare for Trouble and Make it double!

Give it a read and give her some support!