• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 4,479 Views, 262 Comments

For the Emperor and the UNSC! (Old version) - Titan Commander Sebaste

Gahhhh, I knew I shouldn't have picked up that Bolter at the convention, now me and my mate Sebaste are in Equestria having to face a slew of foes! My name's Sasha, and in the grim darkness of the far future... THERE IS ONLY WAR!

  • ...

Chapter 5: Covenant Attack!

Chapter 5: Covenant Attack!
3rd Person POV
After the party, everypony had headed back home, leaving Sebastian, Sebaste, and Twilight in the library.
Spike had gone up to bed, while the others just milled about the place, Sebastian was testing out his summoning ability with his weapons, while Sebaste read a book on Equestrian history.Twilight was making a daisy and lettuce sandwich for herself in the kitchen.

Out of nowhere, an explosion was heard outside, making everyone run out the door to see what had happened.

" The hell...!" Sebaste said in shock.

In front of the site of the explosion was a human's worst nightmare (if you were playing the halo series).
A Storm lance from the Covenant Remnants faction had somehow managed to appear on Equis. It consisted of 2 Elites, 4 Jackals, and 9 Grunts.

"Twilight, run! Your magic won't make a dent on the Elites, and the Jackals will just kill you before you charge your horn up !" Sebastian yelled.

She nodded and retreated back to the library.

"Ready?" Sebaste asked.

"Oh yeah, I even have the perfect song for this!" He replied, as he activated his iPod.

With a roar, they both charged, Sebastian firing his bolter while Sebaste opened fire with a plasma repeater.The Grunts fell easily, but the Jackals and Elites proved to be more of a challenge.

While Sebaste traded shots with the Jackals, Sebastian engaged the Elites. All of a sudden, Sebastian's backpack glowed and changed into a Assault Marine's jump pack.

"Oho yeah! You guys are about to see why the Adeptus Astartes are called the Angels of Death!" Sebastian said as he activated the jump pack. Summoning a pair of lightning claws with built in storm bolters, he leapt into the air and slammed into the Elites, firing the storm bolters in the process.

One of the Elites was cut down by the hail of mass reactive shells, but the other one dodged to the side, activating an energy sword and swinging it at the Displaced Adeptus Astartes, who leapt out of the way before retaliating with a powerful swipe of the claws that instantly gutted it.

Meanwhile, Sebaste had brought out a sniper rifle, and was firing potshots at the Jackals . One made the mistake of poking its head out from its hiding place and was headshotted for its troubles.

There was a roar of turbines, and Sebastian dropped onto the gaggle of Jackals and made instant mincemeat of them, but not before he was hit with an over-charged plasma pistol shot.
The shot singed his chestplate, making him wince.

"Throne! That was too close for comfort!" he muttered.

"Thanks for the save, a bit longer, and I would've been one-shotted by a beam rifle!" Sebaste said over the radio. "What happened to the Elites?" he then asked.

"Took one out with the built in storm bolters, gutted the other." Sebastian replied.

"Alright, let's check and see if there's anyone hurt."

They quickly checked to make sure everypony was okay, thankfully no one was hurt, but having seen the two humans in action, many ponies were afraid of them, except for Twilight and her friends.

They then returned to the Golden Oaks, where Twilight had Spike send a report of what happened.
After that, they retired for the night, and soon fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is, Chapter 5!
If you guys spot the game reference, hoorah for you soldier!
if not, 25 push ups!
And this is also why lightning claws are one of the more nastier CC weapons of the Imperium.

Chapter 6 will be coming out sometime soon this week, I'm almost done with moving, so I'll have more time to work on my story afterwards!

Until then,
Halo40KInquisitor out!