• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 8,602 Views, 179 Comments

Book 1: A New Element of Friendship - Medley of MLP

A human turned pony gets to live in all of MLP's glory. And he gets stuck in the middle of it. Perfect times for all.

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Madness Taken For Granted, Whether You Like It Or Not

Author's Note:

Hello everypony! Finally, an actual new chapter is made to kick off the new year for realsies! I would like to say right now that I'll only be using some episodes every season of a show, with the premiere and the finale given each time. I will also try to not use episodes that are really just filler or go so far off this universe's canon that it makes no sense. Case in point, this chapter only takes the beginning part of the episode before getting derailed entirely, and even then changes were still made. Now, enough rambling and more reading! Please enjoy and like always, this is a one pony army, so any help on grammatical errors or major plot holes is always appreciated.

A New Element of Friendship

Madness Taken For Granted, Whether You Like It Or Not

It was a beautiful morning for anypony to wake up to. Clear skies that were from the previous day, nothing extreme to worry about, and I had no tests to grade, nor any homework. Which of course meant everything had to go immediately wrong. Apparently during the night, my wings sprang open and stayed open. It was the only reason I could think of as as to how I managed to take-off straight away from my bed to the sky, now fully awake and panicking a bit.

By that point, I reached such a height that my wings went off autopilot and started flapping like nuts. I then started to dive much like an airplane did: head-first, my nose pointing the way. That lasted for about 10 seconds before I saw the ground coming up fast, and directly in my path was Twilight, who didn’t even notice me until the very last second. Right before we collided, I could see for a fraction of a second her eyes starting to widen and her hooves began to move her away. It was too late for any actions though, as I ran smack-dab into her, causing a deep furrow that stretched about 6 yards.

Both Twilight and I groaned in pain, trying to get up on our hooves. We realized that we were in a very… compromising, position. Once we both realized that, we both blushed and jumped as fast as we could out of the pit, making sure to stand a good distance from one another, especially when I remembered what Twilight did during my crazy demon day.

Spike, meanwhile was laughing his butt off, rolling around on the ground as he tried to breath while laughing. Pinkie was there as well, looking a bit surprised for a change as she looked up at the sky, peaking through the- OK, Pinkie, seriously, how many times do I have to tell you to stop looking at the script.

“But I’m really really curious why Medley’s here instead of a frog? And I’m still mad you cut out a lot of songs! You even skipped a Cutie Mark Crusader episode! My Cutesenera celebration!”

Look, Pinkie, I promise I’ll make it up to you, both the party and the songs. Just… please, fix the hole in this wall and get back in there!

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie smiled as she pulled out some building supplies and seemingly fixed a hole in the air.

Spike, Twilight and I all stared at Pinkie questioningly and confusedly, as they only caught one side of the conversation. I shook myself out of it, figuring it was just a Pinkie thing and therefore not in my best interest or mentally healthy to try and decipher the being that is Pinkie Pie. Twilight though… she looked like she was bursting at the seams with questions and follow-up questions, which was all a precursor to the various amount of tests. However, I only noticed something in her expression that only came up for a split second, too fast for me to verify: a look of darkness and logic combined. The moment soon passed, everything returning to normal.

“Sorry Twilight… it seems my waking up habits have struck once again… literally this time. Are you alright?” I questioned, slightly worried about what had happened. For LaurFastia’s sake, we managed to make a furrow with our bare bodies.

She shook her head as she grimaced a bit. “Nothing major thankfully… hurts like heck though. Just maybe a lie down for a bit with a book and some tea and I’ll be good as new.”

I turned to Pinkie, who was beaming at Twilight for some strange reason.

“I told’ja Twily! Pinkie Sense, for the win! Though, you got a little something on your face there…” She pointed a hoof at some dirt on her nose and left cheek.

“Oh really? Did your ‘Pinkie Sense’ tell you that too?” Twilight snarked back as she rubbed the dirt off her.

“Nah, I could just see it,” Pinkie responded cheerfully as she walked on, humming a small little tune.

Twilight stood there for a moment, fuming a bit before she stopped, that same strange expression flipping though her face again before she looked tired and worn down, groaning a bit.

“Come on Spike. Let’s practice my magic somewhere else, with a little less commotion and a soft chair,” Twilight grumbled as she went off in the opposite direction, Spike getting on Twilight’s back as I walked alongside them.

“Let me guess: you were just witnessing for your first time Pinkie Sense?” I smirked a bit as Twilight shot a glare at me, which she held onto as I continued, “While I must admit that it’s a bit… unorthodox, Pinkie Sense has never once been wrong, no matter how minor the circumstance.”

“But it makes no logical sense and seemingly all made up. She predicted something would land on me, and lo and behold, you just so happened to fall right onto me. That’s a coincidence, not a vision of the future!” Twilight argued.

It seemed today of all days was the time to test Twilight’s sense of logic, as Pinkie zoomed right to us, her tail twitching wildly.

“My tail! My tail! Twitcha twitch! Twitcha twitch! Something else is gonna fall!” Pinkie warned.

Twilight scoffed and continued to walk on while I discreetly took Spike and got under some cover. Hey, when it comes to Pinkie Sense and falling objects, better safe than sorry.

“Pinkie, please,” Twilight smirked as she continued walking, not noticing the furrow that was made earlier, and much to her surprise, “Nothing’s going to fa-AAAH!”

She had managed to fall right into the furrow made not too earlier, as Spike shot out of my hooves and leaned over the edge of the furrow.

“Oh no! Twilight fell!” He looked shocked and hesitant, as he asked Pinkie, “I… Is it safe to go help her?”

“It’s OK! My tail stopped twitching,” Pinkie confirmed, her hat jumping off her head, doing a backflip, then landing right beside her as she skipped off, humming again.

I shook my head as AJ came by, looking confused. “Funny, I was just about ta make a ditch right here, but somepony already beat me to it. But why’s Twilight in there?”

“Short answer: Pinkie. Long answer: Pinkie Sense predicted that something would fall, like for example, Twilight falling into a ditch,” I quickly explained as Twilight got up from the furrow, glaring at me and Spike.

“Honestly you two, she did not. Two coincidences in a row just like this are unlikely, but it’s still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future,” Twilight stated stubbornly.

“And yet Spike was pulled away just before you fell into the ditch because we’ve had too many similar Pinkie Senses that resulted in ponies getting bedridden due to injuries for months,” I calmly stated back as Twilight scoffed while AJ nodded in agreement before looking around worriedly.

“Oh, and Pinkie said her tail wasn’t twitching anymore, so no worries there!” Spike helpfully added, causing AJ to sigh in relief before she could ask that question.

“Oh, please don’t tell me you buy into this? It’s nothing more than coincidences, tragic or not. Mistakes happen, there can be slip-ups along the way, and it definitely didn't involve a twitchy tail predicting it would happen,” Twilight held steadfast in her scientific belief.

“Twilight, you haven’t been here in Ponyville for that long of a time. Heck, you’re not even through all the Ponyville celebrations yet! Those of us that’ve been here for a long while believe Pinkie Sense, even though it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense half the time,” I stated, matching her glare with one of my own.

Then, a Pinkie interrupted, her ears flopping as she called out, “My ears are flopping, my ears are flopping!”

“Uh, girls, what does that mean?” Spike looked nervous as he tried to shield himself.

“Um, Spike, step back here with us while we take a few steps back…” Pinkie looked worried as the four of us moved away from Twilight.

Twilight smirked as she looked at us, commenting, “Hah, twitching tail that predicts falling objects? What next, flopping ears that predict I’ll get a bath?”

Twilight laughed before a passing pony carrying hay splashed some mud all over her, as she looked stunned before she growled, stomping off back to her home, where that weird expression managed to stay on her for half a second. Pinkie and I looked at each other worriedly, as that expression felt like it spelt bad news as clear as day.

“Hey Twilight, want to take a bath at my place or-” Pinkie was about to ask before Twilight cut her off.

“No, no, bucking Tartarus no! I’m going to take a bath away from all of this nonsense! Come on Spike!” Twilight yelled angrily as Spike was dragged over to her by her magic.

I looked over at Pinkie and asked worriedly, “So… we should probably follow her and make sure that she’s alright, right?”

Pinkie nodded as she sneaked behind Twilight and Spike without being noticed while I took to the skies and did the same. By incredible luck, we managed not to be detected as she stormed off inside, slamming the door behind her. The door soon opened again, though it was rather quick, with Spike being pushed out the door with a small bag of bits, most likely for the arcade. As Spike went off, hesitantly looking back at the Golden Oaks Library, we could then hear the water running, with Twilight most likely taking a bath. Though once we both managed to sneak inside, she put up a dome to keep anyone from entering or from leaving, which was a mixed blessing to have happen, as she didn’t exactly know we were in here.

“Medley… this doesn’t feel right… this isn’t normal Twilight behavior… and I can feel her wanting to come out…” Pinkie shivered in place as I tried to comfort her, even though I could feel myself start to shiver from the non-existent cold.

If Pinkie is saying what I think she’s saying… this could be really bad not just for me and her, but for all of Equestria, if not Equus, I thought as we hesitantly made our way closer to Twilight.

We then stopped as we listened outside her bathroom door. What we heard instantly chilled us to the bone.

“I su͟gg͟ęst ho̷ld̡in̨g h͡e̢r͢ ͏c̶a͞pti͢v̛e. ̷T͡h̡at ̛wa҉y i͘t̡ ̛make҉s exp̧erìm͡en͠t̸in̶g͘ ea̢s̴i͘e̸r ̧on h́e͟r, e͞śp̨e͏c͟i͝a͝lly̕ i͜f ̸we need͟ t͜o̷ ̶d̸i̸ss͏e͜c̀ţ ͜h̷e͏r̡ ̢th̨òr̀oughl҉y̵,” We heard a voice whisper malevolently.

“N-No… I won’t let you… harm my friends…” Twilight’s voice was straining, as though she was trying to push someone back.

“Oh̡ ręa̢ll̶y ̶now?~̵ ̧I ̕tho͏u͏g̕h̨t y͞o̕u͡ w͢e̸r̶e̕ ҉a ͠s͝c̴ie͜nţi̢st ̛firşţ? ͜U̕nle͜s͠s̸ ̵y̵o͠ur͞ e̡x͜p͡erie͟n̸çe̸ in ͝Ca̢nte͝rl̨ot̵ ̕h͢as ͟c̀h̶an͞g̢e͘d҉ in͘ th͠e̡ past͡, ͝yo͠u ͘d͟on̴’t͘ h͢av̀e an͢y̷ true̷ ̧fr͞íe̵nd͟s̸, ơn̢ly͡ fel͢lơw͏ ͏r͏e͘sèar̨c̢hérs.̡ ̴A͏nd ҉not̴hi͜ng ̛c͝an s͘t̢o̵p y̨o҉u̢ f̸rom͢ ͟u̶si̡ng ą f̷ellow͠ ͜r̡ȩs̡e͝arch͢e͞r i͢n̛ ͜the ǹaḿe ̵o̡f sci̢enc̢e̡ and ͘di̶s̕cov̛e͢ry. ҉Fo͢ll҉ow ͞the ́e͝x̛ampl̢e͡ of̡ ͝ţha̡t w͢on͜drous sc͜ie͢nce fa͟ciļi͏t͟y yo̸u͡ ̨manaǵed ͟t͞o ̛f̶i̵nd ̴in ̵M͞e̛dle͏y’̕s̕ ̛me̵m̕o͢rie͢s̨,” We heard the voice smoothly reply, as we saw tendrils of dark magic esacping the door before rushing back inside and the voice continue on, “T́ìḿe ̢to ̴d̨i̡s͡c͟ove͠r the ҉T̵R҉U̵E͏ m͢agi͞c ͟o̵f̷ f̵ri͡e͡n͢d͘s̷hip...͏ ̶G̡e͘T̀ ̸t͟H͞eM͟!҉”

We scampered off as the door burst open, magical sparks and bolts flying loosely at us as we made our escape. With all other methods of escape blocked, we decided to quickly make our way to the basement and hide there, hoping she wouldn’t find us for a good while.

“C͜Ó̸́MĘ ̴̸B̴A̧͞C͠K̶̨̨ H̵͡É̡͡R͠E,̀͜ ҉T̶E̛͟ST̴͝ ̴̶S͜͡U̸̴B̛J̴È̸͟CT̷S͏̵͢!̛͟” We heard that demonic voice yell at us as we ran away, slowly getting out of sight before we abruptly stopped.

We had forgotten in our haste to escape that Twilight could teleport a short distance in an instant, and now we payed the price for our forgetfulness as she teleported right in front of us. Now we could see what exactly we were dealing with.

Twilight’s mane was unkempt and crazed looking, but strangely dry, considering we heard her leave a shower. She had a dark aura surrounding her, her eyes lit up creepily in luminous blue and glinted sadistically as she stalked closer to us. What was also a strange detail was that the very dark magic was also forming a pair of wing-like structures, as though she was an alicorn. She then grinned a smile that spelt terrible trouble as her voice sounded colder and oilier.

“Còme no̢w, my l̡i̴t͡tlé ̡po̷ni͝e̛s~ W͏e h̸av̀e̷ S͏ƠO̶O ̧m̶an̕y ̶t̡éşts̨ ͜t͝o ̨do̸~̶” The possessed Twilight croned as she got closer, the dark magic forming tendrils around us.

It was when the tendril touched Pinkie that she began to cry out in pain, her mane deflating as her expression became cruller and devious. I then noticed her Cutie Mark on one side as well change from her regular three balloons to a cupcake crossed with a pair of knives. A hurried look at Twilight’s cutie mark showed one side with a dissected star in a beaker filled with what looked like acid and the other side showed her regular cutie mark being dissected. I then looked at my own blank and saw myself… not change? I thought about this for a second before realizing that Twilight, Trixie and the Royal Sisters helped exorcise the demon within. Though it was still hurting like Tartarus, being gripped by dark magic. I then looked at Twilight in horror, whispering a name I thought I would never have to say…

“You… you’re the Mad Scientist… the Midnight Twilight…” I whimpered as she turned to look at me before giggling scarily, making me move n closer to her.

“T͘h̷at͡'͘s͢ ͏r̛i̸gh̷t~ ̶A̵n͢d ͡f̶ro҉m͢ n͝ow̵ on̕.̴.. ͝I'M ̢IN̴ ̨C͟ǪN͡T͟ROL͠!̧” Midnight Twilight laughed maniacally before a slashing noise could be heard, and we both turned to the sound.

It was like a nightmare had come to life. A serial killer, born out of humanity’s worst aspects, was holding her signature knife and looking at Midnight Twilight hungrily, her expression one of a mad mare’s.

“S̀o, it ͢l̵oo҉ks ̴lik̕e̢ ͜y̸o͠u͠ ̸w͟a̛n̡ńa m̡éss with ̡M͠Y̡ ̨ḩǫs͜t,͡ h̛ùh? Well ̸to͞o ̵b̢ad̸, ca͡u̕se Pi̧n͝k̕a͘m͏ena͝ a͢i̸n̴'t͜ ҉l͜e̛t́ti̶n͏g̢ ͠ya d̶o ţha͝t̸! ͢I ͟t̡h̡ink͢ ̵y̛ou̧r ̢h̸or͡n ̨wi̕ll̨ ͝b̴e̶ t͝he͘ ͏f͡irst̨ of many̢ ͝o҉f̴ m͞y͠ neck̛l̷ace ̶and y̵o҉u͞'ll͠ b͘e ̕in͡ my fi͡rst b̴àt̛c͢h̛ of ́cup̵c͘ake̶s̀ b̸e͠f̡o̧r̕e I let ́yo҉u t͠a̷ke c̛o̧n͏t͠ŕo̶l ͠o͢ver ̨a͝ny ̧p҉art̸ ͏o͝f̢ ́my ho̢st͏'̶s͡ bo̴dy̴!͢” Pinkamena snarled before charging at Midnight Twilight with her knife.

What then happened next was indescribable. Midnight Twilight quickly pulled away the dark magic tendril holding me as she aimed at skewering Pinkamena. Pinkamena quickly sidestepped the tendril and kept on charging forward, gaining more speed. She then crashed into a force field bubble that Midnight Twilight had surrounding her, which made her take down the bigger one outside the tree to better conserve magical energy. It was then two blurs charging at one another: one was saturated with dark magic while the other one had wicked speed and tenacity to help keep her moving.

It was then that I felt something… odd, inside me. It felt like I was charging a spell, but I knew full well that unless I had somehow grown a horn in the last few seconds, that I was a regular pegasus, not a unicorn or an alicorn. But yet the feeling persisted, growing in strength before it felt like it was being released as an explosion. To my utter surprise, both Pinkamena and Midnight Twilight staggered and crashed into opposing walls, staggering them for a moment. I was stunned for a very small moment before I sprung into action, standing in between both creepypastas.

“Enough, you two. Your fight will cause untold amounts of destruction in Ponyville and it seems you both would be locked in a stalemate for an exceedingly long amount of time. It is time to return to your hosts’ minds and be locked away,” I firmly stated, looking at both of them.

“N̨E҉V̶E͡R!” Both of them cried out as they readied themselves for another attack, not even hesitating if I was in the middle of it.

I then did something incredibly stupid and reckless in hindsight, which was to walk towards Midnight Twilight and then kiss her on the lips. This completely stunned both Midnight Sparkle and Pinkamena completely, along with me once I pulled away in utter surprise and shock. Surprisingly… it worked. Because of the confusion I had caused, it let Twilight and Pinkie retake control over their bodies, albeit painfully and slowly. But, in the end, I saw Twilight and Pinkie collapse on the ground, groaning in pain as they got up on shaky hooves. Twilight looked at me as though she was a deer caught in the headlights of a car as Pinkie grinned widely.

“D-Did you… just… what…?” Twilight sputtered out quietly as I steadily blushed more and more, feeling more awkward by the second.

“Um… S-Sorry… was that… uh… so, how about that weather…?” I fumbled, looking down at the ground in sheer worry and embarrassment.

“It finally happened! The Medley and Twilight ship is now officially confirmed!” Pinkie cheered as she did some cartwheels in the background, back to her normal, happy self.

“Pinkie!” I whined a bit, looking up at Pinkie before looking back at Twilight and blushed deeper, looking immediately back down at the ground.

“Medley… I…” Twilight hesitated a bit before clearing her throat and continuing on, “I don’t… let’s just say this never happened and… no, maybe we can… augh! I don’t know what to do!”

Pinkie then appeared right in front of us with a wide grin. “You could always ask the Love Doctor~”

“Pinkie, you’re making less sense than… usual…” Twilight thought about it for a moment before her eyes lit up with an idea. “That’s right! I do know someone who could help with this kind of problem! It’s her specialty!”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked shyly and curiously, peeking my head up at Twilight.

“My old foalsitter! She’s the Princess of Love! If anyone can help us out, she definitely can! Though I don’t know where she last went off to… Shoot. It looks like I’ll have to ask Princess Celestia if she left Canterlot or if she stayed there. Until then… I don’t know what to do…” She looked slightly deflated as she looked down at the ground.

I thought about it for a while too, before eventually giving up. “Twilight… To be honest, I don’t know what to do either… I’ve never had to deal with this before, even in my previous life as a human… I mean, I had crushes, yes, but… never a marefriend, or even a girlfriend…”

“Wait, really?” Pinkie tilted her head in confusion as she pulled out my biography and took a closer look near the beginning. “Hmm… yep, it all checks out! Weird, I know I saw it as something else. Oh well, guess it could’ve been a mistake or a retcon!”

“...yes, that might’ve been the case,” Twilight shook her head with a small smile as she turned to Pinkie Pie and somewhat questioned, “I guess I’ll just believe you… If for anything, for my health, both mentally and physically. But how does your-”

“Twi… Just go with it. If worst comes to worst, she’ll explain it as it comes along. Even she doesn’t know what all of her Pinkie Sense says, especially her combos,” I shook my head with a smile as Twilight just groaned before blushing at me.

“S-So… I’m ‘Twi’ now?” She raised an eyebrow and giggled at my most likely panicked expression, “It’s alright… Med. You can call me Twi. It’s actually kind of…”

She then trailed off, much like Fluttershy would. I tilted my head in confusion before I started to blush even more (how much can one pony blush anyways?) and look away, all the while Pinkie was giggling at us.

We three ponies eventually left for our homes, as Luna was raising the moon, leaving me to my burning thoughts that kept me up much later than I thought was possible. Is it possible for Twi and I to be in a romantic relationship? Does she really care that much for me? Were our friends ight and we’ve just been oblivious to it for so long? I finally rested uneasily as these thoughts kept on swirling in my head. The last question that came to mind before I slept was as followed: Is it possible to exorcise a creepypasta from a pony?

End of Chapter 16