• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 8,594 Views, 179 Comments

Book 1: A New Element of Friendship - Medley of MLP

A human turned pony gets to live in all of MLP's glory. And he gets stuck in the middle of it. Perfect times for all.

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A Parallel And The Stubbornness That Runs It

Author's Note:

Hi there everypony! I know it's been a while since I last updated, and no, I'm not dead. At least, not yet. College has tried though. But I have prevailed against all odds and survived long enough to make this newest chapter! I just wanted to say that we're nearly at the end... of this book. That's right everyone! This is but the first in a long-running series of books! You'll see the pattern soon enough. Now, enough of my blathering, and onto the reading! Hope it was worth the wait, everyone. And I'll really try to get the last few chapters in.

A New Element Of Friendship

A Parallel And The Stubbornness That Runs It

Quite honestly, I just want this to end. What, you may ask, do I want to end? Oh, just the HORRIBLE RUN OF LUCK WAKING UP. Seriously, it’s becoming almost a running joke now! If it isn’t some pony or dragon landing on me, it’s my own body bucking it up. If it isn’t that, nature decides to step up to the plate. And if nature’s unwilling, magic will be the one to take care of it. It’s a neat little system that decides to be the most painful alarm clock I ever had. This time though? Buffalo stampede next to the train we were taking.

You see, AJ was taking a tree down to Appleloosa, a small little town nearing the outskirts of Equestria. They were building an apple orchard and wanted AJ to contribute to help bring in “family fortune” with their apple crops. AJ, of course, agreed to it and asked to show some people, meaning us 6 ponies and Spike, around the place. Her cousin, Braeburn I believe, agreed to that as well, which is how we found ourselves on the train. On the train ride though, an explanation was finally given on what had happened a couple of days ago with the Diamond Dogs.

“Alright, ya been avoidin’ me, Flutters an’ Spike here long enough. Now, spill.” AJ started off on a very blunt note.

“I would have no idea what you are-” I was cut off by an irate Spike.

“You do! I saw your face before you forced us down there!” Spike raged at me, looking like one unhappy dragon.

“I’m with Spike on this one,” AJ continued, giving me a hard look. “Now. Tell. Us. Medley.”

Once she used my name in that tone, I sighed as I explained the best I could with my own theory on what had happened. I didn’t go into detail with each pony, since it WAS kinda dark for a world like Equus, but the simplified version I gave didn’t sit well with either Spike or AJ, who both wanted to hurl when I brought up the “cupcakes”. I then explained how I was nearly possessed by a demon myself before Twi and the two princesses managed to get it out from me.

“Wait a tic… How come ya ain’t done it fer any of us?!” AJ angrily shouted.

“Because we don’t know what kind of thing we’re dealing with for you and Shy, and don’t even know if Spike has anything in him. Plus, who knows, maybe it could be a “darker side” or something like that, and we can’t just simply banish your darker half,” I sounded very irritated, the best I could do without actually yelling and blowing out the spell I had on.

“And why in Tartarus’s name can’t we?” AJ growled.

“Because of balance. Can’t have light without darkness, and can’t have darkness without light. Nightmare Moon is a perfect example of this. Sure, we brought back the light side, Princess Luna, but all we did was just re-contain the dark side, Nightmare Moon, from resurfacing. We can’t do that with the rest of you, since we don’t know exactly what we’re dealing with, and the last thing we want is to get any of you out of whack.” I tried to reason with her before Spike noticed something.

“Wait… then how come you got rid of that demon thing?” Spike pointed out.

“That was because…” I thought about it for a while, before coming up short. “I… don’t remember. But I know it was OK for me or something like that.”

AJ sighed, as she knew my memory wasn’t the best, even for important things like this, but accepted it nonetheless. Spike went to Twi for a better recounting. Soon enough, after everything said and done, it was nighttime, and AJ went off to give “Bloomberg”, otherwise known as the delivery to Appleloosa, a bedtime story. Why she got a private sleeper car for just one tree still baffles me, but I eventually just reused a phrase most often used for one other pony in particular: It’s AJ, don’t question it. Besides, not long settling down, with Spike leaving in a huff because of the gals’ antics, we all quickly got some sleep.

It was quite a different story in the morning, however. I was soon jolted out of my bed, flying right into the other side of the train car with a groan. As everyone got up and flocked to the window to see what caused such a ruckus, causing me to be the one to fly up and out to look outside on top of the train car. What I saw astounded me, most likely as much as the gals down below.

It was a herd of buffalo, stampeding alongside the train car. Very, very close to the train car. My eyes widened a little as I saw some of them run ahead and ram into one of the pulling ponies, while a couple of them rammed hard into the side of the train car, resulting in me flying out and grabbing on while it readjusted myself.

“Hey, Med! You good up there?” Dash called out from inside after a small while, presumably because the others were shaken around inside.

“I’m doing as well as one could hope,” I replied in the loudest tone I could muster without breaking my enchantment.

“Hang on, I’m comin for ya!” Dash responded to my reply, starting to come out before another ram into the train car made me nearly lose my grip. Though as I clung tightly to the roof, I noticed a pair of buffalo stacked on one another, before a smaller one jumped on top of them before jumping onto the roof a couple of cars down.

“Don’t worry about me, I got this.” I spoke down into the car as I was about to dash off.

It was then that Dash came out, looking a little dizzy and banged up, but alright. “Nu-uh! I can handle this! You go back with the others Med.”

“I am NOT just going to sit and do nothing when I can be doing something,” I heatedly argued, the smaller buffalo getting closer by the second.

She growled a little, but reluctantly nodded. “Then stay by me and help me catch her so we can figure out what in Tartarus is going on.”

I nodded back, as Dash tried to intercept the buffalo, only to have the buffalo run right past her and towards me. I quickly flew at her, the train wind helping me there, but she jumped over me, just as I crashed into Dash, causing us both to fall off the train, which rode off into the distance.

“OW! Med, that is the opposite of helping!” Dash berated me as she held her nose, which was bleeding a little bit, most likely because it hit my forehead hard.

“Well sorry for trying to help,” I bit back sarcastically, feeling like a major headache was coming on, and my wings felt a lot more hurt than before.

As we were both still dazed and confused, we didn’t even see the caboose of the train, conveniently where “Bloomberg” and Spike were at the time, go by us. At least, not until the last possible second, which is to say, far too late to do anything about.

“Dang it!” She angrily stomped her hoof before wincing a little. “They dragonnapped Spike and took a tree as well!”

“But… why? What use would a baby dragon and one single apple tree to a tribe of buffalo? This isn’t making a whole lot of sense, at least without something to help explain this…” I murmured, rubbing my forehead with a small frown.

“Well… we better get moving…” Dash glared at me as she got up and started walking slowly, a little bit of a limp to it. “I told you to go stay back with the others, now we gotta chase after them, and I can’t just fly after them either.”

I glared back as I walked alongside her, also with a little bit of a limp. “And as I recall, you were fine with me helping, right up until I missed. What, did I ruin your dramatic capture or your chance to be the hero?”

She growled dangerously at me. “Coming from someone who couldn’t yell a warning?”

I growled back, as we both got ready to brawl before our injuries flared up a little, making us yelp a little and snap us out of it. We sighed as we walked along in tentative silence. It felt like a few hours had passed before one of us spoke up again.

“Sorry Dash… I was really just trying to help…” I apologized, as after a few hours, I knew I could’ve made a smarter move, and admit that maybe trying to pull of something like a tackle with a speeding train helping boost your speed wasn’t the best plan to go with.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” She quickly replied, though she still sounded a little angry.

“Hiya you two!” Both Dash and I jumped a few yards in the air before landing painfully, with a giggling Pinkie standing where she would be right behind us, if we hadn’t jumped.

“Pinkie! What are YOU doing here?!” Dash exclaimed as she helped me up, while I helped her up.

“Because I’m helping you two to save Spike, duh!” Pinkie giggled and smiled at us.

I grumbled as I got back up. “Well, whatever sneakiness we had is gone now.”

“Hehe, why would we wanna be sneaky sneaky?” Pinkie went on to say.

Dash snapped at Pinkie now. “Because we need to scout out the area and not get-”

We were quickly surrounded by buffalo that appeared from seemingly out of nowhere, cutting off any way of escape.

“...caught…” Dash finished lamely, as the buffalo did not look too happy with us.

I was prepared to toss Pinkie over the crowd while Dash would hold off the now charging crowd, but a recognizable voice shouted at them to stop. They immediately froze, parting a little to reveal…

“Spike?!” We all exclaimed, Pinkie and Dash more than I for obvious reasons.

“Dash, Pinkie, Med, sup?” Spike strolled out, without a scratch on him. He then looked at the buffalo, giving then a grin. “Don’t worry about these gals, they’re cool.”

“If you say so, Spike,” One of the buffalo, which to Medley sounded like a human teen, fist-bumped Spike as the buffalo then thundered off.

Needless to say, we three ponies were quite confused by the whole situation. We probably all looked confused as well, looking at each other with mystified expressions. Finally, we all gave a small nod and followed Spike and the stampeding buffalo party. It took us a while, finally stopping at a small campfire that was somewhere in the middle of the tribe once it was nightfall.

Spike explained the situation as, “Seems they took me by mistake. They’re also feel pretty sorry about it. Luckily, they seem to treat me at least nicely. Still not a big fan of ponies though.”

Some buffalo brought over some food for us to munch on, at least giving basic courtesy. Dash immediately rejected her bowl, while Pinkie was the complete opposite, chowing down through hers in an instant and working on Dash’s. I know I ate into mine, if only to feed my stomach something, since I had forgotten to truly eat a meal throughout the day.

“I think we should bail out as soon as we can. I still don’t trust these guys,” Dash scanned out from the tribe as she said this.

I shook my head and gave my rebuttal. “Dash, we should at least hear them out and see why they attacked in the first place. After all, attacking a train randomly doesn’t seem like normal tribe behavior.”

“And what would you know of how buffalo behave?” Dash glared at me accusingly.

I rolled my eyes a little. “Dash, you know I traveled along lots of Equestria, bringing me into limited contact with a lot of different species. I tried to see if there was an earthly cure from the buffalo for my affliction, but it was no good.”

“And our tribe still apologizes for not being able to help you.” The young buffalo from earlier appeared, giving Spike a bowl of turquoise.

It took me a moment before recognizing her. “Wait a second… Little Strongheart?”

She nodded with a warm smile. “It seems that I finally get to actually meet you. As I was told, you came when I was still a newborn calf. Now after so long, it is great to see the Great Mystery Song.”

“Ah, so that’s my new name now, hm?” I chuckled a little as Dash gave me a glare.

“Don’t tell me you already know these guys? And- Wait a sec!” She looked over as she recognized her immediately. “You’re the one that caused us all that trouble on top of the train! That settles it, we’re out of here!” She grabbed Pinkie by the tail and tried to leave, before Little Strongheart jumped right in front of her path.

“Wait! Please, accept my apologies for what I did on the train. We didn’t mean for anyone to be hurt.” She looked actually sad that we had sustained injuries.

It looked like she was determined to say her piece though, since even after Dash had pretty much disagreed and tried a different way out, Little Strongheart zoomed in front of her path again. “We only wanted the tree! The settler ponies have taken over the land and planted an orchard all over it! Thanks to their thoughtlessness though, we can no longer use our traditional stampeding grounds…”

Pinkie and Dash both looked confused, as Spike and I gave each other a look at each other before nodding, as I turned to Little Strongheart. “Perhaps it is best if you bring in Chief Thunderhooves to explain your situation.”

Little Strongheart nodded, and not too long later, a meeting had formed, with Chief Thunderhooves in attendance. Everyone now had gathered around the campfire, with the bowl cleaned and cleared off.

“Ah… The Great Mystery Song returns to us. I am afraid we still hold no cure for your curse.” He nodded at me.

I waved a hoof. “It is alright, Chief Thunderhooves. I eventually found one, but your efforts were still welcome and thanked. However… I think we will have to catch each other up on old times later. For now, my two pony friend wish to know the situation in hand, and why your tribe is in conflict as of right now.”

He gave a nod as he spoke to all of us. “We have a long and winding stampeding trail that we have run upon for generations. My father stampeded among these grounds, and his father before him, and his father before him…”

He trailed on like this for a while, making everyone, even the buffalo, start to doze off from it. Eventually, Little Strongheart shook him a little, shaking him out of it.

“In any case, it is a sacred tradition to run the path every year. But this year, these… settler ponies, these… Applelosians!” he was getting steadily worked up into a rage before Little Strongheart, once again, taking him out of it as she continued on for him.

“They planted apple trees all over it without our express permission.” She explained as calmly as she could.

“Well now. That’s a good reason to be upset, huh Dash?” I looked over at her with a smirk. In response, she just angrily pouted and sat, crossing her hooves.

“The ponies REFUSE to move their trees, so we are stuck here, and it is not fair!” She stamped a hoof angrily in conclusion.

Pinkie eventually spoke up. “See Dashie? They had a preeety good reason to-”

Dash immediately got up, looking indignant and furious as everyone looked surprised and afraid. It was then that she spoke up.

“I’ll say they had a good reason!” She stomped a hoof in righteous fury as she flew over to the Cheif. “C’mon you girls! Er… guys! We have some apple-pickin’ Applelosians to talk to!”

It was then decided that, after a good night’s rest, everyone would depart in the morning. Dash looked super hyped to start, but eventually Pinkie, Spike, Little Strongheart and I all managed to calm her down enough to make her get some sleep. Pinkie immediately dozed off right after that, with Spike soon joining them. But, as I had promised the Chief, I would catch him up on what had happened since I disappeared, and how I was eventually “cured”.

“Now… Mystery Song… please help us understand what has happened in your travels, and how you came to be speaking clearly as you are now.” Chief Thunderhooves demanded politely.

“Of course, Chief Thunderhooves.” I gave a small nod as I launched into my story, which had involved me travelling to Zebrica for a brief stint, which was how I met Zecora, to Phillydelphia, to no avail and names long forgotten, and finally back where my journey had semi-ended, in Ponyville, where Celestia’s own student found the spell to keep my voice amplified to a normal speaking level.

“And that was my journey. In the end, in a small, little village, I found someone who could help me with my problems just as well as a Canterlot doctor.” I ended my tale with a small smile.

The Chief chuckled a little. “It seems you found a lot more in this pony than one who could master such magic.”

I blinked before blushing a little more, thinking of Twi. I now started to worry over if she was alright, even if a part of me inside my head was logically arguing that she was with the others as well, in a place full of friendly ponies.

The Chief’s chuckling was like low thunder, fitting since his name was Thunderhooves. “And it seems I am correct as well. I do hope that your union with her is peaceful and happy.”

I sighed a little, giving in as I nodded. “I just… don’t know how to really ask her…”

“It will come to you in time, Mystery Song. For now though, rest. Your companions and Little Strongheart will need it for upcoming negotiations with the settler ponies.” He gave an angry snort at the mention of them before nodding, heading off to go to sleep himself.

I smiled as I headed off to sleep myself, thinking more about Twi and what tomorrow could hold. I did eventually get some sleep, but with both horrifying nightmares and fantastic visions of fantasy haunting my dreamscape, even with Luna on dream patrol.

It was around noon before I even knew it, as I was roused from my slumber by Pinkie, who gave me a slightly worried look.

“You were being really fidgety in your sleep, Med.” Pinkie went for the obvious, but sounded concerned for me.

I smiled a little as I got up, taking a little time due to the blanket that was wrapped around me and my wings. “It’s fine, Pinkie. It was all just dreams.”

Nothing else was said, as we both got out and we all made our way to Appleloosa. Even during the trip, no words were said, even as I could feel Dash’s anger on the behalf of the buffalo and Spike, who was on my back, worried about everypony. I know I was still slightly worried over Twi, but still held logic that she was safe and sound and- OK, enough daydreaming about the beautiful pony that is Twi! ...where was I?

Oh, right, meet-up. It was kinda funny, actually. Just as we arrived there, who else could be galloping towards us, but… the rest of our friends. And another pony, most likely a settler pony. They skidded to a stop, staring at us unblinkingly and in surprise before Spike broke the tension.

“Hi gals!” Spike gave a small wave at everypony who had raced out to most likely try and rescue us.

It seems that was what they needed to come at us, with Shy tackling Dash down in relief, and to my surprise, Twi doing the same to me before scooping up Spike in a big and motherly hug. They made sure everyone was alright and safe, and we quickly caught up on what had happened before we got down to business.

Little Strongheart came out as I explained. “Now, before you go thinking that we made a heroic escape from the buffalo… that is entirely false. In reality, they took us in and explained their side of the situation at hand, and brought someone along for negotiations.”

“Uh-huh.” AJ didn’t look convinced as she stepped closer. “And who’s she?”

“This is Little Strongheart, and she’s here to help explain why the settler ponies should move their apple orchards elsewhere and off of buffalo land.” Dash cut in, pushing forward Little Strongheart towards the center of the group.

Just as the settler pony was about to speak up, AJ butted in. “That’s odd. Cause my cousin Braeburn here wants to explain to the buffalo why they should let the apple trees stay.”

I gave an internal groan as Dash cut off Little Strongheart, being just as stubborn as AJ now. “The land is theirs. Look, they planted the trees in the wrong place, it’s no biggie, just move ‘em out of the way, that’s all.”

“They busted their rumps puttin them there!” AJ stepped up, angry on behalf of the settlers. “Now they're supposed to just bust their rumps again just cause some buffalo won’t stampede someplace else?”

“OK, girls?” I tried talking, but it seems they weren’t in the mood to listen as they kept on bickering.

“Just plant the trees somewhere else!” Dash called out.

“Where?! It’s the only plant land around these parts!” AJ waved a hoof at the admittedly very dry desert.

“Girls?” I tried in vain, but nope, it had to be Dash and AJ arguing about something and literally getting up in each other’s faces.

“The buffalo were here first!” RD exclaimed loudly.

“The settler ponies need it to live!” AJ shot back.

At this point, I was fed up and shouted as loud as I could. “GIRLS! STOP THIS!” I immediately felt the spell fizzle out, making me cough hard.

Everyone jumped at the yell, as I was usually as quiet as Fluttershy, if only a bit more involved. Twilight sighed as she reapplied the spell, carrying a backup just in case. I gave a grateful and warm smile, making her blush, which in turn made me blush. Eventually, I got back on track, speaking normally now.

“Look. It’s very clear that the settler ponies need this land, I can see that now. However, they didn’t exactly get permission from the buffalo to build there, and since the buffalo were here first, I think it would’ve been good to ask before assuming. However, has anyone thought of a very simple, and effective, solution?” I calmly stated, laying out everything and making sure that both sides were seen in the right and in the wrong.

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” AJ snipped at me.

I gave her a glare, and one at Dash to preemptively silence her own snipe at me. “Just make a path for the buffalo to stampede through. I know that it’s a little bit of work, but it’s better than moving an entire orchard elsewhere. However, as this was originally buffalo land, the settlers will have to give concessions to the buffalo.”

“Actually… we tend ta have a good harvest every year. If tha buffalo wanna give permission fer us ta be there, we’d give them a share of all the apple goods we bake.” Braeburn chimed in.

“That sounds like a deal the tribe would be willing to accept.” Little Strongheart nodded as Pinkie- OK, no, enough, stop doing this.

Nope! Not until you give me a song! And you skipped over plenty of my song’s, buster!

Pinkie, I already had a hard enough time as it is giving everyone equal amounts of screentime in this episode. I mean, chapter. Plus, as I recall, your song is what originally got everyone to START the fighting. Which is NOT what I wanted to have happen.

Weeeeeeelllll… Can’t you give me something else here? C’mon, pleeeeeeeeease? Pretty please? Pretty please with-

Fine, fine, I’ll give you a celebratory song to sing at the end of the chapter, now GET OUT!

Okie dokie lokie!

-gave out a small cheer. “Yaaaay! This means… time to party!” She cheered as she quickly ran off to Appleloosa.

“Uh…” Braeburn looked very out of the loop, an expression shared by Little Strongheart.

“It’s Pinkie, don’t question it.” Everyone else said in unison, making us all giggle and laugh.

“But seriously, just let her do her thing. It’ll be worth it.” Eventually I calmed down enough to talk normally, putting a hoof on his shoulder.

Sure enough, not one moment later, and after getting the buffalo over to hear the deal that had been made (which had been agreed to, much like Little Strongheart predicted), Pinkie got the party of “Appleloosa and Buffalo Agreement” going. Which in this case was a town square, wild celebration at nearly avoiding a war. On a stage set up, Pinkie was singing a song. At first, I couldn’t recognize it. Once I did though, I started to laugh a little, wildly and happily dancing to the tune. It went something like this:

There, are you happy now?

Yepperoni! Thanks for letting me sing that song! I never thought I’d get to use that!

After the song had ended, everyone was mystified by the words, but cheered anyways for the country theme and beat to it, letting a proper hoedown begin now. I eventually grinned, waving Twi over. She promptly shook her head and looked nervous before I rolled my eyes a little and dragged her out to the dance floor, even as she claimed that she couldn’t dance at all. Soon enough though, we both started to dance and have a fun time, especially when we both were doing Twilight’s, admittedly only good dance move, the Pony Pop. Sure, we may have accidentally kicked a couple of ponies and maybe a buffalo or two, but we apologized and were quickly forgiven, since no one was actually hurt. In the end… another awesome party from the pink party pony herself.

It soon became time to leave though around nightfall, so we made our goodbyes and travelled back to Ponyville in relative silence, content to just life in the afterglow of the party. Once we arrived in Ponyville, we all said our goodnights and headed back to our homes. I rested on my bed, but my brain kept me up for a long while. Back when there was arguing going on, I felt a pull on myself, a very small one, but one nonetheless. It felt like it was telling me what to say, as I had no idea of a solution like that in full. Something was influencing me there… but what? Rest once again did not come easy, as I kept on thinking about the strange force, and a small idea of the day that justice would finally come to me.

End of Chapter 19