• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 8,595 Views, 179 Comments

Book 1: A New Element of Friendship - Medley of MLP

A human turned pony gets to live in all of MLP's glory. And he gets stuck in the middle of it. Perfect times for all.

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I Got A Golden Ticket!

Author's Note:

I just couldn't leave this chapter alone, so consider this a present to end off this year and a way into the next. Now, I believe some of you are wondering about pairings in this story. For that, you will have to wait and see. Otherwise, I do hope you all enjoy this story and enjoy the new year as it comes around. See ya next year!

A New Element of Friendship

I Got A Golden Ticket!

Well, at least I woke up like any sane, normal pony today. Pinkie Pie didn’t sing a song to wake me, Fluttershy didn’t lose control of any animals, Twilight didn’t misfire a spell towards my room, Applejack didn’t buck any apples towards my room, Rainbow Dash didn’t crash land in my room, and Rarity didn’t abduct me in the middle of the night so that she could find some more inspiration… You know, it seems to me like fate is obsessed with anything going wrong while I’m asleep in my room, and only my room. For once, I’d like to see a disaster happen in my living room or kitchen. Not the bathroom though. That would be a bit… problematic. Anyways, enough rambling. Now we can go out and enjoy this peaceful, cal-

“OW!” I yelled once I got hit by a blur of pink.

“Sorry, Med! I just heard someone say the Grand Galloping Gala and I had to find out!” Pinkie apologized.

Yeah... since I’m part of the group now, I get a nickname. Rainbow Dash is Dashie, Applejack is AJ, Twilight’s Twily, Fluttershy’s Flutters, Rarity is Rares, and I’m Med… ic. Sorry, couldn’t resist that little inside joke. But yeah, I’m Med apparently and the only explanation I got from her is that since everyone had one, I needed one and this was perfect for me. Never say I don’t try and understand her. After all, I know of her ability to break the fourth wall (originally human, remember). Wow, I can ramble on just like her as well. From what I remembered, it was something about the Grand Galloping Gala. For those who haven’t heard of it (a.k.a: no pony in existence apparently), it’s one of the grandest and prestigious events to ever come out of Canterlot. It’s so exclusive, you need to be practically royalty or have good connections in order to be invited. I wish that incident had never happened, otherwise, I would’ve been performing at this year’s Gala. But then again, I never would’ve met my new friends and discover a secret lost to history.

“Well, then, let me get up so I can come with you. Not like I had anything else planned for today,” I asked Pinkie, which she did and pulled me… through the scenery? Wait, what was that? Wait, how did we… oh yeah. Pinkie’s ability. My mistake. Anyways, she found two golden tickets sitting on top of her eyes after she bumped into Twilight. She and I noticed that these tickets were for the GGG (as I will be calling it now). Pinkie immediately started to sing about what she would do at the Gala.

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me

Hip hip! Hooray!

It's the best place for me

For Pinkie…

“With decorations like streamers and fairy-lights and pinwheels and piñatas and pin-cushions. With goodies like sugar cubes and sugar canes and sundaes and sun-beams and sarsaparilla. And I get to play my favorite-est of favorite fantabulous games like Pin the Tail on the Pony!” Pinkie exclaimed mid-song.

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me

'Cause it's the most galarrific superly-terrific gala ever

In the whole galaxy! Wheee!!

Pinkie ended the song with a huge grin on her face. She then immediately began bouncing around Twilight.

“Oh, thank you Twilight!” She exclaimed. “It’s the most wonderfulest gift ever!”

“Ummm… actually... “ Twilight looked really peeved out, most likely due to the tickets. She probably met some of our friends already and they probably did something similar to what Pinkie just did (without the music, of course). This was further proven correct by Rarity, who, when she saw the tickets and gasped.

“Are these what I think they are?” She questioned Spike.

“Yes, yes, yes! Twilight’s taking me to the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot!” Pinkie told Rarity, despite Twilight trying to say it was not the case.

This time we got Rarity telling us what she wanted to do at the Gala, after a bit of her self-ego. Apparently, she wanted the prince of her dreams: Prince Blueblood. She had the whole thing planned out too, down to the minute detail. Kinda creepy, but this is Rarity I'm talking about, after all.

However, that plan hinged on one thing: Blueblood being the perfect gentlecolt. I once had the distinct displeasure of meeting the esteemed royal in pony. In less than 3 minutes, he made fun of my appearance, thought my profession a waste unless I played the most fitting royal songs for him alone and was all around a total asshat. I can safely say that I would never hate a pony, as all ponies do come to a better side at least some time. Bluebitch, on the other hand, is very firm about being the most royal of asshats, so he gets the distinct reward of being the first pony I hate and most likely the only pony I hate. OK, rant over, back to what’s happening.

“Twilight, I simply cannot believe you would invite Pinkie Pie so she could party and prevent me from meeting my true love!” She whined. “How could you?”

Now all we need is Fluttershy for the complete collection of crazy ponies, I thought. Not even a moment later, Fluttershy’s pet rabbit, Angel, took the tickets from Spike’s grasp and sprinted back to Flutters to give them to her.

“Uh… Listen, guys,” Twilight started to say. “I haven’t decided who to give the extra ticket to.”

“You haven’t?!” Pinkie and Rarity exclaimed at the same time, getting in Twilight’s face.

“Um… Excuse me…” We all turned our attention to Fluttershy. “Twilight, I would just like to ask - I mean, if it would be alright - if you haven’t given it to someone else…”

“You?” Rarity harshly questioned. “You want to go to the Gala?”

“Oh, no,” Fluttershy said in her usual demeanor. Angel then tapped her with his foot a few times and she completely changed.

“I mean, yes,” She started to blush a little here. “Or, actually, kind of. You see, it’s not so much the Grand Galloping Gala, as it is the wondrous, private gated garden that surrounds the dance.”

She went on to explain how rare the animals and plants were and how she wanted to see it all for herself. Though it was interesting to hear Fluttershy of all ponies be so passionate about getting something. She soon ended with her flying into the air, hugging the rabbit.

“Gee, Fluttershy… It sounds… beautiful?” Twilight was extremely confused now.

“Wait, just a minute!” Rainbow Dash hollered from the top of a nearby roof.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight looked a little bit more annoyed now. “Were you following me?”

“No, I mean, yes, I mean, maybe? Look, it doesn’t matter. I couldn’t risk a goody four-shoes like you giving that ticket away to just anybody,” She replied haughtily. Almost like Rarity, in a way.

“Wait just another minute!” Applejack calmly walked behind Twilight.

“Applejack!” Twilight was getting more and more annoyed, it seemed. “Were you following me too?”

“No, I was followin’ this one!” She pointed her hoof at Rainbow Dash. “To make sure she didn’t try any funny business. Still tryin’ to take my ticket.”

The others took offense to this and started to argue towards and around Twilight. She got into a small little ball to try and block out the sound. This was the point I needed to set things back down. I quietly told Twilight to move out of the way as quietly as she could. Once she did, I decided to use something I’ve heard only once in my life: A Siren’s Song. It was from a mission from across the ocean and I was one of the rare few that got to hear it late in the night. This got everyone’s attention back around to me and completely stopped any arguments.

“Now that we can listen, can you please let Twilight speak?” I asked the group politely.

They looked a bit sheepish and decided to sit down and talk about it like friends should. I then found out why Applejack wanted to go (sell her apple wares) and why Rainbow Dash wanted to go (meet with the Wonderbolts). While we were waiting for Twilight to calm back down a bit, I used my logical mind for a moment to consider who would be the best to go with her. Fluttershy was immediately out, as all she wanted to do was visit the gardens. While the timing of the dance and seasonal bloom coincided, it would still be better just to ask Princess Celestia herself if she could visit during that time. The next to go was Rarity, as first of all, she could be introduced to Prince Blueballs by Celestia herself and could be given the warning that he was not at all a good stallion and proceed with patience. Next to go was Applejack, for sure. After all, selling food when there is free catering is not a good idea at all. Plus, Applejack’s food would be looked down upon by the nobles attending, believing it to be ‘common carnival fare’. Rainbow Dash, surprisingly, had a good case here: Get connections into the Wonderbolts. And there’s no better place for connections than the GGG. However, a few problems arose with that as well. For instance, she kind of… you know… HELP SAVE EQUESTRIA FROM ETERNAL NIGHT!!! Then again, Celestia did say she would keep this under wraps, so I guess they wouldn't know. Plus, if I know Rainbow Dash, then she’s probably going to win the Young Fliers Competition that would be coming up and spend a whole day with them. Now it was just down to me and Pinkie Pie. We actually both had good reasons to be there as well. I wanted to be there to complete the journey that had an abrupt stop while she wanted to be there for the Gala itself. So no matter what I did, it would be a tie for the best reason to go.

“Girls, this is my decision and I am going to make it on my own. And I certainly can’t think straight with all this noise,” Twilight said, pulling me away from anymore thinking. Apparently, she had calmed down and now a gurgling noise could be heard from her stomach as well. “Not to mention hunger. Now go on, shoo!”

After the girls had grumbled and left, I was still there and Twilight gave me a look of irritation. “I thought I said for you to go?” She asked me irritably.

“You do realize that I never asked you for the other ticket? In fact, I was the one to get our friends to stop fighting. Plus I figured I could get you something to eat since I’m actually getting paid,” I calmly put forth.

Twilight took a few more seconds to calm down before fully realizing what I had said. “Sorry about that Medley. So far, all the rest of my friends have decided it was them that was going without my say-so. I really do like the fact that you just didn’t even bother,” She said apologetically.

“I do understand the need for a bit of a difference. While I have my own reasons to go, I also understand the need for your decision to be made at all. Now, if I also understand it, you need to get food into you,” I smiled a bit there.

She blushed and agreed to go someplace and eat. I accompanied her because first of all, I was hungry as well and I was also a gentlecolt and help pay for the food, even if the mare was supposed to pay for it all. I also wanted to stick around and see if the others took the advice and left it be or if they decided to get the ticket at any cost. As I like to say: Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

We sat down at a decent restaurant and got to deciding a lunch. Twilight ordered a daisy and daffodil sandwich, I ordered sunflower seeds and a small salad with carrots and radishes, and Spike (after trying to order gems) got some hay fries.

“What do you think Spike?” Twilight worriedly asked Spike.

“I think we need to try another restaurant. I mean, I like grass and all, but would it hurt anybody to offer gemstones?” Spike complained.

“Ponies can’t eat gemstones. Ponies are normally the ones ordering. Ergo, no offering of any gemstones," I chuckled a little.

"U͜n҉for͝tun͡ately ͟for̵ you͝."

“Um… did you get something? You sounded a bit off there near the end,” Twilight asked curiously.

“What do you mean? I sounded just fine,” I was confused as to what I said. All I did was explain how waiters didn’t offer gems as meals.

Twilight gave me an odd look but was stopped by any further questioning with the food arriving. It was just as we were starting to eat that ponies all around us started to flee to their homes. It was also then I noticed that it was raining everywhere except where we were.

Odd, I thought to myself. Who’s in charge of the weather today? Oh, wait, don’t tell me Rainbow Dash is trying to…

Sure enough, looking up got me a view of Rainbow Dash putting up the scheduled storm for today everywhere except where Twilight was sitting. Twilight looked to where I was looking and found the same thing.

“Hi there best friend forever that I’ve ever, ever had!” Rainbow Dash yelled from the patch in the sky. “Enjoying the sunny weather?”

“Rainbow Dash? What are you doing?” Twilight suspiciously asked Rainbow Dash.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash tried to pull an innocent tone and was failing miserably at it. “I just thought the smartest, most generous pony wouldn’t want to get rained on. So I’d thought I’d kick a hole in the clouds to keep her dry so she could dine in peace. That’s all.”

“Rainbow, you’re not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing extra special favors, are you?” She started to glare at Rainbow.

“Me?” Rainbow tried to continue the charade of innocence, this time adding the sun as a halo. I think it still had no effect on Twilight. “No, no, no! Of course not!”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight and I said in unison.

“Seriously. I’d do it for anypony,” She claimed as other ponies were trying to get out of the downpour.

“Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors. So I’d appreciate it if you closed up that raincloud right now,” Twilight stated firmly.

Rainbow Dash grudgingly accepted and closed the gap. Before it could start to rain, I quickly flew over to the recently covered hole and re-opened it.

“Hey, what did I just say?!” Twilight looked a little bit pissed off.

“Remember, I don’t care about the ticket. I’m actually trying to be a good friend. I just forgot we had a rain scheduled for today. I’m not usually on duty, so if a new schedule is posted, I never know until I get back and ask for this month’s and the next’s,” I explained.

“Hm… Well, I think I can quickly finish up here. Just please close it before we leave,” Twilight grumbled a bit before starting to eat again.

After we had finished up, I quickly patched up the hole in the clouds and we went through the rain, which is why and how Rarity found us dripping wet.

“Twilight. It’s raining,” Rarity said in an almost deadpan tone.

“No, really?” Twilight sarcastically stated.

“Come with me before you catch a cold!” She pulled Twilight into the rain and made her way to her shop. Spike and I trailed behind her, trying to get out of the rain.

Once all four of us had made it inside, Twilight instantly shook her coat, splashing all the water away. However, it landed on Rarity instead.

“Oops. Sorry,” Twilight said bashfully to Rarity, who was soaking wet at this point.

“Oh, no. It’s quite alright,” Rarity faked an expression of happiness. “After all, we are the best of friends, are we not?”

“Let me at least get you a towel, Miss Rarity,” I politely stated, starting to fly and grab one for her.

“It’s quite alright, Medley. I can get one by myself and I don’t need someone who was invited to do this for me,” She declined in a polite manner, levitating a towel to her as we were speaking.

“And you know what the best of friends do?” Rarity asked Twilight, attention fully on her.

“Uh…” Twilight had no response to anything so far.

“Makeovers!” Rarity jumped with joy and quickly got to work on Twilight.

What she did was kind of funny, at least to my sense of humor. She pulled a cover from nearby and immediately shooed me and Spike to the other side. What we then heard were the sounds of a construction going on, complete with the sound of a drill. Twilight sounded like she was resisting a bit but to no avail. When Rarity had pulled off the cover, Twilight had on a saddle made in a simple design with a few gems to accent the tri-colored fabric.

“There!” Rarity exclaimed. “Oh you’re simply darling!”

“Uh… Yeah. It is kind of pretty, isn’t it?” Twilight looked at the outfit in kind surprise.

Spike seemed to disagree, but I thought it was nice on her. It was simple, which she usually goes for, and it was a unique outfit that she normally wouldn’t wear.

“And you!” Rarity set her sights on the dragon. “Oh, Spike. I have a dandy little outfit for the dashing gent.”

She once again pulled the cover to where Twilight once stood. Spike tried to make a break for it, but from what I knew of Rarity, once she has a design for you, her telekinesis knows no bounds. I should know. I just had my whole wardrobe replaced except for one vest I had managed to save from the purge. Anyways, back to Spike. Again, construction was heard and it was soon time for the reveal. The reveal was... interesting to say the least. He had on an outfit not uncommon in the Renaissance Period (human calendar) with a wavy blond wig to match.

“Oh, Spike,” I heard Twilight say in the background, chucking a bit.

“Now all you need is a hat,” Rarity dashed back with a sombrero-like hat with a feather sticking out a bit.

“I told you, I didn’t want any part in this girly gala gunk!” Spike complained. “See you back in the library!”

With that, Spike dashed off so fast that the outfit hung in the air for a moment before falling onto the ground.

“Do you want me to go after him or stay here. Works for me either way. I understand the need for these dresses and also understand Spike’s need to try and stay male. A male thing,” I explained after seeing their strange expressions.

“Actually, darling, since you’re here, would you mind testing out this new outfit? I still need a bit more work on stallion clothing,” Rarity asked, starting to form puppy dog eyes to keep me there as well.

“Where are they and how many?” I grumbled good-naturedly.

“For heaven’s sake!” Rarity went along with the act. “There’s only 500 that need to be done today!”

We both had a chuckle at that and Rarity told me the real amount of outfits, which only happened to be the one. Since Twilight and Spike had already done this skit, I think it would be safe to say that the same happened to me as well, this time just for Rarity and Twilight. When the cover disappeared this time, it was a sight to behold. I was dressed up as a Canterlot royal in full garb, with cleverly hidden holes for my wings to spread out. For those who have not been to Canterlot at one time or another, a normal Canterlot Pony would have on a vest with trimmings that best matched their coat. In my case, that’s a black vest with white trimmings. As I was not a unicorn myself, I could also wear a hat without it getting in the way of my magic. It was a simple top hat, but it went well with the entire ensemble.

“Well, darling? What do you think?” Rarity leaned in for my opinion.

“Why I think it is a wonderful outfit. I may wear a more casual version of this more often. With the top hat, of course,” I commented. “Truly, a design flaw is nowhere to be seen with this.”

“Thank you, Medley. Now as for Twilight, this is all about how well you’ll look for the Grand Galloping Gala,” Rarity went on to Twilight.

“Wait… the Grand-” Twilight had a look of comprehension on her face but was interrupted by a gasp from Rarity.

“And oh my goodness! What a coincidence,” Rarity pointed out the copy of Twilight’s current attire. “I happen to have an ensemble of my own that matched yours to a T! We would be the belles of the ball, you and I. Everyone would be clamoring for our attention. All eyes would be on us, and everyone will finally know the most beautiful, the most talented, the most sophisticated pony in all of Equestria is Rarity the unicorn!”

She then noticed the unamused face on both me and Twilight. She nervously laughed for a moment and continued onto what can only be an entirely different train of thought while patting her on the head.

“And Twilight Sparkle, of course,” She continued to nervously laugh and pat Twilight on the head and petered out.

“I see what’s going on here,” Twilight was starting to look a bit pissed off right now, seeing as Rarity was backing away. “You’re just buttering me up so that I give you the extra ticket. Well, it’s not gonna work!” At this, she flew the saddle away from her. “You’re going to have to wait for my decision just like everyone else!”

At this, she stormed out of Rarity’s shop slightly enraged. I thanked Rarity for the outfit, put it back together nicely, got into my regular attire, and walked out with Twilight, figuring she could use a sane pony to vent at for a little while.

“Well, at least it’s not as bad as lunch,” Twilight murmured loudly.

“Did somepony just say lunch?” Applejack appeared out of nowhere and grab Twilight to who knows where this time. I, of course, wanted to see where this would go.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Twilight looked upon the cart right in front of her, filled to the brim with what looked like many apple sweets.

“I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple crisp, apple crumble, and apple granny smith! The dessert, not my granny. What do ya say, best friend?” Applejack said very fast.

Twilight’s pupils started to dilate bigger and bigger during the naming until I swear I could put one of the desserts on her eyes as a small serving plate. And now I’m hungry all over again. So was Twilight, apparently, as her stomach sounded like she never had any lunch at all.

“Is that a yes?” Applejack asked not too desperately.

“No, no!” Twilight was starting to raise her voice as the dessert Applejack had been balancing flew off. “I don’t know who I’m giving the ticket to and all these favors aren’t making it any easier to decide! In fact, I’m less sure now than I was this morning!”

“So that’s a maybe?” Applejack asked a fleeing Twilight.

“What the heck happened this morning? I know it must’ve been something…. Wait a minute. You and Rainbow both appeared at the same time and given the two of you based on past experiences… you both competed for the extra ticket, didn’t you?” I asked logically.

“Well, um, maybe?” Applejack looked away, seeing as an expression of guilt was creeping up on her.

“Well, I hope that nopony else could try and bribe her and where’s Pinkie?” I hit a realization that so far, the only pony not to try and bribe her was Fluttershy and Pinkie. I knew for a fact that Fluttershy’s pet rabbit, Angel, would organize something for Fluttershy. If I knew Pinkie, it would be a big celebration that would involve townsfolk and a party in honor of Twilight being a ‘super-duper-awesometastic best friend that would give her the ticket'. From what I also knew, Pinkie was not subtle, so of course, the townsfolk would be involved and most likely chase after Twilight for the ticket. Once this was realized, I flew back to Twilight home, hoping nothing had gone too far.

Unfortunately for me, it was not the case. Twilight had just yelled at Fluttershy for her trying to also get the ticket and she didn’t notice the crowd of ponies gathered at the door. So when they did the surprise party, Twilight instantly knew who it was doing this and what they wanted. Pinkie sang a song after throwing her in the ring of ponies.

Twilight is my bestest friend

Whoopie, whoopie!

“Pinkie…” Twilight exasperated. Pinkie continued on nonetheless.

She's the cutest, smartest, all around best pony, pony!

“Pinkie,” Twilight started to angrily say. She was ignored yet again.

I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party, party!

“Pinkie!” Twilight was trying, to no avail, to get her attention.

She'll give her extra ticket to the Gala to me!

PIIINKIIIE!!” Twilight yelled at the top of her lungs.

This seemed to work to disperse the crowd enough so that they stopped throwing her up into the air. Pinkie trotted merrily up to her. “Yes, Twilight?” She batted her eyes for effect.

“At least the other ponies tried to be subtle about the ticket,” She yelled at Pinkie while getting up.

Now I could see where this was going. And sure enough, the ponies gathered around to hear from Pinkie herself that Twilight had an extra ticket to the Gala and immediately started to try and do favors for her to get it. At this point, I calmly walked up to Twilight and just told her to cover her ears. She knew what I was about to do and covered her ears and Spikes for good measure. Then, I started to sing a song that I knew would at least lead the crowd away: Run Away! from Monty Python’s Spamalot. It worked like a charm, somehow, and led the crowd away. It didn’t for Pinkie, however, as she just snuck inside Twilight’s home instead. Crazy, but this is Pinkie I’m speaking of. Nonetheless, once the crowd had dispersed, Twilight stopped the magic and ran back inside before the crowd had realized that she had a ticket still. When she got inside, she quickly had me and Spike shut off all lights and lock all doors. Once done, we all sat in relief as a huddle. Then, the light in the room turned back on to reveal that Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were waiting up in one of the higher cubbies.

Twilight screamed, “I can’t decide, I just can’t decide! It’s important to all of you and I just can’t stand to disappoint any of you and giving me gifts and doing favors won’t make any difference because you’re all my friends and I want to make you all happy and I can’t! I just can’t!” Twilight then broke down into a sob.

“See, this is what I was trying to show you 5 and none of you took the hint! I was being the supportive friend without the ticket being my main priority. I was trying to show what you 5 were supposed to do, but all of you were oblivious in your quest for the ticket. Shame on all of you,” I said in a harsh reprimand, trying to comfort Twilight.

Applejack was the first to come down with a look of great guilt in her expression. “Twilight, sugar, I didn’t mean to put so much pressure on you. And if it helps, I don’t want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won’t feel bad, I promise,” She said in a remorseful voice, gently patting her on the back.

“Me too,” Fluttershy flew down to join us. “I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful.”

“And me too,” Pinkie joined in. “It’s no fun upsetting your friends.”

“Twilight,” Rarity added in her voice to the mix of apologies. “It was unfair of me to try and force you as I did.”

“Yes! That means the ticket is mine!” Rainbow Dash flew in joy. She was about to rub it in, but a harsh glare from all of us, especially me, stopped her from doing so. “You know, I haven’t perfected my signature moves yet for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don’t need that ticket either.”

“And as I already told you earlier, I may want the ticket, but not enough to try and get it at any cost. I understand when a situation is out of hand and I try to not add to it. You can keep the ticket,” I reminded her.

“And like Medley said earlier, us gals were so gung-ho about going to the Gala, that we couldn’t see how un-gung-ho we were making you,” Applejack continued, Twilight calming down and lifting her head up a bit.

“We’re sorry Twilight,” they apologized in unison.

“Spike, take down a note,” She asked the dragon, for which he pulled out some parchment and a quill for writing. “Dear Princess Celestia, I learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when there are not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“What?!” the girls yelled.

“if my friends can’t all go, I don’t want to go either,” Twilight explained.

“Twilight, you don’t have to that,” Applejack said in utter shock.

“Nope, I made up my mind,” Twilight made her final decision. “Spike, you can send the letter now.”

What I saw next was something I have never seen before. Spike opened the window and blew fire on the letter. Instead of it turning into ashes, it turned into green smoke that looked like it was flying towards Canterlot. I went with the assumption that this was how the reports got sent to Celestia. The action lied elsewhere, as Fluttershy spoke up.

“Now you won’t get to go to the Gala either,” She softly said.

“It’s OK, everypony. I couldn’t possibly enjoy myself without my best friends with me,” Twilight soothed them.

This seemed to calm everypony else down and send us into a group huddle with Twilight in the middle. “So I’d rather not go at all,” Twilight softly said in the huddle.

Spike, however, did the fake barf and then puckered up like he was about to actually barf. “Well wallop my withers, Spike,” Applejack scoffed at Spike’s reaction. “Isn’t that just like a boy, who can’t handle the least bit of sentiment.”

“Hey, I resent that,” I complained. “I’m currently in the huddle with you gals.”

It went largely unnoticed, however, and for good reason. Spike did hurl, but instead of vomit, he belched out a green fire that then turned into a scroll. This went through where Applejack’s head would’ve been if she hadn’t ducked in time and the flame went through the gap of her head and her hat.

“A letter from the Princess? That was fast,” Twilight stated.

“Y͏o͡u d͡o̴n̷'t̢ sa҉y͝.͡"

I don’t know why, but everypony was looking at me with a strange expression on their face.

“Are you sure you don’t have a cold or something?” Twilight asked me.

“Yes, I am quite sure. Now, wasn’t there a letter about to be read?” I answered, pointing my hoof at the letter in Spike’s claw.

“Oh, yes, right,” Twilight looked dazed before setting her sights back on the letter. “Can you please read the letter, Spike?”

He nodded and opened it up. He used a more serious voice and said, “Dear Twilight, why didn’t you just say so in the first place?” He then pulled out some more tickets and exclaimed, “Seven tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!”

“Now we can all go!” Twilight cheered. We all started to cheer as well to this series of good news.

We then heard Twilight’s stomach rumble and remembered that it was late at night and she hadn’t gotten anything to eat since lunch. Rarity just simply said, “Allow us to treat you to dinner.”

“What a great way to apologize,” Rainbow said as we were walking out the door, making sure to grab our own ticket as we left.

“And to celebrate!” Pinkie added. Come on everyone! The cupcakes are on me!”

There was a slight delay to the restaurant with Spike, but as I stopped for him, I noticed another flash of light and saw Spike run out with childish glee with his ticket to the Gala as well. He noticed me and immediately tried for the macho man route of dialogue. As soon as I turned my back, however, I still could hear his giggling going on. We then all sat down a decent place and got our orders down (which I’m sure nopony would want to hear). While we were waiting though, the girls noticed something peculiar going on with me in general.

“Say, Med, how did you manage to get the crowd away from Twilight’s place yet I wasn’t affected in the slightest. Though I did love the song you chose,” Pinkie asked in a curious tone.

“I just used my natural talent, that’s all,” I bashfully answered. “As to why you weren’t affected… I can’t answer that.”

“Though I got a question of my own sugarcube,” Applejack was next to question me. “How come you didn’t raise your voice at me back at Twilight’s home before we apologized?”

I froze at that. To answer that meant explaining my story yet all over again, this time to even more ponies. I couldn’t lie either, as this was the Bearer of the Element of Honesty asking me this question. I was actually starting to sweat so much, the other noticed this as well.

“It’s alright, darling,” Rarity tried to calm me down a bit. “You can tell us. After all, we are friends, aren’t we?”

At that moment, I knew the answer I would give. After all, if I told Twilight right after the adventure of Nightmare Moon, then I could tell the rest of them as well.

“OK then. Twilight already knows and has it recorded so you can read it for yourselves. If you have any other questions, you can ask me privately when I’m not doing lessons. Now, I do believe I see the food coming our way, so let’s enjoy the good food, good drink, and good company involved. Cheers!” I proclaimed.

And so, after a night of dinner and the promise of my life history, I end on this bittersweet note. I know Luna’s realm calls to me to sleep, but now I had a question going through my mind: Why was it that at the two moments of mass confusion to me that I was asked why I had a disease when I clearly didn’t say anything? This kept me up for a while, pondering the answer, but nothing came to me later that night. I eventually fell asleep with the question still burning inside my mind. With that, a friendship problem had been averted and now everyone in the circle of friends knew my story. They promised in return to tell me their life story, but one at a time as to not confuse me. Now I did everypony a good night and hope for pleasant dreams.

End of Chapter 5