• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 8,594 Views, 179 Comments

Book 1: A New Element of Friendship - Medley of MLP

A human turned pony gets to live in all of MLP's glory. And he gets stuck in the middle of it. Perfect times for all.

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A Tea Party In A Mad World

Author's Note:

Hey there everypony! I'm almost done with the book now! And as promised, I will get out the final chapter before the year is over. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I had writing it. I should also say that if anyone thinks of a better song to use later on in the story than what I had put down, I'm always welcome to suggestions. Now, enough stalling, get on with the reading, please. Thanks for coming here!

A New Element of Friendship

A Tea Party In A Mad World

I laid in my bed, awake and alone with my thoughts. It had been awhile since I had gotten the news of my parent’s death. Ereyesterday, or the day before yesterday, I went to my parent’s funeral. It was thankfully and mercifully short, even as they were laid to rest in Cloudsdale. Then yesterday was just… a day. Nothing important really happened, as the school let me off for the week in order let me get myself back in working order. I wasn’t taking as many private voice lessons since a while now, and even though I knew I had to get back to work, it still felt like the world was just out to get me. That changed as I heard a knock at the door. Groaning, I got myself out bed, managing to bang my hoof against the bedpost as I did so. With a yelp and a tumble, I finally made it to the front door, opening it up.

To my complete and utter surprise, it was Pinkie at the door, with a singing telegram, as she was all dressed up in party fare. Here was what she sang:

This is your singing telegram

I hope it finds you well

You're invited to a party

'Cause we think you're really swell

Gummy's turning one year old

So help us celebrate

The cake will be delicious

The festivities first-rate

There will be games and dancing

Bob for apples, cut a rug

And when the party's over

We'll gather 'round for a group hug

No need to bring a gift

Being there will be enough

Birthdays mean having fun with friends

Not getting lots of stuff

It won't be the same without you

So we hope that you say yes

So, please, oh please R.S.V.P.

And come, and be our guest!

“Um…” I stared at her in surprise.
On one hoof, it was really nice to do a singing telegram, and it did lift my spirits. But she also looked a bit worn out, so I got the feeling she was doing this for all of us Mane 7 and Spike. But before I could voice anything, she dashed off, leaving me even more confused. I just figure to come on over once I had gotten myself together for the day.

And oh boy what fun it was to get myself going for the day. While I still felt pretty numb from everything that had happened… Pinkie always did have the best parties in town. I figured that Gummy’s party would do me a bit of good and maybe give me a reason to celebrate. Plus, knowing Pinkie, she’d feel pretty bad if I didn’t make it. With that in mind, I got my outfit back on for the day and headed off towards Sugarcube Corner.

It looked like I was one of the first to arrive, besides for Pinkie of course. Already there was punch and cake out, and the music was just warming up. Pinkie immediately noticed me and zoomed on over, giving me her usual vice grip of a hug.

“I’m super super glad you could make it today Med!” Pinkie cheered as she somehow hugged me tighter without crushing my lungs harder. “I know things have happened recently… and it was alright if you didn’t wanna come. But I’m glad you could anyways!”

“Heh… Thanks, Pinkie,” I tiredly responded.

Pinkie then gave a small yelp as her leg… twitched. Pinkie’s cry explained it. “Pinchy knee! Ow, ow, pinchy knee!”

I thought back to her Pinkie sense before paling a little bit. “Wait… something scary is about to happen, isn’t it?” I looked around fretfully.

Her body then began to shake as she let go. “Doo-o-o-o-o-ooozzzzzzzyyy!”

“And something unexpected?” I could feel my fear creeping up behind me… just as everypony and Spike walked in.

“Howdy y’all! Hope we weren’t too late!” AJ called up, walking up the stairs as well.

Well, so much for this day about to go well. Before I even knew it, Pinkie pushed me away before yelling in pain, the transformation about to take place. I hoped that the Cakes were off on some business trip, because things were about to get ugly. And horrifying.

When Twily made it up the stairs first, she froze in panic, putting up the same dome she used last time she was Midnight Sparkle, keeping us all contained. It was the last action she did before going through the process herself. I quickly scooped up Spike as he and I saw each of the other girls be forced into their own terrifying changes.

Pinkie was the first to finish her transformation. Her coat was now saturated with grey, as her mane was straighter. Her Cutie Mark slowly shifted into that of two knives crossing a cupcake, and her sneer was on full force. Twily’s was next, as her mane became unkempt and crazed looking. Her dark aura surrounded her once more, as her eyes lit up creepily in luminous blue and glinted sadistically, grinning a grin that spelt terrible trouble, with her Cutie Mark slowly reverting to being dissected. Rarity was next, as the long slashes across her eye formed again, the eye turning black with a white pupil. Scratches started to appear all over her body, as her Cutie Mark looked like they had been turned into bloodstones now instead of diamonds. And those were just the repeats.

Spike and I saw the terrible shifts our other three friends were undergoing after the first three. Dash was the first one, as her mane looked more like it was dyed in blood and rainbows, a manager outfit forming over her as her rainbow Cutie Mark look splattered with blood in a way that looked like it was slashed through. AJ was the next pony on the chopping block, and it looked like it was about to be a literal one, as she took on a crazed look, her eyes swimming with insanity as her apple Cutie mark looked like it was flecked with dirt and blood. Finally, poor Fluttershy was the last to change, and it looked like it was an immediate shift. She looked like she was ready to butcher anypony who came in her path, her Cutie Mark looking more torn to shreds with scars.

Spike and I watched everything unfold, feeling our horror creep up as they all turned to look at us. It was then that they spoke. Or rather… Factory Dash spoke first.

“Wh͝a̡t ͏do ҉we d̛o wit̀h ̢this..҉.̕ f͟a͝il͢ur̵e͞ ̶and the̵ ̡pe̷t?” Factory Dash question, looking down at us with cold, unfeeling eyes.

“Tur͜n̡ them i͞nto̸ ͏cu҉te͢ l͜itt̴l͝e̢ ͘d̨ǫlls͜!͞” Lil’ Miss Rarity cried out.

“Mák̶e͡ ̷dęlìc̀i͝oús ͜cưpcakes o̕ut̛ ǫf͟ t͟he͞m!” Pinkamena roared.

“L̵o͠ćk t̡h̡e͢m ̸up͞ ̛an͏d ͟di͢ssect͡ t̢he̕m ̷f͡or ̷m͞or̶e̷ ̀infor̵mati͞on͜!” Midnight Twilight sneered.

FlutterBrute just roared, eagerly holding an axe.

“T̕h͠ey͘'r̷e b́a͡d̡ ̵ap҉p̵l҉e̢s,̸ ̢an͡d͝ ̴dęs̀er̕vé ta̸ ͘b͞e ̛tr͝e͟a͠ted a͜s̷ ͠sùch!” AppleBad growled, holding a shovel.

“M-Med... “ Spike’s voice was wavering as he was first besieged by everypony ganging up on us, and then seeing them starting to argue with one another about how to deal with us.

I looked at the group before a wild idea popped into my head. “Spike. Don’t worry. I have a plan. All we need to do is keep them here until those… things, give up their control. And we have to make sure they don’t try and burst the bubble. Otherwise… all of Ponyville is in danger.”

“Med… what are you thinking?” Spike panickedly whispered.

“...send a message to the Princess, and we’ll see if they will accept a party,” I replied as conversation was dying down.

He nodded just as everyone had turned back to us. Before one of them could say a single word, I quickly spoke up.

“Ladies of the under-realm… Before you do… whatever it is you agreed to… I propose… a tea party!” I exclaimed as best I could. “And Spike here will be my assistant in making sure this party goes swell.”

“.̧..what̵?” They answered collectively, all of them having various expressions of confusion, annoyance, or both.

“W͝hy͟ ͟th͘e͞ hel̵l ͜wo̕u͡ld we ̢h͟a͡v̧e a t́éa ̷p̀a̷r̢ty?҉” Pinkamena snarled.

“Because… friendship is magic?” I lamely tried before sighing. “OK, you got me. I was planning on keeping you all here so that the Princesses could take care of you.”

“Yo̡u͘... are̛ a͘ teŕrible ͡l̕i̛a͜r̴.̶” Midnight Twilight noted as everyone seemed to agree that it was a bold-faced, and very obvious lie.

“...OK, the truth is I don’t wanna be killed off, but in all actuality, a tea party isn’t the worst thing I can think of,” I shrugged again, making it sound like they had finally gotten the truth out of me.

AppleBad was, thankfully, not in tune with AJ’s Element, and swallowed it all as easily as the rest of them. “A͟l̷r͟i͝ghty ̀ţh̀e̷n̴.̕ ͜Gi̧t͠ ̵ta̛ ͝wor͜k on͘ s͘ome of ͘t͜h͘e͞m a͟pp̨le r̸e̡c͡i̵p̸ęs͟.҉ ̢A̷nd̸ they ̴bett͟er ̢bȩ ̶g҉ood.̴” She narrowed her eyes at us after that, not even needing to say the threat.

We both nodded as we hightailed it down the stairs. Once down, SPike turned to me with an angry look.

“What the heck just happened?!” Spike yelled at me as he quickly hurried over to grab a writing material and a scrap of paper.

“I don’t know… but remember my human memories from way back? And those… creepy things Twilight wouldn’t let you see? Well… that’s them. They are referred to as “creepypastas” in the human world. The girls are the sick, dark, twisted thoughts of humans, turning them into horrible psychopaths that will do horrible things on a whim. It seems that these are the demons that haunt over them. And it’s all my fault…” I explained, saddened as I sat there.

I had sometimes wondered what it would’ve been like had I not been around Ponyville, or Equus in general, especially nowadays. Maybe the girls, even if they were missing an Element, would still have fun times together, have less problems to deal with. They wouldn’t have probably even known about the horrors of humanity, and thus… infect them, almost, with their own creepypastas. They wouldn’t be dealing with a friend who couldn’t even speak right without magical help. The longer I was left to my thoughts, the more I realized that maybe I was partially telling the truth upstairs, and that I only wanted to selfishly delay my inevitable death for no discernable reason.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, Spike was there to NOT keep me alone with my thoughts. He snapped his claws in my face a bit, knocking me out as I looked at him.

“Hey, Med. I know this is kinda bad. But seriously, I kinda need you to not just check out here. Trust me, I kinda need you right now to stay focused, especially with this crazy idea of yours,” Spike spoke, sounding as serious as a baby dragon could be.

“Spike…” I sighed a bit. “What’s the point? I’m probably going to make things worse and end up hurting my friends even more. After all, if none of you had seen my human memories, maybe they’d be better off and not acting like this. They’d all be enjoying a birthday party for Gummy. Heck, they’d probably be better off without-”

“Aaaaand no, stopping you there from that train of thought,” Spike interjected as he pressed on. “This isn’t your fault Med, and I’m sure Twilight would say the same thing. This might’ve happened later, and then who would be here to help them identify and then deal with them if you weren’t around? What if they hadn’t seen your human memories and didn’t believe you when you said you knew these horrible ponies?”

I blinked a bit before cracking a small smile. “Spike… you are very intelligent for a baby dragon, and I mean that in the best way. You’re not Twily’s number 1 assistant for nothing.”

He gave me a glare at the nickname. “I still don’t trust you enough… but if it makes Twilight happy, fine. But I got my eyes on you.”

“Hu͘rr͠y it̸ u̴p dow͟n ̛th͟ere̡!” Pinkamena cried out, apparently not hearing a single word of what went on.

“Yo̡u ha̡v́e͝ 5̵ mi͠n͏u͜t̢e͢s̡ befo͟re I s̛t͞art̸ th͏ink̵i͜ng ̛of c҉re̴a͞t̀i̵v̶e ̨w̕a̵y̨s͞ to ͝tes̕t ýo͢u̢ tw͘ǫ,͘” Midnight Twilight called out as well.

Hearing our friends corrupted like that made me stand up, the numbness feeling like it was being kicked to the curb, at least for now. I wasn’t going to let this travesty happen to my friends any longer than what was necessary. For once, I did not want to be placid and calming, I wanted to get. Shit. DONE. I quickly wrote out a plea for help on the piece of paper, handing it to Spike.

“OK, Spike, quickly boil some tea with your flame breath. I’ll go grab some leftover apple treats and get them ready for snacking,” I commanded, hoping he’d get the message.

He nodded and winked at me, quickly getting a teapot on a small fireplace before blowing out some pretty decent flames, making sure the scrap of paper was in the path of the flames. I made sure to burn a cookie, both to signify that I was hurrying as fast as I could, and to disguise the smoke from the paper being sent off before it could be intercepted. I quickly warmed up the rest of the cookies and some apple treats over the dragon fire as the water came to a boil. I prepared the treats on some platters as Spike made some golden flower tea for everypony. With one minute to spare, we made our way up the stairs, steeling ourselves for the creepypasta ponies.

FlutterBrute gave a low growl, which I think was a sign of pleasure. It’s kinda hard to tell. Thankfully, Lil’ Miss Rarity was there to enunciate it out.

“T͘ḩa͢t̕ t̶ơo̶k̷ ̛à lot̢ ́l̨ònge͏r͏ th̵an ̢ex҉pected,͜ ̸da̡rl͡ings. B͞ut͝ t̢h̀e ̵fǫo̡d ̴a̸nd dr̴i̢n͞k ͏s҉m̴el͠l̷ ̨d͘el͟įg҉htfull̀y d̛e̷li̛cio͢ús҉.͞ W͡hat ̢d͏o ҉you thin̷k͏,́ ̨m̶y św͡eet P̴in̶kamena̴?” Lil’ Miss Rarity flirted with Pinkamena.

Pinkamena promptly snarled as a response to Rarity before glaring at the two of us. “You ͏too͝k ͞y̴o̸ur s̕w̷ȩe̶t̵ ͢ti̕me g̸etti͏n̕g̶ ̢up̵ ͏here. Bu͜t̴ ͟yeah̛, not ͝hal͏f ͏b́a͏d.̢ I̡'̴ll͏ ma̵k̴e s͜ure̶ ̕I çut͠ ͠y͘ou ̸two̢ u͏p͡ pers͢oņal̨l̢y͜ ínśt͟eád̶ ̨ǫf̵ ͡my ̨a̸ccom̴p͝l̕i͞cé.͜”

I rolled my eyes as I dryly responded back, setting up the platters and cups of tea. “Why thank you for the magnanimous sentence.”

Midnight Twilight snickered quietly, as everypony else looked confused, but Pinkamena looked the most annoyed, figuring she was the butt of a joke, but didn’t know what the joke was about.

I quickly served the cups of tea as Spike and I, however reluctant, took our places at the table as well. Spike had brought a gemstone to snack on, along with sneaking a soda from the fridge. Meanwhile, I partook in some of the tea and snacks. I especially enjoyed the tea, since buttercups were such a nice delicacy to eat, and were very nice to drink as well. It was no wonder why it was a popular blend of tea. Nevertheless, it felt very surreal to be having tea and calmly chatting with what was essentially 6 demons born from humanity. Everything seemed only the slightest out of place, like with the conversations, the animosity everypony had against one another, and even their appearances.

“Węll n̵òw. Loo͜ḱs ̀li̴k͘e͡ ͠they̧ ain͡'̕t̸ ̕às͞ b҉ad ͠a͘s ̡ap͞p͠les as ͏I̷ ̕th̴ough̡t ͏they ͘w̴a̵s̢” BadApple commented as she munched on nothing but the apple treats, with a bottle of apple cider that Pinkie had stashed away somewhere. “S̡till҉ b̡ad '͏ǹou̸gḩ that̸ I ̵go̴t͡ta ̴t̨a̢k̡e̛ c͝ar͏e̸ of ̧ȩm͝,̛ b͡u͝t ͟I͞'ll feel҉ pret̨ty ̸b͏ad͢ ͜b͏o͝ut͜ it.”

After hearing that, I could finally hear a small snap happening right in my brain. Why was I being placid, even against these… these things that took over my friends? Why did I have to wait for the Princesses to just come and solve everything when I could be doing something right now? Like, say, use my damn ability or something! It then hit me, and I got a wide grin on my face.

“You know what?” I stood up and walked over to the other end of the table, taking Spike with me. “Hey. Asshats.”

That got their attention for sure, as all of them glared right at me, readying their weapons. But before any of them could speak, I pressed a hidden panel on the wall, as heavy duty music equipment popped out of the wall.

“First thing to note: Pinkie has everything hidden around everywhere. Especially in her home. Secondly, she let me knew where all the hidden music equipment was. And finally…” I grabbed the mic as music started to play in the background. “Here’s my final fuck all of you.”

The music was in full swing by then. Just as Pinkamena threw a knife at my throat, with Midnight Sparkle and Lil’ Miss Rarity charging a spell and the rest about to charge at me with various instruments of murder, they were blown back by the blaring music playing. While I sang, I poured every bit of anger I could into the song, making them writhe in pain. It was as though I was actually harming them without lifting a finger.

As soon as I was finished playing, I could see my life flashing through my eyes. The six mares once again attacked me, only for the bubble outside to burst, and the two Princesses flew in, landing on my side. I had pushed the equipment as hard as it could go so I could keep them pinned, so needless to say, it was a bit ruined by the finale.

“Enough!” Princess Luna roared, stomping a hoof angrily. “æthweorfan behwon êow stêpan oferniman!”

The creepypasta girls all roared in anger, even if they were still clinging on. They chanted back in unison. “Nese!”

Princess Luna then reverted to something even older than I thought could be possible. “Redire ad inferos!”

All 6 of them screamed before they collapsed back onto the floor, knocked out cold. Princess Luna nodded a little before turning back to me.

“We wish to know what was going through your addled skull to come up with a ridiculous plan as the one we bore witness to. This is not the same stallion I spoke to in dreams past.” Luna all but demanded of me.

“I… Sorry, Princess Luna.” I deflated, now wondering what the heck was going through my head.

“I think that it was not all of his own fault, Sister.” Princess Celestia spoke, trying to defuse everything. “I believe that he went overboard on keeping them contained for our arrival. He had foresight to at least do this.”

Now it was Princess Luna’s turn to feel awkward. “Oh… I do apologize, Medley.”

“No, you were right, Princess Luna. It was, in hindsight, not the smartest move I ever made.”

The girls were starting to slowly wake up, as Spike quickly dashed over to Twily, looking extremely worried.

“Uhh… what happened…?” AJ asked, holding her head with a hoof.

“I dunno… ow… feels like a thundercloud went off right against my ear…” Dash groaned, rolling onto her stomach to free her wings.

Twily looked up and tried to bow for both Princesses, but ended up instead slipping and crashing back down, giving a small cry of pain. “S-Sorry Princesses! I- I-”

“It’s quite alright, my faithful student.” Princess Celestia smiled as Spike helped up Twily. “It seems now that everyone here has experienced their demons.”

“Demons? What the hay are you talking about?” AJ queried.

“I will explain in a moment, Applejack. But first, everyone should recover from this experience first.” Princess Celestia offered.

“Yes, please… goodness, I haven’t felt this horrible since that incident with the… mines…” Rarity trailed off, her eyes widening a bit.

“Please, everypony. Relax and know that this will all be explained.” Princess Celestia calmly advised.

Twily looked at me while I know I was looking away, both saddened and angry that this all happened. Why did it have to be me involved with everything? Why did it have to be me be the cause of all this trouble?

“Med…” Twily spoke lowly, walking over to me before nuzzling me lightly. “It’s not your fault… It’s really not.”

“But Twily… I showed you my human memories. It’s my fault that you’re all acting like this…” I replied, sounding pretty morose.

“Hehe… Med…” Pinkie gave a small smile as she stood up, the quickest to get over the pain. “It’s not like that at all. Twi’s right. It’s not your fault this happened. Heck, if it wasn’t for you, this’d probably come up much later!”

“OK, what are you guys talking about?” Spike questioned, sounding still confused, but now a little angry about being left out of the loop.

“I’m sorry, Spike… I guess it’s time to fully explain everything. With the help of both Princesses.” I spoke up, still keeping close to Twily.

And so, once everyone had settled down and had something to drink and eat, I launched into a full explanation of the creepypastas, and how they came into be. I also gave a short summary of each of their stories, not even sugarcoating anything. Not like there was much to really sugarcoat to begin with. By the end of the story, which was helped by the Princesses, everyone looked 6 different shades of green, with Shy being the worst off and AJ fairing the best, though still looked like she was going to throw up.

“And there you have it. That’s everything involving you girls and your… unwelcome visitors.” I spoke solemnly. “And once more… I apologize for making this all happen. I never wanted to put any of you in this much danger… or this much pain…”

“We know, Med… We know.” Dash snapped at me before calming down a little.

“I understand if you girls don’t want to be my fri-”

I was interrupted with a crushing, and very fast, bear hug from Pinkie. She was almost immediately joined by Twily, and soon enough, everyone but the Princesses were hugging me.

“Med… we’re not gonna leave a friend behind. Sides, ya ain’t done nuthin wrong. And that’s the honest truth.” AJ spoke up, sounding pretty stubborn about it.

“Yeah! What kinda friend would I be if I left ya hangin?” Dash added on.

“It wouldn’t be very nice of us to just leave you be…” Shy quietly continued on.

“Or very funny! In fact, that’s be unfunny!” Pinkie declared.

“So it would be quite generous of us to try and make the best of our newfound… abnormalities.” Rarity hesitated a bit before contributing,

“We’re your friends, Med. And that will never change.” Twily finished, still holding tightly onto me, as though she was trying to comfort me.

“Yeah! C’mon, Med! You were being awesome back there! Er… no offense, ladies…” Spike winced as he blurted that out.

While he did get some chastising looks from everypony, I could feel the sentiment and idea behind it. It made me smile a little to know that, even after all I had done, they still wanted to be with me. I had no clue why they did, but in this case, I was content not knowing why.

“Hey! I have an idea! Let’s make Gummy’s party a slumber party!” Pinkie called out, and was met with unanimous approval.

Princess Celestia chuckled slightly while Luna smiled. “I do believe that is a good idea, Pinkie Pie. For now though, my sister and I are needed back at the castle to keep watch. Especially with the Grand Galloping Gala approaching soon. Good evening to everypony, and know that together, you will be able to overcome any and all adversity.” Princess Celestia spoke with finality before she and Luna flew off, back to Canterlot.

Soon enough, we were all settled down for the night, and ready to hit the hay with some sleeping bags Pinkie had stored away somewhere in her room, just for an occasion like this. After an event like what had happened earlier, we weren’t really much in the mood to talk, or even party. Or at least, I wasn’t. I wasn’t too sure about everypony else, but I knew all I wanted to do was sleep and try to pretend it never happened. It was foolish to think so, but I still wanted to try. And so, I fell asleep, my last thoughts on what would come about from this, with all the consequences of the Creepypastas being known to the Mane 6 and Spike.

End of Chapter 20