• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 8,595 Views, 179 Comments

Book 1: A New Element of Friendship - Medley of MLP

A human turned pony gets to live in all of MLP's glory. And he gets stuck in the middle of it. Perfect times for all.

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New Friends, A New Adventure. Coincidence?

Author's Note:

Hey everypony. Looks like you guys get a wonderful gift: a big chapter. I know some may want me to get to, and I paraphrase, "The fucking point, you meandering idiot" and that's what I'm set out to do. Like I said earlier, I do this all by myself and briefly check for any errors, so some may slip through the cracks. Just enjoy this and have some fun! Onwards!

A New Element of Friendship

New Friends, A New Adventure. Coincidence?

“So, what next?” I asked, partially stunned at what just happened. After all, it’s not everyday you get to meet a legend and live to tell if said legend happens to be a villain.

“Now, we try and stop Nightmare Moon,” Twilight said while throwing Spike onto her back and ran off to the library. I followed suit, having no idea what to do. We had to run a bit, but we finally got to the library. Twilight quickly got Spike into bed.

He only got up to quickly say, “We got to stop Nightmare…” and promptly fell back asleep.

“You’ve been up all night Spike,” Twilight threw a blanket over him in tired happiness. “You are a baby dragon after all.”

She shut off the lights and quickly started going through her small collection of books, throwing out one after the other. I knew what it would be like in an eternal night, so I quickly started to help her search for the book as well.

“Elements, Elements, Elements! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?” She asked herself.

I just answered back with, “I don’t know! Where the heck is this book anyways?”

“And just what are the Elements of Harmony?” Rainbow Dash asked, appearing almost out of nowhere. “And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?”

She was pulled away rather quickly by Applejack, who admonished Rainbow Dash’s behavior. “Simmer down Sally. She ain’t no spy,” She then turned her attention to Twilight. “But she sure knows what’s goin’ on. Don’t you, Twilight?”

The other ponies that gathered behind her, which would be Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy all looked at her expectantly. For some reason, it made me think of some kind of scene out of a horror movie.

Twilight sighed and explained to them what was going on. “I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I don’t know what they are, where to find them. I don’t even know what they do!”

“And as for the legend of Nightmare Moon,” I stepped up to help Twilight with her case. “Legend has been said that there was once two sisters who governed over Equestria: The Sun Sister and the Moon Sister. They ruled over the land in relative peace and achieved Harmony throughout the land. But over time, the Moon Sister was jealous towards the Sun Sister. You see, ponies celebrated during the day, but slept through her beautiful nights. And so, one night, she decided to not lower the moon to try and get ponies to love her nights. There was a fight between the two sisters, with the winner being the Sun Sister. Using the Elements of Harmony, she banished her sister to the moon. This legend has been passed down for generations, but I never realized it could be true.”

The mood was a bit somber until a voice spoke up. Not surprisingly, it was Pinkie Pie. Surprisingly, it was what we needed, “The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.”

“How did you find that?” Twilight asked, running to where it was, pushing Pinkie out of the way.

“It was under E!” Pinkie replied, bouncing back towards the main group in her usual happy self.

“Oh.” Twilight was confused and most likely wondering how Pinkie was able to understand her system of organizing better than she did. But, she passed over that and took out the book. She began to read out loud.

“There are 6 Elements of Harmony, but only 5 are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The 6th is a complete mystery. It is said the last known location of the 5 Elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. It is located in what is now known as The Everfree Forest.”

I think it was about the time we got everyone near the place when it finally had hit them.

“THE EVERFREE FOREST?!” Everyone but Twilight and I exclaimed.

“Whee, let’s go!” Pinkie happily stated and started to walk towards the forest.

“Not so fast,” Twilight said, halting Pinkie mid-step. “Look, I appreciate the offer, but I really rather do this on my own.”

“No can do, sugarcube,” Applejack stepped forward. “We sure ain’t lettin’ any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We’re sticking to you like caramel on a candy apple.” Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy, along with Applejack walked towards the forest as a group.

“Especially if there are candy apples in there,” Pinkie Pie resumed her walk. She looked back and responded to Twilight’s incredulous face with, “What? Those things are delicious!”

“Look at it this way, Twilight,” I said to her. “Just in case there are the 5 Elements in there, you need more than 1 pony to use them. Especially if there’s a 6th one that relies on the other.”

“But they don’t need to risk their lives for a total stranger who wasn’t too nice to them to even bother them other than for decorations for some celebration,” Twilight sighed.

“I knew what was happening to you, so I understood that you were just anxious. Plus, that chariot told me that you were from Canterlot, so I was expecting you to shy away from everypony and just focus on whatever you wanted,” I logically deduced.

“...” Twilight had a look of shock on her face as I pieced everything together.

“Don’t worry. I just took basic clues and strung them all together.” I tried to stop her from launching into a panic attack.

“Speaking of clues… I’m just starting to notice something. Why does it sound like your voice is amplified?” It had worked, but now she had a new target to aim her worries at.

“What do you mean?” I tried to pull a blank face at that but failed.

“You do realize you’re speaking to a protege of Princess Celestia herself. And for the fact that my talent is all magic, however small or big?” She pointed out, smirking a bit as she raised an eyebrow.

“...That is a story for another time. If you still want to know, talk to me later and I'll tell you myself. I say later because as of right now, it looks like the group is leaving us behind. Shall we catch up?” I told her.

“Yeah, we should. Thanks for taking the time to ease my worries.” Twilight thanked me.

“Anypony could understand as well if they took some time to look at the situation and understood what needed to be done. Hey everypony, wait up!” I yelled as best I could at the group, who was just starting to notice two missing ponies.

“What was that all about?” Rainbow Dash asked me and Twilight, being suspicious.

“Nothing more than a short conversation, Rainbow. Now, shall we move forward?” I asked as I trotted along.

“Sure thing. Let’s git going, gals… and colt,” Applejack said, almost forgetting I came along for the ride. I nodded my head to show it didn’t affect me.

We walked along for a little bit in complete silence. Oddly enough, it was Twilight who broke the silence first.

“So… none of you have ever been in here before?” She questioned.

“Heavens no! Just look at it,” Rarity responded, pointing all around her. “It’s dreadful!”

“And it ain’t natural,” Applejack tacked on. "Some folks say it don’t work the same as Equestria.”

I kept all memories of my life before to myself, but Twilight had to ask since she was as unfamiliar to the forest as I was.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight fearfully asked the group.

“Nopony knows,” Rainbow Dash spoke in a spooky voice. “You know why?”

“Rainbow quit it!” Applejack yelled at Rainbow Dash.

She ignored her and continued trying to spook us. “‘Cause everypony who’s ever come in… has never… come… OUT!” She finished with a yell.

I think Karma had some fun earlier and now it was being a troll, as at that moment the land we were standing on collapsed, sending Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack down while Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and I all started to fly. It was me and Fluttershy getting Rarity while Rainbow Dash got Pinkie Pie. Applejack hung on to Twilight’s hoof to keep her from falling.

“Applejack, what do I do?” Twilight asked, hanging on for dear life.

I signaled to Applejack that we were ready to catch her fall.

“Let go,” Applejack calmly replied.

“Are you crazy!?” Twilight shrieked.

“No, I ain’t. I promise you’ll be safe,” Applejack promised.

“That’s not true!” Twilight was starting to panic.

“Now, listen here,” Applejack became a bit sterner. “What I’m sayin’ to you is the honest truth. Let go and you’ll be safe.”

It was in that moment I made the connection to an Element and a pony. It seemed like Twilight did too, as she did as she was told and was caught by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I was already on the ground, waiting for the rest of the group. Applejack just jumped down from rock to rock until she caught up with us.

We continued along our path, with Rainbow Dash telling a blow-by-blow account of the recent event. Several times. In the span of a few minutes. It was getting to the point where even I was starting to be a bit miffed at this. However, I held my tongue and just let the group handle her. Luckily, she was interrupted. Unluckily, it was a manticore that stopped us.

“A manticore!” Twilight panicked as it roared at us. “We've got to get past it!”

I then noticed that the manticore had a thorn stuck in its left paw. However, due to the nature of the spell page of amplifying the voice, I was just stuck at a normal talk level. I thought that Fluttershy saw the thorn as well, but I knew that she couldn’t be easily heard either, as her default is a whisper/mumble unless she completely forgot where she was at that moment. The other 5 ponies tried to defeat the manticore, but were outmatched quite quickly. It was at the point the 5 ponies all started to charge at the manticore what both Fluttershy and I stopped them.

“Waaaaait!” Fluttershy yelled as I talked, giving a bit more volume.

Surprised by Fluttershy actually being louder than me, they listened as she turned to the manticore. She walked up to it and gave it a warming nuzzle with her head as she batted those baby blue eyes at him. The manticore paused and showed her the paw with the thorn in it.

“Oh, you poor, poor little baby,” She cooed.

“Little?” Rainbow Dash asked dubiously.

“Now, this may hurt for just a second,” Fluttershy said as she pulled out the thorn. The manticore gave a loud roar but then started to lick Fluttershy’s face like a little kitten.

“How did you know about the thorn?” She asked Fluttershy after the whole group went through.

“I didn’t,” Fluttershy told Twilight, surprising her. “Sometimes, we just all need to be shown a little kindness.”

“Then, did you notice the thorn earlier, Medley?” She asked me.

“Actually, yes. These glasses I have on enchant my vision to a better degree than normal pony eyes. I figured it would come in handy today outside of writing music,” I answered.

“Then why didn’t you say anything earlier?” Twilight asked once again.

“I can’t speak above a normal voice. Again, if you want to know, then get me later for an interview,” I told her.

We continued to walk along our merry way. Well, for most of us it was merry.

“Ugh. My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck,” Rarity complained. It was at that moment we lost the light of the moon. “I didn’t mean that literally.”

“The ancient ruins could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn’t even know it!” Twilight started to panic for the millionth time.

We then all started to voice our problems as well with the dark. It was then Applejack who spoke above the rest.

“Uh, girls, I think I stepped in something,” She said, holding up a muddy hoof. Fluttershy gave a scream at that.

Applejack exasperated, “It’s just mud.” She then turned to find a somewhat creepy looking tree, which the darkness just improved on. It was at that point we all started to scream Bloody Mary. It was also at that point I noticed that Pinkie was laughing at the trees. Shortly after the girls noticed as well, most likely matching my stupefied expression.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” Twilight was truly shocked at her. “RUN!”

“Oh, girls, don’t you see?” Pinkie asked, bouncing to a beat that I could soon hear.

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down…

“Tell me she's not…” Twilight groaned.

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown…

“She is,” Rarity and I said at the same tie, her in resignation and me in happiness.

I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way

To deal with fears at all

“Then what is?” Rainbow Dash asked Pinkie.

She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You'll see that they can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear."

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Everypony gasped as the tree turned to normal. So while she was singing, I started to laugh at the ridiculous tree faces and they poofed. They caught on quickly and started to do the same during her song.

So, giggle at the ghostly

Guffaw at the grossly

Crack up at the creepy

Whoop it up with the weepy

Chortle at the kooky

Snortle at the spooky

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...


Everypony then got into a big group on the floor and we laughed for a while. It was during that time I had made another connection to an Element and hope that Twilight did the same. We all got up eventually, still chuckling and proceeded to what looked like a river being upset if it had feelings.

“How are we gonna cross this?” Pinkie Pie asked.

We then heard someone crying very melodramatically and began to investigate. It was a short-lived mystery, as we quickly found out what the source of the noise was. It was a pretty strange sight. It looked like a 10-foot tall sea serpent throwing a fit and sounding very… odd. At least, his pattern of speech did.

“What a world, what a world!” He cried out in anguish.

We got near him to ask what the trouble was.

“Excuse me, sir,” Twilight began. “Why are you crying?”

“Well, I don’t know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this, tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whizzed past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off,” he explained. “And now, I look simply horrid!”

He dramatically splashed into the river, soaking all 7 of us to the skin.

“Oh, give me a break,” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“That’s what all the fuss is about?” Applejack seemed to be on the same boat as Rainbow Dash. I, for one, understood his reaction. After all, I had a well-trimmed goatee that matched my natural hair and I would not be so calm if someone took it away from me.

“Why, of course, it is!” Rarity looked at the two in horror. “How can you be so insensitive?”

She walked up to the serpent courageously. “Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales.”

“I know,” The serpent perked up at this.

“Your expertly coiffed mane,” She continued to praise him.

“Oh I know, I know,” He started to preen a bit.

“Your fabulous manicure,” She continued, both in part distraction and geniality.

“*gasp* It’s so true!” He squeed a bit at this.

“All ruined without your beautiful mustache," She ended.

“It’s true, I’m hideous,” He went back into his funk.

“I cannot let a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected!” She pronounced with a hardened expression on her face.

I don’t know what possessed me to say what I said next, but I did it anyway. “So, that means I can wear lime green vests to Canterlot? Sweet! I knew it was a good idea to get all those shirts!”

She then slowly turned her head towards me with a maniacal grin. “You’ll be next, dear gentlecolt. Once we’re done here and we get some rest, it’s off to my shop to get you. New. Clothes,” She then proceeded to turn her attention back towards the serpent and pulled out one of his scales.

“Ow! What did you do that for?” He teared up a bit.

“Rarity, what are you-” Twilight was interrupted by Rarity using the scale. And I have to say, I never saw it coming either.

Rarity had used the scale as some kind of scissor-like object to cut off all of her tail, leaving behind nothing but a ragged stump of her once a beautifully groomed tail. She then lifted the tail with magic to where the stump of the serpent’s mustache was and tied the mane to it, completing the mustache once again.

The serpent giggled a bit at his fabulous dual mustache and started to feel happier. “My mustache! How wonderful!”

“You look smashing,” Rarity commented.

“Oh, Rarity! Your beautiful tail!” Twilight started to worry.

“Oh, it’s fine my dear. Short tails are in this season,” Rarity brushed off. “Besides, it’ll grow back.”

“So would the mustache,” Rainbow Dash grumbled some more.

“I actually agree with Rarity on this one. After all, one can never go without the proper facial. It simply cannot be done,” I added.

“Then why do you wear those hideous green shirts, darling?” Rarity almost screeched her question.

“I find them to be more comfortable. Plus, it does make me stand out from all the rest of the other ponies,” I rationalized.

“Um, sugarcube, yer already different from most other ponies. Ya kinda do have red hair with blue hair at the ends,” Applejack pointed out.

“You will still require a different wardrobe once this whole nonsense is over,” Rarity stubbornly added.

“Well, now we can cross this river, everypony!” Twilight moved forward but was stopped by the serpent.

“Allow me,” he said, turning his back into crossable platforms that only required a bit of jumping on our parts. We thanked him for the help and continued along our way.

We walked along for a little while before Twilight exclaimed, “There it is! The ruin that holds the Elements of Harmony. We made it!” She started to run ahead before being pulled back by me.

“Why did you do that?” She angrily yelled at me.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize you had wings to fly across the gap,” I answered with a bit of sarcasm. What? It happens every so often. I just don’t normally use it unless it’s a hectic time, which I think this counts for.

“What’s with you and falling off cliffs today?” Rainbow Dash piped up.

Pinkie sighed, “Now what?”

“Duh,” Rainbow Dash said, sticking out her wings to show she could fly over.

“Oh yeah,” Pinkie realized.

Rainbow Dash grabbed the end of the bridge and pulled it up so at least one side was up. I then had a sinking feeling: Where was the next trap? I knew it couldn’t just be the bridge, as that would be too stupid of a plan, even for Nightmare Moon. I then saw three Pegasi with similar uniforms that looked like the Wonderbolts, but with a darker tone to them. I also saw Rainbow Dash cheering for a second and thought they were trying to bribe her to leave us hanging. I quickly got Twilight’s attention to the rather long wait.

“Rainbow!” Twilight yelled from across the bridge gap. “What’s taking so long?”

I think it was then she also saw what was happening. “Oh no,” she whispered.

“Rainbow!” She yelled again. “Don’t leave with them!”

One of the Pegasi noticed beforehand, however, and quickly separated the group from Rainbow Dash in the fog, muffling out Twilight’s sentence.

“Oh, I hope she’ll get the bridge up and running,” Twilight worried.

“I hope so as well,” I tried to calm her yet again, but it proved as effective as last time: not very. It was only a tense-filled few seconds before Rainbow Dash reappeared, clearing the fog to show that the bridge was completed and the Pegasi disappeared.

“See? I’d never leave my friends hangin’,” She said as we crossed the bridge.

It was at that moment everything clicked together: The 5 ponies who faced the challenges in their unique ways also represented the 5 Elements of Harmony in the myth. However, I didn’t know what my purpose for being here was, as Twilight was most likely the rare 6th Element of Harmony. I really didn’t do much in the way of support in the challenges. Heck, most of us didn’t really do anything in the latest one. However, my thoughts were cut abruptly as we came upon the royal ruins. We entered the building, amazed at the relics still left there before we got to the main greeting room.

“Come on, Twilight,” Applejack said, a bit impatiently. “Isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for?”

“The Elements of Harmony,” She breathed. “We found them!”

The ones who could fly were the ones designated for the task of getting the spheres down. I carried 2 as did Rainbow Dash while Fluttershy took one. We set them down as carefully as we could.

“One, two, three, four… There’s only 5,” Pinkie counted.

“Where’s the 6th?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“The book said, when the 5 are present, a spark will cause the 6th Element to be revealed,” Twilight recounted.

“But what in the hay is that supposed to mean?” Applejack questioned in slight irritation.

“I’m not sure, but I have an idea,” Twilight hesitated, then warned. “Stand back. I don’t know what will happen.”

We all decided to heed her advice on this. Her specialty was magic, after all.

“Come on now, ya’ll. She needs to concentrate,” Applejack politely asked us as she was moving us out the door. We complied and waited for a little while.

“So, what’s the deal with you and Twilight, dude?” Rainbow Dash asked me while we were waiting.

“Nothing at all, actually. I was just concerned for her. I thought that’s what a friend was supposed to do?” I replied, keeping my voice calm.

“So, you don’t have a thing for her?” Rainbow Dash continued.

“Not at all. I just usually see where she’s coming from. After all, my experiences may not be the same as hers, but anyone can relate. It’s just a matter of taking time to see what’s going on to better understand how to help her. This applies to almost any of my other friends,” I explained.

“What do ya mean, ‘almost’?” Applejack noticed.

“I have non-pony friends. Therefore, different rules apply,” I further expounded on. Everyone just gave a look that seemed to agree with what I was saying.

We then heard a yelp from Twilight and immediately sprung into action. But by the time we got there, she had already disappeared with the Elements. We got confused for a second before noticing some staircases leading upward and towards a different building.

“Come on everypony! CHARGE!” I did a little war ditty that got them charged up enough to go out and climb the stairs.

Everypony was worried about her, so we started calling out to her as we reached near the end of the staircase.

“You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony, just like that?” We heard Twilight tell Nightmare Moon. “Well, you’re wrong!”

“The Spirits of the Elements of Harmony… Are right… HERE!” She did a dramatic showing of all 7 of us.

It was in that moment, the shards that were scattered around Nightmare Moon began to float in different colors and fly towards their respective colored pony.

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the Element of Honesty!” Shards floated around Applejack after that sentence.

“Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the Element of Kindness!” Shards floated around Fluttershy after that sentence.

“Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the Element of Laughter!” Shards floated around Pinkie Pie after that sentence.

“Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the Element of Generosity!” Shards floated around Rarity after that sentence.

“Rainbow Dash, who would not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire, represents the Element of Loyalty!” Shards floated around Rainbow Dash after that sentence.

“And Medley, who saw each situation for what it was, whether it be personal or external, and did all he could to help, represents the Element of Understanding!” Shards floated around me after that sentence, even though we all clearly saw 5 Elements.

“The spirit of these 6 ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us,” Twilight challenged.

“Is that the rare 6th Element? Understanding? That’s not very powerful at all,” Nightmare Moon desperately was grabbing at straws.

“No, Nightmare Moon. Understanding is not the 6th Element. A spark was needed to connect all these Elements together. I found that spark the very moment I knew how happy I was to hear from you. To see you. How much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me. When I realized that you all…” She paused to face a terrified Nightmare Moon. “Are my friends!”

Suddenly, a 7th ball appeared right over Twilight’s head. It was the unheard 7th Element. Twilight continued to lecture Nightmare Moon. “You see, Nightmare Moon when those Elements are ignited by the… the spark. That resides in the hearts of us all, it creates the 7th Element. The Element of Magic!”

The ball then expelled its latent energy out towards the shards surrounding us. The shards turned into necklaces for all of us, even me, while the ball turned into a tiara that rested on top of Twilight’s head. We then all formed together in a group to fire off a… rainbow of Friendship? Interesting. Nightmare Moon cried out, but she was caught in the Rainbow and was quickly consumed by it. After the resulting white pulse, we were slightly scattered in the group formation. We slowly came back to and quickly took a damage report.

“Everypony OK?” Applejack asked a bit groggily.

“Oh my goodness,” Rarity was up and about, examining her tail, now fully restored.

“Why Rarity, it’s so lovely,” Fluttershy commented.

“I know! I’ll never part with it again!” Rarity exclaimed.

“No, your necklace,” Fluttershy pointed at what seemed to be a necklace made out of nowhere. “It looks just like your Cutie Mark.”

She was right. In the middle of the necklaces being worn by all of us was Rarity’s purple diamond, Fluttershy’s pink butterfly, Applejack’s orange apple, Pinkie’s blue balloon, Rainbow Dash’s red lightning bolt, my green heart notes, and Twilight’s tiara held up a fuchsia six-pointed star.

After checking out new jewelry, we quickly noticed something interesting. The sun was rising, along with a voice that Twilight recognized immediately.

“You are all indeed good friends,” The regal voice said.

The rising sun soon started to shine through the cracked window and began to be brighter and brighter until it had ended very quickly. However, an alicorn was standing in front of the window. Namely, Princess Celestia herself. Everypony began to bow, including me (I don’t want to possibly piss off royalty). Twilight, however, reacted a bit differently.

“Princess Celestia!” She exclaimed as she trotted up to her.

“Twilight Sparkle,” She replied in the same tone. “My faithful student. I knew you could do it.”

Well, that solved a mystery as to why she was here and a real explanation to the royal chariot earlier. However, Twilight continued speaking.

“But, you told me it was all an old pony tale,” She sounded confused.

“I told you that you needed to make some new friends, nothing more,” she spoke benevolently. “I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart.”

During her little speech, we all slowly got up and looked in awe at Celestia. I was just hoping for an explanation as to why there were more Elements than stated in the legends.

"Now if only another will as well,” Celestia said, looking in a spot. We all turned our heads to the spot as well.

It was a dark blue alicorn surrounded by fragments of what looked like Nightmare Moon’s armor. Celestia confirmed my thought by simply saying, “Princess Luna.”

Celestia began to speak with her and Luna gasped at this. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.”

“Sister?” I heard some of us dumbly state.

Celestia continued speaking to Luna. “Will you accept my friendship?”

Everypony leaned forward to hear the answer. In Pinkie’s case, she went too far and fell over.

Luna looked a bit sad and ran up to Celestia. “I’m so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!”

Both Celestia and Luna were starting to cry. “I’ve missed you too.”

Pinkie was crying buckets full of tears. I wish I was saying figuratively, but with Pinkie Pie, it rarely does. She soon stopped for something even more pressing to her. “Hey, you know what this calls for? A party!’

Everypony cheered and Celestia and Luna teleported us all back to the outskirts of Ponyville, where the Summer Sun Celebration was being held. She and Luna got on their royal chariots after asking me and Twilight to stay behind for some answers. During the celebrations, however, Twilight got a bit saddened.

“Why so glum, my faithful student?” Celestia asked, walking up to her. “Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?”

Twilight sighed a bit more, “That’s just it. Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends… I have to leave them.”

Celestia smiled a bit at this. “Spike, take a note please,” She asked the young dragon.

Spike wrote as Celestia was saying, “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings. From her new home… in Ponyville!”

The rest of the group got up and started to huddle Twilight in friendship hugs. “Thank you, Princess Celestia!” Twilight thanked her. “I’ll study harder than ever before!”

We all cheered and the celebration got back on its jubilant track. We continued to party until the sun was starting to set. Need I remind you that this was the longest day of the year, so it was some kind of new record for how long we continuously partied. Alas, every good thing must end some time or another and everybody had left for their homes around dusk. When it was just me and Twilight left, Celestia got all 3 of us into a room and used a couple of spells, most likely to stop any eavesdroppers.

“Now, what I’m about to say must not be repeated until we have time to figure out how to deal with this,” Princess Celestia told us right off the bat.

“But why, Princess Celestia? Also, why are there more than 6 Elements of Harmony? Are there any more we should worry about? What is going on?!” Twilight started to go into a panic attack.

“I would be asking the same questions, your highness. Maybe just a bit more calmly,” I added on.

“To answer your first question then, we need to make sure that the nobles don’t take advantage of any of you for political gain. I wouldn’t put it past a few of them to also try and remove your Elements from all of you so that they could be the ‘True Bearers’,” Celestia had a disgusted tone of voice when mentioning them. Looks like politicians never change, no matter what. We both nodded our heads and she continued.

“As for the second and third questions… This involves a story based on me and my sister’s history. After all, books can be wrong sometimes, especially if they were published anytime after the banishment of Nightmare Moon. Please listen in order for a better understanding,” she explained. We had both agreed to quietly listen.

She launched into her tale. “Over 1000 years ago, around the time of our parent’s rule, there were many Elements of Harmony made. I think the last count we did was over 13 different kinds. However, time wore on these differences. A few had faded into obscurity, and thus the power lessened them into nothing but mere gems. The rest, however, were destroyed in the battles against Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, and Discord. Even the 6th Element itself disappeared after the banishment of Nightmare Moon, leaving behind only the 5 Elements you saw earlier: Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, and Loyalty. Your Element, Twilight, was easy to recover, as it only required someone to know when that spark hit them. Your Element Medley, however, was one of the few that faded into history. While it’s true we all can understand one another, sometimes you need someone you can trust to know where you’re coming from on in some situations, and not a whole lot of ponies can lay claim to that, except for possibly me or my sister. And we were trained for this for a very long time. For someone to be this naturally understanding is astounding. I hope this also answers your 4th question as well,” She finished with a smile.

Twilight and I were stunned. That was the mystery behind these things? I thought they were just the equivalent of magical MacGuffins, able to solve any problem without being mentioned ever again. Now I come to find an interesting history behind them and a reasonable explanation for what happened today? Don’t get me wrong, I still think that they are very powerful, but not the end all, be all for our villain problems. Though the name Discord struck something inside me. I don’t know what it was, but I’m sure it was just a random thing.

“Now I am needed at Canterlot, my little ponies. be safe and never give up your friendship for anything,” Celestia flew off, biding her goodbyes.

“Thanks for staying for the celebration, Princess Celestia!” Twilight yelled in thanks as Celestia flew off, waving her hoof.

Once Celestia had flown far away, Twilight turned to me and asked, “Now, shall we get to the interviews you promised?”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Let’s get back to the library,” I told her as we walked back to her home.

Well, today was one of the most interesting days yet. Got some new friends, got a new Element that has been apparently been lost to time and I got to sing the song that I worked on. I count this as a good day but hope that this was just an odd day, with many normal ones to come. Cheers!

End of Chapter 4