• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 8,595 Views, 179 Comments

Book 1: A New Element of Friendship - Medley of MLP

A human turned pony gets to live in all of MLP's glory. And he gets stuck in the middle of it. Perfect times for all.

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Slice of Life 1: Look, I’m On Break, Alright?

Author's Note:

Hi, everyone! Looks like the creativity storm hit me for a while, and so a new chapter's out. One of the commentators made an excellent point of breaking up some of the actions with a little Slice of Life chapter. If you want, I can always make a spin-off of this devoted to Slice of Life chapters, but that's all up to you. Sorry for how short it is too. Anyways, to the story!

An a͠d̸ded ̴n̷ote͘:̶
Pi̡n̡k͞aḿęńa f͠ơnt:̢ C͟ors͘iv̢a

A New Element of Friendship

Look, I’m On Break, Alright?

I actually woke up at a decent time, without any sort of accident or adventure. Finally, I could get up like any normal pony and- *thud*- or I could still trip on my bed somehow. Seriously, what did I do to offend beds so much? Or did I actually get a curse placed on me that affects me when I get in a bed? Oh well, at least it’s my only problem today when getting up. Now that I think about it, the social atmosphere was a bit on a low key today. then again, this was morning, so I don’t expect much in the way of something vital going on, at least with Ponyville society. So, I got up, did my usual routine, and get prepared for my choral class. I knew something was off when none of my friends even stopped by for a crazy task or something new. I resolved to ask about it after class.

Well, the class was off today as well. Not one of the students put in their full effort and looked like they were going through the motions. I even tried to bring some energy, but something about today seemed to negate the energy. I eventually ended rehearsal a bit earlier than usual.

“Alright, can someone please tell me what brought you all down in a bad mood today. Don’t even say nothing either, I didn’t even have to interrupt any conversations today, which never happens,” I tried a vain attempt of humor, but it seems it still did nothing.

At last, one of my students spoke up. “Sorry, Mr. Royalwind. It’s just that… Pinkie isn’t feeling too happy today and she makes up most of this town’s energy.”

My eyes slightly widened at this, “Well, class, it looks like you have independent practice today for the afternoon. I trust you’ll at least get some practice done,” I rapidly rushed out the door at a good clip towards Sugarcube Corner.

I arrived and the Cakes, upon seeing my expression, just pointed up the stairs, where some crying could be heard. I nodded and flew up the stairs quickly. I slowly approached what I assumed was the door to Pinkie’s room, which was the source of the crying. I knocked on the door politely.

“Pinkie? It’s me, Medley,” I got out before hearing a gasp, then suddenly being pulled into a tight hug from a crying Pinkie, with the door slamming and shutting itself tight.

“Pinkie? What’s wrong? What happened?” I choked out from the death grip she had on me.

She cried for a little bit longer before finally loosening the grip on me, enough to where I could breathe and she could get a sentence out. “I-I-I’m a ho-horri-ible mo-mons-ster!” She then resumed her crying, mainly using my shoulder.

I tried to see where she would get this idea from, before suddenly realizing that my human memories must’ve been the cause of it. I still asked, “Did you get this idea from my memories?” The louder crying seemed to buy into this idea heavily.

I hugged her as hard as I could, which got her attention a bit, stopping the crying. “Pinkie, you’re not a monster. You’re a lovable mare with a fun and upbeat attitude. You’re not a secret psychopathic killer with cannibalistic tendencies. That Pinkie is a dark piece of human imagination, nothing more.”

This was apparently not the correct thing to say, as she just bawled harder onto my shoulder. I tried to comfortingly pat her on the back as best I could.

She eventually was able to talk again. “It’s not a figment of any imagination. She is real! She’s inside me, waiting to break out and kill everyone I know and love!” She scooted back up against the wall, away from me. “Stay away, before she decides you’re next!” She began freaking out after saying that.

Her mane was deflating, even more, her coat starting to turn more saturated, but still remain pink. An odd thing happened as well: her face went from panic to sadistic glee and her cutie mark was flipping back and forth between Pinkie’s three balloons to a cupcake with two knives as a backdrop, crossed at the cupcake.

“S̐ͣ͆͝t̲̪̝͓͇͈͆ͭ̓ͅą̘̖̙̯ͮͧ̐̈ẏ̪̯̃͂̑͐ ̺ͥ̏ͫͩ̄̐̕a̩͈̺̬̋̑̓̓̾̈ͨ́w͋͞ǎ́̃̓ͫ͑͐y̸̮̩̅.̯̤̯̇̃͜.̙̺͕̣̗̒̀.͎̯̖̰́ͧ” Pinkie’s voice was changing as well, going from scared to cruel satisfaction and back again in a few seconds.

“What the…” You stood there, stunned at what looked like an identity crisis brought to life until you realized a few things: Pinkie was really out of it today, apparently Pinkamena was real and was the transformation of her slowing down and more often than not landing on Pinkamena? Oh dear, it seems it stopped on Pinkamena, and the smile was not something to look forward to. Your world then faded to black... and I awoke.

This was recorded down at a later time, as no recollection was found on this incident until much later.

I’m finally free! It took too damn long, in my opinion. Then I see an interesting opponent facing me with a knife and a cruel grin. I then recognize the mare from my host’s memory banks.

̢“͝Ḿi͠ss̶ ̕P̷inkamȩn̴a͝,҉ ̕I pr̀es͝uḿe?”͢ I purred, my magic already prepared.

“Why my reputation precedes me, it seems.” She purred right back, her knife at a good tilt for a quick stab.

“̸No̧w,̵ n̛o̕w, Miss ͡P҉inkam͘e̵n̡a. ̧It͟ ne̷v͠e҉r so҉lv͢èş a ̡p̧r̨ob͜l̕e҉m ͜t͟ò ̡b͠e ha͢şt́y̡ i̴n҉ a͜ny si҉tu̷a̴t͜io̸n͜,” I stated as the area began to change without her noticing.

“Aw… and I wanted to know what you would taste like as a cupcake. Your arms look very tender, perfect for a cupcake too,” She wildly grinned and charged, her knife slashing where my arms were.

I had moved around the knife and shot a bit of magic to knock her back though before she could get the chance to even scratch. She jumped back up very quickly. “Fast moves there. Too bad your number’s up.”

“̶O̶h͘,̛ ̶d͘o͠ e͠xc͏u̴se̡ ̀me f͠or҉ n̛ot̡ ̡dyi҉ng̛ ̷w̛hen ̛y̛o̴u͡ ͠w̛an̕ted ̢m̢e̶ ̨t͢o̢. Ḩere̕, have͡ a͟ņ ap̨ol̕ogy҉ ͜s͟p̕èl̸l ͟s̶e҉nt͟ ͠dír̸e͟c̨tļy to y̢our ͠hea̵d̵,͢” I shot back with a quick spell.

She dodged with ease and shot forward with the knife again. We kept up this fun dance of death until I got bored. “We̴ĺl͞, i͠t ͜s͞eeḿs̴ l͜ik̨e͢ th̀ís ͘g̢ot̨ t̨oo̸ b́or̢in͠g͟.̵ Time̷ t͜o͟ c̵ha͏nge̕ ͠ùp thi̕s d̢an̕c͡e n͜u͜m͢b̨e̡r̢,” My eyes swirled with magic as I started to levitate. “͘L̶et̢’͜s ̀s͏ee͜ ͢ẃh͟at this̡ ̛d̢oe̕s ́to yo͝u, Miss͘ ̢Pin̵k͝am͞e̶n͝a̵.͘”

I saw her eyes widen as she tried to find a way out of this, “You can’t kill me! Otherwise, this host will die! You know these rules! Let’s just work something out, alright?!”

I was so tempted to unleash my magic blast, but I stopped and settled back onto the ground and asked in a curious voice, “҉Why̴ ͏t̢h̛e sudde͡n cha̸ng̸e ̕of̡ ̡he͠a̢r̀t̸?͘ ̷I͢ ̨thou̧gh͏t t҉he ́s͜a̴yi̛ng w̨ènt̢ l̡ik̶e so҉:͠ ̸th̀o̢s̶e wh̡o͠ lív͘e̸ b͢y ͏t͝he̸ sw̷ord̵,̶ di҉e̴ ̢by ͜the ̡swo̴r̵d?͏”̧

She rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious of answers. “Obviously, I can’t kill you either. Damn hosts. So, let’s make a deal, shall we? Without the strange magic affecting the area?” She pointed to around the area, which looked so wonderful to me, but then again, I’m not the one to be asking how mortal reality should work.

With a sigh, I brought everything back to normalcy and conjured a table for negotiation and began with, “Sha͠ll ̸wé ́begin, ͞Mis҉s ̛Pi̡nka͏mena?̸”͢ She responded with a nod and took a seat on one side while I was on the other side.

“So, what would be some good ground rules to set. I have so many cupcakes to make after this,” She complained a bit, looking as bored as I was.

̨“͡Th͡i҉s le̵ad́s̨ ́m͘è ̛to̧ it̛e̸m ͝ńưm̷be̡r͏ one͝ o̢n̡ t̛h͝e ̛l͞is͘t:̛ Y̷óu c͏an҉no̸t̨ r̶évea̢l ͟y͏o͜urs͜elf ̛s̷ò ̵èa҉rly. ̨Co͞n̶sìd̡e̢r̕i̢n̸g ̨you̡r̕ ̴ho͡st ͟is̡ ̀fr͝ie̢n̴d͜s ҉w̢i̴th ͘a҉ stųde̡ǹt ̧of͡ P͠rin̵ce͏ss C͟el̢esti͠a h͘eŗsȩl҉f͘.̀.. It͢ co͟u̵l͏d̵ l̸ea̕d̢ to ̸yo̵ur bani̵shmęnt̶ ̕b̀ac͞k ̷in͞to ̀T҉art͠ar͠us,”͘ I pointed out.

“WHAT?! Why would I agree to such a thing? These cupcakes need that special ingredient and I already have the next number drawn. Plus, I am an expert assassin and can kill without being noticed,” She snarled, looking like she was about to break out the knife again, damn the consequences.

I shake my head and just respond with, “O̢h rea͡ll͡y?͘ ̢And͢ ͝h͡ow l̕on̸g҉ w͜i̢ll i̶t͡ tak̶è f́or͏ ͏some͞pon̛y t͢o no̵t͘i̷ce͝ ͘tha҉t ̡they’͝re g͢o̸ne̴ a͝nd͏ ͞ge̷t̵ ͡th҉e̢ R̛oyal̵ ̕Ģu̡ard̵s̷ a̧nd ͘b͝ot͏h Pri҉ņc҉e̶sse͝s̵ ͝i͘nvơlv̵èd͜,͜ ̨sińce ͏mųrder ́is a r͠a̵re ca̕se̶ in ̸E̶qu̸e̵str͏ia̡?͞ And I̢ don’̶t͡ ́tḩi͝n̸k͏ ̴you̷ c͡an̵ e͠v͠e͞n̸ ̀t҉aŗg͞e҉t ͟t̛h̸è e̢lder̕ly ̡ju̕s̛t͞ ̕b̸efo͡r͝e ͜th͠e̷ỳ ͘di͡e ́a̢s͠ ͜w͝e̷ll b́e̷f͝ơre yo͏u c̛ould s͏a͠y̶ ͢you͝ ͡c͝a҉n͠ d́o ͘t҉h̶at. A͠ltho̢ug͞h,̶ ŗe̶ally? Ol̛d ͏po̶n͘y m͏ea͢t? Th͟a͢t do̷e̷sn’̨t s̡ound ͡t͡ast͘y̕ ̀in the ̕s͞l͞i̧ģht̴e̛st҉.҉”

Oh, the expression she had! I wish I had a camera for it! It looked like it was a cross between rage and logic and it wasn’t a good way to combine them. She eventually settled down for a bit to form a sentence.

“You… make too good of a point. So what the hell do either of us do, since you aren’t allowed out either, it seems,” She spat out.

“́Actu̡al͜ly,̡ ̶he doesn̡’t ̷e҉ven k̡ńow̢ ͜I ͝e̷x͠i̕st,͏ ̕s͠o̧… ̛ít͜'s r͟ath͞e̢r̨ p҉o̵intl̀e͢ss͞.̕ A͜n̴y̢w̨a̕y͝s,͝ I͝ thi͏n̴k I͞ ̷know͠ ̀w̴h́at̶ tơ do,̡ ͡b̡ut ̶i͢t͟ ́requi̡res͢ ͘y̴ou͠ ̧to k҉eep̧ ͘quie̕t͞ ͠f̶o̢r̸ a҉ wh͡il̴e͏:͡ ͡Once I̢ am ąble t̵o҉ ͘ga̶in͏ ͏en͝oug͏h̨ ch̨aoti̵ca҉ll͜y m͟ag͢ica͠l ener͠g̕y ͏to ̷b͝ŕe͢ak f̡r͝ee,͟ ́I̷’l̢l ̷set̶ ̢a͠ so͝ng code ̷to͟ fr̶e͟e̸ yòu ̡pe͝ŗma͟nȩn͟tl̴y ̸li̢k̀e͞ me.͘ H̷o̶we͘ve͜r̕,̡ ͘I’̀l͝l̕ ͝havé ͜to ab͠id͟e by th̨e ͢hos͡t ͏r̨u͝lès ͠a̡nd̡ g̷iv͡e hìm t̡he̢ id̡ea̢ fơr ̧t͢hís̷ ͞ąlo̵ng ͢w͡ith͢ whaţ ͠t͞o̢ ͏do.͢ It͏ i͏s n͠o͠t įde͡a̴l̴, ͜but ́it'͘s͢ b̵e͡t́t̨ér̴ ̴t̨h̛an҉ ̨b̨e̶in͜g i̢mpr͡is̛on̕e͡d ̷i̢n ͞T͢art̨a͘ru̵s f͘ore͘v͏er,” I explained with clarity, making sure I got most of it out.

I swear that grin deserved a trademark or at least a painting of it. “I think those are conditions I can meet with ease. If it means I will be freed to bake my delicious cupcakes and to make sure their numbers come up and be dealt with,” She readily agreed with the terms set. “In return, I’ll make sure you’re one of the last numbers and I’ll give you a free box of cupcakes. My treat.”

We shook on it and we let our hosts back in, who were probably either freaking out or unconscious as the case may be. I might even tell him of this conversation away from any listening ears, just to see his reaction.

Added entry ends

“Ow… my head… what in LaurFastia’s name happened?” I got back up shakily on my legs and felt my wings shake loose for a bit as I tried to figure out what happened.

“Weird. That’s never happened before. Usually, I try and keep her back, but now she’s staying where she’s supposed to. But she’s also chucking very evilly and that isn’t a good sign at all,” Pinkie looked up in great confusion.

“So… I technically helped you out today?” I asked, puzzled.

“Maybe? Well, she doesn’t want to come out anymore, so I guess you did,” Pinkie replied in the same kind of tone.

“I say throw a party today for all of Ponyville. Say it’s for rebuilding community happiness, if anyone asks,” I say to try and relieve the confusion and tension.

This seemed to work, as Pinkie burst into a pink explosion of happiness and she regained her normal perky self. “That’s a great idea Med!” She then dashed off, most likely to spread the news and to prepare for the upcoming community-wide party.

I chuckled and went off back to my class, as somehow, only an hour had passed, so school was still in session. When I had arrived, everyone had at least a smile on their face as they heard that Pinkie was planning on throwing a town party, and a Pinkie Party is the best kind of party. I smiled for a bit before getting the class’s attention.

“Now that everyone’s energy has been restored, let’s begin again. From the top, everyone!”

It was a fun rehearsal that I ended up teaching for the last two hours. We had managed to now blaze through the songs and do a spectacular job. Heck, I only had to fix a few mistakes we had made. I call that a good day. It was soon time though, as I dismissed the class with the favorite saying of ‘No homework for today!’, which instantly got me some brownie points with the students. Man, do I love working with kids sometimes. Anyways, I had some time left over to mull on what happened today, or rather, what didn’t happen today. I seem to recall that I fell unconscious for about an hour, right when Pinkamena was about to gut me for some cupcakes, yet I woke up without even a scratch on me and Pinkie’s back in control of herself. I wish I knew what could happen during that hour, but it seemed like Pinkamena wouldn’t share, for ‘dramatic effect’. Ah well, I’m sure it wasn’t anything too important.

It was a rather big blast Pinkie had thrown together at the last minute, even though it looked like it had taken a whole town a few days to decorate. I would ask how, but for some reason, I just accepted the possibility of her doing this all by herself, maybe with a bit of help from some of the townsfolk. Odd, I know, but I just didn’t have the urge to do so. Ah, but I’m sure you’d want to hear about the party itself, not me rambling about my problems. In that case, the party was still a blast, even for someone who doesn’t often go to them. I got some strange looks when I found the stash of tequila along with a cup of root beer and combined the two, but as I like to say, everyone has their quirk, so don’t judge me. Anyways, it was an interesting time, as AJ was getting some extra business for the Apple family, Rainbow was begging with AJ for some apple cider, Fluttershy was actually there, Rarity was enjoying the punch, and Twilight was near Pinkie trying to get the answer to the question that never should be asked to Pinkie Pie: How did you do all this? All in all, I was glad to have helped, even though I had no idea how that even happened.

Oh, damn. Looks like I need to stock up on more parchment. Sorry if it seems like I keep on ending on very rushed notes, but I try to save on parchment as much as possible. Well, I end with this question: What is going on when you close your eyes? S̬̏̀̿ͭͮ̓ͮw̜̞͔͓ͯ͑ͥ̆ͤ̚͠ę̩͉͙̜̽ͬ͌̾ͫ̔̉eͥ̽̇̀t̬̭̪̏̎̎͜ ̮̋ͧͭͫ̆ͯd̹̰̮̽͜ŗ̙͇ͭ̍ͧḙ̬̺̋͛́ͭ́ā̢͚̹̬̠̟͇̪ͥͪm̬̘̺̭ͭ͊̈ͣ͑ͤ̚͟s̵̞̥ͨ̋ͫ̌ͭ̊̑ͅ.̩̟̪͞.͖̻͈͕̭͛͛ͥ͝.͖̣̋̈͂͌ͥ͠