• Published 26th Jun 2016
  • 13,944 Views, 1,032 Comments

Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! - Enclave2277

After visiting Sunset Shimmer during Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to create a naturist club at Canterlot High.

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Wait. We've Got a What?!

Chapter 10: Wait. We’ve Got a WHAT?!

Sweetie was rudely jarred awake from her slumber by the incessant buzzing of her alarm clock. There were times when Sweetie wished that she could destroy that annoying little clock by hurling it against the wall. But… the only thing that would accomplish would be to put a big hole in her wall, even if it would have felt satisfying. Unfortunately, it was necessary that she rise out of bed and start the day. She slammed her hand on the shut it off button and begrudgingly got up.

After a brief bout of stretches, Sweetie checked her phone for any messages. Much to her disappointment, there were none. This saddened the young girl. Despite the party happening the night prior, she expected at least someone to message her saying they enjoyed it. But there was the fact that it was a Saturday morning. Generally speaking, most teenagers tended to sleep in rather than text at this hour.

Rarity on the other hand, was wide awake. Sweetie knew this by the aroma of food wafting from the kitchen. Saturday mornings were always Rarity’s turn to make breakfast when the duo was not at school. It meant she had to cover up before she left her room, and made her way to the shower.

Sweetie was still proud of herself. Last night had gone smoothly for the most part, and the possibility of a second party was now extremely likely. As she let the stream of hot water hit her skin, Sweetie Belle took comfort in knowing that so far everything was going right. In no time at all she finished her shower, went back to her room, put on some comfortable clothes, and headed down to join her sister at the breakfast table.

“Good morning Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said as Sweetie walked in, “Did you sleep well?”

“Morning sis. I did, thank you.” Sweetie answered taking her seat across from Rarity.

“You're welcome; I figured you could use a good night's rest, considering the night you had previously.” Rarity smiled before taking a bite of her breakfast.

You have no idea, Sweetie Belle thought as she dug into her own.

“From what Sunset told me, the club’s first party was quite successful.” Rarity added.

Sweetie nodded, “Umm… yeah. It was. We had a lot of people show up.”

“Oh, well that's good. Perhaps I should swing by sometime?” Rarity said.

Sweetie nearly choked, but did a great job of hiding her shock. She was about to wave Rarity off the conversation when Rarity added, “As much as I would like to, I’m afraid that I’m practically buried in orders.”

“At least you're getting orders… right?” Sweetie asked.

Rarity nodded. “Indeed.”

Sweetie faked a smile. “I guess that's all that matters.”

That seemed to cheer Rarity up. “Sister dear, what are your plans for today?”

“I'm not really sure yet. I know that I gotta stop by the school later today to start printing out some schedules for my club.” Sweetie answered, “What about you?”

“I believe that I have band practice today.” Rarity answered.

Turns out; Rarity was slightly right. Rainbow had scheduled a practice session for the Rainbooms, but she ended up forgetting all about it after she and Pinkie got caught up in a “Joke War" or something like that.

Still, Sweetie hesitantly joined her sister along with Fluttershy, Applejack, and the bespectacled counterpart to Princess Twilight in the band room. Sunset was also supposed to be there, but when AJ mentioned Rainbow’s distraction, Sunset decided to go to the pool for a swim.

As much as Sweetie wanted to join in, she had a job to do. This wasn't helped by the fact that she was bored out of her skull. Thankfully, by just after midday, Rainbow and Pinkie got their act together and managed to arrive.

“Tarnation! It's about time you two showed up!” Applejack said.

“Eh heh. Sorry, we sorta got caught up in our duel.” Rainbow admitted sheepishly.

“Sort of?! You two took over an hour trying to outdo each other in—” Rarity started.

“Yeah, yeah I get it.” Rainbow grimaced.

“Well, who won?” Twilight inquired.

“Oh, well it looked like you two were very evenly matched.” Fluttershy asked.

Neither needed to answer, their expressions told the whole story. Pinkie was beaming and colorful while Rainbow was peeved. Sweetie actually took some enjoyment out of this and was about to leave to print the schedules when Rainbow asked, “Where's Sunset?”

“I think she went down to the pool for a swim.” Fluttershy answered.

“She better hurry up cuz we're gonna start soon!” Rainbow said.

Sweetie smiled. “I’ll go get her.”

Before anyone could protest, Sweetie rushed off to the pool to find Sunset. Walking the halls of school with no one around wasn't new for Sweetie. Printing schedules was a tedious job, but as club president she had to do it. Then again, it would help organize the club meetings and make them more fun, so Sweetie really couldn't complain. Soon enough, Sweetie reached the sports complex and walked into the swimming pool.

Sunset was certainly doing laps in the pool; except she decided to do so sans her swimsuit. Even though the school was practically deserted on Saturdays, Sweetie was still a little shocked that Sunset would willingly skinny dip in what amounted to a public pool, when she could get into heaps of trouble if someone were to accidentally walk in on her.

Sunset completed a full lap before coming to a stop at the edge of the pool in order to catch her breath. It was then that she noticed Sweetie Belle standing right above her. Instead of being surprised that her friend was there, Sunset ran her hand through her hair and nodded.

After catching her breath, she spoke. “How long you been standing there?”

“Only for a minute or two,” Sweetie answered, “Rainbow and Pinkie are done with their battle. The girls are going to start band practice soon.”

“Alright, let me get dried off and I’ll come up and join them. Did you print out the schedules yet?” Sunset asked.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Not yet, but I will once we're done chatting.”

Sunset smiled. “Good, I’ll meet you back at the band room.”

Sweetie cocked her head. “Is the water any good?”

“No,” Sunset answered, “They always put way too much chlorine in the water. Irritates my eyes. I’d much rather practice some laps at the lake.”

“Yeah. Public pools tend to make me get congested too.”

Sunset climbed out of the pool and padded over to a chair which had a towel and her clothing, “Meh, just be glad your P.E. class doesn’t have swim meets.”

Sweetie nodded. “Oh no, we got the next best thing: dodge ball.”

“Hey, dodge ball’s fun! Especially when you’ve got a cannon arm like me!” Sunset beamed while flexing her right arm.

“I’ve never really been that much of an athlete, so it isn’t quite so fun for me.” Sweetie complained.

“You should start working out, then. Getting in shape is always a good idea. And besides, guys love toned bodies.” Sunset wiggled her eyebrows.

“If you say so.” Sweetie giggled, “Anyway, I’m going to head back to the band room.”

“That actually sounds like a good idea,” Sunset said, “I don’t want Rainbow to get mad at me for being late.”

“It’s actually AJ that you should be worried about right now.” Sweetie told her.

Sunset gasped slightly. “Shit! I guess I better get a move on.”

With that, Sweetie exited the sports complex and made her way to the copy room. Once again, the halls were silent and seemingly devoid of life. But as she started walking back towards the copy room, Sweetie heard what she assumed were some voices. However, no one else was supposed to be present in this section of the school at this hour. Sweetie felt the hair rise on her neck. She suddenly didn’t feel quite so alone in the hall.

At that exact moment, the sounds of a muffled conversation drifted towards her ears. At first, Sweetie thought it was the Rainbooms having a loud argument. But after listening to it for a moment, she concluded that the voices couldn’t have belonged to any of the Rainbooms. In fact, she could hear the distinct timbre of a male voice within the conversation. She decided to go investigate.

Walking down the hall, Sweetie tracked the voices to the last place she wanted it to be coming from. The conversation was echoing from the school’s press room.

“What do you mean this club is popular?!” Diamond Tiara screamed.

“That’s just it; a lot of people are talking about it.” Silver Spoon answered.

“How’s come I haven’t heard of it?!” Diamond exclaimed.

“Errr—we’re not exactly sure… yet.” Snips admitted, “But we know that it exists!”

“Snips, Snails, find out everything you can about this club! I want information; I want dirt, FIND ME SOMETHING!” Diamond shouted as she slammed her hands on the table.

In an instant, Snips and Snails bolted out of the room and ran past Sweetie Belle without even noticing her. Now that she was aware that there were only two people were in the room, Sweetie leaned closer towards the door.

“Do you think that the CMC are involved in this?” Silver asked.

While Sweetie couldn’t see any of their faces, the tone of Diamond’s response told her all she needed to know.

“Of course they are!” Diamond snapped, “I just know that they’re trying to sneak this under my nose, Spoony. Those losers are blatantly undermining my authority! And not only that, but they’re trying to show that a club can operate in this school without my explicit approval!”

“Umm… do you want us to try to hunt down someone from Dinky's network; because if we don’t know anything about, maybe they would?” Silver Spoon asked.

“That has to be the dumbest idea you’ve ever had.” Diamond hissed. There was a long silence, and then Diamond snapped her fingers, “Wait. I’ve got it! Try and hunt down one of Dinky’s agents. We know that at least one of them couldn't keep their mouth shut about this club. Maybe they'll talk again if we compensate them for their information..."

“What a brilliant idea. I wish I would have thought of it.” Silver deadpanned.

Sweetie didn’t wait to hear the rest of the discussion. She rushed down the hall and grabbed her phone. After pulling up a group conversation she texted a message:

Girls, I think we’ve got a serious problem!