• Published 26th Jun 2016
  • 13,924 Views, 1,032 Comments

Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! - Enclave2277

After visiting Sunset Shimmer during Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to create a naturist club at Canterlot High.

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It's Time For The NLAC's Second What?!

Author's Note:

Welcome to the 13th chapter and the second party for our intrepid main characters and their club. And since we’ve reached this moment I decided to do something a little bit special.

Simply put I wanted to bring this story back to its roots, as this story was going to start out as a massive collaboration with the members inside the Nudist and Nudity Group here on FimFiction. Obviously of course that didn’t happen, but since this story has made the featured section I thought it’d be nice to do a little celebrating.

This is why, for anyone who hadn’t been following this story back in August, last month Enclave and I held a challenge. What you are about to read is the culmination of that challenge.

This chapter will carry sections submitted by other writers, some first time publishers here, that detail other character’s experiences at the second party be they OC or established show-canon.

Those sections will be denoted with the Author’s name at the end of the given section. Now if you like what you read from these brave few, go to their pages, follow them, and recommend that they write more. If you do not, do not be a dick about it, tell them what you didn’t particularly like so that they may improve and try again.

Don’t worry; the next chapter will resume the normal writing status with just one writer. And also don’t be upset if you missed out, because if this chapter is well received Enclave and I may do this again for the Third Party later on.

With that, let us begin.

Sincerely Yours,

Blake Skies & Enclave2277

Chapter 13: It’s Time For The NLAC’s Second WHAT?!

I hate this, I hate this, I hate this so very much, Sweetie thought as she stood perfectly still for Rarity while her older sister fitted a new dress around her. Sweetie still had no idea why Rarity needed her services for this dress since it was designed for an audience that was older than she was, especially since the dress was longer than she was.

But regardless, Rarity had basically tricked her into helping, and so there she stood. Thankfully, the rest of the week had gone by without a hitch. Plans were made for the second party, which was tonight, and everyone agreed to just let the night flow without a major event. Well, Pinkie did want to have a massive dance number at the end, so that got worked into the plans, but that was it.

Apple Bloom also surprised everyone by announcing that Tender Taps was coming. She had told him the truth around the same time Sweetie and Button started their relationship, and it had gone rather well. And Rumble had already known about Scootaloo’s antics, since both were at the first party, so two out of three wasn’t bad.

Despite the successes, Sweetie Belle still wasn’t keen on telling Button. Diamond was still a threat, one that needed to be dealt with. And it wasn’t exactly an easy thing to do. Dodging questions from Silver Spoon and keeping Snips and Snails in the dark wasn’t hard, but their persistent repetitiveness got very grating. Button often spoke of his ire for the constant fetch quests in MMOs. Well, Sweetie felt like she was in a fetch quest, only the goal wasn’t to gain but to avoid.

Regardless, Friday had arrived. In two hours, Sweetie would have to get to the Student Union Center to help prepare. Two hours… that were unfortunately going to be spent as Rarity’s personal mannequin.

“Keep those arms up, Sweetie Belle; I don’t want my measurements to be off,” Rarity said as she adjusted her sister’s arms upwards.

“Sorry, sis, but can you really blame me?” Sweetie complained. “You’ve had me standing here for at least an hour.”

“Oh don’t be so melodramatic, Sweetie Belle; it’s only been ten minutes,” Rarity laughed.

Ten minutes! What?! Sweetie thought.

“And besides, we’re almost finished. I just need to make sure the arm length is perfect,” Rarity said, smiling as she ran the tape measure down Sweetie’s right arm.

“I doubt it’ll be exact. I mean, this thing is pretty loose on me,” Sweetie pointed out.

“Hmm, you have a point there, but you always did have long arms and it’s staying on you rather well,” Rarity answered. “I think it’ll be fine.”

Sweetie sighed, resigning herself to finishing this on Rarity’s terms. “Who are you making this for, anyway?”

“Menks Spoon,” Rarity answered absently.

“Silver Spoon’s mother?” Sweetie Belle confirmed. “I didn’t know she was a client of yours.”

“Why, yes,” Rarity answered. “She really is a sweet woman, though not very soft-spoken. She also does me some very good business. And, as a bonus, she’s rather petite, so you almost fit into one of her garments.”

“Good to hear,” Sweetie smiled, though really she wasn’t in that good of a mood.

“I must say, I do often worry about Silver,” Rarity continued.

“Why?” Sweetie asked, desperate for something to take her mind off the boredom.

“From what I hear, the Spoons are not exactly your run-of-the-mill rich family,” Rarity explained. “Oh, yes, Fancy Pants is an approachable businessman, but let’s not forget that the worst kept secret in Canterlot is that he’s a cut throat individual, determined to always be at the top.”

Must run in the family, Sweetie thought.

“I never really got that from Buffet Spoon,” the aspiring fashion designer continued. “He always seemed to be a more... malleable sort. I mean, they are high society and enjoy the finer things in life, but run into them in the streets and you’d swear they were almost average.

“That is, until you look at Silver.” Rarity tittered as she scribbled down a number in her notebook.

“Menks was in here two weeks ago complaining that Silver’s become too obsessed with outlandish finery. Almost as if that Diamond Tiara is actually starting to… well, overtake her.”

“Interesting,” Sweetie murmured.

Rarity, upon hearing the comment, pulled out a pin from her bobby pin wrist band and poked her younger sister. “Sweetie Belle,” she scowled. “Remember what I told you about dressing room ethics.”

“Anything spoken in here stays here,” Sweetie dutifully recited. “But you can’t-”

“Ah, ah, ah; that is the rule, no breaking it,” Rarity interrupted.

“Yes, sis,” Sweetie sighed.

Rarity was right, after all. This was private information, and more importantly, stuff that couldn’t be said aloud. But then again, she didn’t need to share that tidbit to use it.

“Very good, Sweetie, you may go now. I’ve gotten all the measurements I need,” Rarity announced, her tape measure snapping back in place.

A little shocked at her sudden release; Sweetie thanked her former captor and headed off. Now that she would be two hours early, maybe she could get some homework done instead of waiting until Sunday. Thankfully, the only serious homework she had was from Trigonometry. Sweetie Belle was a smart girl, but even Trig was a challenge for her, and she wanted all her attention on it.

Nevertheless, she powered through the questions she understood, and attempted the ones she didn’t. Time was on her side, but she wanted to get out of the house and out of her clothes as soon as possible. Soon enough, she had gotten her homework done and raced for the door.

“Rarity, I’m going!” Sweetie shouted.

“Have fun, Sweetie Belle. What time should I expect you home?” Rarity called back from her studio.

“Don’t stay up, I’m not sure yet,” Sweetie responded.

“Make sure you talk with me!” Rarity shouted.

“Yes, Rarity,” Sweetie replied. She exited the house grumbling, but at least she was ready to go.

The sun had already set and darkness taken over the sky around Canterlot. The air was warm, but not as blisteringly hot as it had been during the day. Taking that in stride, Sweetie grabbed her bike from the side of the house and made her way to CHS.

Surprisingly, the neighborhood was rather quiet. Everyone had probably already settled down to eat or watch TV. Not Sweetie Belle, though, and probably not the hundred or so party goers tonight.

Sweetie chuckled at her good fortune. “Hehe, I could ride to school naked and no one would notice.”

But she quickly put the kibosh on that idea. Too risky, and besides, she’d be at school soon enough. No need to rush matters and get herself arrested. And how would she be able to face Rarity if that happened? Sure enough, mere minutes later, she was at Canterlot High School.

Walking in through the school, she checked all the rooms to make sure that no one from Diamond Tiara’s posse was around to spy. When she was sure, she walked into the principal’s office to get the keys for the Student Union Center. Upon gaining the keys, she headed over to the CHSSUC.

Despite being there alone, Sweetie had no problem unlocking the doors and beginning to prep the place for the party. It was a difficult job for one girl, but the work helped take her mind off of matters like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

They were still a threat, but a threat that should be dealt with at school, not at the Party. Once she figured the place was clean, off came her clothing, right in time for Sunset and Pinkie to arrive, both of them overloaded with sweets.

“See, Sunny, I told you she’d beat us here!” Pinkie chirped as they both came down the cake chute.

“Someday, Pinkie Pie,” Sunset grumbled good-naturedly. “Someday I’ll win a bet with you.”

“We’ll see!” Pinkie giggled as they brought the sweets over to the snack table.

“‘Bout time you guys got here,” Sweetie giggled.

“Yeah, sorry we’re late. Fluttershy’s truck, like most trucks, doesn’t like being overloaded,” Sunset explained as she and Pinkie began to strip.

“Oh, Fluttershy’s coming?” Sweetie asked, surprised that the perpetually shy animal lover would come to an event like this.

“Tree Hugger invited her,” Sunset answered. “Don’t worry Flutter’s swore to keep it quiet to Rarity and AJ.”

“Rainbow Dash too!” Pinkie added. “Speaking of, where’s Bloom and Scoots?”

“On their way with their boyfriends.”

“Actually, they’re right here,” Cheerilee announced as she walked in with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

And our boys are going to wait with the rest,” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie smiled. “Good. Now, let’s get this party going.”

“Natural Living Appreciation Club”, the sign said. No doubt about it, this was the place. It was now or never. Fluttershy had spent far too much time debating with herself if she could do this, but ultimately, the emotional weight of ditching Tree Hugger far outweighed any of her lingering fears.

Taking a deep breath, she marched down the stairs and pushed open the door to the club. To her surprise, the sight that greeted her did more to calm her nerves than anything else. A sea of students mingled around, all completely naked. Well, almost all. There were one or two people who still retained towels around their waists or bodies depending on gender. But compared to the many who wore nothing, they stood out like sore thumbs.

“Um, pardon me,” Fluttershy said meekly as she pushed her way through the crowd, her voice barely audible over the background chatter.

She was starting to wonder if Tree Hugger had shown up at all, but that question was quickly answered when she spotted Sunset Shimmer, leaning over the edge of the club’s pool table as she lined up her shot. Fluttershy could see that she was chatting with a familiar-looking girl with wavy green dreadlocks, wearing a distinctive green bandanna and flower crown, but not much else.

“Hey, Fluttershy, over here!” Sunset suddenly called out, standing up from her shot. “I'm so glad you made it. Tree Hugger couldn't stop talking about you since the party began. I never realized you were a naturist, too!”

“Fluttershy! Boy; am I glad to see you!” Tree Hugger said in her usual wispy voice, grasping her friend in a tight hug. “I've been having such a wild time; I was worried you'd miss out.”

Fluttershy smiled, pushing one of Tree Hugger's dreadlocks away from her face as she returned the hug. “Didn't you say you were nervous about coming alone?”

“I was! But wouldn't ya know it? The second I saw Sunset, all my fears just vanished. I know I asked you to attend for support, but if you don't feel like staying, I won't make you.”

“Actually...” Fluttershy replied tentatively, breaking from the hug to look Tree Hugger in the eye. “I'd kind of like to not need clothes around my friends, like with all the animals I look after at home.”

“Brilliant!” Tree Hugger said, her eyes lighting up with joy as she gestured to the changing room. “So what do ya say to ditching those duds of yours and going Bowling? I tell ya, Sunset has caught on super quick!”

“Of course, that's what I'm here for, isn't it?” Fluttershy said as the relaxed posture and carefree attitude of Tree Hugger won her over yet again. Once her clothing was safely out of the way, Fluttershy headed straight to the Bowling Alley with the other two girls.

It didn’t take long to set up a game, and with one swing, her ball raced down the alleyway and slammed into the front pin, scoring the first strike of the match. The faces of her fellow club members ranged from shocked to amazed, but there was only one that mattered: the distant admiration of her best friend, Tree Hugger.

-The Nightmare Rider

In the girl’s locker room Vinyl Scratch was starting to undress herself when she caught sight of something out the corner of her eye. It was, naturally, one of her classmates, but no ordinary one. "Hey there, Trixie!"

The young stage magician turned to the DJ, her eyes widening in slight surprise. "Oh, Scratch! I didn't expect to see you here."

"I could say the same to you,” Vinyl replied as she went back to undressing. “Of course, who would you expect to come to a club like this?"

Trixie pondered that as she got out of her jacket. "Well, the eco-kids, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and... I'd guess that's about it. Surprised that Sunset and Rarity's sister and her little friends are the ones who started this."

"Or that Cheerilee is full-blown nudist herself!" Vinyl added as she got out of her top. "With how she acts at the library you'd never think it. How about you? Here to grace us with your great and powerful breasts?"

Trixie blushed as her shirt followed her jacket. "No... Just... trying to relax and maybe meet some new people without being in their faces with my, uh, enthusiasm."

"That's the way!” Vinyl agreed. “I'm here to have fun and start practicing for college, I'm gonna do so much streaking!"

Trixie raised an eyebrow at. "Sure, go for it."

The two lapsed into silence and soon finished removing the rest of their clothes, Vinyl even putting away her shades. That done, the two exited the changing room and joined the rest of the club.

"Oh man, I need to DJ here sometime. It's the perfect place to try some new beats out," Vinyl said.

"I've got some new tricks I've wanted to show, but I haven’t had much luck finding an audience. I wonder if I can convince some members to watch me practice," Trixie mused.

"And hey! If you get stage fright, the audience saves ya the need to picture them naked!" Vinyl added.

"Actually, that would be a great idea!"

Now it was Vinyl’s turn to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Huh?"

"We could have talent showcases where members get a chance to practice performing in front of an audience!” Trixie explained. “The whole nudist thing would be a great way to take off any nervous edges."

Vinyl pondered that for a few seconds. "Yeah,” she said slowly. “Yeah, that could work! And it’d be a lot of fun!"

"We should tell Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee our idea, I'm sure they'd love it!"

"I bet. But, first..." Vinyl hooked her arm around Trixie's. “Let's hit the pool table!"

Trixie let out a big grin. "You’re on!"

- Ajustice90

Sketch Pad had arrived to the party late, but at least that meant he had the changing area to himself. He was nervous enough as it was without having to change in front of other people. Despite his nervousness, he was also excited. He had enjoyed being naked for as long as he could remember, but once he heard about the NLAC he couldn't believe his luck. Finally, a place he could be nude without fear of being caught. First he took off his shirt, opened his locker, carefully folded it and placed it inside.

"There, that's not so bad,” Sketch muttered, “Maybe if I work my way up to it I won't be so nervous. Besides, nobody cares if a guy isn't wearing a shirt."

Next he took off his shoes and socks, and then he undid his belt buckle, unbuttoned his jeans and, being careful not to pull down his underwear just yet, pulled off his pants. These were also carefully folded and placed in the locker, and then he took a step back.

"OK, now I'm just in my underwear,” he said, his voice wavering. “Well, I just started sleeping in just my underwear, it's actually pretty comfy, but now comes the hard part.” He grimaced. “Maybe if I do it like taking off a bandage nice and quick..."

Sketch took a deep breath and closed his eyes before hooking his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers. With one fluid motion he pushed them down, letting them slide down his legs and into a puddle at his feet.

He quickly reached down and grabbed the boxers, shoving them into the locker and almost slamming it shut. This left him acutely aware that he was completely naked with all of his clothes in a locker he really hoped he could remember the combination to.

“Alright, now I’m naked and about to go into a room where everyone else is too,” he muttered, his voice outright quivering now. And then a grin spread across his face. “And it’s actually pretty awesome! I don’t have that stupid belt buckle digging into my waist, or the collar of my shirt rubbing against my neck. I guess I want to be a nudist for a reason: being naked feels great!”

Feeling like he could face the world, Sketch Pad turned to the door out into the main area, and all his confidence promptly evaporated. Still, he managed to slowly walk up to the door, noting that even walking felt different naked, and put his hand on the handle. One more breath to calm his nerves, and he opened the door and stepped out into the main room, gingerly closing the door behind him.

To his surprise, nobody even glanced his way. Of course they wouldn’t, it was a nudist party. Everyone was naked. He wasn’t standing out in the least in that regard. Sketch felt himself starting to relax a bit.

Naturally, that was when he heard someone speak to him from behind.

"Hello, Sketch. I'm glad you could make it this time," Cheerilee said as she approached him.

Sketch couldn’t help a nervous flinch at one of his teachers seeing him naked. Still, Cheerilee’s own naked state and her relaxed demeanor helped a bit.

"Y-Yeah, I just heard about this club and I always wanted to try nu-" Sketch quickly stammered out.

"It is okay, Sketch, calm down," Cheerilee said soothingly. "You don’t need to explain to anyone why you’re nude.” The teacher quickly glanced downwards, prompting Sketch to blush. “I notice you're not wearing a towel like some of the other students that were nervous."

"I figured if I was going to try it I might as well just... do it, you know?"

"Well, as long as you’re comfortable, all I’ll say is this: enjoy the party!" Cheerilee said with a smile.

- Doomguy666

As Sweetie made her way among the party goers, trying her best to say hello to as many as she could, a big grin formed on her face. For the second straight week this party was going off without a hitch. But this time was even more special, as she was taking Dinky’s words to heart.

While there were too many guests for her to say hello to every one of them, she did notice exactly what Dinky was talking about. Still, the more relaxed atmosphere had led to an increase in chatter. Last time, Sweetie could actually hear herself think and talk. This time she was struggling to do just that.

She didn’t mind that at all, as it meant people were having fun. She soon noticed Tender Taps and Apple Bloom conversing with two of Tender’s classmates Winnie Waltz and Waltzer over by the billiard room. At first Sweetie wasn’t sure if they were playing a game or not, as cues seemed to be absent from their hands. But after a moment she spotted Apple Bloom pick up a cue.

As she walked closer, hoping to join the conversation or enter a pick-up game at another table, Sweetie noticed the smile on Tender’s face. It wasn’t a perverted smile that a normal boy his age in this environment would have on. It was a smile of genuine enjoyment and comfort. He was as comfortable being naked around his girlfriend and his peers as he was comfortable with Apple Bloom being naked in front of him and his peers.

Apple Bloom never really stated what Tender’s reaction was when she told him that she was a nudist, except that it ‘went over well’. As Sweetie was sure that the two of them were having sex, she’d thought at the time that this revelation might have been a little too appealing to Tender. But if that was the case he was hiding it very well.

Sweetie wondered if Button Mash would take it just as well, or if he would slip into the perverted attitude normal for teenage boys. Still, that was a bridge for another time. As she got closer, she found three people standing near table 5 about to start a game. The trio was Ruby Pinch, Tag-A-Long, and Liberty Belle. All were first timers and all of them were looking as comfortable as Sweetie Belle was.

“Excuse me,” she asked. “You guys need a fourth member?”

“Oh, hey Sweetie Belle,” Liberty Belle greeted. “Yeah, if you’re interested. Ruby doesn’t have a teammate yet.”

“Thanks!” Sweetie Belle said. “Anyone got a cue?”

“Here you go,” Ruby as she handed one to Sweetie.

“Okay then, you girls got the break.”

Tag-A-Long smiled and set up the balls for Liberty to break. After the balls danced around the table for a bit, red 7 sunk into a side pocket.

“Okay, looks like we’re solid,” Ruby said.

“That means we’re striped,” Sweetie nodded.

With that decided, the quartet began to play. After taking her shot, which did little but shuffle the balls around, Sweetie looked around the group. “So, how are you girls liking the party?” she asked.

“Well, this is….actually fun…” Tag-A-Long answered.

“Yeah, I never knew you could have this much fun without any clothes on and not get into anything naughty,” Ruby agreed. “Plus it’s kinda… cool seeing everyone in their birthday suits. Helps me feel like my body’s not so bad to look at after all.”

Sweetie chuckled. “Don’t worry; you weren’t bad to look at before you took your clothes off. I mean, look at me.”

That got the other three to laugh.

“Still, this is really relaxing. We should come back next week,” Liberty decided, before turning back to the game. “Alright, I’m gonna call it. This one’s going to the side pocket.”

The Dink glided unseen through the party. One would think a naked girl among her peers would turn a few more heads but here The Dink’s dress - or lack thereof, rather - was the norm. This, combined with her short petite stature and her carefully cultivated air of un-remarkableness made her intended goal of surveillance all the easier. The Dink….

Dinky Hooves stopped short at the entrance to the bowling hall and ran a hand through her hair, “Monologuing in a third person pseudonym, nice.”

Dinky couldn’t help but wonder if she was going crazy. A few weeks ago she was simply a lucrative information broker dealing in secrets and half-truths at the head of a major information network. Sure, some might have called it a gossip ring - in fact, many did - and sure, she had a talent for dressing up the facts, but it had been a relatively normal existence.

Now here she was standing naked in a room of naked, hormone-crazed teenagers in the middle of her high school and the whole thing felt… normal. But completely crazy at the same time!

Dinky scanned the conversations around her as she entered and walked along the edge of the bowling alley. Some of them were relatively benign questions of anatomy, some awkward attempts at flirting, and a surprising amount of competitive back and forth over their bowling scores. Dinky also took note of how the number of towel wearers had decreased dramatically, not only since the last party but also since the current party had begun.

Satisfied that all was going well Dinky made to return to the dance hall. She stopped short at the entrance to the bowling alley, though, as a couple walked through. Lyra Heartstrings came through first, naked as the day she was born and bouncing eagerly beside her taller, still towel-clad friend Bon Bon.

Bon Bon belonged to the latest wave of partygoers. The last party’s guest list had largely been managed by Dinky and the other admin club members. The young teen had canvassed any and all interested parties and judged them based on character, discretion, and maturity.

This party, though, had been much more open to drop-ins and invitations from people not the club admins. As such, it was much more… chaotic. There were a hundred or so kids moving in and out of the student center, which made keeping her rival Tiara’s agents out that much harder.

As Dinky left the bowling alley, slipping out behind Bon Bon, she looked back one last time. As she watched her fellow students throw gutter balls, laugh and intermingle with one another she saw something she’d thought she’d never seen at CHS: Harmony. Across the hall, stripped of their clique defining clothes students, were bonding over their one universal experience: social nudity.

Dinky smiled as she turned to enter the hall proper. A jazzy tune pumping from the speakers hit her ears immediately. Students were all over, some breaking down on the dance floor, others engaging in various board games, while a large number were gathered near the back of the hall. Nodding, she made to silently melt back into the crowd, only for a pair of hands to grab her waist and swing her into the air. A very familiar pair of hands.

Dinky let out a squeal and rather abruptly all the poise, all her thoughts and all her plans went out the window. She was a little girl again in the hands of her big sister. Ditzy ‘Derpy’ Hooves was far taller than her little sister, her skin a light grey to Dinky’s purple. They did share, though, the same brilliant golden hair, currently whirling about the two sisters.

“Ditzy!” Dinky screamed as her sister swung her onto her back. Whether it was a testament to Ditzy’s strength or Dinky’s size the wall eyed girl managed it and staggered off with Dinky in tow. Clinging tightly to her sister’s back and still giggling despite herself, Dinky tried to make at least a token protest. “Ditzy, what are you doing?”

Her sister’s bubbly, slightly out of breath voice answered her, “Having fun!”

Rolling her eyes, Dinky blew air on her sister’s ear. “I was doing that already!”

“Nuh-uh, you were just watching and thinking waaaaaaaaaaay too much! It’s time you let your hair down, sis!”

Dinky had no answer for that. When Ditzy was right, she was right
“Alright then, where are we going?”

“We...” Ditzy panted in answer. “Are going... to go... paint.”

Dinky peered past her sister’s mop of hair towards their destination at the back of the hall.

“Paint what?” the younger girl said, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Ditzy squeezed Dinky’s hands and managed a laugh. “Us!” she cheerfully answered.

Dinky raised an eyebrow at that, but sure enough, as they exited the crowd there were Sandalwood and Rose, and wasn’t that an unlikely duo, watching over a pair of slightly glowing buckets. A dozen or so students were gathered around the buckets, dipping in hand and brush and painting a riotous mix of patterns all over each other’s bodies.

“Okay...” Ditzy wheezed as she came to a stop. “Time… to get... off.”

Dinky promptly slid off her sister’s back, letting her catch her breath, and turned to see Sandalwood, intricate green patterns painted all over his yellow skin, walk up to them.

“Hey there, girls,” he said in greeting. “Care to join in?”

“Yep!” Ditzy beamed.

“Righteous! Hop right in, girls,” Sandalwood said, shooting thumbs up before turning around and walking back to the buckets. “Oh, and it goes without saying, but no harshing the flow with inappropriate junk.”

Ditzy nodded and tossed a sloppy salute. “Yes sir!” she chirped.

As Sandalwood moved on to welcome more arriving students, Ditzy poured a measure of white body paint in a bowl. Dinky smiled and moved to do the same. Maybe this would all end soon but damn if Dinky Do wasn’t going to have fun first.

“Alright sis. What design do you want?” Dinky said as she dipped her fingers into the paint

Face beaming like the sun Ditzy replied.“Muffins!”

- Travalore

Two youthful and identical-looking siblings studied the crowd.

“We probably look like the youngest here,” Dreamstar observed.

“We ARE the youngest here!” Starwishes smirked.

The two stood side by side, continuing to scan the crowd for anyone they knew. Being new to the neighborhood, and the school, there were still a lot of students they had yet to meet - and so many of the party attendees were either complete strangers, or didn’t even qualify as acquaintances.

“I guess we could always go find…” Starwishes began.

“…the snack table?” Dreamstar finished for her. And by for her, he meant for him. And her too, really. He just wanted to go eat some cake. After all, one cannot maintain a search and rescue mission on an empty stomach… a stomach empty of cake.

The food was easier to find than anyone they knew - after all, it tended to stay in the same place. Dreamstar started with a piece of chocolate cake, while his sister took a bite out of an apple slice. Euphoria washed over them as the flavors tickled their taste buds.

“Dreamstar, you have to try this!” Starwishes told him.

“And you have to try this!” Dreamstar said back to her. The twins then took a bite from the other’s slices and euphoria engulfed them.

“Hey, you two!” a voice carried through the crowd. The twins looked in the direction of the voice, and found a very surprised and possibly shocked girl bearing down on them. They held onto their respective cake slices as Sunset Shimmer came to a stop in front of them, her arms crossed over her chest.

“What are you two kids doing here? You can’t be here!” Sunset stressed - both with horror and a little bit of anger.

The twins took a moment to swallow their food. “Run,” they both said in unison, before stuffing the remains of their slices into their mouths and bolting into the crowd, laughing.

“GET BACK HERE!” Sunset shouted, although over the music and chatter of the other party-goers, it didn’t amount to much. She ran in pursuit in the direction they’d run. Dreamstar and Starwishes, meanwhile, waited for the bacon-haired teen to disappear into the crowd before emerging from the crowd in the corner of the hall. The two collapsed to the floor, laughing their little lungs out.

“That was close,” Starwishes told her brother as the gales subsided.

“Yeah, she looked kinda grumpy!” Dreamstar said innocently.

“So... now what?” Starwishes asked.

“Hey, look, I finally found someone!” Dreamstar announced, sitting up.

“Really?” Starwishes replied, also sitting up. “Where?”

“Boop!” Dreamstar said, as he booped her on the nose.

“Someone OTHER than me!” Starwishes said as she rolled her eyes, grinning.

“Well, it’s a start, right?” Dreamstar told her, poking his tongue at her. His sister poked her tongue back.

“Stop where you are!” Sunset shouted again, as she made her way out of the crowd. She had the twins cornered - the jig was up!

“Okay, you two, what are you doing here?” Sunset began her interrogation. “This is a club for Canterlot High students, not an elementary or middle school club!”

The twins looked at each other, then back to Sunset.

“We’re sorry…” they apologized in sync. Sunset groaned. She could only imagine how much of an issue this was going to be, she could already feel the panicked stress ageing her by 50 years. She opened her mouth to start a lecture-

“Dreamstar, Starwishes, you made it!”

Only for a very familiar face to run up to the trio.

“Hi, Scootaloo!” Starwishes greeted.

“The food here is great!” Dreamstar added. “Also, a dragon is chasing us.”

“Dragon?” Scootaloo blinked.

“HEY!” Sunset cried. “You two! Put your clothes back on and get out, why are you even here?”

“It’s fine, I invited them,” Scootaloo assured Sunset. “They’re new to Canterlot High.”

“They’re… students? Them?~” Sunset choked. “But… they can’t be older than-”

“We’re thirteen,” Dreamstar and Starwishes stated in sync. The mischief was radiating from their grins like a main-sequence star, while Sunset’s was doing a creditable attempt at breaking the floor.

“So… let me get this straight…” Sunset began, once she was able to form sentences again. “These two… thirteen?”

“These two, thirteen,” Scootaloo confirmed.

“But… they look like they can’t be older than ten…” Sunset admitted.

“We get that a lot,” Dreamstar told her.

“That must be frustrating at times,” Scootaloo pondered aloud. “Y’know, being mistaken for being a little kid…”

“No way! We can get into places at children’s prices, and we can go on the kid’s playground at family restaurants!” Starwishes gleamed.

“Of course you can...” Sunset groaned.

The song currently playing suddenly cut off, a new, faster song ushering in an equally new atmosphere.

“Come on!” Starwishes said, taking her brother by the hand and dragging him onto the dance floor.

- Tarri

After a great game of pool, Sweetie and her teammates moved out into the crowd. By that point, the music Pinkie had picked out had fully kicked in and a full on dance party was going on in the dancing room. In the mass of people, Sweetie soon lost sight with the other three and instead let herself be swept up into the mass of dancing students.

It didn’t take long for the thumping beat to take hold. Dancing skill didn’t matter, dignity didn’t matter. Only the beat and how you reacted to it. And in the middle of that mess of students were Tender Taps, Apple Bloom, Winnie Waltz, Dinky, Ditzy, Waltzer, and Vinyl Scratch having a dance-off. Tender and Bloom managed to wow the crowd with a bit of freestyle mixed in with some pseudo tap dancing. However, Winnie and Waltzer both kept pace with a tango that was hopelessly out of beat with song.

Dinky and Ditzy managed to get some enjoyment in by dancing without style but a lot of enjoyment and grace. And Vinyl was left doing her best robot impression. In the end, though, the dance-off was won when Tender and Bloom glided backwards in a smooth moonwalk.

Then the music came to an abrupt stop, and a small groan was let out by everyone in the crowd.

But not to worry, Vinyl Scratch was on the ball. “Hey, hey, what’s this I see. I thought this was a party! LET’S DANCE!” And then she threw her hands into the air as a rocking party song filled the silence.

And it didn’t take long for the thumping beat to get everyone dancing again. The rhythmic drums, rocking guitar (which was a tad out of style for Vinyl), and the synth tune all blended into a medley that you just had to dance to. Sweetie didn’t care if she was dancing well or not, she just danced.

It was the same for all the rest. The fact that they were all without clothing didn’t matter. It was Friday, the end of the week, and it demanded they throw off all their problems for one night and dance the night away. How fitting that the song was actually called “Footloose”.

Even those who weren’t on the dance floor, like Cheerilee, were bopping their heads to the beat, their faces brimming with joy and smiles. For the second week in a row, the NLAC had succeeded in its mission. And their second party was a resounding success.

Yet all good things must come to an end. Just after midnight, Cheerilee dismissed the club’s party. There were disappointed faces, especially with the angel twins, but most had agreed to either come back next week or continue the party at their own places, if possible. Sweetie, still naked, said her goodbyes to the exiting clothed students as they left. However, one, Starshine Drops, stopped and pulled Sweetie to the side.

Starshine was one of Dinky’s information network members and had been to the first party. While he deeply enjoyed both parties, his expression now was slightly more somber. “I’ve held off on this all night because of the atmosphere,” he told her. “But I’ve got some news you’ll wanna hear.”

Sweetie nodded. “Sure what’s up?”

Starshine reached into his backpack and pulled out his phone. “I managed to catch this during a free period I had today. Simply put, it’s not good.”

When the video started, it showed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon standing in the halls out in front of the News Club Room.

“What do you mean that’s all you have?” Diamond shouted. “You’re telling me that we’re still on square one?!”

“I’m sorry, Diamond,” Silver meekly said. “But Dinky hid her tracks very well on this. I can’t get any confirmation about this club outside of the rumors.”

“Dammit!” Diamond swore, her rage coming out. “Those losers think they can hide information from me!? They think they’re so smart, they think they can beat me? Oh, I’ll show them.” Then after a moment she seemingly calmed down “Do you have any leads?”

Throughout the brief rant, Silver Spoon seemingly remained calm, yet Sweetie could tell there was some disappointment on her face that she let Diamond down. “No, but I think if we run with this information, it might prompt someone dumb enough to come forward and talk.”

“Well, we can’t run it as a primary article, we have no evidence. We’ll have to run it as an opinion piece. See what you can do in the meantime, and if you get this story I may give you another front page editorial!” Diamond ordered.

Silver seemed to brighten up immensely over that and ran off-screen. But the camera stayed on DT. “No one stands above me, I will be the best,” she growled.

And with that, the video shut off. Sweetie nodded and dismissed Starshine. Diamond had made her move. It was time for Sweetie to figure out what hers was going to be.