• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! - Enclave2277

After visiting Sunset Shimmer during Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to create a naturist club at Canterlot High.

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The NLAC’s First What Party?!

Chapter 9:The NLAC’s First WHAT Party?!

Sweetie distinctly avoided Dinky Hooves for most of the week following her date with Button. It was primarily because Dinky wanted her to in the first place. The master of information peddling always worked better when someone wasn’t constantly hovering over her shoulder. The two of them didn’t so much as see a trace of one another for the next four days after Sunday.

It was always a game of clues with Dinky. Sweetie was never entirely sure how her sly friend managed to do it, but it always started with the hand out. Generally, she would leave a nugget of information that was relevant to whatever topic she happened to be looking into. Sometimes they were a big deal, sometimes they weren’t. She did this to avoid spreading rumors or allowing the wrong people to catch wind of information she didn’t want them to hear.

How the information would get out was a different matter altogether. Once Dinky had gotten word out that something existed, she then employed her network of informants. The initial agent was never the same person twice. She always had someone she knew she could trust to start her game of telephone.

She would always whisper the information to one person, who would then go to another, and another, and so on. Eventually the information would spread like wildfire through the halls of Canterlot High.

And yet, no one could be sure if the information was true or not. Dinky and her network had become so good at spreading whispers, it kept those who heard them guessing. Some would dismiss the whispers as mere rumors, while others craved the unadulterated truth.

Those who sought the truth sought Dinky out as well. Once they would, she’d determine whether they were worthy of the information. Those who passed the test were given the truth. Those who didn’t were told a masterfully crafted lie.

That’s how Dinky rooted out those who could potentially leak information and managed to get rumors out around those like Diamond Tiara and the old Sunset Shimmer. It was somewhat underhanded, but the results were hard to argue with.

By Friday, Dinky had already gotten the information out. Now it was time to collect and see how many people were aware and coming. The best time to do this was during club hour. At least one period every Wednesday and Friday, Principal Celestia designated time for students to meet up for their pertinent clubs. Usually, they only lasted an hour but it was enough to get students out of class and socializing.

Sweetie had already laid down the law that the parties would happen long after school. They were supposed to take place during the late afternoon hours when the bands would practice. That meant that the club’s hour meet-up time would also serve as their general meeting too. And for the NLAC, Friday’s club hour was crunch time.

As she walked through the halls of Canterlot High, Sweetie Belle could hear a gentle buzz around her. No one was talking about her directly, nor where they directing their conversations towards her. But she could tell, as she walked towards the steps leading to the Student Union Center, her newly formed club was on everyone’s mind. She paused when she saw Dinky standing near the staircase.

“Hey Dink.” Sweetie smiled, “How’s your day been?”

Dinky gave a coy smile, “Not too bad. How’s your day been going?”

“It’s been alright so far. Are you ready for the meeting?” Sweetie asked.

Dinky nodded as they began to descend the staircase. “Is this a normal meeting or did I get my…”

“It’s only a normal meeting today. Don’t worry.” Sweetie nodded.

Dinky sighed, slightly relieved. “Good, I just hope I made that clear to everyone.”

“Dink, I don’t think you’ve ever done a bad job, so you shouldn’t be worried now.” Sweetie Belle smiled.

That perked Dinky up. “Thanks Sweetie, I needed that.”

“You’re welcome,” Sweetie said sweetly, “So what’ve you got?”

“Just a list of those who are going to be attending tonight’s party.” Dinky answered, “But I’ll keep that information need to know until we’re in the club room. Who’s gonna be there today?”

“Everyone Dinky: Sunset, Pinkie, you, me, Apple Bloom, Scoots, and Miss Cheerilee.” Sweetie answered.

As they approached the door, Dinky stopped Sweetie Belle. “Umm… one question, do I have to be naked for this meeting?”

Sweetie sighed. “Not unless you want to. I’m honestly not sure if everyone else will be since I didn’t require it. But, you don’t have to be naked if you don’t want to. I don’t wanna make everyone uncomfortable right off the bat.”

“Oh, it’s not that I don’t want to,” Dinky purred, “I just don’t want to be the odd one out. I think I’ll just play this one by ear. Or sight, in this case.”

Her friend’s comment made Sweetie laugh. “You’re something else, Dinky.”

Dinky nodded as Sweetie opened the door. At first, neither of them could see the other members of the NLAC. The entrance lobby and dance rooms were void of any life. Did Sweetie forget to tell the other CMC and NLAC members the time of the meeting?

A quick look around proved that she did not, in fact, make a mistake. She noticed that by the front doors there were two baskets, one filled with towels while the other was empty. Obviously, they were something Sunset had brought over for those members who had forgotten to bring their own towels.

She also noticed some of Pinkie’s decorations. Streamers and balloons of all colors were placed all over the room. There was also a strong smell of baked goods pervading the air, yet none were in sight. The dance floor was polished and Sweetie swore that Miss Cheerilee had moved several benches into the room for people to sit. So then, where was everyone?

“Hello?” Sweetie asked.

“We’re in the Billiard room!” Sunset shouted.

Sweetie sighed with relief. “Alright, we’ll be there shortly!”

“Is it just you?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Me and Dinky,” Sweetie answered.

“Alright, come on in girls,” Miss Cheerilee greeted. Dinky and Sweetie began walking in just as Miss Cheerilee warned, “Just be careful…”

At first, Sweetie wasn’t sure why Miss Cheerilee was warning them. But once she and Dinky turned the corner and walked into the billiard room, she could see why. All the current club members were present in the billiard room. And they were all nude.

Pinkie and Sunset were playing pool at a billiard table while Miss Cheerilee was sitting with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom at a table near to the door. It was slightly weird at first; seeing Miss Cheerilee, Pinkie, and Sunset naked with her friends.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked so comfortable being around women who were, for lack of better a better word, more filled out then they were. The same could be said for Miss Cheerilee and Sunset, who both raised objections to this club but now seemed to be enjoying it. Sweetie was shocked to say the least.

Sweetie shoved her feelings aside. “Well, I guess that answers your question.”

“This isn’t uncomfortable for you is it, Miss Hooves?” Miss Cheerilee asked.

“Ah, well it is a bit shocking,” Dinky responded honestly, “But not really uncomfortable.”

“Well, duh! This is a nudie club, after all. What’s the point of being here if we can’t take our clothes off?” Pinkie cheered as she shot another ball into a pocket without even looking.

Sunset looked at the maneuver doubtfully. “How’d you do that?”

“It’s all just a matter of calculating the proper angle. Ya know, like math and stuff!” Pinkie grinned.

“Oh, well then I guess you can…” Sweetie started to say. However, she instantly stopped once she saw that Dinky had already stripped and was holding her neatly folded clothes in her arms. Sweetie’s eyes went wide, “How’d you do that so fast?”

“Practice.” Dinky answered.

“Practice for what exactly? You know what… never mind.” Sweetie shook her head.

“Okay then, now can we begin the meeting?” Dinky asked.

“Sure just give me a second.”

A moment later, Sweetie took off her clothing and joined her friends. Her feeling of trepidation returned slightly, but soon quelled once she took several deep breaths. After Pinkie and Sunset finished their game, the meeting started.

“Hey Dinky. Is the word out yet?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Like a virus released in a packed building AB,” Dinky responded coyly, “The vast majority don’t believe it of course, they kinda want proof.”

“But what about the ones that do?”

Dinky looked around the room with a smirk, “I got about fifty confirmed coming. Of those, at least ten I had to inform them that this wasn’t some kind of wild sex party.”

“But do they know the truth?” Miss Cheerilee asked.

“Can’t guarantee they’ll hold out, but I think most of them will hold back their— ahem—urges.” Dinky responded.

“What about your informants?” Sweetie asked.

“All ten are going to show up. In total, I’ve got sixty names ready for our first party.” Dinky smiled.

“Sheesh,” Pinkie whistled, “And here I thought I baked too many goodies.”

“Why how much did you bring?” Sweetie asked.

“Well… about a half days’ worth of baking, which I really wan—” Pinkie started before Sunset silenced her by covering her mouth.

“Let’s just say a lot.” Sunset answered, to which Pinkie nodded eagerly.

Sweetie giggled and then turned to the CMC, “Is everything set up?”

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded.

“Rest assured that I’ve approved the rules.” Miss Cheerilee started.

Sweetie smiled proudly, “Alright then, good work everyone! This meeting’s officially over. Let’s enjoy our free period before we have to get back to class.”

“First one to the bowling alley is a rotten egg!” Pinkie cheered.

And just like that the room emptied, except for Sunset and Sweetie. Sunset had actually held Sweetie back so to talk with her privately.

“Big night coming up, you sure you still want to do this?” Sunset asked.

Sweetie shrugged. “We’ve come this far, we might as well see it through.”

“Let’s not also forget, there’s gonna be a lot of students here who are going to feel very exposed tonight. Just like you did when I caught you swimming,” Sunset responded.

Sweetie nodded. “I’m prepared for that. But I’m also prepared for something else.”

“Like what?”

Sweetie smiled warmly. “I’d like to get to know my fellow students without any of the usual barriers: like what we happen to be wearing. The mark of a true friend is one that won’t judge you based solely on how you look.”

“Good girl,” Sunset said while ruffling Sweetie’s hair, “Now, let’s go to the bowling alley. I wanna actually try to beat Pinkie at something. At least… I hope to. Knowing my luck, she’s probably some kind of district bowling champion or something…”

With that, they were off.

Later that night at Canterlot High School’s Student Union Center…

“Oh crap, I’m late! I’m late! I’m late for a very important date!!!!” Sweetie screamed as she peddled up towards the school, “Urggh, why didn’t I just stay with Pinkie and Apple Bloom?!”

Being late to the first party her club was hosting, that she was president of, was a shameful offense itself. But her sister had needed her to pose for a new dress she was designing.

It was only supposed to be a half hour favor, but it ended up turning into a two hour fashion extravaganza. The only reason Sweetie managed to get out of it was because of Sunset’s perfect timing. She called the house to request for Sweetie’s help at the school. And yet, despite the save, Sweetie was still ten minutes late. So she raced towards the school as fast as her bike could carry her.

Thankfully, she had remembered to bring a towel to sit on as well as some normal clothing, which did include a pair of panties. Once she reached the school, she dropped her bike at the third rack, seeing as the first two were jam-packed. She was just about to race inside the front doors when she heard a voice.

SWEETIE, OVER HERE!” Pinkie pie shouted from Sweetie’s left.

Sweetie turned and spotted Pinkie Pie standing near a storm door that was apparently right where the student union building was. She hurried over to it, “Pinkie what is this?”

“It’s a food chute.” She said stepping back and revealing a gentle slide, “I built it so Sunset and I wouldn’t have to lug all those heavy pastries down several flights of stairs over and over again.”

“When in the world did you have time to build all of this?” Sweetie asked, dumbfounded.

“Ooooh, it only took me about an hour.” Pinkie responded.

Sweetie nodded, “Okay… well can I slide down to join you guys?”

“Sure, that’s why I was here waving you down silly.” Pinkie smiled as she stepped towards the slide.

Sweetie smiled and then began to slide down the ramp. The ramp led directly into the lobby, much to her surprise. She breathed a sigh of relief when she discovered that the club room happened to be empty. Despite that, many of the members were present.

“It’s about time you showed up.” Apple Bloom said.

“Where are the other party goers?” Sweetie asked.

“They’re outside waiting for you,” Scootaloo answered, “We’re ready when you are.”

Sweetie smiled. “Alright, let’s get this party started!”

On cue, Sunset and Pinkie Pie opened the doors to the lobby. A group of students began to funnel into building, most of them with expressions ranging from eager to nervous. But from what Sweetie Belle could tell, most of the students had a pretty good notion of what was about to happen. They all brought their backpacks with them to hold towels and/or robes to use later.

Once the sixty party goers entered the lobby, Miss Cheerilee appeared in a robe, tightly wound around her body. It seemed to put many of the more nervous students at ease. “Good evening students. May I have your attention please?” She greeted rather loudly.

“Welcome to the first annual party of the Natural Living Appreciation Club. I know that many of you are eager to get the festivities underway but first, there are some rules everyone must be aware of.

“Since this is a naturist organization, we do ask that you remove your clothing for the duration of tonight’s activities. However, if you still feel uncomfortable after at least ten minutes, you may put your clothes back on.” Cheerilee explained,

“We value safety here at the NLAC, so running is strictly prohibited. Always keep a towel with you to sit on in order to remain as clean as possible within this center. But of above all else, please do not act in any obscene measure; naturism is about feeling comfortable in our own skin, not sex. Furthermore, if anyone is making you feel uncomfortable, report them immediately.”

Her voice became stern. “If we spot anyone acting in an inappropriate manner, we shall talk with them on the spot. The first offense is considered a warning. However, if anyone is reported a second time, they will escorted out of the building.”

“To all the young men here, I understand that it may be a bit—what’s the best word—exciting for many of you to witness your female classmates in the nude. It is entirely possible that some of you may become… aroused upon seeing them. I would ask that you please try to exercise some self-control. If you do happen to become aroused: cover up, excuse yourself, and go to the restroom until you have calmed down. Does anyone have any questions?”

No one raised their hands.

Miss Cheerilee smiled. “Alright, the women’s changing room is over here. And the men’s changing room is on the other side of this hallway. Please use them in an orderly fashion.”

Pinkie wasted no time putting on some music as the party-goers started to trickle in. True to her carefree nature, she was already nude and dancing around wildly to the beat of one of Sapphire Shores’ newest hits titled: Love The Skin That You’re In. Whether the bubbly girl had picked this particular song on purpose due to its aptly named title was anyone’s guess.

Most of the crowd was made up of girls, but there were a few boys sprinkled here and there. A dozen or so of the crowd were confident enough to start dancing in the middle of the room, but the vast majority were just shuffling around, simply trying to get over their initial nervousness of being naked in front of so many other people.

Sweetie and Sunset were standing by the refreshment table, watching the party unfold with mixed emotions. The former unicorn could tell that Sweetie was already feeling disappointed by how everything was turning out, but she really had no idea what to say. After finishing a cup of punch, Sunset gently rubbed her friend’s back.

“It’s gonna be alright, Sweetie. They’re just nervous. Given time, they’ll all forget that they’re naked and then the real fun will begin!”

Sweetie sighed. “Maybe. I guess… it was naïve of me to expect everyone to get used to naturism as quickly as the girls and I did. Do you think we should try something to break the ice a little bit?”

“I’m not an expert on human behavior or anything, but isn’t dancing supposed to do that in the first place? Back when I lived in Canterlot, I used to love going to the club. Heck, my friends and I would practically dance our hooves off until the wee hours of the morning.”

Sweetie shook her head. “Dance clubs are meant for adults, Sunset. At least, here on earth they are. Dances for teenagers can be pretty nerve-racking because they’re not really meant to be casual in the first place. Being naked when everything is bouncing around probably just makes it worse…”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Ponies don’t really have too much of a problem with uhh… things bouncing around. When I first arrived here, I was only interested in becoming queen; I didn’t really care too much about the dancing itself back then.”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re a few years older than we are, and you came from another world with different standards. The question still remains: what can we do to make everyone feel more comfortable?”

Sunset snapped her fingers. “I’ve got it! Why don’t we have everyone go to the bowling alley? We can assign people to teams so they don’t feel like they’re in front of a really big crowd. Plus, bowling doesn’t make everything awkwardly bounce around so much.”

“That might just work. We could split everyone up into ten teams with six people on each team. The actual assignments should probably be random, but I would like to be on the same team as the girls, if possible.”

Sunset shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t think anybody’s gonna be too upset if you fudge the rules a little bit and make up your own team. Who were you thinking of putting on your team? Besides the obvious, I mean.”

“Well, I was thinking of putting you, Miss Cheerilee, and Pinkie on the three other slots. Are you… ok with that?”

Sunset rubbed her neck. “Sure, I’m ok with it. But don’t expect any miracles. I’ve never actually gone bowling before.”

“That’s ok! We’re here to have fun. It doesn’t really matter if we win or not. I’m sure that by the end of the night, you’ll be bowling like the pros.”

After Pinkie announced that there was going to be an impromptu bowling tournament, the party-goers started shuffling in towards the bowling alley. Most were still quite nervous and anxious, but there were some who started to enjoy themselves and were very impressed by the size of the bowling alley. However, despite those few people enjoying the party, many remained covered by their robes or towels.

It didn't take long for Pinkie Pie to start formulating the teams. She did it with such randomness and precision that one would have thought it was done by a computer. The only issue that cropped up was when Ms. Cheerilee informed the Crusaders that she couldn’t play on their team.

The rest of the gang was a bit disappointed but understood why the older woman had to back out. She was currently the only official advisor to the club. And as such, she needed to continue to supervise all of the activities to make sure that nothing inappropriate occurred. That left a spot open on the Crusader’s team.

Whether it was fate or just random chance, the CMC managed to get Rumble assigned to the remaining spot. While the other girls didn’t seem to care very much that he was on the team, a certain purple-haired tomboy had a very strong opinion on the subject. She very nearly froze up when she saw him walk over to the computer screen to set up the names for their team.

While it wasn’t exactly a secret, Scootaloo occasionally went to the skate park to practice some moves on her scooter. Rumble, who was an avid biker himself, often frequented the park for exactly the same reason. The two of them saw each other there often enough over the past few months that they eventually became good friends and started hanging out.

Scootaloo had never been the type of girl to really give much thought to “mushy” subjects such as romance. But deep down, even she had to admit that going out with someone like Rumble sounded like a pretty awesome idea. Normally, she would have just walked up to him and said hi, but these were not normal circumstances.

Despite her earlier bravado on the rooftop, Scootaloo was now painfully aware that she wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. And, of course, Rumble wasn’t either. She took a deep breath and tried to act casual, but it was all in vain. She awkwardly shuffled over to the computer and cleared her throat.

“Hey, Rumble. What’s up?”

“Hey there, Scoots! How are you doing?”

Scootaloo’s gaze shifted slightly towards the floor. “You look… awesome. Errrr—I mean I’m doing awesome! Yes, AWESOME! That’s definitely what I meant to say! Heh, I didn’t know you were interested in joining the NLAC.”

Rumble blushed but still managed to smile. “I umm… heard that you were one of the founding members, so I figured I’d come check yo—I mean the club out. Honestly, everything’s been sort of… awkward so far, but I think I’m starting to like this whole doing stuff in the nude thing. It kind of grows on ya.”

“Yeah, totally! It looks like we’re on the same team. Are you any good at bowling?”

Rumble rubbed his neck. “Not really. I’ve gone to the alley with my brother a couple of times, but other than that I don’t really play very much. How about you?”

“Nah. Rainbow Dash isn’t into bowling, and neither are the girls. I guess I never really thought about trying it out. This is basically the first time I’ve ever even been to a bowling alley. You know, never in a million years would I have ever imagined that I’d be bowling for the first time while naked! It’s kind of surreal and… a little bit embarrassing.”

Rumble nervously rubbed his hands together. “Tell me about it.”

“Why don’t we go ahead and punch in our names? Because I think everyone is waiting on us…”

“Oh, yeah we should probably go ahead and do that. Breast of—ah—best of luck to you!”

Scootaloo’s voice cracked. “Good luck to you too.”

The rest of the girls carried on as if the completely awkward and embarrassing interaction between Rumble and Scootaloo had never happened. It was out of equal parts sympathy and kindness concerning the fact that Scoots was the first one to admit that she had adopted the naturist lifestyle to a member of the opposite sex outside of their little circle.

The bowling competition was about to begin. The teams were formed and everyone was getting ready. Most still had towels wrapped around their bodies but they were a token few, not counting the club officers, who chose to shed their garments.

Over on Dinky's team Double Strikes, one of the guys who abandoned his covering towel, inspected the lane. "You sure this bowling alley is up to specs?" He asked Dinky, “It’s hasn't seen much use lately."

"There’s only one way to find out!" Dinky smiled as she grabbed a bowling ball. She then proceeded to move up to the lane, swing her arm back, and then roll the ball down the lane toward the waiting pins. The ball struck the pins and knocked them all down. Spinning on her heels, Dinky smiled, "Seems to work fine."

Double Strike looked at Dinky and the resetting pins, a determined fire burning in his eyes. "BALL me," he commanded, his voice brimming with confidence.

A covered teammate happily obliged and then Double Strike bowled his own shot, which resulted in a strike. With the early two strikes, Dinky’s team soared ahead. Now suddenly not wanting to be left in the dust, Scootaloo put her awkward feelings for Rumble aside and picked up her own ball. Soon Sweetie Belle's team answered with three good frames of its own.

The rest of the party goers watched in awe at first. then, one team at a time, the others joined. Most kept their towels or robes on. But they soon found playing with them to be very awkward. So one by one, more party goers became naked. It didn't take long for everyone to start having fun.

Eventually, everyone at the party started to come out of their shells and truly enjoy the game. Rumble and Scoots were still somewhat stiff when they conversed with one another, but as the night wore on; they began to act more like they did when they hung out at the skate park.

The only person on the Crusader’s team who had any real skill at bowling was Pinkie. She was the sole reason they finished in third place in the competition. When asked about her skills, Pinkie enthusiastically responded: My sister, Limestone, used to compete in tournaments when we were still living on the farm. She won like a bajillion trophies! I learned all these nifty tricks because I used to go with her when she practiced!

Whenever a player scored a strike, those who were not currently playing, cheered and whistled for the feat. The cheers were somewhat lessened if the strike was not made but still welcomed.

Poor Sunset had it the worst, though. Turn after turn, she consistently threw gutter balls. Pinkie tried her best to teach the former unicorn all the proper techniques, but Sunset only managed to hit a few pins. Despite her lack of talent, she had a wonderful time trying to learn a new sport and sharing some clothes-free camaraderie with her new friends.

Around ten o’ clock, Ms. Cheerilee informed everyone that it was time to head home. The CMC decided that their first naturist party was a rousing success, judging by the excited chatter they overheard while everyone filed out of the student union building. By ten thirty, the only ones left were Sweetie, Scoots, and Bloom. They all sat around a table and sipped on some drinks.

Apple Bloom nudged Scoots. “Well, I was unaware you had a boyfriend. Care to fill us in?”

“Rumble’s not my boyfriend. He’s just a guy I like to hang out with when I go practice my scooter tricks.”

“I dunno. Y’all seemed awful chummy for just friends. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were checkin’ out his goods. Of course, I reckon he was takin’ a gander at you too.”

Scootaloo’s entire face turned red. “S-shut up! It’s not like I was trying to do it on purpose! His thingie was just sort of… dangling there. How was I not supposed to look at it?!”

“Ah ha! So, you were looking at his twig n’ berries.”

Scootaloo twiddled her fingers. “Well… yeah. But he was totally staring at me too! Cut me some slack, Apple Bloom! I have a c-crush on him, ok? It’s only natural that I’d want to see what he looks like naked.”

“You don’t have to explain it to either of us, Scoots. We’ve already got boys in our lives. Even though tonight was a mite awkward, look on the bright side. Rumble already knows you enjoy being a naturist. Heck, he looked he was enjoying it too! He probably won’t mind if ya ask him out.”

Scootaloo nodded. “Mhmm, I suppose that’s true. Do you really think he’s interested in me?”

“I think he is. Why do you think he wouldn’t?”

Scootaloo pointed to her chest. “I’m not exactly… the most developed girl in our class.”

“C’mon Scoots! That’s a silly thing to get worked up over. You’ll just wind up all depressed and self-conscious if you do. Ain’t naturism all about accepting your body for what it is?”

Scootaloo crossed her arms. “Well, that’s easy for you to say. At least you and Sweetie have something to work with. My boobs are flatter than pancakes!”

“Look… I know that we’ve ermm—developed—a bit faster than you, but I don’t think Rumble’s gonna base his entire decision to date you based solely on how big your boobs are. There were plenty of other gals here, Scoots. But he CHOSE to hang out with you instead. Just think about that for a second.”

Scootaloo sighed. “Man, do I feel stupid. You’re right, Apple Bloom. I guess I got worked up over nothing.”

“It ain’t nothing! There are plenty of other girls who have the same anxiety as you do. All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t let it get to you. Just accept the body you have and move on. Worst comes to worst and Rumble rejects ya, Sweetie and I will be there to cheer you up.”

Scootaloo finally managed to smile after receiving her friend’s encouraging words. Not but a moment later, Sweetie and Apple Bloom crushed her in a terrific CMC bear hug. Since it was getting so late, the three of them reluctantly broke their embrace, got dressed, and headed to their respective homes. All three of them drifted to sleep, content that their fledgling naturist club had a pretty chance of continuing.