• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! - Enclave2277

After visiting Sunset Shimmer during Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to create a naturist club at Canterlot High.

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It’s All A Game Of What?!

Chapter 14: It’s All A Game Of WHAT?!

For the first time since before spring break, rain came to Canterlot. After enduring weeks of endless heat and sun the heavens finally quenched the thirst of the land. The moment the water touched down upon the streets and sidewalks it practically turned into vapor. However, after ten straight hours of steady rain, the natural water table of the suburbs was restored.

That also left everyone stuck inside, trying not to get drenched by the downpour. Sweetie herself found the rain a welcome respite. She even managed to get her homework and summer projects done without a problem.

While it was true that she did call for help when it was required, her friends were happy to assist over the phone or internet messenger. But she had completed all of her requirements. This meant that once summer actually came, she could focus her attention on the club, its parties, and simply relax and enjoy her break.

However, all of that depended on what Diamond Tiara might do. The video Sweetie saw on Friday proved that Diamond was probing the club for a weak spot. And at the moment, Dinky’s communication network happened to be that weak spot.

Despite Silver’s lack of concrete evidence, rumors often held some level of truth to them. It would only take a single slip of the tongue to unravel everything Sweetie and friends had worked so hard to organize.

Sweetie knew that the ball was in her court. But how she was going to proceed at this point wasn’t exactly clear. Diamond wasn’t one to show many weaknesses, outside of being a bully. The information network knew what they were doing, monitoring clubs to make sure no cloak and dagger stuff was going on, and keeping their own members away from prying ears. There was little else they could do at this point.

Simply put, the CMC and the NLAC were on the defensive and Sweetie hated it. The one thing she could credit her sister for teaching her was the best defense was a strong offense. Sweetie didn’t simply want to react to every push Diamond made. They’d never be rid of her, if that was the case. To get Diamond off their backs, they had to deal with her directly.

In all honesty, it was a task easier said than done. Sweetie explored just about every concept short of breaking the law. She needed clarity, an outsider’s opinion. Sunset could provide that. And yet once again, some problems arose. The first was in response to the rain, as Sunset used the storm to clean her house top to bottom. And then the sun came back on Sunday to reclaim lost territory, allowing tourists to come into the picture.

This was actually one of the main problems Sunset had living near Whitetail Lake. On warm, sunny days, the forest typically attracted people who wished to make use of the lake. While rare, it was extremely annoying. And this week it was poorly timed. Sure, Sweetie could stay inside Sunset’s house and hang out nude there, but that would risk people possibly catching a glimpse inside. The both of them could stay clothed, but the sun’s heat put the kibosh on that idea.

Going over to a friend’s house was open, but Apple Bloom was called out to the orchard on Sunday and therefore the farm was out of the equation. Scootaloo also found herself swamped with homework and her mother didn’t want any distractions. Sweetie asked Sunset if they could hang at the clubhouse, but Sunset wanted to work on her tan…which meant the clubhouse was out of the equation.

A solution came from a rather unexpected place: Dinky. She had mentioned that her parents were now okay with her being a nudist and with Ditzy coming to Friday’s party that meant that the girls now had another major safe haven. And today, Dinky’s parents had decided to go to the beach while Dinky and Ditzy stayed home. That left the house open for Sweetie and Sunset to come over.

Rarity had volunteered to take Sweetie over there herself, as Dinky’s house was on the way to a delivery, but Sweetie politely declined and asked Sunset. Around mid-day, Sunset pulled up to the house on her motorbike.

“Thanks for taking Sweetie Belle, Sunset!” Rarity waved as the duo pulled away.

Sunset gave Rarity a kind wave as she rode off before turning to Sweetie Belle, “How are things going with Button?”

“Good,” Sweetie answered, caught slightly off guard, “He’s kinda swamped with homework and A/V Club today, but he did promise to take me out to dinner tomorrow.”

“You’re going to make sure he keeps that promise?” Sunset smiled.

“Oh for sure,” Sweetie grinned, “I don’t plan on letting him forget any of his promises. Not like Rarity. You know she promised me another spa trip tomorrow? I honestly doubt that’ll hold up. I’d give her five hours before she has to cancel… again.”

“Easy kiddo,” Sunset soothed as they turned a corner, “Your sister has a lot on her plate these days.”

“You would think so.” Sweetie mumbled.

Sunset grimaced, “Well, I mean I kinda know where you’re coming from. But Sweetie let me ask you this; does Rarity at least attempt to spend time with you?”

Sweetie sighed, “Not often, and when she does, it seems more out of obligation rather than because she actually wants to.”

“Is that just how you feel or is it the truth?” Sunset asked as they drew nearer.

“What do you mean?” Sweetie responded.

“Our emotions can often cloud our judgement of a situation. You could perceive it one way, even though the opposite is actually true.” Sunset answered, “And you may inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings due to your misconception. Even if you want to deny it, trust me I know.”

Sweetie dismissed the advice, “I get what you’re trying to say but I know my sister, Sunset. If she was truly sincere, I’d know about it.”

Sunset sighed, clearly aware that Sweetie was ignoring her advice, “Alright Sweetie, I’ll trust you on this one. Just do me a favor, okay?”

“That being?”

Sunset gently placed her hand on Sweetie’s shoulder. “Don’t push her away; trust me it’s… terrible to have to live without a family.”

Before Sweetie could answer, she saw Dinky’s house. It was a simple grey house that had a mail truck waiting out front, probably belonging to their father who was a well-loved mailman. Sunset pulled the bike up behind the truck while Sweetie slowly got off the bike.

As they approached, Sweetie found herself amused with some of the signs placed out in front of the house. Most of them were muffin shaped with positive messages about smiling and friendship, a testament to Ditzy’s jovial nature if ever there was one.

“Wow, never expected Ditzy to be living in a house so plain.” Sunset judged.

“That’s a bit harsh don’t you think?” Sweetie asked.

“Ditzy never struck me as the ordinary type; I mean it’s just plain grey. I always expected Ditzy’s family to be more of… the eccentric type?” Sunset answered, “I mean post man father, science savvy mother, and information broker little sister, you’d think their house would be something interesting to look at.”

Sweetie giggled, “You never know, it could be bigger on the inside. Come on, let’s go knock on the door.”

But just before Sweetie could knock, the door swung open to reveal one very naked Ditzy Hooves. Sunset’s eyes went as wide as saucers, while Sweetie simply stared, slack-jawed, at her blonde friend’s ample, bouncing “assets”.

“Hey girls,” Ditzy greeted, “Glad you two could make it!”

“Uh… hi Ditz,” Sunset replied, “Thanks for having us over.”

“Oh no problem! Any friends of Dinky are friends of mine. Gosh, there's quite a nip in the air out here! Would you guys like to come in?” Ditzy shivered.

More like nipples in the air, Sweetie thought to herself as she rolled her eyes.

“That might be a good idea,” Sunset blurted out as Ditzy backed up to allow them to enter, “I mean, you aren’t exactly wearing anything right now…”

Ditzy giggled as they walked in, "I know, right? My sister got me hooked on this whole nudist thing. It’s been really fun! I love not having to worry about wrinkly old clothes rubbing me the wrong way, and not having to worry about what to wear when I get out of bed. And the best part of all: there’s no laundry to do!”

Sweetie giggled as Ditzy closed the door behind them, “I can attest to that. There always seems to be less laundry to do when Rarity’s not home. By the way, where’s Dinky?”

“She’s outside enjoying a dip in the pool!” Ditzy answered.

“Wait you guys have a pool?” Sweetie asked, taken back.

“Yup, yup,” Ditzy smiled, “It’s out back.”

Sunset nodded, “Wow, Ditzy now that is interesting. I never pegged you as someone to have a pool.”

Ditzy giggled, “I guess we all have our secrets.”

“Touché, so where can we leave our clothes?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, you can leave them in my room,” Ditzy said, “Upstairs and on your right.”

“And you’re sure that your parents won’t mind us being naked?” Sweetie asked.

“Nah, as long as we don’t do anything naughty,” Ditzy said, “I’ll wait for you two down here.”

The duo nodded and headed upstairs. About a moment later, both came down sans clothing and Ditzy lead them outside. Dinky was already relaxing in the pool and when she noticed the trio, she swam over to the edge to say hello.

“Hey guys!” she greeted, “Thank you for coming over!”

“No problem, thanks for having us.” Sunset responded.

“How’s the water, Dink?” Sweetie asked.

“Come on in and find out.” Dinky grinned.

Taking that as the invitation, Sweetie dove into the pool without a moment’s hesitation. The moment she hit the water, her body was enveloped by refreshing coolness. Thankfully, Sweetie felt her feet touch the bottom, so she knew that it wasn’t that deep. After allowing her body to acclimate to the temperature of the water, she surfaced and pushed back a few wet strands of her curly hair.

“Feels good doesn’t it?” Dinky asked.

“Oh very,” Sweetie soothed, “Hey Sunset, come on in.”

Sunset smiled, “Maybe later. I don’t want to miss an opportunity to work on my tan.”

“There are some chairs over by the doors, Sunset. Feel free to use any of them,” Ditzy offered.

“Thanks, Ditzy. Are you gonna swim or catch some rays?” Sunset asked.

Ditzy didn’t answer; she just jumped into the pool. Sweetie managed to turn away in time to avoid the spray of water hitting her eyes. With the three of them in the pool, the trio began to enjoy themselves while Sunset tanned herself on a chair nearby.

The pool was certainly fun, but Sweetie still couldn’t stop thinking about Diamond and Silver. While she did enjoy being with Ditzy and Dinky as well as their pool, the thoughts never left the back of her mind.

Finally, when she and Dinky had basically exhausted themselves, Sweetie told Dinky about the video. The duo had gotten out of the pool and now lay next to Sunset, who was still enjoying her impromptu tanning session.

“Hmmm,” Dinky mused, “I think I can say that the ball is in our court now.”

“Very astute Dinky, now what do we do about it?” Sweetie asked.

“Have you told the other Crusaders about it yet?” Dinky asked.

“Not yet, but you know they’ll be just as clueless about this as I am.” Sweetie grimaced, “Out of all the problems we’ve faced, Diamond’s the only one we’ve never been able to develop a counter for.”

“That and magical creatures from another realm.” Sunset giggled.

“That too,” Ditzy said from the pool.

“Why not stop her from exposing us?” Sweetie asked.

“We can’t face her directly, and we can’t face her through back channels either,” Dinky shook her head, “Any direct action to stop her will result in either the Principals or the School Board investigating our club.”

“Plus, that’ll never get her off our backs,” Sunset said, “You fight them on the front and they’ll just find a new avenue to attack.”

Sweetie looked at Sunset, “You’re speaking as if from experience.”

“Personal experience,” Sunset responded rolling onto her side to look at Sweetie, “Think about it this way: Diamond’s not doing this because she has any moral objections against the club itself. For her, and people like her, it’s all about power and control.”

“You’re saying Diamond’s trying to become queen of the school?” Sweetie asked.

“Makes sense, given her personality and the fact our principals are leaders in title only.” Dinky answered.

Sunset nodded grimly, “But she doesn’t want to do it herself because that may turn people against her. She needs lackeys to do it. Those lackeys will provide the support base for her power grab, without those…”

“She has no means of attacking.” Sweetie finished, slowly starting to figure out what to do.

“Trust the former egomaniac,” Sunset grinned, “If you want to permanently remove Diamond from the equation: Go after the people who support her.”