• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! - Enclave2277

After visiting Sunset Shimmer during Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to create a naturist club at Canterlot High.

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Seriously? You Wanna Create What?!

Chapter 6: Seriously? You Wanna Create What?!

The alarm bell rang at five thirty sharp on Monday morning, jarring Sweetie Belle out of a nice peaceful rest. Groggily, the girl sat up and slapped the alarm to shut it off. With a sigh, she looked around her room filled with the golden rays of the rising sun. Spring break was now officially over. It was time to start school again. Sweetie slid out of bed and walked over to the window to greet the morning.

It wasn’t as if the rest of spring break was boring, far from it. After getting her friends hooked, she managed to spend a great day with Rarity browsing the local mall before getting some nude time in with AB at her farm. Then, she accepted Button Mash’s offer and got to go to Canterlot proper.

That was also an enjoyable trip. Button was nerdy, shy, and a bit weird but he always knew how to have fun in just about any situation. Plus, he was friends with most of the guys the CMC hung out with anyway.

Yet…she was still unsure of his feelings. Sweetie wasn’t certain if Button liked her for her looks, brains, or both. And with his constant futile attempts to hide his feelings, it made figuring that out even more confusing. So, if he ever found out about Sweetie’s new nudist lifestyle that might throw a massive wrench in her quest to figure out his intentions.

But regardless of how he felt, Sweetie was now very proud of her choices over the spring break. Sure, getting caught by Sunset skinny dipping was still high on her embarrassment list, but it ended up turning out much better than she could have ever hoped.

She was feeling more comfortable with her body, especially during an age where most girls become extremely self-conscious. Not Sweetie Belle, at least not any more. She loved being nude, her friends loved it, and Sunset Shimmer loved it.

And while being at school would put a limit on the time she practiced her clothes-free lifestyle, she would try her hardest to make the best of the time she did have. Like sleeping, or resting against her windowsill watching the sunrise.

While normally, Sweetie would be covering her body behind her curtains whenever she was looking out the window, this morning it was okay to show off. No one was awake yet. She always was an early riser, and so it was safe to rest against the windowsill. And what a beautiful sunrise it was.

The sky was painted in a kaleidoscope of majestic colors: purple, velvet, pink, black, and dark navy with the yellow of the sun just barely peaking over the rooftops. Sweetie could hear birds chirping their merry songs. She never felt so happy and relaxed in her entire life.

But alas, she did have to start getting ready soon. Sweetie hopped off of her windowsill and walked over towards the door. Rarity was still asleep, so she decided to forgo putting on a towel to cover up as she stepped into the bathroom to take a shower. By the time she had the shower running, she could hear Rarity already beginning to stir. That settled it, her nude time this morning was over. While disappointed, Sweetie knew she had to finish up getting ready.

She took a deep breath and let the hot water trickle down her body. “And so begins a new day.”

Canterlot HS, one hour later….

Dressed in her normal high school attire, Sweetie walked through the halls of Canterlot High School towards her homeroom. The halls were bustling with students, some racing to homeroom, some hanging out in the halls, and some just walking around for the sake of killing time. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were nowhere to be seen, but she did share homeroom and lunch time with them this year so Sweetie knew she’d run into them at some point.

She walked through the halls with her head held high. The teenager exuded confidence and vigor she hadn’t had prior to spring break. Yet, the other students were so busy with their own tasks that they hardly seemed to notice.

It wasn’t as if nobody stopped to say hello, they just happened to be caught up in their own business. Sweetie honestly didn’t mind. Turning in the hall, Sweetie spotted her homeroom. And right out in front of it was Tender Taps and Apple Bloom, intertwined in a hug.

“Oh those two look so cute together!” She thought to herself.

Then Sweetie felt a slight twinge of jealously as she watched the two of them part and wave goodbye to each other. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps fit together like peanut butter and jelly, so why didn’t she have someone like that in her life?

She spotted Button Mash a few moments later. He was just about to walk into his own homeroom with Mr. Quadrangle. Button had on his usual outfit, which included his now famous spinner cap.

“Button,” She shouted. “Wait up!”

Button turned around. “Oh hey, Sweetie Belle! What’s up?”

“Not much. I just wanted to tell you that I had a lot of fun in the city yesterday.”

“Really?” he asked. “Oh…w-well thanks I had a fun time too.”

“See you in math class today?” she asked.

“Yeah, d-definitely.” He blushed slightly and then walked into the classroom.

Sweetie then headed off to her own homeroom. Button was a good guy; maybe she should try and see where this whole thing ended up. But that was something that bound to take some time; as she was still unsure what exactly he was after.

As she walked into Ms. Cheerilee’s homeroom, she spotted Scootaloo and Apple Bloom sitting in their usual seats. As Sweetie sat down, she noticed a small piece of paper attached to her desk.

Upon opening it, she read a small message Apple Bloom wrote:

Sweetie, meet us up on the roof for lunch. I got a crazy idea I think we should try.

Sweetie rolled her eyes as pocketed the letter. Just as she did so, homeroom started. A couple of hours later, it was time for lunch and CHS’s free period. Sweetie made her way from her science class on the main floor towards the central staircase.

She was walking briskly, though she knew Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had already beaten her to the roof. Plus they had an hour and a half of free time, so there was no real rush to get there.

And yet when she approached the staircase, she wished she had rushed, or at least taken a different route. Because standing near the bulletin board posting up fliers was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Long before Sunset came along, they were the biggest bullies in Sweetie’s life. At least…ones who actually attended most of her classes at any rate. Granted, they were still a major annoyance but thankfully Sunset had knocked them down a peg or two, even after she became reformed.

The moment Diamond Tiara spotted Sweetie Belle, she sneered. “Oh look if it isn’t Squeaky Belle!”

“Tiara, Spoon.” Sweetie intoned. “Hanging up fliers for the School’s newspaper are we?”

“Why of course!” Diamond said before Silver Spoon could get a word in. “The only club in this school actually worth joining these days. We’re setting up for our run during the summer to get all the juicy gossip flowing.”

“Mhmm, I’m sure you are.” Sweetie commented, her voice oozing with sarcasm.

Diamond was nothing if not blunt, except the gossip she loved to get was hurtful gossip that could potentially wreck someone’s social life. A while back, Sweetie had tried to put on a play that she had written herself.

However, Diamond ruined the entire performance before the first night by reporting the entire story was plagiarized off of a children’s fantasy novel. Worse, she had managed to bribe several members of the band to swearing it was true. That ruined any chance of the play actually happening, as Principal Celestia shut the play down immediately thereafter.

If not for Rarity and her friends helping, Sweetie putting on a free play in Everfree Park, her reputation would’ve been done for. That still didn’t stop Diamond Tiara from hounding Sweetie every chance she got.

The hounding equally applied to her friends as well. When Apple Bloom and Tender Taps started dating, Diamond almost ran a story about Tender using Apple Bloom to cheat on another girl from Crystal Prep. Thankfully, Principal Luna shut down the story before it could be published.

“You’re signing up for clubs this summer right?” Silver Spoon asked. “It could be a disaster to your reputation if you didn’t…”

Sweetie shook her head no, and Diamond Tiara answered for her. “Oh of course she won’t. Who would want losers like the CMC to be part of their club?”

With a harsh look, Sweetie walked past them and headed upstairs towards the roof. If Rarity was the primary person in Sweetie’s to make her angry, then Diamond Tiara came in at a close second. She honestly had no problem with Silver Spoon, but it was her position as Diamond Tiara’s personal doormat that made her difficult to deal with.

As she reached the stairwell to the roof, Sweetie paused for a moment to take a deep breath and steady her nerves. Regardless of Sweetie’s feelings about the duo, they did have a point. Summer was only two months away, and sign up period for summer clubs had already begun.

It would be social suicide if she didn’t join up, and that would also mean she would have to spend most of her days bored out of her mind. Being nude was fun and all, but it was only a state of being. She needed to do something to keep herself occupied.

But that was a problem for another time; right now she had to consider Apple Bloom’s odd request. Going to the roof was rare for students, as it was usually locked off. Well…locked wasn’t exactly the right term, as the lock was pretty flimsy and the stairs were only blocked off by an easily passible rope. While it was easy to get up there, no one really ever wanted to.

Save for the CMC, who went up there whenever they wanted to have a secret meeting, which generally meant that they just wanted to get away from everyone else in the school.

After collecting herself, Sweetie ducked under the rope, made her way up the short flight of steps, and went outside. To her extreme shock, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were both standing there butt-naked. Sweetie quickly slammed the door shut and barred herself against it.

HAVE YOU TWO LOST YOUR MINDS?!” Sweetie shouted.

Apple Bloom shrugged. “What? There’s no one else around.”

“Yes, but the track, tennis court, front entrance, and gardens are all full of students! What if one of them looks up here and sees you both?! We’ll be suspended for sure!” Sweetie responded, lowering her voice slightly as she ran towards her friends.

Scootaloo put on a cocky grin. “It’s cool, Sweetie Belle. No one ever looks up here anyway. And besides, we’ll stand near the middle just so that we don’t get spotted. There’s no need to get your panties in a bunch.”

Sweetie nearly went red with anger. On the one hand, her friend’s brazen display was on the razor’s edge of exhibitionism and it went against everything she had learned about naturist culture. Yet, part of her was slightly envious of their bravery.

Plus, in a weird way Scootaloo did have a point. Even if they did go to the edge of the roof, it was highly unlikely that anyone would bother looking in that direction. And since no one ever came to the roof during school hours, they might actually get away with it.

Sweetie calmed down slightly. “If we get caught, I will never forgive either of you.”

“That’s acceptable.” Apple Bloom nodded. “C’mon and join us. The breeze feels mighty nice today.”

Sweetie scrunched her face. She wanted to say no, but the temptation was far too strong to refuse. So she walked over to the door, dropped her back pack, and tossed off her garments. Once she was naked, part of her did feel relieved to get her clothes off, so it wasn’t a total loss.

She walked back over to her friends, who sat down in the middle of the roof in a small circle. Thankfully, Apple Bloom had brought a blanket for them to sit on so they didn’t have to place their bare bottoms on the dirty rooftop floor.

Scootaloo handed out water bottles for the girls to enjoy as they relaxed. It was a welcome relief as the day was quite hot.

“So what is it?” Sweetie asked, “What’s your big idea?”

“Alright, now hear me out on this one.” Apple Bloom started.

“Oh this should be good.” Scootaloo chuckled sarcastically.

Apple Bloom sneered at Scootaloo but continued. “Remember when you said that nudist clubs are expensive and how we all hoped there should be one we could go to for free?”

“Yeah, why?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, what if we started one of our own?”

Silence overtook the trio, only the gentle sound of the breeze rustling the leaves remained. Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “Come again?”

“What if we made a nudist club that people could attend for free?”

Scootaloo began laughing uncontrollably. Sweetie Belle also laughed, but managed to choke out some words. “Are you crazy? First off, these things need some kind of funding. Otherwise, nobody would be able to do anything but sit around.”

“Second, if we made it free then that’ll allow all the creepy perverts to just wander in and do goddess knows what to everyone. And finally, we can barely run a high school club on our own. What makes you think we have a chance at running a full scale club like this?”

Apple Bloom went quiet for a moment, but she quickly came up with a solution. “Well then, what if we made it a high school club? That’ll take care of the funding because the school will be able to foot the bill. Plus, that’ll narrow down the people who will be able to attend.”

It was now Sweetie’s turn to laugh uncontrollably. Scootaloo meanwhile, had managed to collect herself enough to ask a question of her own. “What makes you think Celestia and Luna will approve of this club?”

“Simple: we don’t tell them that it’s a nudist club.” Apple Bloom answered, “Come on Scoots clubs forge their meeting papers all the time and the principals will be none the wiser!”

“Yeah until the biannual checkups.”

“True. But they always announce their checkups weeks in advance. And during that one time we get everyone to put their clothes on.” Apple Bloom said. “Just to keep things simple.”

“Okay. What about our age group? I don’t think you noticed but while you, me, and Sweetie can maintain proper sexual control what about other kids in this school?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom nodded. “I’m sure that Sweetie’s book talks about proper etiquette, and when it needs to be followed. We copy them verbatim and keep the punishments strict. One strike and their barred for two meetings, two strikes they’re out.”

Sweetie was still laughing at the absurdity of the idea, but slowly Scootaloo was beginning to think it was a wonderful idea.

“Alrighty then, we’re gonna need a supervisor.” Scootaloo commented.

“Sunset Shimmer could easily fit that role.” Apple Bloom answered.

Sweetie suddenly caught her breath and realized that in a span of two minutes, she was now the only one who understood the extreme insanity of the situation. And now she panicked.

“Hang on…wait a minute! Do you two realize what you’re talking about? I mean sitting up here naked is one thing. But a summer club, which is usually held after school hours anyway, on school grounds, with our classmates, that come together naked is SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT!” she pleaded, jumping to her feet. “If we get caught by any of the school officials it’s suspensions for us all! Or worse, if Diamond Tiara finds out…”

“Sweetie, relax.” Scootaloo soothed. “Apple Bloom seems to have most of our bases covered.”

“Yeah but…”

Now her heart was racing. While she knew that this was a bad idea, Scootaloo had a point. Apple Bloom had covered most of their potential issues. Yet, the risks were still present.

“We need an actual teacher to supervise us and report back to the principals, and if they aren’t regular members they can check in on us whenever they want.”

“We’ll cover the teacher thing when we come up to it.” Apple Bloom said. “But I heard a rumor that in the basement of the school there’s a massive complex that was designed for students to come together and hangout, complete with a bowling alley, arcade room, and even a dance floor!”

Sweetie tilted her head again. “And who told you that, Dinky?”

“Actually, yes…”

“Oh that makes me feel even better!” Sweetie retorted.

“Relax. You did say you wanted to introduce this to more people. Well, here’s your chance!”

“When did I say that?” Sweetie muttered.

Although it wasn’t wrong, secretly she did want to bring more people into this, so she didn’t end up like Sunset: alone. Yet, there was no deterring Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Plus, this might actually end up working, and it could be the club she needed to make her summer social life more fulfilling. There was, unfortunately, one last hurdle.

“How are we going to recruit members?” Sweetie asked. “I mean, we can’t simply broadcast that this is a nudist club.”

“We get the word out only to the people we trust. Then they spread it around to people they trust. I think we can get the word around to those who are up for it by the month’s end, if we stick to this method. By then, we should have everything in place.” Apple Bloom answered.

Sweetie pondered the idea for a moment. “I still think this is a bad idea. But it just might work.”

“YAY!” the two girls cheered.

Sweetie smiled. “I’ll go talk with Sunset, just to see who we can talk to about this.”

Just then, the school bell rang.

“Time to get dressed,” Apple Bloom said, “Let’s hurry!”

Sweetie smiled. “You girls go ahead and get dressed. I don’t have any classes until next period. I’m just gonna stay up here and work on a tan for a little bit.”

The other two members gave her a dirty look as they rushed to put on their clothing and raced downstairs. Sweetie was lying about staying up here naked though, she was actually going to find Sunset.

Sunset also had this time off now, and was probably hanging out in the band room doing some late guitar practice. So, after waiting twenty minutes, she put her clothes back on and headed off to find Sunset.

The Band room, Canterlot HS

The look of disbelief on Sunset Shimmer’s face was impossible to describe. Sweetie never thought a person’s eyes could ever be capable of bulging that much. All the strength from Sunset’s muscles vanished, and if she wasn’t already sitting down, she would’ve fallen over. It was a miracle that she even managed to hold onto her guitar.

Sweetie stood there, trying her best to put on the best face she could considering the situation. The two were alone in the band room, standing about three feet apart from each other. Yet, with the level of shock and silence in the room, the distance felt much further. What finally broke the tension was Sunset suddenly loosing grip of her guitar and subsequently scrambling to recover it.

Sweetie smiled meekly. “So that’s our plan….what do you think?”

Sunset’s left eye twitched as she gently put her guitar down and approached Sweetie Belle. “Have…you….girls….lost YOUR MINDS?!”

“Not really. We’re serious about this?”

“Serious, really?” Sunset asked. “Do you have any idea how dangerous this can be?”

Sweetie nodded and explained all the ways Apple Bloom came up with to deal with the potential problems. Sunset listened intently, hoping to catch one loophole and use to beat down the idea. But none came, and soon Sweetie could see that Sunset was slowly beginning to accept the idea as a solid one. After a moment or two, Sweetie mentioned that they needed a supervisor.

“The main problem is, we don’t know any teachers who would be chill enough to accept this, or oblivious enough to not notice.” She explained.

Sunset slowly turned around to think for a moment. Then she looked back at Sweetie with a smile. “There is one teacher who would be the perfect supervisor.”

“Really, who?” Sweetie asked.

“She’s the one who got me to join the club I currently belong to.” Sunset said. “And she also made me swear to keep it a secret. But given the circumstances, I think I can make an exception.”

“Who’s the teacher?” Sweetie asked.


Sweetie Belle walked into Miss Cheerilee’s classroom for the final class of the day: Social Sciences. After Sunset told her that Miss Cheerilee was also a full blown nudist, Sweetie nearly had a heart attack.

After calming down a bit, she determined that Miss Cheerilee was the perfect candidate. And maybe it would be a good idea to give her the full briefing. Even if she wasn’t on board, she’d be the perfect person to voice any concerns if the idea wasn’t airtight. Yet…it was telling Miss Cheerilee the idea that was going to be difficult. But once again, Sunset had an idea.

“Just walk into her classroom with this note.” Sunset told her back in the band room.

Sweetie read the note. Written on it were the words: Thoreau, the belles’ tome. Sweetie Belle didn’t exactly know what it meant but she trusted Sunset enough to not ask questions.

So, she walked into the classroom, which was still slightly void of students and walked up to Miss Cheerilee’s desk. Miss Cheerilee wasn’t in yet, so Sweetie left the note on the middle of the desk then walked over to her seat.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo weren’t in the class, but Sweetie had managed to catch them beforehand and tell them about her lead. They gave her their blessing and promised that they’d all meet up at the clubhouse after school to finalize the plan.

When Miss Cheerilee walked into the room, about two minutes before the bell rang; she spotted the note and gave it quick glance. Sweetie didn’t notice any change in her behavior, but Miss Cheerilee looked up at Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie could you please stay after class? I would like to discuss the extra credit assignment you asked about.” She responded.

Sweetie was caught off guard, but played along. “Um…sure, Ms. Cheerilee.”

“Excellent.” Cheerilee said with a warm smile.

And with that, Miss Cheerilee began her lesson. Sweetie paid attention as best she could, but her mind kept drifting to what the after class conversation was going to be about. But considering that Miss Cheerilee seemed to be relaxed about it, Sweetie hoped that it would go over well.

Class ended before she realized it and the room soon became empty. Cheerilee stood by the door and waved to each of the students as they left, and quickly closed and locked the door when the final student exited the room.

She turned to Sweetie Belle with a stiff expression. “How did you find out?”

“I’m sorry, Miss Cheerilee?” Sweetie asked.

“How. Did. You. Find. Out…about my secret?!” Cheerilee hissed.

It wasn’t the warm reaction Sweetie was hoping for, but she could understand why Miss Cheerilee was upset.

“Sunset told me.”

At that moment, Miss Cheerilee’s reaction softened. “And why did she tell you?”

“Because she got me into nudism as well.” Sweetie answered sheepishly.

Miss Cheerilee relaxed even more when she heard Sweetie’s story. She then walked back to her desk and summoned her student over to it. “So…you and your friends are naturists now. Have you been to any clubs yet? Because the one I’m a part of doesn’t hold meetings for members under the age of eighteen. I’m certain you can understand why.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Well, that’s why I’m here. You see…” she paused rubbing the back of her head. “My friends and I kinda wanna start our own club.”

“Really, where?” Cheerilee asked, sitting back at her desk.

“At the school.”

Cheerilee’s expression didn’t change when she asked: “I take it you’ve looked over all the things that could go wrong with this idea of yours?”

Sweetie nodded and explained Apple Bloom’s idea in full. This time, however, it didn’t seem quite so absurd. Cheerilee absorbed her words without blinking or missing a beat, asking questions when necessary but overall remaining silent. When Sweetie finished, Cheerilee leaned back in her chair.

She pondered and then said, “Well those rumors about the underground complex are true. However, it’s not in as bad of a state that everyone thinks it is. The trouble is using the room without the school board going bonkers. The only thing I’m having trouble grasping what is this club hopes to achieve?”

“What do you mean?” Sweetie asked.

“No knowledge is off-limits at this school, so any student can inquire about naturism at his or her leisure. If this club happens to secretly promote it, then the club would be doing naturism a slight disservice by comparing it with other unsavory lifestyles that tend to remain in the shadows.” Cheerilee explained. “So…what is this club supposed to accomplish?”

It was at that point that Sweetie Belle really wanted Apple Bloom here with her because she almost couldn’t come up with a good answer for Miss Cheerilee. Then again, she did remember a little fact; maybe she could use it to her advantage.

“Friendship and bonding through a mutually shared interest.” Sweetie answered.

“How so?” Cheerilee asked.

“Well…” Sweetie started, trying to find the right words to use. “This school has come a long way since last year’s fall formal. And while we are better than ever, the Dazzlings proved that we still have some hurdles to overcome.

“Plus, the Friendship Games did little to help matters.” Sweetie paused for a moment before continuing, “And it’s always been said that when you meet other nudists, you’re seeing them for who they truly are. So, we thought it might be beneficial to allow our classmates to get to know one another without having stuff like clothing to get in the way.”

Miss Cheerilee was silent for a moment. Then she spoke up. “I take it Sunset sent you to me so you could ask me to be the club’s supervisor?”

“I also asked Sunset if she could be the senior advisor.” Sweetie nodded.

“Well then, it’s going be difficult for this plan to succeed. However, this school’s never backed down from a challenge before.” Cheerilee said. “I’ll speak to the principals about it.”

“Are you going to tell them what this club is truly about?” Sweetie asked.

“Of course not, Celestia is far too conservative to allow such a thing.” Cheerilee smiled, “But I have my ways of persuading them. Tell you what; you know how every day I bring in an apple to eat during homeroom?”

“Not really?”

Miss Cheerilee frowned slightly. “Well I do. When I get confirmation from the principals, I’ll bring in a green apple to eat. But if I don’t, it’ll be a golden delicious. Is that sufficient?”

Sweetie nodded. “Thank you Miss Cheerilee.”

Miss Cheerilee smiled. “You’re welcome for whatever it’s worth.”

Four days later, Miss Cheerilee walked into homeroom with a green apple. Canterlot High School’s naturist club was a go.