• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! - Enclave2277

After visiting Sunset Shimmer during Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to create a naturist club at Canterlot High.

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We're Going On A What?!

Chapter 8: We’re Going On A What?!

On Sunday morning, Sweetie awoke slowly. She had slept rather heavily the night before, and was paying the price for it. Every part of her body was sore, numb, or simply refusing to move. Worse yet, she actually had enjoyed the dream she was having just prior to waking up.

In it, she had received a very special present from the man of her dreams. Beyond that, she couldn’t recall very many details. Nonetheless, it had been an enjoyable dream. After taking a few moments to stretch her limbs, she rolled onto her side and noticed that the clock read 10:48.

But as she stirred, she heard her phone buzz. There were two messages waiting for her. The most immediate, and recent one, was from Button Mash:

‘Morning Sweetie, you up yet?’

‘I just got up. Why? Are you on your way over?’ Sweetie typed.

‘Nah, not yet. I’m still trying to get out of bed.’ Button replied.

‘Been gaming all night again, have you?”

‘You try doing the Horizon Mission on hardcore mode as a Sniper and tell me how easy it is. : P’

Sweetie giggled. ‘Good point, I’ll be by you around 2:30.’

‘Cool! I’ll see you then!’

Sweetie smiled and then checked the other message. It was from Rarity:

Sweetie, I had to head over to Fluttershy’s house to help her with cleaning the animal pens. I didn’t want to wake you, so I hope you have a good day with Button.’

Sweetie typed into her phone: ‘Thanks Sis, same to you.’

After closing her phone, she looked around the room. She had the house to herself again. And yet this time, she really didn’t want to get out of bed. Laying around in birthday suit felt entirely too comfortable. But she had to take a shower, brush her teeth, and shovel down some breakfast. Plus, she still had around four hours before she had to go over to Button’s house. That was plenty of time to lounge around naked.

Sweetie quickly rolled out of bed. The moment her feet touched the floor, she felt her legs wobble until they finally decided to give out. It just went to show that she was far more tired than she realized. Sweetie braced herself against the headboard to prevent herself from face-planting on the floor.

“Dumb legs! I need you guys to work right today!” she whined.

At first, her legs didn’t exactly want to work correctly, and she found herself slipping quite a bit. However, once the young teen got her bearings, her feet recovered enough strength to finally support her weight. Afterwards, Sweetie made her way to the door. When she opened it, only silence greeted her.

Whatever she was doing, Rarity always tended to make some form of commotion. Therefore, silence was a clear sign of the house being empty. Even the ever-present Opal happened to be gone.

“Yes,” Sweetie sighed, “Finally.”

After walking into the bathroom, she started the shower. Once she got the water adjusted to the temperature she liked, Sweetie hopped in and began lathering up. As she ran the shampoo through her hair, she thought back to yesterday’s conversation.

Despite Apple Bloom’s vehement denial, Sweetie was certain Tender punched her V-card. That actually made her feel just a wee bit jealous. It was already bad enough that Apple Bloom happened to be ahead of her in the romance department. And now it seemed that she had her fellow crusaders beat in matters of love-making too!

Sweetie wondered how she’d react if Button Mash happened to walk in on her right now. Would she be disgusted and throw him out or would she allow him to join in? Obviously, Apple Bloom was a completely different girl compared to Sweetie Belle, so she knew her answer wasn’t necessarily going to be the same as her friend’s.

But it was still an interesting scenario to imagine. Sweetie treated her virginity with the utmost respect. She didn’t want her first time to be wasted so frivolously. In all honesty, she preferred to wait until marriage. It was not exactly an exciting prospect for any guy hoping to get lucky on a date, but too bad for them: it was her body, and she made the rules.

There was yet another thing she had to consider: would it be a good idea to tell Button Mash that she was a nudist right away? She obviously liked him; she didn’t know how many times she had to remind herself of that. However, she wasn’t quite so sure if she liked his personality or if she was physically attracted to him. It could have been a combination of both, for all she knew.

After rinsing her hair out, Sweetie squeezed a glob of tooth paste onto her brush and began to brush her teeth. Button didn’t come from a conservative family, unlike Apple Bloom and Tender Taps, but Button’s mom wasn’t what one would call free-spirited. She was, for all intents and purposes, an average person.

The chances of her accepting Sweetie’s unique lifestyle were slightly greater than Tender’s family. Then again, what about Button? He was a gamer, and Sweetie knew for a fact that he had owned games that were a bit more…mature than he was. Would his teenage mind be able to make the distinction? Sweetie wasn’t entirely certain, and that made the emotions she felt towards him all the more complicated. Yet…was it fair? Regardless of her mixed feelings, she would make certain that today would be the day she’d tell him everything.

After finishing her shower and drying off, Sweetie headed down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. It wasn’t anything fancy, just some eggs with toast and hash browns. But Sweetie made sure to put an apron on. After all, getting hot oil and food on your skin was not exactly a pleasant experience.

Despite Rarity teaching the ‘proper’ way to cook food, Sweetie had also figured out that she loved to cook her eggs sunny-side up.

“Should I make bacon with it?” Sweetie asked, “Nah, I’ll probably have more than enough junk food at Button’s house.”

However, no breakfast was complete without a good slice of toast and jelly. She quickly prepared all of that while the eggs cooked. After finishing the eggs and toast, she poured herself a glass of orange juice, put the cooling dishes in the sink, and then removed her apron. With her breakfast ready, Sweetie wasn’t sure where to eat.

“Hmm, dining room or kitchen?” she asked herself.

But then Sweetie looked out the window at the backyard. The sun was shining and it was a gorgeous day.

“How about the backyard?” Sweetie answered herself, “Why yes Sweetie Belle, let’s eat in the backyard.”

She wasn’t worried about being spotted. Rarity’s backyard had a tall row of hedges around it that afforded her the utmost privacy from peering eyes. Plus, she just had to take advantage of the beautiful patio her sister had gone to the trouble of installing.

Sweetie placed her orange juice on a nearby counter, opened the glass door to the backyard, and walked towards the patio after reacquiring her juice. A small sun chair sat nearby that Rarity often used for working on her tan. It was perfect for Sweetie to use. Better yet, directly next to it there happened to be a table she could place her breakfast upon.

Reclining on the chair, Sweetie took a sip of her juice before digging into her breakfast. Button Mash was still present in the back of her mind, but she already made up her mind to resolve that when she met up with him. But there was another issue on Sweetie’s mind: The club. She had managed to iron out the rules for the club’s parties and events based on the ones from actual nudist organizations. Yet, she was still somewhat dubious.

Her fears, and really that of Sunset’s and Miss Cheerilee, still had not quite been put to rest despite Apple Bloom’s assurances. The Canterlot High School Student Union Center was massive; there was no way any of the officers weren’t going to constantly monitor everyone to make sure nothing indecent happened.

The other problem was the fact that all of the officers happened to be girls, which meant that the boys had free reign in the changing rooms. Scootaloo had asked if it was okay for everyone to just drop their clothes in the main lobby, but Sunset shot that down for obvious reasons.

Apple Bloom also brought up the idea of making the changing rooms unisex. The idea did gain some traction at that point. However, Miss Cheerilee happened to remember the Canterlot School District code of conduct, which put the idea to bed permanently. That put the fledgling group in a serious pickle!

Pinkie at least promised that she’d do her level best to keep a close eye on anything suspicious, and considering Pinkie’s insane ability to randomly appear out of thin air, Sweetie took comfort in that. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo also promised to monitor the bowling alley and the billiard room respectively. Sweetie agreed; so long as they allowed themselves time to enjoy the party.

That left Dinky, Sunset, Miss Cheerilee, and Sweetie Belle the option of being roving moderators. It was comforting but not enough in the young girl’s eyes. Sweetie could practically feel it in her bones that something bad was going to happen.

Some random boy would end up getting an erection, then someone else would comment, and a crazy cycle of joking/bullying would begin. Or some girl would start to feel insecure around her peers and run out of the club crying just to tell the whole world about what the club actually was. There was a very good chance this club wasn’t going to survive past the first party. Sweetie considered all that while she nibbled on her breakfast. But sometimes you just had to leave certain things to chance and hope for the best.

She was going to end driving herself crazy worrying about the event, so it was far better to let the events happen. It simply wasn’t worth getting stressed out over. Yet, there was another issue Sweetie wanted to address before the party. While the club would host parties every Friday, what about the mandatory club meet-ups?

What would the meetings be like, would it be all the members and officers hanging in the nude? What would be the difference between that and the parties? These were all things that a club president should be thinking about. Especially when Sweetie Belle was essentially still a novice to the whole thing.

To make matters worse, the sun was fairly intense today. While the humidity level wasn’t anywhere near what it had been during spring break, the sun was more than making up for it. Sweetie was almost certain she’d add some color to her pale white skin. The best part of it was going to be the utter lack of tan-lines. Finishing up her breakfast, Sweetie continued to sunbathe, allowing the hours of her morning to slowly tick away.

She didn’t stay outside all day because after about an hour or so, the sun became too intense for her pale complexion. Sweetie decided to cool off inside by playing some video games that she bought on Button’s recommendation. While it was fun to enjoy the morning naked, the time soon came when she had to get ready.

Considering the fact that it was sunny and hot, a normal sundress was going to be a bit much. Especially since Sweetie wasn’t keen on putting underwear on. Luckily, Rarity had made Sweetie a fashionable pair of shirts and hot pants to wear.

The young teenager decided to put on a lime green T-shirt that contrasted with her hair and skin, yet it accentuated her emerald eyes. It matched the sky blue pair of hot pants she slipped on as well. After lacing up her favorite pink boots, Sweetie left the house for her date.

The trip over to Button’s house was fairly straight forward. A gentle wind soon took over the town and it helped keep Sweetie’s bike ride cool and comfortable, a good sign for the day to come. In no time at all, she arrived at Button’s house. His mother, Elaina, was outside preening some roses. Some dirt was on her face and she looked like she had been out there all morning. But her tired face brightened up once she saw Sweetie Belle.

“Ah Sweetie Belle, it’s good to see you!” Elaina smiled.

“Good Afternoon Mrs. Mash,” Sweetie smiled as she parked her bike near the driveway, “How are you today?”

“Oh you know, the labors of being a single mother trying to keep a house in order. But never mind about me, are you here for Button?” she asked.

Sweetie nodded. “Yeah, we’re hanging out today.”

“Wonderful! It’ll give him a reason to get out and actually enjoy today. Why don’t you park your bike by the garage?”

“Thank you, Miss Mash.” Sweetie replied.

As she walked up, she spotted Button Mash in the doorway. He was dressed in dark tan cargo pants and an equally dark olive green t-shirt. His hair was combed straight, yet most of it was covered by that spinner hat he always loved wearing.

But what drew Sweetie’s attention most was Button’s face. He seemed to bite his lip constantly, almost as if he was nervous. She was pretty sure he wasn’t that nervous when they took their first trip to the city, but that was more of a casual affair. This time, at least to him, it felt more like a date.

“Hey Button! Sorry I’m a little late.”

“H-Hey,” Button stuttered, “It’s alright. I wasn’t waiting very long.”

“So…where are we going today?”

“There’s a fair over by the mall that I’d thought we could check out.” Button said, “If that’s o-okay with you.”

Sweetie blushed slightly. “I don’t mind.”

“Button,” Elaina interrupted, “Did you remember to finish your homework?”

“Yes mom,” Button moaned as he got off his porch and walked over to Sweetie, “Ready to go?”

“Sure, what are we going in?”

“The mall’s only ten minutes away, you up for walking?” Button asked.

“That’d be wonderful!”

And with that the duo was off. Button stayed quiet at first, but once he was far enough away from his house, he started talking. “Do you—uhh—still have those games I sent you?” he asked.

“I only managed to finish one of them, and that came after pulling an all-nighter on two levels. The rest I only managed to get about halfway through.” Sweetie answered.

“Really? Most of them aren’t that difficult.”

“Well, that’s only because you play them so much,” Sweetie complimented, “But for me…”

“Yeah, you got a point there,” Button blushed. He rubbed his left arm gingerly, “So…how’s school been for you?”

“Not too bad,” Sweetie said, “Have you found a summer club to join yet?”

“The Audio Visual Club,” Button answered, “Sorry can’t really talk about it.”

Sweetie giggled. “That’s cool, I can’t really talk about mine either.”

“Why not?” Button asked as they turned a block corner.

Sweetie turned her head away from Button and bit her lower lip, trying to find the words necessary to explain her situation. “Well, it’s only about a week old,” she explained, “I don’t really know where we’re going to take it yet.”

“Ah cool, well I wish you the best of luck.”

“Same to you.” Sweetie smiled.

They had arrived at the fair shortly thereafter. It was a fairly large, with several rides and a giant ferris wheel that towered over the mall. However, the predominate feature of the fair were the plethora of small kiosks spread throughout.

There were all sorts of games: like water guns, bean bag toss, slot car racing, and a healthy variety of food stalls. In fact, the smell of buttered popcorn nearly overwhelmed Sweetie’s nose as she and Button walked into it.

What came next was nothing short of an enjoyable day for the young couple. She and Button visited every kiosk with the express intent of winning as many prizes they could. It was a fruitless endeavor of course, but they had tons of fun.

Button was a real gentleman the whole day, sticking close to Sweetie’s side and always making sure to lighten the mood, despite their numerous failures. From bumper cars to the mini roller coasters, he was always filling the air with his infectious laugh.

Soon enough, they found themselves on the ferris wheel. Sweetie decided to try something as they boarded. As the two of them sat down inside the gondola, she shuffled closer to Button.

“Hey Button,” she asked halfway between taking the seat, “Mind if I sit here?”

Button’s voice cracked. “Go a-ahead.”

Sweetie sat next to him and pressed her shoulder against him as the gondola rose. She jumped out of her seat a little bit after the gondola bucked slightly.

“What’s a matter, you afraid of heights?” Button asked carefully.

Sweetie nodded. It was a slight lie of course; she had actually gotten over that particular fear a few years ago after a mountain climbing trip. Still, Button didn’t know it. And for Sweetie, this was the perfect opportunity to test the waters with her feelings.

And to her surprise, he wrapped his arm around her and genuinely said, “Don’t worry, you’re safe with me.”

Sweetie let out a contented sigh and decided to rest her head against his shoulder while the gondola continued its ascent. A feeling of warmth and genuine enjoyment spread in her chest as she and Button Mash cuddled within the confines of the gondola. It was both enjoyable, and extremely confusing. Sweetie could feel her heart beating faster as she sat there.

What is this feeling? She thought. Why am I feeling like this? Is this what Apple Bloom was talking about? Do I actually…like Button Mash?

She could also sense that Button was wrestling with his own emotions. But at that particular moment, it didn’t matter. They were enjoying themselves. There was no reason to make things any more awkward by bringing it up.

Night had fallen by the time Sweetie and Button finally returned to his house.

“I had a great time today, Button.” Sweetie whispered.

“Me too. I just wish we could’ve won more prizes. I know my mom would’ve loved some of those plushies.”

“Oh, I’m sure she would’ve,” Sweetie giggled, “Rarity too.”

“Eh, whatever. I hope we can do something like that again.” Button nodded, “I really like hanging out with you.”

Sweetie blushed slightly, “So do I. You know, I think you’re a really sweet.”

As they approached Sweetie’s bike, which was still resting near the garage, Button turned around, “Nah, I’m not that sweet. I’m just a normal guy.”

Sweetie playfully poked his chest. “Don’t sell yourself short. I really did enjoy today.”

Button blushed. “Oh, g-gosh, well then, um…thanks?”

What Sweetie did next, surprised even her. She walked right up to Button Mash and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. Then with a furious blush of her own, she took off to her bike. She didn’t know why she did that, or why she decided to ride away without so much as a word. But the fluttery feeling in her stomach and her bright red cheeks gave her somewhat of a clue.

While she still wasn’t sure how Button Mash would feel about her being a nudist, she was absolutely certain of one thing. She liked the idea of him being her boyfriend.