• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 15,430 Views, 270 Comments

A Doorway to Another Place - Java Joe

A magical doorway opens a whole new world for Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...


She floated in darkness and silence for what could have been an eternity. There was no way to tell the passage of time where she was. An hour, a day, a year they were all the same. She didn't feel cold, tired, hungry or anything. She just floated.

Then seemingly from far away she heard a sound. She welcomed whatever it was that would change the oppresive nature of this nothingness where she found herself. It was hard to make out but it sounded like... claws? The sound of claws that skipped and slid on slick stone. She focused on that and the more she focused, the louder it got and the louder it got the closer it seemed to be. For the first time in a long time, ever since she could remember she felt the stirings of fear.

Suddenly when she felt she could no longer take it, it stopped. She was breathing quickly, her heart pounding, straining with every fibre of her being to hear what was going on but still nothing. Did she imagine it? Was that sound just her mind playing tricks on her? No, she was sure there was something out there but maybe it had passed her by. She resumed her floating, letting the currents of this place take her whereever they did.

Evil, chuckling laughter filled the space and her insides turned to ice. It was still here but it was playing with her for it's own sick purposes. She wanted to scream, wanted to run but no sound came and she was frozen with fear. Then she felt it. A presence. Something huge, powerful and above all else evil. No, not evil. It was different. No, not different, in-different. Something that simply didn't care either way. Something that wasn't good or evil but just was. She knew what this was, but couldn't speak the name but unbidden it came to her mind.


"Oh you're so right my dear! You don't seem to be using your body at the moment, do you mind if I borrow it for a while? Please speak up if you disagree. Oh, the fun we're going to have."

At that moment her body with Discord in control came to life. There were no straps to hold her down and no locks on her door. After all, why strap down and lock in a patient who's not going anywhere. Discord stole through the halls, making as little sound as possible before finally breaking outside.

The unicorn breathed deeply of the still night air, raised her hooves in the air as if addressing the world and said to nopony in particular "Hello Equestria. Daddy's home!"

And in the depths of her mind, unable to stop the monster that had stolen her body, Trixie screamed in terror.

Comments ( 64 )

Twilight's gone, and now Discord is freely roaming Equestria?

So what now? Do you plan on making a sequel?

SEND IN ANOTHER HUMAN! :flutterrage:

That's sadly impossible, both universes were pushed apart from each other.

963428 Hmm... Lets see what Aperature Science has to say about that! :pinkiecrazy:

I should probably say something about the story now that it's over, shouldn't I?

Right. First of all, this was a great adventure (so to speak) and I'm glad I chose to stick around long enough to see the end. This story really deserved my like and favorite because, by God, I love Twilight Sparkle X OC stories (plus humanized TS stories are among my favorites) and you pretty much nailed it.

Thanks for the fun and excitement you have given me by creating this brilliant work of art. Really hope to see more stories from you soon.

Until then, have a good one. :moustache:

Hmmm.... smell a sequel coming

why not just send the human to equestria?

I cried...No other Fic has done that to me before...Wow...Hat is off to you good sir, you are a fantastic writer. I remember at the beginning of the story, and you had almost no dialogue in the story...heh...how the time flies.

963428 then they can hop from universe but to do that they need spaces ships that can fire very intense points of light at one place to make a portal to other universes

Yep, sadly our spaceships are not that advanced YET. If we can make it to the moon from scratch in 20 years we sure as hell can make this happen. Goddamnit i want to see ponies in our world. (not the ones we have now, i want the colourful ones)

964518 give me a paint bucket, some glue, and a thing that resembles a horn. or just the paint bucket. or a paint bucket, some glue, and chicken wings (the actual wing that's not defeathered).

Well then i will be taking an oiled cloth, five gallons of gasoline, some bottlerockets, 3 cats, 3 empty fishbowls and a lighter.
And if that's not working than i'l take 4 buckets of lego, a washmachine and some uranium.

964558 ill give you toilet paper covered in fast food oil,five gallons of water thats colored to look and smell like gas,some soda and mentos, 3 toy cats, 3 empty plastic cups, and some flint and steel. and the other stuff ill just give you the stuff to get it on your own

Alright alright, then i'l give you some bathsalt, a big coffeemug, an eggplant, 5 potato's, a voucher from some rundown giftshop and a hug while your sleeping. :pinkiecrazy:

I love these intelligent conversations.

All I have to say is: Wow.

Great story. Love your work. Looking forward to a sequel? :raritywink::raritywink:

Four mustaches overall: :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:


Appledash specifically or all shipping for the Mane6?

i will finally comment on this story.. I freaking loved it but there has got to be a way to make twilight more powerful with her magic and do the impossible and teleport them back to equestria to stop discord.:flutterrage:

Technically yes.
I had gone back to check a few things for a future chapter but in the process accidentally hit the "unpublish" button. So I had to republish which then makes it appear to be brand new. :derpytongue2:

Beyond that, it's the same chapter that it was before.

i hope it's not the end of twi and rick. this is the best human in equestria story if i was 18 or over i wode have send you a gifte for the best human in equestria story.
I LOVE THE STORY :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Yay! :yay:
100 thumbs up!


Of course it's only teen. There lots of innuendo and we know what's happening behind closed doors but beyond a couple of colourful descriptions here and there, there's no actual clop. All that is left up to the reader's imagination.

I'm glad you like it so far.

WHy was this story added to TWE, again?

It's in the "Padded Cell" which is where good fics go to be appreciated or something.
I don't know exactly but somebody from your group seemingly really likes this story so I'm happy to be included.

I think it was a really good choice now that I see it again considering I wrote Rainbow on top and Trixie on the bottom. It actually fits with the way he's raising his arms. :rainbowlaugh:

You need to read Eris' Game next to see how things proceed. :twilightsmile:

Oh snap! At first I was like oh buck, not twi! But then I got to thinkin real quick and knew it was trixie this time, man this is good for a sequel >w< no regrets reading this upvote and fave definitly

I'm really glad you liked it. Thank you for all the comments and pretty much reading this all the way through.
Have a moustache. :moustache:

1522375 heh it was a great journey and now SEQUEL! (flies to next story) and thanks this stache will look good with my monicle @w^ >w> now a tophat xDD

1549257 idk... right click and copy location...


This was one hell of a story, I really like how you balanced the mingling of two worlds, so to speak. I found it hilarious on the opening of the door where he just stood there rubbing his eyes as if he were seeing things early in the morning. The budding romance between him and Twilight was well done, and overall all the interactions went very well. Trixie as the villain was something that wasn't really given away until you actually unveiled her as the culprit, so you did a most excellent job with that part as well. Your explanation beind the how/why of the portal at the end was also nice and believable, and how you ended this story has me ready to jump into the sequel, which I plan to do in about five minutes from now.

So yeah, damn good story here, you kept the flow great, the situations were well done, and nothing really stood out of place.

It's a lot longer than the original intro which had no dialogue and more a way to test the waters. When Doorway had been completed I went back and rewrote it, filling in some of the backstory and wound up with a lot more than I had bargained for. :twilightoops:

I don't agree, but I guess it comes down to your interpretation of the way that Rarity is asking the question. But we need to look at Twilight's line before it for it to make any sense. She's commenting on how Rick feels a little useless in Ponyville in part because he can't contribute. When they go out, Twilight is the one who pays as she's the only one that actually has any bits. So she tells Rarity that she pays for everything.

Twilight says this then ends with: "...He does however try to make it up to me later." As if to say, "I'm paying for him, but he's not just accepting it and he's actually doing things for me as a way of making up for it."

Then Rarity asks, "So there are perks to being with him?". She's doing two things here. She's confirming what Twilight said and she's fishing for information on Rick. I've hinted a bit that she's got a thing for him but she's never going to come right out and say it. As such she's looking to see exactly what kind of man, or stallion, he might be. Here she's asking, "so what exactly does he do for you?" but she's trying to be a little discrete about it.

Twilight then goes on to say what he does for her and what aspects of him that she appreciates most.

Granted this is of course the way I envisioned it and yes, I do read these passages out loud before continuing. In fact I will read through each chapter several times before finally publishing it if for no other reason to catch small mistakes but even then it's not always a guarantee.

Hope this made sense to you.

Didn't know whether or that I could get away with writing the word so I censored it. Then I didn't feel there was a reason to go back and change it.

I didn't really cry. Just thought it was kind of sad.

Actually, Trixie is a victim in more ways than one.
I don't want to say too much, especially if you haven't read "Eris' Game" or the chapter "Home for the Holidays" in the Side Stories. But there is redemption in one form or another.


Well, I feel kinda better at least.

I sometimes wish I didn't like Trixe, It really rustles my jimmies when people hate on her.

Thank you... I think. :rainbowhuh:

i love romance and comady you pull it off nicely this was sweet and funny. now that that is out of the way do you have a part two couse of this clifhinger? :rainbowdetermined2:

Glad you enjoyed it.

Now check out the continuation in "Eris' Game".

Looks like an intro to a sequel.

If someone hurt someone I loved I would give Knuckle BLT sandwich with a side of whoop ass, but I just think that
the hate Trixie always seems to get is a bit unreasonable/undeserving

I'd raise my cup filled with dr pepper to you for this great story, but unfortunately I don't have a cup filled with dr pepper. But I loved reading this story, excellent!:twilightsmile::yay:

Did you bother actually reading what happened or did the idea of being unable to replicate the portal and Twilight turning human mess you up too much? The original scenario was that she was only able to make the gateway because the two universes were effectively touching at that point. With time, and the inexorable ebb and flow of the universes that connection was severed and they'd have to wait to find the proper points where the two universes would meet again but, like lightning, they would never again meet at the same point. Therefore she was unable to replicate the portal.

She forced a punch through, couldn't obviously stay on Earth as a pony so opted to change form to something native to this world. You have a problem with that, most people that have read this don't.

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