• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 15,437 Views, 270 Comments

A Doorway to Another Place - Java Joe

A magical doorway opens a whole new world for Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Apples and Goblins?

"Uhm, Twilight? Can I talk to y'all a minute?" AJ said a little hesitantly to her friend.

"What's up Applejack?"

"Well, ya see it's like this, " she rubbed the back of her neck with one of her hooves. Whatever she wanted to say was bothering her slightly. She hemmed and hawed for a while, her face screwing up as if trying not to say something. "Aw heck. Ah need some help down on the ranch. Big Mac done and hurt his back, there's the North field to go and harvest and there's the new fence to put in 'fore next week but between me an Apple Bloom there ain't no way we can git it done. Ah've asked some of the fillies to help with the harvest but we need that fence put in. This is a job for muscles and ah'm figguring that maybe your coltfriend could help out and them hands of his could come in handy for this job."

This had to be rather urgent for AJ to come out and ask like this. She was very proud and normally wouldn't ask for help unless she really had no other choice. But something still bothered Twilight about this.

"He has a name you know. And while I could ask him, I won't. He's my coltfriend, Celestia has given him permission to be in Equestria and if you need something from him you should ask him yourself."

"But Twilight, he's kinda scary lookin'. He's like one of them goblins that Granny used to tell me 'bout when I was just a young'un. All pink skin and hands and wearin' clothes and all, " she shuddered at the thought. Twilight Sparkle came over and gave her friend a hug. "It's okay Applejack. I'll bring him by the ranch tonight after dinner, I'll be there and you can ask him yourself. I promise he won't get all 'booga booga' on you and he'll be glad to help out. And I'll help out as well."

"Thanks sugarcube. Y'all have sure taken my mind off of things. I gotta git goin'. I gotta warn Granny and Apple Bloom 'fore your friend shows up. I cain't have them gettin' all scared like when he shows up."

Twilight smiled as Applejack raced back to Sweet Apple Acres. Now, the only thing she needed to do was to convince Rick to help out. What was the best way to go about this?

Later that afternoon Rick showed up as was his usual habit. Twilight trotted over to see him, a large smile on her face and he walked over to her and met her halfway there. Rearing up on her hind legs before him, they hugged and shared a kiss hello. He sighed partly due to it being a long day and partly because she was simply so good to come home to even if technically it wasn't home.

"So what do you feel like doing for dinner tonight?" he asked her.

"Tell you what, there's this new Neighponese place that opened up that I'd really like to try, " Twilight said. It was close to the edge of town so after dinner they could take a walk which would take them by Sweet Apple Acres, she'd make an excuse to talk to Applejack and then and her part of the bargain would be fulfilled.

"Sure. We can do that but I feel kinda bad with you paying there and also doing most of the breakfast stuff..."

"Listen big guy, " she said tapping him on the chest with one of her hooves. "You provide plenty around here including the coffee which is worth its weight in precious gems any day. And besides, if I pay for dinner doesn't that mean I get to take advantage of you tonight?" Twilight Sparkle added with a wicked leer. As if to emphasise that point she ran one of her front hooves down his side, reached around and give him a playful goose.

"Hey, if you want to take advantage of me all you need to do is ask, " he said with a wry grin.

"I know, but it's not quite as fun, " she responded with a smile. "Get ready, we're leaving in 30 minutes."

Rick was a little apprehensive leaving the library. Yes, the princess had made him an official resident of Ponyville and he was known as Twilight's coltfriend but that didn't mean that everypony liked the idea. This wasn't Manehatten where interspecies relationships were more common and you could see a griffon with a pony and it was considered okay. This was still a small town where sometimes new ideas take some getting used to. So he felt self-conscious and more than once noticed a pony turn their head when they saw him or whisper something to the pony next to them when they passed. He didn't care so much for himself, but he did worry about Twilight when he wasn't around.

They got to the restaurant and he was pleasantly surprised by the decor. This had to be an example of either parallel evolution or somehow ideas bleeding across universes as the restaurant had a very distinct Japanese Izakaya look about it down to the red paper lantern hung outside and the sliding door out front. Upon entering they were greeted by cries of "Irashaimase!" and led to their table by a pony wearing what could only be described as the pony equivalent of a kimono.
"This is incredible!" he said to Twilight. "It's almost exactly like a Japanese restaurant back home including how they greeted us." Twilight recognised the signs in him right away, he was going to break into a nerdy little lecture, punctuated by hand gestures and a lot of enthusiasm. "Oh Celestia, I love it when he does this!" she thought to herself and smiled. He went on about the costumes, the decor, the menu and even the small touches like the inclusion of a small snack and a moist towel when you sit down.

When the server approached, he motioned to Twilight Sparkle that he needed to try something.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked.

<<"Yes. we'd like to look over the menu a little more but I'd like a beer and my friend would like some tea.">> Rick said in slightly accented Japanese. He had spent a summer working on a girlfriend's family farm out in Hokkaido during University and had picked up the rudiments of the language.

The wait pony looked a little shocked at this but responded in what he assumed was perfect Neighponese which to his ears sounded like differently accented Japanese, <<"Very good. I will return.">>

Twilight was amazed at this. "I never knew you spoke Neighponese!?"

"I don't. I spoke Japanese. It's like English and Equestrian or French which strangely enough is called the same thing even though the country is called "Prance". As I said there's some freaky co-incidences here, maybe our worlds have influenced each other in some way. Okay, look at the menu. You know that I'm still learning how to read here right? Your written language is pictogram based so it's easy to see what it is you're ordering even if you don't know exactly what it is. But on the other side is the Japanese or Neighponese characters which I can almost read. There are some minor variations here and there but this character is for "fish", this one is for "noodles", this one is for "rice" and this one is "vegetables". And if you look on your side of the menu, the same 4 categories show up. My mind is boggling not only with the possibilities right now but also because I just saw something on the menu that I absolutely love, can't get a decent version of it back home and I'm hoping that it's done right."

The wait pony returned with their drinks and since they were ready to order did so. Twilight started, "I'll have the mountain vegetable teriyaki bowl with extra alfalfa". She looked at Rick who smiled and said to the wait pony, "unadon onegaishimasu".

"What did you order?" Twilight asked, still a little shell shocked that Rick spoke something other than Equestrian... or English.

"A favourite of mine from back home. It's grilled freshwater eel served over rice." Twilight made a bit of a face on hearing the word eel but Rick continued anyway. "It's been a long time since I found a place that served it and if this place makes a half-decent version then I'm definitely coming back."

Their food arrived and they dug in. It was delicious, Twilight asked to try some of Rick's and while she said it tasted okay she didn't seem to enjoy it very much. The only disappointment to Rick was the lack of chopsticks to eat with as that was part of the fun.

Once everything was done, they paid the bill and instead of heading home Twilight suggested they take a walk. It was a nice evening so Rick agreed and they slowly made their way out of Ponyville into the countryside. Twilight was still fascinated with what had happened in the restaurant so Rick kept a running commentary on other aspects and similarities between their two worlds. So engrossed in these ideas was Twilight that she hardly noticed they were coming up on the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres.

"We're here already? Wow. That went by fast." Twilight shook herself as if to get her brain back on track. "Since we're here do you mind if we stop off and say hi to the Apple clan?"

"Sure, I guess but I don't think AJ likes me very much. She's always staring at me like she's afraid I'm going to go all crazy all of a sudden."

"Nonsense. She likes you. She's just really shy when it comes to newcomers... especially when they're.. not ponies..., " Twilight gave a nervous smile which meant she was hiding something.

"Okay, out with it. We're here for a reason. What's going on?"

"Going on? Nothing's going on? C'mon, let's go see the Apples!" she added trying desperately to sound nonchalant.

"Fine but I just want the record to show that I know something is going on and I probably won't like it, " Rick said as they started to walk towards the house.

"What record are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

"No further questions your honour. If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit. I'm not out of order, you're out of order, the whole freaking system is out of order. You can't handle the truth..." Rick continued spouting famous courtroom phrases as they made their way down the path. Twilight had learned not to question him when he was having these moments as it only gave him more ammunition.

They finally made it to the door and after knocking heard some hurried whispers coming from inside for a moment before the youngest member of the Apple clan opened the door and greeted them.

"Howdy! C'mon in, they're waitin for you in the parlor." Rick looked suspiciously at Twilight who simply smiled almost apologetically but not quite as Apple Bloom led them to the parlor.

The rest of the Apple clan were there to greet them. On the table was a collection of apple goodies as well as some of their famous cider. "Look, I don't want to be rude or anything, but if I was the suspicious sort which I happen to be, I'd say that all this was arranged in advance. What's going on?"

"Well you're straight and to the point, ah like that, " AJ responded. "Ah talked to Twilight earlier today 'cause we needed some help on the ranch with Big Mac down for the count it's only me and Apple Bloom. We got to harvest the North field but we already done and got some help for that. And Big Mac was supposed to put up the new fence but in his condition he cain't. We hoped y'all could help us out. Ah'm sorry for all the subterfuge but ah didn't know how to ask you, " she finished a little shyly and looking away. When she happened to glance at Rick she didn't like the look he was giving her and winced as she looked away again.

"I'm sorry, but before I respond to any of this I need to know one thing. Have I done anything to offend you? I only ask because up until now you've avoided me, when I happen to be around you make some excuse to leave or get all fidgety if I happen to look in your direction." There, he had thrown down the metaphorical gauntlet and wanted to see what she'd say next.

The room was rather silent with all eyes on Applejack who squirmed a bit in her seat. Finally it was Apple Bloom who spoke up and said, "she's scared a' you". This brought an indignant, "ah am not!" from her sister before she looked back at Rick and looked nervously away. Apple Bloom smiled and seized the opportunity to tease her big sister. "She thinks you're lahke one of them goblins that Granny used to tell her in those stories. They were big and pink with big noses and grabby hands that would snatch up little ponies and take them back to their caves where they ate 'em."

Rick, as hard as he could, tried not to laugh at this but the mirth was threatening to overflow. Twilight on seeing this also bit her tongue and put her hoof in front of her mouth to stifle her own laughter. Soon everybody, Applejack included although her cheeks were flaming red due to embarrassment were openly laughing or giggling at the idea.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Rick turned to her and said, "I never in my life would have thought that was the issue. I thought that you didn't approve of me personally or felt I was somehow monopolizing Twilight's attention. You need a fence built? Not a problem, I practically grew up on a farm. Every summer my folks would ship me off to stay with my grandparents on their farm. They claimed it was to build character, I just think they wanted some alone time but I learned a lot and it helped to make me who I am today. Just tell me when you need me and I'll be there." They spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing and enjoying some of the fine hospitality that the Apples were known for. Not wanting to overstay their welcome as Rick knew from experience farm folk got up early to do what they needed to do they made their goodbyes and promised to come back in a couple days to help out.

Walking out into the cool evening air neither one noticed that hidden in the foliage, a pair of eyes watched their every move. There was disapproval in the look directed not only at the human and Twilight but at the Apple clan for actually inviting them into their house. Out of everypony she felt that AJ and the rest of the Apples would be on her side and now they were cozying up to the enemy. Something needed to be done and soon. She couldn't allow this to go on much further but for now, she didn't want to show her hand and simply followed along far enough that she couldn't be seen and could dash away if needed but close enough to hear their conversation.

As they walked back to the library not knowing that they were being followed Rick broached a subject brought on by AJ's situation. "I guess that only leaves Rainbow Dash out of the rest of your friends."

What's this? Suddenly this got more interesting the pony following them thought.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Most of your friends accepted me or at the very least didn't feel weirded out if I was there with the exception of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Hopefully we've fixed the AJ situation or will fix it when I help out with the fence but that still leaves Dash. I thought I was getting through to her when we'd throw sarcastic barbs back and forth, she was really into it and afterwards we'd do a hoofbump but since she found out about us she's avoided me."

Twilight seemed a little down when he mentioned this but said nothing. Rick looked at her, placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "okay you know something. Spill it."

"Okay, I'll tell you, but do you mind until we get back to the library first?"

"Sure, but no trying to distract me and acting all sexy until we've had this out Ms. Thing. I know how your mind works when you don't want to talk about something, " he said with a bit a wink.

The mysterious pony heard this and nodded grimly. She would hide outside the library and find out what Twilight knew. Although sometimes the best laid plans don't work out like you'd hope they would.

They walked back to the library in silence, each one deep in thought. When they got back, Spike was asleep so they made their way to Rick's room. A quick trip outside the window and they were now sitting on his couch.

The pony that had been following them spat out a curse, having been denied what she hoped was some ammunition and vanished into the night

Meanwhile on the other side of the doorway Twilight sighed, "I wasn't sure of this before but after Rainbow Dash caught us I had my suspicions. So later that day at the party I talked to her and she was a little evasive but let it drop that she was shocked but not because she didn't approve. Then recently when we had that mare's night and we all drank a little too much, Rainbow Dash was even more drunk than I was and she admitted to me privately that she did have feelings for you as well even if she couldn't admit it to herself at the time, " she looked at Rick who had a bit of a stunned expression on his face. At no point did he even get that Rainbow Dash had a crush on him. Granted he didn't know this about Twi's feelings either until she kissed him. He chalked that one up to the differences in their species and how they communicated especially non-verbally. "She had wanted to be your fillyfriend because she thought you two were so in sync. Firstly because you were the only one to go hoof to hoof with her verbally and then later after you showed her all those martial arts moves."

"You mean that one time she asked me to show her some martial arts moves, she trips and almost kisses me accidentally she actually wanted to kiss me?"

Twilight simply nodded before continuing. "She said she felt jealous and a little betrayed by what happened. When she saw us touching, she wished it was her that you were putting your fingers all over me as she put it. We talked some more and then she came out asked me if she could join our herd, I wasn't sure how you felt about it being human and all but I said I'd see. In the end I didn't want to share you with another mare much in the way you didn't want to share me with another stallion. I know I'm being selfish in this but I can't help it. Do you forgive me?" she looked at him with her big eyes conveying all the emotion she couldn't say.

"I'm sorry but I only got about half of that. What do you mean by 'herd' and 'share'?"

"You've noticed the rather large difference in terms of gender right?" Twilight asked.

"You mean how there's only maybe 1 stallion for every 5 mares or thereabout?"

"Exactly although it's closer to 1 in 7. That's just not enough stallions to go around. Mares usually wind up getting together for a while to fillyfool around and then if someday they want foals they find a stallion that wants them both and they join his herd. But even if he wants them, it's up to his primary mare if she wants them to join. Look at the Cakes. There were mares lined up around the corner to join his herd once he chose the future Mrs. Cake. She on the other hand wanted no part of herd life and wanted to keep him to herself. That's why it's only the two of them."

"So Rainbow Dash said that she wanted to join and you didn't want to ruin your monopoly on the human so to speak?"

"Yes, " she sighed. "I know it was wrong and I should have asked you but I'll admit the idea of sharing you made me jealous. If you want, I can speak to her about this and set up a date for the two of you..."

Rick held up a hand to forestall anything else before he got too deep into this. "Sorry, this is just a lot for me to digest in one day. First you have a Japanese restaurant, then I'm a goblin and now you're talking about starting a herd. I'm sorry, but that's just a little too much for one day, " he looked at Twilight who was still looking down. He reached out, and gently raised her chin so he could look in her eyes. "Twi, I'm not angry with you or anything, I'm just feeling a little out of my depth here. We can talk about this tomorrow. Okay?" He gave her a smile and she gave him one back in return. She reached out and placed her hooves around his neck giving him a big hug.

"I love you, " she whispered in his ear before giving it a playful lick.

"Love you back, and love your backside too, " Rick said as he gave her a light slap on the rump. Twilight gave a little whinny of pleasure at this. "You bad boy, " she whispered in Rick's ear. "I take you out to dinner and this is how you repay me?" She started nibbling on his ear, slowly running her tongue over it. "I think you owe me for that, " she started kissing and nibbling at his neck. She pulled her head back, her eyes smouldering with what could only be described as hot, burning desire and finished with, "and I'm here to collect in full." She came forward for a kiss, he met her partway and they decided that the couch was just as good as the bed so there was no reason to move from where they were.

Later, after dozing on the couch entwined in each other’s arms or hooves as the case may be they decided the bed was more comfortable for sleeping so they got ready to sleep.


"Yeah babe, wassup?" he said, having a little trouble keeping his eyes open.

"I think you gave me too much in exchange for dinner. I don't feel right taking advantage of you like that."

He chuckled a bit, "no need to worry about that sexy. I was happy to oblige."

"No, I insist. Here's your change, " and Twilight kissed him sweetly on the lips. She smiled, snuggled closer to him and simply said, "goodnight".

He squeezed her tightly and wished her goodnight as well before falling asleep.