• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 15,437 Views, 270 Comments

A Doorway to Another Place - Java Joe

A magical doorway opens a whole new world for Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

A Heated Exchange

"Your game is off tonight, is something bothering you?" Rick asked as he took Twilight's Queen. He had introduced her to chess a little while ago and she had picked it up rather quickly. She still wasn't at his level but considering he had learned it as a child and she had only learned it maybe a couple months ago that was to be expected.

"No, just feeling a little off, " Twilight responded a evasively. She was blushing a bit and not looking directly at him or maybe she was just hot and flushed because she was sweating. He reached out to feel her forehead, not really knowing if you could tell a pony had a fever that way. She flinched back at his touch then pressed her head into his hand. After a moment her eyes closed and she started rubbing her head and face against his hand. Her lips ran across his palm, she started nuzzling and nibbling his fingers while her tail thrashed about before she suddenly stopped and pulled back. Trembling, she moved one of her pawns forward and mumbled, "your turn".

"Babe, what's up? This is not exactly normal behaviour for you." He was getting a little concerned here. She seemed to running hot then cold. That thing with his hand was a little arousing, then to suddenly stop as if embarrassed just wasn't her. They had been together as a couple for about a month now and there was no reason for her to start acting all shy all of a sudden. "Twi, can you at least look at me? Did I do something wrong?"

She fidgeted in her seat and seemed to be fighting with herself. It was like she wanted to say something but couldn't for whatever reason. She had been okay when he showed up tonight and during dinner had seemed a little distracted but nothing really odd. It's only when she suggested they play chess instead of their usual cuddle on the couch that things seemed to go downhill.

He stood up and walked around to her. Lifting her chin up to look in her face he saw her eyes were a little glassy, she was breathing a lot harder than usual and her tail seemed to be trembling almost as if she was trying very hard to keep it under control. "I'm taking you to see the doctor, I don't like the look of this, " he said voicing the concern he felt. But when he got up, she grabbed a hold of him and simply said, "no. No doctor."

"Then what's going on babe? You're not looking good, you're not acting like yourself, your breathing is heavy and I don't like how your eyes are glazed over like a couple doughnuts. Something is up and you're not talking to me. I'm more than just a little concerned here."

Twilight mumbled something that he didn't quite understand.

"Sorry, can you run that by me again?"

She took a deep breath to possibly calm herself and said as clearly as she could, "I'm in heat. It started today but I ran out of the herbs mares use to control it. I had hoped that I could get some before it got to this point but then you showed up and it sent my hormones into overdrive. All I can think about right now is getting you naked and just having my way with you, " she was practically panting by the time she had finished.

"Okay, so what's the problem? We do that all the time and when was the last time I said no to you."

"You don't get it. As much as I want you right now I can't do anything about it. I'm fertile. If we do it I'll get pregnant and I'm not ready for that now. Arrgh! This is torture! I want you to touch me so badly, to wrap your strong arms around me and just take me but I can't risk it!" Tears were forming in her eyes and it was obvious she was very upset with the situation.

"Uhm, how do you think you'll get pregnant? Unless is magic somehow involved?"


"We're two completely different species here. If I remember my high school biology, the only way you'd get pregnant is if we're the same species. Yes, I know the whole genus thing can work but the organisms need to be similar and even then the offspring are rarely viable. Hell, our chromosomes probably don't even line up."

She perked up a bit at the mention of chromosomes. "How many do you have? How many chromosomes do humans carry?"

"23 pairs, 46 in total."

"It's different... we have different chromosome counts... we can do this and I won't get pregnant..., " she was coming across a little manic right now, but then her mind was a stew of hormones at the moment so this was understandable. She shook her head, of course the rational side of her should have known this but rational was not something she necessarily had access to at this point. Still she needed to be sure. "You only have 46 chromosomes? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I did pretty well in the genetics portion of the course."

Twilight felt a surge of lust and had to stop herself from throwing herself at her coltfriend right then. If what he said was right, there really couldn't be a way for her to get pregnant. Taking a deep breath, she simply said, "Rick, I need you to take that cute butt of yours into your room and do me. I don't want gentle, I don't want foreplay, I need you inside me now."

"Whatever you say boss, " he said as he was herded into his bedroom with Twilight close on his tail. She practically ripped the clothes from his body, pushed him onto the bed and got up there herself.

A short time later found the couple sweaty & breathing hard but filled with a warm glow. They were relaxing after what could only be called a sexual collision.

"Twi, that was intense and I think you came close to actually breaking something."

"Mmmm, sorry if I hurt you but I really needed that."

"Does that mean you're okay now?"

"Okay for the moment. I'll be getting heated again sometime tomorrow morning. I should be able to get the necessary herbs then but that doesn't mean you're off the hook buster. That was the absolute best sex I've had in a while and we're going to be doing it again, a lot. It'll hopefully just be a little less manic next time, " she yawned widely then snuggled in for the night. "G'night, " she said with a smile.

"G'night to you too."

The next morning Rick awoke to a rather strange sensation, namely the feeling of somepony's mouth on a very sensitive part of his anatomy. Looking down he noticed that Twilight was hard at work getting him ready and her work had definitely made something hard.

"Morning Twi. Lemme guess, you're all heated and ready to go?"

She nodded, a little woodenly but the familiar glassy eyed look from last night had returned. Instead of getting on top like she had last night, she simply got off the bed, turned her hindquarters to him and presented. He got the message. It wasn't a position they used often, but it wasn't completely alien either. He gently grasped her tail and moved it out of the way.

"Hard and fast Rick. Just rut me like there's no tomorrow, " she panted. He obliged enthusiastically.

Even though he wasn't able to maintain this for very long, she was more than satisfied with it. It seems the feeling of him coming inside her was all she needed during this time. They rested a bit afterwards then went to get cleaned up. Her shower was too small for both of them, but his was just right. Another trip outside through the window and back inside his apartment later and they were both getting lathered up in the shower. She enjoyed running her hooves over his wet soapy body and it was always fun to just play a bit without things needing to get too serious.

Once breakfast had been taken care of, she kissed him quickly and went off to Fluttershy's get the herbs. It was a beautiful morning, the weather control team had done a great job and everything just felt so good.

Knocking on the door, she heard a faint, 'one moment' coming from the other side before Fluttershy timidly poked her head out.

"Oh, Twilight, it's you. What can I do for you today?"

"Hi Fluttershy. I need some herbs because I ran out and I hoped you had some, " Twilight answered a little evasively.

"Herbs? What kind of herbs? I have all sorts not only for healing but for cooking as well."

It was always so difficult talking to Fluttershy about things like this. The pony was so demure and easily embarrassed that Twilight almost felt dirty talking to her about this. "The ones a mare needs every few months?" Fluttershy still looked at her blankly. "You know, she needs them when things get too hot?" Fluttershy still didn't seem to get what Twilight was referring to. "Oh for Celestia's sake, I'm in heat. Do you have any marequil?" When in doubt, just go for being blunt.

Fluttershy went red with embarrassment at the mention of this, only managed a squeak in response and quickly dashed back inside. Twilight was left there, standing by the open door wondering if this counted as a "yes" or a "no". A few moments later, Fluttershy came back and gave her a neatly tied up package.

"Sorry about that, you caught me by surprise. There should be enough for the next three days in there."

"Thanks, but I only need enough for today and maybe tomorrow morning"

Fluttershy looked a little confused by these words. A mare was in heat for about 3 days every 6 months. Why would Twilight only need enough for 2 more days unless her heat started yesterday. She blushed again as she was the unofficial healer and occasionally helped out the mares to cool them down so to speak. She didn't like it, but there are things a healer needs to do for her patients and this was one of them. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise, please come this way and I'll get the cooler ready."

"No, you don't understand I didn't come here for that. You know who my coltfriend is right?" Fluttershy nodded and Twilight continued, "well, my heat started yesterday afternoon I was out of marequil and before I could go and get some he showed up and it just took over. He's been great about it, helping me 'cool off' last night and again this morning. It was exquisite. Usually with him it's really good, but those times it was just mind-blowing. I've never had sex when I was in heat before, except using a cooler and while that was okay it doesn't come even close to having the real thing. And the best part about it he can't get me pregnant!" Twilight was grinning from ear to ear now and Fluttershy was unsure if she should be shocked or intrigued. "He explained it all last night, we're a completely different species with a completely different chromosome count. He only has 46, we've got 52."

"That must be nice, " Fluttershy said but her face screwed up a bit as she thought of something. "But if that's the case, why do you need the marequil?"

"Well, that's just to help me focus and to help me get through the rest of the day. When he comes over tonight though..., " she left the implication hanging with a wicked leer which left nothing to the imagination.

Fluttershy blushed again and looked away shyly. She wanted to ask Twilight if maybe she could borrow him when she went into heat. After all, having a coltfriend that couldn't get you pregnant but helped your symptoms must be something special but she couldn't make the words come out. Twilight completely misunderstood what was going on and simply thought Fluttershy was a little overwhelmed with the information.

"Thanks Fluttershy, I'll be going. I don't want to intrude on you any longer."

Fluttershy, her cheeks flaming, merely squeaked in response and shut the door.

Returning to the library, she found Rick in his room already hard at work typing away on his keyboard and nodding his head in response to the beat which came from his headphones. He didn't notice her as he was now in the "zone" as he called it. Not wanting to bother him, she returned to the library and went about her day. The marequil helped her to focus but she still found herself distracted from time to time and her mind did have a tendency to wander especially where sex or Rick was concerned. By midday she smelled coffee brewing which meant he was making a new pot. She could go for a cup right about now and maybe a little time with Rick.

Picking up her cup from the kitchen, she trotted over to his room. He was just in the middle of yawning and rubbing his eyes which meant he was ready to take a break. Perfect timing.

"Hey you, mind if I get some of that?" she asked, bringing her cup to the coffee maker.

"Sorry babe, didn't know you were there, " he stood up, stretched and poured her a cup before pouring himself one. "So how you feeling? Did you get what you needed?"

"Yeah, although I think I might have scarred Fluttershy in the process. When I told her about what I needed she could barely speak but she did give me some marequil. It's not a perfect solution but it will help me get through the rest of the day."

"That's good. At least I don't need to worry about you getting all rapey with me when I least expect it. Do I?"

"No, I'm currently under control although being around you is causing a bit of a... reaction at the moment, " she was breathing a little heavier than normal and it was difficult to think of anything other than Rick thrusting away inside her but she shook her head to get rid of those ideas. "Maybe it's just being in this room at the moment, pheromones and all that, " she glanced at the bed, " and I think those sheets could use a bit of a wash. I'll be in the library if you need me." Twilight forced herself to turn around and walk out but Rick called her back.

"Tell you what. It's lunchtime so I can knock off work now. I'll go wash the sheets and while they're washing I'll get a few things together and we have a picnic. No pheromones, no dirty laundry and we can simply relax. I know you're probably really tense right now and considering your condition I don't think a massage would be in your best interest. So give me... half an hour and I'll meet you in the field behind the library?"

"Yes. Gladly. See you then, " Twilight started forward as if to kiss him then pulled back a little regretfully. Even with the marequil, a kiss could really get her hormones jumping again.

A quick e-mail to his team and Rick said he was knocking off early to take care of his girlfriend who was sick. It wasn't actually a lie in any sense of the word, but it definitely wasn't the truth. Not that anybody at work would know this. They'd cover for him just like he'd cover for them should the need be.

30 minutes later, he walked out of the library with an actual deluxe picnic basket in his hands. It was something that he had won in a raffle and never thought he'd ever get any use out of but here he was using it for the first time. Twilight smiled when she saw him and seemed okay with his touch. A small kiss later, her eyes did glaze over for a moment but that passed quickly enough and they sat back on the blanket while he pulled out all the goodies.

"Okay we've got some bread, some cheese, some assorted veggies, olives & the mainstay of any picnic my special potato salad. I've also got a nice bottle of wine, or some fresh lemonade if you prefer."

Twilight just looked at Rick and asked, "are all the stallions on your world like you? If they are, we're keeping all of this a secret because there will be fillies lining up for a chance at this."

Rick just smiled and said, "I'm one of a kind babe, " and winked at her.

"Good, because I still want you all to myself."

"Good to hear because I don't want to be sharing you with another stallion."

Twilight looked a little oddly at that, "what do you mean by that?"

"I mean I don't want another pony putting his hooves on my filly. You're mine and I'm keeping you all to myself. Ain't no other pony taking your place."

She just looked shocked for a moment before leaning over and kissing him. He was surprised to find tears in her eyes when she pulled back. When asked why she was crying she simply said, "you make me so happy."

"Well you know, I try and if it makes you smile then it's worth it, " he answered with a gentle smile.

Lunch was done for the day, but neither of them wanted to go back so they moved the blanket to the shade of an oak tree and just lay there, enjoying each other's company. A gentle breeze blew by, bringing with it the smell of honeysuckle and jasmine. Pretty soon Rick felt Twilight nuzzling at his ear, gently nibbling and licking at it while one of her front hooves started running up and down his chest.

"Babe, you're going to need to stop that before you turn me on too much, " he turned to look at her and her eyes were starting to get glazed again. "I think you need another dose of marequil or I need to get upwind of you."

"You're right, " she said panting a bit. "It's those damn pheromones of yours, " she said as she brought her nose in close to him and inhaled deeply. "Do you have any idea how good you smell right now?"

"Judging by the way you're practically drooling, yes. Okay, we're getting you back to the library."

She looked at him a little uncertainly.

"The way you're looking at me now. If we stay here any longer, you'll probably wind up ripping my clothes off in about 2 minutes. Not that I'm against the idea, but I prefer these things to be done in private and not out in the open where anypony or passing pegasus could see us." Twilight agreed, a little absently, but also had a hard time taking her eyes off Rick's butt as he led her back home.

Back in the library, one dose of marequil later, Rick returned to his room and Twilight was feeling a lot better. She trotted back over to the door and gave a gentle knock before coming in.

"I'm sorry about all this, " Twilight said. "You've been so good to me during all this and having to deal with a lust crazed overly hormonal mare probably isn't easy."

"Hey, none of that now, " Rick said trying to head off the self-recriminations before they started. "It's not your fault and I'm not blaming you. I don't mind... helping you out with this because it's obviously something you need. I also don't want to make it any worse for you during this time. Babe, the marequil helps you to focus but if I'm around then my pheromones seem to work against it. Twi, if you want to rut just let me know. I'll clear my schedule for tomorrow and we'll just go at it. I just don't want you to feel like you're somehow a burden during this time and you need to avoid me. Or if you're more comfortable if I'm not around until tomorrow evening, just let me know."

Twilight just stood there for a moment contemplating it, then with a mischievous smile walked over to his chair, took the bottom of his t-shirt in her mouth and pulled him up. She led him to the bed and with great care, removed every last piece of clothing from his body. She made sure to take her time and deliberately would rub up against him as she was doing so. When she had finally divested him of his clothing she kissed him, pushed him down on the bed and let nature take its course.

The next evening found them lying in bed, the remains of various meals on the bedside tables, some empty bottles of Gatorade and a stray coffee mug or two.

"I think it's more or less over, " TWilight panted. "I should be okay for the rest of the night. By tomorrow morning it should be out of my system." Their last coupling had lasted a good 30 minutes and both were exhausted at this point.

Rick licked his lips and winced a bit as they actually felt bruised. He turned to face Twilight and asked, "so you say that this is something to expect every 6 months or so?" Twilight just nodded dreamily. Rick sighed heavily. "Okay. I'm going to sleep for a month. Wake me up then." He kissed her as gently as he could then fell into a deep slumber.

Twilight looked at him for a moment and smiled. She gently ran one of her front hooves over his face. Part of her wished he was an actual stallion. While she might not want foals right away, if he was the father she didn't think she'd mind so much. A little contented sigh escaped her lips before she too lay down and slept.