• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 15,436 Views, 270 Comments

A Doorway to Another Place - Java Joe

A magical doorway opens a whole new world for Twilight Sparkle.

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"Sorry, but before we start there's two things I need to know." When the princess nodded her head, Rick asked two questions that the Princess could honestly say she had never been asked before. "Okay, well, first of all... uhm and I'm sorry if this offends you but I need to know what's with the royal we? From what Twilight has mentioned about you she never said you were overly formal like this."

The Princess stopped for a moment, unsure of how to respond to such a question. On one hoof he was right and on the other hoof he was very blunt but that might have something to do with her trying to kill him after they first met. Most, when addressing her, would have been a little more careful in how they speak. "You're right of course. We... I mean 'I' was trying something out at the suggestion of my sister."

"Gotcha, I guess that makes about as much sense as anything. Question the second, if we're going to be here for a while, I just made some coffee right before I was almost killed walking through that door, was going to offer Twilight a cup and since you're here I figure I might as well offer you some as well."

"That would be most kind of you. Please, " the Princess gestured at the door with her hoof.

"I'll be right back babe, " Rick said to Twilight as he got up to walk back to his room. A few moments later he came back with three cups of coffee. One he placed in front of the Princess, one in front of Twilight and then served himself before sitting down once again. "I drink it black as does Twilight, but you can add milk or sugar to it if that's to your liking."

"Thank you no. Now, you were going to tell me how it was you managed to come here to Equestria and also how it was the two of you came together?"

"I wanted a spell to link the library with the library at Canterlot. If I needed a book, or if I wanted to see you faster I could just walk through the doorway and save myself the trip. I don't know what went wrong and then Rick just walked in on me and Spike when the spell had been completed." Twilight started. "At first, we didn't know what to do about it. I couldn't end the spell and so it just seemed like it was something we'd have to live with." She looked up at Rick with a smile on her face. He smiled back at her, ruffled her mane a bit and was ready to start on the next part when Celestia raised her hoof and said, "this will take too long for you to explain and for me to understand your motives here. With your permission, I'm going to perform a small spell that will link our minds. We'll be... an audience of sorts while the scene plays around us. Just try to think of the times you've had together and the moments that brought you both here now.

Her horn glowed, there was a feeling of vertigo and fragments of conversations floated through the air. All in all Rick supposed it felt a little like being transported to Oz, at least that's the impression he got with all the swirling around and people talking. After a moment the feeling passed and they found themselves in the library once again, but just after Twilight Sparkle had completed her spell.

"There it is Spike!" she said, visibly tired from the effort but there was no mistaking that right in front of them was a plain, white door that had not been there a moment ago. "The doorway to the library in Canterlot."

"I don't know Twilight, " Spike said with a little concern in his voice. "It's pretty plain for a library door. Looks kinda cheap. I would have thought that the door was fancier, and heavier."

"Oh nonsense Spike. It's a magical doorway, it doesn't have to look like the real door. Ooooh! Won't Princess Celestia be surprised when I show up!" Twilight was all aflutter with excitement. Had she a little more sense and wasn't so impressed with what she had just accomplished maybe she would have noticed that there were some muffled sounds coming from behind the door.

A moment later, a half-asleep Rick walked out in the process of shedding his clothes. He looked confusedly at the library, the unicorn and the dragon. They looked confusedly at him. He slapped himself across the face. There was much looking back and forth as well as looking at where he came from until he broke the silence by asking what the hell was going on.

"You speak Equestrian?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Rick froze, as it's not every day that a miniature lavender pony actually talks to you and you can understand what it's saying. "Hold on, you're speaking English. You're a tiny little pastel unicorn that's talking to me in English."

"No, you're speaking Equestrian. And very well too." Twilight looked back through the doorway and was shocked to see a rather ordinary looking room with some rather unordinary looking furniture and... things she couldn't figure out what they might be.

"Twilight?" Spike finally said once he got over the shock. "I don't think he's from Canterlot".

"Can either one of you please tell me what is going on and what am I doing here?" Rick asked with a hint of panic in his voice. This was not the way the morning was supposed to work and it was making him a little upset.

"Sorry, I think we need to start at the beginning, " Twilight Sparkle said. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike, " she said indicating the dragon standing next to her.

"Hi!" Spike said.

"Hi yourself. My name's Rick and I still don't know where I am or what I'm doing here."

"You're in Ponyville in the land of Equestria".

"Of course I am. Where else would talking ponies come from?" Rick asked rhetorically with only a touch of his normal sarcasm.

"Oh they come from all over. The big cities of Manehatten and Fillydelphia. The far off countries of Prance and Germaney..." Twilight started before Rick waved his hands in an attempt to get her to stop.

"Sorry, that was rhetorical. Maybe you can tell me how I got here?"

"Oh of course. I tried to make a magic doorway to the library at Canterlot and instead I seem to have connected it to your world instead.

Rick left the room to check if the whole room had been transported or if it was just the doorway that was at fault.

"Spike! Do you realise what this means?" Twilight Sparkle asked her friend excitedly.

"Yeah, we're going to have to board up that door so he can't come back in."

"No! He's from a different world! A completely different world and we're the only ones that know about him. Think of all the things we could learn!" Twilight was so excited at being the first to discover something new that she was trembling with excitement which made her hooves sound like tiny castanets on the floor. "I need to get a quill and write all this down!" she rummaged all around trying to find what she needed and almost didn't catch it when Rick walked back in through the doorway.

"Okay. Majorly weird stuff happening. The only connection seems to be the doorway, but it's only on one side of the door. Namely my bedroom and your library. I was able to get back to my apartment by going out through the window then in the front door. Then I walked into my bedroom, there was nothing stopping me and when I turned around I saw the library. Is there any chance of you... unhooking our two sides of reality?" Rick finished while making unhooking gestures with his hands.

"I'm not sure. I'll have to see if I can find a way but in the meantime do you mind if we talk? I'd be interested to hear about where you come from." Rick's stomach growled at that point and Twilight struck on an idea. "Tell you what Rick, why don't we have breakfast and we'll talk over that?"

"Sure, I guess. Uhmmm, what do ponies eat for breakfast?"

"Oh the usual things, grass, hay, flowers, fruits, muffins..."

"Fruits and muffins? We could definitely do those. I'm not really equipped for the grass, hay or flowers."

The scene faded at that point and they were back in the library minus the surround sound totally immersive video they had been watching.

"That's right after I showed up here. Breakfast became a bit of a tradition. I'd show up in the morning, we'd have breakfast and talk for a bit. Eventually I introduced Twilight to coffee and occasionally bring over some baked goods, fruits and stuff from home although I have to admit Pinky Pie or Applejack are a lot better at baking than I am." Rick said. Twilight just nodded in agreement.

"And when did this relationship of yours start? Please focus on that."

They were taken aback by this question and didn't really know where to start. Yes, they had started off as friends and had become lovers. The lovers part was obvious as it just happened the night before but when did they become friends? There was no time to really think about it before the white glow surrounded them once again. But this time it wasn't a linear type of story like the last time but little, almost disjointed vignettes that floated to the surface for a moment before disappearing again.

"Welcome to my world or at least my bedroom" Rick said with a grand gesture as he led Twilight Sparkle into his room. She walked in a little warily as there were strange sounds and strange smells coming from it. Nothing really unpleasant, just... strange.

Just about everything in this room was built for a giant, or at the very least not a pony. She was able to make out a bed, an odd looking chair, a bookshelf, a closet and... a some strange glowing thing on what looked like a desk. It had the look of a picture frame but there was light coming out of it. Next to it was a large, black box that made a humming noise which is part of where the strange sounds were coming from. It was fascinating and she couldn't help but stare.

"I see you've noticed my PC."

"Pee See? What is it?"

"It's a computer. It does all sorts of things, calculations, plays games, music, watch videos and connect to the internet which is possibly the greatest collection of information and some of the stupidest stuff you can imagine at the very same time. I guess you could call it a kind of 'magic window'. Here. let me show you where you currently are." Rick threw himself into the chair and wheeled it over to the desk. A couple mouse clicks later and he had brought up Google Earth. Twilight Sparkle was amazed, her jaw hung open seeing an entire globe turning slowly in front of her. He clicked a few times and the picture blurred as he zoomed in eventually reaching where he lived. "We're right there" he said pointing to the screen.

"So this is happening now? If you were to go outside could I see you there and here as well?" she asked excitedly.

"Nah, this is a static image. It was taken maybe 2 years ago before I even moved here and it'll stay until they decide to map this area again. Okay, lemme show you something else, " he smiled at her and she liked the fact he had the same passion for learning and teaching like she had.

They spent the next two hours hopping from site to site, Rick taking her on a tour of the internet before his cell phone went off surprising them both. Glancing at his watch he noticed that he was now late for work. <<"Aw hell! Gimme a sec, " he grabbed his phone, cleared his throat a few times then answered.

"Yes?" he asked in a voice that sounded like he was at death's door. "Oh sorry, I must have passed out. Yeah, I'm a little under the weather today so I won't be in and I don't want to infect anybody. Yeah, I can look them over. Just shoot me an e-mail and I'll see if I can get to it later this afternoon. Thanks. Yeah bye." he hung up the phone. Twilight looked at him strangely and also a little oddly at the thing he was talking into.

"This is a cell phone. I can talk to people on this. That was my boss wondering where I was because I should have been at work an hour ago. Looks like I got a little carried away in showing you around. If you're not too busy I can show you more but I will need to do some work today."

Twilight didn't mind, she was feeling a little overwhelmed at what he had been showing her but fascinated at the same time. Also she marveled at how dexterous his fingers were in manipulating the keyboard and mouse and how expressive they could be when he tried to explain something to her. When he did this, he would often gesture wildly with his hands to emphasise what it was he was saying. It was odd, but at the same time fit him perfectly with in those slightly manic moments when he seemed to be almost overflowing with information.

The scene changed, this was several days later during one of their breakfasts.

"And what is all this?" Twilight asked pointing to the items on the table.

"That is a croissant. That is a 'pain au chocolat' which is practically the same thing but with chocolate in the centre. That is a baguette. There is of course butter, strawberry, raspberry and blueberry jam and marmalade if you happen to like that stuff. And a bit of a fruit salad made with fresh berries, melon, pineapple and whatever else I was able to scrounge up. Please, help yourself. And if I'm not mistaken, " Rick added by sniffing the air dramatically, "my coffee is ready."

"Could... you get me one too?" Twilight asked a little shyly.

"Sure, but I don't have a cup unless you have one here I can use?" Twilight directed him to the little kitchen and he grabbed one of the available pony cups she had. A moment later he returned with her coffee. "Would you like some milk and sugar?"

"No, this will be fine, " she took a sip and smiled back at him. "Perfect".

Again, that discontinuity followed by another scene:

Twilight walked into Rick's room as he was in the process of getting changed. She didn't quite get the idea of clothes on him as to her they were only worn on special occasions but these humans dressed every day. So she wasn't expecting him to be clad in absolutely nothing. She did however blush, apologised to him for barging in like that and closed the door behind her. "Oh my, " she said once the door was closed. Yes, she liked what she saw even if he wasn't a pony and she thought he had the cutest cutie mark except it was on his arm for some reason.

Rick walked out of his room, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts and blushing a bit himself. "Yeah, I would appreciate it if you knocked next time you wanted to come in."

"Sure, sorry I did that I just wasn't thinking, " she responded. "But it's funny, I never knew humans had cutie marks too."

"I'm sorry? What do you mean?"

"The cutie mark on your arm, like the one ponies have on their flanks, " she turned her flank towards him to emphasise it and it was a good thing he was still a little red from blushing earlier because he felt the heat rising to his cheeks once more.

Shaking his head for a moment to get rid of the image of Twilight shaking her booty in front of him he commented, "that's not a cutie mark, that's known as a tattoo. Although you could say that it's almost the same concept."

Another scene change:

They're both sitting in the library after hours, an empty bottle of wine and a couple of half-filled cups between them. Rick is currently telling a story while Twilight is laughing at the retelling.

"No seriously, there I was covered from the waist down in guacamole while the waitress is desperately trying to clean me up without actually touching my junk. I'm trying not to laugh, my buddies are busting a gut at all this. In the end the bill was free, we got an offer for free food the next time we showed up and I got the waitresses phone number in the process. Nothing happened as she was a bit of a ditz but it was a great story. Okay, your turn, " Rick said to Twilight after taking another drink from his glass.

She giggled before taking a drink from her cup and started with, "well, it was in my last year at the magic academy. I've always been a bookworm but there was this really cute stallion that went there and I'll admit I wanted him to notice me. Well, I heard that he liked mares with... a little extra in the rear so I crafted a spell that would... fill me out a little more back there. It didn't go as planned. I didn't know what to look for so I just... went for bigger. And the worst part was he noticed me, but not in a good way. For the rest of the semester he called me 'balloon butt'. Although in a sense it did help my studies. I wasn't about to go anywhere with my rump looking like that so I spent all my time reading and studying and it paid off."

Rick giggled drunkenly at her story. He took another swallow of his drink, thought for a moment and said "Oh I got a good one. Years ago, I was taking a course and I was taking the final exam. Well, the professor ends it by telling us to put our pens down and to bring the exams to the front. So everybody does so except for me. I had to finish this thought, my essay depended on it. So after a moment of frantic writing I bring my paper up and he gets all self-important at me and says, 'sorry, but the time is up and you didn't put your pen down when asked. I won't accept your test.' Now you need to understand that this was a large class and the professor didn't know everybody's name and really didn't care to learn them. So I ask him in a rather self-important way, 'do you have any idea who I am' as if to say, 'I'm really important so you need to cut me some slack'. He shakes his head and says in a condescending way, 'no idea'. And before he had a chance to do anything, I grab the exams, shove mine into the middle, throw them back on the desk and walked out. I got an A."

The scene faded out with Twilight starting up another funny story. It was replaced by another scene of the two of them lying on a blanket in a field looking up at the stars.

"And that one right there, " Twilight said pointing with one of her hooves, "is the Great Pony. Those four stars make out his body, those stars are his legs and those stars are his head. The ancient ponies used to say that he circled the sky and made it move. And over there, that one bright red star is the eye of Stormwind the Dragon. If you look closely a little over to the right of that you can see the smoke coming from his mouth. And then over there....

The scene changed to one on Earth with a similar look but now it was Rick pointing out the constellations he was familiar with.

"Over there you have Pegasus, the winged horse. Those four stars make up the body. The head is there and the hooves are there. Up there, right above us is Ursa Minor or the little bear and that one a little bit to the right is Ursa Major or the great bear. The star in the tail is called Polaris or the North Star. It's always north and was used to navigate back in ancient times. Surrounding the little bear is Draco the dragon...."

The library came back into focus and Celestia looked at them thoughtfully. "Most illuminating." She turned to Rick and asked him, "would you mind stepping out of the room for a moment? I would like to speak with my student alone if you don't mind." Rick got up, gave Twilight's mane a little ruffle, said, "don't worry, I won't be too far", walked back into his room and shut the door.

"Now, my little pony. I need to hear it from you directly. Do you honestly love this... human?"

Twilight fidgeted a bit, took a deep breath and looked her mentor in the eyes. "With all my heart. I've never felt this way for anypony before. He's kind, he's smart and me makes me laugh. He sees things in me that I never considered before like I'm not just a bookworm but I'm a mare. In school the stallions saw me as a way to help them study and once they got what they wanted they never came back. With him, it was the opposite. We became friends first and then little by little started having feelings for each other. It all came to a head last night and all that pent up passion just kind exploded and here we are."

"And what about your friends? Do they approve?"

"They don't actually know that we're more than friends. Rainbow Dash does, at least I think she does because she caught us making goo goo eyes this morning." Twilight blushed thinking back to getting caught which also made her think about the sex the night before. But they don't disapprove of him."

"Thank you, would you call him back? I'd like to speak with him too." Twilight got up and went to the doorway. Opening it enough so that she could talk to Rick she invited him back. They sat down in front of the Princess. "Twilight, if you would be so kind as to leave the two of us alone for a moment?" Twilight got up to leave but Rick took one of Twilight's hooves in one hand and placed his other arm around her body, holding her close. The message was clear. The Princess gave a little nod of understanding.

"Twilight speaks well of you but I want to know, do you honestly love her?"

Rick looked at Twilight who blushed shyly and smiled back at him. "Yes, I do. I never would have considered inter-species romance to be possible but then I never met a species as fascinating as you ponies. In the end, it's not really the body that makes a difference. It's the person, or in this case the pony, inside. I'll honestly tell you that had Twilight been human, I would have asked her out a long time ago. But in this case it just took longer to understand what it was I feeling when I saw her. I love her for who she is and I have no intention of leaving her or moving on." Twilight gave a small sob at those words, he leaned over and hugged her with both arms, gently rubbing her side and placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. She sniffled for a few moments more, he kissed the tears away and turned back to the Princess.

Celestia looked at them both, then stood up and demanded that they follow her. Flanked by her guards, they marched directly to the town hall. Both of them felt a little self-conscious. This was the first time the majority of Ponyville had seen this tall, strange looking creature now following the Princess. It didn't take long before a sizeable crowd had gathered behind them wanting to see what was going on. They walked up to the town hall, the crowd waited outside eager to see what was happening. After a few moments the mayor and Princess came out followed by Twilight Sparkle and Rick. Assorted murmurs went through the crowd. Rick turned to Twilight and said, "no matter what happens next, I'm not losing you and we'll face this together." Twilight just nodded and stood a little closer to her lover.

"Citizens of Ponyville, " the Princess started. "I come before you today with a proclamation. We find in our midst a being from another world and the pony that sheltered him. For almost two months he has come to Ponyville and stayed hidden out of fear. This is unacceptable behaviour. Nopony should feel unwelcome in our lands even if they are not a pony. All are deserving of our respect and our friendship. And so I saw to not only the residents of Ponyville but to Rick our friend from another world 'Welcome to Equestria'. I grant you permission to stay here as long as you wish and I also say that you and Twilight Sparkle have my personal blessing to be with each other." There was a bit of a uproar from the crowd who heard this and didn't necessarily approve. The Princess looked the assorted Ponies over and finished with, "these two are under my protection and my jurisdiction. Let nopony harm them or discriminate against them for whatever reason."

A lone voice from the crowd cried out, "Yippeeee!" as the speaker jumped up in the air. Yes, it was Pinkie Pie and this was all the excuse she needed to throw a party. She raced off to make the preparations and Rick and Twilight walked up to the Princess.

"Thank you your majesty. I don't know what the proper protocol is for this but you have my most humble and sincere thanks." Rick then knelt down in front of the Princess, bowing his head in what he hoped was a gesture of respect.

"You may rise Rick and please call me Celestia." She leaned in a little conspiratorially and whispered, "I don't much go in for all the pomp and circumstance myself but sometimes it's expected. I only ask that you treat my student with the love and respect that I know you have for her."

"Gladly Celestia." He glanced down at Twilight, smiled at her and said, "I'm sure I'll have no problem with that."