• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 15,430 Views, 270 Comments

A Doorway to Another Place - Java Joe

A magical doorway opens a whole new world for Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Boyz and Mares

"What is he doing?" Rainbow Dash asked herself as she saw the human in the field behind the library swinging a pole around. She had been watching him, surreptitiously from atop her cloud for the past half hour and couldn't quite figure out what he was doing except he kept doing it over and over again. Slowly she moved her cloud forward to get a better look.

For the past 30 minutes or so Rick had been in the field behind the library working on his technique with the bo. He had gotten interested in martial arts when he was only 8 and had seen his first BruceLee movie. Over the next several years he had drifted from one dojo to the next never really liking how they taught or how they placed too much emphasis on sparring. It wasn't until he came to the dojo of his Sensei Tim Millar that he actually liked the way this balding former marine taught. For Tim, it wasn't about the fighting or the belts, it was about adopting the proper mindset and learning the reasons behind the movements and how the language of war was hidden in the kata they did.

As time went by, his attendance there became more and more sporadic as real life intruded in his training and he had to abandon it altogether. Now, he found himself in a position where it might be necessary to start practicing again if for no other reason than to protect Twilight and himself. While most of Ponyville accepted him and even welcomed him, there was a small minority that seemed to resent him in some way. It wasn't always obvious and sometimes he wondered if it wasn't just his mind playing tricks on him because he didn't yet understand Pony culture but occasionally when he went through town he heard some somepony yell, "monkey" and once or twice he had a piece of fruit chucked at him. Good thing the ponies were rather poor shots and nobody actually did anything to his face. He did worry about Twilight though so he felt it was in her best interest as well as his to pick up his bo and start practicing again.

Just like anything you've learned for a long time, your muscles remember the work and it didn't take long before he started getting back into the swing of things. He even started wearing his old dogi while practicing. Tim called this a form of "bio-feedback" in that the slapping of the sleeves when you made the movements showed how well you were actually doing it. So this is where he found himself, in the field going through his kihon and practicing the individual movements before breaking into the kata and trying to imagine an opponent fighting him.

Halfway through the first one, he noticed that there was an errant cloud slowly making its way towards him. Usually this would not be a call for alarm but the cloud in question was barely a dozen feet off the ground and he could swear that he saw a pair of eyes looking at him only to pull back when he turned to face them. He repeated the kata, and the cloud stayed where it was. He went to repeat it a third time but right after beginning instead of turning to the right and striking the first imaginary opponent he spun and thrust the staff into the cloud. He didn't hit anything but there was a startled cry of "Hey!" and a certain colourfully maned pegasus appeared.

"Whaddya do that for? You trying to kill me?" Rainbow Dash cried.

"Why are you trying to spy on me?" Rick answered.

Rainbow Dash sputtered a bit, not prepared for this kind of questioning before saying, "I wasn't spying on you, I was just taking a nap and drifted too close." It was a weak lie and when Rick didn't buy it she admitted "Okay, I was just wondering what it was you were doing."

"I'm practicing with my bo in case I need to protect Twilight or myself."

Rainbow Dash snorted at this. "You protect Twilight? Oh Puh-leeze! She's one of the strongest ponies in all of Equestria. With her magic, she could take just about any pony down."

"Oh, I know that. But what if we get ambushed, or she gets hit from behind or there's just too many for her to handle. She might need someone who's got her back and I intend to be that person."

"Okay, you've got a point. But what if you don't have a stick handy? Or somepony breaks the stick?"

Dropping the bo to the ground he said, "then I'd use my arms or legs if need be, " with that he broke out some punches and kicks that looked impressive enough or at least sounded impressive the way that his dogi snapped at each one.

Rainbow Dash looked like she was going to say something at this, then seemingly changed her mind and drifted down from her cloud.

"So can you show me something?"

"Show you something or teach you something? I'm not stopping you from sitting there and watching I just don't like people spying on me."

"You know what I meant. Are you monkeys so dumb you can't figure out simple Equestrian?" Rainbow Dash started to smile which meant she was enjoying the verbal sparring.

"It's gotta be simple if you're using it. Besides, anypony that knew any kind of martial art would know what it was I was doing even if they couldn't recognise the style."

"Oh right, it's my fault that you're sloppy and move like a pony with a broken leg."

"Nah, I was just being obvious about it kinda like the way you were spying on me."

"Ouch! Okay Mr. Martial Arts Master. Can you teach me something?"

"Well I don't know. You're pretty stubborn and all that. So how about you show me something first?"

"What do you mean?"

"Show me your style. Demonstrate your best form or kata or whatever it is ponies call it."

She thought for a moment, shook herself, took a deep breath and then launched herself into the air. There was no real way to describe it and honestly Rick had no frame of reference for what she did next but he could recognise certain things. The first was, she was good. Her moves were precise, the kicks and punches appeared to have some power behind them although there was very little in what appeared to be defence. Instead of blocking a blow, her style seemed to call for moving out of the way before rushing in to deliver a counter blow. And secondly, he didn't know if he could actually teach her anything. Her style was completely aerial, his style involved gravity.

"So whaddya think? Am I awesome or am I awesome?" Rainbow Dash asked once she had landed.

"Very impressive, but I don't know what it is I can really teach you. Our styles are completely different and we'd have to start right at the very beginning."

"That's okay, I don't mind."

"Okay, if you want. How's your balance? Can you stand on your two back hooves without falling down?"

"Pfff. That's kid stuff, " she said as she stood up bringing her to eye level.

"Nice. Can you throw a straight punch? Try to hit my hand, " Rick said placing his hand before her. She threw a punch but obviously wasn't ready for it as she stumbled a bit, the punch threw her off balance and she tipped forward. Rick wasn't ready for this, so she practically fell on top of him. Her eyes filling his vision, her lips so close to his that he could feel her breathe. They froze like that for a moment then she pulled herself away, shot into the sky and disappeared.

All the while this was happening a pair of eyes watched them from a nearby bush. The one watching didn't like it that they didn't kiss. It would have been great to tell Twilight Sparkle that her stallion wasfooling around with another mare but Rainbow Dash had to ruin it by flying away.

"He's also a lot more dangerous than I thought he was, " the watcher thought as Rick picked himself up, brushed himself off and got his equipment before heading back to the library.

Twilight was not having a good day. Her research into the spell she was trying to craft was leading nowhere. Every time she felt like she was making progress, something would pop up in the calculations that threw everything off. Dammit! Argh! She threw her hooves into the air and put her face down on the desk in frustration.

She jumped a bit when she felt a couple of hands on her shoulders. Obviously Rick wanted to comfort her. He wasn't much good in the library, after all he couldn't really read or write their language and she was next to useless trying to comprehend his. How is it possible that those squiggles he read actually made any sense? But he did try to help out from time to time which included fetching the books she needed and replacing them back on the shelves when done. She was about to tell him that she was okay and would be going back to her studies when she noticed he was doing the most amazing things with his hands. He was... kneading her muscles and forcing them to relax. It felt really odd, but so incredible at the same time. He slowly worked his way along her neck, paying special attention to her shoulders where she was incredibly tense at the moment. He started to move his way down her back when he stopped. She started to say that she wasn't done yet and to please continue.

"Yeah, I will but you're in the wrong position. Follow me." He led her to her bed and had her lie down on her front. When she had done so and was feeling comfortable, he started again on her back.Twilight bit her pillow in an attempt to keep her from moaning in pleasure. Oh sweet Celestia! This felt so good! The same fingers that were so gentle when holding her or stroking her were now these powerful digits that were making short work of her tense muscles.

"If you want me to focus on a certain area or if I'm hurting you in any way, please tell me otherwise I'm just going to assume you're actually enjoying this, " he said.Twilight just mumbled something into her pillow. Words were not something she had any real control over at the moment but it came out in an encouraging way so he continued his work.Further and further down his hands moved, unworking the kinks and knots that she didn't even know she had. He traced his fingers up her spine, slowly pressing and working the vertebrae slightly as he went. And when they reached her neck, he worked the shoulders a bit more and now using the heel of his hand slowly worked his way down again. He worked a bit on her rump, not necessarily because she was tense there but because she just had a nice one and it was an excuse to get his hands on it. Down one leg he moved, gently kneading the muscles and gently ending rubbing her hoof before moving and up the other one and just like that he was done. Twilight just lay there, completely at peace and feeling more relaxed than she had felt in... well... whenever. So relaxed was she that she didn't realise Rick had walked off until she heard him walk back in with a cool glass of lemonade. At least she thought it was lemonade at first, but no, it had a slightly different taste to it. It was familiar but she couldn't quite place it.

"It's limeade with ginger and basil. I made it earlier today, thought you'd like a glass right about now, " he raised his own glass in salute and took a long sip.

"You really know how to spoil a mare don't you?" Twilight said while Rick just smirked and shrugged a bit. She beckoned him closer, he smiled as he approached and they kissed, softly and gently but passionately. It was a kiss you share with a lover simply because you love them, there was no other meaning or reason for it. "Thank you, " she said running her hoof across his cheek, "that was exactly what I needed but I think it's time for me to get back to work." She procrastinated there for a bit before sighing and walking back downstairs. She still needed to get that spell working. Rick would be so happy when she did and it would open up a whole new world for her to discover. She however wanted it to remain a surprise so she hadn't told him what it was yet. Before she was able to get back to her studies the door opened and Rarity walked in.

"Twilight Darling! You're still here? We have a spa appointment in 5 minutes. Did you forget?"

Twilight, looking a little panicked, asked, "that was today? I thought that was tomorrow. Sorry, sorry, I'll be right there. Rick was helping me to relax a bit because I was too tense so I lost track of time."

"Oh really?" Rarity said with a wicked gleam to her eye. "I'll bet he did. He's such a strong a virile stallion I must say I'm jealous that you have him to service you whenever you're feeling tense." The way she emphasised the word and how she looked at the two of them made it more than clear she was speaking euphemistically.

"What? No, nothing like that. He kept his clothes on, put his hands all over me and then made me something to drink."

"Of course he did darling. And Richard, just to tell you we're having a bit of a mare's night tonight so after the spa we're going to be dining out. Twilight shouldn't be home too late. Taa!"

And with that Rarity and Twilight left to go to the spa. This left Rick with no plans although he did have an idea.

"Spike? You around here?" he called.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Spike asked as he poked his head out of the kitchen.

"Twi and the fillies are going out tonight so it just looks like it's you and me. Wanna hang out, maybe have a bit of a boyz night? I don't think we've ever hung out before and since I'm seeing Twilight I think we should."

Spike ran this through his mind for a moment and thought it might not be a bad idea. After all he didn't know much about Rick first hand and it might be a good way to learn more about this guy.

"Okay, sounds good to me. Wanna go over to Sugarcube Corners and get something to eat?" Spike asked.

"Actually, I've got a better idea. Follow me." Rick closed the library and led Spike back to his room where they made their way to Rick's apartment. He didn't know much about kids but he did know what they liked.

"Wow, this place is so cool! No wonder Twilight likes to hang out here so much!" Spike said as he wandered through the apartment. Rick turned on the TV, pulled out a couple of controllers and asked Spike, "have you ever heard of Xbox?"

Meanwhile, the fillies were enjoying their afternoon at the spa. Currently they were only missing Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Applejack said she was too busy for it and Rainbow Dash just felt it was too girly.

"So tell me girls, what have you been up to?" Rarity asked as she lay in the hot tub.

"Oh! Me me me me! Pick me!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

"Yes Pinkie Pie?"

"Well today I woke up and I had a cupcake and it tasted so good that I had another and then I went to visit BonBon and she had this new candy that she wanted to try out so I tried it and it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either but I ate it anyway because it was candy and how can somebody not like candy then I went and bought some apples because they were nice and juicy..." Pinkie went on at length about her day and what she did today. It was amazing to hear her speak not just because it was stream of consciousness but because she just spoke on and on. Eventually Rarity turned to Twilight as Pinkie's voice faded into the background. "So tell me darling, how's your beau?"

"He's great, but sometimes I know he feels a little out of place here."

"I'm sure he does, being the only human stallion around with none of his kind."

"It's not just that, when we go out in Ponyville he wants to pay some of the time. It's a human custom, but he doesn't have any bits to pay with so I wind up paying and he feels a little down because of it. He does however try to make it up to me later."

"So there are perks to being with him?"

"Oh yes, " Twilight smiled a little dreamily. "He's a great cook, a gentle lover, brainy without being a know-it-all and that thing he did with his hands today." She closed her eyes and shivered a bit in remembrance of it. This was not lost on Rarity who pushed her to find out more. When she mentioned what he did including the limeade Rarity had to stop her to see if she had heard correctly.

"You mean he gave you a massage?" Rarity asked a little incredulous.

"Is that what it was? I've never had one before but all I know is that it felt great!"

"No darling, you don't understand. Your human gave you a massage, for free and you obviously liked it which must mean he was pretty good." She leaned in conspiratorially and said, "do you know how much Aloe and Lotus charge for a good massage? He could give them on the side, or possibly even part-time here and earn some bits to take you out. How does that sound?"

"Actually that sounds pretty good. No, it sounds great. I'll let him know. Thank you Rarity." Twilight smiled at her friend.

"Oh think nothing of it dear. Just remember who gave you the idea and that I get a free massage from him as a kind of signup bonus."

"...and then we came here and you asked what we had been up to." Pinkie finally finished her speech and promptly passed out from not breathing during the entire spiel. During all of this, Fluttershy sat in the hot tub, trying her best not to attract any attention to herself and thankful that nobody had asked her about her day. It didn't last long as Rarity turned to her and asked, "and you dear? Anything exciting happen to you recently?"

Fluttershy just squeaked a bit and shook her head. Rarity sighed, got out of the hot tub and announced that she was ready for her mask.

During all of this, things were heating up at Rick's.

Right now they were deathamtching in Halo 3. Rick was taking it easy on Spike, letting the little guy snipe him a few times and also not teabagging him when he finally sniped him back. There was some trash talk going back and forth, but nothing really too bad. After all, Spike was still a kid. Soon there came a knock on the door, Rick paused the game and asked Spike to make sure he stayed out of sight. Rick walked to the door, there were a few muted words and Rick came back bearing a large, flat box and some metal cylinders.

"You guys have pizza here?" Spike asked excitedly.

"Yeah, actually we invented it. I don't know where the ponies came up with it though. Same thing with cupcakes, sandwiches, pies, cakes, pasta and the list goes on. But, one thing you don't have is this." He pulled out one of the cylinders, pulled the tab and there was a whooshing sound that came from the can. Passing it to Spike, he pulled one out himself and opened it. "Cheers!" Rick said and took a long drink. Spike sniffed the contents of the can and gave a tentative sip. His eyes lit up and soon he had drunk about half of it before giving a mighty belch with some
accompanying green flame. "What is this stuff? It's great!"

"Root beer, " Rick said. Then passing Spike a napkin, they dug into the pizza.

The fillies had finally met up at the restaurant, an upscale place called "Chez Antoine". Drinks had been ordered and they were currently engaging in Rarity's second favourite activity, gossiping.

"Ah'm telling y'all that she dyes her mane. Ah've seen her when she comes to market and there have been times that she's had dark roots."

"Derpy's got her eye on the good Doctor, or maybe I should say she's got her good eye on the Doctor. " Rainbow Dash snorted at her own joke.

"I like Derpy because she likes muffins and anybody that likes muffins can't be a bad pony!"

"Well, I don't know much about that but Angel Bunny did the cutest thing today, " but nobody really wanted to hear about Fluttershy's rabbit.

Orders were taken, drinks were consumed and the girl talk continued.

During all this, Spike and Rick were sharing a moment.

"It feels weird, but kinda good at the same time, " Spike said.

"It's supposed to, just go with it, let it happen and who knows?"

"But, she's a unicorn and I'm a dragon. How are we supposed to make it work?"

"Spike, look at Twilight and me. We're two different species but we've made it work. It took a while for me to realise it though, maybe Rarity just needs time to figure it out. I can't really tell you how to proceed, but she does like you. What you need to do now is to find out where you and she really connect."

"So how did you and Twilight... connect?"

Rick chuckled a bit and thought back to when they had first met. "Well, originally I just saw her as a tiny lavender unicorn. I had no frame of reference where she was concerned and I was shocked when she finally spoke the first time. Talking animals don't exist on my world, or at least ones you can have an actual conversation with. As time went on... we became friends. We'd hang out together and sometimes I found myself making excuses to ask her something simply to be around her. I also found out after we got together that she would do the same thing. She has a passion for books and learning which I adore. As we grew closer I started seeing her less as a pony and more as a person. Then finally we shared a kiss and in that moment I knew that I had found my special somepony. What you need to do with Rarity is find that one thing that you connect on. Once you find that, you're set."

"Thanks Rick! This actually really helps."

"No problem Spike, just think of me as a big brother. And if I'm not mistaken, I think I've got some chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer. Want some?"

"Sure would... big bro, " Spike gave the new word a try looking at Rick expectantly.

"Not a problem, be right back little bro."

A little while later, Spike had finally fallen asleep. Rick had carried him back to the library and placed him in his bed. At that point, as he was making his way downstairs a drunken Twilight stumbled into the library. She gave him a big, sloppy smile and slurred, "there he is, my big bucking stallion. The fillies loved talking about you tonight and getting all the juicy details of our relationship."

"So I'm guessing went well?" he asked her.

"You better bucking believe it big boy." Twilight stumbled over to him and tried to rear up to kiss him but in her state she was in danger of falling over and hurting herself. Rick caught her just in time. "I love you, " she slurred and tried to bring her head around to kiss him but missed and wound up landing on his shoulder. She sighed happily, started swaying back and forth while humming and making "la la" sounds to the melody currently in her head.

"C'mon, " he said picking her up as best he could and grunting slightly in the process. "You're going to bed."

"Oooh, trying to take advantage of me? Well I'm not that kind of mare, " she giggled. "But if you're nice maybe we can come to some kind of deal."

He pulled back the covers, placed her gently in bed and tucked her in. When he got up to leave she cried out, "nooo! Come back! Twilight wants a hug," and beckoned him closer. Smiling, he walked back, undressed and got in bed with her. He held her close and 30 seconds later she passed out.

"G'night Twi, " he kissed the top of her head, turned out the light and went to sleep himself.